diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java b/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java
index 98d3cf605..45ba634f6 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java
@@ -80,206 +80,206 @@ public final class R {
public static final int zoom=0x7f02002b;
public static final class id {
- public static final int about_xlator=0x7f090001;
- public static final int add_player=0x7f09002f;
- public static final int advertise_new_room_check=0x7f090036;
- public static final int blessed_label=0x7f090056;
- public static final int board_menu_chat=0x7f09009e;
- public static final int board_menu_dict=0x7f09009a;
- public static final int board_menu_done=0x7f090084;
- public static final int board_menu_file_about=0x7f090092;
- public static final int board_menu_file_prefs=0x7f090091;
- public static final int board_menu_flip=0x7f09009c;
- public static final int board_menu_game_counts=0x7f09008a;
- public static final int board_menu_game_history=0x7f09008c;
- public static final int board_menu_game_left=0x7f09008b;
- public static final int board_menu_game_netstats=0x7f090093;
- public static final int board_menu_game_resend=0x7f09008e;
- public static final int board_menu_game_resign=0x7f09008d;
- public static final int board_menu_hint_next=0x7f090098;
- public static final int board_menu_hint_prev=0x7f090097;
- public static final int board_menu_invite=0x7f090094;
- public static final int board_menu_juggle=0x7f09009b;
- public static final int board_menu_toggle=0x7f09009f;
- public static final int board_menu_trade=0x7f090085;
- public static final int board_menu_trade_cancel=0x7f090086;
- public static final int board_menu_trade_commit=0x7f090087;
- public static final int board_menu_tray=0x7f090089;
- public static final int board_menu_undo_current=0x7f090099;
- public static final int board_menu_undo_last=0x7f090088;
- public static final int board_menu_zoom=0x7f09009d;
- public static final int board_root=0x7f090002;
- public static final int board_view=0x7f090003;
- public static final int boardsize_spinner=0x7f090042;
- public static final int button_add=0x7f090073;
- public static final int button_clear=0x7f09000b;
- public static final int button_done=0x7f090061;
- public static final int button_invite=0x7f09000c;
- public static final int button_newgame_multi=0x7f090044;
- public static final int button_newgame_solo=0x7f090043;
- public static final int button_rescan=0x7f09000a;
- public static final int button_study=0x7f090060;
- public static final int change_connection=0x7f09003a;
- public static final int chat_button=0x7f09007f;
- public static final int chat_edit=0x7f090010;
- public static final int chat_history=0x7f09000f;
- public static final int chat_menu_clear=0x7f0900a0;
- public static final int checkbox=0x7f090050;
- public static final int color_display_sample=0x7f090012;
- public static final int color_edit_sample=0x7f090013;
- public static final int confirm_sms_reasons=0x7f09001a;
- public static final int conn_types=0x7f09001b;
- public static final int connect_set_relay=0x7f090032;
- public static final int conns_label=0x7f090031;
- public static final int del=0x7f090053;
- public static final int desc=0x7f09001e;
- public static final int details=0x7f090070;
- public static final int dict_label=0x7f090068;
- public static final int dict_spinner=0x7f09002c;
- public static final int dictlist_button=0x7f09007e;
- public static final int dicts_delete=0x7f0900a3;
- public static final int dicts_deselect_all=0x7f0900a2;
- public static final int dicts_download=0x7f0900a1;
- public static final int dicts_move=0x7f0900a4;
- public static final int dicts_select=0x7f0900a5;
- public static final int divider=0x7f090023;
- public static final int download_button=0x7f090071;
- public static final int dwnld_message=0x7f09004e;
- public static final int edit=0x7f090062;
- public static final int edit_blue=0x7f090019;
- public static final int edit_green=0x7f090017;
- public static final int edit_red=0x7f090015;
- public static final int english_label=0x7f090054;
- public static final int english_view=0x7f090055;
- public static final int exchange_buttons=0x7f090004;
- public static final int exchange_cancel=0x7f090006;
- public static final int exchange_commit=0x7f090005;
- public static final int expander=0x7f090025;
- public static final int filters=0x7f09005b;
- public static final int flip_button=0x7f090081;
- public static final int game_locked_check=0x7f090027;
- public static final int game_name=0x7f090045;
- public static final int gamel_menu_checkmoves=0x7f090090;
- public static final int games_game_config=0x7f0900b1;
- public static final int games_game_copy=0x7f0900b6;
- public static final int games_game_delete=0x7f0900b0;
- public static final int games_game_move=0x7f0900b2;
- public static final int games_game_new_from=0x7f0900b4;
- public static final int games_game_rename=0x7f0900b5;
- public static final int games_game_reset=0x7f0900b3;
- public static final int games_group_default=0x7f0900ba;
- public static final int games_group_delete=0x7f0900b9;
- public static final int games_group_movedown=0x7f0900b8;
- public static final int games_group_moveup=0x7f0900b7;
- public static final int games_group_rename=0x7f0900bb;
- public static final int games_menu_about=0x7f0900ad;
- public static final int games_menu_checkmoves=0x7f0900af;
- public static final int games_menu_checkupdates=0x7f0900bc;
- public static final int games_menu_dicts=0x7f0900ab;
- public static final int games_menu_email=0x7f0900ac;
- public static final int games_menu_loaddb=0x7f0900be;
- public static final int games_menu_newgame_net=0x7f0900a7;
- public static final int games_menu_newgame_solo=0x7f0900a6;
- public static final int games_menu_newgroup=0x7f0900a8;
- public static final int games_menu_prefs=0x7f0900a9;
- public static final int games_menu_rateme=0x7f0900aa;
- public static final int games_menu_resend=0x7f0900ae;
- public static final int games_menu_storedb=0x7f0900bd;
- public static final int games_menu_study=0x7f09008f;
- public static final int group_done=0x7f090083;
- public static final int group_exchange=0x7f090095;
- public static final int group_hint=0x7f090096;
- public static final int hideable=0x7f09004a;
- public static final int hints_allowed=0x7f09003b;
- public static final int invite_desc=0x7f090009;
- public static final int inviter_check=0x7f09000d;
- public static final int item_name=0x7f09006c;
- public static final int item_score=0x7f09006d;
- public static final int join_public_room_check=0x7f090033;
- public static final int juggle_players=0x7f090030;
- public static final int label=0x7f090024;
- public static final int lang_separator=0x7f09002a;
- public static final int lang_spinner=0x7f09002b;
- public static final int loc_item_check=0x7f0900c0;
- public static final int loc_item_clear=0x7f0900bf;
- public static final int loc_item_copy_bless=0x7f0900c2;
- public static final int loc_item_copy_eng=0x7f0900c1;
- public static final int loc_search_button=0x7f09005d;
- public static final int loc_search_field=0x7f09005c;
- public static final int local_label=0x7f090058;
- public static final int local_player_set=0x7f090066;
- public static final int manual_add_button=0x7f090074;
- public static final int modtime=0x7f09004b;
- public static final int msg=0x7f090063;
- public static final int msg_marker=0x7f090048;
- public static final int name=0x7f090075;
- public static final int name_edit=0x7f09001c;
- public static final int name_label=0x7f090072;
- public static final int nexthint_button=0x7f09007b;
- public static final int not_again_check=0x7f090064;
- public static final int nperdev_spinner=0x7f09000e;
- public static final int number=0x7f090076;
- public static final int other_lang=0x7f09005e;
- public static final int password_edit=0x7f09006b;
- public static final int password_set=0x7f09006a;
- public static final int phonies_spinner=0x7f090040;
- public static final int pick_faceup=0x7f090041;
- public static final int pick_lang=0x7f090077;
- public static final int pick_lang_spinner=0x7f090078;
- public static final int play_button=0x7f090028;
- public static final int player_list=0x7f09002e;
- public static final int player_name_edit=0x7f090067;
- public static final int players=0x7f090026;
- public static final int players_label=0x7f09002d;
- public static final int prevhint_button=0x7f09007a;
- public static final int private_rooms_set=0x7f090034;
- public static final int progress_bar=0x7f09004f;
- public static final int public_rooms_set=0x7f090037;
- public static final int refresh_button=0x7f090039;
- public static final int remote_check=0x7f090065;
- public static final int revert_all=0x7f09006f;
- public static final int revert_colors=0x7f09006e;
- public static final int robot_check=0x7f090069;
- public static final int role=0x7f09004d;
- public static final int room_edit=0x7f090035;
- public static final int room_spinner=0x7f090038;
- public static final int screen=0x7f090029;
- public static final int search_button=0x7f090020;
- public static final int seek_blue=0x7f090018;
- public static final int seek_green=0x7f090016;
- public static final int seek_red=0x7f090014;
- public static final int send_button=0x7f090011;
- public static final int show_remote=0x7f09001d;
- public static final int shuffle_button=0x7f09007c;
- public static final int slmenu_clear_sel=0x7f0900c7;
- public static final int slmenu_copy_sel=0x7f0900c6;
- public static final int slmenu_deselect_all=0x7f0900c5;
- public static final int slmenu_lookup_sel=0x7f0900c3;
- public static final int slmenu_select_all=0x7f0900c4;
- public static final int smart_robot=0x7f09003f;
- public static final int state=0x7f09004c;
- public static final int summary=0x7f09005f;
- public static final int tbar_parent_hor=0x7f090007;
- public static final int tbar_parent_vert=0x7f090008;
- public static final int text_item=0x7f090051;
- public static final int text_item2=0x7f090052;
- public static final int thumbnail=0x7f090049;
- public static final int timer_minutes_edit=0x7f09003e;
- public static final int timer_set=0x7f09003d;
- public static final int toolbar=0x7f090079;
- public static final int undo_button=0x7f09007d;
- public static final int use_timer=0x7f09003c;
- public static final int values_button=0x7f090080;
- public static final int version_string=0x7f090000;
- public static final int view_loaded=0x7f090047;
- public static final int view_unloaded=0x7f090046;
- public static final int word_edit=0x7f09001f;
- public static final int wordlen_max=0x7f090022;
- public static final int wordlen_min=0x7f090021;
- public static final int xlated_view=0x7f09005a;
- public static final int xlated_view_blessed=0x7f090057;
- public static final int xlated_view_local=0x7f090059;
- public static final int zoom_button=0x7f090082;
+ public static final int about_xlator=0x7f0a0001;
+ public static final int add_player=0x7f0a002f;
+ public static final int advertise_new_room_check=0x7f0a0036;
+ public static final int blessed_label=0x7f0a0056;
+ public static final int board_menu_chat=0x7f0a009e;
+ public static final int board_menu_dict=0x7f0a009a;
+ public static final int board_menu_done=0x7f0a0084;
+ public static final int board_menu_file_about=0x7f0a0092;
+ public static final int board_menu_file_prefs=0x7f0a0091;
+ public static final int board_menu_flip=0x7f0a009c;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_counts=0x7f0a008a;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_history=0x7f0a008c;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_left=0x7f0a008b;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_netstats=0x7f0a0093;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_resend=0x7f0a008e;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_resign=0x7f0a008d;
+ public static final int board_menu_hint_next=0x7f0a0098;
+ public static final int board_menu_hint_prev=0x7f0a0097;
+ public static final int board_menu_invite=0x7f0a0094;
+ public static final int board_menu_juggle=0x7f0a009b;
+ public static final int board_menu_toggle=0x7f0a009f;
+ public static final int board_menu_trade=0x7f0a0085;
+ public static final int board_menu_trade_cancel=0x7f0a0086;
+ public static final int board_menu_trade_commit=0x7f0a0087;
+ public static final int board_menu_tray=0x7f0a0089;
+ public static final int board_menu_undo_current=0x7f0a0099;
+ public static final int board_menu_undo_last=0x7f0a0088;
+ public static final int board_menu_zoom=0x7f0a009d;
+ public static final int board_root=0x7f0a0002;
+ public static final int board_view=0x7f0a0003;
+ public static final int boardsize_spinner=0x7f0a0042;
+ public static final int button_add=0x7f0a0073;
+ public static final int button_clear=0x7f0a000b;
+ public static final int button_done=0x7f0a0061;
+ public static final int button_invite=0x7f0a000c;
+ public static final int button_newgame_multi=0x7f0a0044;
+ public static final int button_newgame_solo=0x7f0a0043;
+ public static final int button_rescan=0x7f0a000a;
+ public static final int button_study=0x7f0a0060;
+ public static final int change_connection=0x7f0a003a;
+ public static final int chat_button=0x7f0a007f;
+ public static final int chat_edit=0x7f0a0010;
+ public static final int chat_history=0x7f0a000f;
+ public static final int chat_menu_clear=0x7f0a00a0;
+ public static final int checkbox=0x7f0a0050;
+ public static final int color_display_sample=0x7f0a0012;
+ public static final int color_edit_sample=0x7f0a0013;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_reasons=0x7f0a001a;
+ public static final int conn_types=0x7f0a001b;
+ public static final int connect_set_relay=0x7f0a0032;
+ public static final int conns_label=0x7f0a0031;
+ public static final int del=0x7f0a0053;
+ public static final int desc=0x7f0a001e;
+ public static final int details=0x7f0a0070;
+ public static final int dict_label=0x7f0a0068;
+ public static final int dict_spinner=0x7f0a002c;
+ public static final int dictlist_button=0x7f0a007e;
+ public static final int dicts_delete=0x7f0a00a3;
+ public static final int dicts_deselect_all=0x7f0a00a2;
+ public static final int dicts_download=0x7f0a00a1;
+ public static final int dicts_move=0x7f0a00a4;
+ public static final int dicts_select=0x7f0a00a5;
+ public static final int divider=0x7f0a0023;
+ public static final int download_button=0x7f0a0071;
+ public static final int dwnld_message=0x7f0a004e;
+ public static final int edit=0x7f0a0062;
+ public static final int edit_blue=0x7f0a0019;
+ public static final int edit_green=0x7f0a0017;
+ public static final int edit_red=0x7f0a0015;
+ public static final int english_label=0x7f0a0054;
+ public static final int english_view=0x7f0a0055;
+ public static final int exchange_buttons=0x7f0a0004;
+ public static final int exchange_cancel=0x7f0a0006;
+ public static final int exchange_commit=0x7f0a0005;
+ public static final int expander=0x7f0a0025;
+ public static final int filters=0x7f0a005b;
+ public static final int flip_button=0x7f0a0081;
+ public static final int game_locked_check=0x7f0a0027;
+ public static final int game_name=0x7f0a0045;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_checkmoves=0x7f0a0090;
+ public static final int games_game_config=0x7f0a00b1;
+ public static final int games_game_copy=0x7f0a00b6;
+ public static final int games_game_delete=0x7f0a00b0;
+ public static final int games_game_move=0x7f0a00b2;
+ public static final int games_game_new_from=0x7f0a00b4;
+ public static final int games_game_rename=0x7f0a00b5;
+ public static final int games_game_reset=0x7f0a00b3;
+ public static final int games_group_default=0x7f0a00ba;
+ public static final int games_group_delete=0x7f0a00b9;
+ public static final int games_group_movedown=0x7f0a00b8;
+ public static final int games_group_moveup=0x7f0a00b7;
+ public static final int games_group_rename=0x7f0a00bb;
+ public static final int games_menu_about=0x7f0a00ad;
+ public static final int games_menu_checkmoves=0x7f0a00af;
+ public static final int games_menu_checkupdates=0x7f0a00bc;
+ public static final int games_menu_dicts=0x7f0a00ab;
+ public static final int games_menu_email=0x7f0a00ac;
+ public static final int games_menu_loaddb=0x7f0a00be;
+ public static final int games_menu_newgame_net=0x7f0a00a7;
+ public static final int games_menu_newgame_solo=0x7f0a00a6;
+ public static final int games_menu_newgroup=0x7f0a00a8;
+ public static final int games_menu_prefs=0x7f0a00a9;
+ public static final int games_menu_rateme=0x7f0a00aa;
+ public static final int games_menu_resend=0x7f0a00ae;
+ public static final int games_menu_storedb=0x7f0a00bd;
+ public static final int games_menu_study=0x7f0a008f;
+ public static final int group_done=0x7f0a0083;
+ public static final int group_exchange=0x7f0a0095;
+ public static final int group_hint=0x7f0a0096;
+ public static final int hideable=0x7f0a004a;
+ public static final int hints_allowed=0x7f0a003b;
+ public static final int invite_desc=0x7f0a0009;
+ public static final int inviter_check=0x7f0a000d;
+ public static final int item_name=0x7f0a006c;
+ public static final int item_score=0x7f0a006d;
+ public static final int join_public_room_check=0x7f0a0033;
+ public static final int juggle_players=0x7f0a0030;
+ public static final int label=0x7f0a0024;
+ public static final int lang_separator=0x7f0a002a;
+ public static final int lang_spinner=0x7f0a002b;
+ public static final int loc_item_check=0x7f0a00c0;
+ public static final int loc_item_clear=0x7f0a00bf;
+ public static final int loc_item_copy_bless=0x7f0a00c2;
+ public static final int loc_item_copy_eng=0x7f0a00c1;
+ public static final int loc_search_button=0x7f0a005d;
+ public static final int loc_search_field=0x7f0a005c;
+ public static final int local_label=0x7f0a0058;
+ public static final int local_player_set=0x7f0a0066;
+ public static final int manual_add_button=0x7f0a0074;
+ public static final int modtime=0x7f0a004b;
+ public static final int msg=0x7f0a0063;
+ public static final int msg_marker=0x7f0a0048;
+ public static final int name=0x7f0a0075;
+ public static final int name_edit=0x7f0a001c;
+ public static final int name_label=0x7f0a0072;
+ public static final int nexthint_button=0x7f0a007b;
+ public static final int not_again_check=0x7f0a0064;
+ public static final int nperdev_spinner=0x7f0a000e;
+ public static final int number=0x7f0a0076;
+ public static final int other_lang=0x7f0a005e;
+ public static final int password_edit=0x7f0a006b;
+ public static final int password_set=0x7f0a006a;
+ public static final int phonies_spinner=0x7f0a0040;
+ public static final int pick_faceup=0x7f0a0041;
+ public static final int pick_lang=0x7f0a0077;
+ public static final int pick_lang_spinner=0x7f0a0078;
+ public static final int play_button=0x7f0a0028;
+ public static final int player_list=0x7f0a002e;
+ public static final int player_name_edit=0x7f0a0067;
+ public static final int players=0x7f0a0026;
+ public static final int players_label=0x7f0a002d;
+ public static final int prevhint_button=0x7f0a007a;
+ public static final int private_rooms_set=0x7f0a0034;
+ public static final int progress_bar=0x7f0a004f;
+ public static final int public_rooms_set=0x7f0a0037;
+ public static final int refresh_button=0x7f0a0039;
+ public static final int remote_check=0x7f0a0065;
+ public static final int revert_all=0x7f0a006f;
+ public static final int revert_colors=0x7f0a006e;
+ public static final int robot_check=0x7f0a0069;
+ public static final int role=0x7f0a004d;
+ public static final int room_edit=0x7f0a0035;
+ public static final int room_spinner=0x7f0a0038;
+ public static final int screen=0x7f0a0029;
+ public static final int search_button=0x7f0a0020;
+ public static final int seek_blue=0x7f0a0018;
+ public static final int seek_green=0x7f0a0016;
+ public static final int seek_red=0x7f0a0014;
+ public static final int send_button=0x7f0a0011;
+ public static final int show_remote=0x7f0a001d;
+ public static final int shuffle_button=0x7f0a007c;
+ public static final int slmenu_clear_sel=0x7f0a00c7;
+ public static final int slmenu_copy_sel=0x7f0a00c6;
+ public static final int slmenu_deselect_all=0x7f0a00c5;
+ public static final int slmenu_lookup_sel=0x7f0a00c3;
+ public static final int slmenu_select_all=0x7f0a00c4;
+ public static final int smart_robot=0x7f0a003f;
+ public static final int state=0x7f0a004c;
+ public static final int summary=0x7f0a005f;
+ public static final int tbar_parent_hor=0x7f0a0007;
+ public static final int tbar_parent_vert=0x7f0a0008;
+ public static final int text_item=0x7f0a0051;
+ public static final int text_item2=0x7f0a0052;
+ public static final int thumbnail=0x7f0a0049;
+ public static final int timer_minutes_edit=0x7f0a003e;
+ public static final int timer_set=0x7f0a003d;
+ public static final int toolbar=0x7f0a0079;
+ public static final int undo_button=0x7f0a007d;
+ public static final int use_timer=0x7f0a003c;
+ public static final int values_button=0x7f0a0080;
+ public static final int version_string=0x7f0a0000;
+ public static final int view_loaded=0x7f0a0047;
+ public static final int view_unloaded=0x7f0a0046;
+ public static final int word_edit=0x7f0a001f;
+ public static final int wordlen_max=0x7f0a0022;
+ public static final int wordlen_min=0x7f0a0021;
+ public static final int xlated_view=0x7f0a005a;
+ public static final int xlated_view_blessed=0x7f0a0057;
+ public static final int xlated_view_local=0x7f0a0059;
+ public static final int zoom_button=0x7f0a0082;
public static final class layout {
public static final int about_dlg=0x7f030000;
@@ -325,13 +325,23 @@ public final class R {
public static final int toolbar=0x7f030028;
public static final class menu {
- public static final int board_menu=0x7f080000;
- public static final int chat_menu=0x7f080001;
- public static final int dicts_menu=0x7f080002;
- public static final int empty=0x7f080003;
- public static final int games_list_menu=0x7f080004;
- public static final int loc_item_menu=0x7f080005;
- public static final int studylist=0x7f080006;
+ public static final int board_menu=0x7f090000;
+ public static final int chat_menu=0x7f090001;
+ public static final int dicts_menu=0x7f090002;
+ public static final int empty=0x7f090003;
+ public static final int games_list_menu=0x7f090004;
+ public static final int loc_item_menu=0x7f090005;
+ public static final int studylist=0x7f090006;
+ }
+ public static final class plurals {
+ /** Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of
+ how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday
+ instead...
+ Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of
+ how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday
+ instead...
+ */
+ public static final int moves_fmt=0x7f070000;
public static final class string {
/** copyright info
@@ -340,14 +350,14 @@ public final class R {
House. This free/open source software is released under the GNU Public
- public static final int about_copyright=0x7f0501c4;
+ public static final int about_copyright=0x7f0501c3;
/** Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by
Eric House and translators
Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by
Eric House and translators
Toolbar icons by Sarah Chu.
- public static final int about_credits=0x7f0501c7;
+ public static final int about_credits=0x7f0501c6;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -369,7 +379,7 @@ public final class R {
Crosswords for Android, Version %1$s,
rev %2$s, built on %3$s.
- public static final int about_vers_fmt=0x7f0501c3;
+ public static final int about_vers_fmt=0x7f0501c2;
/** Another paragraph in the about dialog
Another paragraph in the about dialog
For a manual or sourcecode see:
@@ -377,34 +387,34 @@ public final class R {
features, offer to help, etc., please email:
- public static final int about_web=0x7f0501c5;
+ public static final int about_web=0x7f0501c4;
/** %1$s added to %2$s studylist
- public static final int add_done_fmt=0x7f050279;
+ public static final int add_done_fmt=0x7f050278;
/** Add %1$s to studylist
- public static final int add_to_study_fmt=0x7f050271;
+ public static final int add_to_study_fmt=0x7f050270;
/** Debugging stuff. Localize if you think your langauge users will
For debugging
- public static final int advanced=0x7f0502d3;
+ public static final int advanced=0x7f0502d2;
/** This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen
This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen
Advanced game settings
- public static final int advanced_config=0x7f050180;
+ public static final int advanced_config=0x7f05017f;
You should never need these...
- public static final int advanced_summary=0x7f0502d4;
+ public static final int advanced_summary=0x7f0502d3;
The wordlist %1$s contains only
tile information. There are no words to browse.
- public static final int alert_empty_dict_fmt=0x7f0501e2;
+ public static final int alert_empty_dict_fmt=0x7f0501e1;
/** The name of the app. Not localized!
public static final int app_name=0x7f050001;
@@ -412,7 +422,7 @@ XLATE-ME
on the device %1$s. Please check that the device is within range
and that Crosswords is installed on it.
- public static final int app_not_found_fmt=0x7f0502b5;
+ public static final int app_not_found_fmt=0x7f0502b4;
public static final int app_version=0x7f050000;
/** the background color of the area outside the board,
e.g. between entries in the scoreboard
@@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ XLATE-ME
e.g. between entries in the scoreboard
Board background
- public static final int background=0x7f050146;
+ public static final int background=0x7f050145;
/** Appended to the above in the phonies_warn case. User may
ignore the warning
Appended to the above in the phonies_warn case. User may
@@ -428,27 +438,27 @@ XLATE-ME
\u0020Do you still want to accept
this move?
- public static final int badwords_accept=0x7f0500ed;
+ public static final int badwords_accept=0x7f0500ec;
/** Appended to the above in the phonies_disallow case. User has
lost his turn.
Appended to the above in the phonies_disallow case. User has
lost his turn.
Turn lost.
- public static final int badwords_lost=0x7f0500ee;
+ public static final int badwords_lost=0x7f0500ed;
/** title of the dialog in which the above is posted.
title of the dialog in which the above is posted.
Illegal word[s]
- public static final int badwords_title=0x7f0500ef;
+ public static final int badwords_title=0x7f0500ee;
/** Blue
- public static final int blue=0x7f05014a;
+ public static final int blue=0x7f050149;
/** board menu for small devices only
board menu for small devices only
Browse wordlist
- public static final int board_menu_dict=0x7f05021b;
+ public static final int board_menu_dict=0x7f05021a;
# :Menus:
@@ -466,16 +476,16 @@ XLATE-ME
This menu commits the current move as it's been laid out on
the board
- public static final int board_menu_done=0x7f0500f0;
+ public static final int board_menu_done=0x7f0500ef;
/** Brings up "About Crosswords" dialog
Brings up "About Crosswords" dialog
- public static final int board_menu_file_about=0x7f05008c;
+ public static final int board_menu_file_about=0x7f05008b;
Email author
- public static final int board_menu_file_email=0x7f0501e7;
+ public static final int board_menu_file_email=0x7f0501e6;
/** menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles in
the language of the game along with how many of each there
are and how many points each is worth. This display is the
@@ -486,7 +496,7 @@ XLATE-ME
same throughout the game.
Counts and values…
- public static final int board_menu_game_counts=0x7f0500f6;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_counts=0x7f0500f5;
/** Brings up explanation of the game's final score. If the game
is not yet over, gives you a choice whether to end it now,
and if you decline does nothing.
@@ -495,12 +505,12 @@ XLATE-ME
and if you decline does nothing.
Final scores
- public static final int board_menu_game_final=0x7f0500f9;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_final=0x7f0500f8;
/** Brings up listing of all moves played so far this game.
Brings up listing of all moves played so far this game.
Game history…
- public static final int board_menu_game_history=0x7f0500f8;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_history=0x7f0500f7;
/** menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles not
yet played and not in the rack of the player whose rack is
visible (whose turn it is, generally). This display will
@@ -513,11 +523,11 @@ XLATE-ME
Tiles remaining…
- public static final int board_menu_game_left=0x7f0500f7;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_left=0x7f0500f6;
Network stats
- public static final int board_menu_game_netstats=0x7f0502de;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_netstats=0x7f0502dd;
/** Meaningful only for networked games, this menu causes all
messages that have not yet been acknowledged by a remote
device in the game to be resent. Eventually I hope to be
@@ -530,24 +540,24 @@ XLATE-ME
because users should not have to do do this EVER.
Resend messages
- public static final int board_menu_game_resend=0x7f0500fb;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_resend=0x7f0500fa;
/** Resign
- public static final int board_menu_game_resign=0x7f0500fa;
+ public static final int board_menu_game_resign=0x7f0500f9;
/** Invite
- public static final int board_menu_invite=0x7f05026a;
+ public static final int board_menu_invite=0x7f050269;
- public static final int board_menu_pass=0x7f0501d3;
+ public static final int board_menu_pass=0x7f0501d2;
/** This menu begins an exchange of tiles: puts the board into
trade mode.
This menu begins an exchange of tiles: puts the board into
trade mode.
- public static final int board_menu_trade=0x7f0500f1;
+ public static final int board_menu_trade=0x7f0500f0;
/** hide and shows the tray. On devices where there is enough
room for the full board and tray to be shown then hiding the
tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?'
@@ -557,13 +567,13 @@ XLATE-ME
tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?'
- public static final int board_menu_tray_hide=0x7f0500f2;
- public static final int board_menu_tray_show=0x7f0500f3;
+ public static final int board_menu_tray_hide=0x7f0500f1;
+ public static final int board_menu_tray_show=0x7f0500f2;
- public static final int board_menu_undo_current=0x7f050215;
+ public static final int board_menu_undo_current=0x7f050214;
/** Undos the last *committed* turn. Note that this is different
from the undo button that undoes or redoes an in-progress
not-yet-committed turn. This is disabled for networked
@@ -574,16 +584,16 @@ XLATE-ME
Undo last
- public static final int board_menu_undo_last=0x7f0500f4;
+ public static final int board_menu_undo_last=0x7f0500f3;
/** preference for board size (15x15, 13x13 etc.)
preference for board size (15x15, 13x13 etc.)
Board size
- public static final int board_size=0x7f05012d;
+ public static final int board_size=0x7f05012c;
/** Title of submenu
Title of submenu
- public static final int board_submenu_game=0x7f0500f5;
+ public static final int board_submenu_game=0x7f0500f4;
/** The remaining strings (down to the color edit dialog below)
are showns as the names of editable colors and as the the
title of the color editor that comes up when the name is
@@ -596,46 +606,46 @@ XLATE-ME
(color for) double-letter bonus squares on the board
Double letter
- public static final int bonus_l2x=0x7f05013f;
+ public static final int bonus_l2x=0x7f05013e;
/** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Double-letter
Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Double-letter
- public static final int bonus_l2x_summary=0x7f0500da;
+ public static final int bonus_l2x_summary=0x7f0500d9;
/** (color for) triple-letter bonus squares on the board
(color for) triple-letter bonus squares on the board
Triple letter
- public static final int bonus_l3x=0x7f050140;
+ public static final int bonus_l3x=0x7f05013f;
/** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Triple-letter
Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Triple-letter
- public static final int bonus_l3x_summary=0x7f0500dc;
+ public static final int bonus_l3x_summary=0x7f0500db;
/** (color for) double-word squares on the board
(color for) double-word squares on the board
Double word
- public static final int bonus_w2x=0x7f050141;
+ public static final int bonus_w2x=0x7f050140;
/** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Double-word
Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Double-word
- public static final int bonus_w2x_summary=0x7f0500db;
+ public static final int bonus_w2x_summary=0x7f0500da;
/** (color for) triple-word squares on the board
(color for) triple-word squares on the board
Triple word
- public static final int bonus_w3x=0x7f050142;
+ public static final int bonus_w3x=0x7f050141;
/** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Triple-word
Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored
bonus square. Triple-word
- public static final int bonus_w3x_summary=0x7f0500dd;
+ public static final int bonus_w3x_summary=0x7f0500dc;
The version of Crosswords on
@@ -643,64 +653,64 @@ XLATE-ME
Bluetooth. One of you may need to upgrade before you can
- public static final int bt_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f0501f5;
+ public static final int bt_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f0501f4;
/** %1$d bluetooth errors so far
- public static final int bt_err_count_fmt=0x7f0502b3;
+ public static final int bt_err_count_fmt=0x7f0502b2;
Bluetooth sends to %1$s have failed too many
times. Re-open the game to try again.
- public static final int bt_fail_fmt=0x7f0501fb;
+ public static final int bt_fail_fmt=0x7f0501fa;
/** Title of device picker during invitation to a game via Bluetooth
Title of device picker during invitation to a game via Bluetooth
Bluetooth Invitation
- public static final int bt_invite_title=0x7f0501fd;
+ public static final int bt_invite_title=0x7f0501fc;
/** You currently have no paired Bluetooth
devices. Would you like to open the Android Settings Panel to add
one or more?\n\n(You may also need to open it on the device you
want to pair with.)
- public static final int bt_no_devs=0x7f0502b4;
+ public static final int bt_no_devs=0x7f0502b3;
/** Turn Bluetooth on
In the Bluetooth invite device dialog
In the Bluetooth invite device dialog
Add all Paired
- public static final int bt_pick_addall_button=0x7f0501eb;
+ public static final int bt_pick_addall_button=0x7f0501ea;
Remove checked
- public static final int bt_pick_clear_button=0x7f0501ec;
+ public static final int bt_pick_clear_button=0x7f0501eb;
Bluetooth send to %1$s failed; retry %3$d in
%2$d seconds.
- public static final int bt_resend_fmt=0x7f0501fa;
+ public static final int bt_resend_fmt=0x7f0501f9;
/** text of button for adding new player to game
text of button for adding new player to game
Add player
- public static final int button_add_player=0x7f0500b0;
+ public static final int button_add_player=0x7f0500af;
/** Cancel
- public static final int button_cancel=0x7f05019c;
+ public static final int button_cancel=0x7f05019b;
/** The only button available when the above message is displayed
The only button available when the above message is displayed
Close game
- public static final int button_close_game=0x7f050191;
+ public static final int button_close_game=0x7f050190;
/** Decline
- public static final int button_decline=0x7f050247;
+ public static final int button_decline=0x7f050246;
- public static final int button_default_both=0x7f0500a6;
+ public static final int button_default_both=0x7f0500a5;
/** These three strings are the text for three buttons giving
choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the
dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.)
@@ -708,11 +718,11 @@ XLATE-ME
choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the
dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.)
- public static final int button_default_human=0x7f0500a4;
+ public static final int button_default_human=0x7f0500a3;
- public static final int button_default_robot=0x7f0500a5;
+ public static final int button_default_robot=0x7f0500a4;
/** When you select the gamel_menu_delete_all menuitem or
list_item_delete contextual menu, you are asked to confirm.
This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the
@@ -722,7 +732,7 @@ XLATE-ME
This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the
- public static final int button_delete=0x7f050085;
+ public static final int button_delete=0x7f050084;
/** Used for button in dialog put up with the relay says the
remote partner of this game has deleted it. Ok, meaning
"don't discard", is the other option. This same button is
@@ -737,76 +747,76 @@ XLATE-ME
reset a game.
- public static final int button_discard=0x7f0501a0;
+ public static final int button_discard=0x7f05019f;
Discard changes
- public static final int button_discard_changes=0x7f0502d0;
+ public static final int button_discard_changes=0x7f0502cf;
- public static final int button_done=0x7f0501d0;
+ public static final int button_done=0x7f0501cf;
Done with %1$s
- public static final int button_done_fmt=0x7f0501d1;
+ public static final int button_done_fmt=0x7f0501d0;
/** Text of button displayed when downloading is an option
Text of button displayed when downloading is an option
- public static final int button_download=0x7f050194;
+ public static final int button_download=0x7f050193;
- public static final int button_edit=0x7f0502cf;
+ public static final int button_edit=0x7f0502ce;
Enable Bluetooth
- public static final int button_enable_bt=0x7f050233;
+ public static final int button_enable_bt=0x7f050232;
Enable SMS
- public static final int button_enable_sms=0x7f050232;
- public static final int button_go_settings=0x7f05026c;
+ public static final int button_enable_sms=0x7f050231;
+ public static final int button_go_settings=0x7f05026b;
Invite checked
- public static final int button_invite=0x7f0501fc;
+ public static final int button_invite=0x7f0501fb;
/** text of button to juggle (randomly rearrange order of) players
text of button to juggle (randomly rearrange order of) players
Shuffle players
- public static final int button_juggle_players=0x7f0500b1;
+ public static final int button_juggle_players=0x7f0500b0;
- public static final int button_later=0x7f050234;
+ public static final int button_later=0x7f050233;
/** New strings that need to be documented and found a home
New strings that need to be documented and found a home
Look up words
- public static final int button_lookup=0x7f0501ca;
+ public static final int button_lookup=0x7f0501c9;
Look up %1$s
- public static final int button_lookup_fmt=0x7f0501cc;
+ public static final int button_lookup_fmt=0x7f0501cb;
/** Look up/study words
- public static final int button_lookup_study=0x7f0501cb;
+ public static final int button_lookup_study=0x7f0501ca;
/** Look up/study %1$s
- public static final int button_lookup_study_fmt=0x7f0501cd;
+ public static final int button_lookup_study_fmt=0x7f0501cc;
- public static final int button_move=0x7f0501d5;
+ public static final int button_move=0x7f0501d4;
/** What is \u200C? English strings are used as keys, so they all
need to be unique. This glyph is non-printing and of
zero-width, so it should do the trick:
@@ -843,17 +853,17 @@ XLATE-ME
public static final int button_new_group=0x7f05007b;
/** New group
- public static final int button_newgroup=0x7f0501d6;
+ public static final int button_newgroup=0x7f0501d5;
/** No
- public static final int button_no=0x7f05019e;
+ public static final int button_no=0x7f05019d;
/** Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just
Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just
Do not show again
- public static final int button_notagain=0x7f0501ac;
+ public static final int button_notagain=0x7f0501ab;
# Dialogs
@@ -870,10 +880,10 @@ XLATE-ME
in many places.
- public static final int button_ok=0x7f05019b;
+ public static final int button_ok=0x7f05019a;
/** Reconnect
- public static final int button_reconnect=0x7f05025c;
+ public static final int button_reconnect=0x7f05025b;
/** Button shown in game over dialog triggering creation of new
game with the same players and parameters as the one that
just ended.
