mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 08:48:06 +01:00
move extra counts to header
Fix so old versions of the app will still be able to read the new format
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 72 additions and 30 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
DICT2DAWGARGS = -r -nosort
DICTNOTE = "Wordlist created in the 1930s for language learners"
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# deal with DOS files
LANGFILTER: tr -d '\r'
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ allbins:
rm palmspecials.bin
boardSizes.bin: ../xloc.py info.txt
../xloc.py -bs -out $@
extraCounts.bin: ../xloc.py info.txt
../xloc.py -ec -out $@
table.bin: ../xloc.py
@ -302,6 +302,15 @@ $(XWLANG)%_note.bin:
echo -n $(DICTNOTE) > $@
perl -e "print pack(\"c\",0)" >> $@
langName.bin: ../xloc.py
../xloc.py -info LANGNAME -out $@
langCode.bin: ../xloc.py
../xloc.py -info LANGCODE -out $@
otherCounts.bin: ../xloc.py
../xloc.py -oc -out otherCounts.bin
cat table.bin values.bin frankspecials.bin $(XWLANG)StartLoc.bin \
dawg$(XWLANG)$*_*.bin | md5sum | awk '{print $$1}' | tr -d '\n' > $@
@ -312,7 +321,8 @@ $(XWLANG)%_headerFlags.bin:
perl -e "print pack(\"n\",$$FLAGS)" > $@
$(XWLANG)%_newheader.bin: $(XWLANG)%_wordcount.bin $(XWLANG)%_note.bin \
$(XWLANG)%_md5sum.bin $(XWLANG)%_headerFlags.bin boardSizes.bin
$(XWLANG)%_md5sum.bin $(XWLANG)%_headerFlags.bin langName.bin \
langCode.bin otherCounts.bin
SIZ=0; \
for FILE in $+; do \
SIZ=$$(($$SIZ + $$(ls -l $$FILE | awk '{print $$5}'))); \
@ -54,13 +54,18 @@ def splitFaces( buf ):
return faces
def loadCountsAndValues( fh, numFaces, nSizes, data ):
def loadCountsAndValues( fh, numFaces, extraData, data ):
for ii in range(numFaces):
counts = []
for jj in range(nSizes):
counts.append(int.from_bytes(fh.read(1), 'little'))
data[ii]['counts'] = counts
data[ii]['counts'] = {15: int.from_bytes(fh.read(1), 'little')}
data[ii]['val'] = int.from_bytes(fh.read(1), 'little')
if extraData:
buf = io.BytesIO(extraData)
while True:
siz = int.from_bytes(buf.read(1), 'little')
if not siz: break
for ii in range(numFaces):
count = int.from_bytes(buf.read(1), 'little')
data[ii]['counts'][siz] = count
def eatBitmap( fh ):
nCols = int(oneByteFmt.unpack(fh.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0])
@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ def process(args):
with open(args.DAWG, "rb") as dawg:
nWords = 0
boardSizes = [15]
extraData = None
headerFmt = struct.Struct('!HH')
(flags, headerLen) = headerFmt.unpack(dawg.read(headerFmt.size))
@ -169,13 +174,14 @@ def process(args):
print( 'header: skipped flags', file=sys.stderr)
nBoardSizes = int.from_bytes(header.read(1), 'big')
print( 'header: nBoardSizes: {}'.format(nBoardSizes), file=sys.stderr )
boardSizes = []
for ii in range(nBoardSizes):
siz = int.from_bytes(header.read(1), 'big')
print( 'header: read sizes: {}'.format(boardSizes), file=sys.stderr)
langName = getNullTermParam(header)
langCode = getNullTermParam(header)
print('header: langName: {}; langCode: {}'.format(langName, langCode),
extraSize = int.from_bytes(header.read(1), 'little')
print( 'header: extraSize: {}'.format(extraSize), file=sys.stderr )
extraData = header.read(extraSize)
except Exception as ex:
print( 'header: exception!! {} '.format(ex) )
@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ def process(args):
langCode = 0x7F & oneByteFmt.unpack(dawg.read(oneByteFmt.size))[0]
dawg.read( oneByteFmt.size ) # skip byte
