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b/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/drawable-hdpi/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 5fb73cd78..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/drawable-hdpi/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/clear_all__gen.png -/search__gen.png -/select_all__gen.png -back__gen.png -content_copy__gen.png -content_discard__gen.png -content_edit.png -content_new__gen.png -dict__gen.png -down__gen.png -download__gen.png -email__gen.png -new_group__gen.png -prefs__gen.png -relabel__gen.png -reset__gen.png -save__gen.png -send__gen.png -up__gen.png -clear_all__gen.png -search__gen.png -select_all__gen.png -content_new_net__gen.png -content_new_solo__gen.png -multigame__gen.png -sologame__gen.png diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/drawable-mdpi/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/drawable-mdpi/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 5fb73cd78..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/drawable-mdpi/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -/clear_all__gen.png 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-XWPrefs.java -XWService.java -XWSumListPreference.java -XWThumbListPreference.java -DelegateBase.java -DlgID.java -GamesListDelegate.java -LookupAlert.java -BoardDelegate.java -ChatDelegate.java -DictBrowseDelegate.java -DictImportDelegate.java -DictsDelegate.java -DrawSelDelegate.java -GameConfigActivity.java -GameConfigDelegate.java -NewGameDelegate.java -RelayGameDelegate.java -StudyListActivity.java -StudyListDelegate.java -BTInviteDelegate.java -InviteDelegate.java -ListDelegateBase.java -PrefsDelegate.java -SMSInviteDelegate.java -DwnldActivity.java -DwnldDelegate.java -GroupStateListener.java -ListGroup.java -ConnViaViewLayout.java -Delegator.java -DevID.java -HeaderWithExpander.java -LangListPreference.java -ListDelegator.java -NagTurnReceiver.java -NotAgainView.java -OnBootReceiver.java -RelayInviteActivity.java -RelayInviteDelegate.java -XWConnAddrPreference.java -XWDevIDPreference.java -XWExpListAdapter.java -RequestCode.java -BoardFrag.java -ChatFrag.java -DictBrowseFrag.java -FragActivity.java -GameConfigFrag.java -GamesListFrag.java -Main.java -nohup.out -StudyListFrag.java -XWFragment.java -ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java -RelayCheckBoxPreference.java -MainActivity.java -DictsFrag.java -DualpaneDelegate.java -BoardContainer.java -BiDiSockWrap.java -WiDirService.java -WiDirInviteActivity.java -WiDirInviteDelegate.java -XWPacket.java -TwoStrsItem.java -Perms23.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/jni/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/jni/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 025de6a24..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/jni/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -BoardHandler.java -CommonPrefs.java -CommsAddrRec.java -CurGameInfo.java -DictInfo.java -DrawCtx.java -DrawScoreInfo.java -GameSummary.java -JNIThread.java -JNIUtilsImpl.java -JNIUtils.java -LocalPlayer.java -SyncedDraw.java -TransportProcs.java -UtilCtxtImpl.java -UtilCtxt.java -XwJNI.java -BoardDims.java -LastMoveInfo.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/loc/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/loc/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index a06b22eb8..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/loc/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/LocItemEditActivity.java -/LocItemEditDelegate.java -LocActivity.java -LocDelegate.java -LocIDs.java -LocIDsData.java -LocListAdapter.java -LocListItem.java -LocSearcher.java -LocUtils.java -XlatingSpinnerAdapter.java -LocItemEditActivity.java -LocItemEditDelegate.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 37af10ec2..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -*.apk -.DS_Store -.gradle -/.idea/libraries -/.idea/workspace.xml -/build -/captures -/libs-debug -/libs-release -/local.properties -/obj-debug -/obj-release -ant_out.txt -bin -gen -obj -proguard.cfg -res/drawable*/*gen.png -.idea/ -*.iml diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 796b96d1c..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -/build diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/build.gradle b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/build.gradle deleted file mode 100644 index 9018375db..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/build.gradle +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ -def VARIANT_NAME = 'xw4' -def INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS = 6 -def CHAT_ENABLED = true -def LIBS_DEBUG = 'libs-debug' -def LIBS_RELEASE = 'libs-release' -def VERSION_CODE_BASE = 1 -def VARIANTS = [ "Xw4", "Xw4dbg" ] -def BUILDS = [ "Debug", "Release" ] - -apply plugin: 'com.android.application' - -dependencies { - compile files('../libs/gcm.jar') - compile files('../libs/android-support-v13.jar') -} - -android { - compileSdkVersion 23 - buildToolsVersion "23.0.2" - defaultConfig { - minSdkVersion 7 - targetSdkVersion 23 - } - - // Rename all output artifacts to include version information - // applicationVariants.all { variant -> - // renameArtifact(variant) - // variant.buildConfigField "String", "FIELD_NAME", "\"my String\"" - // } - - flavorDimensions "variant"//, "abi" - productFlavors { - xw4 { - dimension "variant" - applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4" - } - xw4dbg { - dimension "variant" - applicationId "org.eehouse.android.xw4dbg" - } - - // WARNING: "all" breaks things. Seems to be a keyword. Need - // to figure out how to express include-all-abis - // all { - // dimension "abi" - // versionCode 0 + VERSION_CODE_BASE - // } - // armeabi { - // dimension "abi" - // versionCode 1 + VERSION_CODE_BASE - // } - // x86 { - // dimension "abi" - // versionCode 2 + VERSION_CODE_BASE - // } - // armeabiv7a { - // dimension "abi" - // versionCode 3 + VERSION_CODE_BASE - // } - - } - - signingConfigs { - release { - storeFile file(System.getenv("HOME") + "/.keystore") - keyAlias "mykey" - - // These two lines make gradle believe that the signingConfigs - // section is complete. Without them, tasks like installRelease - // will not be available! - storePassword "notReal" - keyPassword "notReal" - } - } - - buildTypes { - release { - signingConfig signingConfigs.release - debuggable false - minifyEnabled true - proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' - } - debug { - debuggable true - // This doesn't work on marshmallow: duplicate permission error - // applicationIdSuffix ".debug" - } - } - - sourceSets { - // Use symlinks instead of setting non-conventional - // directories here. AS doesn't respect what's set here: it'll - // compile, but post-install app launch and source-level - // debugging don't work. - release { - jniLibs.srcDir "../$LIBS_RELEASE" - } - debug { - jniLibs.srcDir "../$LIBS_DEBUG" - } - } - - lintOptions { - abortOnError false - } - - def gitrev = "git describe --tags".execute().text.trim() - applicationVariants.all { variant -> - variant.outputs.each { output -> - output.outputFile = - new File(output.outputFile.parent, - output.outputFile.name.replace(".apk", "-${gitrev}.apk")) - } - } -} - -// Prevent release builds. They haven't been tested, and now that -// f-droid has been releasing them they're KNOWN not to work. -android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> - if ( variant.name.endsWith("Release") ) { - String NAME = "check" + variant.name.capitalize() + "Manifest" - task "$NAME"(overwrite: true) << { - throw new RuntimeException('<<<<< Release builds should not be built ' - + 'using gradle! Please use ant for now. >>>>>'); - } - } -} - -dependencies { - compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) -} - -task genVers(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/genvers.sh', '--variant', VARIANT_NAME, - '--client-vers', INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS, - '--vers-outfile', "assets/gitvers.txt" -} - -task mkImages(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/mkimages.sh' -} - -task copyStrings(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/copy-strings.py' -} - -task ndkSetup(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine "../scripts/ndksetup.sh" -} - -task myPreBuild(dependsOn: ['genVers', 'ndkSetup', 'mkImages', 'copyStrings', 'mkXml']) { -} -preBuild.dependsOn myPreBuild - -task ndkBuildDebug(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/ndkbuild.sh', '-j3', "CHAT_ENABLED=$CHAT_ENABLED", - 'BUILD_TARGET=debug', "INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS=$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS", - "VARIANT=$VARIANT_NAME", "NDK_LIBS_OUT=$LIBS_DEBUG", 'NDK_OUT=./obj-debug' -} - -task ndkBuildRelease(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/ndkbuild.sh', '-j3', "CHAT_ENABLED=$CHAT_ENABLED", - 'BUILD_TARGET=release', "INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS=$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS", - "VARIANT=$VARIANT_NAME", "NDK_LIBS_OUT=$LIBS_RELEASE", 'NDK_OUT=./obj-release' -} - -task mkXml(type: Exec) { - workingDir '../' - commandLine '../scripts/mk_xml.py', '-o', - "src/org/eehouse/android/$VARIANT_NAME/loc/LocIDsData.java", - '-t', "debug", '-v', "$VARIANT_NAME" -} - -afterEvaluate { - VARIANTS.each { VARIANT -> - String compileTask = "compile${VARIANT}ReleaseNdk" - tasks.getByName(compileTask).dependsOn ndkBuildRelease - compileTask = "compile${VARIANT}DebugNdk" - tasks.getByName(compileTask).dependsOn ndkBuildDebug - } -} - -task askForPassword << { - def password = System.getenv("ANDROID_KEY_PASS") - if (null == password || 0 == password.length()) { - if ( null != System.console() ) { - password = new String(System.console() - .readPassword("ANDROID_KEY_PASS not set; " - + "Keystore password: ")) - } else { - password = null - println( "ANDROID_KEY_PASS not set and no console; " ) - println( "sign it yerself later. (Or you might try" ) - println( " running gradlew with the --no-daemon flag)" ) - } - } - - if ( null != password ) { - android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = password - android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = password - } -} - -tasks.whenTaskAdded { theTask -> - if (theTask.name.equals("packageRelease")) { - theTask.dependsOn "askForPassword" - } -} - -// def getVersionName() { -// try { -// def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() -// exec { -// commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--dirty' -// standardOutput = stdout -// } -// return stdout.toString().trim() -// } -// catch (ignored) { -// return null; -// } -// } - -// def renameArtifact(variant) { -// variant.outputs.each { output -> -// def name = String.format( "XWords4-%s-%s.apk", variant.name, -// getVersionName() ) -// output.outputFile = new File( (String)output.outputFile.parent, -// (String)name ) -// } -// } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml deleted file mode 120000 index 4db074ab1..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../../AndroidManifest.xml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/assets b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/assets deleted file mode 120000 index f86487ffc..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/assets +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../../assets/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/java b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/java deleted file mode 120000 index a1d005e30..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/java +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../../src/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/res b/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/res deleted file mode 120000 index fc8850136..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/src/main/res +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../../res \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java b/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java deleted file mode 100644 index ecbda35c5..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/archive/R.java +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7038 +0,0 @@ -/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. - * - * This class was automatically generated by the - * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It - * should not be modified by hand. - */ - -package org.eehouse.android.xw4; - -public final class R { - public static final class array { - /** string name="dict_url">Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir recommencer les %1$d - parties sélectionnées ?\n\n(Recommencer fait perdre tous les coups et -toutes les informations de connexion.) - */ - public static final int confirm_reset_fmt=0x7f090002; - /** Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer les -%1$d parties sélectionnées ? Cette action ne peut pas être annulée. - */ - public static final int confirm_seldeletes_fmt=0x7f090001; - /** Are you sure you want to - delete the %1$d selected word[s]?\n\n(This action cannot be undone.) -Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer -les %1$d mots sélectionnés ?\n\n(Cette action ne peut pas être annulée.) - */ - public static final int confirm_studylist_clear_fmt=0x7f090014; - /** %1$s (%2$d games) -%1$s (%2$d parties) - */ - public static final int group_name_fmt=0x7f090013; - /** Are you sure you want to delete - the %1$d selected group[s]? -Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer les -%1$d groupes sélectionnés ? - */ - public static final int groups_confirm_del_fmt=0x7f090011; - /** \n\n(%1$d game[s] will - also be deleted.) -\n\n(%1$d parties seront aussi -effacées.) - */ - public static final int groups_confirm_del_games_fmt=0x7f090012; - /** - -Please select the %1$d device[s] - you want to include in this game. Use the \"%2$s\" - button if you don\'t see a device you expect. -Sélectionnez les %1$d périphériques que -vous voulez intégrer dans cette partie. Utilisez le bouton \"%2$s\" si vous ne -voyez pas un périphérique que vous attendez. - */ - public static final int invite_bt_desc_fmt=0x7f09000b; - /** If a networked game is opened and is not complete, i.e. if it - is listed as expecting remote players who have not yet shown - up, then the most likely explanation is that none has been - invited. (It's also possible that an invitation has been - sent, but I have no way of knowing that.) So every time I - open such a game I give the user a chance to issue an - invititation while trying to warn him not to send duplicates. - The number of players missing is substituted for "%1$d". - If a networked game is opened and is not complete, i.e. if it - is listed as expecting remote players who have not yet shown - up, then the most likely explanation is that none has been - invited. (It's also possible that an invitation has been - sent, but I have no way of knowing that.) So every time I - open such a game I give the user a chance to issue an - invititation while trying to warn him not to send duplicates. - The number of players missing is substituted for "%1$d". -This game is missing %1$d remote - player[s]. Would you like to invite someone to join - assuming - you haven\'t already? -Il manque %1$d joueur[s] distant[s] à cette -partie. Voulez-vous inviter quelqu\'un - - à moins que vous ne l\'ayez déjà -fait ? - */ - public static final int invite_msg_fmt=0x7f090004; - /** - */ - public static final int invite_p2p_desc_fmt=0x7f09000e; - /** - */ - public static final int invite_relay_desc_fmt=0x7f09000d; - public static final int invite_sent_fmt=0x7f090005; - /** - -Please check the %1$d phone - number[s] you want to invite to your new game, then tap \"%2$s\". -Vérifiez les %1$d numéros de téléphone -que vous voulez inviter à votre partie, puis touchez \"%2$s\". - */ - public static final int invite_sms_desc_fmt=0x7f09000c; - /** %1$s (%2$d wordlists) -%1$s (%2$d listes de mots) - */ - public static final int lang_name_fmt=0x7f090017; - /** %1$s played %2$s for %3$d points -%1$s a joué %2$s pour %3$d points - */ - public static final int lmi_move_fmt=0x7f09001b; - /** %1$s traded %2$d tiles -%1$s a échangé %2$d jetons - */ - public static final int lmi_trade_fmt=0x7f09001c; - /** Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of - how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday - instead... - Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of - how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday - instead... - */ - public static final int moves_fmt=0x7f090000; - /** Text of "toast" (mini window briefly displayed) shown when a - game first connects to the relay. The three substitutions - are the device's order within the game (e.g. 2), the name of - the room, and how many additional players have not yet - registered with the relay in this game. This should be seen - only once per game. - Short for "points", this is shown at the right end of the - tray in place of the first tile placed along with the points - the current move would earn if committed. -pts - Text of "toast" (mini window briefly displayed) shown when a - game first connects to the relay. The three substitutions - are the device's order within the game (e.g. 2), the name of - the room, and how many additional players have not yet - registered with the relay in this game. This should be seen - only once per game. -Device %1$d connected to relay in - room \"%2$s\". Waiting for %3$d player[s]. -Le périphérique %1$d est connecté au -relai dans le salon \"%2$s\". En attente de %3$d joueur[s]. - */ - public static final int msg_relay_waiting_fmt=0x7f090006; - /** %1$d day[s] -%1$d jour[s] - */ - public static final int nag_days_fmt=0x7f09001a; - /** body of warning notification reminder message. First three - are used to build a string based on the length of time that's then - inserted in the fourth. E.g "PlayerName moved more than 2 day[s], - 4 hour[s] ago." -%1$d minute[s] -%1$d minute[s] -%1$d hour[s] -%1$d heure[s] - */ - public static final int nag_hours_fmt=0x7f090019; - /** body of warning notification reminder message. First three - are used to build a string based on the length of time that's then - inserted in the fourth. E.g "PlayerName moved more than 2 day[s], - 4 hour[s] ago." - */ - public static final int nag_minutes_fmt=0x7f090018; - /** Installed %1$d new translations -%1$d nouvelles traductions installées - */ - public static final int new_xlations_fmt=0x7f090016; - /** XLATE-ME -%1$d player[s] -%1$d joueur[s] - */ - public static final int nplayers_fmt=0x7f09001d; - /** %1$d word[s] copied -%1$d mots copiés - */ - public static final int paste_done_fmt=0x7f090015; - /** Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges - tiles (instead of forming a new word to earn points) - Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges - tiles (instead of forming a new word to earn points) -Are you sure you want to exchange the - %1$d selected tiles (%2$s)? -Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir échanger les %1$d -jetons sélectionnés (%2$s) ? - */ - public static final int query_trade_fmt=0x7f09000a; - /** Shown after "resend messages" menuitem chosen - */ - public static final int resent_msgs_fmt=0x7f09001e; - /** Intro to the paragraph listing all of the tiles remaining - Intro to the paragraph lisiting all of the tiles remaining -%1$d tiles left in pool and all - tray[s]:\n -%1$d jetons restants dans le sac et -tous les chevalets :\n - */ - public static final int strd_remains_expl_fmt=0x7f090009; - /** First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping - the number at left end of the scoreboard) - First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping - the number at left end of the scoreboard) -%1$d tiles left in pool. -%1$d jetons restants dans le sac. - */ - public static final int strd_remains_header_fmt=0x7f090008; - /** Notifies user of a robot trade move - returned by util_getUserString - Notifies user of a robot trade move -exchanged %1$d tiles. -a échangé %1$d jetons. - */ - public static final int strd_robot_traded_fmt=0x7f090007; - public static final int warn_relay_games_fmt=0x7f090010; - } - public static final class string { - /** copyright info - %1$d torns jugats - about dialog stuff - about dialog stuff - copyright info -Copyright (C) 1998-2015 by Eric - House. This free/open source software is released under the GNU Public - License. - copyright info - */ - public static final int about_copyright=0x7f0501d2; - /** Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by - Eric House and translators - Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by - Eric House and translators -Toolbar icons by Sarah Chu. - Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by - Eric House and translators - */ - public static final int about_credits=0x7f0501d5; - /** - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # About dialog - # - # Dialog giving copyright and other basic info about # the app - ########################################################### - - String giving version info, which is substituted in. - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # About dialog - # - # Dialog giving copyright and other basic info about # the app - ########################################################### - - String giving version info, which is substituted in. -Crosswords for Android, Version %1$s, - rev %2$s, built on %3$s. - Bylo zahráno %1$d tahů - about dialog stuff - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # About dialog - # - # Dialog giving copyright and other basic info about # the app - ########################################################### - - String giving version info, which is substituted in. - */ - public static final int about_vers_fmt=0x7f0501d1; - /** Another paragraph in the about dialog - Another paragraph in the about dialog -For a manual or sourcecode see: - http://xwords.sf.net/android.php. To report bugs, suggest - features, offer to help, etc., please email: - xwords@eehouse.org. - Another paragraph in the about dialog - */ - public static final int about_web=0x7f0501d3; - /** %1$s added to %2$s studylist - */ - public static final int add_done_fmt=0x7f050291; - /** Add %1$s to studylist - */ - public static final int add_to_study_fmt=0x7f05028b; - /** Debugging stuff. Localize if you think your langauge users will - care. -XLATE-ME -For debugging - */ - public static final int advanced=0x7f0502ff; - /** This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen - This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen -Advanced game settings - This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen - */ - public static final int advanced_config=0x7f05018e; - /** XLATE-ME -You should never need these... - */ - public static final int advanced_summary=0x7f050300; - public static final int after_restart=0x7f050356; - /** - -The wordlist %1$s contains only - tile information. There are no words to browse. - - */ - public static final int alert_empty_dict_fmt=0x7f0501f0; - public static final int app_name=0x7f050083; - /** Unable to connect to Crosswords - on the device %1$s. Please check that the device is within range - and that Crosswords is installed on it. - */ - public static final int app_not_found_fmt=0x7f0502d7; - public static final int app_version=0x7f050000; - /** the background color of the area outside the board, - e.g. between entries in the scoreboard - the background color of the area outside the board, - e.g. between entries in the scoreboard -Board background - the background color of the area outside the board, - e.g. between entries in the scoreboard - */ - public static final int background=0x7f05014e; - /** Appended to the above in the phonies_warn case. User may - ignore the warning - Appended to the above in the phonies_warn case. User may - ignore the warning -\u0020Do you still want to accept - this move? - Appended to the above in the phonies_warn case. User may - ignore the warning - */ - public static final int badwords_accept=0x7f0500f9; - /** Appended to the above in the phonies_disallow case. User has - lost his turn. - Appended to the above in the phonies_disallow case. User has - lost his turn. - Turn lost. - Appended to the above in the phonies_disallow case. User has - lost his turn. - */ - public static final int badwords_lost=0x7f0500fa; - /** title of the dialog in which the above is posted. - title of the dialog in which the above is posted. -Illegal word[s] - title of the dialog in which the above is posted. - */ - public static final int badwords_title=0x7f0500fb; - /** Blue - */ - public static final int blue=0x7f050152; - /** board menu for small devices only - board menu for small devices only -Browse wordlist - board menu for small devices only - */ - public static final int board_menu_dict=0x7f05022f; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Board screen menu - ############################################################ - - This menu commits the current move as it's been laid out on - the board - system menu for main board view - system menu for main board view - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Board screen menu - ############################################################ - - This menu commits the current move as it's been laid out on - the board - system menu for main board view - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Board screen menu - ############################################################ - - This menu commits the current move as it's been laid out on - the board - */ - public static final int board_menu_done=0x7f0500fc; - /** Brings up "About Crosswords" dialog - Brings up "About Crosswords" dialog - Brings up "About Crosswords" dialog - */ - public static final int board_menu_file_about=0x7f050099; - /** - -Email author - - */ - public static final int board_menu_file_email=0x7f0501f5; - /** menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles in - the language of the game along with how many of each there - are and how many points each is worth. This display is the - same throughout the game. - menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles in - the language of the game along with how many of each there - are and how many points each is worth. This display is the - same throughout the game. -Counts and values… - menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles in - the language of the game along with how many of each there - are and how many points each is worth. This display is the - same throughout the game. - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_counts=0x7f050102; - /** Brings up explanation of the game's final score. If the game - is not yet over, gives you a choice whether to end it now, - and if you decline does nothing. - Brings up explanation of the game's final score. If the game - is not yet over, gives you a choice whether to end it now, - and if you decline does nothing. -Final scores - Brings up explanation of the game's final score. If the game - is not yet over, gives you a choice whether to end it now, - and if you decline does nothing. - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_final=0x7f050105; - /** Brings up listing of all moves played so far this game. - Brings up listing of all moves played so far this game. -Game history… - Brings up listing of all moves played so far this game. - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_history=0x7f050104; - /** menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles not - yet played and not in the rack of the player whose rack is - visible (whose turn it is, generally). This display will - change as tiles are used and depending on what player is - asking. - menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles not - yet played and not in the rack of the player whose rack is - visible (whose turn it is, generally). This display will - change as tiles are used and depending on what player is - asking. -Tiles remaining… - menu on Game submenu: brings up dialog listing all tiles not - yet played and not in the rack of the player whose rack is - visible (whose turn it is, generally). This display will - change as tiles are used and depending on what player is - asking. - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_left=0x7f050103; - /** XLATE-ME -Network stats - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_netstats=0x7f05030a; - /** Meaningful only for networked games, this menu causes all - messages that have not yet been acknowledged by a remote - device in the game to be resent. Eventually I hope to be - able to remove this from non-debug versions of the game - because users should not have to do do this EVER. - Meaningful only for networked games, this menu causes all - messages that have not yet been acknowledged by a remote - device in the game to be resent. Eventually I hope to be - able to remove this from non-debug versions of the game - because users should not have to do do this EVER. -Resend messages - Meaningful only for networked games, this menu causes all - messages that have not yet been acknowledged by a remote - device in the game to be resent. Eventually I hope to be - able to remove this from non-debug versions of the game - because users should not have to do do this EVER. - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_resend=0x7f050107; - /** Resign - */ - public static final int board_menu_game_resign=0x7f050106; - public static final int board_menu_game_showInvites=0x7f05030b; - /** Invite - */ - public static final int board_menu_invite=0x7f050284; - /** - -Pass - - */ - public static final int board_menu_pass=0x7f0501e1; - /** This menu begins an exchange of tiles: puts the board into - trade mode. - This menu begins an exchange of tiles: puts the board into - trade mode. - This menu begins an exchange of tiles: puts the board into - trade mode. - */ - public static final int board_menu_trade=0x7f0500fd; - /** hide and shows the tray. On devices where there is enough - room for the full board and tray to be shown then hiding the - tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?' - characters. - hide and shows the tray. On devices where there is enough - room for the full board and tray to be shown then hiding the - tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?' - characters. - hide and shows the tray. On devices where there is enough - room for the full board and tray to be shown then hiding the - tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?' - characters. - */ - public static final int board_menu_tray_hide=0x7f0500fe; - public static final int board_menu_tray_show=0x7f0500ff; - /** - -Undo/Redo - - */ - public static final int board_menu_undo_current=0x7f050228; - /** Undos the last *committed* turn. Note that this is different - from the undo button that undoes or redoes an in-progress - not-yet-committed turn. This is disabled for networked - games. - Undos the last *committed* turn. Note that this is different - from the undo button that undoes or redoes an in-progress - not-yet-committed turn. This is disabled for networked - games. -Undo last - Undos the last *committed* turn. Note that this is different - from the undo button that undoes or redoes an in-progress - not-yet-committed turn. This is disabled for networked - games. - */ - public static final int board_menu_undo_last=0x7f050100; - /** preference for board size (15x15, 13x13 etc.) - default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not - found in the word list) - clarification on above - Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start - order of players. - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new NETWORKED games - will default to having the hint feature enabled(string - elsewhere in this file) - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new games will - default to having the hint feature enabled(string elsewhere - in this file) - dictionary used by default for robot players when creating - new game - preference for board size (15x15, 13x13 etc.) -Board size - preference for board size (15x15, 13x13 etc.) - */ - public static final int board_size=0x7f050135; - /** Title of submenu - Undos the last *committed* turn. Note that this is different - from the undo button that undoes or redoes an in-progress - not-yet-committed turn. This is disabled for networked - games. - hide and shows the tray. On devices where there is enough - room for the full board and tray to be shown then hiding the - tray just "turns it over", i.e. shows tiles with '?' - characters. - Title of submenu - Title of submenu - */ - public static final int board_submenu_game=0x7f050101; - /** The remaining strings (down to the color edit dialog below) - are showns as the names of editable colors and as the - title of the color editor that comes up when the name is - tapped. - (color for) double-letter bonus squares on the board - The remaining strings (down to the color edit dialog below) - are showns as the names of editable colors and as the the - title of the color editor that comes up when the name is - tapped. - (color for) double-letter bonus squares on the board -Double letter - The remaining strings (down to the color edit dialog below) - are showns as the names of editable colors and as the the - title of the color editor that comes up when the name is - tapped. - (color for) double-letter bonus squares on the board - */ - public static final int bonus_l2x=0x7f050147; - /** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-letter - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-letter - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-letter - */ - public static final int bonus_l2x_summary=0x7f0500e4; - /** (color for) triple-letter bonus squares on the board - (color for) triple-letter bonus squares on the board -Triple letter - (color for) triple-letter bonus squares on the board - */ - public static final int bonus_l3x=0x7f050148; - /** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-letter - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-letter - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-letter - */ - public static final int bonus_l3x_summary=0x7f0500e6; - /** (color for) double-word squares on the board - (color for) double-word squares on the board -Double word - (color for) double-word squares on the board - */ - public static final int bonus_w2x=0x7f050149; - /** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-word - */ - public static final int bonus_w2x_summary=0x7f0500e5; - /** (color for) triple-word squares on the board - (color for) triple-word squares on the board -Triple word - (color for) triple-word squares on the board - */ - public static final int bonus_w3x=0x7f05014a; - /** Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-word - */ - public static final int bonus_w3x_summary=0x7f0500e7; - /** - -The version of Crosswords on - \"%1$s\" is incompatible with this one for play using - Bluetooth. One of you may need to upgrade before you can - continue. - - */ - public static final int bt_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f050205; - /** - -Bluetooth sends to %1$s have failed too many - times. Re-open the game to try again. - - */ - public static final int bt_fail_fmt=0x7f05020a; - /** Title of device picker during invitation to a game via Bluetooth - Title of device picker during invitation to a game via Bluetooth -Bluetooth Invitation - */ - public static final int bt_invite_title=0x7f05020c; - /** You currently have no paired Bluetooth - devices. Would you like to open the Android Settings Panel to add - one or more?