@@ -882,7 +892,7 @@ XLATE-ME
just ended.
- public static final int button_rematch=0x7f05025b;
+ public static final int button_rematch=0x7f05025a;
/** When you select the list_item_reset contextual menu, you are
asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button
("Cancel" is the second).
@@ -890,7 +900,7 @@ XLATE-ME
asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button
("Cancel" is the second).
- public static final int button_reset=0x7f050086;
+ public static final int button_reset=0x7f050085;
/** Used for a button when informing user that his attempt to
connect to the relay failed because the room named does not
exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.)
@@ -899,7 +909,7 @@ XLATE-ME
exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.)
- public static final int button_retry=0x7f0501a1;
+ public static final int button_retry=0x7f0501a0;
# :Menus:
@@ -924,39 +934,39 @@ XLATE-ME
their default/original values
Restore all
- public static final int button_revert_all=0x7f050115;
+ public static final int button_revert_all=0x7f050114;
/** Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their
default/original values
Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their
default/original values
Restore colors
- public static final int button_revert_colors=0x7f050117;
+ public static final int button_revert_colors=0x7f050116;
/** Used in Game config dialog to confirm saving changes that reset a game
Used in Game config dialog to confirm saving changes that reset a game
- public static final int button_save=0x7f05019f;
+ public static final int button_save=0x7f05019e;
- public static final int button_search=0x7f0501d7;
+ public static final int button_search=0x7f0501d6;
Import contact
- public static final int button_sms_add=0x7f050207;
+ public static final int button_sms_add=0x7f050206;
/** Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a
different (but same-language wordlist)
Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a
different (but same-language wordlist)
- public static final int button_substdict=0x7f050195;
+ public static final int button_substdict=0x7f050194;
/** Cancel trade
- public static final int button_trade_cancel=0x7f0500d8;
+ public static final int button_trade_cancel=0x7f0500d7;
# :Screens:
@@ -983,36 +993,36 @@ XLATE-ME
i.e. after user has picked board_menu_trade menu item
Commit trade
- public static final int button_trade_commit=0x7f0500d7;
+ public static final int button_trade_commit=0x7f0500d6;
/** Yes
- public static final int button_yes=0x7f05019d;
+ public static final int button_yes=0x7f05019c;
/** The group for new games, %1$s,
cannot be deleted.
- public static final int cannot_delete_default_group_fmt=0x7f050259;
+ public static final int cannot_delete_default_group_fmt=0x7f050258;
/** Move selected games to:
- public static final int change_group=0x7f05025f;
+ public static final int change_group=0x7f05025e;
/** text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above
text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above
Recent changes\u200C
- public static final int changes_button=0x7f0501c9;
+ public static final int changes_button=0x7f0501c8;
/** text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last
text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last
Recent changes
- public static final int changes_title=0x7f0501c8;
+ public static final int changes_title=0x7f0501c7;
/** Prefix for local messages
Prefix for local messages
- public static final int chat_local_id=0x7f05017b;
+ public static final int chat_local_id=0x7f05017a;
# :Menus:
@@ -1035,19 +1045,19 @@ XLATE-ME
Clear history
- public static final int chat_menu_clear=0x7f05017e;
+ public static final int chat_menu_clear=0x7f05017d;
/** Prefix for remote messages
Prefix for remote messages
Not me:\u0020
- public static final int chat_other_id=0x7f05017c;
+ public static final int chat_other_id=0x7f05017b;
/** Text on the button that causes the contents of the
message-composition field to be sent.
Text on the button that causes the contents of the
message-composition field to be sent.
- public static final int chat_send=0x7f05017d;
+ public static final int chat_send=0x7f05017c;
/** ############################################################
# :Screens:
# Chat screen
@@ -1076,10 +1086,10 @@ XLATE-ME
substituted for %1$s.
%1$s message history
- public static final int chat_title_fmt=0x7f05017a;
+ public static final int chat_title_fmt=0x7f050179;
/** Everything is up-to-date.
- public static final int checkupdates_none_found=0x7f050236;
+ public static final int checkupdates_none_found=0x7f050235;
/** color of the "crosshairs", lines drawn vertically and
horizontally through the square the user is currently
touching in order to guide the fat-fingered (most of us) in
@@ -1092,19 +1102,19 @@ XLATE-ME
on the board.
Crosshairs color
- public static final int clr_crosshairs=0x7f050143;
+ public static final int clr_crosshairs=0x7f050142;
This game has no way to connect
and cannot be saved. Would you like to discard your changes, or
edit to give it a way to connect?
- public static final int config_no_connvia=0x7f0502ce;
+ public static final int config_no_connvia=0x7f0502cd;
Are you sure you want to delete the
checked phone number[s]?
- public static final int confirm_clear=0x7f05020d;
+ public static final int confirm_clear=0x7f05020c;
/** text of confirmation dialog posted when the delete 'X' button
beside the listing of a wordlist is tapped. The name of the
wordlist is substituted for %1$s. Sometimes one of the two
@@ -1114,7 +1124,7 @@ XLATE-ME
wordlist is substituted for %1$s. Sometimes one of the two
strings below is appended.
- public static final int confirm_delete_dict_fmt=0x7f0500a1;
+ public static final int confirm_delete_dict_fmt=0x7f0500a0;
/** Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the
wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the
wordlist to be deleted is the last in its language. The name
@@ -1124,25 +1134,25 @@ XLATE-ME
wordlist to be deleted is the last in its language. The name
of the language is substituted for %1$s.
- public static final int confirm_deleteonly_dicts_fmt=0x7f0500a2;
+ public static final int confirm_deleteonly_dicts_fmt=0x7f0500a1;
/** Text of confirmation dialog posted when list_item_reset menu
is selected
Text of confirmation dialog posted when list_item_reset menu
is selected
- public static final int confirm_reset_fmt=0x7f05009a;
+ public static final int confirm_reset_fmt=0x7f050099;
/** Text of confirmation dialog for above
Text of confirmation dialog for above
Are you sure you want to restore
all settings to their original values?
- public static final int confirm_revert_all=0x7f050118;
+ public static final int confirm_revert_all=0x7f050117;
/** Text of confirmation dialog for above
Text of confirmation dialog for above
Are you sure you want to
restore all color settings to their original values?
- public static final int confirm_revert_colors=0x7f050116;
+ public static final int confirm_revert_colors=0x7f050115;
/** title of confirmation dialog put up when user has unlocked an
in-progress game and wants to save changes (has hit the
play button).
@@ -1153,13 +1163,13 @@ XLATE-ME
save these changes it must be restarted. Do you want to save
these changes?
- public static final int confirm_save=0x7f0500ca;
+ public static final int confirm_save=0x7f0500c9;
/** title of above confirmation dialog
title of above confirmation dialog
Confirm save
- public static final int confirm_save_title=0x7f0500cb;
- public static final int confirm_seldeletes_fmt=0x7f050099;
+ public static final int confirm_save_title=0x7f0500ca;
+ public static final int confirm_seldeletes_fmt=0x7f050098;
Warning: This feature is meant for
@@ -1169,36 +1179,36 @@ XLATE-ME
charge you for each and every message!\n\nShould play via SMS be
- public static final int confirm_sms_expl=0x7f05022b;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_expl=0x7f05022a;
No: leave disabled
- public static final int confirm_sms_leave=0x7f05022d;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_leave=0x7f05022c;
Enable play via SMS?
- public static final int confirm_sms_prompt=0x7f05022c;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_prompt=0x7f05022b;
Confirm your SMS plan
- public static final int confirm_sms_title=0x7f05022a;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_title=0x7f050229;
Yes: I have unlimited texting
- public static final int confirm_sms_unlimited=0x7f05022e;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_unlimited=0x7f05022d;
Yes: I\'ll pay all carrier charges
- public static final int confirm_sms_willpay=0x7f05022f;
+ public static final int confirm_sms_willpay=0x7f05022e;
/** Are you sure you want to
delete the %1$d selected word[s]?\n\n(This action cannot be undone.)
- public static final int confirm_studylist_clear_fmt=0x7f050277;
+ public static final int confirm_studylist_clear_fmt=0x7f050276;
/** text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last
is chosen.
text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last
@@ -1206,16 +1216,16 @@ XLATE-ME
Are you sure you want to undo the
last committed turn? (There is no redo option.)
- public static final int confirm_undo_last=0x7f050113;
+ public static final int confirm_undo_last=0x7f050112;
/** Once every day
- public static final int connect_daily=0x7f050162;
+ public static final int connect_daily=0x7f050161;
/** Every 15 minutes
- public static final int connect_fifteen_mins=0x7f05015e;
+ public static final int connect_fifteen_mins=0x7f05015d;
/** Every 5 minutes
- public static final int connect_five_mins=0x7f05015d;
+ public static final int connect_five_mins=0x7f05015c;
# :Screens:
@@ -1240,95 +1250,95 @@ XLATE-ME
frequently that check is done.
Background move check
- public static final int connect_frequency=0x7f05015b;
+ public static final int connect_frequency=0x7f05015a;
/** text of separator marking out the connection area of the dialog
Connection (via %1$s)
- public static final int connect_label_fmt=0x7f0500b4;
+ public static final int connect_label_fmt=0x7f0500b3;
Connection (via SMS/text)
- public static final int connect_label_sms=0x7f05020e;
+ public static final int connect_label_sms=0x7f05020d;
/** These are the possible values for the connect_frequency
setting presented as a drop-down list.
These are the possible values for the connect_frequency
setting presented as a drop-down list.
Never check
- public static final int connect_never=0x7f05015c;
+ public static final int connect_never=0x7f05015b;
/** Every hour
- public static final int connect_one_hour=0x7f050160;
+ public static final int connect_one_hour=0x7f05015f;
/** Every six hours
- public static final int connect_six_hours=0x7f050161;
+ public static final int connect_six_hours=0x7f050160;
/** Every 30 minutes
- public static final int connect_thirty_mins=0x7f05015f;
+ public static final int connect_thirty_mins=0x7f05015e;
Change Communicate via
- public static final int connection_via_label=0x7f0502c7;
+ public static final int connection_via_label=0x7f0502c6;
(Last failure was %1$s)
- public static final int connstat_lastother_succ_fmt=0x7f050222;
+ public static final int connstat_lastother_succ_fmt=0x7f050221;
(Last successful send was
- public static final int connstat_lastother_unsucc_fmt=0x7f050223;
+ public static final int connstat_lastother_unsucc_fmt=0x7f050222;
Last receipt was %1$s
- public static final int connstat_lastreceipt_fmt=0x7f050224;
+ public static final int connstat_lastreceipt_fmt=0x7f050223;
Last send was %1$s (%2$s)
- public static final int connstat_lastsend_fmt=0x7f050221;
+ public static final int connstat_lastsend_fmt=0x7f050220;
Network status for game connected via
- public static final int connstat_net_fmt=0x7f05021e;
+ public static final int connstat_net_fmt=0x7f05021d;
This is a standalone game. There is
no network status.
- public static final int connstat_nonet=0x7f05021d;
+ public static final int connstat_nonet=0x7f05021c;
No messages have been received.
- public static final int connstat_noreceipt=0x7f050225;
+ public static final int connstat_noreceipt=0x7f050224;
- public static final int connstat_relay=0x7f050226;
+ public static final int connstat_relay=0x7f050225;
- public static final int connstat_sms=0x7f050227;
+ public static final int connstat_sms=0x7f050226;
- public static final int connstat_succ=0x7f05021f;
+ public static final int connstat_succ=0x7f05021e;
- public static final int connstat_unsucc=0x7f050220;
+ public static final int connstat_unsucc=0x7f05021f;
/** title of dialog brought up in response to the
board_menu_game_counts menu. The dialog lists all tiles in
the language being used for the game together with how many
@@ -1339,34 +1349,34 @@ XLATE-ME
of each there are are and how many points each is worth.
Tile Counts and Values
- public static final int counts_values_title=0x7f0501a6;
+ public static final int counts_values_title=0x7f0501a5;
/** %1$s (in use)
- public static final int cur_menu_marker_fmt=0x7f050269;
+ public static final int cur_menu_marker_fmt=0x7f050268;
Tile picker\n(so far: %1$s)
- public static final int cur_tiles_fmt=0x7f0501db;
+ public static final int cur_tiles_fmt=0x7f0501da;
/** SMS Data is only available on GSM phones.
- public static final int data_gsm_only=0x7f050289;
+ public static final int data_gsm_only=0x7f050288;
Enable debug features
- public static final int debug_features=0x7f0502da;
+ public static final int debug_features=0x7f0502d9;
Menuitems etc. (release builds
- public static final int debug_features_summary=0x7f0502db;
+ public static final int debug_features_summary=0x7f0502da;
/** dictionary used by default for human players when creating
new game
dictionary used by default for human players when creating
new game
Wordlist for humans
- public static final int default_dict=0x7f050125;
+ public static final int default_dict=0x7f050124;
/** other
public static final int default_host=0x7f050071;
@@ -1374,13 +1384,13 @@ XLATE-ME
label within default wordlists in app preferences
Default language
- public static final int default_language=0x7f0502b6;
+ public static final int default_language=0x7f0502b5;
/** Store wordlists internally
- public static final int default_loc=0x7f05024a;
+ public static final int default_loc=0x7f050249;
/** (Not in external/sdcard memory)
- public static final int default_loc_summary=0x7f05024b;
+ public static final int default_loc_summary=0x7f05024a;
/** Welcome dialog text
Welcome dialog text
Thanks for installing
@@ -1388,7 +1398,7 @@ XLATE-ME
when creating new games. (You can change it later in the \"New
game default\" section of Settings.)
- public static final int default_name_message=0x7f0501c2;
+ public static final int default_name_message=0x7f0501c1;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -1417,25 +1427,25 @@ XLATE-ME
Welcome dialog title
- public static final int default_name_title=0x7f0501c1;
+ public static final int default_name_title=0x7f0501c0;
/** default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not
found in the word list)
default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not
found in the word list)
Handle phonies
- public static final int default_phonies=0x7f05012b;
+ public static final int default_phonies=0x7f05012a;
/** dictionary used by default for robot players when creating
new game
dictionary used by default for robot players when creating
new game
Wordlist for robots
- public static final int default_robodict=0x7f050126;
+ public static final int default_robodict=0x7f050125;
public static final int default_update_url=0x7f050077;
/** Delete wordlist[s]
- public static final int delete_dicts=0x7f05029b;
+ public static final int delete_dicts=0x7f05029a;
Playing via SMS is currently disabled.
You can enable it in Settings->Network game settings.
@@ -1443,33 +1453,33 @@ XLATE-ME
SMS Game %1$X
- public static final int dft_sms_name_fmt=0x7f050204;
+ public static final int dft_sms_name_fmt=0x7f050203;
No word in %1$s starts with
- public static final int dict_browse_nowords_fmt=0x7f0501df;
+ public static final int dict_browse_nowords_fmt=0x7f0501de;
%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d
- public static final int dict_browse_title1_fmt=0x7f0501de;
+ public static final int dict_browse_title1_fmt=0x7f0501dd;
%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d-%4$d
- public static final int dict_browse_title_fmt=0x7f0501dd;
+ public static final int dict_browse_title_fmt=0x7f0501dc;
Wordlist download URL
- public static final int dict_host=0x7f0502d7;
+ public static final int dict_host=0x7f0502d6;
/** Number of words: %1$d\nDownload size:
%2$dK\nNote: %3$s
- public static final int dict_info_fmt=0x7f05029f;
+ public static final int dict_info_fmt=0x7f05029e;
/** label for dropdown by which wordlist is chosen that this
player will use. The language the game will use (which
constrains the choice of wordlists) is substituted in for
@@ -1480,10 +1490,10 @@ XLATE-ME
Wordlist (in %1$s)
- public static final int dict_lang_label_fmt=0x7f0500d3;
+ public static final int dict_lang_label_fmt=0x7f0500d2;
/** Tap to download
- public static final int dict_on_server=0x7f0502a1;
+ public static final int dict_on_server=0x7f0502a0;
/** string name="invite_mime">text/plainInstalled wordlists (in %1$s)
- public static final int dicts_list_prompt_fmt=0x7f0500d4;
+ public static final int dicts_list_prompt_fmt=0x7f0500d3;
/** text of item at bottom of dicts choice spinner. It
launches the browser pointed at the site where additional
wordlists can be found.
@@ -1539,25 +1549,25 @@ XLATE-ME
launches the browser pointed at the site where additional
wordlists can be found.
- public static final int download_dicts=0x7f05009c;
+ public static final int download_dicts=0x7f05009b;
/** Download finished
- public static final int download_done=0x7f050248;
+ public static final int download_done=0x7f050247;
/** Download unsuccessful
- public static final int download_failed=0x7f050249;
+ public static final int download_failed=0x7f050248;
/** Downloads Directory
- public static final int download_path_title=0x7f05024c;
+ public static final int download_path_title=0x7f05024b;
/** Downloading %1$s…
- public static final int downloading_dict_fmt=0x7f05018e;
+ public static final int downloading_dict_fmt=0x7f05018d;
/** Display snapshots of games
Display snapshots of games
Invitation received but ignored: it
has already been used to create a game.
- public static final int dropped_dupe=0x7f050268;
+ public static final int dropped_dupe=0x7f050267;
/** Shown in the main screen when you launch Crosswords from an
invitation (received in email or messaging app, say) and
there's already a game running that matches that invitation.
@@ -1576,12 +1586,12 @@ XLATE-ME
to have been created (on %1$s) from the same invitation. Are you
sure you want to create another?
- public static final int dup_game_query_fmt=0x7f0501a2;
+ public static final int dup_game_query_fmt=0x7f0501a1;
Send comment via
- public static final int email_author_chooser=0x7f0501e9;
+ public static final int email_author_chooser=0x7f0501e8;
/** Nor is my email address
public static final int email_author_email=0x7f050070;
@@ -1589,80 +1599,82 @@ XLATE-ME
Should not be translated
- public static final int email_author_subject=0x7f0501e8;
+ public static final int email_author_subject=0x7f0501e7;
Should not be translated
- public static final int email_body_rev_fmt=0x7f0501ea;
+ public static final int email_body_rev_fmt=0x7f0501e9;
/** color of empty squares on the board (that are not bonus squares)
color of empty squares on the board (that are not bonus squares)
Empty cell/background
- public static final int empty=0x7f050145;
+ public static final int empty=0x7f050144;
/** Shows in SMS Invite dialog when no phone numbers have been saved previously
Shows in SMS Invite dialog when no phone numbers have been saved previously
This phone list is empty. Use the
\"Import contact\" button to add people you want to invite, the +
button to enter numbers directly.
