singleTop is necessary, as with singleTask we get the whole actvity
stack nuked on every launch. Open a game into BoardActivity then
background Crosswords; when you re-launch from the launcher or hold
the home key you're back to GamesList. But with singleTop incoming
invite schemes would launch a second instance because though there was
one running it wasn't in the same task as the browser firing the url
to redir.php. The solution there is to move the scheme intent from
GamesList to DispatchNotify, which is already handling notifications.
There the addition of a second launch flag means that an existing
instance will always see the launch through its onNewIntent -- under
tests I've come up with so far, anyway.
awkwardly, the case in a networked game where a player runs out of
tiles in his turn but the server hasn't responded yet to kill the
game. It remains the player's turn and he can make lots of 0-point
moves while waiting. (Making it the next player's turn would be the
right thing to do if that player were always on a different device.)
postpone running up against, a memory leak that appears to be in the
java side of things. Googling suggests lots of folks are having
problems with createBitmap (though I can put the createBitmap() call
in a 50-iteration loop and not crash -- may not be the problem after
all.) Without this change I crash the 14th time opening a game. With
it I go 30 and run out of patience. Now that the board is locked in
vertical mode there's little point in recreating the bitmap anyway.
where games with more than two devices would hang because server.c
code was dropping messages that comms.c code thought were good and so
ACK'd preventing them from being sent again. They were being dropped
because the game was in the wrong state after displaying a move-made
dialog because the state it was to move to after doing that display
had not been saved.
new error message rather than allow it as if it were a normal game
only to send a game-dead message after. This solves the problem of
how device knows not to put up welcoming message or suggestion to
invite to a game that's suddenly missing players. BUT: this change is
incompatible with existing versions and so needs to get pushed out
before the in-use relay can be upgraded to include this code.
message for them. This is to mimic a common way games are played on
Android and to ensure that there are no points where that style of
play hangs because no device in the game will be "up".