mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 20:45:49 +01:00
cleanup and force draw
Got rid of pre-cairo drawing stuff, but that didn't fix drawing not happening without something like a window resize to force it. Instead I added a manual gtk_widget_queue_draw() call. It's gross, but I'm this app's only user. :-)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 48 additions and 161 deletions
# uncomment for standalone build
@ -46,17 +46,11 @@ typedef struct GtkDrawCtx {
/* GdkDrawable* pixmap; */
GtkWidget* drawing_area;
cairo_surface_t* surface;
#ifdef GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_3_22
GdkDrawingContext* dc;
struct GtkGameGlobals* globals;
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_t* _cairo;
GdkGC* drawGC;
GdkRGBA black;
GdkRGBA white;
@ -75,7 +69,6 @@ typedef struct GtkDrawCtx {
} scoreCache[MAX_NUM_PLAYERS];
XP_U16 trayOwner;
XP_U16 cellWidth;
XP_U16 cellHeight;
TileValueType tvType;
XP_Bool scoreIsVertical;
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> // for M_PI
@ -66,18 +67,12 @@ gtkInsetRect( XP_Rect* r, short i )
#define GTKMIN_W_HT 12
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
# define XP_UNUSED_CAIRO(var) UNUSED__ ## var __attribute__((unused))
# define GDKDRAWABLE void
# define GDKGC void
# define GDKCOLORMAP void
#define LOG_CAIRO_PENDING() XP_LOGF( "%s(): CAIRO work pending", __func__ )
# define XP_UNUSED_CAIRO(var) var
# define GDKCOLORMAP GdkColormap
static XP_Bool
initCairo( GtkDrawCtx* dctx )
@ -91,14 +86,10 @@ initCairo( GtkDrawCtx* dctx )
cairo_surface_destroy( dctx->surface );
// XP_ASSERT( 0 );
} else if ( !!dctx->drawing_area ) {
#ifdef GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_3_22
GdkWindow* window = gtk_widget_get_window( dctx->drawing_area );
const cairo_region_t* region = gdk_window_get_visible_region( window );
dctx->dc = gdk_window_begin_draw_frame( window, region );
cairo = gdk_drawing_context_get_cairo_context( dctx->dc );
cairo = gdk_cairo_create( gtk_widget_get_window(dctx->drawing_area) );
} else {
@ -123,12 +114,8 @@ destroyCairo( GtkDrawCtx* dctx )
if ( !!dctx->surface ) { /* the thumbnail case */
XP_LOGF( "%s(): have surface; doing nothing", __func__ );
} else {
#ifdef GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_3_22
GdkWindow* window = gtk_widget_get_window( dctx->drawing_area );
gdk_window_end_draw_frame( window, dctx->dc );
cairo_destroy( dctx->_cairo );
dctx->_cairo = NULL;
@ -151,7 +138,6 @@ draw_rectangle( const GtkDrawCtx* dctx,
gboolean fill, gint left, gint top, gint width,
gint height )
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_t *cr = getCairo( dctx );
cairo_rectangle( cr, left, top, width, height );
@ -164,20 +150,24 @@ draw_rectangle( const GtkDrawCtx* dctx,
/* } else { */
/* cairo_stroke( dctx->cairo ); */
/* } */
dctx = dctx;
gdk_draw_rectangle( drawable, gc, fill, left, top, width, height );
/* Not perfect, but good enough for now. Ideally we'd scale to accomodate
width != height. */
static void
draw_circle( const GtkDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Rect* rect )
cairo_t* cr = getCairo( dctx );
cairo_translate( cr, rect->left + (rect->width/2), rect->top + (rect->height/2));
int diameter = XP_MAX(rect->width, rect->height);
cairo_arc( cr, 0, 0, diameter/2, 0, 2 * M_PI);
cairo_stroke( cr );
static void
gtkSetForeground( const GtkDrawCtx* dctx, const GdkRGBA* color )
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba( getCairo(dctx), color );
gdk_gc_set_foreground( dctx->drawGC, color );
static void
@ -316,12 +306,10 @@ draw_string_at( GtkDrawCtx* dctx, PangoLayout* layout,
const GdkRGBA* frground,
const GdkRGBA* bkgrnd )
// XP_LOGF( "%s(%s, %d, %d)", __func__, str, where->left, where->top );
// XP_LOGFF( "(%s, %d, %d)", str, where->left, where->top );
gint xx = where->left;
gint yy = where->top;
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_t* cr = getCairo( dctx );
gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba( cr, frground );
if ( !!layout ) {
@ -352,17 +340,11 @@ draw_string_at( GtkDrawCtx* dctx, PangoLayout* layout,
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_save( cr );
cairo_translate( cr, xx, yy );
pango_cairo_show_layout( cr, layout );
cairo_restore( cr );
gdk_draw_layout_with_colors( DRAW_WHAT(dctx), dctx->drawGC,
xx, yy, layout,
frground, bkgrnd );
} /* draw_string_at */