- public static final int empty_sms_inviter=0x7f05020b;
+ public static final int empty_sms_inviter=0x7f05020a;
Accept invitations more than once
- public static final int enable_dupes_summary=0x7f0502e8;
+ public static final int enable_dupes_summary=0x7f0502e7;
Accept duplicate invites
- public static final int enable_dupes_title=0x7f0502e6;
+ public static final int enable_dupes_title=0x7f0502e5;
/** NFC is turned off on this device. You
can use the Android Settings app to turn it on .
- public static final int enable_nfc=0x7f05026b;
+ public static final int enable_nfc=0x7f05026a;
Fake invitation to aid debugging
- public static final int enable_nfc_toself_summary=0x7f0502eb;
+ public static final int enable_nfc_toself_summary=0x7f0502ea;
Enable NFC to self
- public static final int enable_nfc_toself_title=0x7f0502ea;
+ public static final int enable_nfc_toself_title=0x7f0502e9;
Rooms others can see and join
- public static final int enable_pubroom_summary=0x7f0502c6;
+ public static final int enable_pubroom_summary=0x7f0502c5;
Enable public rooms
- public static final int enable_pubroom_title=0x7f0502c5;
+ public static final int enable_pubroom_title=0x7f0502c4;
Allow games via SMS
- public static final int enable_sms=0x7f050228;
+ public static final int enable_sms=0x7f050227;
Only if you have unlimited texting!
- public static final int enable_sms_summary=0x7f050229;
+ public static final int enable_sms_summary=0x7f050228;
Skip radio when phone numbers same
- public static final int enable_sms_toself_summary=0x7f0502ed;
+ public static final int enable_sms_toself_summary=0x7f0502ec;
Short-circuit SMS to self
- public static final int enable_sms_toself_title=0x7f0502ec;
+ public static final int enable_sms_toself_title=0x7f0502eb;
/** Tap tiles to select…
- public static final int entering_trade=0x7f0500d9;
+ public static final int entering_trade=0x7f0500d8;
Duplicate invitation rejected:
device \"%1$s\" has already accepted an invitation to this
- public static final int err_dup_invite_fmt=0x7f0502c0;
- public static final int expl_update_url=0x7f0502f7;
+ public static final int err_dup_invite_fmt=0x7f0502bf;
+ /** XLATE-ME
+ */
+ public static final int expl_update_url=0x7f0502f6;
/** if this preference is checked, a dialog will be posted every
time a robot makes a move or a move is received from a remote
@@ -1671,13 +1683,13 @@ XLATE-ME
Explain other moves
- public static final int explain_robot=0x7f05014d;
+ public static final int explain_robot=0x7f05014c;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Display score summary after
every robot or remote turn
- public static final int explain_robot_summary=0x7f05014e;
+ public static final int explain_robot_summary=0x7f05014d;
/** title of dialog brought up in response to the
board_menu_game_final menu. The dialog displays the final
score and an accounting of it (including subtractions for
@@ -1690,24 +1702,24 @@ XLATE-ME
Final scores\u200C
- public static final int finalscores_title=0x7f0501a8;
+ public static final int finalscores_title=0x7f0501a7;
/** Explanatory text appears in the dialog
Explanatory text appears in the dialog
In a multi-device game there must be at
least one player from and another not from this device. Please
check off-device players.
- public static final int force_expl=0x7f0500ce;
+ public static final int force_expl=0x7f0500cd;
Pretend to have radio
- public static final int force_radio_title=0x7f0502ee;
+ public static final int force_radio_title=0x7f0502ed;
/** Even if my screen is too small
- public static final int force_tablet_summary=0x7f0502a6;
+ public static final int force_tablet_summary=0x7f0502a5;
/** Force tablet layout
- public static final int force_tablet_title=0x7f0502a5;
+ public static final int force_tablet_title=0x7f0502a4;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -1736,7 +1748,7 @@ XLATE-ME
title of this dialog
Off-device player[s]
- public static final int force_title=0x7f0500cd;
+ public static final int force_title=0x7f0500cc;
/** Displayed as a "Toast" (mini window briefly displayed) if you
didn't choose a remote player and I was forced to pick one. I
always pick the first.
@@ -1745,7 +1757,7 @@ XLATE-ME
always pick the first.
Modified first player.
- public static final int forced_consistent=0x7f0500cf;
+ public static final int forced_consistent=0x7f0500ce;
/** Games that have ended are listed with this string
Games that have ended are listed with this string
@@ -1754,14 +1766,14 @@ XLATE-ME
Bluetooth game name
- public static final int game_btname_title=0x7f0501ff;
+ public static final int game_btname_title=0x7f0501fe;
/** used to create default names of games (when user has not
named them.)
used to create default names of games (when user has not
named them.)
Game %1$d
- public static final int game_fmt=0x7f050198;
+ public static final int game_fmt=0x7f050197;
# :Menus:
@@ -1779,61 +1791,67 @@ XLATE-ME
title of contextual menu. Name of the selected game is
substituted in.
- public static final int game_item_menu_title_fmt=0x7f05008d;
+ public static final int game_item_menu_title_fmt=0x7f05008c;
Building game summary…
- public static final int game_list_tmp=0x7f05021c;
+ public static final int game_list_tmp=0x7f05021b;
/** text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play
game to make changes
text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play
game to make changes
Lock settings
- public static final int game_locked=0x7f0500ad;
+ public static final int game_locked=0x7f0500ac;
/** Name group
- public static final int game_name_group_title=0x7f050258;
+ public static final int game_name_group_title=0x7f050257;
New game name:
- public static final int game_name_label=0x7f050201;
+ public static final int game_name_label=0x7f050200;
Name your game
- public static final int game_name_title=0x7f050200;
+ public static final int game_name_title=0x7f0501ff;
- public static final int game_rename_title=0x7f050096;
+ public static final int game_rename_title=0x7f050095;
/** Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2"
Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2"
- public static final int game_summary_field_empty=0x7f050131;
- public static final int game_summary_field_gameid=0x7f0502f5;
+ public static final int game_summary_field_empty=0x7f050130;
+ /** XLATE-ME
+ */
+ public static final int game_summary_field_gameid=0x7f0502f4;
/** Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)"
Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)"
Game language\u200C
- public static final int game_summary_field_language=0x7f050132;
- public static final int game_summary_field_npackets=0x7f0502f6;
+ public static final int game_summary_field_language=0x7f050131;
+ /** XLATE-ME
+ */
+ public static final int game_summary_field_npackets=0x7f0502f5;
/** List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)"
List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)"
Opponent name[s]
- public static final int game_summary_field_opponents=0x7f050133;
- public static final int game_summary_field_rowid=0x7f0502f4;
+ public static final int game_summary_field_opponents=0x7f050132;
+ /** XLATE-ME
+ */
+ public static final int game_summary_field_rowid=0x7f0502f3;
/** List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made"
List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made"
Game state
- public static final int game_summary_field_state=0x7f050134;
+ public static final int game_summary_field_state=0x7f050133;
/** Regardless of the setting of the connect_frequency
preference, checks the relay immediately for any moves for
networked games on this device and posts a notification if
@@ -1843,12 +1861,12 @@ XLATE-ME
networked games on this device and posts a notification if
any is downloaded.
- public static final int gamel_menu_checkmoves=0x7f050089;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_checkmoves=0x7f050088;
Check for updates
- public static final int gamel_menu_checkupdates=0x7f050235;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_checkupdates=0x7f050234;
# :Menus:
@@ -1870,58 +1888,58 @@ XLATE-ME
Brings up the Wordlists (formerly Dictionaries) screen
- public static final int gamel_menu_dicts=0x7f050087;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_dicts=0x7f050086;
Load DB from SD card
- public static final int gamel_menu_loaddb=0x7f0502e5;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_loaddb=0x7f0502e4;
Write DB to SD card
- public static final int gamel_menu_storedb=0x7f0502e4;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_storedb=0x7f0502e3;
/** Studylist…
- public static final int gamel_menu_study=0x7f050274;
+ public static final int gamel_menu_study=0x7f050273;
Enter phone number:
- public static final int get_sms_number=0x7f05020c;
+ public static final int get_sms_number=0x7f05020b;
/** Get info
- public static final int getinfo=0x7f05029a;
+ public static final int getinfo=0x7f050299;
public static final int git_rev=0x7f050079;
Source version id
- public static final int git_rev_title=0x7f0502e0;
+ public static final int git_rev_title=0x7f0502df;
/** Green
- public static final int green=0x7f050149;
+ public static final int green=0x7f050148;
/** My games
- public static final int group_cur_games=0x7f050253;
+ public static final int group_cur_games=0x7f050252;
/** %1$s (%2$d games)
- public static final int group_name_fmt=0x7f05025a;
+ public static final int group_name_fmt=0x7f050259;
/** New games
- public static final int group_new_games=0x7f050254;
+ public static final int group_new_games=0x7f050253;
/** Are you sure you want to delete
the %1$d selected group[s]?
- public static final int groups_confirm_del_fmt=0x7f050255;
+ public static final int groups_confirm_del_fmt=0x7f050254;
/** \n\n(%1$d game[s] will
also be deleted.)
- public static final int groups_confirm_del_games_fmt=0x7f050256;
+ public static final int groups_confirm_del_games_fmt=0x7f050255;
/** Used as the default name for remote players displayed within
the Game configure screen
Used as the default name for remote players displayed within
the Game configure screen
(Off-device player)
- public static final int guest_name=0x7f0500c9;
+ public static final int guest_name=0x7f0500c8;
/** If this preference is checked the "crosshairs" (vertical and
horzontal lines through the cell your finger is on that help
you tell where the app thinks you're actually tapping) will
@@ -1938,37 +1956,37 @@ XLATE-ME
Disable crosshairs
- public static final int hide_crosshairs=0x7f050157;
+ public static final int hide_crosshairs=0x7f050156;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Do not visually indicate which board cell is touched
- public static final int hide_crosshairs_summary=0x7f050158;
+ public static final int hide_crosshairs_summary=0x7f050157;
/** clarification of above
Hiding the newgame buttons in
the main screen makes more games visible
- public static final int hide_newgames_summary=0x7f050138;
+ public static final int hide_newgames_summary=0x7f050137;
/** Checkbox that when set prevents showing the newgame buttons
on the main screen to save space
Hide newgame buttons
- public static final int hide_newgames_title=0x7f050137;
+ public static final int hide_newgames_title=0x7f050136;
/** Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the
game board window to save space
Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the
game board window to save space
Hide titlebar
- public static final int hide_title=0x7f050135;
+ public static final int hide_title=0x7f050134;
/** clarification of above
clarification of above
Hiding the game name lets the
board be slightly larger
- public static final int hide_title_summary=0x7f050136;
+ public static final int hide_title_summary=0x7f050135;
/** text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, buttons will
appear by which the user can get high- and low-scoring moves
generated based on his tray. Can be used to cheat.
@@ -1977,7 +1995,7 @@ XLATE-ME
generated based on his tray. Can be used to cheat.
Allow hints
- public static final int hints_allowed=0x7f0500bc;
+ public static final int hints_allowed=0x7f0500bb;
/** clarification on hints_allowed, whether new games will
default to having the hint feature enabled(string elsewhere
in this file)
@@ -1986,7 +2004,7 @@ XLATE-ME
in this file)
Enable the hint feature
- public static final int hints_allowed_sum=0x7f050127;
+ public static final int hints_allowed_sum=0x7f050126;
/** title of dialog brought up in response to the
board_menu_game_history menu. A full history of the game up
to the last turn is displayed, though details about what's in
@@ -1997,7 +2015,7 @@ XLATE-ME
players' racks is left out if the game is not yet over.
Game History
- public static final int history_title=0x7f0501a7;
+ public static final int history_title=0x7f0501a6;
/** Partial text of alert posted when phonies_warn or
phonies_disallow is the current setting and a "phony" is
played. One of the two following strings will be appended
@@ -2009,7 +2027,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Word[s] %1$s not found in
wordlist %2$s.
- public static final int ids_badwords_fmt=0x7f0500ec;
+ public static final int ids_badwords_fmt=0x7f0500eb;
/** text of confirmation dialog shown when user chooses the menu
item with text board_menu_game_final and the game is not over
@@ -2018,59 +2036,59 @@ XLATE-ME
Are you sure you want to resign?
- public static final int ids_endnow=0x7f0501a9;
+ public static final int ids_endnow=0x7f0501a8;
/** Title of generic dialog used to display information
Title of generic dialog used to display information
- public static final int info_title=0x7f0501a3;
+ public static final int info_title=0x7f0501a2;
You are using the wordlist
%1$s but the game host is using %2$s. Would you like to use %3$s
- public static final int inform_dict_diffdict_fmt=0x7f05023f;
+ public static final int inform_dict_diffdict_fmt=0x7f05023e;
You and the host of this
game are using different versions of the wordlist %1$s.
- public static final int inform_dict_diffversion_fmt=0x7f05023d;
+ public static final int inform_dict_diffversion_fmt=0x7f05023c;
/** \u0020(You will have to download it
- public static final int inform_dict_download=0x7f050240;
+ public static final int inform_dict_download=0x7f05023f;
/** Wordlist mismatch
- public static final int inform_dict_title=0x7f05023e;
+ public static final int inform_dict_title=0x7f05023d;
/** Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start
order of players.
Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start
order of players.
Juggle players
- public static final int init_autojuggle=0x7f050129;
+ public static final int init_autojuggle=0x7f050128;
/** clarification on above
clarification on above
Randomly, for new games
- public static final int init_autojuggle_sum=0x7f05012a;
+ public static final int init_autojuggle_sum=0x7f050129;
/** default number of minutes on timer for new games
default number of minutes on timer for new games
Timer minutes per player
- public static final int initial_player_minutes=0x7f05012c;
+ public static final int initial_player_minutes=0x7f05012b;
Please select the %1$d device[s]
you want to include in this game. Use the \"%2$s\"
button if you don\'t see a device you expect.
- public static final int invite_bt_desc_fmt=0x7f0501f9;
- public static final int invite_choice_bt=0x7f050170;
- public static final int invite_choice_email=0x7f05016f;
- public static final int invite_choice_nfc=0x7f050171;
+ public static final int invite_bt_desc_fmt=0x7f0501f8;
+ public static final int invite_choice_bt=0x7f05016f;
+ public static final int invite_choice_email=0x7f05016e;
+ public static final int invite_choice_nfc=0x7f050170;
Bluetooth is not available. This may
mean that your device doesn\'t support it, or that it\'s been
@@ -2079,11 +2097,11 @@ XLATE-ME
between html and plaintext formatting but I also provide some
- public static final int invite_choice_sms=0x7f05016e;
- public static final int invite_choice_title=0x7f050172;
+ public static final int invite_choice_sms=0x7f05016d;
+ public static final int invite_choice_title=0x7f050171;
/** email
- public static final int invite_chooser_email=0x7f050177;
+ public static final int invite_chooser_email=0x7f050176;
/** When I've created the invitation, in text or html, I ask
Android to launch an app that can send it, typically an email
or messaging app. Android then asks the user to choose which
@@ -2098,25 +2116,25 @@ XLATE-ME
as the title of the dialog that presents that choice.
Send invitation via %1$s
- public static final int invite_chooser_fmt=0x7f050176;
+ public static final int invite_chooser_fmt=0x7f050175;
/** sms
- public static final int invite_chooser_sms=0x7f050178;
+ public static final int invite_chooser_sms=0x7f050177;
/** %1$s has invited you to
play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in %3$s), but it
is not installed. Would you like to download the wordlist or
decline the invitation?
- public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_fmt=0x7f050245;
+ public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_fmt=0x7f050244;
/** You have been
invited to play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in
%3$s), but it is not installed. Would you like to download the
- public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_noname_fmt=0x7f050246;
+ public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_noname_fmt=0x7f050245;
/** Missing wordlist
- public static final int invite_dict_missing_title=0x7f050244;
+ public static final int invite_dict_missing_title=0x7f050243;
public static final int invite_host=0x7f050073;
/** This is the body of the html version of the invitation. A URL
is created with parameters describing the game and
@@ -2138,13 +2156,13 @@ XLATE-ME
(full link: %1$s )
- public static final int invite_htm_fmt=0x7f050174;
+ public static final int invite_htm_fmt=0x7f050173;
/** Appended to message above if local device has NFC available
Appended to message above if local device has NFC available
(Or just Tap to Invite - if the
other device also has Android Beaming and is nearby.)
- public static final int invite_if_nfc=0x7f0500e0;
+ public static final int invite_if_nfc=0x7f0500df;
public static final int invite_mime=0x7f050075;
/** If a networked game is opened and is not complete, i.e. if it
is listed as expecting remote players who have not yet shown
@@ -2166,15 +2184,15 @@ XLATE-ME
player[s]. Would you like to invite someone to join - assuming
you haven\'t already?
- public static final int invite_msg_fmt=0x7f0500df;
+ public static final int invite_msg_fmt=0x7f0500de;
Invite more than one player per remote device
- public static final int invite_multi_summary=0x7f0502c4;
+ public static final int invite_multi_summary=0x7f0502c3;
Invite multiple
- public static final int invite_multi_title=0x7f0502c3;
+ public static final int invite_multi_title=0x7f0502c2;
/** Most users create games with only two players, which is the
default, but Crosswords supports up to four. When I'm using
the above string to encourage the opener of a game missing
@@ -2189,29 +2207,29 @@ XLATE-ME
remote players. Be sure to address your invitation to
that many people.)
- public static final int invite_multiple=0x7f0500e2;
+ public static final int invite_multiple=0x7f0500e1;
public static final int invite_prefix=0x7f050074;
/** Sending invitation to Crosswords on %1$s
- public static final int invite_progress_fmt=0x7f0501ee;
+ public static final int invite_progress_fmt=0x7f0501ed;
- public static final int invite_progress_title=0x7f0501ed;
+ public static final int invite_progress_title=0x7f0501ec;
Please check the %1$d phone
number[s] you want to invite to your new game, then tap \"%2$s\".
- public static final int invite_sms_desc_fmt=0x7f050208;
+ public static final int invite_sms_desc_fmt=0x7f050207;
(This dialog will stay up until all
remote players have connected. You can close the game if you
expect it to take a while. They will still be able to
- public static final int invite_stays=0x7f0502cb;
+ public static final int invite_stays=0x7f0502ca;
/** Send invitation using SMS (texting) or
via email?
Send invitation using NFC (Android
@@ -2233,7 +2251,7 @@ XLATE-ME
someone to join a game.
Let\'s play Crosswords (Room %1$s)
- public static final int invite_subject_fmt=0x7f050173;
+ public static final int invite_subject_fmt=0x7f050172;
/** This is the body of the text version of the invitation. A URL
is created with parameters describing the game and
substituted for "%1$s".
@@ -2243,14 +2261,14 @@ XLATE-ME
Let\'s play Crosswords! Join this game:
%1$s .
- public static final int invite_txt_fmt=0x7f050175;
+ public static final int invite_txt_fmt=0x7f050174;
/** text of checkbox asking if user wants to search for open
public rooms
text of checkbox asking if user wants to search for open
public rooms
Join public room
- public static final int join_room=0x7f0500b5;
+ public static final int join_room=0x7f0500b4;
/** Checkbox that when set keeps the device screen from dimming
if the board screen is what's displayed. This is to allow
users to think about a move without having to touch the
@@ -2261,12 +2279,12 @@ XLATE-ME
screen all the time.
Keep screen on
- public static final int keep_screenon=0x7f05013b;
+ public static final int keep_screenon=0x7f05013a;
/** clarification of above
clarification of above
Keep board screen on 10 mins
- public static final int keep_screenon_summary=0x7f05013c;
+ public static final int keep_screenon_summary=0x7f05013b;
public static final int key_addrs_pref=0x7f05003d;
public static final int key_background=0x7f050019;
public static final int key_board_size=0x7f050028;
@@ -2280,7 +2298,7 @@ XLATE-ME
In-square bonus hint
- public static final int key_bonushint=0x7f050147;
+ public static final int key_bonushint=0x7f050146;
public static final int key_bt_addrs=0x7f05003f;
/** database keys whose entries aren't visible prefs
@@ -2400,40 +2418,40 @@ XLATE-ME
different wordlists.)
Game language
- public static final int lang_label=0x7f0500b2;
+ public static final int lang_label=0x7f0500b1;
/** English
- public static final int lang_name_english=0x7f050290;
+ public static final int lang_name_english=0x7f05028f;
/** %1$s (%2$d wordlists)
- public static final int lang_name_fmt=0x7f0502a2;
+ public static final int lang_name_fmt=0x7f0502a1;
/** Unknown
- public static final int lang_unknown=0x7f0502a3;
+ public static final int lang_unknown=0x7f0502a2;
/** Game language/wordlist
- public static final int langdict_label=0x7f0500b3;
+ public static final int langdict_label=0x7f0500b2;
/** Put new games here
- public static final int list_group_default=0x7f050250;
+ public static final int list_group_default=0x7f05024f;
/** Delete group
- public static final int list_group_delete=0x7f05024e;
+ public static final int list_group_delete=0x7f05024d;
/** Move down
- public static final int list_group_movedown=0x7f050252;
+ public static final int list_group_movedown=0x7f050251;
/** Move up
- public static final int list_group_moveup=0x7f050251;
+ public static final int list_group_moveup=0x7f050250;
/** Rename
- public static final int list_group_rename=0x7f05024f;
+ public static final int list_group_rename=0x7f05024e;
/** ############## menu items ##############
pulls up dialog to configure the selected game
############## menu items ##############
pulls up dialog to configure the selected game
- public static final int list_item_config=0x7f05008e;
+ public static final int list_item_config=0x7f05008d;
/** makes a copy of the selected game. This is currently
disabled for networked games since there would be problems if
two identically configured games started trying to talk to a
@@ -2443,25 +2461,25 @@ XLATE-ME
two identically configured games started trying to talk to a
remote game that expected there was only one of them.
- public static final int list_item_copy=0x7f050094;
+ public static final int list_item_copy=0x7f050093;
/** pulls up dialog to delete the selected game
pulls up dialog to delete the selected game
- public static final int list_item_delete=0x7f050091;
+ public static final int list_item_delete=0x7f050090;
/** pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game
pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game
- public static final int list_item_move=0x7f050090;
+ public static final int list_item_move=0x7f05008f;
/** creates a new game with all configuation copied from the
selected game
creates a new game with all configuation copied from the
selected game
- public static final int list_item_new_from=0x7f050093;
+ public static final int list_item_new_from=0x7f050092;
/** pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game
pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game
- public static final int list_item_rename=0x7f05008f;
+ public static final int list_item_rename=0x7f05008e;
/** pulls up dialog to reset the selected game, that is to remove
all moves so that it's the same as a newly created game
except for any configuration.
@@ -2469,24 +2487,24 @@ XLATE-ME
all moves so that it's the same as a newly created game
except for any configuration.
- public static final int list_item_reset=0x7f050092;
+ public static final int list_item_reset=0x7f050091;
/** %1$s played %2$s for %3$d points
- public static final int lmi_move_fmt=0x7f0502af;
+ public static final int lmi_move_fmt=0x7f0502ae;
/** formatting for last move summary in notifications
formatting for last move summary in notifications
%1$s passed (0 points)
- public static final int lmi_pass_fmt=0x7f0502ae;
+ public static final int lmi_pass_fmt=0x7f0502ad;
/** %1$s lost a turn
- public static final int lmi_phony_fmt=0x7f0502b1;
+ public static final int lmi_phony_fmt=0x7f0502b0;
/** Tiles assigned to %1$s
- public static final int lmi_tiles_fmt=0x7f0502b2;
+ public static final int lmi_tiles_fmt=0x7f0502b1;
/** %1$s traded %2$d tiles
- public static final int lmi_trade_fmt=0x7f0502b0;
+ public static final int lmi_trade_fmt=0x7f0502af;
/** One of the strings used in the right column of the list of
installed wordlists to describe those that are part of
Crosswords and that cannot be uninstalled or moved.
@@ -2498,7 +2516,7 @@ XLATE-ME
loc_internal and loc_external are the other possible strings
in this column.
- public static final int loc_builtin=0x7f05009d;
+ public static final int loc_builtin=0x7f05009c;
/** Used to describe wordlists that are in the Downloads
directory. Currently I don't look there so this is unused,
but I will eventually do so. This should be the same name as
@@ -2510,61 +2528,61 @@ XLATE-ME
the built-in Android web browser uses for the directory where
it saves files it downloads.
- public static final int loc_downloads=0x7f05009e;
+ public static final int loc_downloads=0x7f05009d;
- public static final int loc_external=0x7f0500a9;
+ public static final int loc_external=0x7f0500a8;
/** All
- public static final int loc_filters_all=0x7f05028c;
+ public static final int loc_filters_all=0x7f05028b;
/** Latest menu
- public static final int loc_filters_menu=0x7f05028e;
+ public static final int loc_filters_menu=0x7f05028d;
/** Modified by me
- public static final int loc_filters_modified=0x7f05028f;
+ public static final int loc_filters_modified=0x7f05028e;
/** Filter by:
- public static final int loc_filters_prompt=0x7f05028a;
+ public static final int loc_filters_prompt=0x7f050289;
/** Latest screen
- public static final int loc_filters_screen=0x7f05028d;
+ public static final int loc_filters_screen=0x7f05028c;
/** Illegal translation: a translated
string must have the same format specifiers (e.g. %1$s) as the
- public static final int loc_fmts_mismatch=0x7f050295;
+ public static final int loc_fmts_mismatch=0x7f050294;
/** see move_dictf above
see move_dictf above
- public static final int loc_internal=0x7f0500a8;
+ public static final int loc_internal=0x7f0500a7;
/** Check
- public static final int loc_item_check=0x7f050292;
+ public static final int loc_item_check=0x7f050291;
/** for loc item edit menu
for loc item edit menu
- public static final int loc_item_clear=0x7f050291;
+ public static final int loc_item_clear=0x7f050290;
/** Copy official
- public static final int loc_item_copy_bless=0x7f050294;
+ public static final int loc_item_copy_bless=0x7f050293;
/** Copy English
- public static final int loc_item_copy_eng=0x7f050293;
+ public static final int loc_item_copy_eng=0x7f050292;
/** %1$s (official)
- public static final int loc_lang_blessed=0x7f050284;
+ public static final int loc_lang_blessed=0x7f050283;
/** %1$s (yours)
- public static final int loc_lang_local=0x7f050285;
+ public static final int loc_lang_local=0x7f050284;
/** Translate
- public static final int loc_menu_xlate=0x7f050283;
+ public static final int loc_menu_xlate=0x7f050282;
/** Search for:
- public static final int loc_search_prompt=0x7f05028b;
+ public static final int loc_search_prompt=0x7f05028a;
/** This is the "hint" printed in light text in the empty player
name field
@@ -2588,94 +2606,94 @@ XLATE-ME
name field
Player name
- public static final int local_name_hint=0x7f05017f;
+ public static final int local_name_hint=0x7f05017e;
Enable logging
- public static final int logging_on=0x7f0502d8;
+ public static final int logging_on=0x7f0502d7;
(release builds only)
- public static final int logging_on_summary=0x7f0502d9;
+ public static final int logging_on_summary=0x7f0502d8;
/** Word lookup
- public static final int lookup_title=0x7f05027f;
+ public static final int lookup_title=0x7f05027e;
(Not in contacts)
- public static final int manual_owner_name=0x7f050209;
+ public static final int manual_owner_name=0x7f050208;
Max length
- public static final int max_len=0x7f0501e4;
+ public static final int max_len=0x7f0501e3;
- public static final int menu_chat=0x7f050219;
+ public static final int menu_chat=0x7f050218;
Flip board
- public static final int menu_flip=0x7f050217;
+ public static final int menu_flip=0x7f050216;
Next hint
- public static final int menu_hint_next=0x7f050214;
+ public static final int menu_hint_next=0x7f050213;
Prev hint
- public static final int menu_hint_prev=0x7f050213;
+ public static final int menu_hint_prev=0x7f050212;
Juggle rack
- public static final int menu_juggle=0x7f050216;
+ public static final int menu_juggle=0x7f050215;
/** text of menu that brings up the Settings (preferences) dialog
text of menu that brings up the Settings (preferences) dialog
- public static final int menu_prefs=0x7f050088;
+ public static final int menu_prefs=0x7f050087;
/** Rate Crosswords
- public static final int menu_rateme=0x7f05026f;
+ public static final int menu_rateme=0x7f05026e;
Toggle values
- public static final int menu_toggle_values=0x7f05021a;
+ public static final int menu_toggle_values=0x7f050219;
Zoom in/out
- public static final int menu_zoom=0x7f050218;
+ public static final int menu_zoom=0x7f050217;
Min length
- public static final int min_len=0x7f0501e3;
+ public static final int min_len=0x7f0501e2;
/** label for the field used to set the timer's inital value
label for the field used to set the timer's inital value
Minutes per player
- public static final int minutes_label=0x7f0500bf;
+ public static final int minutes_label=0x7f0500be;
/** body of notification shown when invitation requires a
wordslist that's not installed
body of notification shown when invitation requires a
wordslist that's not installed
Tap to download missing wordlist
- public static final int missing_dict_detail=0x7f050243;
+ public static final int missing_dict_detail=0x7f050242;
/** Title of notification shown when invitation requires a
wordslist that's not installed
Title of notification shown when invitation requires a
wordslist that's not installed
Game invitation pending
- public static final int missing_dict_title=0x7f050242;
+ public static final int missing_dict_title=0x7f050241;
/** Used as a substitute for the names of remote players when
they aren't available yet because the connection is not
complete. Displayed in the lists of players found in each
@@ -2697,15 +2715,7 @@ XLATE-ME
loc_internal are substitued for %2$s and %3$s (or vice-versa,
depending on the current location of the wordlist.)
- public static final int move_dict_fmt=0x7f0500a7;
- /** Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of
- how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday
- instead...
- Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of
- how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday
- instead...
- */
- public static final int moves_fmt=0x7f050084;
+ public static final int move_dict_fmt=0x7f0500a6;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -2730,7 +2740,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Text of dialog. Player name is substituted
Password for \"%1$s\":
- public static final int msg_ask_password_fmt=0x7f050197;
+ public static final int msg_ask_password_fmt=0x7f050196;
/** When a game has been connected and the relay is notified that
a device in the game has deleted its part of the game, this
message is posted when you connect your end of it to the
@@ -2747,24 +2757,24 @@ XLATE-ME
another device. You will not be able to play any
- public static final int msg_dev_deleted=0x7f0500eb;
+ public static final int msg_dev_deleted=0x7f0500ea;
/** (I believe this can no longer occur)
(I believe this can no longer occur)
Another host has already registered a
room using that name. Rename yours or retry later.
- public static final int msg_dup_room=0x7f0500e9;
+ public static final int msg_dup_room=0x7f0500e8;
/** (I believe this can no longer occur)
(I believe this can no longer occur)
The relay has lost contact with
another device in this game.
- public static final int msg_lost_other=0x7f0500ea;
+ public static final int msg_lost_other=0x7f0500e9;
/** (I believe this can no longer occur)
(I believe this can no longer occur)
No host has registered a room by that name.
- public static final int msg_no_room=0x7f0500e8;
+ public static final int msg_no_room=0x7f0500e7;
/** Text of "toast" shown when a game is notified by the relay
that all expected players have registered. At this point
play can begin.
@@ -2774,7 +2784,7 @@ XLATE-ME
All players are here in room
- public static final int msg_relay_all_here_fmt=0x7f0500e5;
+ public static final int msg_relay_all_here_fmt=0x7f0500e4;
/** Text of "toast" (mini window briefly displayed) shown when a
game first connects to the relay. The three substitutions
are the device's order within the game (e.g. 2), the name of
@@ -2790,30 +2800,30 @@ XLATE-ME
Device %1$d connected to relay in
room \"%2$s\". Waiting for %3$d player[s].
- public static final int msg_relay_waiting_fmt=0x7f0500e4;
+ public static final int msg_relay_waiting_fmt=0x7f0500e3;
/** (I believe this can no longer occur)
(I believe this can no longer occur)
You are providing more players than
the host expects.
- public static final int msg_too_many=0x7f0500e7;
+ public static final int msg_too_many=0x7f0500e6;
/** Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted
Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted
- public static final int msgs_progress=0x7f05008a;
+ public static final int msgs_progress=0x7f050089;
/** %1$s moved more than %2$s ago.
- public static final int nag_body_fmt=0x7f0502ab;
+ public static final int nag_body_fmt=0x7f0502aa;
/** %1$d day[s]
- public static final int nag_days_fmt=0x7f0502aa;
+ public static final int nag_days_fmt=0x7f0502a9;
/** %1$d hour[s]
- public static final int nag_hours_fmt=0x7f0502a9;
+ public static final int nag_hours_fmt=0x7f0502a8;
Reminder intervals (minutes1,minutes2,...)
- public static final int nag_intervals=0x7f0502e9;
+ public static final int nag_intervals=0x7f0502e8;
/** body of warning notification reminder message. First three
are used to build a string based on the length of time that's then
inserted in the fourth. E.g "PlayerName moved more than 2 day[s],
@@ -2824,25 +2834,25 @@ XLATE-ME
4 hour[s] ago."
%1$d minute[s]
- public static final int nag_minutes_fmt=0x7f0502a8;
+ public static final int nag_minutes_fmt=0x7f0502a7;
/** Nagging: title of notification reminder message
Nagging: title of notification reminder message
Reminder: It\'s your turn
- public static final int nag_title=0x7f0502a7;
+ public static final int nag_title=0x7f0502a6;
/** above is inserted in this the last time I warn
above is inserted in this the last time I warn
Last warning: %1$s
- public static final int nag_warn_last_fmt=0x7f0502ac;
+ public static final int nag_warn_last_fmt=0x7f0502ab;
%1$s copy
- public static final int name_copy_fmt=0x7f050202;
+ public static final int name_copy_fmt=0x7f050201;
- public static final int name_dict_fmt=0x7f0502e3;
+ public static final int name_dict_fmt=0x7f0502e2;
public static final int nbs_port=0x7f050078;
/** text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, games created
for network play will by default have the hint feature
@@ -2852,7 +2862,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Allow hints (networked)
- public static final int nethints_allowed=0x7f0500bd;
+ public static final int nethints_allowed=0x7f0500bc;
/** clarification on hints_allowed, whether new NETWORKED games
will default to having the hint feature enabled(string
elsewhere in this file)
@@ -2861,108 +2871,108 @@ XLATE-ME
elsewhere in this file)
Enable hints for two-device games
- public static final int nethints_allowed_sum=0x7f050128;
+ public static final int nethints_allowed_sum=0x7f050127;
Game network stats
- public static final int netstats_title=0x7f0502df;
+ public static final int netstats_title=0x7f0502de;
For experienced players
- public static final int network_advanced_summary=0x7f0502c2;
+ public static final int network_advanced_summary=0x7f0502c1;
- public static final int network_advanced_title=0x7f0502c1;
+ public static final int network_advanced_title=0x7f0502c0;
/** Network game settings
- public static final int network_behavior=0x7f050159;
+ public static final int network_behavior=0x7f050158;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Settings that apply to
networked games
- public static final int network_behavior_summary=0x7f05015a;
+ public static final int network_behavior_summary=0x7f050159;
Tap to download and install
- public static final int new_app_avail=0x7f05023a;
+ public static final int new_app_avail=0x7f050239;
New version of %1$s
- public static final int new_app_avail_fmt=0x7f050239;
+ public static final int new_app_avail_fmt=0x7f050238;
- public static final int new_bt_body_fmt=0x7f0501f4;
+ public static final int new_bt_body_fmt=0x7f0501f3;
New game via Bluetooth
- public static final int new_bt_title=0x7f0501f3;
+ public static final int new_bt_title=0x7f0501f2;
- public static final int new_btmove_title=0x7f0501f7;
+ public static final int new_btmove_title=0x7f0501f6;
New wordlist available
- public static final int new_dict_avail=0x7f050237;
+ public static final int new_dict_avail=0x7f050236;
Tap to update %1$s
- public static final int new_dict_avail_fmt=0x7f050238;
+ public static final int new_dict_avail_fmt=0x7f050237;
New one-device game
- public static final int new_game=0x7f0502b8;
+ public static final int new_game=0x7f0502b7;
Would you like to create this game
using default settings?\n\nOr would you like to configure it
- public static final int new_game_message=0x7f0502ba;
+ public static final int new_game_message=0x7f0502b9;
(You will have a chance to
invite other players when it is open.)
- public static final int new_game_message_net=0x7f0502bc;
+ public static final int new_game_message_net=0x7f0502bb;
This game must be
configured before it can be opened.
- public static final int new_game_message_nodflt=0x7f0502bb;
+ public static final int new_game_message_nodflt=0x7f0502ba;
New networked game
- public static final int new_game_networked=0x7f0502b9;
+ public static final int new_game_networked=0x7f0502b8;
One or more moves has arrived
- public static final int new_move_body=0x7f0501f8;
+ public static final int new_move_body=0x7f0501f7;
%1$s has invited you to play
- public static final int new_name_body_fmt=0x7f050206;
+ public static final int new_name_body_fmt=0x7f050205;
/** hint (text shown when field is empty) for room name field
hint (text shown when field is empty) for room name field
Room name
- public static final int new_room_hint=0x7f0500b6;
+ public static final int new_room_hint=0x7f0500b5;
New game via SMS
- public static final int new_sms_title=0x7f050205;
+ public static final int new_sms_title=0x7f050204;
/** Installed %1$d new translations
- public static final int new_xlations_fmt=0x7f050286;
+ public static final int new_xlations_fmt=0x7f050285;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -2987,21 +2997,21 @@ XLATE-ME
Title of New user info dialog
Here\'s a tip
- public static final int newbie_title=0x7f0501ab;
+ public static final int newbie_title=0x7f0501aa;
/** section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section:
bluetooth games
section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section:
bluetooth games
New Bluetooth game
- public static final int newgame_bt_header=0x7f05016d;
+ public static final int newgame_bt_header=0x7f05016c;
/** Text of second of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap
this and you'll get taken to the "Game configure" screen
Text of second of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap
this and you'll get taken to the "Game configure" screen
Configure first
- public static final int newgame_configure_first=0x7f050169;
+ public static final int newgame_configure_first=0x7f050168;
/** Text of first of two buttons for new networked games. Tap
this and a game will be created, but you probably won't see
it immediately because an email or messaging app will be
@@ -3012,7 +3022,7 @@ XLATE-ME
launched to send your invitation.
Invite now
- public static final int newgame_invite=0x7f05016c;
+ public static final int newgame_invite=0x7f05016b;
/** Text of first of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap
this and a new game will be created and opened. If the first
player is a robot it will immediately take its turn.
@@ -3021,7 +3031,7 @@ XLATE-ME
player is a robot it will immediately take its turn.
Play now
- public static final int newgame_local=0x7f050168;
+ public static final int newgame_local=0x7f050167;
/** This is one of two descriptions on this screen. It explains
what standalone games are and describes the two buttons used
to create them. The name of the language of the default
@@ -3036,7 +3046,7 @@ XLATE-ME
now\". To add players or change game settings, press
\"Configure first\".
- public static final int newgame_local_desc_fmt=0x7f050167;
+ public static final int newgame_local_desc_fmt=0x7f050166;
/** ############################################################
# :Screens:
# New game screen
@@ -3063,7 +3073,7 @@ XLATE-ME
standalone games
New Local-only game
- public static final int newgame_local_header=0x7f050166;
+ public static final int newgame_local_header=0x7f050165;
/** This is the second of two descriptions on this screen. It
explains what networked games are and describes the two
buttons used to create them.
@@ -3077,32 +3087,32 @@ XLATE-ME
you start your networked game. (You\'ll have a chance to send
invites later.)
- public static final int newgame_networked_desc=0x7f05016b;
+ public static final int newgame_networked_desc=0x7f05016a;
/** section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section:
networked games
section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section:
networked games
New Networked game
- public static final int newgame_networked_header=0x7f05016a;
+ public static final int newgame_networked_header=0x7f050169;
New SMS Game
- public static final int newgame_sms_header=0x7f050203;
+ public static final int newgame_sms_header=0x7f050202;
/** Name your new group:
- public static final int newgroup_label=0x7f05024d;
+ public static final int newgroup_label=0x7f05024c;
To invite via NFC just touch the back
of this device against the one you want to invite—any time the
game is open.
- public static final int nfc_just_tap=0x7f0502cc;
+ public static final int nfc_just_tap=0x7f0502cb;
Send via NFC to self?
- public static final int nfc_to_self=0x7f0502f3;
+ public static final int nfc_to_self=0x7f0502f2;
/** Title of dialog for renaming game (triggered by selecting
If you try to copy a networked game you get this error
@@ -3112,7 +3122,7 @@ XLATE-ME
If you try to copy a networked game you get this error
- public static final int no_copy_network=0x7f050095;
+ public static final int no_copy_network=0x7f050094;
/** If the wordlist disappears mid-game there are no choices,
just an explanation and this button, after which the game
@@ -3123,7 +3133,7 @@ XLATE-ME
disappeared. (Usually this means it\'s on an external card that
is no longer available.)
- public static final int no_dict_finish=0x7f050190;
+ public static final int no_dict_finish=0x7f05018f;
/** If the missing wordlist is discovered when trying to open the
game, we have more options. If there's another wordlist in
the same language, we can offer to substitute without needing
@@ -3141,7 +3151,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Game \"%1$s\" requires a %2$s wordlist.
Please download one before opening.
- public static final int no_dict_fmt=0x7f050192;
+ public static final int no_dict_fmt=0x7f050191;
/** This is an alternative message presented when there's also
the option of downloading another wordlist. Game name,
wordlist name and language are substituted in.
@@ -3154,7 +3164,7 @@ XLATE-ME
download a replacement or substitute another %3$s
- public static final int no_dict_subst_fmt=0x7f050193;
+ public static final int no_dict_subst_fmt=0x7f050192;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -3177,7 +3187,7 @@ XLATE-ME
title of alert
Wordlist not found
- public static final int no_dict_title=0x7f05018f;
+ public static final int no_dict_title=0x7f05018e;
/** If you click on the Play button without having entered a room
name you get an alert with this error message.
If you click on the Play button without having entered a room
@@ -3185,23 +3195,23 @@ XLATE-ME
This game cannot connect without a
room name.
- public static final int no_empty_rooms=0x7f050181;
+ public static final int no_empty_rooms=0x7f050180;
/** If you choose the above option and have no networked games
you get this error message
If you choose the above option and have no networked games
you get this error message
- public static final int no_games_to_refresh=0x7f05008b;
+ public static final int no_games_to_refresh=0x7f05008a;
/** Google Play app not found
- public static final int no_market=0x7f050270;
+ public static final int no_market=0x7f05026f;
/** displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no
most recent score to show
displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no
most recent score to show
(No moves yet)
- public static final int no_moves_made=0x7f0500de;
+ public static final int no_moves_made=0x7f0500dd;
/** If the query returns no rooms, this message is displayed,
with the number of players in the game and its language
@@ -3212,7 +3222,7 @@ XLATE-ME
%1$d-player games in %2$s. Try refreshing or creating your
- public static final int no_name_found_fmt=0x7f0500ba;
+ public static final int no_name_found_fmt=0x7f0500b9;
/** This is not currently shown
Crosswords wordlists, which are
just compressed lists of words plus tile information, determine
@@ -3243,24 +3253,24 @@ XLATE-ME
time, to hide it. A checkbox in the Appearance section of
Settings will hide it permanently.
- public static final int not_again_arrow=0x7f0501be;
+ public static final int not_again_arrow=0x7f0501bd;
/** The back button clears any
selection instead of exiting. Hit it again to exit the
- public static final int not_again_backclears=0x7f050263;
+ public static final int not_again_backclears=0x7f050262;
This button opens the wordlist
browser on the current player\'s wordlist.
- public static final int not_again_browse=0x7f0501e0;
+ public static final int not_again_browse=0x7f0501df;
This button opens the wordlist
browser on the wordlist of your choice.
- public static final int not_again_browseall=0x7f0501e1;
+ public static final int not_again_browseall=0x7f0501e0;
/** Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the
main Board screen
Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the
@@ -3269,7 +3279,7 @@ XLATE-ME
messaging between devices in this game. Messages will be kept
until you delete the game that contains them.
- public static final int not_again_chat=0x7f0501b7;
+ public static final int not_again_chat=0x7f0501b6;
/** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully
connecting a game to the relay and are the last device in the
game to do so, i.e. the game is now complete and you should
@@ -3283,7 +3293,7 @@ XLATE-ME
created the room will now assign your initial tiles and play can
- public static final int not_again_conndall=0x7f0501bd;
+ public static final int not_again_conndall=0x7f0501bc;
/** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully
connect a game to the relay and are the first device in the
game to do so.
@@ -3295,7 +3305,7 @@ XLATE-ME
your room and Crosswords has assigned them tiles the game can
- public static final int not_again_conndfirst=0x7f0501bb;
+ public static final int not_again_conndfirst=0x7f0501ba;
/** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully
connecting a game to the relay and are not the first device
in the game but not the last either. So it will only occur
@@ -3308,7 +3318,7 @@ XLATE-ME
game on the relay. You will be notified when the remaining
device[s] have joined your room and play can begin.
- public static final int not_again_conndmid=0x7f0501bc;
+ public static final int not_again_conndmid=0x7f0501bb;
/** This screen lets you install new
wordslists and view the ones you already have.\n\nWhat wordlists
you have installed determines:\n• What languages you can play
@@ -3316,7 +3326,7 @@ XLATE-ME
legal.\n\nCheck the \"Show downloadable\" box at the top to see
what\'s available.
- public static final int not_again_dicts=0x7f0502a4;
+ public static final int not_again_dicts=0x7f0502a3;
/** This is shown when you choose the board_menu_done menu item.
It's to let you know that there's a shortcut that does almost
the same thing.
@@ -3327,14 +3337,14 @@ XLATE-ME
appears at the right end of the rack is the easiest way to
commit a move.
- public static final int not_again_done=0x7f0501b9;
+ public static final int not_again_done=0x7f0501b8;
Public rooms have been made
an \"advanced\" feature in this release. If you were using them
and want them back, enable them now. You can turn them off again
in Settings.
- public static final int not_again_enablepublic=0x7f0502d2;
+ public static final int not_again_enablepublic=0x7f0502d1;
/** Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main
Board screen
Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main
@@ -3342,13 +3352,13 @@ XLATE-ME
This button flips the board across a
diagonal axis.
- public static final int not_again_flip=0x7f0501b4;
+ public static final int not_again_flip=0x7f0501b3;
/** This string has special format
specifiers (e.g. %1$s). Please be sure that your translation has
the same ones as the original.\n\n(You will not be able to save it
unless it does.)
- public static final int not_again_fmt_expl=0x7f050296;
+ public static final int not_again_fmt_expl=0x7f050295;
These two buttons do
the same thing as the first two items in this window\'s Action Bar
@@ -3357,7 +3367,7 @@ XLATE-ME
section of App settings).
- public static final int not_again_hidenewgamebuttons=0x7f0502c9;
+ public static final int not_again_hidenewgamebuttons=0x7f0502c8;
/** Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the
main Board screen
Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the
@@ -3366,7 +3376,7 @@ XLATE-ME
moves in descending order (using tiles to the right of the rack
- public static final int not_again_hintnext=0x7f0501b2;
+ public static final int not_again_hintnext=0x7f0501b1;
/** Currently not used
The new game you have created has
two players. Player 1 is a robot; Player 2 is you. Tap the game
@@ -3385,7 +3395,7 @@ XLATE-ME
moves in ascending order (using tiles to the right of the rack
- public static final int not_again_hintprev=0x7f0501b1;
+ public static final int not_again_hintprev=0x7f0501b0;
/** Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the
main Board screen
Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the
@@ -3393,31 +3403,31 @@ XLATE-ME
This button randomly rearranges
tiles in the rack.
- public static final int not_again_juggle=0x7f0501b3;
+ public static final int not_again_juggle=0x7f0501b2;
This button lets you look up,
online, the words just played.
- public static final int not_again_lookup=0x7f0501d4;
+ public static final int not_again_lookup=0x7f0501d3;
/** Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem
Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem
Create a new ready-to-play game
using all the settings from this one. That is, treat this game
as a template.
- public static final int not_again_newfrom=0x7f0501c0;
+ public static final int not_again_newfrom=0x7f0501bf;
/** Tapping a game opens it.\n\nYou
can instead tap the icons at the left to select or deselect games,
then act on selected games, e.g. to delete them, using the menu or
- public static final int not_again_newselect=0x7f050262;
+ public static final int not_again_newselect=0x7f050261;
/** The selected words will be
copied to the system clipboard. You can then paste them into any
app that supports pasting text, e.g. an email app.
- public static final int not_again_studycopy=0x7f05027e;
+ public static final int not_again_studycopy=0x7f05027d;
/** The following strings (all whose names start with
"not_again") appear in the New user info dialog.
@@ -3432,22 +3442,22 @@ XLATE-ME
and sync. (In a later release these moves will be downloaded in
the background.)
- public static final int not_again_sync=0x7f0501ad;
+ public static final int not_again_sync=0x7f0501ac;
/** Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu
Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu
You are entering tile-exchange
mode.\n\nTap tiles to add/remove them from the set to be
- public static final int not_again_trading=0x7f0501ae;
+ public static final int not_again_trading=0x7f0501ad;
/** Use the buttons to
commit your turn or exit exchange mode.
- public static final int not_again_trading_buttons=0x7f0501af;
+ public static final int not_again_trading_buttons=0x7f0501ae;
/** Use the menu or action bar
to commit your turn or exit exchange mode.
- public static final int not_again_trading_menu=0x7f0501b0;
+ public static final int not_again_trading_menu=0x7f0501af;
/** Shown when the board screen is visible and it's just become
another players turn. The idea is to give a hint about how to
find out about recent moves.
@@ -3459,7 +3469,7 @@ XLATE-ME
the scoreboard to get details about that player\'s most recent
- public static final int not_again_turnchanged=0x7f0501bf;
+ public static final int not_again_turnchanged=0x7f0501be;
/** Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the
main Board screen
Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the
@@ -3467,7 +3477,7 @@ XLATE-ME
This button undos or redoes the
current turn.
- public static final int not_again_undo=0x7f0501b6;
+ public static final int not_again_undo=0x7f0501b5;
/** Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked
checkbox is checked and you uncheck it.
Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked
@@ -3477,7 +3487,7 @@ XLATE-ME
restarting it. When you leave this page you will have a chance
to discard changes to avoid a restart.
- public static final int not_again_unlock=0x7f0501ba;
+ public static final int not_again_unlock=0x7f0501b9;
/** Shown when you tap the values button on the toolbar of the
main Board screen. This is intended to allow players to
remind themselves how much played tiles are worth while
@@ -3490,7 +3500,7 @@ XLATE-ME
board shows letters on placed tiles or their point values.
Use it to remind yourself what a tile is worth.
- public static final int not_again_values=0x7f0501b8;
+ public static final int not_again_values=0x7f0501b7;
/** Shown when you tap the zoom (+/-) button on the toolbar of
the main Board screen
Shown when you tap the zoom (+/-) button on the toolbar of
@@ -3499,10 +3509,10 @@ XLATE-ME
between zoomed and regular size. Drag it when it is zoomed to
see parts that are hidden.
- public static final int not_again_zoom=0x7f0501b5;
+ public static final int not_again_zoom=0x7f0501b4;
/** (None)
- public static final int note_none=0x7f0502a0;
+ public static final int note_none=0x7f05029f;
/** This text is displayed as the "summary" for both of the
notify choices above, as extra information. (There could be
different strings if it makes more sense in your language.)
@@ -3513,14 +3523,14 @@ XLATE-ME
When opponent moves arrive
- public static final int notify_other_summary=0x7f050165;
+ public static final int notify_other_summary=0x7f050164;
/** When one or more new moves is found, should I play a
notification sound
When one or more new moves is found, should I play a
notification sound
Play sound
- public static final int notify_sound=0x7f050163;
+ public static final int notify_sound=0x7f050162;
/** When a move is fetched from the relay a Notification is
posted. These are its title, which appears in the top bar of the
device, and the body that appears when you pull the notifications
@@ -3531,22 +3541,22 @@ XLATE-ME
Move in game %1$s
- public static final int notify_title_fmt=0x7f05019a;
+ public static final int notify_title_fmt=0x7f050199;
/** When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the
When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the
- public static final int notify_vibrate=0x7f050164;
+ public static final int notify_vibrate=0x7f050163;
%1$d player[s]
- public static final int nplayers_fmt=0x7f0502bf;
+ public static final int nplayers_fmt=0x7f0502be;
Number on this device
- public static final int nplayers_prompt=0x7f0502be;
+ public static final int nplayers_prompt=0x7f0502bd;
/** text of label identifying the field where human players can
enter an option password. The label and field disappear when
the robot player checkbox is checked because it makes no
@@ -3563,17 +3573,17 @@ XLATE-ME
games as well.
- public static final int password_label=0x7f0500d6;
+ public static final int password_label=0x7f0500d5;
/** %1$d word[s] copied
- public static final int paste_done_fmt=0x7f050278;
+ public static final int paste_done_fmt=0x7f050277;
/** You have NFC enabled. That
means that any time a board that\'s missing a player is open, you
can tap a nearby person\'s device to invite him/her to
play – if he/she is also using NFC.
- public static final int pct_suffix=0x7f05026e;
+ public static final int pct_suffix=0x7f05026d;
/** If this preference is checked, tapping on the scoreboard
entry for any player reveals that player's tiles and any
pending move (after asking for his password if one is set.)
@@ -3592,25 +3602,25 @@ XLATE-ME
is is temporarily unable to play.
View tiles out-of-turn
- public static final int peek_other=0x7f050155;
+ public static final int peek_other=0x7f050154;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Tapping on scoreboard name shows
that player\'s tiles
- public static final int peek_other_summary=0x7f050156;
+ public static final int peek_other_summary=0x7f050155;
Connected number[s]:
- public static final int phone_label=0x7f05020f;
+ public static final int phone_label=0x7f05020e;
/** Don't warn, but simply force to skip turn (give 0 points)
when user attempts to play word not in the wordlist.
Don't warn, but simply force to skip turn (give 0 points)
when user attempts to play word not in the wordlist.
Disallow phonies
- public static final int phonies_disallow=0x7f0500c7;
+ public static final int phonies_disallow=0x7f0500c6;
/** These are the three choices in the popup above whose text is
Don't care if words played are in the wordlist or not
@@ -3619,7 +3629,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Don't care if words played are in the wordlist or not
Ignore phonies
- public static final int phonies_ignore=0x7f0500c5;
+ public static final int phonies_ignore=0x7f0500c4;
/** title of popup used to determine how words are handled that
are not in the wordlist used for the game (or player if using
different wordlists per player)
@@ -3629,31 +3639,31 @@ XLATE-ME
How to handle \"phonies\"
(words not in wordlist)
- public static final int phonies_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500c4;
+ public static final int phonies_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500c3;
/** warn player when word played is not in the wordlist, but
allow him to play it.
warn player when word played is not in the wordlist, but
allow him to play it.
Warn if phonies
- public static final int phonies_warn=0x7f0500c6;
+ public static final int phonies_warn=0x7f0500c5;
Pick tiles face-up
- public static final int pick_faceup=0x7f0501dc;
+ public static final int pick_faceup=0x7f0501db;
Look up %1$s at
- public static final int pick_url_title_fmt=0x7f0501d2;
+ public static final int pick_url_title_fmt=0x7f0501d1;
/** Text of button at bottom. Press it and you exit this
configure screen and open the game into the Board screen
Text of button at bottom. Press it and you exit this
configure screen and open the game into the Board screen
Play game
- public static final int play=0x7f0500cc;
+ public static final int play=0x7f0500cb;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -3676,21 +3686,21 @@ XLATE-ME
dialog title
Edit player
- public static final int player_edit_title=0x7f0500d0;
+ public static final int player_edit_title=0x7f0500cf;
/** used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4
is substituted
used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4
is substituted
Player %1$d
- public static final int player_fmt=0x7f050199;
+ public static final int player_fmt=0x7f050198;
/** text of lable identifying the field in which player's name is
text of lable identifying the field in which player's name is
- public static final int player_label=0x7f0500d2;
+ public static final int player_label=0x7f0500d1;
/** text for separator above the list of players that's used for
networked games. The numbers of local and non-local players
are substituted for %1$d and %2$d.
