Punt on problem of svn version in about box changing: comment in

makefile, and make it the last string.
This commit is contained in:
ehouse 2006-09-17 05:03:59 +00:00
parent a7d45aca6c
commit 9c23a2d1fe
2 changed files with 26 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ CFLAGS += -Wall -DAPPID=\'$(APPID)\' $(MYDEFS_68K) $(INCLUDES)
$(TARGET): $(PLATFORM)/objs.prc $(PLATFORM)/res.prc
$(PAR) -c -a 'resource|backup' -v 4 $@ $(NAME) $(TYPE) $(APPID) $^
zip $(TARGET).zip $(TARGET)
# zip $(TARGET).zip $(TARGET)
@ -278,7 +278,13 @@ xwords4.rcp: l10n/xwords4_$(LANG).rcp.pre xwords4defines.h $(BITMAP_RSRCS)
gcc -x c -E -P $(INCLUDES) $(MYDEFS_68K) $(DEBUG) \
-DICONTEXT=\"$(ICONTEXT)\" $< > $@
LocalizedStrIncludes.h StrL03e8.bin: ./l10n/StrRes_$(LANG).pre ./l10n/mkstrsres.c
# LocalizedStrIncludes.h: SVN_REV can change, but I don't have a way
# to express a dependency on it. If it does change, strings can wind
# up with offsets out of sync with the .h file. Not sure what to do
# about this.... Clean builds are probably a safe fallback.
LocalizedStrIncludes.h StrL03e8.bin: \
./l10n/StrRes_$(LANG).pre ./l10n/mkstrsres.c svn_stamp
-DLANGSTRFILE=\"$<\" ./l10n/mkstrsres.c \
-o mkstrsres

View file

@ -49,23 +49,6 @@
{ "STR_OK", "Ok" },
{ "STR_ABOUT_TITLE", "About Crosswords" },
{ "STR_DEFAULT_NAME", "Player %d" },
"Crosswords " XW_PALM_VERSION_STRING " (rev. " SVN_REV ").\n" \
"Copyright 1998-2006 by Eric House. "\
"Released under the GNU Public License.\n\n"\
"See the manual at xwords.sourceforge.net\n\n" \
"This program is postcardware. If you like it " \
"please mail a postcard to:\n" \
"The Houses\n" \
"1610 NW 14th Place\n" \
"Corvallis, OR 97330 USA\n\n"
"Developed on Debian GNU/Linux using the prc-tools "\
"suite." \
{ "STR_CONFIRM_END_GAME", "Are you sure you want to end the game now?"},
{ "STR_CONFIRM_TRADE", "Are you sure you want to use your " \
"turn trading tiles?" },
@ -148,3 +131,19 @@
"connection." },
{ "STR_RELAY_GENERIC", "Relay error: something's wrong." },
"Crosswords " XW_PALM_VERSION_STRING " (rev. " SVN_REV ").\n" \
"Copyright 1998-2006 by Eric House. "\
"Released under the GNU Public License.\n\n"\
"See the manual at xwords.sourceforge.net\n\n" \
"This program is postcardware. If you like it " \
"please mail a postcard to:\n" \
"The Houses\n" \
"1610 NW 14th Place\n" \
"Corvallis, OR 97330 USA\n\n"
"Developed on Debian GNU/Linux using the prc-tools "\
"suite." \