\n\n(You may also need to open it on the device you - want to pair with.) - */ - public static final int bt_no_devs=0x7f0502d6; - /** - */ - public static final int bt_pair_settings=0x7f0501fb; - /** Turn Bluetooth on - In the Bluetooth invite device dialog - In the Bluetooth invite device dialog -Add all Paired - */ - public static final int bt_pick_addall_button=0x7f0501f9; - /** - -Remove checked - - - */ - public static final int bt_pick_clear_button=0x7f0501fa; - /** - -Bluetooth send to %1$s failed; retry %3$d in - %2$d seconds. -Un envoi Bluetooth à %1$s a échoué ; essai -%3$d dans %2$d secondes. - - - */ - public static final int bt_resend_fmt=0x7f050209; - /** text of button for adding new player to game - text for separator above the list of players that's used for - networked games. The numbers of local and non-local players - are substituted for %1$d and %2$d. - text of button for adding new player to game -Add player - text of button for adding new player to game - */ - public static final int button_add_player=0x7f0500ba; - /** In the permissions rationale explanation, means go ahead and - have the OS ask for permission - */ - public static final int button_ask_again=0x7f050362; - /** The only button available when the above message is displayed - The only button available when the above message is displayed -Close game - The only button available when the above message is displayed - */ - public static final int button_close_game=0x7f05019f; - /** Decline - */ - public static final int button_decline=0x7f050264; - /** - - - - */ - public static final int button_default_both=0x7f0500b0; - /** These three strings are the text for three buttons giving - choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the - dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.) - These three strings are the text for three buttons giving - choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the - dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.) - text of confirmation dialog posted when the delete 'X' button - beside the listing of a wordlist is tapped. The name of the - wordlist is substituted for %s. Sometimes one of the two - strings below is appended. - Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the - wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the - wordlist to be deleted is the last in its language. The name - of the language is substituted for %s. - \u0020É a única lista de - palavras em %s instalada. Um ou mais jogos não poderão ser abertos - sem ela. - Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the - wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the - wordlist to be deleted is NOT the last in its language. The - name of the language is substituted for %s. - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Wordlists screen dialogs - ############################################################ - - Used as the text fo the confirming/querying dialog that goes - up when the dicts_item_select menuitem is chosen. The - possible answers are the three button text strings below. - Para que jogadores essa lista - de palavras deve ser a padrão para novos jogos? (o idioma %s será - padrão para ambos.) - These three strings are the text for three buttons giving - choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the - dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.) - */ - public static final int button_default_human=0x7f0500ae; - /** - - */ - public static final int button_default_robot=0x7f0500af; - /** When you select the gamel_menu_delete_all menuitem or - list_item_delete contextual menu, you are asked to confirm. - This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the - second). - Bolo zahraných %1$d ťahov - When you select the list_item_reset contextual menu, you are - asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button - ("Cancel" is the second). - When you select the gamel_menu_delete_all menuitem or - list_item_delete contextual menu, you are asked to confirm. - This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the - second). - When you select the gamel_menu_delete_all menuitem or - list_item_delete contextual menu, you are asked to confirm. - This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the - second). - Otherwise they're listed with this to give some indication of - how far along they are. I may list "tiles left" someday - instead... - %1$d turnos jogados - When you select the gamel_menu_delete_all menuitem or - list_item_delete contextual menu, you are asked to confirm. - This is the text of the first button ("Cancel" is the - second). - */ - public static final int button_delete=0x7f050092; - public static final int button_disable_relay=0x7f05024f; - /** Used for button in dialog put up with the relay says the - remote partner of this game has deleted it. Ok, meaning - "don't discard", is the other option. This same button is - used as an option in the Game config dialog, where "Save" is - the other option, for discarding changes that would otherwise - reset a game. - Used for button in dialog put up with the relay says the - remote partner of this game has deleted it. Ok, meaning - "don't discard", is the other option. This same button is - used as an option in the Game config dialog, where "Save" is - the other option, for discarding changes that would otherwise - reset a game. -Discard - Used for button in dialog put up with the relay says the - remote partner of this game has deleted it. Ok, meaning - "don't discard", is the other option. This same button is - used as an option in the Game config dialog, where "Save" is - the other option, for discarding changes that would otherwise - reset a game. - */ - public static final int button_discard=0x7f0501af; - /** XLATE-ME -Discard changes - */ - public static final int button_discard_changes=0x7f0502f6; - /** - -Done - - */ - public static final int button_done=0x7f0501de; - /** - -Done with %1$s - - */ - public static final int button_done_fmt=0x7f0501df; - /** Text of button displayed when downloading is an option - This is an alternative message presented when there's also - the option of downloading another wordlist. Game name, - wordlist name and language are substituted in. - If the missing wordlist is discovered when trying to open the - game, we have more options. If there's another wordlist in - the same language, we can offer to substitute without needing - to download. Otherwise the user must choose between - downloading and not opening the game. This first message - takes wordlist name and language substituted in for %1$ and - %2$ - The only button available when the above message is displayed - If the wordlist disappears mid-game there are no choices, - just an explanation and this button, after which the game - closes. - Text of button displayed when downloading is an option -Download - Text of button displayed when downloading is an option - */ - public static final int button_download=0x7f0501a2; - /** XLATE-ME -Edit - */ - public static final int button_edit=0x7f0502f5; - public static final int button_enable=0x7f05033a; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable Bluetooth - */ - public static final int button_enable_bt=0x7f05024d; - public static final int button_enable_relay=0x7f05024e; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable SMS - */ - public static final int button_enable_sms=0x7f05024c; - public static final int button_go_settings=0x7f050286; - /** - -Invite checked - - */ - public static final int button_invite=0x7f05020b; - /** text of button to juggle (randomly rearrange order of) players - text of button to juggle (randomly rearrange order of) players -Shuffle players - text of button to juggle (randomly rearrange order of) players - */ - public static final int button_juggle_players=0x7f0500bb; - /** XLATE-ME -Later - */ - public static final int button_later=0x7f050250; - /** New strings that need to be documented and found a home - above. - New strings that need to be documented and found a home - above. -Look up words - New strings that need to be documented and found a home - above. - */ - public static final int button_lookup=0x7f0501d8; - /** - -Look up %1$s - - */ - public static final int button_lookup_fmt=0x7f0501da; - /** Look up/study words - */ - public static final int button_lookup_study=0x7f0501d9; - /** Look up/study %1$s - */ - public static final int button_lookup_study_fmt=0x7f0501db; - /** - -Move - - */ - public static final int button_move=0x7f0501e3; - /** What is \u200C? English strings are used as keys, so they all - need to be unique. This glyph is non-printing and of - zero-width, so it should do the trick: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-width_non-joiner - - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Main screen (list of games) - # - # This is the first screen you see when you launch Crosswords - ############################################################ - - Text of menuitem in main games-list screen's menu - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-ca/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-ja/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-sk/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - Text of menuitem in main games-list screen's menu - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-nl/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-fr/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - What is \u200C? English strings are used as keys, so they all - need to be unique. This glyph is non-printing and of - zero-width, so it should do the trick: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-width_non-joiner - - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Main screen (list of games) - # - # This is the first screen you see when you launch Crosswords - ############################################################ - - Text of menuitem in main games-list screen's menu - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-cs/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - - DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!! - It was generated (from res_src/values-pt/strings.xml, by copy-strings.py). - Any changes you make to it will be lost. - - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Main screen (list of games) - # - # This is the first screen you see when you launch Crosswords - ############################################################ - - Text of button at bottom of main games-list screen and of - menuitem in main games-list screen's menu. (The botton can - be hidden in the same way as the above text.) - */ - public static final int button_new_game=0x7f050087; - /** Games list screen menuitem text for creating a new group - Games list screen menuitem text for creating a new group - */ - public static final int button_new_group=0x7f050088; - /** New group - */ - public static final int button_newgroup=0x7f0501e4; - /** No - */ - public static final int button_no=0x7f0501ad; - /** Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just - above. - Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just - above. -Do not show again - Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just - above. - */ - public static final int button_notagain=0x7f0501bb; - /** Reconnect - */ - public static final int button_reconnect=0x7f050276; - public static final int button_reinvite=0x7f0502f0; - /** - */ - public static final int button_relay_add=0x7f050218; - /** Button shown in game over dialog triggering creation of new - game with the same players and parameters as the one that - just ended. - Button shown in game over dialog triggering creation of new - game with the same players and parameters as the one that - just ended. -Rematch - Button shown in game over dialog triggering creation of new - game with the same players and parameters as the one that - just ended. - */ - public static final int button_rematch=0x7f050275; - /** When you select the list_item_reset contextual menu, you are - asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button - ("Cancel" is the second). - When you select the list_item_reset contextual menu, you are - asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button - ("Cancel" is the second). - When you select the list_item_reset contextual menu, you are - asked to confirm. This is the text of the first button - ("Cancel" is the second). - */ - public static final int button_reset=0x7f050093; - /** Used for a button when informing user that his attempt to - connect to the relay failed because the room named does not - exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.) - Used for a button when informing user that his attempt to - connect to the relay failed because the room named does not - exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.) -Retry - Used for a button when informing user that his attempt to - connect to the relay failed because the room named does not - exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.) - */ - public static final int button_retry=0x7f0501b0; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Preferences screen menus - # - # There are two menuitems availble via the menu key from this - # screen - ############################################################ - - text of first menu item. Will revert all preferences to - their default/original values - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Preferences screen menus - # - # There are two menuitems availble via the menu key from this - # screen - ############################################################ - - text of first menu item. Will revert all preferences to - their default/original values -Restore all - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Preferences screen menus - # - # There are two menuitems availble via the menu key from this - # screen - ############################################################ - - text of first menu item. Will revert all preferences to - their default/original values - */ - public static final int button_revert_all=0x7f05011d; - /** Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their - default/original values - Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their - default/original values -Restore colors - Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their - default/original values - */ - public static final int button_revert_colors=0x7f05011f; - /** Used in Game config dialog to confirm saving changes that reset a game - Used in Game config dialog to confirm saving changes that reset a game -Save - Used in Game config dialog to confirm saving changes that reset a game - */ - public static final int button_save=0x7f0501ae; - /** - -Find - - */ - public static final int button_search=0x7f0501e5; - /** In the permissions rationale explanation, means don't have the - OS ask for permission: user is denying it implicitly - */ - public static final int button_skip=0x7f050365; - /** - -Import contact - - - */ - public static final int button_sms_add=0x7f050217; - /** Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a - different (but same-language wordlist) - Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a - different (but same-language wordlist) -Substitute - Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a - different (but same-language wordlist) - */ - public static final int button_substdict=0x7f0501a3; - /** Cancel trade - */ - public static final int button_trade_cancel=0x7f0500e2; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Board screen - # - # - # (an open game, with the 15x15 grid of # squares, letters - # played etc., is displayed here) - ############################################################ - - Buttons shown at bottom when board is in exchange mode, - i.e. after user has picked board_menu_trade menu item - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Board screen - # - # - # (an open game, with the 15x15 grid of # squares, letters - # played etc., is displayed here) - ############################################################ - - Buttons shown at bottom when board is in exchange mode, - i.e. after user has picked board_menu_trade menu item -Commit trade - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Board screen - # - # - # (an open game, with the 15x15 grid of # squares, letters - # played etc., is displayed here) - ############################################################ - - Buttons shown at bottom when board is in exchange mode, - i.e. after user has picked board_menu_trade menu item - */ - public static final int button_trade_commit=0x7f0500e1; - /** Button for alert with title above - */ - public static final int button_wait=0x7f0502ef; - /** - ############################################################ - # Dialogs - ############################################################ - - Text for buttons at the bottom of dialogs. These first are - in many places. - Text of confirmation dialog for above - Second menu item. Reverts only the colors to their - default/original values - Text of confirmation dialog for above - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Preferences screen menus - # - # There are two menuitems availble via the menu key from this - # screen - ############################################################ - - text of first menu item. Will revert all preferences to - their default/original values - - ############################################################ - # Dialogs - ############################################################ - - Text for buttons at the bottom of dialogs. These first are - in many places. -Yes - When a move is fetched from the relay a Notification is - posted. These are its title, which appears in the top bar of the - device, and the body that appears when you pull the notifications - down. - - ############################################################ - # Dialogs - ############################################################ - - Text for buttons at the bottom of dialogs. These first are - in many places. - */ - public static final int button_yes=0x7f0501ac; - /** The group for new games, %1$s, - cannot be deleted. - */ - public static final int cannot_delete_default_group_fmt=0x7f050274; - /** Move selected games to: - */ - public static final int change_group=0x7f050279; - /** text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above - dialog - text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above - dialog -Recent changes\u200C - text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above - dialog - */ - public static final int changes_button=0x7f0501d7; - /** text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last - release - text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last - release -Recent changes - text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last - release - */ - public static final int changes_title=0x7f0501d6; - /** "Hint" in empty chat text field - */ - public static final int chat_hint=0x7f05018b; - /** Prefix for local messages - Prefix for local messages -Me:\u0020 - Prefix for local messages - */ - public static final int chat_local_id=0x7f050188; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Chat messages screen menu - ############################################################ - - This is the only menu item in the chat screen. Press it and - all the chat messages are erased. There is no effect on - other devices in the game: no "clear chat" message is - transmitted. - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Chat messages screen menu - ############################################################ - - This is the only menu item in the chat screen. Press it and - all the chat messages are erased. There is no effect on - other devices in the game: no "clear chat" message is - transmitted. -Clear history - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Chat messages screen menu - ############################################################ - - This is the only menu item in the chat screen. Press it and - all the chat messages are erased. There is no effect on - other devices in the game: no "clear chat" message is - transmitted. - */ - public static final int chat_menu_clear=0x7f05018c; - /** Prefix for remote messages - Prefix for remote messages -Not me:\u0020 - Prefix for remote messages - */ - public static final int chat_other_id=0x7f050189; - /** Text on the button that causes the contents of the - message-composition field to be sent. - Text on the button that causes the contents of the - message-composition field to be sent. -Send - Text on the button that causes the contents of the - message-composition field to be sent. - */ - public static final int chat_send=0x7f05018a; - public static final int chat_sender_fmt=0x7f05022d; - /** ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Chat screen - # - # Shown when the chat button is pressed from the Board screen - # or when a chat message (as opposed to a move message) comes - # in from the relay. It displays a history of messages with - # slightly different colored backgrounds and with prefixes to - # indicate whether they are local or remote in origin. - ############################################################ - - title of the chat screen. The name of the current game is - substituted for %1$s. - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Chat screen - # - # Shown when the chat button is pressed from the Board screen - # or when a chat message (as opposed to a move message) comes - # in from the relay. It displays a history of messages with - # slightly different colored backgrounds and with prefixes to - # indicate whether they are local or remote in origin. - ############################################################ - - title of the chat screen. The name of the current game is - substituted for %1$s. -%1$s message history - Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges - tiles (instead of forming a new word to earn points) - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Chat screen - # - # Shown when the chat button is pressed from the Board screen - # or when a chat message (as opposed to a move message) comes - # in from the relay. It displays a history of messages with - # slightly different colored backgrounds and with prefixes to - # indicate whether they are local or remote in origin. - ############################################################ - - title of the chat screen. The name of the current game is - substituted for %s. - */ - public static final int chat_title_fmt=0x7f050187; - /** Checking for wordlists in %1$s… - */ - public static final int checking_for_fmt=0x7f050331; - /** Checking - */ - public static final int checking_title=0x7f050330; - /** Everything is up-to-date. - */ - public static final int checkupdates_none_found=0x7f050252; - /** EXPERIMENTAL: "label" for invite on clipboard. If it's shown - it's by some Android utility - */ - public static final int clip_label=0x7f050344; - /** color of the "crosshairs", lines drawn vertically and - horizontally through the square the user is currently - touching in order to guide the fat-fingered (most of us) in - operations that require accurately selecting a single square - on the board. - color of the "crosshairs", lines drawn vertically and - horizontally through the square the user is currently - touching in order to guide the fat-fingered (most of us) in - operations that require accurately selecting a single square - on the board. -Crosshairs color - color of the "crosshairs", lines drawn vertically and - horizontally through the square the user is currently - touching in order to guide the fat-fingered (most of us) in - operations that require accurately selecting a single square - on the board. - */ - public static final int clr_crosshairs=0x7f05014b; - /** XLATE-ME -This game has no way to connect - and cannot be saved. Would you like to discard your changes, or - edit to give it a way to connect? - */ - public static final int config_no_connvia=0x7f0502f4; - public static final int confirm_clear_chat=0x7f050346; - public static final int confirm_clear_relay=0x7f050220; - /** Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the - wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the - wordlist to be deleted is the last in its language. The name - of the language is substituted for %1$s. - Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the - wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the - wordlist to be deleted is the last in its language. The name - of the language is substituted for %1$s. - */ - public static final int confirm_deleteonly_dicts_fmt=0x7f0500ac; - public static final int confirm_drop_relay=0x7f050336; - public static final int confirm_drop_relay_bt=0x7f050338; - public static final int confirm_drop_relay_sms=0x7f050339; - /** Your device is set up for - %1$s. Would you like to download a wordlist so you can play - Crosswords in %1$s? - */ - public static final int confirm_get_locdict_fmt=0x7f0502fe; - /** Text of confirmation dialog for above - Text of confirmation dialog for above -Are you sure you want to restore - all settings to their original values? - Text of confirmation dialog for above - */ - public static final int confirm_revert_all=0x7f050120; - /** Text of confirmation dialog for above - Text of confirmation dialog for above -Are you sure you want to - restore all color settings to their original values? - Text of confirmation dialog for above - */ - public static final int confirm_revert_colors=0x7f05011e; - /** title of confirmation dialog put up when user has unlocked an - in-progress game and wants to save changes (has hit the - play button). - title of confirmation dialog put up when user has unlocked an - in-progress game and wants to save changes (has hit the - play button). -This game is in play. If you - save these changes it must be restarted. Do you want to save - these changes? - title of confirmation dialog put up when user has unlocked an - in-progress game and wants to save changes (has hit the - play button). - */ - public static final int confirm_save=0x7f0500d4; - /** title of above confirmation dialog - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Wordlists screen menus - ############################################################ - - title of contextual menu item. If chosen it brings up a - dialog that offers to move the selected wordlist from its - current storage location to the other. This menuitem is - hidden if the selected wordlist is built in or if there is - only one possible storage location, e.g. if the device has no - SD card slot. - If you tap the download_dicts button and Android fails to - find and launch an app that's registered to handle http - downloads a Toast is posted with this message. - Used to describe wordlists that are in the Downloads - directory. Currently I don't look there so this is unused, - but I will eventually do so. This should be the same name as - the built-in Android web browser uses for the directory where - it saves files it downloads. - One of the strings used in the right column of the list of - installed wordlists to describe those that are part of - Crosswords and that cannot be uninstalled or moved. - loc_internal and loc_external are the other possible strings - in this column. - title of above confirmation dialog -Confirm save - title of above confirmation dialog - */ - public static final int confirm_save_title=0x7f0500d5; - /** - -Warning: This feature is meant for - phones with unlimited texting plans. Once you enable it dozens of - SMS (text) messages will be sent (invisibly) for each game - played. If you don\'t have an unlimited plan your carrier may - charge you for each and every message!\n\nShould play via SMS be - enabled? - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_expl=0x7f050241; - /** - -No: leave disabled - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_leave=0x7f050243; - /** - -Enable play via SMS? - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_prompt=0x7f050242; - /** - -Confirm your SMS plan - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_title=0x7f050240; - /** - -Yes: I have unlimited texting - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_unlimited=0x7f050244; - /** - -Yes: I\'ll pay all carrier charges - - */ - public static final int confirm_sms_willpay=0x7f050245; - /** text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last - is chosen. - text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last - is chosen. -Are you sure you want to undo the - last committed turn? (There is no redo option.) - First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping - the number at left end of the scoreboard) - Intro to the paragraph lisiting all of the tiles remaining - text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last - is chosen. - */ - public static final int confirm_undo_last=0x7f05011b; - /** Once every day - */ - public static final int connect_daily=0x7f05016c; - /** Every 15 minutes - */ - public static final int connect_fifteen_mins=0x7f050168; - /** Every 5 minutes - */ - public static final int connect_five_mins=0x7f050167; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Network game settings preference subscreen (within - # Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - When there are networked games connecting using the relay, - Crosswords wakes up periodically to check if there are any - new moves available and fetches them. This controls how - frequently that check is done. - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Network game settings preference subscreen (within - # Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - When there are networked games connecting using the relay, - Crosswords wakes up periodically to check if there are any - new moves available and fetches them. This controls how - frequently that check is done. -Background move check - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Network game settings preference subscreen (within - # Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - When there are networked games connecting using the relay, - Crosswords wakes up periodically to check if there are any - new moves available and fetches them. This controls how - frequently that check is done. - */ - public static final int connect_frequency=0x7f050165; - /** text of separator marking out the connection area of the dialog -XLATE-ME -Connection (via %1$s) - */ - public static final int connect_label_fmt=0x7f0500be; - /** - - -Are you sure you want to delete the - checked phone number[s]? - -Connection (via SMS/text) - - */ - public static final int connect_label_sms=0x7f050221; - /** These are the possible values for the connect_frequency - setting presented as a drop-down list. - These are the possible values for the connect_frequency - setting presented as a drop-down list. -Never check - These are the possible values for the connect_frequency - setting presented as a drop-down list. - */ - public static final int connect_never=0x7f050166; - /** Every hour - */ - public static final int connect_one_hour=0x7f05016a; - /** Every six hours - */ - public static final int connect_six_hours=0x7f05016b; - /** Every 30 minutes - */ - public static final int connect_thirty_mins=0x7f050169; - /** XLATE-ME -Change Communicate via - */ - public static final int connection_via_label=0x7f0502e9; - /** - -(Last failure was %1$s) - - */ - public static final int connstat_lastother_succ_fmt=0x7f050238; - /** - -(Last successful send was - %1$s) - - */ - public static final int connstat_lastother_unsucc_fmt=0x7f050239; - /** - -Last receipt was %1$s - - */ - public static final int connstat_lastreceipt_fmt=0x7f05023a; - /** - -Last send was %1$s (%2$s) - - */ - public static final int connstat_lastsend_fmt=0x7f050237; - /** - -Network status for game connected via - %1$s: - - */ - public static final int connstat_net_fmt=0x7f050233; - public static final int connstat_net_noaddr=0x7f050232; - /** - -No messages have been received. - - */ - public static final int connstat_noreceipt=0x7f05023b; - /** - -internet/relay - - */ - public static final int connstat_relay=0x7f05023c; - /** - -sms/texting - - */ - public static final int connstat_sms=0x7f05023d; - /** - -successful - - */ - public static final int connstat_succ=0x7f050235; - /** - -unsuccessful - - */ - public static final int connstat_unsucc=0x7f050236; - public static final int contact_not_found=0x7f050363; - public static final int contacts_rationale=0x7f05035f; - /** title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_counts menu. The dialog lists all tiles in - the language being used for the game together with how many - of each there are are and how many points each is worth. - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_counts menu. The dialog lists all tiles in - the language being used for the game together with how many - of each there are are and how many points each is worth. -Tile Counts and Values - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_counts menu. The dialog lists all tiles in - the language being used for the game together with how many - of each there are are and how many points each is worth. - */ - public static final int counts_values_title=0x7f0501b5; - /** %1$s (in use) - */ - public static final int cur_menu_marker_fmt=0x7f050283; - /** - -Tile picker\n(so far: %1$s) - - */ - public static final int cur_tiles_fmt=0x7f0501e9; - /** SMS Data is only available on GSM phones. - */ - public static final int data_gsm_only=0x7f0502a0; - /** SD card write complete. - */ - public static final int db_store_done=0x7f050332; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable debug features - */ - public static final int debug_features=0x7f050306; - /** XLATE-ME -Menuitems etc. (release builds - only) - */ - public static final int debug_features_summary=0x7f050307; - /** dictionary used by default for human players when creating - new game - clarification of above - sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists") - Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not - part of the game and that the user should ignore it. - Label for the fourth "player name" preference (unused) - Label for the third "player name" preference (unused) - Label for the second "player name" preference (unused) - Label for the first "player name" preference - clarification of the above - sub-preference title for editing default player names. - There's only enabled now, though. - dictionary used by default for human players when creating - new game -Wordlist for humans - dictionary used by default for human players when creating - new game - */ - public static final int default_dict=0x7f05012d; - /** other - */ - public static final int default_host=0x7f05007d; - /** label within default wordlists in app preferences - label within default wordlists in app preferences -Default language - */ - public static final int default_language=0x7f0502d8; - /** Store wordlists internally - */ - public static final int default_loc=0x7f050267; - /** (Not in external/sdcard memory) - */ - public static final int default_loc_summary=0x7f050268; - /** Welcome dialog text - Welcome dialog text -Thanks for installing - Crosswords!\n\nFeel free to enter your name here. It will be used - when creating new games. (You can change it later in the \"New - game default\" section of Settings.) - Welcome dialog text - */ - public static final int default_name_message=0x7f0501d0; - /** - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # Welcome dialog - # - # Shown the first time a user launches Crosswords (and - # again only if the preference for default first user - # name is cleared). Its purpose is to encourage him to - # enter the name of the most common non-robot player on - # this device. - ########################################################### - - Welcome dialog title - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # Welcome dialog - # - # Shown the first time a user launches Crosswords (and - # again only if the preference for default first user - # name is cleared). Its purpose is to encourage him to - # enter the name of the most common non-robot player on - # this device. - ########################################################### - - Welcome dialog title -Welcome - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # Welcome dialog - # - # Shown the first time a user launches Crosswords (and - # again only if the preference for default first user - # name is cleared). Its purpose is to encourage him to - # enter the name of the most common non-robot player on - # this device. - ########################################################### - - Welcome dialog title - */ - public static final int default_name_title=0x7f0501cf; - /** default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not - found in the word list) - default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not - found in the word list) -Handle phonies - default new-game setting for handline phonies (words not - found in the word list) - */ - public static final int default_phonies=0x7f050133; - /** dictionary used by default for robot players when creating - new game - dictionary used by default for robot players when creating - new game -Wordlist for robots - dictionary used by default for robot players when creating - new game - */ - public static final int default_robodict=0x7f05012e; - public static final int default_update_url=0x7f050082; - /** Delete wordlist[s] - */ - public static final int delete_dicts=0x7f0502c2; - public static final int devid_title=0x7f05030e; - /** - Playing via SMS is currently disabled. - You can enable it in Settings->Network game settings. - - -SMS Game %1$X - - - - */ - public static final int dft_sms_name_fmt=0x7f050215; - /** - -No word in %1$s starts with - %2$s. - - - - */ - public static final int dict_browse_nowords_fmt=0x7f0501ed; - /** - -%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d - tiles) -%1$s (%2$d mots utilisant %3$d jetons) - */ - public static final int dict_browse_title1_fmt=0x7f0501ec; - /** - -%1$s (%2$d words using %3$d-%4$d - tiles) -%1$s (%2$d mots utilisant de %3$d à -%4$d jetons) - */ - public static final int dict_browse_title_fmt=0x7f0501eb; - /** %1$s (%2$s/%3$d words) - */ - public static final int dict_desc_fmt=0x7f0502c9; - /** XLATE-ME -Wordlist download URL - */ - public static final int dict_host=0x7f050303; - /** Number of words: %1$d\nDownload size: - %2$dK\nNote: %3$s - */ - public static final int dict_info_fmt=0x7f0502c6; - /** label for dropdown by which wordlist is chosen that this - player will use. The language the game will use (which - constrains the choice of wordlists) is substituted in for - "%1$s". - label for dropdown by which wordlist is chosen that this - player will use. The language the game will use (which - constrains the choice of wordlists) is substituted in for - "%1$s". -Wordlist (in %1$s) - label for dropdown by which wordlist is chosen that this - player will use. The language the game will use (which - constrains the choice of wordlists) is substituted in for - "%s". - */ - public static final int dict_lang_label_fmt=0x7f0500dd; - /** Tap to download - */ - public static final int dict_on_server=0x7f0502c8; - /** string name="invite_mime">text/plainInstalled wordlists (in %1$s) - If the dropdown is selected, this is the title displayed - above the list of selectable items. The language the game - will use is substituted in for "%s". - */ - public static final int dicts_list_prompt_fmt=0x7f0500de; - public static final int dicts_storage_rationale=0x7f05035a; - public static final int disable_dualpane=0x7f050354; - public static final int disable_nag_solo_title=0x7f0502fd; - /** Do not notify me no matter - how long it\'s been my turn - */ - public static final int disable_nag_summary=0x7f0502fc; - /** Disable turn reminders - */ - public static final int disable_nag_title=0x7f0502fb; - public static final int disable_nags_title=0x7f0502fa; - public static final int disable_relay=0x7f050163; - public static final int disable_relay_summary=0x7f050164; - /** text of item at bottom of dicts choice spinner. It - launches the browser pointed at the site where additional - wordlists can be found. - title of popup used to determine how words are handled that - are not in the wordlist used for the game (or player if using - different wordlists per player) - Three possible choices presented in the popup above - title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the - robot player will be. - text of item at bottom of dicts choice spinner. It - launches the browser pointed at the site where additional - wordlists can be found. - text of button at the bottom of the screen. It launches the - browser pointed at the site where additional wordlists can be - found. - */ - public static final int download_dicts=0x7f0500a7; - /** Download finished - */ - public static final int download_done=0x7f050265; - /** Download unsuccessful - */ - public static final int download_failed=0x7f050266; - /** Downloads Directory - */ - public static final int download_path_title=0x7f050269; - public static final int download_rationale=0x7f050358; - /** Downloading %1$s… - */ - public static final int downloading_dict_fmt=0x7f05019c; - public static final int drop_relay_warning_fmt=0x7f050335; - /** Display snapshots of games - Display snapshots of games -Invitation received but ignored: it - has already been used to create a game. - */ - public static final int dropped_dupe=0x7f050282; - public static final int dualpane_exit_now=0x7f05034f; - public static final int dualpane_restart=0x7f050355; - /** Shown in the main screen when you launch Crosswords from an - invitation (received in email or messaging app, say) and - there's already a game running that matches that invitation. - It's to prevent you from opening multiple games and getting - confused. But some people who play together all the time use - the same room name over and over so they'll get this warning - and it's harmless to ignore it. - Shown in the main screen when you launch Crosswords from an - invitation (received in email or messaging app, say) and - there's already a game running that matches that invitation. - It's to prevent you from opening multiple games and getting - confused. But some people who play together all the time use - the same room name over and over so they'll get this warning - and it's harmless to ignore it. -You already have a game that seems - to have been created (on %1$s) from the same invitation. Are you - sure you want to create another? - Shown in the main screen when you launch Crosswords from an - invitation (received in email or messaging app, say) and - there's already a game running that matches that invitation. - It's to prevent you from opening multiple games and getting - confused. But some people who play together all the time use - the same room name over and over so they'll get this warning - and it's harmless to ignore it. - */ - public static final int dup_game_query_fmt=0x7f0501b1; - /** - -Send comment via - - */ - public static final int email_author_chooser=0x7f0501f7; - /** Nor is my email address - */ - public static final int email_author_email=0x7f05007c; - /** - - Should not be translated - - */ - public static final int email_author_subject=0x7f0501f6; - /** - - Should not be translated - - */ - public static final int email_body_rev_fmt=0x7f0501f8; - /** color of empty squares on the board (that are not bonus squares) - color of empty squares on the board (that are not bonus squares) -Empty cell/background - color of empty squares on the board (that are not bonus squares) - */ - public static final int empty=0x7f05014d; - /** Shows in WiFiDirect Invite dialog when no known peers - */ - public static final int empty_p2p_inviter=0x7f05021c; - /** - */ - public static final int empty_relay_inviter=0x7f05021d; - /** Shows in SMS Invite dialog when no phone numbers have been saved previously - Shows in SMS Invite dialog when no phone numbers have been saved previously -This phone list is empty. Use the - \"Import contact\" button to add people you want to invite, the + - button to enter numbers directly. - - */ - public static final int empty_sms_inviter=0x7f05021b; - public static final int enable_dualpane=0x7f050350; - public static final int enable_dualpane_summary=0x7f0502ce; - /** XLATE-ME -Accept invitations more than once - */ - public static final int enable_dupes_summary=0x7f050316; - /** XLATE-ME -Accept duplicate invites - */ - public static final int enable_dupes_title=0x7f050314; - /** NFC is turned off on this device. You - can use the Android Settings app to turn it on . - */ - public static final int enable_nfc=0x7f050285; - /** XLATE-ME -Fake invitation to aid debugging - */ - public static final int enable_nfc_toself_summary=0x7f050319; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable NFC to self - */ - public static final int enable_nfc_toself_title=0x7f050318; - /** XLATE-ME -Rooms others can see and join - */ - public static final int enable_pubroom_summary=0x7f0502e8; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable public rooms - */ - public static final int enable_pubroom_title=0x7f0502e7; - public static final int enable_relay_toself_summary=0x7f050342; - public static final int enable_relay_toself_title=0x7f050341; - /** - -Allow games via SMS - - - */ - public static final int enable_sms=0x7f05023e; - /** - -Only if you have unlimited texting! - - */ - public static final int enable_sms_summary=0x7f05023f; - /** XLATE-ME -Skip radio when phone numbers same - */ - public static final int enable_sms_toself_summary=0x7f05031b; - /** XLATE-ME -Short-circuit SMS to self - */ - public static final int enable_sms_toself_title=0x7f05031a; - /** Tap tiles to select… - */ - public static final int entering_trade=0x7f0500e3; - /** XLATE-ME -Duplicate invitation rejected: - device \"%1$s\" has already accepted an invitation to this - game. - */ - public static final int err_dup_invite_fmt=0x7f0502e2; - /** XLATE-ME -Update checks URL - */ - public static final int expl_update_url=0x7f050325; - /** if this preference is checked, a dialog will be posted every - time a robot makes a move or a move is received from a remote - player. - clarification of above - Checkbox that when set keeps the device screen from dimming - if the board screen is what's displayed. This is to allow - users to think about a move without having to touch the - screen all the time. - if this preference is checked, a dialog will be posted every - time a robot makes a move or a move is received from a remote - player. -Explain other moves - if this preference is checked, a dialog will be posted every - time a robot makes a move or a move is received from a remote - player. - */ - public static final int explain_robot=0x7f050155; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Display score summary after - every robot or remote turn - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int explain_robot_summary=0x7f050156; - public static final int fetching_from_relay=0x7f050348; - /** title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_final menu. The dialog displays the final - score and an accounting of it (including subtractions for - running out the game timer if there is one.) - - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_final menu. The dialog displays the final - score and an accounting of it (including subtractions for - running out the game timer if there is one.) - -Final scores\u200C - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_final menu. The dialog displays the final - score and an accounting of it (including subtractions for - running out the game timer if there is one.) - - */ - public static final int finalscores_title=0x7f0501b7; - /** Explanatory text appears in the dialog - Explanatory text appears in the dialog -In a multi-device game there must be at - least one player from and another not from this device. Please - check off-device players. - Explanatory text appears in the dialog - */ - public static final int force_expl=0x7f0500d8; - /** XLATE-ME -Pretend to have radio - */ - public static final int force_radio_title=0x7f05031c; - /** Even if my screen is too small - */ - public static final int force_tablet_summary=0x7f0502cd; - /** Force tablet layout - */ - public static final int force_tablet_title=0x7f0502cc; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Force remote dialog - # - - # This alert dialog comes up when you're it the player edit - # dialog for a networked game and try to exit with none of the - # players configured as a remote player. It forces you to mark - # one of them (or marks one itself if you cancel it.) - ############################################################ - - title of this dialog - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Force remote dialog - # - - # This alert dialog comes up when you're it the player edit - # dialog for a networked game and try to exit with none of the - # players configured as a remote player. It forces you to mark - # one of them (or marks one itself if you cancel it.) - ############################################################ - - title of this dialog -Off-device player[s] - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Force remote dialog - # - - # This alert dialog comes up when you're it the player edit - # dialog for a networked game and try to exit with none of the - # players configured as a remote player. It forces you to mark - # one of them (or marks one itself if you cancel it.) - ############################################################ - - title of this dialog - */ - public static final int force_title=0x7f0500d7; - /** Displayed as a "Toast" (mini window briefly displayed) if you - didn't choose a remote player and I was forced to pick one. I - always pick the first. - Displayed as a "Toast" (mini window briefly displayed) if you - didn't choose a remote player and I was forced to pick one. I - always pick the first. -Modified first player. - Displayed as a "Toast" (mini window briefly displayed) if you - didn't choose a remote player and I was forced to pick one. I - always pick the first. - */ - public static final int forced_consistent=0x7f0500d9; - /** Games that have ended are listed with this string - Displayed as a "Toast" (mini window briefly displayed) if you - didn't choose a remote player and I was forced to pick one. I - always pick the first. - Games that have ended are listed with this string - Games that have ended are listed with this string - */ - public static final int gameOver=0x7f050091; - /** - -Bluetooth game name - - - - */ - public static final int game_btname_title=0x7f050210; - /** used to create default names of games (when user has not - named them.) - used to create default names of games (when user has not - named them.) - used to create default names of games (when user has not - named them.) -Game %1$d - used to create default names of games (when user has not - named them.) - */ - public static final int game_fmt=0x7f0501a6; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Context menu for main games-list screen - ############################################################ - - title of contextual menu. Name of the selected game is - substituted in. - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Context menu for main games-list screen - ############################################################ - - title of contextual menu. Name of the selected game is - substituted in. - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Context menu for main games-list screen - ############################################################ - - title of contextual menu. Name of the selected game is - substituted in. - */ - public static final int game_item_menu_title_fmt=0x7f05009a; - /** - -Building game summary… - - */ - public static final int game_list_tmp=0x7f050230; - /** text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play - game to make changes - text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play - game to make changes -Lock settings - text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play - game to make changes - */ - public static final int game_locked=0x7f0500b7; - /** Name group - */ - public static final int game_name_group_title=0x7f050273; - /** -XLATE-ME -New game name: - */ - public static final int game_name_label=0x7f050212; - /** -XLATE-ME -Name your game - */ - public static final int game_name_title=0x7f050211; - /** - - - */ - public static final int game_rename_title=0x7f0500a3; - /** Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2" - Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2" -\u003CNothing\u003E - Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2" - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_empty=0x7f050139; - /** XLATE-ME -gameid - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_gameid=0x7f050323; - /** Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)" - Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)" -Game language\u200C - Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)" - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_language=0x7f05013a; - /** XLATE-ME -Pending packet count - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_npackets=0x7f050324; - /** List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)" - List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)" -Opponent name[s] - List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)" - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_opponents=0x7f05013b; - /** XLATE-ME -rowid - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_rowid=0x7f050322; - /** List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made" - etc. - List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made" - etc. -Game state - List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made" - etc. - */ - public static final int game_summary_field_state=0x7f05013c; - /** Regardless of the setting of the connect_frequency - preference, checks the relay immediately for any moves for - networked games on this device and posts a notification if - any is downloaded. - Regardless of the setting of the connect_frequency - preference, checks the relay immediately for any moves for - networked games on this device and posts a notification if - any is downloaded. - Regardless of the setting of the connect_frequency - preference, checks the relay immediately for any moves for - networked games on this device and posts a notification if - any is downloaded. - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_checkmoves=0x7f050096; - /** - -Check for updates - - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_checkupdates=0x7f050251; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Main screen (Games list) menu - # - # One menu is not listed here because it appears elsewhere - # and their text is reused: button_new_game. - ############################################################ - - Brings up the Wordlists (formerly Dictionaries) screen - If you choose the above option and have no networked games - you get this error message - Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted - Regardless of the setting of the connect_frequency - preference, checks the relay immediately for any moves for - networked games on this device and posts a notification if - any is downloaded. - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Main screen (Games list) menu - # - # One menu is not listed here because it appears elsewhere - # and their text is reused: button_new_game. - ############################################################ - - Brings up the Wordlists (formerly Dictionaries) screen - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Main screen (Games list) menu - # - # One menu is not listed here because it appears elsewhere - # and their text is reused: button_new_game. - ############################################################ - - Brings up the Wordlists (formerly Dictionaries) screen - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_dicts=0x7f050094; - /** XLATE-ME -Load DB from SD card - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_loaddb=0x7f050313; - /** XLATE-ME -%1$s/%2$s -XLATE-ME -Write DB to SD card - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_storedb=0x7f050312; - /** Studylist… - */ - public static final int gamel_menu_study=0x7f05028e; - public static final int get_relay_number=0x7f05021f; - /** - -Enter phone number: - - */ - public static final int get_sms_number=0x7f05021e; - /** Get info - */ - public static final int getinfo=0x7f0502c1; - public static final int git_rev=0x7f050084; - /** XLATE-ME -Source version id - */ - public static final int git_rev_title=0x7f05030d; - /** Don\'t try a second time - */ - public static final int got_langdict_summary=0x7f050327; - /** Fetch default wordlist for language - */ - public static final int got_langdict_title=0x7f050326; - /** Green - */ - public static final int green=0x7f050151; - /** My games - */ - public static final int group_cur_games=0x7f050270; - /** New games - */ - public static final int group_new_games=0x7f050271; - /** Used as the default name for remote players displayed within - the Game configure screen - Final state: game is over. - Third state: enough devices have connected in the room to - form a complete game. We'll be in this state as long as the - game exists. - Second state: has been assigned to a room on the relay - (meaning the network is working) but there are not yet as - many players as expected: the game is not complete and play - cannot happen. - The display of each networked game includes one of three - states it can be in in the process of connecting to the - relay. These next three strings are used to create those - three. - First state: is configured to use a room but has not yet - contacted the relay and been assigned that room. - Used as a substitute for the names of remote players when - they aren't available yet because the connection is not - complete. Displayed in the lists of players found in each - game listing. - Used as the default name for remote players displayed within - the Game configure screen -(Off-device player) - Used as the default name for remote players displayed within - the Game configure screen - */ - public static final int guest_name=0x7f0500d3; - /** If this preference is checked the "crosshairs" (vertical and - horzontal lines through the cell your finger is on that help - you tell where the app thinks you're actually tapping) will - not be shown. Some users have complained that this feature - is distracting, presumably because they're using tablets with - large enough screens that they always know where they're - tapping. - If this preference is checked the "crosshairs" (vertical and - horzontal lines through the cell your finger is on that help - you tell where the app thinks you're actually tapping) will - not be shown. Some users have complained that this feature - is distracting, presumably because they're using tablets with - large enough screens that they always know where they're - tapping. -Disable crosshairs - If this preference is checked the "crosshairs" (vertical and - horzontal lines through the cell your finger is on that help - you tell where the app thinks you're actually tapping) will - not be shown. Some users have complained that this feature - is distracting, presumably because they're using tablets with - large enough screens that they always know where they're - tapping. - */ - public static final int hide_crosshairs=0x7f05015d; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Do not visually indicate which board cell is touched - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int hide_crosshairs_summary=0x7f05015e; - /** clarification of above -XLATE-ME -Hiding the newgame buttons in - the main screen makes more games visible - */ - public static final int hide_newgames_summary=0x7f050140; - /** Checkbox that when set prevents showing the newgame buttons - on the main screen to save space -XLATE-ME -Hide newgame buttons - */ - public static final int hide_newgames_title=0x7f05013f; - /** Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the - game board window to save space - Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the - game board window to save space -Hide titlebar - Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the - game board window to save space - */ - public static final int hide_title=0x7f05013d; - /** clarification of above - clarification of above -Hiding the game name lets the - board be slightly larger - clarification of above - */ - public static final int hide_title_summary=0x7f05013e; - /** text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, buttons will - appear by which the user can get high- and low-scoring moves - generated based on his tray. Can be used to cheat. - text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, buttons will - appear by which the user can get high- and low-scoring moves - generated based on his tray. Can be used to cheat. -Allow hints - text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, buttons will - appear by which the user can get high- and low-scoring moves - generated based on his tray. Can be used to cheat. - */ - public static final int hints_allowed=0x7f0500c6; - /** clarification on hints_allowed, whether new games will - default to having the hint feature enabled(string elsewhere - in this file) - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new games will - default to having the hint feature enabled(string elsewhere - in this file) -Enable the hint feature - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new games will - default to having the hint feature enabled(string elsewhere - in this file) - */ - public static final int hints_allowed_sum=0x7f05012f; - /** title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_history menu. A full history of the game up - to the last turn is displayed, though details about what's in - players' racks is left out if the game is not yet over. - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_history menu. A full history of the game up - to the last turn is displayed, though details about what's in - players' racks is left out if the game is not yet over. -Game History - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_history menu. A full history of the game up - to the last turn is displayed, though details about what's in - players' racks is left out if the game is not yet over. - */ - public static final int history_title=0x7f0501b6; - /** Partial text of alert posted when phonies_warn or - phonies_disallow is the current setting and a "phony" is - played. One of the two following strings will be appended - - When a game has been connected and the relay is notified that - a device in the game has deleted its part of the game, this - message is posted when you connect your end of it to the - relay. Once this happens there is no way to continue the - game so you might as well delete it (unless you're saving it - for its history etc.) - Partial text of alert posted when phonies_warn or - phonies_disallow is the current setting and a "phony" is - played. One of the two following strings will be appended - -Word[s] %1$s not found in - wordlist %2$s. - Partial text of alert posted when phonies_warn or - phonies_disallow is the current setting and a "phony" is - played. One of the two following strings will be appended - - */ - public static final int ids_badwords_fmt=0x7f0500f8; - /** text of confirmation dialog shown when user chooses the menu - item with text board_menu_game_final and the game is not over - - text of confirmation dialog shown when user chooses the menu - item with text board_menu_game_final and the game is not over - -Are you sure you want to resign? - text of confirmation dialog shown when user chooses the menu - item with text board_menu_game_final and the game is not over - - */ - public static final int ids_endnow=0x7f0501b8; - /** Title of generic dialog used to display information - If the dropdown is selected, this is the title displayed - above the list of selectable items. The language the game - will use is substituted in for "%1$s". - label for dropdown by which wordlist is chosen that this - player will use. The language the game will use (which - constrains the choice of wordlists) is substituted in for - "%1$s". - Title of generic dialog used to display information -FYI… - Title of generic dialog used to display information - */ - public static final int info_title=0x7f0501b2; - /** - -You are using the wordlist - %1$s but the game host is using %2$s. Would you like to use %3$s - too? - - */ - public static final int inform_dict_diffdict_fmt=0x7f05025c; - /** - -You and the host of this - game are using different versions of the wordlist %1$s. - Used in formatting final scores display - Used in formatting final scores display - - */ - public static final int inform_dict_diffversion_fmt=0x7f05025a; - /** \u0020(You will have to download it - first.) - */ - public static final int inform_dict_download=0x7f05025d; - /** Wordlist mismatch - */ - public static final int inform_dict_title=0x7f05025b; - /** Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start - order of players. - Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start - order of players. -Juggle players - Will new games, on default, randomly rearrange the start - order of players. - */ - public static final int init_autojuggle=0x7f050131; - /** clarification on above - clarification on above -Randomly, for new games - clarification on above - */ - public static final int init_autojuggle_sum=0x7f050132; - /** default number of minutes on timer for new games - clarification of the above - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Behavior preference subscreen (within Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - default number of minutes on timer for new games -Timer minutes per player - default number of minutes on timer for new games - */ - public static final int initial_player_minutes=0x7f050134; - public static final int invit_expl_bt_fmt=0x7f0500ed; - public static final int invit_expl_notarget_fmt=0x7f0500ef; - public static final int invit_expl_relay_fmt=0x7f0500ee; - public static final int invit_expl_sms_fmt=0x7f0500ec; - public static final int invite_choice_bt=0x7f05017c; - public static final int invite_choice_email=0x7f05017b; - /** Email -Bluetooth -NFC (\"Android beaming\") - */ - public static final int invite_choice_nfc=0x7f05017d; - public static final int invite_choice_p2p=0x7f05017f; - public static final int invite_choice_relay=0x7f05017e; - /** EXPLAIN ME - Bluetooth is not available. This may - mean that your device doesn\'t support it, or that it\'s been - turned off. - The invitation process begins with this query. The choice is - between html and plaintext formatting but I also provide some - explanation/guidance. - The invitation process begins with this query. The choice is - between html and plaintext formatting but I also provide some - explanation/guidance. -SMS (texting) - */ - public static final int invite_choice_sms=0x7f05017a; - /** Inviting players: How? - */ - public static final int invite_choice_title=0x7f050180; - public static final int invite_chooser_email=0x7f050185; - /** When I've created the invitation, in text or html, I ask - Android to launch an app that can send it, typically an email - or messaging app. Android then asks the user to choose which - of the installed apps that can process the request he'd like - to have launched. This string is passed to Android and used - as the title of the dialog that presents that choice. - When I've created the invitation, in text or html, I ask - Android to launch an app that can send it, typically an email - or messaging app. Android then asks the user to choose which - of the installed apps that can process the request he'd like - to have launched. This string is passed to Android and used - as the title of the dialog that presents that choice. -Send invitation via %1$s - When I've created the invitation, in text or html, I ask - Android to launch an app that can send it, typically an email - or messaging app. Android then asks the user to choose which - of the installed apps that can process the request he'd like - to have launched. This string is passed to Android and used - as the title of the dialog that presents that choice. - */ - public static final int invite_chooser_fmt=0x7f050184; - /** email -sms - */ - public static final int invite_chooser_sms=0x7f050186; - public static final int invite_copied=0x7f050343; - /** %1$s has invited you to - play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in %3$s), but it - is not installed. Would you like to download the wordlist or - decline the invitation? - */ - public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_fmt=0x7f050262; - /** You have been - invited to play Crosswords using the wordlist %2$s (for play in - %3$s), but it is not installed. Would you like to download the - wordlist? - */ - public static final int invite_dict_missing_body_noname_fmt=0x7f050263; - /** Missing wordlist - */ - public static final int invite_dict_missing_title=0x7f050261; - public static final int invite_dualpane=0x7f05034e; - public static final int invite_host=0x7f05007f; - /** This is the body of the html version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". (The funky \u003c and friends are - encodings for the greater-than and less-than symbols which - are not legal in xml strings.) - This is the body of the html version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". (The funky \u003c and friends are - encodings for the greater-than and less-than symbols which - are not legal in xml strings.) -\u003Ca href=\"%1$s\"\u003ETap - here\u003C/a\u003E (or tap the full link below, or, if you already - have Crosswords installed, open the attachment) to accept my - invitation and join this game. - - \u003Cbr \\\u003E - \u003Cbr \\\u003E - (full link: %1$s ) - - This is the body of the html version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". (The funky \u003c and friends are - encodings for the greater-than and less-than symbols which - are not legal in xml strings.) - */ - public static final int invite_htm_fmt=0x7f050182; - /** Appended to message above if local device has NFC available - Appended to message above if local device has NFC available -(Or just Tap to Invite - if the - other device also has Android Beaming and is nearby.) - */ - public static final int invite_if_nfc=0x7f0500ea; - public static final int invite_mime=0x7f050080; - /** XLATE-ME -Invite more than one player per remote device - */ - public static final int invite_multi_summary=0x7f0502e6; - /** XLATE-ME -Invite multiple - */ - public static final int invite_multi_title=0x7f0502e5; - /** Most users create games with only two players, which is the - default, but Crosswords supports up to four. When I'm using - the above string to encourage the opener of a game missing - players to invite, IF the number of missing players is - greater than one this text is appended to the above. - Most users create games with only two players, which is the - default, but Crosswords supports up to four. When I'm using - the above string to encourage the opener of a game missing - players to invite, IF the number of missing players is - greater than one this text is appended to the above. -\u0020(You are expecting multiple - remote players. Be sure to address your invitation to - that many people.) - If a networked game is opened and is not complete, i.e. if it - is listed as expecting remote players who have not yet shown - up, then the most likely explanation is that none has been - invited. (It's also possible that an invitation has been - sent, but I have no way of knowing that.) So every time I - open such a game I give the user a chance to issue an - invititation while trying to warn him not to send duplicates. - The number of players missing is substituted for "%1$d". - Toast shown when players are missing, same time as above - but more subtle. - Most users create games with only two players, which is the - default, but Crosswords supports up to four. When I'm using - the above string to encourage the opener of a game missing - players to invite, IF the number of missing players is - greater than one this text is appended to the above. - */ - public static final int invite_multiple=0x7f0500eb; - /** - - */ - public static final int invite_notice_title=0x7f050202; - public static final int invite_p2p_desc_extra=0x7f050219; - public static final int invite_prefix=0x7f050086; - /** Sending invitation to Crosswords on %1$s - */ - public static final int invite_progress_fmt=0x7f0501fd; - /** - -Connecting... - */ - public static final int invite_progress_title=0x7f0501fc; - /** XLATE-ME -(This dialog will stay up until all - remote players have connected. You can close the game if you - expect it to take a while. They will still be able to - connect.) - */ - public static final int invite_stays=0x7f0502f1; - /** Send invitation using SMS (texting) or - via email? - Send invitation using NFC (Android - beaming – NEW) or via email? - Send invitation using SMS - (texting) or NFC (\"Android beaming\" – NEW) or via email? - When an invitation is sent, the user gets to choose between - plaintext and html formatting. These two strings are shown in the - two buttons in the dialog. - SMS/Text - Email - NFC - This is the subject line of the email/text sent to invite - someone to join a game. - EXPLAIN ME - Le Bluetooth n\'est pas disponible. Cela peut - signifier que votre périphérique ne peut pas en faire, ou qu\'il a été éteint. - This is the subject line of the email/text sent to invite - someone to join a game. -Let\'s play Crosswords (Room %1$s) - EXPLAIN ME - EXPLAIN ME - The invitation process begins with this query. The choice is - between html and plaintext formatting but I also provide some - explanation/guidance. - When an invitation is sent, the user gets to choose between - plaintext and html formatting. These two strings are shown in the - two buttons in the dialog. - This is the subject line of the email/text sent to invite - someone to join a game. - */ - public static final int invite_subject_fmt=0x7f050181; - /** This is the body of the text version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". - This is the body of the text version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". -Let\'s play Crosswords! Join this game: - %1$s . - This is the body of the text version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". - */ - public static final int invite_txt_fmt=0x7f050183; - public static final int invited_msg=0x7f0500e9; - /** First line of debug-only Invites list dialog - */ - public static final int invites_net_fmt=0x7f050234; - /** text of checkbox asking if user wants to search for open - public rooms - text of checkbox asking if user wants to search for open - public rooms -Join public room - text of separator marking out the connection area of the dialog - text of checkbox asking if user wants to search for open - public rooms - */ - public static final int join_room=0x7f0500bf; - /** Checkbox that when set keeps the device screen from dimming - if the board screen is what's displayed. This is to allow - users to think about a move without having to touch the - screen all the time. - Checkbox that when set keeps the device screen from dimming - if the board screen is what's displayed. This is to allow - users to think about a move without having to touch the - screen all the time. -Keep screen on - Checkbox that when set keeps the device screen from dimming - if the board screen is what's displayed. This is to allow - users to think about a move without having to touch the - screen all the time. - */ - public static final int keep_screenon=0x7f050143; - /** clarification of above - clarification of above -Keep board screen on 10 mins - clarification of above - */ - public static final int keep_screenon_summary=0x7f050144; - public static final int key_addrs_pref=0x7f05003f; - public static final int key_background=0x7f050019; - public static final int key_board_size=0x7f050028; - public static final int key_bonus_l2x=0x7f050013; - public static final int key_bonus_l3x=0x7f050014; - public static final int key_bonus_w2x=0x7f050015; - public static final int key_bonus_w3x=0x7f050016; - /** the color of text, e.g. "2L", shown on a bonus square on the - board - the color of text, e.g. "2L", shown on a bonus square on the - board -In-square bonus hint - the color of text, e.g. "2L", shown on a bonus square on the - board - */ - public static final int key_bonushint=0x7f05014f; - public static final int key_bt_addrs=0x7f050041; - /** database keys whose entries aren't visible prefs - */ - public static final int key_closed_langs=0x7f050040; - public static final int key_clr_bonushint=0x7f05001b; - public static final int key_clr_crosshairs=0x7f05001a; - /** prefs keys - */ - public static final int key_color_tiles=0x7f050001; - public static final int key_connect_frequency=0x7f050031; - public static final int key_connstat_data=0x7f050044; - public static final int key_default_dict=0x7f05002b; - public static final int key_default_group=0x7f050049; - public static final int key_default_language=0x7f05002a; - public static final int key_default_loc=0x7f05003b; - public static final int key_default_phonies=0x7f05002f; - public static final int key_default_robodict=0x7f05002e; - public static final int key_default_timerenabled=0x7f050030; - public static final int key_dev_id=0x7f050045; - public static final int key_dict_host=0x7f050022; - public static final int key_disable_nag=0x7f050006; - public static final int key_disable_nag_solo=0x7f050007; - public static final int key_disable_relay=0x7f050033; - public static final int key_download_path=0x7f050070; - public static final int key_empty=0x7f050018; - public static final int key_enable_debug=0x7f05006a; - public static final int key_enable_dualpane=0x7f05003d; - public static final int key_enable_dup_invite=0x7f05006b; - public static final int key_enable_nfc_toself=0x7f05006c; - public static final int key_enable_pubroom=0x7f05000e; - public static final int key_enable_relay_toself=0x7f05006e; - public static final int key_enable_sms=0x7f050035; - public static final int key_enable_sms_toself=0x7f05006d; - public static final int key_explain_robot=0x7f050004; - public static final int key_force_radio=0x7f05003e; - public static final int key_force_tablet=0x7f05003c; - public static final int key_gcmvers_regid=0x7f050046; - public static final int key_got_langdict=0x7f050071; - public static final int key_group_posns=0x7f05004a; - public static final int key_hide_crosshairs=0x7f05000a; - public static final int key_hide_newgames=0x7f05000d; - public static final int key_hide_title=0x7f05000c; - public static final int key_hide_values=0x7f05000b; - public static final int key_init_autojuggle=0x7f050027; - public static final int key_init_hintsallowed=0x7f050025; - public static final int key_init_nethintsallowed=0x7f050026; - public static final int key_initial_player_minutes=0x7f050029; - public static final int key_invite_multi=0x7f050074; - public static final int key_keep_screenon=0x7f050037; - public static final int key_last_packet=0x7f05004b; - public static final int key_logging_on=0x7f050023; - public static final int key_na_browse=0x7f050063; - public static final int key_na_browseall=0x7f050064; - public static final int key_na_clip_expl=0x7f050068; - public static final int key_na_comms_bt=0x7f050078; - public static final int key_na_comms_p2p=0x7f050079; - public static final int key_na_comms_relay=0x7f05007b; - public static final int key_na_comms_sms=0x7f05007a; - public static final int key_na_dicts=0x7f050069; - public static final int key_na_fmt_expl=0x7f050067; - public static final int key_na_lookup=0x7f050062; - public static final int key_na_rematch_two_only=0x7f050076; - public static final int key_na_studycopy=0x7f050066; - public static final int key_na_values=0x7f050065; - public static final int key_nag_intervals=0x7f05006f; - public static final int key_network_behavior=0x7f050036; - public static final int key_notagain_arrow=0x7f05005d; - public static final int key_notagain_backclears=0x7f050050; - public static final int key_notagain_chat=0x7f050051; - public static final int key_notagain_conndall=0x7f05005a; - public static final int key_notagain_conndfirst=0x7f05005b; - public static final int key_notagain_conndmid=0x7f05005c; - public static final int key_notagain_dfltname=0x7f050077; - public static final int key_notagain_done=0x7f050058; - public static final int key_notagain_dualpane=0x7f05004f; - public static final int key_notagain_enablepublic=0x7f050075; - public static final int key_notagain_flip=0x7f050056; - public static final int key_notagain_hidenewgamebuttons=0x7f050061; - public static final int key_notagain_hintnext=0x7f050054; - public static final int key_notagain_hintprev=0x7f050053; - public static final int key_notagain_juggle=0x7f050055; - public static final int key_notagain_newfrom=0x7f05005f; - /** key_notagain_sms_ready - */ - public static final int key_notagain_newselect=0x7f05004e; - public static final int key_notagain_relay=0x7f050052; - public static final int key_notagain_sync=0x7f05004d; - public static final int key_notagain_trading=0x7f050060; - public static final int key_notagain_turnchanged=0x7f05005e; - public static final int key_notagain_undo=0x7f050057; - public static final int key_notagain_unlock=0x7f050059; - public static final int key_notify_sound=0x7f050032; - public static final int key_notify_vibrate=0x7f050034; - public static final int key_peek_other=0x7f050009; - public static final int key_player0=0x7f05000f; - public static final int key_player1=0x7f050010; - public static final int key_player1_name=0x7f05002c; - public static final int key_player2=0x7f050011; - public static final int key_player3=0x7f050012; - public static final int key_proxy_port=0x7f050020; - public static final int key_relay_host=0x7f05001c; - public static final int key_relay_ids=0x7f050043; - public static final int key_relay_port=0x7f05001d; - public static final int key_relay_regid=0x7f050047; - public static final int key_relay_regid_ackd=0x7f050048; - public static final int key_robot_name=0x7f05002d; - public static final int key_show_arrow=0x7f050002; - public static final int key_show_sms=0x7f050024; - public static final int key_skip_confirm=0x7f050005; - public static final int key_sms_phones=0x7f050042; - public static final int key_sms_port=0x7f050021; - public static final int key_sort_tiles=0x7f050008; - public static final int key_square_tiles=0x7f050003; - public static final int key_studyon=0x7f050039; - public static final int key_summary_field=0x7f05003a; - public static final int key_thumbsize=0x7f050038; - public static final int key_tile_back=0x7f050017; - public static final int key_udp_interval=0x7f05004c; - public static final int key_update_prerel=0x7f05001f; - public static final int key_update_url=0x7f05001e; - public static final int key_xlations_enabled=0x7f050073; - public static final int key_xlations_locale=0x7f050072; - /** text of separator marking out the language area of the - dialog. First is used for single-device games, and second - for networked games (where players aren't allowed to have - different wordlists.) - text of separator marking out the language area of the - dialog. First is used for single-device games, and second - for networked games (where players aren't allowed to have - different wordlists.) -Game language - text of separator marking out the language area of the - dialog. First is used for single-device games, and second - for networked games (where players aren't allowed to have - different wordlists.) - */ - public static final int lang_label=0x7f0500bc; - public static final int lang_name_arabic=0x7f0502ab; - public static final int lang_name_catalan=0x7f0502b2; - public static final int lang_name_czech=0x7f0502b5; - public static final int lang_name_danish=0x7f0502af; - public static final int lang_name_dutch=0x7f0502b1; - public static final int lang_name_english=0x7f0502a7; - public static final int lang_name_french=0x7f0502a8; - public static final int lang_name_german=0x7f0502a9; - public static final int lang_name_greek=0x7f0502b6; - public static final int lang_name_italian=0x7f0502b0; - public static final int lang_name_polish=0x7f0502ae; - public static final int lang_name_portuguese=0x7f0502b3; - public static final int lang_name_russian=0x7f0502b4; - public static final int lang_name_slovak=0x7f0502b7; - public static final int lang_name_spanish=0x7f0502ac; - public static final int lang_name_swedish=0x7f0502ad; - public static final int lang_name_turkish=0x7f0502aa; - /** Unknown - */ - public static final int lang_unknown=0x7f0502ca; - /** Game language/wordlist - */ - public static final int langdict_label=0x7f0500bd; - /** Put new games here - */ - public static final int list_group_default=0x7f05026d; - /** Delete group - */ - public static final int list_group_delete=0x7f05026b; - /** Move down - */ - public static final int list_group_movedown=0x7f05026f; - /** Move up - */ - public static final int list_group_moveup=0x7f05026e; - /** Rename - */ - public static final int list_group_rename=0x7f05026c; - /** ############## menu items ############## - pulls up dialog to configure the selected game - Used to format game name plus some other information as the - one-line summary for each game in the main screen. The name - of the game is substituted for %1$s. Something else - (language, player names, etc), is substituted for %2$s. This - does not require translation unless the parentheses or - ordering is wrong for your language. - Games list screen menuitem text for creating a new group - ############## menu items ############## - pulls up dialog to configure the selected game - ############## menu items ############## - pulls up dialog to configure the selected game - */ - public static final int list_item_config=0x7f05009b; - /** makes a copy of the selected game. This is currently - disabled for networked games since there would be problems if - two identically configured games started trying to talk to a - remote game that expected there was only one of them. - makes a copy of the selected game. This is currently - disabled for networked games since there would be problems if - two identically configured games started trying to talk to a - remote game that expected there was only one of them. - makes a copy of the selected game. This is currently - disabled for networked games since there would be problems if - two identically configured games started trying to talk to a - remote game that expected there was only one of them. - */ - public static final int list_item_copy=0x7f0500a1; - /** pulls up dialog to delete the selected game - pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game - pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game - pulls up dialog to delete the selected game - pulls up dialog to delete the selected game - */ - public static final int list_item_delete=0x7f05009e; - public static final int list_item_deselect=0x7f05034b; - /** pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game - pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game - pulls up dialog to change the group of the selected game - */ - public static final int list_item_move=0x7f05009d; - /** creates a new game with all configuation copied from the - selected game - creates a new game with all configuation copied from the - selected game - creates a new game with all configuation copied from the - selected game - */ - public static final int list_item_new_from=0x7f0500a0; - /** pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game - pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game - pulls up dialog to rename (change name of) the selected game - */ - public static final int list_item_rename=0x7f05009c; - /** pulls up dialog to reset the selected game, that is to remove - all moves so that it's the same as a newly created game - except for any configuration. - Text of confirmation dialog posted when list_item_reset menu - is selected - text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - - Title of dialog for renaming game (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - If you try to copy a networked game you get this error - message. - pulls up dialog to reset the selected game, that is to remove - all moves so that it's the same as a newly created game - except for any configuration. - pulls up dialog to reset the selected game, that is to remove - all moves so that it's the same as a newly created game - except for any configuration. - */ - public static final int list_item_reset=0x7f05009f; - public static final int list_item_select=0x7f05034a; - /** formatting for last move summary in notifications - formatting for last move summary in notifications -%1$s passed (0 points) - */ - public static final int lmi_pass_fmt=0x7f0502d3; - /** %1$s lost a turn - */ - public static final int lmi_phony_fmt=0x7f0502d4; - /** Tiles assigned to %1$s - */ - public static final int lmi_tiles_fmt=0x7f0502d5; - /** One of the strings used in the right column of the list of - installed wordlists to describe those that are part of - Crosswords and that cannot be uninstalled or moved. - loc_internal and loc_external are the other possible strings - in this column. - One of the strings used in the right column of the list of - installed wordlists to describe those that are part of - Crosswords and that cannot be uninstalled or moved. - loc_internal and loc_external are the other possible strings - in this column. - One of the strings used in the right column of the list of - installed wordlists to describe those that are part of - Crosswords and that cannot be uninstalled or moved. - loc_internal and loc_external are the other possible strings - in this column. - */ - public static final int loc_builtin=0x7f0500a8; - /** Used to describe wordlists that are in the Downloads - directory. Currently I don't look there so this is unused, - but I will eventually do so. This should be the same name as - the built-in Android web browser uses for the directory where - it saves files it downloads. - Used to describe wordlists that are in the Downloads - directory. Currently I don't look there so this is unused, - but I will eventually do so. This should be the same name as - the built-in Android web browser uses for the directory where - it saves files it downloads. - Used to describe wordlists that are in the Downloads - directory. Currently I don't look there so this is unused, - but I will eventually do so. This should be the same name as - the built-in Android web browser uses for the directory where - it saves files it downloads. - */ - public static final int loc_downloads=0x7f0500a9; - /** - - - */ - public static final int loc_external=0x7f0500b3; - /** All - */ - public static final int loc_filters_all=0x7f0502a3; - /** Latest menu - */ - public static final int loc_filters_menu=0x7f0502a5; - /** Modified by me - */ - public static final int loc_filters_modified=0x7f0502a6; - /** Filter by: - */ - public static final int loc_filters_prompt=0x7f0502a1; - /** Latest screen - */ - public static final int loc_filters_screen=0x7f0502a4; - /** Illegal translation: a translated - string must have the same format specifiers (e.g. %1$s) as the - original. - */ - public static final int loc_fmts_mismatch=0x7f0502bc; - /** see move_dictf above - see move_dictf above - see move_dictf above - */ - public static final int loc_internal=0x7f0500b2; - /** Check - */ - public static final int loc_item_check=0x7f0502b9; - /** for loc item edit menu - for loc item edit menu -Clear - */ - public static final int loc_item_clear=0x7f0502b8; - /** Copy official - */ - public static final int loc_item_copy_bless=0x7f0502bb; - /** Copy English - */ - public static final int loc_item_copy_eng=0x7f0502ba; - /** %1$s (official) - */ - public static final int loc_lang_blessed=0x7f05029c; - /** %1$s (yours) - */ - public static final int loc_lang_local=0x7f05029d; - /** Translate - */ - public static final int loc_menu_xlate=0x7f05029b; - /** Search for: - */ - public static final int loc_search_prompt=0x7f0502a2; - /** This is the "hint" printed in light text in the empty player - name field - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # RelayGameActivity screen - # - # This screen is a simple alternative to the Game Configure - # screen. You'll get it when you choose the list_item_config - # on certain unconfigured simple relay games (currently simple - # means they have 2 players. These days about the only way to - # get this screen is to create a relay game manually and to - # abort after making the room name empty. That is, this is - # left over from an older way of helping people connect, from - # before invitations. - - # The dialog has a list of instructions, two text fields for - # room name and local player name, and two buttons. - ############################################################ - - This is the "hint" printed in light text in the empty player - name field -Player name - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # RelayGameActivity screen - # - # This screen is a simple alternative to the Game Configure - # screen. You'll get it when you choose the list_item_config - # on certain unconfigured simple relay games (currently simple - # means they have 2 players. These days about the only way to - # get this screen is to create a relay game manually and to - # abort after making the room name empty. That is, this is - # left over from an older way of helping people connect, from - # before invitations. - - # The dialog has a list of instructions, two text fields for - # room name and local player name, and two buttons. - ############################################################ - - This is the heading above the list of steps. The default - language is substituted for %s. - These four strings are displayed as step-by-step - instructions - This is the "hint" printed in light text in the empty player - name field - */ - public static final int local_name_hint=0x7f05018d; - /** XLATE-ME -Enable logging - */ - public static final int logging_on=0x7f050304; - /** XLATE-ME -(release builds only) - */ - public static final int logging_on_summary=0x7f050305; - /** Word lookup - */ - public static final int lookup_title=0x7f050297; - /** - -Max length - - */ - public static final int max_len=0x7f0501f2; - /** - -Chat - - */ - public static final int menu_chat=0x7f05022c; - /** - -Flip board - - */ - public static final int menu_flip=0x7f05022a; - /** - -Next hint - - */ - public static final int menu_hint_next=0x7f050227; - /** - -Prev hint - - */ - public static final int menu_hint_prev=0x7f050226; - /** - -Juggle rack - - */ - public static final int menu_juggle=0x7f050229; - /** text of menu that brings up the Settings (preferences) dialog - text of menu that brings up the Settings (preferences) dialog - text of menu that brings up the Settings (preferences) dialog - */ - public static final int menu_prefs=0x7f050095; - /** Rate Crosswords - */ - public static final int menu_rateme=0x7f050289; - /** - -Toggle values - - */ - public static final int menu_toggle_values=0x7f05022e; - /** - -Zoom in/out - - */ - public static final int menu_zoom=0x7f05022b; - /** - -Min length - - */ - public static final int min_len=0x7f0501f1; - /** label for the field used to set the timer's inital value - label for the field used to set the timer's inital value -Minutes per player - label for the field used to set the timer's inital value - */ - public static final int minutes_label=0x7f0500c9; - /** body of notification shown when invitation requires a - wordslist that's not installed - body of notification shown when invitation requires a - wordslist that's not installed -Tap to download missing wordlist - */ - public static final int missing_dict_detail=0x7f050260; - /** Title of notification shown when invitation requires a - wordslist that's not installed - Title of notification shown when invitation requires a - wordslist that's not installed -Game invitation pending - */ - public static final int missing_dict_title=0x7f05025f; - public static final int missing_perms=0x7f050357; - /** Used as a substitute for the names of remote players when - they aren't available yet because the connection is not - complete. Displayed in the lists of players found in each - game listing. - Used to format game name plus some other information as the - one-line summary for each game in the main screen. The name - of the game is substituted for %1$s. Something else - (language, player names, etc), is substituted for %2$s. This - does not require translation unless the parentheses or - ordering is wrong for your language. - Used to format robot player names in the lists of players - found in each game listing - Used as a substitute for the names of remote players when - they aren't available yet because the connection is not - complete. Displayed in the lists of players found in each - game listing. - Used as a substitute for the names of remote players when - they aren't available yet because the connection is not - complete. Displayed in the lists of players found in each - game listing. - */ - public static final int missing_player=0x7f05008b; - /** When the dicts_item_move menu is chosen, this text is used in - the confirmation dialog. The name of the selected wordlist - is substituted for %1$s. The strings loc_internal and - loc_internal are substitued for %2$s and %3$s (or vice-versa, - depending on the current location of the wordlist.) - When the dicts_item_move menu is chosen, this text is used in - the confirmation dialog. The name of the selected wordlist - is substituted for %1$s. The strings loc_internal and - loc_internal are substitued for %2$s and %3$s (or vice-versa, - depending on the current location of the wordlist.) - When the dicts_item_move menu is chosen, this text is used in - the confirmation dialog. The name of the selected wordlist - is substituted for %1$s. The strings loc_internal and - loc_internal are substitued for %2$s and %3$s (or vice-versa, - depending on the current location of the wordlist.) - */ - public static final int move_dict_fmt=0x7f0500b1; - public static final int move_dict_rationale=0x7f050360; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Password dialog - # - - # This alert is displayed when a local player has set a - # password and is trying to see his tiles - ############################################################ - - Text of dialog. Player name is substituted - If substituting an existing same-language wordlist by - choosing button_substdict user gets to choose from a list of - wordlists. This is the title of that list. - Text of button allowing user to choose to open with a - different (but same-language wordlist) - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Password dialog - # - - # This alert is displayed when a local player has set a - # password and is trying to see his tiles - ############################################################ - - Text of dialog. Player name is substituted -Password for \"%1$s\": - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Password dialog - # - - # This alert is displayed when a local player has set a - # password and is trying to see his tiles - ############################################################ - - Text of dialog. Player name is substituted - */ - public static final int msg_ask_password_fmt=0x7f0501a5; - /** When a game has been connected and the relay is notified that - a device in the game has deleted its part of the game, this - message is posted when you connect your end of it to the - relay. Once this happens there is no way to continue the - game so you might as well delete it (unless you're saving it - for its history etc.) - When a game has been connected and the relay is notified that - a device in the game has deleted its part of the game, this - message is posted when you connect your end of it to the - relay. Once this happens there is no way to continue the - game so you might as well delete it (unless you're saving it - for its history etc.) -This game has been deleted on - another device. You will not be able to play any - further. - When a game has been connected and the relay is notified that - a device in the game has deleted its part of the game, this - message is posted when you connect your end of it to the - relay. Once this happens there is no way to continue the - game so you might as well delete it (unless you're saving it - for its history etc.) - */ - public static final int msg_dev_deleted=0x7f0500f7; - /** (I believe this can no longer occur) - (I believe this can no longer occur) -Another host has already registered a - room using that name. Rename yours or retry later. - (I believe this can no longer occur) - */ - public static final int msg_dup_room=0x7f0500f5; - /** (I believe this can no longer occur) - (I believe this can no longer occur) -The relay has lost contact with - another device in this game. - (I believe this can no longer occur) - */ - public static final int msg_lost_other=0x7f0500f6; - /** (I believe this can no longer occur) - (I believe this can no longer occur) -No host has registered a room by that name. - (I believe this can no longer occur) - */ - public static final int msg_no_room=0x7f0500f4; - /** Text of "toast" shown when a game is notified by the relay - that all expected players have registered. At this point - play can begin. - Text of "toast" shown when a game is notified by the relay - that all expected players have registered. At this point - play can begin. -All players are here in room - \"%1$s\". - Text of "toast" (mini window briefly displayed) shown when a - game first connects to the relay. The three substitutions - are the device's order within the game (e.g. 2), the name of - the room, and how many additional players have not yet - registered with the relay in this game. This should be seen - only once per game. - Text of "toast" shown when a game is notified by the relay - that all expected players have registered. At this point - play can begin. - */ - public static final int msg_relay_all_here_fmt=0x7f0500f1; - /** (I believe this can no longer occur) - (I believe this can no longer occur) -You are providing more players than - the host expects. - (I believe this can no longer occur) - */ - public static final int msg_too_many=0x7f0500f3; - /** Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted - Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted - Text of progress indicator shown while check is being conducted - */ - public static final int msgs_progress=0x7f050097; - /** %1$s moved more than %2$s ago. - */ - public static final int nag_body_fmt=0x7f0502d0; - /** XLATE-ME -Reminder intervals (minutes1,minutes2,...) - */ - public static final int nag_intervals=0x7f050317; - /** Nagging: title of notification reminder message - Nagging: title of notification reminder message -Reminder: It\'s your turn - */ - public static final int nag_title=0x7f0502cf; - /** above is inserted in this the last time I warn - above is inserted in this the last time I warn -Last warning: %1$s - */ - public static final int nag_warn_last_fmt=0x7f0502d1; - /** XLATE-ME -%1$s copy - */ - public static final int name_copy_fmt=0x7f050213; - public static final int name_dict_fmt=0x7f050311; - public static final int nbs_port=0x7f050085; - /** text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, games created - for network play will by default have the hint feature - enabled. - text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, games created - for network play will by default have the hint feature - enabled. -Allow hints (networked) - text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, games created - for network play will by default have the hint feature - enabled. - */ - public static final int nethints_allowed=0x7f0500c7; - /** clarification on hints_allowed, whether new NETWORKED games - will default to having the hint feature enabled(string - elsewhere in this file) - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new NETWORKED games - will default to having the hint feature enabled(string - elsewhere in this file) -Enable hints for two-device games - clarification on hints_allowed, whether new NETWORKED games - will default to having the hint feature enabled(string - elsewhere in this file) - */ - public static final int nethints_allowed_sum=0x7f050130; - /** XLATE-ME -Game network stats - */ - public static final int netstats_title=0x7f05030c; - /** XLATE-ME -For experienced players - */ - public static final int network_advanced_summary=0x7f0502e4; - /** XLATE-ME -Advanced - */ - public static final int network_advanced_title=0x7f0502e3; - /** Network game settings - */ - public static final int network_behavior=0x7f05015f; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Settings that apply to - networked games - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int network_behavior_summary=0x7f050160; - /** - -Tap to download and install - - */ - public static final int new_app_avail=0x7f050256; - /** - -New version of %1$s - - */ - public static final int new_app_avail_fmt=0x7f050255; - /** - -New game via Bluetooth - -From a player on the device %1$s wants to start a game - - - */ - public static final int new_bt_body_fmt=0x7f050203; - /** - - */ - public static final int new_btmove_title=0x7f050207; - /** - -New wordlist available - - */ - public static final int new_dict_avail=0x7f050253; - /** - -Tap to update %1$s - - */ - public static final int new_dict_avail_fmt=0x7f050254; - /** XLATE-ME -New one-device game - */ - public static final int new_game=0x7f0502da; - /** XLATE-ME -Would you like to create this game - using default settings?\n\nOr would you like to configure it - first? - */ - public static final int new_game_message=0x7f0502dd; - /** XLATE-ME -(You will have a chance to - invite other players when it is open.) - */ - public static final int new_game_message_net=0x7f0502df; - /** XLATE-ME -This game must be - configured before it can be opened. - */ - public static final int new_game_message_nodflt=0x7f0502de; - /** XLATE-ME -New networked game - */ - public static final int new_game_networked=0x7f0502db; - /** - - -One or more moves has arrived - - */ - public static final int new_move_body=0x7f050208; - /** - -%1$s has invited you to play - - */ - public static final int new_name_body_fmt=0x7f050216; - public static final int new_relay_body=0x7f050204; - /** hint (text shown when field is empty) for room name field - hint (text shown when field is empty) for room name field -Room name - hint (text shown when field is empty) for room name field - */ - public static final int new_room_hint=0x7f0500c0; - /** - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # New user info dialog - # - # This dialog pops up in places I think new users need an - # explanation of something. It always has a button allowing - # the user to say he doesn't need to see it again. - ########################################################### - - Title of New user info dialog - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # New user info dialog - # - # This dialog pops up in places I think new users need an - # explanation of something. It always has a button allowing - # the user to say he doesn't need to see it again. - ########################################################### - - Title of New user info dialog -Here\'s a tip - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # New user info dialog - # - # This dialog pops up in places I think new users need an - # explanation of something. It always has a button allowing - # the user to say he doesn't need to see it again. - ########################################################### - - Title of New user info dialog - */ - public static final int newbie_title=0x7f0501ba; - /** section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section: - bluetooth games - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section: - bluetooth games -New Bluetooth game - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section: - bluetooth games - */ - public static final int newgame_bt_header=0x7f050179; - /** Text of second of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and you'll get taken to the "Game configure" screen - Text of second of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and you'll get taken to the "Game configure" screen -Configure first - */ - public static final int newgame_configure_first=0x7f050173; - public static final int newgame_drop_relay=0x7f050178; - /** Text of first of two buttons for new networked games. Tap - this and a game will be created, but you probably won't see - it immediately because an email or messaging app will be - launched to send your invitation. - Text of first of two buttons for new networked games. Tap - this and a game will be created, but you probably won't see - it immediately because an email or messaging app will be - launched to send your invitation. -Invite now - Text of first of two buttons for new networked games. Tap - this and a game will be created, but you probably won't see - it immediately because an email or messaging app will be - launched to send your invitation. - */ - public static final int newgame_invite=0x7f050176; - public static final int newgame_invite_more=0x7f050177; - /** Text of first of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and a new game will be created and opened. If the first - player is a robot it will immediately take its turn. - Text of first of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and a new game will be created and opened. If the first - player is a robot it will immediately take its turn. -Play now - Text of first of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and a new game will be created and opened. If the first - player is a robot it will immediately take its turn. - */ - public static final int newgame_local=0x7f050172; - /** This is one of two descriptions on this screen. It explains - what standalone games are and describes the two buttons used - to create them. The name of the language of the default - wordlist is substituted in for %1$s. - This is one of two descriptions on this screen. It explains - what standalone games are and describes the two buttons used - to create them. The name of the language of the default - wordlist is substituted in for %1$s. -Create a new game where all - players will be on this device. To play against a robot and - with your default settings (in %1$s, etc.) just press \"Play - now\". To add players or change game settings, press - \"Configure first\". - This is one of two descriptions on this screen. It explains - what standalone games are and describes the two buttons used - to create them. The name of the language of the default - wordlist is substituted in for %1$s. - */ - public static final int newgame_local_desc_fmt=0x7f050171; - /** ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New game screen - # - # This comes up when you tap the "new game" button on the - # main screen or the new game menuitem in the main screen's - # menu. It has descriptions and buttons for creating the two - # types of supported games, standalone and networked. - ############################################################ - - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for first section: - standalone games - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New game screen - # - # This comes up when you tap the "new game" button on the - # main screen or the new game menuitem in the main screen's - # menu. It has descriptions and buttons for creating the two - # types of supported games, standalone and networked. - ############################################################ - - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for first section: - standalone games -New Local-only game - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New game screen - # - # This comes up when you tap the "new game" button on the - # main screen or the new game menuitem in the main screen's - # menu. It has descriptions and buttons for creating the two - # types of supported games, standalone and networked. - ############################################################ - - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for first section: - standalone games - */ - public static final int newgame_local_header=0x7f050170; - /** This is the second of two descriptions on this screen. It - explains what networked games are and describes the two - buttons used to create them. - This is the second of two descriptions on this screen. It - explains what networked games are and describes the two - buttons used to create them. -Create a game that will be - played over the network. The \"Invite now\" button starts a - two-device game and helps you invite a friend to join it. Or - press \"Configure first\" to change some of the defaults before - you start your networked game. (You\'ll have a chance to send - invites later.) - This is the second of two descriptions on this screen. It - explains what networked games are and describes the two - buttons used to create them. - */ - public static final int newgame_networked_desc=0x7f050175; - /** section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section: - networked games - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section: - networked games -New Networked game - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section: - networked games - */ - public static final int newgame_networked_header=0x7f050174; - /** - -New SMS Game - - - - */ - public static final int newgame_sms_header=0x7f050214; - /** Name your new group: - */ - public static final int newgroup_label=0x7f05026a; - /** XLATE-ME -To invite via NFC just touch the back - of this device against the one you want to invite—any time the - game is open. - */ - public static final int nfc_just_tap=0x7f0502f2; - /** XLATE-ME -GSM -XLATE-ME -CDMA -XLATE-ME -Send via NFC to self? - */ - public static final int nfc_to_self=0x7f050321; - /** Title of dialog for renaming game (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - If you try to copy a networked game you get this error - message. - Title of dialog for renaming game (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - If you try to copy a networked game you get this error - message. - Title of dialog for renaming game (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - If you try to copy a networked game you get this error - message. - */ - public static final int no_copy_network=0x7f0500a2; - /** If the wordlist disappears mid-game there are no choices, - just an explanation and this button, after which the game - closes. - If the wordlist disappears mid-game there are no choices, - just an explanation and this button, after which the game - closes. -A wordlist this game is using has - disappeared. (Usually this means it\'s on an external card that - is no longer available.) - If the wordlist disappears mid-game there are no choices, - just an explanation and this button, after which the game - closes. - */ - public static final int no_dict_finish=0x7f05019e; - /** If the missing wordlist is discovered when trying to open the - game, we have more options. If there's another wordlist in - the same language, we can offer to substitute without needing - to download. Otherwise the user must choose between - downloading and not opening the game. This first message - takes wordlist name and language substituted in for %1$ and - %2$ - If the missing wordlist is discovered when trying to open the - game, we have more options. If there's another wordlist in - the same language, we can offer to substitute without needing - to download. Otherwise the user must choose between - downloading and not opening the game. This first message - takes wordlist name and language substituted in for %1$ and - %2$ -Game \"%1$s\" requires a %2$s wordlist. - Please download one before opening. - If the missing wordlist is discovered when trying to open the - game, we have more options. If there's another wordlist in - the same language, we can offer to substitute without needing - to download. Otherwise the user must choose between - downloading and not opening the game. This first message - takes wordlist name and language substituted in for %1$ and - %2$ - */ - public static final int no_dict_fmt=0x7f0501a0; - /** This is an alternative message presented when there's also - the option of downloading another wordlist. Game name, - wordlist name and language are substituted in. - This is an alternative message presented when there's also - the option of downloading another wordlist. Game name, - wordlist name and language are substituted in. -Unable to open game \"%1$s\" because - wordlist %2$s not found. (It may have been deleted, or stored - on an external card that is no longer available.)\n\nYou can - download a replacement or substitute another %3$s - wordlist. - This is an alternative message presented when there's also - the option of downloading another wordlist. Game name, - wordlist name and language are substituted in. - */ - public static final int no_dict_subst_fmt=0x7f0501a1; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Missing wordlist alert - # - # This alert is displayed when you try to open a game whose - # wordlist cannot be found. - ############################################################ - - title of alert - Display snapshots of games - Button shown in game over dialog triggering creation of new - game with the same players and parameters as the one that - just ended. - Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts - - - Used in formatting final scores display - Used in formatting final scores display - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - board menu for small devices only - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New strings that need to be documented and found a home - above. - text of button in About Crosswords dialog summoning above - dialog - text of dialog showing the set of changes made since the last - release - Another paragraph giving credit for work done other than by - Eric House and translators - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Missing wordlist alert - # - # This alert is displayed when you try to open a game whose - # wordlist cannot be found. - ############################################################ - - title of alert -Wordlist not found - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Missing wordlist alert - # - # This alert is displayed when you try to open a game whose - # wordlist cannot be found. - ############################################################ - - title of alert - */ - public static final int no_dict_title=0x7f05019d; - /** If you click on the Play button without having entered a room - name you get an alert with this error message. - If you click on the Play button without having entered a room - name you get an alert with this error message. -This game cannot connect without a - room name. - If you click on the Play button without having entered a room - name you get an alert with this error message. - */ - public static final int no_empty_rooms=0x7f05018f; - /** If you choose the above option and have no networked games - you get this error message - If you choose the above option and have no networked games - you get this error message - If you choose the above option and have no networked games - you get this error message - */ - public static final int no_games_to_refresh=0x7f050098; - public static final int no_invites=0x7f05034d; - /** Google Play app not found - */ - public static final int no_market=0x7f05028a; - /** displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no - most recent score to show - displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no - most recent score to show -(No moves yet) - displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no - most recent score to show - */ - public static final int no_moves_made=0x7f0500e8; - /** If the query returns no rooms, this message is displayed, - with the number of players in the game and its language - substituted. - If the query returns no rooms, this message is displayed, - with the number of players in the game and its language - substituted. -No public rooms found for - %1$d-player games in %2$s. Try refreshing or creating your - own. - If the query returns no rooms, this message is displayed, - with the number of players in the game and its language - substituted. - */ - public static final int no_name_found_fmt=0x7f0500c4; - public static final int no_relay_conn=0x7f050334; - /** This is not currently shown - Crosswords wordlists, which are - just compressed lists of words plus tile information, determine - what language a game is played in and how \"smart\" the robot - is. You can download different sized wordlists in many - languages here. Email me at eehouse@eehouse.org for information - on building and installing your own wordlists. - Shown the first time the board arrow is drawn on the current - Board screen. The idea is that you're tapping around - figuring out how to play and when you tap an empty cell the - arrow appears. This explains it. - This is not currently shown - Crosswords wordlists, which are - just compressed lists of words plus tile information, determine - what language a game is played in and how \"smart\" the robot - is. You can download different sized wordlists in many - languages here. Email me at eehouse@eehouse.org for information - on building and installing your own wordlists. - Shown the first time the board arrow is drawn on the current - Board screen. The idea is that you're tapping around - figuring out how to play and when you tap an empty cell the - arrow appears. This explains it. -Moving tiles to the board:\nYou can - drag tiles between the rack and the board, or you can tap an - empty square to place the board arrow. Rack tiles you tap will - replace the arrow (moving it one square in the direction it - points.) Tap the arrow once to change its orientation; a second - time, to hide it. A checkbox in the Appearance section of - Settings will hide it permanently. - This is not currently shown - Crosswords wordlists, which are - just compressed lists of words plus tile information, determine - what language a game is played in and how \"smart\" the robot - is. You can download different sized wordlists in many - languages here. Email me at eehouse@eehouse.org for information - on building and installing your own wordlists. - Shown the first time the board arrow is drawn on the current - Board screen. The idea is that you're tapping around - figuring out how to play and when you tap an empty cell the - arrow appears. This explains it. - */ - public static final int not_again_arrow=0x7f0501cc; - /** The back button clears any - selection instead of exiting. Hit it again to exit the - app. - */ - public static final int not_again_backclears=0x7f05027d; - /** - -This button opens the wordlist - browser on the current player\'s wordlist. - - */ - public static final int not_again_browse=0x7f0501ee; - /** - -This button opens the wordlist - browser on the wordlist of your choice. - */ - public static final int not_again_browseall=0x7f0501ef; - /** Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen -This button opens the screen for - messaging between devices in this game. Messages will be kept - until you delete the game that contains them. - Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_chat=0x7f0501c5; - /** EXPERIMENTAL: Newbie hint next when invite_choice_clip shown - when chosen - */ - public static final int not_again_clip_expl_fmt=0x7f050345; - public static final int not_again_comms_bt=0x7f05033d; - public static final int not_again_comms_p2p=0x7f05033e; - public static final int not_again_comms_relay=0x7f05033b; - public static final int not_again_comms_sms=0x7f05033c; - /** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are the last device in the - game to do so, i.e. the game is now complete and you should - expect play to begin. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are the last device in the - game to do so, i.e. the game is now complete and you should - expect play to begin. -You have connected and joined a - game on the relay; the room is now full. The device that - created the room will now assign your initial tiles and play can - begin. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are the last device in the - game to do so, i.e. the game is now complete and you should - expect play to begin. - */ - public static final int not_again_conndall=0x7f0501cb; - /** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connect a game to the relay and are the first device in the - game to do so. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connect a game to the relay and are the first device in the - game to do so. -You have connected and started - a game in a new room. Once the remaining devices have joined - your room and Crosswords has assigned them tiles the game can - begin. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connect a game to the relay and are the first device in the - game to do so. - */ - public static final int not_again_conndfirst=0x7f0501c9; - /** This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are not the first device - in the game but not the last either. So it will only occur - for games with more than two devices, which are rare. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are not the first device - in the game but not the last either. So it will only occur - for games with more than two devices, which are rare. -You have connected and joined a - game on the relay. You will be notified when the remaining - device[s] have joined your room and play can begin. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are not the first device - in the game but not the last either. So it will only occur - for games with more than two devices, which are rare. - */ - public static final int not_again_conndmid=0x7f0501ca; - public static final int not_again_dfltname_fmt=0x7f05034c; - /** This screen lets you install new - wordslists and view the ones you already have.\n\nWhat wordlists - you have installed determines:\n• What languages you can play - in\n• How smart the robot player is\n• What words are - legal.\n\nCheck the \"Show downloadable\" box at the top to see - what\'s available. - */ - public static final int not_again_dicts=0x7f0502cb; - /** This is shown when you choose the board_menu_done menu item. - It's to let you know that there's a shortcut that does almost - the same thing. - This is shown when you choose the board_menu_done menu item. - It's to let you know that there's a shortcut that does almost - the same thing. -Tapping the \"pts\" counter that - appears at the right end of the rack is the easiest way to - commit a move. - This is shown when you choose the board_menu_done menu item. - It's to let you know that there's a shortcut that does almost - the same thing. - */ - public static final int not_again_done=0x7f0501c7; - /** XLATE-ME -Public rooms have been made - an \"advanced\" feature in this release. If you were using them - and want them back, enable them now. You can turn them off again - in Settings. - */ - public static final int not_again_enablepublic=0x7f0502f9; - /** Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main - Board screen - Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main - Board screen -This button flips the board across a - diagonal axis. - Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main - Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_flip=0x7f0501c3; - /** This string has special format - specifiers (e.g. %1$s). Please be sure that your translation has - the same ones as the original.\n\n(You will not be able to save it - unless it does.) - */ - public static final int not_again_fmt_expl=0x7f0502bd; - /** XLATE-ME -These two buttons do - the same thing as the first two items in this window\'s Action Bar - (or menu). If you like you can hide the buttons to make more games - visible.\n\n(If you later want to unhide them go to the Appearance - section of App settings). - - */ - public static final int not_again_hidenewgamebuttons=0x7f0502eb; - /** Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen -This button shows all possible - moves in descending order (using tiles to the right of the rack - divider.) - Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_hintnext=0x7f0501c1; - /** Currently not used - The new game you have created has - two players. Player 1 is a robot; Player 2 is you. Tap the game - to play; long-tap (hold your finger on the game) to change its - settings or for other options. - Shown when you tap the Previous Hint button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen - Currently not used - The new game you have created has - two players. Player 1 is a robot; Player 2 is you. Tap the game - to play; long-tap (hold your finger on the game) to change its - settings or for other options. - Shown when you tap the Previous Hint button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen -This button shows all possible - moves in ascending order (using tiles to the right of the rack - divider.) - Currently not used - The new game you have created has - two players. Player 1 is a robot; Player 2 is you. Tap the game - to play; long-tap (hold your finger on the game) to change its - settings or for other options. - Shown when you tap the Previous Hint button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_hintprev=0x7f0501c0; - /** Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen -This button randomly rearranges - tiles in the rack. - Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_juggle=0x7f0501c2; - /** - -This button lets you look up, - online, the words just played. - - */ - public static final int not_again_lookup=0x7f0501e2; - /** Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem - Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem -Create a new ready-to-play game - using all the settings from this one. That is, treat this game - as a template. - Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem - */ - public static final int not_again_newfrom=0x7f0501ce; - /** Tapping a game opens it.\n\nYou - can instead tap the icons at the left to select or deselect games, - then act on selected games, e.g. to delete them, using the menu or - \"Actionbar.\" - */ - public static final int not_again_newselect=0x7f05027c; - public static final int not_again_rematch_two_only=0x7f050340; - /** The selected words will be - copied to the system clipboard. You can then paste them into any - app that supports pasting text, e.g. an email app. - */ - public static final int not_again_studycopy=0x7f050296; - /** The following strings (all whose names start with - "not_again") appear in the New user info dialog. - - shown when user chooses the gamel_menu_checkmoves menu - The following strings (all whose names start with - "not_again") appear in the New user info dialog. - - shown when user chooses the gamel_menu_checkmoves menu -This action checks the relay for - pending moves/messages for all networked games and flags those - with pending moves. When you open a flagged game it will connect - and sync. (In a later release these moves will be downloaded in - the background.) - The following strings (all whose names start with - "not_again") appear in the New user info dialog. - - shown when user chooses the gamel_menu_checkmoves menu - */ - public static final int not_again_sync=0x7f0501bc; - /** Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu - Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu -You are entering tile-exchange - mode.\n\nTap tiles to add/remove them from the set to be - exchanged.\n\n - Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu - */ - public static final int not_again_trading=0x7f0501bd; - /** Use the buttons to - commit your turn or exit exchange mode. - */ - public static final int not_again_trading_buttons=0x7f0501be; - /** Use the menu or action bar - to commit your turn or exit exchange mode. - */ - public static final int not_again_trading_menu=0x7f0501bf; - /** Shown when the board screen is visible and it's just become - another players turn. The idea is to give a hint about how to - find out about recent moves. - Shown when the board screen is visible and it's just become - another players turn. The idea is to give a hint about how to - find out about recent moves. -The player whose turn it is - is drawn large in the scoreboard.\n\nHold your finger on a name in - the scoreboard to get details about that player\'s most recent - move. - Shown when the board screen is visible and it's just become - another players turn. The idea is to give a hint about how to - find out about recent moves. - */ - public static final int not_again_turnchanged=0x7f0501cd; - /** Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the zoom (+/-) button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen -This button toggles the board - between zoomed and regular size. Drag it when it is zoomed to - see parts that are hidden. - Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen -This button undos or redoes the - current turn. - Shown when you tap the zoom (+/-) button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen - Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - */ - public static final int not_again_undo=0x7f0501c4; - /** Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked - checkbox is checked and you uncheck it. - Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked - checkbox is checked and you uncheck it. -This game is in play. Some - settings, e.g. the number of players, cannot be changed without - restarting it. When you leave this page you will have a chance - to discard changes to avoid a restart. - Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked - checkbox is checked and you uncheck it. - */ - public static final int not_again_unlock=0x7f0501c8; - /** Shown when you tap the values button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen. This is intended to allow players to - remind themselves how much played tiles are worth while - planning a move. - Shown when you tap the values button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen. This is intended to allow players to - remind themselves how much played tiles are worth while - planning a move. -This button changes whether the - board shows letters on placed tiles or their point values. - Use it to remind yourself what a tile is worth. - Shown when you tap the values button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen. This is intended to allow players to - remind themselves how much played tiles are worth while - planning a move. - */ - public static final int not_again_values=0x7f0501c6; - /** (None) - */ - public static final int note_none=0x7f0502c7; - public static final int notify_chat_body_fmt=0x7f0501ab; - public static final int notify_chat_title_fmt=0x7f0501aa; - /** This text is displayed as the "summary" for both of the - notify choices above, as extra information. (There could be - different strings if it makes more sense in your language.) - - This text is displayed as the "summary" for both of the - notify choices above, as extra information. (There could be - different strings if it makes more sense in your language.) - -When opponent moves arrive - This text is displayed as the "summary" for both of the - notify choices above, as extra information. (There could be - different strings if it makes more sense in your language.) - - */ - public static final int notify_other_summary=0x7f05016f; - /** When one or more new moves is found, should I play a - notification sound - When one or more new moves is found, should I play a - notification sound -Play sound - When one or more new moves is found, should I play a - notification sound - */ - public static final int notify_sound=0x7f05016d; - /** When a move is fetched from the relay a Notification is - posted. These are its title, which appears in the top bar of the - device, and the body that appears when you pull the notifications - down. - When a move is fetched from the relay a Notification is - posted. These are its title, which appears in the top bar of the - device, and the body that appears when you pull the notifications - down. -Move in game %1$s - */ - public static final int notify_title_fmt=0x7f0501a8; - public static final int notify_title_turn_fmt=0x7f0501a9; - /** When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the - device - When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the - device -Vibrate - When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the - device - */ - public static final int notify_vibrate=0x7f05016e; - /** XLATE-ME -Number on this device - */ - public static final int nplayers_prompt=0x7f0502e1; - public static final int p2p_invite_title=0x7f05020f; - /** text of label identifying the field where human players can - enter an option password. The label and field disappear when - the robot player checkbox is checked because it makes no - sense for a robot to have a password. In fact, passwords - only make sense where there's more than one local human - player on a device, so they are infrequently used in network - games as well. - text of label identifying the field where human players can - enter an option password. The label and field disappear when - the robot player checkbox is checked because it makes no - sense for a robot to have a password. In fact, passwords - only make sense where there's more than one local human - player on a device, so they are infrequently used in network - games as well. -Password - text of label identifying the field where human players can - enter an option password. The label and field disappear when - the robot player checkbox is checked because it makes no - sense for a robot to have a password. In fact, passwords - only make sense where there's more than one local human - player on a device, so they are infrequently used in network - games as well. - */ - public static final int password_label=0x7f0500e0; - /** You have NFC enabled. That - means that any time a board that\'s missing a player is open, you - can tap a nearby person\'s device to invite him/her to - play – if he/she is also using NFC. -\u0020pct. - */ - public static final int pct_suffix=0x7f050288; - /** If this preference is checked, tapping on the scoreboard - entry for any player reveals that player's tiles and any - pending move (after asking for his password if one is set.) - This feature, which is disabled by default, is meant for the - case where serveral human players are sharing a device: it - might make sense for one to be able to study the board even - though it's not his turn e.g. while the player whose turn it - is is temporarily unable to play. - if this preference is checked, the hardware volume keys will - work to zoom the board in and out (and will not control - volume) This only applies when the Board screen is - frontmost. -Volume keys zoom - explanation of the above -Zoom board using volume keys - If this preference is checked, tapping on the scoreboard - entry for any player reveals that player's tiles and any - pending move (after asking for his password if one is set.) - This feature, which is disabled by default, is meant for the - case where serveral human players are sharing a device: it - might make sense for one to be able to study the board even - though it's not his turn e.g. while the player whose turn it - is is temporarily unable to play. -View tiles out-of-turn - if this preference is checked, the hardware volume keys will - work to zoom the board in and out (and will not control - volume) This only applies when the Board screen is - frontmost. - explanation of the above - If this preference is checked, tapping on the scoreboard - entry for any player reveals that player's tiles and any - pending move (after asking for his password if one is set.) - This feature, which is disabled by default, is meant for the - case where serveral human players are sharing a device: it - might make sense for one to be able to study the board even - though it's not his turn e.g. while the player whose turn it - is is temporarily unable to play. - */ - public static final int peek_other=0x7f05015b; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Tapping on scoreboard name shows - that player\'s tiles - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int peek_other_summary=0x7f05015c; - public static final int perms_rationale_title=0x7f050366; - /** - -Connected number[s]: - - */ - public static final int phone_label=0x7f050222; - public static final int phone_lookup_rationale=0x7f05035c; - /** Case where SMS is the only way the game can communicate - */ - public static final int phone_lookup_rationale_drop=0x7f05035d; - /** Case where SMS is NOT the only way the game can communicate - */ - public static final int phone_lookup_rationale_others=0x7f05035e; - public static final int phone_state_rationale=0x7f05035b; - /** Don't warn, but simply force to skip turn (give 0 points) - when user attempts to play word not in the wordlist. - Don't warn, but simply force to skip turn (give 0 points) - when user attempts to play word not in the wordlist. -Disallow phonies - Don't warn, but simply force to skip turn (give 0 points) - when user attempts to play word not in the wordlist. - */ - public static final int phonies_disallow=0x7f0500d1; - /** These are the three choices in the popup above whose text is - phonies_spinner_prompt - Don't care if words played are in the wordlist or not - explanation of the above - If this preference is checked, tiles in the rack will be - re-ordered alphabetically whenever tiles are added, - i.e. after ever move. - If you click on the Play button without having entered a room - name you get an alert with this error message. - This button takes you to the normal Game Configure screen - This is the "hint" printed in light text in the empty player - name field - These four strings are displayed as step-by-step - instructions - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # RelayGameActivity screen - # - # This screen is a simple alternative to the Game Configure - # screen. You'll get it when you choose the list_item_config - # on certain unconfigured simple relay games (currently simple - # means they have 2 players. These days about the only way to - # get this screen is to create a relay game manually and to - # abort after making the room name empty. That is, this is - # left over from an older way of helping people connect, from - # before invitations. - - # The dialog has a list of instructions, two text fields for - # room name and local player name, and two buttons. - ############################################################ - - This is the heading above the list of steps. The default - language is substituted for %1$s. - - ############################################################ - # :Menus: - # Chat messages screen menu - ############################################################ - - This is the only menu item in the chat screen. Press it and - all the chat messages are erased. There is no effect on - other devices in the game: no "clear chat" message is - transmitted. - Text on the button that causes the contents of the - message-composition field to be sent. - Prefix for remote messages - Prefix for local messages - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Chat screen - # - # Shown when the chat button is pressed from the Board screen - # or when a chat message (as opposed to a move message) comes - # in from the relay. It displays a history of messages with - # slightly different colored backgrounds and with prefixes to - # indicate whether they are local or remote in origin. - ############################################################ - - title of the chat screen. The name of the current game is - substituted for %1$s. - Text of dialog asking user to confirm a move that exchanges - tiles (instead of forming a new word to earn points) - When I've created the invitation, in text or html, I ask - Android to launch an app that can send it, typically an email - or messaging app. Android then asks the user to choose which - of the installed apps that can process the request he'd like - to have launched. This string is passed to Android and used - as the title of the dialog that presents that choice. - This is the body of the text version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". - This is the body of the html version of the invitation. A URL - is created with parameters describing the game and - substituted for "%1$s". (The funky \u003c and friends are - encodings for the greater-than and less-than symbols which - are not legal in xml strings.) - This is the subject line of the email/text sent to invite - someone to join a game. - When an invitation is sent, the user gets to choose between - plaintext and html formatting. These two strings are shown in the - two buttons in the dialog. - The invitation process begins with this query. The choice is - between html and plaintext formatting but I also provide some - explanation/guidance. - EXPLAIN ME - EXPLAIN ME - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for third section: - bluetooth games - Text of first of two buttons for new networked games. Tap - this and a game will be created, but you probably won't see - it immediately because an email or messaging app will be - launched to send your invitation. - This is the second of two descriptions on this screen. It - explains what networked games are and describes the two - buttons used to create them. - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for second section: - networked games - Text of first of two buttons for new standalone games. Tap - this and a new game will be created and opened. If the first - player is a robot it will immediately take its turn. - This is one of two descriptions on this screen. It explains - what standalone games are and describes the two buttons used - to create them. The name of the language of the default - wordlist is substituted in for %1$s. - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New game screen - # - # This comes up when you tap the "new game" button on the - # main screen or the new game menuitem in the main screen's - # menu. It has descriptions and buttons for creating the two - # types of supported games, standalone and networked. - ############################################################ - - section separator (white-on-gray bar) for first section: - standalone games - This text is displayed as the "summary" for both of the - notify choices above, as extra information. (There could be - different strings if it makes more sense in your language.) - - When one or more new moves is found, should I vibrate the - device - When one or more new moves is found, should I play a - notification sound - These are the possible values for the connect_frequency - setting presented as a drop-down list. - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Network game settings preference subscreen (within - # Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - When there are networked games connecting using the relay, - Crosswords wakes up periodically to check if there are any - new moves available and fetches them. This controls how - frequently that check is done. - explanation of the above - explanation of the above - If this preference is checked the "crosshairs" (vertical and - horzontal lines through the cell your finger is on that help - you tell where the app thinks you're actually tapping) will - not be shown. Some users have complained that this feature - is distracting, presumably because they're using tablets with - large enough screens that they always know where they're - tapping. - explanation of the above - If this preference is checked, tapping on the scoreboard - entry for any player reveals that player's tiles and any - pending move (after asking for his password if one is set.) - This feature, which is disabled by default, is meant for the - case where serveral human players are sharing a device: it - might make sense for one to be able to study the board even - though it's not his turn e.g. while the player whose turn it - is is temporarily unable to play. - These are the three choices in the popup above whose text is - phonies_spinner_prompt - Don't care if words played are in the wordlist or not -Ignore phonies - These are the three choices in the popup above whose text is - phonies_spinner_prompt - Don't care if words played are in the wordlist or not - */ - public static final int phonies_ignore=0x7f0500cf; - /** title of popup used to determine how words are handled that - are not in the wordlist used for the game (or player if using - different wordlists per player) - title of popup used to determine how words are handled that - are not in the wordlist used for the game (or player if using - different wordlists per player) -How to handle \"phonies\" - (words not in wordlist) - title of popup used to determine how words are handled that - are not in the wordlist used for the game (or player if using - different wordlists per player) - */ - public static final int phonies_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500ce; - /** warn player when word played is not in the wordlist, but - allow him to play it. - warn player when word played is not in the wordlist, but - allow him to play it. -Warn if phonies - warn player when word played is not in the wordlist, but - allow him to play it. - */ - public static final int phonies_warn=0x7f0500d0; - /** - -Pick tiles face-up - - */ - public static final int pick_faceup=0x7f0501ea; - /** - -Look up %1$s at - - */ - public static final int pick_url_title_fmt=0x7f0501e0; - /** Text of button at bottom. Press it and you exit this - configure screen and open the game into the Board screen - Text of button at bottom. Press it and you exit this - configure screen and open the game into the Board screen -Play game - Text of button at bottom. Press it and you exit this - configure screen and open the game into the Board screen - */ - public static final int play=0x7f0500d6; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Player edit dialog - # - # This comes up when you tap on a player within the Game - # config screen - ############################################################ - - dialog title - Text of "toast" shown when a game is notified by the relay - that all expected players have registered. At this point - play can begin. - Text of "toast" (mini window briefly displayed) shown when a - game first connects to the relay. The three substitutions - are the device's order within the game (e.g. 2), the name of - the room, and how many additional players have not yet - registered with the relay in this game. This should be seen - only once per game. - Short for "points", this is shown at the right end of the - tray in place of the first tile placed along with the points - the current move would earn if committed. - Most users create games with only two players, which is the - default, but Crosswords supports up to four. When I'm using - the above string to encourage the opener of a game missing - players to invite, IF the number of missing players is - greater than one this text is appended to the above. - displayed when you long-tap a scoreboard entry and there's no - most recent score to show - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Triple-letter - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-word - Bonus value hint that's displayed in gray text in the colored - bonus square. Double-letter - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Board screen - # - # - # (an open game, with the 15x15 grid of # squares, letters - # played etc., is displayed here) - ############################################################ - - Buttons shown at bottom when board is in exchange mode, - i.e. after user has picked board_menu_trade menu item - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Player edit dialog - # - # This comes up when you tap on a player within the Game - # config screen - ############################################################ - - dialog title -Edit player - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Player edit dialog - # - # This comes up when you tap on a player within the Game - # config screen - ############################################################ - - dialog title - */ - public static final int player_edit_title=0x7f0500da; - /** used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4 - is substituted - When a move is fetched from the relay a Notification is - posted. These are its title, which appears in the top bar of the - device, and the body that appears when you pull the notifications - down. - used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4 - is substituted - used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4 - is substituted -Player %1$d - used to create default player names. Number between 1 and 4 - is substituted - */ - public static final int player_fmt=0x7f0501a7; - /** text of lable identifying the field in which player's name is - set/displayed - Shown in the main screen when you launch Crosswords from an - invitation (received in email or messaging app, say) and - there's already a game running that matches that invitation. - It's to prevent you from opening multiple games and getting - confused. But some people who play together all the time use - the same room name over and over so they'll get this warning - and it's harmless to ignore it. - Used for a button when informing user that his attempt to - connect to the relay failed because the room named does not - exist. (I believe this no longer occurs.) - text of lable identifying the field in which player's name is - set/displayed -Name: - text of lable identifying the field in which player's name is - set/displayed - */ - public static final int player_label=0x7f0500dc; - /** text for separator above the list of players that's used for - networked games. The numbers of local and non-local players - are substituted for %1$d and %2$d. - text for separator above the list of players that's used for - networked games. The numbers of local and non-local players - are substituted for %1$d and %2$d. -Players (%1$d local, %2$d - off-device) - text for separator above the list of players that's used for - networked games. The numbers of local and non-local players - are substituted for %1$d and %2$d. - */ - public static final int players_label_host_fmt=0x7f0500b9; - /** text for separator above the list of players that's used for - non-networked games - text for separator above the list of players that's used for - non-networked games -Players (tap to edit) - text for separator above the list of players that's used for - non-networked games - */ - public static final int players_label_standalone=0x7f0500b8; - public static final int post_dualpane_off_body=0x7f050353; - public static final int post_dualpane_on_body=0x7f050352; - public static final int post_dualpane_title=0x7f050351; - /** Prefs related to in-app localization - */ - public static final int pref_group_l10n_summary=0x7f05032d; - /** Localization Stuff - */ - public static final int pref_group_l10n_title=0x7f05032c; - /** Prefs related to play via internet/relay - */ - public static final int pref_group_relay_summary=0x7f05032b; - /** Relay Stuff - */ - public static final int pref_group_relay_title=0x7f05032a; - /** Prefs related to play-via-sms - */ - public static final int pref_group_sms_summary=0x7f050329; - /** SMS Stuff - */ - public static final int pref_group_sms_title=0x7f050328; - /** Label for the first "human player" name preference - Label for the first "human player" name preference -Human player - */ - public static final int pref_human_name=0x7f050129; - /** Get intermediate builds - */ - public static final int pref_item_update_summary=0x7f05032f; - /** Update between releases - */ - public static final int pref_item_update_title=0x7f05032e; - /** Label for the first player color preference - Label for the first player color preference -First player - Label for the first "player name" preference - */ - public static final int pref_player1_name=0x7f050125; - /** Label for the second player color preference - Label for the second player color preference -Second player - Label for the second "player name" preference (unused) - */ - public static final int pref_player2_name=0x7f050126; - /** Label for the third player color preference - Label for the third player color preference -Third player - Label for the third "player name" preference (unused) - */ - public static final int pref_player3_name=0x7f050127; - /** Label for the fourth player color preference - Label for the fourth player color preference -Fourth player - Label for the fourth "player name" preference (unused) - */ - public static final int pref_player4_name=0x7f050128; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Appearances subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Appearances subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference -Appearance - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Appearances subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - */ - public static final int prefs_appearance=0x7f050136; - /** clarification of the above - clarification of the above -Settings controlling - appearance - clarification of the above - */ - public static final int prefs_appearance_summary=0x7f050137; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Behavior preference subscreen (within Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Behavior preference subscreen (within Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference -Behavior - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Behavior preference subscreen (within Preferences screen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - */ - public static final int prefs_behavior=0x7f050153; - /** clarification of the above - clarification of the above -Settings controlling app behavior - clarification of the above - */ - public static final int prefs_behavior_summary=0x7f050154; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Individual Colors preference subscreen (within Appearances - # subscreen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - clarification of above - Checkbox that when set prevents showing a title bar in the - game board window to save space - List the state of the game, "Game over" or "10 moves made" - etc. - List names of opponents (summarized), e.g. "Game 2 (vs Kati)" - Put the language there, so it reads "Game 2 (English)" - Put nothing in the summary space, so it just reads "Game 2" - Preference to control what's listed next to game name in the - first line of a game summary in the main games-list screen, - e.g., if the option is "Game Language", "English" in the - listing "Game 2 (English)" - - The following strings beginning with "game_summary_field_" are - possible values - clarification of the above - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Appearances subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Individual Colors preference subscreen (within Appearances - # subscreen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference -Individual colors - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Individual Colors preference subscreen (within Appearances - # subscreen) - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - */ - public static final int prefs_colors=0x7f050145; - /** clarification of the above - clarification of the above -Edit colors used on the board - clarification of the above - */ - public static final int prefs_colors_summary=0x7f050146; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New-game defaults subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New-game defaults subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference -New game defaults - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # New-game defaults subscreen of Preferences screen - ############################################################ - - title of this sub-preference - */ - public static final int prefs_defaults=0x7f050121; - /** clarification of the above - clarification of the above -Default settings for new - games - clarification of the above - */ - public static final int prefs_defaults_summary=0x7f050122; - /** sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists") - sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists") -Wordlists - sub-preference for dictionaries (soon to be called "word lists") - */ - public static final int prefs_dicts=0x7f05012b; - /** clarification of above - clarification of above -Default wordlists - clarification of above - */ - public static final int prefs_dicts_summary=0x7f05012c; - /** sub-preference title for editing default player names. - There's only enabled now, though. - sub-preference title for editing default player names. - There's only enabled now, though. -Player names - sub-preference title for editing default player names. - There's only enabled now, though. - */ - public static final int prefs_names=0x7f050123; - /** clarification of the above - clarification of the above -Default player names - clarification of the above - */ - public static final int prefs_names_summary=0x7f050124; - /** Used when prev player's name can't be looked up - Used when prev player's name can't be looked up -Your opponent - */ - public static final int prev_player=0x7f0502d2; - public static final int processing_games=0x7f050349; - /** Downloading - */ - public static final int progress_title=0x7f0502c5; - /** - -Words no longer than - - */ - public static final int prompt_max_len=0x7f0501f4; - /** - -Words no shorter than - - */ - public static final int prompt_min_len=0x7f0501f3; - /** XLATE-ME -Relay device port - */ - public static final int proxy_port=0x7f050310; - /** Short for "points", this is shown at the right end of the - tray in place of the first tile placed along with the points - the current move would earn if committed. - Short for "points", this is shown at the right end of the - tray in place of the first tile placed along with the points - the current move would earn if committed. - */ - public static final int pts=0x7f0500f0; - /** If you check the join_room checkbox Crosswords queries the - relay. This is the text of the progress indicator displayed what - that's going on. (It's often visible for only a very short - time.) - If you check the join_room checkbox Crosswords queries the - relay. This is the text of the progress indicator displayed what - that's going on. (It's often visible for only a very short - time.) -Fetching public rooms for - %1$d-player games in %2$s. - If you check the join_room checkbox Crosswords queries the - relay. This is the text of the progress indicator displayed what - that's going on. (It's often visible for only a very short - time.) - */ - public static final int public_names_progress_fmt=0x7f0500c3; - /** Title for generic dialog asking a question, usually in the - middle of a game, like "do you want to commit this move?" - Title for generic dialog asking a question, usually in the - middle of a game, like "do you want to commit this move?" -A question… - Title for generic dialog asking a question, usually in the - middle of a game, like "do you want to commit this move?" - */ - public static final int query_title=0x7f0501b9; - public static final int radio_name_cdma=0x7f050320; - public static final int radio_name_gsm=0x7f05031f; - /** XLATE-ME -Don\'t pretend - */ - public static final int radio_name_real=0x7f05031d; - /** XLATE-ME -Tablet/no radio - */ - public static final int radio_name_tablet=0x7f05031e; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Color edit dialog - # - # A sub-sub preference, this is displayed each time the user - # wants to edit a color described by the strings above - ############################################################ - - Names of the three colors by which colors can be edited in - the color preferences dialog - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Color edit dialog - # - # A sub-sub preference, this is displayed each time the user - # wants to edit a color described by the strings above - ############################################################ - - Names of the three colors by which colors can be edited in - the color preferences dialog -Red - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Color edit dialog - # - # A sub-sub preference, this is displayed each time the user - # wants to edit a color described by the strings above - ############################################################ - - Names of the three colors by which colors can be edited in - the color preferences dialog - */ - public static final int red=0x7f050150; - /** XLATE-ME -Invite redirect host - */ - public static final int redir_host=0x7f050302; - public static final int rel_invite_title=0x7f050347; - /** Title of dialog used to alert players to relay-related - problems with the current game. - the color of text, e.g. "2L", shown on a bonus square on the - board - the background color of the area outside the board, - e.g. between entries in the scoreboard - Title of dialog used to alert players to relay-related - problems with the current game. -Connection problem - Title of dialog used to alert players to relay-related - problems with the current game. - */ - public static final int relay_alert=0x7f0500f2; - /** Message from relay - */ - public static final int relay_alert_title=0x7f05027b; - public static final int relay_behavior=0x7f050161; - /** explanation of the above - */ - public static final int relay_behavior_summary=0x7f050162; - /** XLATE-ME -Relay host - */ - public static final int relay_host=0x7f050301; - public static final int relay_invite_title=0x7f05020e; - /** XLATE-ME -Relay game port - */ - public static final int relay_port=0x7f05030f; - /** Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts - Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts -Reloading game with %1$s - Shown in toast when relaunching after switching dicts - */ - public static final int reload_new_dict_fmt=0x7f05025e; - /** XLATE-ME -Issuing rematch invitation. You will - see this message until it has been accepted.\n\nYou do not need to - keep this game open while waiting. You will be notified when the - game is ready to play. - */ - public static final int rematch_msg=0x7f0502f8; - public static final int rematch_name_fmt=0x7f0502dc; - public static final int rematch_sent_toast=0x7f0502f7; - /** Processing wordlist information… - */ - public static final int remote_digesting=0x7f0502bf; - /** Fetching wordlist information from server… - */ - public static final int remote_empty=0x7f0502be; - /** checkbox determining of this player is on this device or - remote. If remote, then the rest of the fields disappear - (since they will be set by the remote device.) - checkbox determining of this player is on this device or - remote. If remote, then the rest of the fields disappear - (since they will be set by the remote device.) -Off-device player - checkbox determining of this player is on this device or - remote. If remote, then the rest of the fields disappear - (since they will be set by the remote device.) - */ - public static final int remote_label=0x7f0500db; - /** Unable to fetch wordlist information - from server. - */ - public static final int remote_no_net=0x7f0502c0; - /** - -Remote device undid a turn. - - */ - public static final int remote_undone=0x7f050225; - public static final int remove_sms=0x7f050361; - /** Change the name of this group to: - */ - public static final int rename_group_label=0x7f050272; - /** text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - text within rename dialog (triggered by selecting - list_item_rename) - */ - public static final int rename_label=0x7f0500a4; - /** XLATE-ME -Change the name of this game - (on this device only) to: - */ - public static final int rename_label_caveat=0x7f0500a5; - /** checkbox determining if player is robot/automated or human - checkbox determining if player is robot/automated or human -Robot player - checkbox determining if player is robot/automated or human - */ - public static final int robot_label=0x7f0500df; - /** Used to format robot player names in the lists of players - found in each game listing - Used to format game name plus some other information as the - one-line summary for each game in the main screen. The name - of the game is substituted for %1$s. Something else - (language, player names, etc), is substituted for %2$s. This - does not require translation unless the parentheses or - ordering is wrong for your language. - Used to format robot player names in the lists of players - found in each game listing - */ - public static final int robot_name_fmt=0x7f05008a; - /** Three possible choices presented in the popup above - Three possible choices presented in the popup above -Smart robot - Three possible choices presented in the popup above - */ - public static final int robot_smart=0x7f0500cb; - /** Smarter robot - */ - public static final int robot_smarter=0x7f0500cc; - /** Smartest robot - */ - public static final int robot_smartest=0x7f0500cd; - /** title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the - robot player will be. - title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the - robot player will be. -How smart is the robot player? - title of popup used to select how "smart" (how capable) the - robot player will be. - */ - public static final int robot_spinner_prompt=0x7f0500ca; - /** text of checkbox - text of checkbox -Make new room public - text of checkbox - */ - public static final int room_public=0x7f0500c1; - /** title for popup of public rooms found on server - title for popup of public rooms found on server -Select public room - title for popup of public rooms found on server - */ - public static final int room_public_prompt=0x7f0500c2; - public static final int seeking_relay=0x7f050333; - /** Games: %1$d - */ - public static final int sel_games_fmt=0x7f05027e; - /** Groups: %1$d - */ - public static final int sel_groups_fmt=0x7f05027f; - /** Selected: %1$d - */ - public static final int sel_items_fmt=0x7f05029a; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Wordlists screen dialogs - ############################################################ - - Used as the text fo the confirming/querying dialog that goes - up when the dicts_item_select menuitem is chosen. The - possible answers are the three button text strings below. - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Wordlists screen dialogs - ############################################################ - - Used as the text fo the confirming/querying dialog that goes - up when the dicts_item_select menuitem is chosen. The - possible answers are the three button text strings below. - */ - public static final int set_default_message_fmt=0x7f0500ad; - /** XLATE-ME -Hide buttons - */ - public static final int set_pref=0x7f0502ea; - /** text of separator marking out other-setting area of the dialog - - see move_dictf above - When the dicts_item_move menu is chosen, this text is used in - the confirmation dialog. The name of the selected wordlist - is substituted for %1$s. The strings loc_internal and - loc_internal are substitued for %2$s and %3$s (or vice-versa, - depending on the current location of the wordlist.) - - - These three strings are the text for three buttons giving - choices in respose to the dialog launched in response to the - dicts_item_select menu (see dicts_item_select above.) - - ############################################################ - # :Dialogs: - # Wordlists screen dialogs - ############################################################ - - Used as the text fo the confirming/querying dialog that goes - up when the dicts_item_select menuitem is chosen. The - possible answers are the three button text strings below. - Additional text appended to text confirm_delete_dictf in the - wordlist delete confiration dialog in the case where the - wordlist to be deleted is NOT the last in its language. The - name of the language is substituted for %1$s. - text of confirmation dialog posted when the delete 'X' button - beside the listing of a wordlist is tapped. The name of the - wordlist is substituted for %1$s. Sometimes one of the two - strings below is appended. - text of separator marking out other-setting area of the dialog -Other settings - text of separator marking out other-setting area of the dialog - */ - public static final int settings_label=0x7f0500c5; - /** Checkbox that when set makes taps on the board manipulate an - arrow that then directs where tiles go when tapped in the - tray. - Checkbox that when set makes taps on the board manipulate an - arrow that then directs where tiles go when tapped in the - tray. -Show board arrow - Checkbox that when set makes taps on the board manipulate an - arrow that then directs where tiles go when tapped in the - tray. - */ - public static final int show_arrow=0x7f050141; - /** clarification of above - clarification of above -Tapped rack tiles land on this - arrow when it is visible - clarification of above - */ - public static final int show_arrow_summary=0x7f050142; - /** Show downloadable - */ - public static final int show_remote=0x7f0502c3; - /** Wordlist browser - */ - public static final int show_wordlist_browser=0x7f05027a; - /** If this preference is checked, the user will not be asked to - confirm after selecting the "Turn done" menu (or tapping the - points display at the right end of the tray) - If this preference is checked, the user will not be asked to - confirm after selecting the "Turn done" menu (or tapping the - points display at the right end of the tray) -Skip confirming turn - If this preference is checked, the user will not be asked to - confirm after selecting the "Turn done" menu (or tapping the - points display at the right end of the tray) - */ - public static final int skip_confirm_turn=0x7f050157; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Do NOT display score - summary after every human turn - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int skip_confirm_turn_summary=0x7f050158; - /** Delete selected - */ - public static final int slmenu_clear_sel=0x7f050290; - /** Copy to clipboard - */ - public static final int slmenu_copy_sel=0x7f05028f; - /** Unselect all - */ - public static final int slmenu_deselect_all=0x7f050299; - /** Select all - */ - public static final int slmenu_select_all=0x7f050298; - /** XLATE-ME -The version of Crosswords on the - phone with number \"%1$s\" is incompatible with this one for play - using SMS. One of you may need to upgrade before you can - continue. - */ - public static final int sms_bad_proto_fmt=0x7f050206; - public static final int sms_invite_rationale=0x7f050359; - /** Title of phone number picker during invitation to a game via SMS - Title of phone number picker during invitation to a game via SMS -SMS Invitation - */ - public static final int sms_invite_title=0x7f05020d; - /** Tap the receiving device now - */ - public static final int sms_ready_text=0x7f050287; - /** Displayed as a toast - */ - public static final int sms_send_failed=0x7f050364; - /** Square rack tiles - */ - public static final int square_tiles=0x7f050277; - /** Even if they can be taller - */ - public static final int square_tiles_summary=0x7f050278; - /** Used in formatting moves and history - Used to separate names of players when listing them on one - line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml. - Used, with remote player's name substituted for %1$s, to - indicate that the player is remote. - Used in formatting moves and history -Bonus for using all tiles: 50\n - Used to separate names of players when listing them on one - line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml. - Used in formatting moves and history - */ - public static final int str_bonus_all=0x7f050119; - /** Using the hint feature is cheating by some players, and it - can be disabled via the hints_allowed preference. I should - be disabling the buttons in this case, but if I don't and you - try to get a hint you'll get this message instead. - Using the hint feature is cheating by some players, and it - can be disabled via the hints_allowed preference. I should - be disabling the buttons in this case, but if I don't and you - try to get a hint you'll get this message instead. -The hint feature is - disabled for this game. Enable it for a new game using the - Settings dialog. - Using the hint feature is cheating by some players, and it - can be disabled via the hints_allowed preference. I should - be disabling the buttons in this case, but if I don't and you - try to get a hint you'll get this message instead. - */ - public static final int str_cant_hint_while_disabled=0x7f050199; - /** Displayed if you try to use the undo menuitem or button and - there are no tiles on the board (no move has yet been made.) - [If I'm being clever and disabling those features in this - case there may be no way to see this.] - Displayed if you try to use the undo menuitem or button and - there are no tiles on the board (no move has yet been made.) - [If I'm being clever and disabling those features in this - case there may be no way to see this.] -Tile assignment can\'t be - undone. - Displayed if you try to use the undo menuitem or button and - there are no tiles on the board (no move has yet been made.) - [If I'm being clever and disabling those features in this - case there may be no way to see this.] - */ - public static final int str_cant_undo_tileassign=0x7f050198; - /** Beginning of the message presented to a user when asking him - to confirm committing the current turn - Used in formatting reports of trades (exchanges of tiles). - Number of tiles traded is substituted for %1$d - Beginning of the message presented to a user when asking him - to confirm committing the current turn -Commit the current move?\n - Used in formatting exchange move summaries: passed means the - user skipped his turn, or made a move involving 0 tiles for 0 - points - formats tiles and score together, and probably doesn't need - translation unless the colon ':' needs to be replaced - Used in formatting reports of trades (exchanges of tiles). - Number of tiles traded is substituted for %d - Used in formatting history and move reports; means user - skipped a turn because of an attempted illegal move/play of a - phony - Beginning of the message presented to a user when asking him - to confirm committing the current turn - */ - public static final int str_commit_confirm=0x7f050116; - /** Used to format game name plus some other information as the - one-line summary for each game in the main screen. The name - of the game is substituted for %1$s. Something else - (language, player names, etc), is substituted for %2$s. This - does not require translation unless the parentheses or - ordering is wrong for your language. - */ - public static final int str_game_name_fmt=0x7f050089; - /** Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because there is empty space between some of the tiles - placed, i.e. they do not form a single word. - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because there is empty space between some of the tiles - placed, i.e. they do not form a single word. -Empty squares cannot - separate tiles played. - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because there is empty space between some of the tiles - placed, i.e. they do not form a single word. - */ - public static final int str_no_empties_in_turn=0x7f050191; - public static final int str_no_hint_found=0x7f05033f; - /** Same as above, but used when you try to show tiles belonging - to a player on another device (a remote player.) - Same as above, but used when you try to show tiles belonging - to a player on another device (a remote player.) -No peeking at remote - players\' tiles! - Same as above, but used when you try to show tiles belonging - to a player on another device (a remote player.) - */ - public static final int str_no_peek_remote_tiles=0x7f050196; - /** Displayed when you try to reveal a robot player's tiles, - either by tapping on its "hidden" rack (marked by "?" - characters) or by tapping on its scoreboard entry. (The - ability to reveal another players tiles this way is - controlled by the peek_other preference and is disabled by - default.) - Displayed when you try to reveal a robot player's tiles, - either by tapping on its "hidden" rack (marked by "?" - characters) or by tapping on its scoreboard entry. (The - ability to reveal another players tiles this way is - controlled by the peek_other preference and is disabled by - default.) -No peeking at the robot\'s - tiles! - Displayed when you try to reveal a robot player's tiles, - either by tapping on its "hidden" rack (marked by "?" - characters) or by tapping on its scoreboard entry. (The - ability to reveal another players tiles this way is - controlled by the peek_other preference and is disabled by - default.) - */ - public static final int str_no_peek_robot_tiles=0x7f050195; - /** Used, with remote player's name substituted for %1$s, to - indicate that the player is remote. - Used, with remote player's name substituted for %1$s, to - indicate that the player is remote. -%1$s (remote) - Used, with remote player's name substituted for %s, to - indicate that the player is remote. - */ - public static final int str_nonlocal_name_fmt=0x7f050117; - /** Displyed when you try to commit a move and it's not your - turn. - Displyed when you try to commit a move and it's not your - turn. -You can\'t do that; it\'s not - your turn! - Displyed when you try to commit a move and it's not your - turn. - */ - public static final int str_not_your_turn=0x7f050194; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -pass\n - */ - public static final int str_pass=0x7f050110; - /** Used to alert user to loss of turn when a move is made and - phonies is set to lose turn when word used not in wordlist - - Used to alert user to loss of turn when a move is made and - phonies is set to lose turn when word used not in wordlist - -Illegal word in move; turn lost! - Used to alert user to loss of turn when a move is made and - phonies is set to lose turn when word used not in wordlist - - */ - public static final int str_phony_rejected=0x7f050115; - /** [#%d] %s: %d - */ - public static final int str_placer_fmt=0x7f050259; - /** Shown when using the Game configure screen to configure a - networked game and you try to make all players local. - Shown when using the the Game configure screen to configure a - networked game and you try to make all players local. -At least one player must - be marked \"Remote\" for a game started as Host. - Shown when using the the Game configure screen to configure a - networked game and you try to make all players local. - */ - public static final int str_reg_server_sans_remote=0x7f0500d2; - /** This error message is shown when a remote device tries to - join a game and is providing more players than that game - expects. I do not believe it is possible to see this message - when playing via the relay because the relay is aware of how - many players are expected and only connects devices where the - numbers match. - This error message is shown when a remote device tries to - join a game and is providing more players than that game - expects. I do not believe it is possible to see this message - when playing via the relay because the relay is aware of how - many players are expected and only connects devices where the - numbers match. -Refused attempt to register - unexpected user[s]. - This error message is shown when a remote device tries to - join a game and is providing more players than that game - expects. I do not believe it is possible to see this message - when playing via the relay because the relay is aware of how - many players are expected and only connects devices where the - numbers match. - */ - public static final int str_reg_unexpected_user=0x7f05019a; - /** Used in formatting remote player move summaries - Used in formatting remote player move summaries -Remote player %1$s made this - move:\u0020 - Used in formatting remote player move summaries - */ - public static final int str_remote_moved_fmt=0x7f05010e; - /** [Resigned] %s: %d - */ - public static final int str_resigned_fmt=0x7f050258; - /** - ############################################################ - # Board info/error dialog messages - # - # These strings are used to create dialogs that appear during - # games while the Board screen is visible - ############################################################ - - Notifies user of a normal robot move -Resend finished; sent %1$d message[s]. -Renvoi fini ; %1$d message[s] envoyé[s]. - - ############################################################ - # Board info/error dialog messages - # - # These strings are used to create dialogs that appear during - # games while the Board screen is visible - ############################################################ - - Notifies user of a normal robot move -The robot %1$s made this move:\u0020 - */ - public static final int str_robot_moved_fmt=0x7f050108; - /** Shown when a remote device tries to join a game and wants to - play in a different language. As with the above, this should - be impossible when connecting via the relay. - Shown when a remote device tries to join a game and wants to - play in a different language. As with the above, this should - be impossible when connecting via the relay. -Conflict between Host and - Guest wordlists; Host wins. - Shown when a remote device tries to join a game and wants to - play in a different language. As with the above, this should - be impossible when connecting via the relay. - */ - public static final int str_server_dict_wins=0x7f05019b; - /** Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because tiles played do not touch other tiles already on the - board (or the middle/star square in the case of the initial - move.) - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because tiles played do not touch other tiles already on the - board (or the middle/star square in the case of the initial - move.) -New pieces must contact - others already in place (or the middle square on the first - move) - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because tiles played do not touch other tiles already on the - board (or the middle/star square in the case of the initial - move.) - */ - public static final int str_tiles_must_contact=0x7f050193; - /** - error messages - - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because the tiles placed are not all in the same row or - column. - error messages - text of dialog shown when the menu item board_menu_undo_last - is chosen. - First line in the remaining tiles dialog (reached by tapping - the number at left end of the scoreboard) - error messages - - error messages - - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because the tiles placed are not all in the same row or - column. -All tiles played must be in a - line. - error messages - - error messages - - Displayed when you try to commit a turn that is illegal - because the tiles placed are not all in the same row or - column. - */ - public static final int str_tiles_not_in_line=0x7f050190; - /** Displayed when you try to begin a trade but there are not - seven or more tiles in the pool. The rules don't allow - trading in this case. - Displayed when you try to begin a trade but there are not - seven or more tiles in the pool. The rules don't allow - trading in this case. -Too few tiles left - to exchange. - Displayed when you try to begin a trade but there are not - seven or more tiles in the pool. The rules don't allow - trading in this case. - */ - public static final int str_too_few_tiles_left_to_trade=0x7f050197; - /** Displayed when you try to commit the first move of the game - and are playing a single tile. The first move must include - two or more tiles. - Displayed when you try to commit the first move of the game - and are playing a single tile. The first move must include - two or more tiles. -Must play two or more - pieces on the first move. - Displayed when you try to commit the first move of the game - and are playing a single tile. The first move must include - two or more tiles. - */ - public static final int str_two_tiles_first_move=0x7f050192; - /** Used in formatting final scores display - Used in formatting final scores display -[Winner] %s: %d - */ - public static final int str_winner_fmt=0x7f050257; - /** Used in formatting game history (not move summaries since - information about the current rack is hidden then) - Used in formatting game history (not move summaries since - information about the current rack is hidden then) -Cumulative score: %1$d\n - Used in formatting game history (not move summaries since - information about the current rack is hidden then) - */ - public static final int strd_cumulative_score_fmt=0x7f05010d; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -+ %1$d [all remaining tiles] - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strd_remaining_tiles_add_fmt=0x7f05010a; - /** I don't know how this is used. :-) - I don't know how this is used. :-) - - %1$d [time] - I don't know how this is used. :-) - */ - public static final int strd_time_penalty_sub_fmt=0x7f05010f; - /** Used in formatting moves and history. The total score for - one turn is substituted for %1$d. - Used in formatting moves and history. The total score for - one turn is substituted for %1$d. -Score for turn: %1$d\n - Used in formatting moves and history. The total score for - one turn is substituted for %d. - */ - public static final int strd_turn_score_fmt=0x7f05011a; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -- %1$d [unused tiles] - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strd_unused_tiles_sub_fmt=0x7f05010b; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -move (from %1$s across)\n - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strs_move_across_fmt=0x7f050111; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -move (from %1$s down)\n - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strs_move_down_fmt=0x7f050112; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting remote player move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -New tiles: %1$s - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strs_new_tiles_fmt=0x7f05010c; - /** Used in formatting game history and move summaries - Used in formatting game history and move summaries -Rack at start: %1$s\n - Used in formatting game history and move summaries - */ - public static final int