@@ -3700,46 +3710,46 @@ XLATE-ME
Players (%1$d local, %2$d
- public static final int players_label_host_fmt=0x7f0500af;
+ public static final int players_label_host_fmt=0x7f0500ae;
/** text for separator above the list of players that's used for
non-networked games
text for separator above the list of players that's used for
non-networked games
Players (tap to edit)
- public static final int players_label_standalone=0x7f0500ae;
+ public static final int players_label_standalone=0x7f0500ad;
/** Toast shown when players are missing, same time as above
but more subtle.
Toast shown when players are missing, same time as above
but more subtle.
%1$d player[s] missing
- public static final int players_miss_fmt=0x7f0500e1;
+ public static final int players_miss_fmt=0x7f0500e0;
/** Label for the first "human player" name preference
Label for the first "human player" name preference
Human player
- public static final int pref_human_name=0x7f050121;
+ public static final int pref_human_name=0x7f050120;
/** Label for the first player color preference
Label for the first player color preference
First player
- public static final int pref_player1_name=0x7f05011d;
+ public static final int pref_player1_name=0x7f05011c;
/** Label for the second player color preference
Label for the second player color preference
Second player
- public static final int pref_player2_name=0x7f05011e;
+ public static final int pref_player2_name=0x7f05011d;
/** Label for the third player color preference
Label for the third player color preference
Third player
- public static final int pref_player3_name=0x7f05011f;
+ public static final int pref_player3_name=0x7f05011e;
/** Label for the fourth player color preference
Label for the fourth player color preference
Fourth player
- public static final int pref_player4_name=0x7f050120;
+ public static final int pref_player4_name=0x7f05011f;
# :Screens:
@@ -3756,13 +3766,13 @@ XLATE-ME
title of this sub-preference
- public static final int prefs_appearance=0x7f05012e;
+ public static final int prefs_appearance=0x7f05012d;
/** clarification of the above
clarification of the above
Settings controlling
- public static final int prefs_appearance_summary=0x7f05012f;
+ public static final int prefs_appearance_summary=0x7f05012e;
# :Screens:
@@ -3779,12 +3789,12 @@ XLATE-ME
title of this sub-preference
- public static final int prefs_behavior=0x7f05014b;
+ public static final int prefs_behavior=0x7f05014a;
/** clarification of the above
clarification of the above
Settings controlling app behavior
- public static final int prefs_behavior_summary=0x7f05014c;
+ public static final int prefs_behavior_summary=0x7f05014b;
# :Screens:
@@ -3803,12 +3813,12 @@ XLATE-ME
title of this sub-preference
Individual colors
- public static final int prefs_colors=0x7f05013d;
+ public static final int prefs_colors=0x7f05013c;
/** clarification of the above
clarification of the above
Edit colors used on the board
- public static final int prefs_colors_summary=0x7f05013e;
+ public static final int prefs_colors_summary=0x7f05013d;
# :Screens:
@@ -3825,57 +3835,57 @@ XLATE-ME
title of this sub-preference
New game defaults
- public static final int prefs_defaults=0x7f050119;
+ public static final int prefs_defaults=0x7f050118;
/** clarification of the above
clarification of the above
Default settings for new
- public static final int prefs_defaults_summary=0x7f05011a;
+ public static final int prefs_defaults_summary=0x7f050119;
/** sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists")
sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists")
- public static final int prefs_dicts=0x7f050123;
+ public static final int prefs_dicts=0x7f050122;
/** clarification of above
clarification of above
Default wordlists
- public static final int prefs_dicts_summary=0x7f050124;
+ public static final int prefs_dicts_summary=0x7f050123;
/** sub-preference title for editing default player names.
There's only enabled now, though.
sub-preference title for editing default player names.
There's only enabled now, though.
Player names
- public static final int prefs_names=0x7f05011b;
+ public static final int prefs_names=0x7f05011a;
/** clarification of the above
clarification of the above
Default player names
- public static final int prefs_names_summary=0x7f05011c;
+ public static final int prefs_names_summary=0x7f05011b;
/** Used when prev player's name can't be looked up
Used when prev player's name can't be looked up
Your opponent
- public static final int prev_player=0x7f0502ad;
+ public static final int prev_player=0x7f0502ac;
/** Downloading
- public static final int progress_title=0x7f05029e;
+ public static final int progress_title=0x7f05029d;
Words no longer than
- public static final int prompt_max_len=0x7f0501e6;
+ public static final int prompt_max_len=0x7f0501e5;
Words no shorter than
- public static final int prompt_min_len=0x7f0501e5;
+ public static final int prompt_min_len=0x7f0501e4;
Relay device port
- public static final int proxy_port=0x7f0502e2;
+ public static final int proxy_port=0x7f0502e1;
/** Short for "points", this is shown at the right end of the
tray in place of the first tile placed along with the points
the current move would earn if committed.
@@ -3884,7 +3894,7 @@ XLATE-ME
the current move would earn if committed.
- public static final int pts=0x7f0500e3;
+ public static final int pts=0x7f0500e2;
/** If you check the join_room checkbox Crosswords queries the
relay. This is the text of the progress indicator displayed what
that's going on. (It's often visible for only a very short
@@ -3896,14 +3906,14 @@ XLATE-ME
Fetching public rooms for
%1$d-player games in %2$s.
- public static final int public_names_progress_fmt=0x7f0500b9;
+ public static final int public_names_progress_fmt=0x7f0500b8;
/** Title for generic dialog asking a question, usually in the
middle of a game, like "do you want to commit this move?"
Title for generic dialog asking a question, usually in the
middle of a game, like "do you want to commit this move?"
A question…
- public static final int query_title=0x7f0501aa;
+ public static final int query_title=0x7f0501a9;
/** Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges
tiles (instead of forming a new word to earn points)
Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges
@@ -3911,23 +3921,23 @@ XLATE-ME
Are you sure you want to exchange the
%1$d selected tiles (%2$s)?
- public static final int query_trade_fmt=0x7f050179;
+ public static final int query_trade_fmt=0x7f050178;
- public static final int radio_name_cdma=0x7f0502f2;
+ public static final int radio_name_cdma=0x7f0502f1;
- public static final int radio_name_gsm=0x7f0502f1;
+ public static final int radio_name_gsm=0x7f0502f0;
Don\'t pretend
- public static final int radio_name_real=0x7f0502ef;
+ public static final int radio_name_real=0x7f0502ee;
Tablet/no radio
- public static final int radio_name_tablet=0x7f0502f0;
+ public static final int radio_name_tablet=0x7f0502ef;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -3952,47 +3962,47 @@ XLATE-ME
the color preferences dialog
- public static final int red=0x7f050148;
+ public static final int red=0x7f050147;
Invite redirect host
- public static final int redir_host=0x7f0502d6;
+ public static final int redir_host=0x7f0502d5;
/** Title of dialog used to alert players to relay-related
problems with the current game.
Title of dialog used to alert players to relay-related
problems with the current game.
Connection problem
- public static final int relay_alert=0x7f0500e6;
+ public static final int relay_alert=0x7f0500e5;
/** Message from relay
- public static final int relay_alert_title=0x7f050261;
+ public static final int relay_alert_title=0x7f050260;
Relay host
- public static final int relay_host=0x7f0502d5;
+ public static final int relay_host=0x7f0502d4;
Relay game port
- public static final int relay_port=0x7f0502e1;
+ public static final int relay_port=0x7f0502e0;
/** Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts
Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts
Reloading game with %1$s
- public static final int reload_new_dict_fmt=0x7f050241;
+ public static final int reload_new_dict_fmt=0x7f050240;
Issuing rematch invitation. You will
see this message until it has been accepted.\n\nYou do not need to
keep this game open while waiting. You will be notified when the
game is ready to play.
- public static final int rematch_msg=0x7f0502d1;
+ public static final int rematch_msg=0x7f0502d0;
/** Processing wordlist information…
- public static final int remote_digesting=0x7f050298;
+ public static final int remote_digesting=0x7f050297;
/** Fetching wordlist information from server…
- public static final int remote_empty=0x7f050297;
+ public static final int remote_empty=0x7f050296;
/** checkbox determining of this player is on this device or
remote. If remote, then the rest of the fields disappear
(since they will be set by the remote device.)
@@ -4001,33 +4011,33 @@ XLATE-ME
(since they will be set by the remote device.)
Off-device player
- public static final int remote_label=0x7f0500d1;
+ public static final int remote_label=0x7f0500d0;
/** Unable to fetch wordlist information
from server.
- public static final int remote_no_net=0x7f050299;
+ public static final int remote_no_net=0x7f050298;
Remote device undid a turn.
- public static final int remote_undone=0x7f050212;
+ public static final int remote_undone=0x7f050211;
/** Change the name of this group to:
- public static final int rename_group_label=0x7f050257;
+ public static final int rename_group_label=0x7f050256;
/** text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting
text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting
- public static final int rename_label=0x7f050097;
+ public static final int rename_label=0x7f050096;
Change the name of this game
(on this device only) to:
- public static final int rename_label_caveat=0x7f050098;
+ public static final int rename_label_caveat=0x7f050097;
/** Resend finished; sent %1$d message[s].
- public static final int resend_finished_fmt=0x7f0500fc;
+ public static final int resend_finished_fmt=0x7f0500fb;
/** if this preference is checked, the hardware volume keys will
work to zoom the board in and out (and will not control
volume) This only applies when the Board screen is
@@ -4038,17 +4048,17 @@ XLATE-ME
Volume keys zoom
- public static final int ringer_zoom=0x7f050153;
+ public static final int ringer_zoom=0x7f050152;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Zoom board using volume keys
- public static final int ringer_zoom_summary=0x7f050154;
+ public static final int ringer_zoom_summary=0x7f050153;
/** checkbox determining if player is robot/automated or human
checkbox determining if player is robot/automated or human
Robot player
- public static final int robot_label=0x7f0500d5;
+ public static final int robot_label=0x7f0500d4;
/** Used to format robot player names in the lists of players
found in each game listing
Used to format robot player names in the lists of players
@@ -4059,39 +4069,39 @@ XLATE-ME
Three possible choices presented in the popup above
Smart robot
- public static final int robot_smart=0x7f0500c1;
+ public static final int robot_smart=0x7f0500c0;
/** Smarter robot
- public static final int robot_smarter=0x7f0500c2;
+ public static final int robot_smarter=0x7f0500c1;
/** Smartest robot
- public static final int robot_smartest=0x7f0500c3;
+ public static final int robot_smartest=0x7f0500c2;
/** title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the
robot player will be.
title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the
robot player will be.
How smart is the robot player?
- public static final int robot_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500c0;
+ public static final int robot_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500bf;
/** text of checkbox
text of checkbox
Make new room public
- public static final int room_public=0x7f0500b7;
+ public static final int room_public=0x7f0500b6;
/** title for popup of public rooms found on server
title for popup of public rooms found on server
Select public room
- public static final int room_public_prompt=0x7f0500b8;
+ public static final int room_public_prompt=0x7f0500b7;
/** Games: %1$d
- public static final int sel_games_fmt=0x7f050264;
+ public static final int sel_games_fmt=0x7f050263;
/** Groups: %1$d
- public static final int sel_groups_fmt=0x7f050265;
+ public static final int sel_groups_fmt=0x7f050264;
/** Selected: %1$d
- public static final int sel_items_fmt=0x7f050282;
+ public static final int sel_items_fmt=0x7f050281;
# :Dialogs:
@@ -4111,16 +4121,16 @@ XLATE-ME
up when the dicts_item_select menuitem is chosen. The
possible answers are the three button text strings below.
- public static final int set_default_message_fmt=0x7f0500a3;
+ public static final int set_default_message_fmt=0x7f0500a2;
Hide buttons
- public static final int set_pref=0x7f0502c8;
+ public static final int set_pref=0x7f0502c7;
/** text of separator marking out other-setting area of the dialog
text of separator marking out other-setting area of the dialog
Other settings
- public static final int settings_label=0x7f0500bb;
+ public static final int settings_label=0x7f0500ba;
/** Checkbox that when set makes taps on the board manipulate an
arrow that then directs where tiles go when tapped in the
@@ -4129,19 +4139,19 @@ XLATE-ME
Show board arrow
- public static final int show_arrow=0x7f050139;
+ public static final int show_arrow=0x7f050138;
/** clarification of above
clarification of above
Tapped rack tiles land on this
arrow when it is visible
- public static final int show_arrow_summary=0x7f05013a;
+ public static final int show_arrow_summary=0x7f050139;
/** Show downloadable
- public static final int show_remote=0x7f05029c;
+ public static final int show_remote=0x7f05029b;
/** Wordlist browser
- public static final int show_wordlist_browser=0x7f050260;
+ public static final int show_wordlist_browser=0x7f05025f;
/** If this preference is checked, the user will not be asked to
confirm after selecting the "Turn done" menu (or tapping the
points display at the right end of the tray)
@@ -4150,51 +4160,51 @@ XLATE-ME
points display at the right end of the tray)
Skip confirming turn
- public static final int skip_confirm_turn=0x7f05014f;
+ public static final int skip_confirm_turn=0x7f05014e;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Do NOT display score
summary after every human turn
- public static final int skip_confirm_turn_summary=0x7f050150;
+ public static final int skip_confirm_turn_summary=0x7f05014f;
/** Delete selected
- public static final int slmenu_clear_sel=0x7f050276;
+ public static final int slmenu_clear_sel=0x7f050275;
/** Copy to clipboard
- public static final int slmenu_copy_sel=0x7f050275;
+ public static final int slmenu_copy_sel=0x7f050274;
/** Unselect all
- public static final int slmenu_deselect_all=0x7f050281;
+ public static final int slmenu_deselect_all=0x7f050280;
/** Select all
- public static final int slmenu_select_all=0x7f050280;
+ public static final int slmenu_select_all=0x7f05027f;
The version of Crosswords on the
phone with number \"%1$s\" is incompatible with this one for play
using SMS. One of you may need to upgrade before you can
- public static final int sms_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f0501f6;
+ public static final int sms_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f0501f5;
/** Title of phone number picker during invitation to a game via SMS
Title of phone number picker during invitation to a game via SMS
SMS Invitation
- public static final int sms_invite_title=0x7f0501fe;
+ public static final int sms_invite_title=0x7f0501fd;
/** Tap the receiving device now
- public static final int sms_ready_text=0x7f05026d;
+ public static final int sms_ready_text=0x7f05026c;
/** Square rack tiles
- public static final int square_tiles=0x7f05025d;
+ public static final int square_tiles=0x7f05025c;
/** Even if they can be taller
- public static final int square_tiles_summary=0x7f05025e;
+ public static final int square_tiles_summary=0x7f05025d;
/** Used in formatting moves and history
Used in formatting moves and history
Bonus for using all tiles: 50\n
- public static final int str_bonus_all=0x7f05010f;
+ public static final int str_bonus_all=0x7f05010e;
/** Using the hint feature is cheating by some players, and it
can be disabled via the hints_allowed preference. I should
be disabling the buttons in this case, but if I don't and you
@@ -4207,7 +4217,7 @@ XLATE-ME
disabled for this game. Enable it for a new game using the
Settings dialog.
- public static final int str_cant_hint_while_disabled=0x7f05018b;
+ public static final int str_cant_hint_while_disabled=0x7f05018a;
/** Displayed if you try to use the undo menuitem or button and
there are no tiles on the board (no move has yet been made.)
[If I'm being clever and disabling those features in this
@@ -4219,14 +4229,14 @@ XLATE-ME
Tile assignment can\'t be
- public static final int str_cant_undo_tileassign=0x7f05018a;
+ public static final int str_cant_undo_tileassign=0x7f050189;
/** Beginning of the message presented to a user when asking him
to confirm committing the current turn
Beginning of the message presented to a user when asking him
to confirm committing the current turn
Commit the current move?\n
- public static final int str_commit_confirm=0x7f05010c;
+ public static final int str_commit_confirm=0x7f05010b;
/** Used to format game name plus some other information as the
one-line summary for each game in the main screen. The name
of the game is substituted for %1$s. Something else
@@ -4250,7 +4260,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Empty squares cannot
separate tiles played.
- public static final int str_no_empties_in_turn=0x7f050183;
+ public static final int str_no_empties_in_turn=0x7f050182;
/** Same as above, but used when you try to show tiles belonging
to a player on another device (a remote player.)
Same as above, but used when you try to show tiles belonging
@@ -4258,7 +4268,7 @@ XLATE-ME
No peeking at remote
players\' tiles!
- public static final int str_no_peek_remote_tiles=0x7f050188;
+ public static final int str_no_peek_remote_tiles=0x7f050187;
/** Displayed when you try to reveal a robot player's tiles,
either by tapping on its "hidden" rack (marked by "?"
characters) or by tapping on its scoreboard entry. (The
@@ -4274,14 +4284,14 @@ XLATE-ME
No peeking at the robot\'s
- public static final int str_no_peek_robot_tiles=0x7f050187;
+ public static final int str_no_peek_robot_tiles=0x7f050186;
/** Used, with remote player's name substituted for %1$s, to
indicate that the player is remote.
Used, with remote player's name substituted for %1$s, to
indicate that the player is remote.
%1$s (remote)
- public static final int str_nonlocal_name_fmt=0x7f05010d;
+ public static final int str_nonlocal_name_fmt=0x7f05010c;
/** Displyed when you try to commit a move and it's not your
Displyed when you try to commit a move and it's not your
@@ -4289,12 +4299,12 @@ XLATE-ME
You can\'t do that; it\'s not
your turn!
- public static final int str_not_your_turn=0x7f050186;
+ public static final int str_not_your_turn=0x7f050185;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
- public static final int str_pass=0x7f050106;
+ public static final int str_pass=0x7f050105;
/** Used to alert user to loss of turn when a move is made and
phonies is set to lose turn when word used not in wordlist
@@ -4303,7 +4313,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Illegal word in move; turn lost!
- public static final int str_phony_rejected=0x7f05010b;
+ public static final int str_phony_rejected=0x7f05010a;
/** Shown when using the the Game configure screen to configure a
networked game and you try to make all players local.
Shown when using the the Game configure screen to configure a
@@ -4311,7 +4321,7 @@ XLATE-ME
At least one player must
be marked \"Remote\" for a game started as Host.
