Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/android_branch' into android_gcm

This commit is contained in:
Eric House 2012-10-31 07:44:16 -07:00
commit fe819982da
2 changed files with 100 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ LANGCODE=ca_ES
DICTNOTE = "Built from DISC 2.0.6.\nSee for more information."
DICTNOTE = "Built from DISC 2.0.7.\nSee for more information."
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ include ../Makefile.langcommon
$(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz: $(SOURCEDICT) Makefile
zcat $< \
| tr -d '\r' \
| tr [a-zç] [A-ZÇ] \

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Meant to be run on the server that's hosting the relay, loops,
# checking the relay for new messages whose target devices have GCM
# ids and sending GCM notifications to them.
# Depends on the gcm module
import sys, gcm, psycopg2, time, signal
# I'm not checking my key in...
import mykey
g_con = None
g_loop = True
g_sent = {}
def init():
con = psycopg2.connect(database='xwgames', user='eehouse')
except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
print 'Error %s' % e
return con
def get( con ):
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT id, devid from msgs where devid != ''")
return cur.fetchall()
def notifyGCM( devids ):
print "sending for", len(devids), "devices"
instance = gcm.GCM( mykey.myKey )
data = {'param1': 'value1' }
# JSON request
response = instance.json_request( registration_ids = devids,
data = data )
if 'errors' in response:
for error, reg_ids in response.items():
print error
print 'no errors'
# given a list of msgid, devid lists, figure out which messages should
# be sent/resent now, pass their device ids to the sender, and if it's
# successful mark them as sent. Backoff is based on msgids: if the
# only messages a device has pending have been seen before, backoff
# applies.
def sendWithBackoff( msgs ):
global g_sent
targets = []
for row in msgs:
devid = row[1]
if devid in targets: continue
msgid = row[0]
if not msgid in g_sent:
g_sent[ msgid ] = True
targets.append( devid )
if 0 < len(targets):
notifyGCM( targets )
print "no new targets found"
def pruneSent( devids ):
global g_sent
print "len of g_sent before prune:", len(g_sent)
msgids = []
for row in devids:
for msgid in g_sent.keys():
if not msgid in msgids:
del g_sent[msgid]
print "len of g_sent after prune:", len(g_sent)
def handleSigTERM( one, two ):
print 'handleSigTERM called: ', one, two
global g_con
if g_con:
g_con = None
signal.signal( signal.SIGTERM, handleSigTERM )
signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, handleSigTERM )
g_con = init()
while g_con:
devids = get( g_con )
if 0 < len(devids):
sendWithBackoff( devids )
pruneSent( devids )
else: print "no messages found"
if not g_loop: break
time.sleep( 5 )
if g_con: