Was opening game in init(), but in dual-pane case there's no
onWindowFocusChanged() call from which to check state, so open it
instead from onResume(), at which point things are already in place to
handle callbacks immediately. That is, post() will work.
use s/getTargetFragment(), but there's still the hack of capturing
state in setResult() and then invoking fragment.onActivityResult()
blindly the next time the backstack is popped.
create queue of Runnables to be run only when Delegate is
visible (onResume() has been called and onPause() hasn't.) When
missing dict finishes downloading, rather than immediately opening its
game, post a Runnable to do it that will be run only after the main
activity is ready to have fragment transactions committing again.
When the game's already opened references must be obtained this
way. This may not be necessary however once game config is opened on
top of games list instead of on top of the game as it should be.
For some reason the 'clean-debug' cycle stopped working because the
file was nuked then not regenerated. Rather than figure out why, just
add a target to generate it every time.
On 4.2 and 4.3 at least, the dimiss comes after the second post
causing that to be dismissed, leaving no alert and the app in some
weird state where not even the back button works. It's been this way
on those older versions since I redid invitations for beta 98.
On 4.2 and 4.3 at least, the dimiss comes after the second post
causing that to be dismissed, leaving no alert and the app in some
weird state where not even the back button works. It's been this way
on those older versions since I redid invitations for beta 98.
Not doing so no longer crashes on when handling notifications, and is
causing runtime exceptions from the OS when board opening chat causes
it to be called recursively.
display problems with GamesList in dual-pane mode, I think because it
prevents stacked activities. Need to figure out if it introduces
problems elsewhere.