- public static final int str_reg_server_sans_remote=0x7f0500c8;
+ public static final int str_reg_server_sans_remote=0x7f0500c7;
/** This error message is shown when a remote device tries to
join a game and is providing more players than that game
expects. I do not believe it is possible to see this message
@@ -4327,18 +4337,18 @@ XLATE-ME
Refused attempt to register
unexpected user[s].
- public static final int str_reg_unexpected_user=0x7f05018c;
+ public static final int str_reg_unexpected_user=0x7f05018b;
/** Used in formatting remote player move summaries
Used in formatting remote player move summaries
Remote player %1$s made this
- public static final int str_remote_moved_fmt=0x7f050104;
+ public static final int str_remote_moved_fmt=0x7f050103;
/** Used in formatting final scores display
Used in formatting final scores display
- public static final int str_resigned=0x7f05023b;
+ public static final int str_resigned=0x7f05023a;
# Board info/error dialog messages
@@ -4359,7 +4369,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Notifies user of a normal robot move
The robot %1$s made this move:\u0020
- public static final int str_robot_moved_fmt=0x7f0500fd;
+ public static final int str_robot_moved_fmt=0x7f0500fc;
/** Shown when a remote device tries to join a game and wants to
play in a different language. As with the above, this should
be impossible when connecting via the relay.
@@ -4369,7 +4379,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Conflict between Host and
Guest wordlists; Host wins.
- public static final int str_server_dict_wins=0x7f05018d;
+ public static final int str_server_dict_wins=0x7f05018c;
/** Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal
because tiles played do not touch other tiles already on the
board (or the middle/star square in the case of the initial
@@ -4382,7 +4392,7 @@ XLATE-ME
others already in place (or the middle square on the first
- public static final int str_tiles_must_contact=0x7f050185;
+ public static final int str_tiles_must_contact=0x7f050184;
error messages
@@ -4398,7 +4408,7 @@ XLATE-ME
All tiles played must be in a
- public static final int str_tiles_not_in_line=0x7f050182;
+ public static final int str_tiles_not_in_line=0x7f050181;
/** Displayed when you try to begin a trade but there are not
seven or more tiles in the pool. The rules don't allow
trading in this case.
@@ -4408,7 +4418,7 @@ XLATE-ME
Too few tiles left
to exchange.
- public static final int str_too_few_tiles_left_to_trade=0x7f050189;
+ public static final int str_too_few_tiles_left_to_trade=0x7f050188;
/** Displayed when you try to commit the first move of the game
and are playing a single tile. The first move must include
two or more tiles.
@@ -4418,105 +4428,105 @@ XLATE-ME
Must play two or more
pieces on the first move.
- public static final int str_two_tiles_first_move=0x7f050184;
+ public static final int str_two_tiles_first_move=0x7f050183;
/** Used in formatting final scores display
Used in formatting final scores display
- public static final int str_winner=0x7f05023c;
+ public static final int str_winner=0x7f05023b;
/** Used in formatting game history (not move summaries since
information about the current rack is hidden then)
Used in formatting game history (not move summaries since
information about the current rack is hidden then)
Cumulative score: %1$d\n
- public static final int strd_cumulative_score_fmt=0x7f050103;
+ public static final int strd_cumulative_score_fmt=0x7f050102;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
+ %1$d [all remaining tiles]
- public static final int strd_remaining_tiles_add_fmt=0x7f050100;
+ public static final int strd_remaining_tiles_add_fmt=0x7f0500ff;
/** Intro to the paragraph lisiting all of the tiles remaining
Intro to the paragraph lisiting all of the tiles remaining
%1$d tiles left in pool and all
- public static final int strd_remains_expl_fmt=0x7f050112;
+ public static final int strd_remains_expl_fmt=0x7f050111;
/** First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping
the number at left end of the scoreboard)
First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping
the number at left end of the scoreboard)
%1$d tiles left in pool.
- public static final int strd_remains_header_fmt=0x7f050111;
+ public static final int strd_remains_header_fmt=0x7f050110;
/** Notifies user of a robot trade move
Notifies user of a robot trade move
exchanged %1$d tiles.
- public static final int strd_robot_traded_fmt=0x7f0500fe;
+ public static final int strd_robot_traded_fmt=0x7f0500fd;
/** I don't know how this is used. :-)
I don't know how this is used. :-)
- %1$d [time]
- public static final int strd_time_penalty_sub_fmt=0x7f050105;
+ public static final int strd_time_penalty_sub_fmt=0x7f050104;
/** Used in formatting moves and history. The total score for
one turn is substituted for %1$d.
Used in formatting moves and history. The total score for
one turn is substituted for %1$d.
Score for turn: %1$d\n
- public static final int strd_turn_score_fmt=0x7f050110;
+ public static final int strd_turn_score_fmt=0x7f05010f;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
- %1$d [unused tiles]
- public static final int strd_unused_tiles_sub_fmt=0x7f050101;
+ public static final int strd_unused_tiles_sub_fmt=0x7f050100;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
move (from %1$s across)\n
- public static final int strs_move_across_fmt=0x7f050107;
+ public static final int strs_move_across_fmt=0x7f050106;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
move (from %1$s down)\n
- public static final int strs_move_down_fmt=0x7f050108;
+ public static final int strs_move_down_fmt=0x7f050107;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
New tiles: %1$s
- public static final int strs_new_tiles_fmt=0x7f050102;
+ public static final int strs_new_tiles_fmt=0x7f050101;
/** Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Used in formatting game history and move summaries
Rack at start: %1$s\n
- public static final int strs_tray_at_start_fmt=0x7f050109;
+ public static final int strs_tray_at_start_fmt=0x7f050108;
/** title for window you get when you select menu with text
title for window you get when you select menu with text
%1$s counts/values:\n
- public static final int strs_values_header_fmt=0x7f0500ff;
+ public static final int strs_values_header_fmt=0x7f0500fe;
/** Used in formatting exchange move summaries
Used in formatting exchange move summaries
Exchanged %1$s for %2$s.
- public static final int strss_traded_for_fmt=0x7f05010a;
+ public static final int strss_traded_for_fmt=0x7f050109;
/** Your words for:
- public static final int study_langpick=0x7f05027b;
+ public static final int study_langpick=0x7f05027a;
/** You have not yet saved any words
into a studylist for %1$s.
- public static final int study_no_lang_fmt=0x7f05027c;
+ public static final int study_no_lang_fmt=0x7f05027b;
/** You have not yet saved any words
into a studylist.
- public static final int study_no_lists=0x7f05027d;
+ public static final int study_no_lists=0x7f05027c;
/** Studylist for %1$s
- public static final int studylist_title_fmt=0x7f05027a;
+ public static final int studylist_title_fmt=0x7f050279;
/** If substituting an existing same-language wordlist by
choosing button_substdict user gets to choose from a list of
wordlists. This is the title of that list.
@@ -4525,17 +4535,17 @@ XLATE-ME
wordlists. This is the title of that list.
Substitute wordlist (wordcount)
- public static final int subst_dict_title=0x7f050196;
+ public static final int subst_dict_title=0x7f050195;
Game in play
- public static final int summary_conn=0x7f0501f2;
+ public static final int summary_conn=0x7f0501f1;
Game in play with %1$s
- public static final int summary_conn_sms_fmt=0x7f050210;
+ public static final int summary_conn_sms_fmt=0x7f05020f;
/** Preference to control what's listed next to game name in the
first line of a game summary in the main games-list screen,
e.g., if the option is "Game Language", "English" in the
@@ -4552,12 +4562,12 @@ XLATE-ME
possible values
Include in game listing
- public static final int summary_field=0x7f050130;
+ public static final int summary_field=0x7f05012f;
Game over\u200C
- public static final int summary_gameover=0x7f0501f1;
+ public static final int summary_gameover=0x7f0501f0;
/** The display of each networked game includes one of three
states it can be in in the process of connecting to the
relay. These next three strings are used to create those
@@ -4597,55 +4607,55 @@ XLATE-ME
(GSM phones only)
- public static final int summary_send_data_sms=0x7f0502dd;
+ public static final int summary_send_data_sms=0x7f0502dc;
/** explanation of the above
explanation of the above
Sort racks whenever new tiles
are added
- public static final int summary_sort_tiles=0x7f050152;
+ public static final int summary_sort_tiles=0x7f050151;
/** Offer to add to and display lists
of words to remember
- public static final int summary_studyon=0x7f050273;
+ public static final int summary_studyon=0x7f050272;
/** Thumbnail size
- public static final int summary_thumbsize=0x7f050266;
+ public static final int summary_thumbsize=0x7f050265;
- public static final int summary_wait_guest=0x7f0501f0;
+ public static final int summary_wait_guest=0x7f0501ef;
Waiting for connection[s]
- public static final int summary_wait_host=0x7f0501ef;
+ public static final int summary_wait_host=0x7f0501ee;
/** Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not
part of the game and that the user should ignore it.
Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not
part of the game and that the user should ignore it.
Not used yet…
- public static final int tell_unused=0x7f050122;
+ public static final int tell_unused=0x7f050121;
/** Disabled
- public static final int thumb_off=0x7f050267;
+ public static final int thumb_off=0x7f050266;
/** color of the tiles' background
color of the tiles' background
Tile background
- public static final int tile_back=0x7f050144;
+ public static final int tile_back=0x7f050143;
Pick for me
- public static final int tilepick_all=0x7f0501da;
+ public static final int tilepick_all=0x7f0501d9;
Undo last\u200C
- public static final int tilepick_undo=0x7f0501d9;
+ public static final int tilepick_undo=0x7f0501d8;
/** title of dialog brought up in response to the
board_menu_game_left menu. The dialog lists all tiles
remaining in the pool, i.e. not on the board or in the rack
@@ -4656,11 +4666,11 @@ XLATE-ME
of the player whose turn it is.
Remaining tiles
- public static final int tiles_left_title=0x7f0501a5;
+ public static final int tiles_left_title=0x7f0501a4;
/** Title of preference in which you select which addressing
modes network games will use to communicate
- public static final int title_addrs_pref=0x7f0502b7;
+ public static final int title_addrs_pref=0x7f0502b6;
# :Screens:
@@ -4680,7 +4690,7 @@ XLATE-ME
window title
- public static final int title_dicts_list=0x7f05009b;
+ public static final int title_dicts_list=0x7f05009a;
# :Screens:
@@ -4697,26 +4707,26 @@ XLATE-ME
window title (game name substituted for %1$s)
Settings for %1$s
- public static final int title_game_config_fmt=0x7f0500aa;
+ public static final int title_game_config_fmt=0x7f0500a9;
/** alternate window title used when game is networked
alternate window title used when game is networked
%1$s settings (networked)
- public static final int title_gamenet_config_fmt=0x7f0500ab;
+ public static final int title_gamenet_config_fmt=0x7f0500aa;
/** title for popup list of langugages from which user picks
title for popup list of langugages from which user picks
Languages (based on installed
- public static final int title_langs_list=0x7f0500ac;
+ public static final int title_langs_list=0x7f0500ab;
Tap to look up
- public static final int title_lookup=0x7f0501ce;
+ public static final int title_lookup=0x7f0501cd;
/** Tap to look up or study
- public static final int title_lookup_study=0x7f0501cf;
+ public static final int title_lookup_study=0x7f0501ce;
# :Screens:
@@ -4741,11 +4751,11 @@ XLATE-ME
window title
Crosswords Settings
- public static final int title_prefs=0x7f050114;
+ public static final int title_prefs=0x7f050113;
Send SMS as data
- public static final int title_send_data_sms=0x7f0502dc;
+ public static final int title_send_data_sms=0x7f0502db;
/** If this preference is checked, tiles in the rack will be
re-ordered alphabetically whenever tiles are added,
i.e. after ever move.
@@ -4754,62 +4764,62 @@ XLATE-ME
i.e. after ever move.
Sort new tiles
- public static final int title_sort_tiles=0x7f050151;
+ public static final int title_sort_tiles=0x7f050150;
/** Enable studylists
- public static final int title_studyon=0x7f050272;
+ public static final int title_studyon=0x7f050271;
/** title of dialog allowing user to pick tiles "face up". (This
feature is not yet supported on Android.)
title of dialog allowing user to pick tiles "face up". (This
feature is not yet supported on Android.)
Letter for blank
- public static final int title_tile_picker=0x7f0501a4;
+ public static final int title_tile_picker=0x7f0501a3;
/** Updates are available for one or more
installed wordlists. Would you like to download the new
version[s] of %1$s now?
- public static final int update_dicts_fmt=0x7f05029d;
+ public static final int update_dicts_fmt=0x7f05029c;
Use defaults
- public static final int use_defaults=0x7f0502bd;
+ public static final int use_defaults=0x7f0502bc;
/** text of checkbox controlling whether there's a game timer
text of checkbox controlling whether there's a game timer
Enable game timer
- public static final int use_timer=0x7f0500be;
+ public static final int use_timer=0x7f0500bd;
/** Used to separate names of players when listing them on one
line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml.
Used to separate names of players when listing them on one
line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml.
- public static final int vs_join=0x7f05010e;
+ public static final int vs_join=0x7f05010d;
Waiting for players
- public static final int waiting_title=0x7f0502ca;
+ public static final int waiting_title=0x7f0502c9;
Bluetooth is currently off on this
device. No moves will be sent via Bluetooth.\n\nYou can enable
Bluetooth now, or later.
- public static final int warn_bt_disabled=0x7f050231;
+ public static final int warn_bt_disabled=0x7f050230;
Every networked game must have at
least one way of communicating. If you have no default connection
options every new networked game will have to be configured
- public static final int warn_no_comms=0x7f0502cd;
+ public static final int warn_no_comms=0x7f0502cc;
The number %1$s for %2$s is not
a \"mobile\" number. Import anyway?
- public static final int warn_nomobile_fmt=0x7f05020a;
+ public static final int warn_nomobile_fmt=0x7f050209;
Play via SMS is currently
@@ -4821,28 +4831,28 @@ désactivées, donc aucun coup ne sera envoyé pour cette partie. (Si vous voule
activer les parties par SMS, allez dans Paramètres->Paramètres des parties en
- public static final int warn_sms_disabled=0x7f050230;
+ public static final int warn_sms_disabled=0x7f05022f;
Are you certain this number is on an
account with unlimited texting? Click cancel if you are not.
- public static final int warn_unlimited=0x7f050211;
+ public static final int warn_unlimited=0x7f050210;
First letters
- public static final int word_search_hint=0x7f0501d8;
+ public static final int word_search_hint=0x7f0501d7;
/** Add option to every screen menu
- public static final int xlations_enabled_summary=0x7f050288;
+ public static final int xlations_enabled_summary=0x7f050287;
/** Enable local translating
- public static final int xlations_enabled_title=0x7f050287;
+ public static final int xlations_enabled_title=0x7f050286;
Fake locale for translation
- public static final int xlations_locale=0x7f0502e7;
+ public static final int xlations_locale=0x7f0502e6;
/** Empty in English, this should contain the name of the
translator/creator of the strings.xml file for this
@@ -4850,23 +4860,23 @@ réseau.)
translator/creator of the strings.xml file for this
- public static final int xlator=0x7f0501c6;
+ public static final int xlator=0x7f0501c5;
public static final int xwords_nfc_mime=0x7f050072;
public static final class style {
- public static final int about_items=0x7f070005;
- public static final int color_edit_text=0x7f070003;
- public static final int color_seek_bar=0x7f070002;
- public static final int config_separator=0x7f070000;
- public static final int evenly_spaced_horizontal=0x7f070008;
- public static final int expander_button=0x7f070009;
- public static final int expander_label=0x7f07000a;
- public static final int group_items=0x7f070006;
- public static final int new_game_buttons=0x7f07000c;
- public static final int newgame_connicon=0x7f07000b;
- public static final int relay_explain=0x7f070007;
- public static final int role_config_hint=0x7f070001;
- public static final int toolbar_button=0x7f070004;
+ public static final int about_items=0x7f080005;
+ public static final int color_edit_text=0x7f080003;
+ public static final int color_seek_bar=0x7f080002;
+ public static final int config_separator=0x7f080000;
+ public static final int evenly_spaced_horizontal=0x7f080008;
+ public static final int expander_button=0x7f080009;
+ public static final int expander_label=0x7f08000a;
+ public static final int group_items=0x7f080006;
+ public static final int new_game_buttons=0x7f08000c;
+ public static final int newgame_connicon=0x7f08000b;
+ public static final int relay_explain=0x7f080007;
+ public static final int role_config_hint=0x7f080001;
+ public static final int toolbar_button=0x7f080004;
public static final class xml {
public static final int xwprefs=0x7f040000;
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index fed1fefd1..f1a6dd391 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -65,7 +65,10 @@
- %1$d coups joués
+ - %1$d coup joué
+ - %1$d coups joués
Envoyer par NFC à soi-même ?
+ rowid
+ gameid
+ Pending packet count
+ Update checks URL
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml
index 9d0b898cf..1ced5dd62 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -65,7 +65,10 @@
- %1$d moves played
+ - %1$d move played
+ - %1$d moves played
- %1$d sevom deyalp
+ - %1$d move played
+ - %1$d moves played
Copyright (C) 1998-2012 d\'Eric
House. Aquest programari es troba sota la Llicència Pública General GNU.
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml
index bdc3b3d50..e36b61f88 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml
@@ -57,7 +57,10 @@
+ - %1$d move played
+ - %1$d moves played
Crosswords pro Android, Verze %1$s,
revize %2$s.
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-pt/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-pt/strings.xml
index 4f8031357..f063f3fbe 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- %1$d turnos jogados
XLATE ME: Modified first player.
Hra skončená
- Bolo zahraných %1$d ťahov
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java
index b39b19e9e..49f73cd79 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ public class GameSummary {
if ( gameOver ) {
result = LocUtils.getString( m_context, R.string.gameOver );
} else {
- result = LocUtils.getString( m_context, R.string.moves_fmt, nMoves );
+ result = LocUtils.getQuantityString( m_context, R.plurals.moves_fmt,
+ nMoves, nMoves );
return result;
diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocUtils.java b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocUtils.java
index 54e30a3d4..975da03b5 100644
--- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocUtils.java
+++ b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocUtils.java
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class LocUtils {
public static String getString( Context context, int id )
- return getString( context, true, id );
+ return getString( context, true, id );
public static String getString( Context context, boolean canUseDB, int id )
@@ -225,6 +225,16 @@ public class LocUtils {
return result;
+ public static String getQuantityString( Context context, int id,
+ int quantity, Object... params )
+ {
+ DbgUtils.logf( "getQuantityString(%d): punting on locutils stuff for"
+ + " now. FIXME", quantity );
+ String result = context.getResources()
+ .getQuantityString( id, quantity, params );
+ return result;
+ }
public static void setXlation( Context context, String key, CharSequence txt )
loadXlations( context );