When those became an advanced feature I added a warning for upgrading
players who'd miss them. That was long ago, and the warning was only
supposed to last a release or two.
showDialog() goes away except for PrefsActivity which can't do
fragments. Move stuff required by PrefsDelegate into it from
DelegateBase since no other subclasses does old-style Dialogs
any more. Remove a bunch of stuff from DlgDelegate, e.g. saving
state, that no longer gets used.
Was getting crash with "Can not perform this action after
onSaveInstanceState". This lets the back stack get back into shape so it
can put up another alert.
Add to DldID the ability to specify whether dialog fragments bearing
that id go on the back stack. Set INVITE alerts (only) to use that
mechanism. Having them on the back stack seems to be required by their
buttons being hacked to not dismiss them, which in turn is required
because I want them to stick around underneath other alerts their
buttons launch.
Get rid of explicit enable-dualpane boolean pref, instead relying on the
three way default/force-phone/force-tablet pref. Offer to change that
rather than the former in BoardDelegate when run on upgrade. Move the
prefs setting from Debug to Appearance since it's "real" now.
Recent recommendations are not to attempt to handle it myself, so don't
and we'll see how it goes. And unify notions of tablet and enabling
dual-pane: a device that isn't dual-pane should not be using the new
single-activity stuff at all.
Had to disable use of the back-stack for DialogFragments, though that
means I can't prevent duplicates from stacking up (esp. in the
pathological robot-vs-robot case, but also just when I rotate the device
while a "rematch" alert is up.) The problem seems to be in dismiss
actions being handled too late. One easy-to-duplicate case is the
tile-picker. When it's enabled and you commit a turn I post first the
confirmation and then, in response to a "yes", the picker. But the
picker gets added to the stack moments before the confirmation is
removed, and it's the nature of stack removal that everything above
what's being removed gets pulled too. So you never see the
picker. Simply post()ing a runnable to put the picker up later fixes
this one case, but a similar trick doesn't work elsewhere, so I'm
punting until I have time to root-cause the problem.
Each alert gets a unique name. Add to backstack, and before doing so
look for another with the same name and dismiss it. This works most of
the time, especially to prevent them from piling up with orientation
changes. But in a robot-vs-robot game, and occasionally in a game with
three robots and one not, SCORE alerts stack up. It's the removal that's
failing, not the test for a duplicate, so perhaps I need to somehow wait
for it to succeed before adding the new alert.
DELETE_DICT Action is expected to flow through child, at least until I
fix to disable deleting a dict while it's open in the dict browser. It
may be confusing but with the assert gone does no harm.
Make the default be that it's on, and move the new-feature notice from
app launch to board open, the point where most will see the feature for
the first time. Remove the notify-and-exit thing, which is harder to
make work from the board, instead just posting an alert, if user chooses
to disable, that the setting change takes effect after a restart.