@ -381,13 +363,7 @@ drawBitmapFromLBS( GtkDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Bitmap bm, const XP_Rect* rect )
bp = (XP_U8*)(lbs + 1); /* point to the bitmap data */
nBytes = lbs->nBytes;
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
draw_rectangle( dctx, TRUE, 0, 0, nCols, nRows );
const GtkStyle* style = gtk_widget_get_style( dctx->drawing_area );
GdkPixmap* pm = gdk_pixmap_new( DRAW_WHAT(dctx), nCols, nRows, -1 );
draw_rectangle( dctx, pm, style->white_gc, TRUE, 0, 0, nCols, nRows );
x = 0;
y = 0;
@ -397,11 +373,7 @@ drawBitmapFromLBS( GtkDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Bitmap bm, const XP_Rect* rect )
for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
XP_Bool draw = ((byte & 0x80) != 0);
if ( draw ) {
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
gdk_draw_point( pm, style->black_gc, x, y );
byte <<= 1;
if ( ++x == nCols ) {
@ -415,19 +387,8 @@ drawBitmapFromLBS( GtkDrawCtx* dctx, const XP_Bitmap bm, const XP_Rect* rect )
XP_ASSERT( nBytes == -1 ); /* else we're out of sync */
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
rect = rect;
gdk_draw_drawable( DRAW_WHAT(dctx),
(GdkDrawable*)pm, 0, 0,
lbs->nRows );
g_object_unref( pm );
} /* drawBitmapFromLBS */
static void
@ -446,13 +407,7 @@ gtk_draw_destroyCtxt( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe) )
GtkAllocation alloc;
gtk_widget_get_allocation( dctx->drawing_area, &alloc );
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
draw_rectangle( dctx, TRUE, 0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height );
const GtkStyle* style = gtk_widget_get_style( dctx->drawing_area );
draw_rectangle( dctx, DRAW_WHAT(dctx), style->white_gc, TRUE,
0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height );
g_list_foreach( dctx->fontsPerSize, freer, NULL );
g_list_free( dctx->fontsPerSize );
@ -470,39 +425,43 @@ gtk_draw_dictChanged( DrawCtx* XP_UNUSED(p_dctx), XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe),
static XP_Bool
gtk_draw_beginDraw( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe) )
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
GtkDrawCtx* dctx = (GtkDrawCtx*)(void*)p_dctx;
return initCairo( dctx );
fix this
static void
gtk_draw_endDraw( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe) )
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
GtkDrawCtx* dctx = (GtkDrawCtx*)(void*)p_dctx;
destroyCairo( dctx );
/* This fixes the window content not changing until I resize the window,
but it also results in board_draw() getting called constantly. This app
is for development only, so I don't have to care, but I need to
understand gtk/cairo better at some point. */
gtk_widget_queue_draw( dctx->drawing_area );
static XP_Bool
gtk_draw_boardBegin( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), const XP_Rect* rect,
XP_U16 width, XP_U16 height,
gtk_draw_boardBegin( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe),
const XP_Rect* XP_UNUSED(rect),
XP_U16 XP_UNUSED(width), XP_U16 height,
DrawFocusState XP_UNUSED(dfs), TileValueType tvType )
GdkRectangle gdkrect;
/* XP_LOGFF( "rect: %d,%d,%d,%d; width: %d; height: %d", */
/* rect->left, rect->top, rect->width, rect->height, */
/* width, height ); */
GtkDrawCtx* dctx = (GtkDrawCtx*)(void*)p_dctx;
dctx->cellWidth = width;
dctx->cellHeight = height;
dctx->tvType = tvType;
gtkSetForeground( dctx, &dctx->black );
gdkrect = *(GdkRectangle*)(void*)rect;
/* WTF is this??? */
/* GdkRectangle gdkrect = *(GdkRectangle*)(void*)rect; */
/* ++gdkrect.width; */
/* ++gdkrect.height; */
return XP_TRUE;
} /* gtk_draw_boardBegin */
@ -532,19 +491,7 @@ gtk_draw_vertScrollBoard( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), XP_Rect* rect,
ysrc = ydest + dist;
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
dctx = dctx;
gdk_draw_drawable( DRAW_WHAT(dctx),
rect->height - dist );
if ( !down ) {
rect->top += rect->height - dist;
@ -632,16 +579,10 @@ gtk_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), const XP_Rect* rect,
gtkInsetRect( &rectInset, 1 );
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_t* cr = getCairo( dctx );
if ( showGrid ) {
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
cairo_set_source_rgb( cr, 0, 0, 0 );
gdk_gc_set_foreground( dctx->drawGC, &dctx->black );
draw_rectangle( dctx, FALSE, rect->left, rect->top,
rect->width, rect->height );
@ -658,15 +599,8 @@ gtk_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), const XP_Rect* rect,
