mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 20:45:49 +01:00
more work on single-pass scoreboard drawing. Now the jni stuff is
finished, but disabled via compile-time flag, and there's a commented-out rudimentary implementation on the java side.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 173 additions and 2 deletions
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ local_DEFINES += \
local_SRC_FILES += \
xwjni.c \
@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
enum {
@ -69,6 +74,94 @@ makeJRect( AndDraw* draw, int indx, const XP_Rect* rect )
return robj;
} /* makeJRect */
static void
readJRect( JNIEnv* env, XP_Rect* rect, jobject jrect )
rect->left = getInt( env, jrect, "left" );
rect->top = getInt( env, jrect, "top" );
rect->width = getInt( env, jrect, "right" ) - rect->left;
rect->height = getInt( env, jrect, "bottom" ) - rect->top;
static jobject
makeJRects( AndDraw* draw, int indx, XP_U16 nPlayers, const XP_Rect rects[] )
XP_U16 ii;
JNIEnv* env = *draw->env;
jobject jrects = draw->jCache[indx];
if ( !jrects ) {
jclass rclass = (*env)->FindClass( env, "android/graphics/Rect");
jrects = (*env)->NewObjectArray( env, nPlayers, rclass, NULL );
draw->jCache[indx] = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, jrects );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, jrects );
jrects = draw->jCache[indx];
jmethodID initId = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, rclass, "<init>",
"()V" );
for ( ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) {
jobject jrect = (*env)->NewObject( env, rclass, initId );
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement( env, jrects, ii, jrect );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, jrect );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, rclass );
if ( NULL != rects ) {
/* for ( ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) { */
/* jobject jrect = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, jrects, ii ); */
/* writeJRect( env, jrect, &rects[ii] ); */
/* } */
return jrects;
static jobject
makeDSIs( AndDraw* draw, int indx, XP_U16 nPlayers, const DrawScoreInfo dsi[] )
XP_U16 ii;
JNIEnv* env = *draw->env;
jobject dsiobjs = draw->jCache[indx];
if ( !dsiobjs ) {
jclass clas = (*env)->FindClass( env, PKG_PATH("jni/DrawScoreInfo") );
dsiobjs = (*env)->NewObjectArray( env, nPlayers, clas, NULL );
draw->jCache[indx] = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, dsiobjs );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, dsiobjs );
dsiobjs = draw->jCache[indx];
jmethodID initId = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, clas, "<init>", "()V" );
for ( ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) {
jobject dsiobj = (*env)->NewObject( env, clas, initId );
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement( env, dsiobjs, ii, dsiobj );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, dsiobj );
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef( env, clas );
for ( ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) {
jobject dsiobj = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, dsiobjs, ii );
setInt( env, dsiobj, "playerNum", dsi->playerNum );
setInt( env, dsiobj, "totalScore", dsi->totalScore );
setInt( env, dsiobj, "nTilesLeft", dsi->nTilesLeft );
setInt( env, dsiobj, "flags", dsi->flags );
setBool( env, dsiobj, "isTurn", dsi->isTurn );
setBool( env, dsiobj, "selected", dsi->selected );
setBool( env, dsiobj, "isRemote", dsi->isRemote );
setBool( env, dsiobj, "isRobot", dsi->isRobot );
setString( env, dsiobj, "name", dsi->name );
return dsiobjs;
static jobject
makeDSI( AndDraw* draw, int indx, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi )
@ -98,6 +191,7 @@ makeDSI( AndDraw* draw, int indx, const DrawScoreInfo* dsi )
return dsiobj;
#define DRAW_CBK_HEADER(nam,sig) \
AndDraw* draw = (AndDraw*)dctx; \
@ -133,13 +227,33 @@ static void
and_draw_drawRemText( DrawCtx* dctx, XP_S16 nTilesLeft,
XP_Bool focussed, XP_Rect* rect )
DRAW_CBK_HEADER("drawRemText", "(IZLandroid/graphics/Rect;)V" );
jobject jrect = makeJRect( draw, JCACHE_RECT0, rect );
(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, draw->jdraw, mid, nTilesLeft, focussed,
jrect );
readJRect( env, rect, jrect );
static void
and_draw_score_drawPlayers( DrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* scoreRect,
XP_U16 nPlayers, DrawScoreInfo playerData[],
XP_Rect playerRects[] )
XP_U16 nPlayers, DrawScoreInfo playerData[],
XP_Rect playerRects[] )
XP_U16 ii;
DRAW_CBK_HEADER("score_drawPlayers", "(Landroid/graphics/Rect;"
"[L" PKG_PATH("jni/DrawScoreInfo;")
"[Landroid/graphics/Rect;)V" );
jobject jrect = makeJRect( draw, JCACHE_RECT0, scoreRect );
jobject jdsis = makeDSIs( draw, JCACHE_DSIS, nPlayers, playerData );
jobject jrects = makeJRects( draw, JCACHE_RECTS, nPlayers, NULL );
(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, draw->jdraw, mid, jrect, jdsis, jrects );
for ( ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) {
jobject jrect = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, jrects, ii );
readJRect( env, &playerRects[ii], jrect );
@ -531,6 +531,56 @@ public class BoardView extends View implements DrawCtx, BoardHandler,
// public void drawRemText( int nTilesLeft, boolean focussed, Rect rect )
// {
// int width, height;
// String remText = null;
// if ( 0 >= nTilesLeft ) {
// // make it disappear if useless
// width = height = 0;
// } else {
// // should cache a formatter
// remText = String.format( "%d", nTilesLeft );
// m_fillPaint.setTextSize( m_mediumFontHt );
// m_fillPaint.getTextBounds( remText, 0, remText.length(),
// m_boundsScratch );
// int minWidth = m_boundsScratch.width();
// if ( minWidth < 20 ) {
// minWidth = 20; // it's a button; make it bigger
// }
// width = minWidth;
// height = m_boundsScratch.height();
// }
// rect.right = rect.left + width;
// // rect.bottom = rect.top + height;
// if ( 0 < nTilesLeft ) {
// int indx = focussed ? CommonPrefs.COLOR_FOCUS
// : CommonPrefs.COLOR_TILE_BACK;
// fillRectOther( rect, indx );
// m_fillPaint.setColor( adjustColor(BLACK) );
// drawCentered( remText, rect, null );
// }
// }
// public void score_drawPlayers( Rect scoreRect, DrawScoreInfo[] playerData,
// Rect[] playerRects )
// {
// // To measure
// int width = scoreRect.width() / playerRects.length;
// int left = scoreRect.left;
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < playerRects.length; ++ii ) {
// playerRects[ii].set( left, scoreRect.top, left + width,
// scoreRect.bottom );
// drawCentered( playerData[ii].name, playerRects[ii], null );
// left += width;
// }
// }
public void drawTimer( Rect rect, int player, int secondsLeft )
if ( null != m_canvas && (m_lastSecsLeft != secondsLeft
@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ public interface DrawCtx {
void drawRemText( Rect rInner, Rect rOuter, int nTilesLeft, boolean focussed );
void score_drawPlayer( Rect rInner, Rect rOuter, int gotPct,
DrawScoreInfo dsi );
// New way of drawing
// void drawRemText( int nTilesLeft, boolean focussed, Rect rect );
// void score_drawPlayers( Rect scoreRect, DrawScoreInfo[] playerData,
// Rect[] playerRects );
void drawTimer( Rect rect, int player, int secondsLeft );
boolean boardBegin( Rect rect, int cellWidth, int cellHeight );
Add table
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