strs_tray_at_start_fmt=0x7f050113; - /** title for window you get when you select menu with text - board_menu_game_counts -string name="str_robot_moved">El robot ha fet aquesta jugada:Robot uskutočnil tento ťah:%1$s counts/values:\n - returned by util_getUserString -string name="str_robot_moved">Robot provedl tento tah:O robô fez esta jogada:\u0020Exchanged %1$s for %2$s. - Used in formatting exchange move summaries - */ - public static final int strss_traded_for_fmt=0x7f050114; - /** Your words for: - */ - public static final int study_langpick=0x7f050293; - /** You have not yet saved any words - into a studylist for %1$s. - */ - public static final int study_no_lang_fmt=0x7f050294; - /** You have not yet saved any words - into a studylist. - */ - public static final int study_no_lists=0x7f050295; - /** Studylist for %1$s - */ - public static final int studylist_title_fmt=0x7f050292; - /** If substituting an existing same-language wordlist by - choosing button_substdict user gets to choose from a list of - wordlists. This is the title of that list. - If substituting an existing same-language wordlist by - choosing button_substdict user gets to choose from a list of - wordlists. This is the title of that list. -Substitute wordlist (wordcount) - If substituting an existing same-language wordlist by - choosing button_substdict user gets to choose from a list of - wordlists. This is the title of that list. - */ - public static final int subst_dict_title=0x7f0501a4; - public static final int summary_busy=0x7f050231; - /** - -Game in play - - */ - public static final int summary_conn=0x7f050201; - /** - -Game in play with %1$s - - */ - public static final int summary_conn_sms_fmt=0x7f050223; - /** Preference to control what's listed next to game name in the - first line of a game summary in the main games-list screen, - e.g., if the option is "Game Language", "English" in the - listing "Game 2 (English)" - - The following strings beginning with "game_summary_field_" are - possible values - Preference to control what's listed next to game name in the - first line of a game summary in the main games-list screen, - e.g., if the option is "Game Language", "English" in the - listing "Game 2 (English)" - - The following strings beginning with "game_summary_field_" are - possible values -Include in game listing - Preference to control what's listed next to game name in the - first line of a game summary in the main games-list screen, - e.g., if the option is "Game Language", "English" in the - listing "Game 2 (English)" - - The following strings beginning with "game_summary_field_" are - possible values - */ - public static final int summary_field=0x7f050138; - /** - -Game over\u200C - - */ - public static final int summary_gameover=0x7f050200; - public static final int summary_invites_out=0x7f050090; - /** The display of each networked game includes one of three - states it can be in in the process of connecting to the - relay. These next three strings are used to create those - three. - First state: is configured to use a room but has not yet - contacted the relay and been assigned that room. - The display of each networked game includes one of three - states it can be in in the process of connecting to the - relay. These next three strings are used to create those - three. - First state: is configured to use a room but has not yet - contacted the relay and been assigned that room. - The display of each networked game includes one of three - states it can be in in the process of connecting to the - relay. These next three strings are used to create those - three. - First state: is configured to use a room but has not yet - contacted the relay and been assigned that room. - */ - public static final int summary_relay_conf_fmt=0x7f05008c; - /** Third state: enough devices have connected in the room to - form a complete game. We'll be in this state as long as the - game exists. - Third state: enough devices have connected in the room to - form a complete game. We'll be in this state as long as the - game exists. - Third state: enough devices have connected in the room to - form a complete game. We'll be in this state as long as the - game exists. - */ - public static final int summary_relay_conn_fmt=0x7f05008e; - /** Final state: game is over. - Final state: game is over. - Final state: game is over. - */ - public static final int summary_relay_gameover_fmt=0x7f05008f; - /** Second state: has been assigned to a room on the relay - (meaning the network is working) but there are not yet as - many players as expected: the game is not complete and play - cannot happen. - Second state: has been assigned to a room on the relay - (meaning the network is working) but there are not yet as - many players as expected: the game is not complete and play - cannot happen. - Second state: has been assigned to a room on the relay - (meaning the network is working) but there are not yet as - many players as expected: the game is not complete and play - cannot happen. - */ - public static final int summary_relay_wait_fmt=0x7f05008d; - /** XLATE-ME -(GSM phones only) - */ - public static final int summary_send_data_sms=0x7f050309; - /** explanation of the above - explanation of the above -Sort racks whenever new tiles - are added - explanation of the above - */ - public static final int summary_sort_tiles=0x7f05015a; - /** Offer to add to and display lists - of words to remember - */ - public static final int summary_studyon=0x7f05028d; - /** Thumbnail size - */ - public static final int summary_thumbsize=0x7f050280; - /** - -Unconnected - - */ - public static final int summary_wait_guest=0x7f0501ff; - /** - -Waiting for connection[s] - - - - */ - public static final int summary_wait_host=0x7f0501fe; - /** Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not - part of the game and that the user should ignore it. - Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not - part of the game and that the user should ignore it. -Not used yet… - Used to indicate that a preference is not enabled, i.e. not - part of the game and that the user should ignore it. - */ - public static final int tell_unused=0x7f05012a; - /** Disabled - */ - public static final int thumb_off=0x7f050281; - /** color of the tiles' background - color of the "crosshairs", lines drawn vertically and - horizontally through the square the user is currently - touching in order to guide the fat-fingered (most of us) in - operations that require accurately selecting a single square - on the board. - color of the tiles' background -Tile background - color of the tiles' background - */ - public static final int tile_back=0x7f05014c; - /** - -Pick for me - - */ - public static final int tilepick_all=0x7f0501e8; - /** - -Undo last\u200C - - */ - public static final int tilepick_undo=0x7f0501e7; - /** title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_left menu. The dialog lists all tiles - remaining in the pool, i.e. not on the board or in the rack - of the player whose turn it is. - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_left menu. The dialog lists all tiles - remaining in the pool, i.e. not on the board or in the rack - of the player whose turn it is. -Remaining tiles - title of dialog brought up in response to the - board_menu_game_left menu. The dialog lists all tiles - remaining in the pool, i.e. not on the board or in the rack - of the player whose turn it is. - */ - public static final int tiles_left_title=0x7f0501b4; - /** Title of preference in which you select which addressing - modes network games will use to communicate - Title of preference in which you select which addressing - modes network games will use to communicate -Communicate via - */ - public static final int title_addrs_pref=0x7f0502d9; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Wordlists screen - # - # list of installed wordlists (formerly called dictionaries) - ############################################################ - - window title - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Wordlists screen - # - # list of installed wordlists (formerly called dictionaries) - ############################################################ - - window title - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Wordlists screen - # - # list of installed wordlists (formerly called dictionaries) - ############################################################ - - window title - */ - public static final int title_dicts_list=0x7f0500a6; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Game configure screen - ############################################################ - - window title (game name substituted for %1$s) - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Game configure screen - ############################################################ - - window title (game name substituted for %1$s) -Settings for %1$s - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Game configure screen - ############################################################ - - window title (game name substituted for %s) - */ - public static final int title_game_config_fmt=0x7f0500b4; - /** alternate window title used when game is networked - alternate window title used when game is networked -%1$s settings (networked) - alternate window title used when game is networked - */ - public static final int title_gamenet_config_fmt=0x7f0500b5; - /** title for popup list of langugages from which user picks - title for popup list of langugages from which user picks -Languages (based on installed - wordlists) - - title for popup list of langugages from which user picks - */ - public static final int title_langs_list=0x7f0500b6; - /** - -Tap to look up - - */ - public static final int title_lookup=0x7f0501dc; - /** Tap to look up or study - */ - public static final int title_lookup_study=0x7f0501dd; - /** - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Preferences screen(s) - # - # There are four screens plus one for debugging that isn't - # translated: New-game defaults, Appearances, Behavior, and - # Network Game settings - ############################################################ - - window title - text of checkbox at top of dialog allowing to unlock in-play - game to make changes - title for popup list of langugages from which user picks - alternate window title used when game is networked - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Preferences screen(s) - # - # There are four screens plus one for debugging that isn't - # translated: New-game defaults, Appearances, Behavior, and - # Network Game settings - ############################################################ - - window title -Crosswords Settings - - ############################################################ - # :Screens: - # Preferences screen(s) - # - # There are four screens plus one for debugging that isn't - # translated: New-game defaults, Appearances, Behavior, and - # Network Game settings - ############################################################ - - window title - */ - public static final int title_prefs=0x7f05011c; - /** XLATE-ME -Send SMS as data - */ - public static final int title_send_data_sms=0x7f050308; - /** If this preference is checked, tiles in the rack will be - re-ordered alphabetically whenever tiles are added, - i.e. after ever move. - If this preference is checked, tiles in the rack will be - re-ordered alphabetically whenever tiles are added, - i.e. after ever move. -Sort new tiles - If this preference is checked, tiles in the rack will be - re-ordered alphabetically whenever tiles are added, - i.e. after ever move. - */ - public static final int title_sort_tiles=0x7f050159; - /** Enable studylists - */ - public static final int title_studyon=0x7f05028c; - /** title of dialog allowing user to pick tiles "face up". (This - feature is not yet supported on Android.) - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # About dialog - # - # Dialog giving copyright and other basic info about # the app - ########################################################### - - String giving version info, which is substituted in. - Welcome dialog text - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # Welcome dialog - # - # Shown the first time a user launches Crosswords (and - # again only if the preference for default first user - # name is cleared). Its purpose is to encourage him to - # enter the name of the most common non-robot player on - # this device. - ########################################################### - - Welcome dialog title - Shown when you first pick the list_item_new_from menuitem - Shown when the board screen is visible and it's just become - another players turn. The idea is to give a hint about how to - find out about recent moves. - This is not currently shown - Crosswords wordlists, which are - just compressed lists of words plus tile information, determine - what language a game is played in and how \"smart\" the robot - is. You can download different sized wordlists in many - languages here. Email me at eehouse@eehouse.org for information - on building and installing your own wordlists. - Shown the first time the board arrow is drawn on the current - Board screen. The idea is that you're tapping around - figuring out how to play and when you tap an empty cell the - arrow appears. This explains it. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are the last device in the - game to do so, i.e. the game is now complete and you should - expect play to begin. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connecting a game to the relay and are not the first device - in the game but not the last either. So it will only occur - for games with more than two devices, which are rare. - This is shown in the Board screen when you successfully - connect a game to the relay and are the first device in the - game to do so. - Shown in the Game configure screen when the game_locked - checkbox is checked and you uncheck it. - This is shown when you choose the board_menu_done menu item. - It's to let you know that there's a shortcut that does almost - the same thing. - Shown when you tap the values button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen. This is intended to allow players to - remind themselves how much played tiles are worth while - planning a move. - Shown when you tap the chat button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the undo/redo button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the zoom (+/-) button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen - Shown when you tap the flip button on the toolbar of the main - Board screen - Shown when you tap the juggle button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Shown when you tap the next hint button on the toolbar of the - main Board screen - Currently not used - The new game you have created has - two players. Player 1 is a robot; Player 2 is you. Tap the game - to play; long-tap (hold your finger on the game) to change its - settings or for other options. - Shown when you tap the Previous Hint button on the toolbar of - the main Board screen - Shown when the user chooses the "board_menu_trade" menu - The following strings (all whose names start with - "not_again") appear in the New user info dialog. - - shown when user chooses the gamel_menu_checkmoves menu - Text for button in new-user-info dialog with title just - above. - - ########################################################### - # :Dialogs: - # New user info dialog - # - # This dialog pops up in places I think new users need an - # explanation of something. It always has a button allowing - # the user to say he doesn't need to see it again. - ########################################################### - - Title of New user info dialog - title of dialog allowing user to pick tiles "face up". (This - feature is not yet supported on Android.) -Letter for blank - title of dialog allowing user to pick tiles "face up". (This - feature is not yet supported on Android.) - */ - public static final int title_tile_picker=0x7f0501b3; - public static final int toast_no_permission=0x7f050367; - /** Updates are available for one or more - installed wordlists. Would you like to download the new - version[s] of %1$s now? - */ - public static final int update_dicts_fmt=0x7f0502c4; - /** XLATE-ME -Use defaults - */ - public static final int use_defaults=0x7f0502e0; - /** text of checkbox controlling whether there's a game timer - text of checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, games created - for network play will by default have the hint feature - enabled. - text of checkbox controlling whether there's a game timer -Enable game timer - text of checkbox controlling whether there's a game timer - */ - public static final int use_timer=0x7f0500c8; - /** Used to separate names of players when listing them on one - line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml. - Used to separate names of players when listing them on one - line in a game summary. The \u0020 is a space in xml. -\u0020vs.\u0020 - */ - public static final int vs_join=0x7f050118; - /** Button for alert with title above - */ - public static final int waiting_invite_title=0x7f0502ed; - public static final int waiting_rematch_title=0x7f0502ee; - /** XLATE-ME -Waiting for players - */ - public static final int waiting_title=0x7f0502ec; - /** XLATE-ME -Bluetooth is currently off on this - device. No moves will be sent via Bluetooth.\n\nYou can enable - Bluetooth now, or later. - - */ - public static final int warn_bt_disabled=0x7f050247; - /** XLATE-ME -Every networked game must have at - least one way of communicating. If you have no default connection - options every new networked game will have to be configured - manually. - */ - public static final int warn_no_comms=0x7f0502f3; - /** - -(Not in contacts) - -The number %1$s for %2$s is not - a \"mobile\" number. Import anyway? - - - - */ - public static final int warn_nomobile_fmt=0x7f05021a; - public static final int warn_relay_disabled=0x7f050248; - public static final int warn_relay_havegames=0x7f05024b; - public static final int warn_relay_later=0x7f050249; - public static final int warn_relay_remove=0x7f05024a; - /** - -Play via SMS is currently - disabled, so no moves will be sent for this game. (If you want to - enable play via SMS, go to Settings->Network game settings.) - -Les parties par SMS sont actuellement -désactivées, donc aucun coup ne sera envoyé pour cette partie. (Si vous voulez -activer les parties par SMS, allez dans Paramètres->Paramètres des parties en -réseau.) - - */ - public static final int warn_sms_disabled=0x7f050246; - /** - -Are you certain this number is on an - account with unlimited texting? Click cancel if you are not. - - */ - public static final int warn_unlimited=0x7f050224; - public static final int wifi_warning=0x7f050337; - /** - -First letters - - */ - public static final int word_search_hint=0x7f0501e6; - /** Add option to every screen menu - */ - public static final int xlations_enabled_summary=0x7f05029f; - /** Enable local translating - */ - public static final int xlations_enabled_title=0x7f05029e; - /** XLATE-ME -Fake locale for translation - */ - public static final int xlations_locale=0x7f050315; - /** Empty in English, this should contain the name of the - translator/creator of the strings.xml file for this - language - fill this in other than in English - fill this in other than in English - Empty in English, this should contain the name of the - translator/creator of the strings.xml file for this - language - fill this in other than in English - Empty in English, this should contain the name of the - translator/creator of the strings.xml file for this - language - */ - public static final int xlator=0x7f0501d4; - public static final int xwords_nfc_mime=0x7f05007e; - } - public static final class style { - public static final int about_items=0x7f0a0005; - public static final int color_edit_text=0x7f0a0003; - public static final int color_seek_bar=0x7f0a0002; - public static final int config_separator=0x7f0a0000; - public static final int evenly_spaced_horizontal=0x7f0a0008; - public static final int expander_button=0x7f0a0009; - public static final int expander_label=0x7f0a000a; - public static final int group_items=0x7f0a0006; - public static final int new_game_buttons=0x7f0a000c; - public static final int newgame_connicon=0x7f0a000b; - public static final int relay_explain=0x7f0a0007; - public static final int role_config_hint=0x7f0a0001; - public static final int toolbar_button=0x7f0a0004; - } - public static final class xml { - public static final int xwprefs=0x7f040000; - } -} diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 67ac80fcf..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -gitvers.txt diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/build.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/build.xml deleted file mode 100644 index f1ce52211..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/build.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/build_unchecked.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/build_unchecked.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 071bf90b8..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/build_unchecked.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${intermediate.dex.file}... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Running zip align on final apk... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Installing ${out.debug.package} onto default emulator or device... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Creating output directories if needed... - - - - - - - - - - Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compiling aidl files into Java classes... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Packaging resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Debug Package: ${out.debug.package} - - - - - - - - - - - - - No key.store and key.alias properties found in build.properties. - Please sign ${out.unsigned.package} manually - and run zipalign from the Android SDK tools. - - - - - - - - - Signing final apk... - - - - - Release Package: ${out.release.package} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unable to run 'ant uninstall', manifest.package property is not defined. - - - - - - Uninstalling ${manifest.package} from the default emulator or device... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Instrumenting classes from ${out.absolute.dir}/classes... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Android Ant Build. Available targets: - help: Displays this help. - clean: Removes output files created by other targets. - compile: Compiles project's .java files into .class files. - debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key. - release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be - signed before it is published. - install: Installs/reinstalls the debug package onto a running - emulator or device. - If the application was previously installed, the - signatures must match. - uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or - device. - - - diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index e3f56da7c..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/armeabi -/x86 diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/proguard-project.txt b/xwords4/android/XWords4/proguard-project.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2fe1559a..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/proguard-project.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties -# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file. -# -# Add project specific ProGuard rules here. -# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified -# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt -# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard -# include property in project.properties. -# -# For more details, see -# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html - -# Add any project specific keep options here: - -# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following -# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface -# class: -#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview { -# public *; -#} diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/project.properties b/xwords4/android/XWords4/project.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 28caf312e..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/project.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools. -# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED! -# -# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems. -# -# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit -# "ant.properties", and override values to adapt the script to your -# project structure. -# -# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home): -# proguard.config=${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt:proguard-project.txt - -# Project target. -target=android-23 diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 1e3315a64..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -values-??/strings.xml diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/app_name.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/app_name.xml deleted file mode 100644 index d09ebdb08..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/app_name.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - 4.4.115 - diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/config.xml b/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/config.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 0388f10a8..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/config.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ - - - false - diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 7573cf142..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -/GitVersion.java -BuildConstants.java -GCMConsts.java -nohup.out diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 3b7051b88..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -LocIDsData.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index c33c29aa8..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -BuildConstants.java -Utils.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4/assets/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4/assets/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 67ac80fcf..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4/assets/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -gitvers.txt diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4dbg/assets/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4dbg/assets/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 67ac80fcf..000000000 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/xw4dbg/assets/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -gitvers.txt diff --git a/xwords4/android/app/build.gradle b/xwords4/android/app/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7af8a65e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/xwords4/android/app/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder + +def INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS = 8 +def VERSION_CODE_BASE = 111 +def VERSION_NAME = '4.4.115' +def VARIANTS = [ "xw4", "xw4dbg" ] +def BUILDS = [ "Debug", "Release" ] + +apply plugin: 'com.android.application' + +android { + buildToolsVersion '23.0.2' + defaultConfig { + minSdkVersion 7 + targetSdkVersion 23 + versionCode VERSION_CODE_BASE + versionName VERSION_NAME + } + + // Rename all output artifacts to include version information + applicationVariants.all { variant -> + // renameArtifact(variant) + // variant.buildConfigField "String", "FIELD_NAME", "\"my String\"" + def GCM_SENDER_ID = System.getenv("GCM_SENDER_ID") + variant.buildConfigField "String", "SENDER_ID", "\"$GCM_SENDER_ID\"" + def CRITTERCISM_APP_ID = System.getenv("CRITTERCISM_APP_ID") + variant.buildConfigField "String", "CRITTERCISM_APP_ID", "\"$CRITTERCISM_APP_ID\"" + + def gitHash = "../scripts/gitversion.sh".execute().text.trim() + resValue "string", "git_rev", "$gitHash" + variant.buildConfigField "String", "GIT_REV", "\"$gitHash\"" + + // def stamp = Long.valueOf('date +\'%s\''.execute().text.trim()); + def stamp = Math.round(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + variant.buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_STAMP", "$stamp" + + // FIX ME + variant.buildConfigField "String", "STRINGS_HASH", "\"00000\"" + variant.buildConfigField "boolean", "WIDIR_ENABLED", "false" + + def senderID = System.getenv("GCM_SENDER_ID") + variant.buildConfigField "String", "GCM_SENDER_ID", "\"$senderID\"" + + variant.buildConfigField "short", "CLIENT_VERS_RELAY", "$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS" + } + + flavorDimensions "variant"//, "abi" + productFlavors { + xw4 { + dimension "variant" + applicationId "org.eehouse.android.${VARIANTS[0]}" + manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ] + resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossWords" + resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3344" + resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/and/" + } + xw4dbg { + dimension "variant" + applicationId "org.eehouse.android.${VARIANTS[1]}" + manifestPlaceholders = [ APP_ID: applicationId ] + resValue "string", "app_name", "CrossDbg" + resValue "string", "nbs_port", "3345" + resValue "string", "invite_prefix", "/anddbg/" + } + + // WARNING: "all" breaks things. Seems to be a keyword. Need + // to figure out how to express include-all-abis + // all { + // dimension "abi" + // versionCode 0 + VERSION_CODE_BASE + // } + // armeabi { + // dimension "abi" + // versionCode 1 + VERSION_CODE_BASE + // } + // x86 { + // dimension "abi" + // versionCode 2 + VERSION_CODE_BASE + // } + // armeabiv7a { + // dimension "abi" + // versionCode 3 + VERSION_CODE_BASE + // } + } + + signingConfigs { + release { + storeFile file(System.getenv("HOME") + "/.keystore") + keyAlias "mykey" + + // These two lines make gradle believe that the signingConfigs + // section is complete. Without them, tasks like installRelease + // will not be available! + storePassword "notReal" + keyPassword "notReal" + } + } + + buildTypes { + release { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + debuggable false + minifyEnabled false // PENDING + proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' + } + debug { + debuggable true + // This doesn't work on marshmallow: duplicate permission error + // applicationIdSuffix ".debug" + } + } + + sourceSets { + // Use symlinks instead of setting non-conventional + // directories here. AS doesn't respect what's set here: it'll + // compile, but post-install app launch and source-level + // debugging don't work. + xw4 { + release { + jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-release-xw4" + } + debug { + jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-debug-xw4" + } + } + xw4dbg { + release { + jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-release-xw4dbg" + } + debug { + jniLibs.srcDir "../libs-debug-xw4dbg" + } + } + } + + lintOptions { + abortOnError false + } + + def gitrev = "git describe --tags".execute().text.trim() + applicationVariants.all { variant -> + variant.outputs.each { output -> + output.outputFile = + new File(output.outputFile.parent, + output.outputFile.name.replace(".apk", "-${gitrev}.apk")) + } + } +} + +dependencies { + // Look into replacing this with a fetch too PENDING + compile files('../libs/gcm.jar') + + // Should probably choose a version rather than risk having it + // upgraded on me. PENDING + compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:+' + // compile files('../libs/android-support-v13.jar') + + xw4dbgCompile 'com.crittercism:crittercism-android-agent:+' +} + +task mkImages(type: Exec) { + workingDir '../' + commandLine './scripts/mkimages.sh' +} + +task copyStrings(type: Exec) { + workingDir '../' + commandLine './scripts/copy-strings.py' +} + +task ndkSetup(type: Exec) { + workingDir '../' + commandLine "./scripts/ndksetup.sh", "--with-clang" +} + +task myPreBuild(dependsOn: ['ndkSetup', 'mkImages', 'copyStrings', 'mkXml']) { +} +preBuild.dependsOn myPreBuild + +task mkXml(type: Exec) { + workingDir '../' + commandLine './scripts/mk_xml.py', '-o', + "app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDsData.java", + '-t', "debug" +} + +afterEvaluate { + VARIANTS.each { VARIANT -> + String variantCaps = VARIANT.capitalize() + BUILDS.each { BUILD -> + String nameLC = BUILD.toLowerCase() + String lib = "libs-${nameLC}-${VARIANT}" + String ndkBuildTask = "ndkBuild${variantCaps}${BUILD}" + task "$ndkBuildTask"(type: Exec) { + workingDir '../' + commandLine './scripts/ndkbuild.sh', '-j3', + "BUILD_TARGET=${nameLC}", "INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS=$INITIAL_CLIENT_VERS", + "VARIANT=$VARIANT", "NDK_LIBS_OUT=${lib}", "NDK_OUT=./obj-${nameLC}-${VARIANT}" + } + + String compileTask = "compile${variantCaps}${BUILD}Ndk" + tasks.getByName(compileTask).dependsOn ndkBuildTask + } + } + + String copyStringsTask = "copyStringsXw4Dbg" + task "$copyStringsTask"(type: Exec) { + workingDir './' + environment.put('APPNAME', 'CrossDbg') + commandLine 'make', '-f', '../scripts/Variant.mk', + "src/xw4dbg/res/values/strings.xml" + } + preBuild.dependsOn copyStringsTask +} + +clean.dependsOn 'cleanNDK' +task cleanNDK(type: Exec) { + ArrayList lst = new ArrayList(["rm", "-rf"]); + BUILDS.each { BUILD -> + String buildLC = BUILD.toLowerCase() + VARIANTS.each { VARIANT -> + lst.add("libs-${buildLC}-${VARIANT}") + lst.add("obj-${buildLC}-${VARIANT}") + } + } + + workingDir '../' + commandLine lst +} + +gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph -> + if ( taskGraph.hasTask(':app:validateReleaseSigning') ) { + def pass + if (System.getenv("ANDROID_RELEASE_PASSWORD")) { + pass = System.getenv("ANDROID_RELEASE_PASSWORD") + } else if ( null != System.console() ) { + pass = System.console().readPassword("\nPlease enter key passphrase: ") + pass = new String(pass) + } else { + new SwingBuilder().edt { + dialog(modal: true, // Otherwise the build will continue running before you closed the dialog + title: 'Enter password', // Dialog title + alwaysOnTop: true, // pretty much what the name says + resizable: false, // Don't allow the user to resize the dialog + locationRelativeTo: null, // Place dialog in center of the screen + pack: true, // We need to pack the dialog (so it will take the size of it's children + show: true // Let's show it + ) { + vbox { // Put everything below each other + label(text: "Please enter key passphrase:") + input = passwordField(); + button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: { + pass = new String(input.password); // Set pass variable to value of input field + // println "myPass: $myPass" + + dispose(); // Close dialog + }) + } + } + } + } + + android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = pass + android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = pass + } +} + +// def getVersionName() { +// try { +// def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream() +// exec { +// commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--dirty' +// standardOutput = stdout +// } +// return stdout.toString().trim() +// } +// catch (ignored) { +// return null; +// } +// } + +// def renameArtifact(variant) { +// variant.outputs.each { output -> +// def name = String.format( "XWords4-%s-%s.apk", variant.name, +// getVersionName() ) +// output.outputFile = new File( (String)output.outputFile.parent, +// (String)name ) +// } +// } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/AndroidManifest.xml b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/AndroidManifest.xml rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml index 8639077ce..5f67e9bde 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/AndroidManifest.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ - - + @@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ - + diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/BasEnglish2to8.xwd b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/BasEnglish2to8.xwd similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/BasEnglish2to8.xwd rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/BasEnglish2to8.xwd diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/CollegeEng_2to8.xwd b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/CollegeEng_2to8.xwd similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/CollegeEng_2to8.xwd rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/CollegeEng_2to8.xwd diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/Top5000.xwd b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/Top5000.xwd similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/Top5000.xwd rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/Top5000.xwd diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/changes.html b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/changes.html similarity index 93% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/changes.html rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/changes.html index d1936d199..23ff3c29d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/assets/changes.html +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/assets/changes.html @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
  • Request permissions when they're needed, e.g. ask to send SMS messages when a game is being configured to communicate using SMS
  • +
  • Change order of games to put oldest in which it's your turn + at the top
  • New two-color icon for notifications (required by the newer Android that supports just-in-time permissions)
  • Use less battery by being smarter about how often to check @@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ installing from F-Droid.)