/* foreground = &dctx->white; */
if ( !!foreground ) {
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
gtkFillRect( dctx, &rectInset, foreground );
// gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba( cr, foreground );
gdk_gc_set_foreground( dctx->drawGC, foreground );
draw_rectangle( dctx, DRAW_WHAT(dctx), NULL, TRUE,
rectInset.left, rectInset.top,
rectInset.width+1, rectInset.height+1 );
if ( (flags & CELL_ISSTAR) != 0 ) {
@ -718,20 +652,11 @@ gtk_draw_drawCell( DrawCtx* p_dctx, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), const XP_Rect* rect,
tmpRect.height = tmpRect.height * 3 / 4;
fontHt = fontHt * 3 / 4;
draw_string_at( dctx, NULL, letter, fontHt, &tmpRect,
XP_GTK_JUST_CENTER, foreground, cursor );
if ( isBlank ) {
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
gdk_draw_arc( DRAW_WHAT(dctx), dctx->drawGC,
0, /* filled */
rect->left, /* x */
rect->top, /* y */
rect->width,/*width, */
rect->height,/*width, */
0, 360*64 );
draw_circle( dctx, &tmpRect );
@ -1407,30 +1332,14 @@ figureColor( int in )
static void
allocAndSet( GDKCOLORMAP* map, GdkRGBA* color, unsigned short red,
allocAndSet( GdkRGBA* color, unsigned short red,
unsigned short green, unsigned short blue )
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
XP_USE( map );
color->red = figureColor(red);
color->green = figureColor(green);
color->blue = figureColor(blue);
color->alpha = 1.0;
color->red = red;
color->green = green;
color->blue = blue;
#ifdef DEBUG
gboolean success =
gdk_colormap_alloc_color( map,
TRUE, /* writeable */
TRUE ); /* best-match */
XP_ASSERT( success );
} /* allocAndSet */
@ -1507,38 +1416,24 @@ gtkDrawCtxtMake( GtkWidget* drawing_area, GtkGameGlobals* globals )
dctx->globals = globals;
XP_ASSERT( !!gtk_widget_get_window(drawing_area) );
#ifdef USE_CAIRO
/* dctx->cairo = gdk_cairo_create( window ); */
/* XP_LOGF( "dctx->cairo=%p", dctx->cairo ); */
/* cairo_set_line_width( dctx->cairo, 1.0 ); */
/* cairo_set_line_cap( dctx->cairo, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE ); */
/* cairo_set_source_rgb( dctx->cairo, 0, 0, 0 ); */
dctx->drawGC = gdk_gc_new( window );
#ifndef USE_CAIRO
map = gdk_colormap_get_system();
allocAndSet( &dctx->black, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->grey, 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->white, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->black, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->grey, 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF, 0x7FFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->white, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->bonusColors[0], 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->bonusColors[1], 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->bonusColors[2], 0xAFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->bonusColors[3], 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->bonusColors[0], 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->bonusColors[1], 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->bonusColors[2], 0xAFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->bonusColors[3], 0xFFFF, 0xAFFF, 0xFFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->playerColors[0], 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( &dctx->playerColors[1], 0xAFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->playerColors[2], 0x0000, 0xAFFF, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->playerColors[3], 0xAFFF, 0x0000, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->playerColors[0], 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->playerColors[1], 0xAFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->playerColors[2], 0x0000, 0xAFFF, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->playerColors[3], 0xAFFF, 0x0000, 0xAFFF );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->tileBack, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x9999 );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->cursor, 253<<8, 12<<8, 222<<8 );
allocAndSet( map, &dctx->red, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->tileBack, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x9999 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->cursor, 253<<8, 12<<8, 222<<8 );
allocAndSet( &dctx->red, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
return (DrawCtx*)dctx;
} /* gtkDrawCtxtMake */
Add table
Reference in a new issue