loadCountsAndValues( dawg, numFaces, len(boardSizes), data )
loadCountsAndValues( dawg, numFaces, extraData, data )
loadSpecialData( dawg, data )
offsetStruct = struct.Struct('!L')
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ def mkParser():
parser.add_argument('-enc', dest = 'ENCODING', type = str, help = 'use this encoding' )
parser.add_argument('-tn', dest = 'DO_TABLE', action = 'store_true',
help = 'output table file' )
parser.add_argument('-bs', dest = 'DO_BOARDSIZE', action = 'store_true',
help = 'output boardSizes file' )
parser.add_argument('-oc', dest = 'DO_OTHERCOUNTS', action = 'store_true',
help = 'write extra (non-15x15 board) counts' )
parser.add_argument('-info', dest = 'INFO_KEY', type = str,
help = 'info.txt keyword to write null-terminated' )
# parser.add_argument('-tn', dest = 'UNICODE', default = False,
# action = 'store_true', help = 'assume unicode')
@ -76,6 +78,12 @@ def printLetters( letters, outfile ):
letters = ' '.join(letters)
def writeInfoFile(xlocToken, key, outfile):
val = xlocToken[key]
assert val
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', 0 ))
def writeMapFile(xlocToken, outfile):
tiles = xlocToken['_TILES']
@ -102,22 +110,36 @@ def writeValuesFile(xlocToken, outfile):
print('writeValuesFile(out={}): writing header: {}'.format(outfile, header))
outfile.write(struct.pack('!H', int(header, 16)))
cs = xlocToken.get('COUNT_SIZES', '15').split()
useOffset = cs.index('15')
nCounts = 0
for tile in xlocToken['_TILES']:
counts = tile['counts'].split()
assert nCounts == 0 or nCounts == len(counts)
nCounts = len(counts)
for count in counts:
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', int(count)))
assert nCounts == len(cs)
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', int(counts[useOffset])))
val = int(tile['val'])
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', val))
def writeBoardSizesFile(xlocToken, outfile):
def writeOtherCounts(xlocToken, outfile):
cs = xlocToken.get('COUNT_SIZES', '15').split()
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', len(cs)))
for siz in cs:
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', int(siz)))
tiles = xlocToken['_TILES']
# Write the size of the data so it can be skipped by the reader,
# which won't know how many faces the tile set has yet.
totalSiz = (len(cs) - 1) * (1 + len(tiles))
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', totalSiz))
for useOffset in range(len(cs)):
siz = int(cs[useOffset])
if siz == 15: continue
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', siz))
for tile in tiles:
count = tile['counts'].split()[useOffset]
outfile.write(struct.pack('B', int(count)))
def main():
print('{}.main {} called'.format(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]))
@ -128,6 +150,10 @@ def main():
errorOut('{} not found'.format(infoFile))
xlocToken = parseTileInfo(infoFile, args.ENCODING)
if args.INFO_KEY and args.OUTFILE:
with open(args.OUTFILE, 'wb') as outfile:
writeInfoFile(xlocToken, args.INFO_KEY, outfile);
if args.DO_TABLE or args.TABLE_FILE:
path = args.TABLE_FILE or args.OUTFILE
with open(path, 'wb') as outfile:
@ -144,10 +170,9 @@ def main():
with open(path, 'wb') as outfile:
writeValuesFile( xlocToken, outfile )
if args.DO_BOARDSIZE and args.OUTFILE:
if args.DO_OTHERCOUNTS and args.OUTFILE:
with open(args.OUTFILE, 'wb') as outfile:
writeBoardSizesFile( xlocToken, outfile )
writeOtherCounts(xlocToken, outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Add table
Reference in a new issue