I'm moving toward allowing per-board-size counts with faces and values
staying the same. So it makes more sense to have face and values be
the first columns.
Hungarian is unique (so far) in having two-letter tiles that can be
spelled with one-letter tiles AND in allowing words to be spelled both
ways. This crashed search based on strings because there were
duplicates. So now search is done by tile arrays. Strings are first
converted, and then IFF there is more than one tile array result AND the
wordlist has the new flag indicating that duplicates are possible, THEN
the user is asked to choose among the possible tile spellings of the
search string.
Find-prefix feature in current code crashes on Hungarian because it
allows duplicates (words that occur spelled with the same letters but
different tile combinations.) Modify Makefile to exclude those (as it
does for all other multi-letter-tile languages). And to pull the git
source of the wordlist on demand.
Add Makefile filters to create a wordlist with about 42K words derived
from a github project (thanks to pointers from an informant. :-) Per
him, and contrary to how Catalan does it, double-letter-tile words
also appear in single-letter variants if the tiles allow.