  • Stop mis-identifying tablets as data-SMS-capable (only GSM phones are)
  • +
  • Shorten default rematch game name
  • Allow board "squares" to be wider than tall if it fills the screen better
  • Improvements in localization for French, Catalan, Dutch, diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java index 98037a7f7..c1576892a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ABUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java index a69c86e3f..3297c33d0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java index 3591f0b90..6cdbbab7c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTInviteDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java index 07e52f55f..437c6f812 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java index fb6859965..9726f2073 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BTService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java index 99c703fc6..020050d10 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BiDiSockWrap.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java index 1669a64e0..8edb2a324 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java index 9f0d3b7f1..1c9f1ec77 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardCanvas.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java index f6b4b1c6c..9d492211a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardContainer.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java index 05a9fd926..f26a1de21 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2017 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java index b100f715e..79076d97d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java index 710e0e04e..4fbab0d87 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/BoardView.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java index dc3843d7b..bb7c6aca9 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java index 9eb85a33c..df9dd9892 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java index ac6309e3f..f7591f008 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ChatFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java index 18b20d8f0..828d83b51 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CommsTransport.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java index 10c8395b1..c9d47901e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConfirmingCheckBoxPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java index 6266e3169..0be93dd72 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnStatusHandler.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -566,7 +566,9 @@ public class ConnStatusHandler { if ( BuildConfig.DEBUG ) { switch ( typ ) { case COMMS_CONN_RELAY: - result = String.format( "(DevID: %d) ", DevID.getRelayDevIDInt(context) ); + result = String.format( "(DevID: %d; host: %s) ", + DevID.getRelayDevIDInt(context), + XWPrefs.getDefaultRelayHost(context) ); break; case COMMS_CONN_P2P: result = WiDirService.formatNetStateInfo(); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java index 9ba49eb8a..ed765e656 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ConnViaViewLayout.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java index 46e0dbdfe..8f40878ab 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBHelper.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java index 09a08c425..892ca9684 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DBUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ public class DBUtils { initDB( context ); String[] columns = { ROW_ID }; String selection = String.format( "%s=%d", DBHelper.GROUPID, groupID ); - String orderBy = String.format( "%s,%s DESC,%s DESC", DBHelper.GAME_OVER, + String orderBy = String.format( "%s,%s DESC,%s", DBHelper.GAME_OVER, DBHelper.TURN_LOCAL, DBHelper.LASTMOVE ); synchronized( s_dbHelper ) { SQLiteDatabase db = s_dbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); @@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ public class DBUtils { private static String getVariantDBName() { return String.format( "%s_%s", DBHelper.getDBName(), - BuildConstants.VARIANT ); + BuildConfig.FLAVOR ); } // private static void clearChatHistoryString( Context context, long rowid ) diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java index d55f59c5c..89aa2b331 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DbgUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java index 14a6e64e8..38401e2f6 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DelegateBase.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java index 108eeba4f..6dd9c54ba 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Delegator.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java index 6c4d36694..f72bf5b74 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DevID.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java index acf7ceecc..9d4e2e961 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java index f1eb670d1..1aac7b22b 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java index 5af311b33..5373120e9 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictBrowseFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java index 348c6bfd1..371083aeb 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictLangCache.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java index b7dbf1326..4b8747c22 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java index af44aac03..81b666ffc 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java index 44306e1f2..0dfa5441c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java index 641ec5c19..eab9579b0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java index e6fabfc9a..e39ae4b98 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DictsFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java index 6d97333e4..ffb602e07 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DispatchNotify.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java index 7f0fa3660..9bf70159c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -631,10 +631,10 @@ public class DlgDelegate { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL ); String dateString - = df.format( new Date( BuildConstants.BUILD_STAMP * 1000 ) ); + = df.format( new Date( BuildConfig.BUILD_STAMP * 1000 ) ); vers.setText( getString( R.string.about_vers_fmt, getString( R.string.app_version ), - BuildConstants.GIT_REV, dateString ) ); + BuildConfig.GIT_REV, dateString ) ); TextView xlator = (TextView)view.findViewById( R.id.about_xlator ); String str = getString( R.string.xlator ); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java index 53f0e559d..7f1bc7a7f 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgID.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java index 74f06e5e7..a5b81db02 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DlgState.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java index 81c7454c2..85c79091f 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DrawSelDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java index d24c1f982..6a45b3a58 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DualpaneDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java index 66b2d9d50..f4e05e978 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java index 71d0ba7ca..580e26073 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/DwnldDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java index 729f7e8f8..b15db76bd 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/EditColorPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java index 886239dfc..595def57a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java index 3c82fe77e..06ecacf2a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringLinearLayout.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java index 4aa8f25ae..40d831d44 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ExpiringTextView.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import android.os.Handler; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.TextView; -class ExpiringTextView extends TextView { +public class ExpiringTextView extends TextView { private ExpiringDelegate m_delegate = null; private Context m_context; diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java index cc1b7a181..c1721ca08 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FirstRunDialog.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java index 8b7edae98..fd0030918 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/FragActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// /* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +// /* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ // /* // * Copyright 2014-2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights // * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java index a6858987f..067456fc9 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GCMIntentService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class GCMIntentService extends GCMBaseIntentService { public GCMIntentService() { - super( BuildConstants.GCM_SENDER_ID ); + super( BuildConfig.GCM_SENDER_ID ); } @Override @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ public class GCMIntentService extends GCMBaseIntentService { public static void init( Application app ) { int sdkVersion = Integer.valueOf( android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK ); - if ( 8 <= sdkVersion && 0 < BuildConstants.GCM_SENDER_ID.length() ) { + if ( 8 <= sdkVersion && 0 < BuildConfig.GCM_SENDER_ID.length() ) { try { GCMRegistrar.checkDevice( app ); // GCMRegistrar.checkManifest( app ); String regId = DevID.getGCMDevID( app ); if ( regId.equals("") ) { - GCMRegistrar.register( app, BuildConstants.GCM_SENDER_ID ); + GCMRegistrar.register( app, BuildConfig.GCM_SENDER_ID ); } } catch ( UnsupportedOperationException uoe ) { DbgUtils.logw( TAG, "Device can't do GCM." ); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java index ba5095dc0..603e69479 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java index 40aaf1d85..24ab26a07 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java index 8cc70b57d..d9230f955 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameConfigFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java index 2a41e73f4..2e4e77019 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListGroup.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java index e7d901d60..3243824eb 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameListItem.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java index 719945a49..a509f78f2 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameLock.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java index f661d8b37..d2d748ccc 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameNamer.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java index c9deaf81f..72e459c6a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GameUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java index a1c67b822..a1cab5706 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -143,7 +143,12 @@ public class GamesListDelegate extends ListDelegateBase if ( ggi.m_expanded ) { List children = makeChildren( groupID ); alist.addAll( children ); - Assert.assertTrue( ggi.m_count == children.size() ); + + if ( BuildConfig.DEBUG && ggi.m_count != children.size() ) { + DbgUtils.loge( TAG, "m_count: %d != size: %d", + ggi.m_count, children.size() ); + Assert.fail(); + } } } @@ -271,15 +276,17 @@ public class GamesListDelegate extends ListDelegateBase int getGroupPosition( long groupID ) { int posn = -1; - long[] positions = getGroupPositions(); - for ( int ii = 0; ii < positions.length; ++ii ) { - if ( positions[ii] == groupID ) { - posn = ii; - break; + if ( -1 != groupID ) { + long[] positions = getGroupPositions(); + for ( int ii = 0; ii < positions.length; ++ii ) { + if ( positions[ii] == groupID ) { + posn = ii; + break; + } + } + if ( -1 == posn ) { + DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "getGroupPosition: group %d not found", groupID ); } - } - if ( -1 == posn ) { - DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "getGroupPosition: group %d not found", groupID ); } return posn; } @@ -1083,7 +1090,7 @@ public class GamesListDelegate extends ListDelegateBase if ( hasFocus ) { updateField(); - m_launchedGames.clear(); + m_launchedGames.clear(); // This is probably wrong!!! } } @@ -2663,7 +2670,9 @@ public class GamesListDelegate extends ListDelegateBase public static void boardDestroyed( long rowid ) { if ( null != s_self ) { + // remove likely a no-op: launching clears the set, but shouldn't s_self.m_launchedGames.remove( rowid ); + s_self.invalidateOptionsMenuIf(); } } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java index acde048cb..b75cd9381 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GamesListFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java similarity index 93% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java index 1fa7354f0..cc21f011c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/GroupStateListener.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java index 93d4d5f24..aaa12e2bd 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/HeaderWithExpander.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 - 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java index 44e7250fb..df85d64cb 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java index 5392e2da5..0b49fcc0b 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/InviteDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java index 8852fee69..b995cd9ec 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LangListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java index e5aba048e..e437c1ea0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListDelegateBase.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java index b1c66f162..2c23f9b00 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ListGroup.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java index db890aaa6..e6e552c47 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/LookupAlert.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java index dec828688..95f5fcd48 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MainActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java index 54ebaba1d..73531c50c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MountEventReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java index 141237915..cdc0f41bb 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiMsgSink.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java index ac0dfdac1..9d5f7a3f9 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/MultiService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java index 4540218f8..ed63d3d4d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NFCUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java index feb331b19..dcbbb0bd9 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NagTurnReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java index e0a0fbbc3..0ab814365 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetLaunchInfo.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java index e679057f8..02000cf75 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetStateCache.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java index 99ed3ef8d..dba2c1519 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NetUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java index 3a241c586..a7634733a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/NotAgainView.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java index 2bf369337..bbfc71a66 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/OnBootReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java similarity index 87% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java index 41fbd375f..0ff48c311 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Perms23.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.Context; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; +import android.os.Build; import android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat; import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat; @@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import java.util.Set; import org.eehouse.android.xw4.DlgDelegate.Action; import org.eehouse.android.xw4.DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify; +import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommsAddrRec.CommsConnType; import org.eehouse.android.xw4.loc.LocUtils; import junit.framework.Assert; @@ -209,6 +211,14 @@ public class Perms23 { } } + // Is the OS supporting runtime permission natively, i.e. version 23/M or + // later. + public static boolean haveNativePerms() + { + boolean result = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M; + return result; + } + /** * Request permissions, giving rationale once, then call with action and * either positive or negative, the former if permission granted. @@ -240,20 +250,31 @@ public class Perms23 { } private static Map s_map = new HashMap(); - public static void gotPermissionResult( int code, String[] perms, int[] granteds ) + public static void gotPermissionResult( Context context, int code, + String[] perms, int[] granteds ) { // DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "gotPermissionResult(%s)", perms.toString() ); + Map result = new HashMap(); + for ( int ii = 0; ii < perms.length; ++ii ) { + Perm perm = Perm.getFor( perms[ii] ); + boolean granted = PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == granteds[ii]; + result.put( perm, granted ); + + // Hack. If SMS has been granted, resend all moves. This should be + // replaced with an api allowing listeners to register + // Perm-by-Perm, but I'm in a hurry. + if ( granted && perm == Perm.SEND_SMS ) { + GameUtils.resendAllIf( context, CommsConnType.COMMS_CONN_SMS, + true ); + } + + // DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "calling %s.onPermissionResult(%s, %b)", + // record.cbck.getClass().getSimpleName(), perm.toString(), + // granted ); + } + PermCbck cbck = s_map.remove( code ); if ( null != cbck ) { - Map result = new HashMap(); - for ( int ii = 0; ii < perms.length; ++ii ) { - Perm perm = Perm.getFor( perms[ii] ); - boolean granted = PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == granteds[ii]; - result.put( perm, granted ); - // DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "calling %s.onPermissionResult(%s, %b)", - // record.cbck.getClass().getSimpleName(), perm.toString(), - // granted ); - } cbck.onPermissionResult( result ); } } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java index 8ca0a098e..2d32f04fe 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PollListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java index fb1ceb826..ab43095d7 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java index a3461a684..f35784650 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/PrefsDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -321,10 +321,16 @@ public class PrefsDelegate extends DelegateBase private void hideOne( int prefID, int screenID ) { - Preference pref = m_activity.findPreference( getString( prefID ) ); - String key = getString( screenID ); - ((PreferenceScreen)m_activity.findPreference( key )) - .removePreference( pref ); + try { + Preference pref = m_activity.findPreference( getString( prefID ) ); + String key = getString( screenID ); + ((PreferenceScreen)m_activity.findPreference( key )) + .removePreference( pref ); + } catch ( NullPointerException ex ) { + // This is happening hiding key_enable_sms, but the hide still + // works! + // DbgUtils.logex( TAG, ex ); + } } private void hideStuff() @@ -340,5 +346,9 @@ public class PrefsDelegate extends DelegateBase if ( !XWPrefs.getIsTablet( m_activity ) ) { hideOne( R.string.key_enable_dualpane, R.string.prefs_appearance ); } + + if ( Perms23.haveNativePerms() ) { + hideOne( R.string.key_enable_sms, R.string.key_network_behavior ); + } } } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java index b8cb4d9ef..6e43110ce 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RefreshNamesTask.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java index aa940eca6..972702a7e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayCheckBoxPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java index fcba6c65f..ea557520e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java index 907455cdd..ba5430c6a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayInviteDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java index 694325726..9ef51dfce 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java index e63c5e54c..8b87e3855 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RelayService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -851,8 +851,8 @@ public class RelayService extends XWService DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "registering devID \"%s\" (type=%s)", devid, typ.toString() ); - out.writeShort( BuildConstants.CLIENT_VERS_RELAY ); - writeVLIString( out, BuildConstants.GIT_REV ); + out.writeShort( BuildConfig.CLIENT_VERS_RELAY ); + writeVLIString( out, BuildConfig.GIT_REV ); // writeVLIString( out, String.format( "€%s", Build.MODEL) ); writeVLIString( out, Build.MODEL ); writeVLIString( out, Build.VERSION.RELEASE ); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java index 85b304d70..7104382a8 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/RequestCode.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java index f5f056065..ed33bb563 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSCheckBoxPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java index 1a146e278..a27fc8550 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java index 21179e9a7..d59e2ab80 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSInviteDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ public class SMSInviteDelegate extends InviteDelegate { { m_phone = phone; - if ( null == name ) { + if ( null == name || 0 == name.length() ) { name = getString( R.string.contact_not_found ); } m_name = name; diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java index ed88b2ecc..55d478481 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java index 3fb7e3a9a..5804c3a3a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SMSService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java index 9be1022ad..ea621444e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/SelectableItem.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java index 019e5190b..e09df4d57 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java index d51bfd231..cd8f95a93 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java index 1ac42740f..8d60fc65c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/StudyListFrag.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java index 837c762bc..e4dee64a0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/ThumbCanvas.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java index d4ed7b2e3..a9c434148 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Toolbar.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java index af1196f3d..274d4e5c2 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/TwoStrsItem.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java index fc5c1aa9e..1f8053a86 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/UpdateCheckReceiver.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { JSONObject appParams = new JSONObject(); appParams.put( k_AVERS, versionCode ); - appParams.put( k_GVERS, BuildConstants.GIT_REV ); + appParams.put( k_GVERS, BuildConfig.GIT_REV ); appParams.put( k_GHASH, context.getString( R.string.git_rev ) ); appParams.put( k_INSTALLER, installer ); if ( devOK( context ) ) { @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { if ( 0 < params.length() ) { try { - params.put( k_STRINGSHASH, BuildConstants.STRINGS_HASH ); + params.put( k_STRINGSHASH, BuildConfig.STRINGS_HASH ); params.put( k_NAME, packageName ); params.put( k_AVERS, versionCode ); DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "current update: %s", diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java index 886f7b3df..00a7a24ad 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/Utils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class Utils { R.string.email_author_email ) }; intent.putExtra( Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, addrs ); String body = LocUtils.getString( context, R.string.email_body_rev_fmt, - BuildConstants.GIT_REV ); + BuildConfig.GIT_REV ); intent.putExtra( Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, body ); String chooserMsg = LocUtils.getString( context, R.string.email_author_chooser ); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java index 595a4b2cb..da2f77830 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java index db2c7b888..4fa6108ec 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirInviteDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java index cf5c6e991..ce45bc4a0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/WiDirService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { private static final String TAG = WiDirService.class.getSimpleName(); private static final Class CLAZZ = WiDirService.class; private static final String MAC_ADDR_KEY = "p2p_mac_addr"; - private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "srvc_" + BuildConstants.VARIANT; + private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "srvc_" + BuildConfig.FLAVOR; private static final String SERVICE_REG_TYPE = "_presence._tcp"; private static final int OWNER_PORT = 5432; @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { { int result; - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED && null != intent ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED && null != intent ) { result = Service.START_STICKY; int ordinal = intent.getIntExtra( KEY_CMD, -1 ); @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { public static boolean supported() { - return BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED; + return BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED; } public static boolean connecting() { @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { public static String getMyMacAddress( Context context ) { - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { if ( null == sMacAddress && null != context ) { sMacAddress = DBUtils.getStringFor( context, MAC_ADDR_KEY, null ); } @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { public static void activityResumed( Activity activity ) { - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED && sHavePermission ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED && sHavePermission ) { if ( initListeners( activity ) ) { activity.registerReceiver( sReceiver, sIntentFilter ); DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "activityResumed() done" ); @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { public static void activityPaused( Activity activity ) { - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED && sHavePermission ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED && sHavePermission ) { Assert.assertNotNull( sReceiver ); // No idea why I'm seeing this exception... try { @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { private static boolean initListeners( final Context context ) { boolean succeeded = false; - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { if ( null == sIface ) { try { WifiP2pManager mgr = getMgr(); @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { private static void setDiscoveryListeners( WifiP2pManager mgr ) { - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { DnsSdServiceResponseListener srl = new DnsSdServiceResponseListener() { @Override public void onDnsSdServiceAvailable(String instanceName, @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ public class WiDirService extends XWService { @Override public void onReceive( Context context, Intent intent ) { - if ( BuildConstants.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { + if ( BuildConfig.WIDIR_ENABLED ) { String action = intent.getAction(); DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "got intent: " + intent.toString() ); diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java index d98f171c2..639b19f0d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014-2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class XWActivity extends FragmentActivity implements Delegator { @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String perms[], int[] rslts ) { - Perms23.gotPermissionResult( requestCode, perms, rslts ); + Perms23.gotPermissionResult( this, requestCode, perms, rslts ); super.onRequestPermissionsResult( requestCode, perms, rslts ); } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java index 23194f76c..b1a949de4 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWApp.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java index d320940c2..d099ebbd8 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConnAddrPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java index f9f907871..9fc3d9063 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWConstants.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java index fdf164b0d..31f61cef6 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWDevIDPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2015 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java similarity index 95% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java index 35c7cca19..9f9aada49 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWEditTextPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java index e650fa718..418437ebc 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWExpListAdapter.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java index 74122d6c5..54ec1b7c3 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWFragment.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java index 1c67fec7b..e0db63c43 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListAdapter.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java index af7164f53..22c927eab 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListItem.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java index fc36feb9a..0df206d61 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java index 0e5959516..1c397f2a0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPacket.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java index c63dc82f0..d4933c84a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWPrefs.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. @@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ public class XWPrefs { public static boolean getSMSEnabled( Context context ) { - return getPrefsBoolean( context, R.string.key_enable_sms, false ); + boolean haveNative = Perms23.haveNativePerms(); + return haveNative || getPrefsBoolean( context, R.string.key_enable_sms, false ); } public static void setSMSEnabled( Context context, boolean enabled ) { + Assert.assertTrue( !Perms23.haveNativePerms() || !BuildConfig.DEBUG ); setPrefsBoolean( context, R.string.key_enable_sms, enabled ); } @@ -264,7 +266,7 @@ public class XWPrefs { String[] numbers = TextUtils.split( asStr, "\n" ); for ( String number : numbers ) { try { - obj.put( number, (String)null ); + obj.put( number, "" ); // null removes any entry } catch ( JSONException ex ) { DbgUtils.logex( TAG, ex ); } @@ -272,6 +274,7 @@ public class XWPrefs { } } + // DbgUtils.logd( TAG, "getSMSPhones() => %s", obj.toString() ); return obj; } diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java index 28f3abb94..92559b32c 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWService.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java index da09c88f4..5e3315a65 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWSumListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2016 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java index 163a2583e..344ef42e3 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/XWThumbListPreference.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2010 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java index 8fe89f59d..f7cf04644 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardDims.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2013 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java index 67f042d20..1bab469ea 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/BoardHandler.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java index ffb59426e..d86b53927 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommonPrefs.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2011 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java index fbcf5792d..27ed2d53d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CommsAddrRec.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java index 7a5d577b8..cee44aa95 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/CurGameInfo.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java similarity index 93% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java index de01fb10f..296f52f99 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DictInfo.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java index fbf7b1e14..001396318 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawCtx.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawScoreInfo.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawScoreInfo.java similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawScoreInfo.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/DrawScoreInfo.java diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java index c112caea4..e129ad3f1 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/GameSummary.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java index 85e754368..97f0da94e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIThread.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2017 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java similarity index 93% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java index d216984ea..7fcfdf2e1 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtils.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java index 66eaaad96..d58868b7b 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/JNIUtilsImpl.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java index ab30ef301..2396e2cad 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LastMoveInfo.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java index 673b21d69..7befb6bd2 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/LocalPlayer.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java similarity index 93% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java index 185f9fd22..5c1ba172a 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/SyncedDraw.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java index d0242af1c..a27fd98a1 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/TransportProcs.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java index 3f5908a2b..9ca282672 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxt.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java index b9e4aec53..73bc5fccd 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/UtilCtxtImpl.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009 - 2012 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java index 8d18eeeed..dceb3d950 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/jni/XwJNI.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2009-2010 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All * rights reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java index 564433444..ec53d15a7 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java index 2e24dea0b..9173705b0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocDelegate.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java index 2d8b7cf53..5090b4770 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocIDs.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights * reserved. diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java similarity index 94% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java index 4c7394e53..021a68cda 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/loc/LocItemEditActivity.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). 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a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/common_rsrc.xml b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/common_rsrc.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/common_rsrc.xml rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/common_rsrc.xml index bb999fce7..826fb9a8d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/common_rsrc.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/common_rsrc.xml @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ - + key_color_tiles key_show_arrow diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/values/config.xml b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/config.xml similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/res/values/config.xml rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/config.xml diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/dimensions.xml b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/dimensions.xml similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/dimensions.xml rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/dimensions.xml diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml index 2d7c46b51..22905342d 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res/values/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ - - - - + @@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ - + diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/CrashTrack.java b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CrashTrack.java similarity index 83% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/CrashTrack.java rename to xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CrashTrack.java index f25133e02..88ef93c93 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/src/org/eehouse/android/xw4dbg/CrashTrack.java +++ b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/java/org/eehouse/android/xw4/CrashTrack.java @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-ant.sh debug install"; -*- */ +/* -*- compile-command: "find-and-gradle.sh installXw4Debug"; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 by Eric House (xwords@eehouse.org). All rights reserved. * @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ -package org.eehouse.android.xw4dbg; +package org.eehouse.android.xw4; import android.content.Context; @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ import com.crittercism.app.Crittercism; public class CrashTrack { public static void init( Context context ) { - if ( 0 < BuildConstants.CRITTERCISM_APP_ID.length() ) { + if ( 0 < BuildConfig.CRITTERCISM_APP_ID.length() ) { Crittercism.initialize(context.getApplicationContext(), - BuildConstants.CRITTERCISM_APP_ID ); + BuildConfig.CRITTERCISM_APP_ID ); } } } diff --git a/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/icon48x48.png b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/icon48x48.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..19307334a Binary files /dev/null and b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/icon48x48.png differ diff --git a/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/notify.png b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/notify.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..157066d03 Binary files /dev/null and b/xwords4/android/app/src/xw4dbg/res/drawable/notify.png differ diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/build.gradle b/xwords4/android/build.gradle similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/build.gradle rename to xwords4/android/build.gradle diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle.properties b/xwords4/android/gradle.properties similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle.properties rename to xwords4/android/gradle.properties diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar b/xwords4/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar rename to xwords4/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/xwords4/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties rename to xwords4/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/gradlew b/xwords4/android/gradlew similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/gradlew rename to xwords4/android/gradlew diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/gradlew.bat b/xwords4/android/gradlew.bat similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/gradlew.bat rename to xwords4/android/gradlew.bat diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/back.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/back.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/back.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/back.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/clear_all.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/clear_all.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/clear_all.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/clear_all.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_copy.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/content_copy.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_copy.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/content_copy.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_discard.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/content_discard.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_discard.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/content_discard.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_new_net.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/content_new_net.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_new_net.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/content_new_net.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_new_solo.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/content_new_solo.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/content_new_solo.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/content_new_solo.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/dict.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/dict.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/dict.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/dict.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/down.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/down.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/down.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/down.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/download.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/download.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/download.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/download.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/email.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/email.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/email.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/email.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/multigame.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/multigame.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/multigame.svg rename to 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similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/save.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/save.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/search.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/search.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/search.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/search.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/select_all.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/select_all.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/select_all.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/select_all.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/send.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/send.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/send.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/send.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/sologame.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/sologame.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/sologame.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/sologame.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/up.svg b/xwords4/android/img_src/up.svg similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/img_src/up.svg rename to xwords4/android/img_src/up.svg diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/.gitignore b/xwords4/android/jni/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/.gitignore rename to xwords4/android/jni/.gitignore diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/Android.mk b/xwords4/android/jni/Android.mk similarity index 96% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/Android.mk rename to xwords4/android/jni/Android.mk index ad1ced053..014116c1e 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/Android.mk +++ b/xwords4/android/jni/Android.mk @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) -COMMON_PATH=../../../common +COMMON_PATH=../../common LOCAL_C_INCLUDES+= \ -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/$(COMMON_PATH) \ - -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../relay \ + -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../relay \ LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ LOCAL_SRC_FILES += \ jniutlswrapper.c \ -COMMON_PATH=../../../common +COMMON_PATH=../../common COMMON_SRC_FILES += \ $(COMMON_PATH)/boarddrw.c \ $(COMMON_PATH)/scorebdp.c \ diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/LocalizedStrIncludes.h b/xwords4/android/jni/LocalizedStrIncludes.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/LocalizedStrIncludes.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/LocalizedStrIncludes.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/anddict.c b/xwords4/android/jni/anddict.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/anddict.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/anddict.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/anddict.h b/xwords4/android/jni/anddict.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/anddict.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/anddict.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andglobals.h b/xwords4/android/jni/andglobals.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andglobals.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/andglobals.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andutils.c b/xwords4/android/jni/andutils.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andutils.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/andutils.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andutils.h b/xwords4/android/jni/andutils.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/andutils.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/andutils.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/drawwrapper.c b/xwords4/android/jni/drawwrapper.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/drawwrapper.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/drawwrapper.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/drawwrapper.h b/xwords4/android/jni/drawwrapper.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/drawwrapper.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/drawwrapper.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/jniutlswrapper.c b/xwords4/android/jni/jniutlswrapper.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/jniutlswrapper.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/jniutlswrapper.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/jniutlswrapper.h b/xwords4/android/jni/jniutlswrapper.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/jniutlswrapper.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/jniutlswrapper.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/paths.h b/xwords4/android/jni/paths.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/paths.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/paths.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utils.c b/xwords4/android/jni/utils.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utils.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/utils.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utilwrapper.c b/xwords4/android/jni/utilwrapper.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utilwrapper.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/utilwrapper.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utilwrapper.h b/xwords4/android/jni/utilwrapper.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/utilwrapper.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/utilwrapper.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xportwrapper.c b/xwords4/android/jni/xportwrapper.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xportwrapper.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/xportwrapper.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xportwrapper.h b/xwords4/android/jni/xportwrapper.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xportwrapper.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/xportwrapper.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xptypes.h b/xwords4/android/jni/xptypes.h similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xptypes.h rename to xwords4/android/jni/xptypes.h diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xwjni.c b/xwords4/android/jni/xwjni.c similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/jni/xwjni.c rename to xwords4/android/jni/xwjni.c diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/android-support-v13.jar b/xwords4/android/libs/android-support-v13.jar similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/android-support-v13.jar rename to xwords4/android/libs/android-support-v13.jar diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/gcm.jar b/xwords4/android/libs/gcm.jar similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/libs/gcm.jar rename to xwords4/android/libs/gcm.jar diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/proguard-project.txt b/xwords4/android/proguard-project.txt similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4-dbg/proguard-project.txt rename to xwords4/android/proguard-project.txt diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/app/proguard-rules.pro b/xwords4/android/proguard-rules.pro similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/app/proguard-rules.pro rename to xwords4/android/proguard-rules.pro diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml index 3cf927757..b138897f0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ba_CK/strings.xml @@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ Etacinummoc aiv Wen ecived-eno emag Wen dekrowten emag - Hctamer: %1$s + %1$s Dluow uoy ekil ot etaerc siht emag gnisu tluafed ?sgnittes\n\nRo dluow uoy ekil ot erugifnoc ti ?tsrif diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml index 48894f807..e44b022a4 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca/strings.xml @@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> - + Afegeix una partida Configuració de la partida… Suprimeix diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml index 77c263174..050296365 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-ca_PS/strings.xml @@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ COMMUNICATE VIA NEW ONE-DEVICE GAME NEW NETWORKED GAME - REMATCH: %1$s + %1$s WOULD YOU LIKE TO CREATE THIS GAME USING DEFAULT SETTINGS?\n\nOR WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONFIGURE IT FIRST? diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml similarity index 98% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml index 6db7ec342..a443b82a0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-cs/strings.xml @@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> - + Přidat hru Konfigurovat Vymazat diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-de/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-de/strings.xml similarity index 97% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-de/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-de/strings.xml index 3a9103fd8..cc5d79620 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-de/strings.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ -Spiel hinzufügen + + Spiel hinzufügen Gruppe hinzufügen %1$s (%2$s) diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml similarity index 99% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml rename to xwords4/android/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml index 9edf0b9c3..64d9e47d1 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/XWords4/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/xwords4/android/res_src/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ - + - + Pridať hru - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Created XWords4-debug-${git-rev}.apk - - - - - diff --git a/xwords4/android/scripts/copy-strings.py b/xwords4/android/scripts/copy-strings.py index 9efb4efed..2ba15fb79 100755 --- a/xwords4/android/scripts/copy-strings.py +++ b/xwords4/android/scripts/copy-strings.py @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def main(): # summarize the english file wd = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) - path = wd + '/../XWords4/res/values/strings.xml' + path = wd + '/../app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml' engNames = {} engFormats = {} @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def main(): if path: verbose = 0 == len(verboses) or 0 < len([verb for verb in verboses if verb in path]) print "*** looking at %s ***" % (path) - dest = path.replace( 'res_src', 'res', 1 ) + dest = path.replace( 'res_src', 'app/src/main/res', 1 ) checkAndCopy( parser, engNames, path, dest, verbose ) ############################################################################## diff --git a/xwords4/android/scripts/images.mk b/xwords4/android/scripts/images.mk index f8532b720..3df05d0a0 100644 --- a/xwords4/android/scripts/images.mk +++ b/xwords4/android/scripts/images.mk @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # -*- mode: Makefile -*- IMG_SRC = ./img_src -IMG_DEST = res +IMG_DEST = app/src/main/res PARAMS = -transparent white -negate # $(IMG_DEST)/drawable/%_gen.png: diff --git a/xwords4/android/scripts/mk_xml.py b/xwords4/android/scripts/mk_xml.py index 034ac993e..a02f5ef99 100755 --- a/xwords4/android/scripts/mk_xml.py +++ b/xwords4/android/scripts/mk_xml.py @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def checkText( text ): seen.add( digit ) return text -def printStrings( pairs, outfile, target, variant ): +def printStrings( pairs, outfile, target ): match = CLASS_NAME.match(outfile) if not match: print "did you give me a java file?:", outfile @@ -92,20 +92,20 @@ def printStrings( pairs, outfile, target, variant ): /*********************************************************************** * Generated file (by %s); do not edit!!! ***********************************************************************/ -package org.eehouse.android.%s.loc; +package org.eehouse.android.xw4.loc; import android.content.Context; import junit.framework.Assert; -import org.eehouse.android.%s.R; -import org.eehouse.android.%s.DbgUtils; +import org.eehouse.android.xw4.R; +import org.eehouse.android.xw4.DbgUtils; public class %s { private static final String TAG = %s.class.getSimpleName(); public static final int NOT_FOUND = -1; protected static final int[] S_IDS = { """ - fil.write( lines % (sys.argv[0], variant, variant, variant, name, name) ) + fil.write( lines % (sys.argv[0], name, name) ) keys = pairs.keys() for ii in range( len( keys ) ): @@ -179,15 +179,13 @@ def main(): outfile = '' outfileDbg = '' target='' - variant='' - pairs, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:t:d:v:") + pairs, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:t:d:") for option, value in pairs: if option == '-o': outfile = value elif option == '-t': target = value - elif option == '-v': variant = value # Gather all localizable strings - pairs = getStrings("res/values/strings.xml", False) + pairs = getStrings("app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml", False) # for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk('res_src'): # for file in files: @@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ def main(): # dest = src.replace( 'res_src', 'res', 1 ) # xform( src, dest ) - if outfile: printStrings( pairs, outfile, target, variant ) + if outfile: printStrings( pairs, outfile, target ) ############################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': diff --git a/xwords4/android/scripts/mkimages.sh b/xwords4/android/scripts/mkimages.sh index e527af221..96caea8ee 100755 --- a/xwords4/android/scripts/mkimages.sh +++ b/xwords4/android/scripts/mkimages.sh @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ set -e -u -if [ ! -e build.xml ]; then - echo "no build.xml; please run from root of source tree" +if [ ! -d img_src ]; then + echo "no img_src; please run from root of source tree" exit 1 fi @@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ done TARGET_DIRS="drawable-hdpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi" - for SVG in img_src/*.svg; do for DIR in $TARGET_DIRS; do SVG=$(basename $SVG) - OUT=res/$DIR/${SVG/.svg/__gen.png} + OUT=app/src/main/res/$DIR/${SVG/.svg/__gen.png} + mkdir -p $(dirname $OUT) if [ -z "$CLEAN" ]; then - make -f $(dirname $0)/images.mk $OUT + make -f $(dirname $0)/images.mk $OUT >/dev/null 2>&1 else rm -f $OUT fi diff --git a/xwords4/android/scripts/ndkbuild.sh b/xwords4/android/scripts/ndkbuild.sh index 62156fc75..d26596853 100755 --- a/xwords4/android/scripts/ndkbuild.sh +++ b/xwords4/android/scripts/ndkbuild.sh @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ set -e -u ANDROID_NDK=${ANDROID_NDK:-''} -if [ ! -e build.xml ]; then - echo "no build.xml; please run from root of source tree" +if [ ! -d jni ]; then + echo "no jni directory; please run from root of source tree" exit 1 fi diff --git a/xwords4/android/XWords4/settings.gradle b/xwords4/android/settings.gradle similarity index 100% rename from xwords4/android/XWords4/settings.gradle rename to xwords4/android/settings.gradle