Change how flip works, keeping board data like invalFlags and limits

in sync with the board rather than the model and flipping coordinates
only in time to access the model or pass to engine.  With that done,
drawing can skip any rows scrolled off-screen, and the board's
perimeter focus rect can be drawn and invalidated correctly on a
flipped, scrolled screen: zodiac, eventually.
This commit is contained in:
ehouse 2007-01-21 06:21:12 +00:00
parent 45ad5bc5df
commit 6ed6fe4976
3 changed files with 148 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -467,6 +467,16 @@ invalArrowCell( BoardCtxt* board )
invalCell( board, arrow->col, arrow->row );
} /* invalArrowCell */
static void
flipArrow( BoardCtxt* board )
BoardArrow* arrow = &board->boardArrow[board->selPlayer];
XP_U16 tmp = arrow->col;
arrow->col = arrow->row;
arrow->row = tmp;
arrow->vert = !arrow->vert;
} /* flipArrow */
static void
invalCursorCell( BoardCtxt* board )
@ -884,14 +894,16 @@ board_invalAllTiles( BoardCtxt* board )
static void
board_invalPerimeter( BoardCtxt* board )
XP_U16 lastRow = model_numRows( board->model ) - 1;
XP_U16 firstAndLast = (1 << lastRow) | 1;
XP_U16 lastCol = model_numCols( board->model ) - 1;
XP_U16 firstAndLast = (1 << lastCol) | 1;
XP_U16 firstRow = board->yOffset;
XP_U16 lastRow = board->lastVisibleRow - 1;
/* top and bottom rows */
board->redrawFlags[firstRow] = ~0;
board->redrawFlags[lastRow] = ~0;
board->redrawFlags[0] = ~0;
while ( --lastRow > 0 ) {
while ( --lastRow > firstRow ) {
board->redrawFlags[lastRow] |= firstAndLast;
@ -908,6 +920,43 @@ board_invalAll( BoardCtxt* board )
board->scoreBoardInvalid = XP_TRUE;
} /* board_invalAll */
static void
flipIf( const BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row,
XP_U16* fCol, XP_U16* fRow )
XP_U16 tmp = col; /* might be the same */
if ( board->isFlipped ) {
*fCol = row;
*fRow = tmp;
} else {
*fRow = row;
*fCol = tmp;
} /* flipIf */
static void
flipLimits( BdHintLimits* lim )
XP_U16 tmp = lim->left;
lim->left = lim->top;
lim->top = tmp;
tmp = lim->right;
lim->right = lim->bottom;
lim->bottom = tmp;
static void
flipAllLimits( BoardCtxt* board )
XP_U16 nPlayers = board->gi->nPlayers;
XP_U16 i;
for ( i = 0; i < nPlayers; ++i ) {
flipLimits( &board->limits[i] );
* invalidate all cells that contain a tile. Return TRUE if any invalidation
* actually happens.
@ -933,7 +982,9 @@ invalCellsWithTiles( BoardCtxt* board )
XP_Bool ignore;
if ( model_getTile( model, col, row, includePending,
turn, &tile, &ignore, &ignore, &ignore ) ) {
invalCell( board, col, row );
XP_U16 boardCol, boardRow;
flipIf( board, col, row, &boardCol, &boardRow );
invalCell( board, boardCol, boardRow );
@ -975,18 +1026,20 @@ checkScrollCell( void* p_board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row )
static void
invalBlanksWithNeighbors( BoardCtxt* board, BlankQueue* bqp )
ModelCtxt* model = board->model;
XP_U16 i;
XP_U16 lastCol, lastRow;
BlankQueue invalBlanks;
XP_U16 nInvalBlanks = 0;
lastCol = model_numCols(model) - 1;
lastRow = model_numRows(model) - 1;
lastCol = model_numCols(board->model) - 1;
lastRow = model_numRows(board->model) - 1;
for ( i = 0; i < bqp->nBlanks; ++i ) {
XP_U16 col = bqp->col[i];
XP_U16 row = bqp->row[i];
XP_U16 modelCol = bqp->col[i];
XP_U16 modelRow = bqp->row[i];
XP_U16 col, row;
flipIf( board, modelCol, modelRow, &col, &row );
if ( INVAL_BIT_SET( board, col, row )
|| (col > 0 && INVAL_BIT_SET( board, col-1, row ))
@ -1077,11 +1130,10 @@ cellFocused( const BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row )
} else {
focussed = (col == 0) || (row == 0);
if ( !focussed ) {
XP_U16 lastRow = model_numRows( board->model ) - 1;
focussed = (col == lastRow) || (row == lastRow);
focussed = (col == 0)
|| (col == model_numCols(board->model) - 1)
|| (row == board->yOffset)
|| (row == board->lastVisibleRow - 1);
focussed = XP_TRUE;
@ -1110,14 +1162,14 @@ drawBoard( BoardCtxt* board )
scrollIfCan( board ); /* this must happen before we count blanks
since it invalidates squares */
/* This is freaking expensive!!!! PENDING FIXME Can't we start from
what's invalid rather than scanning the entire model every time
somebody dirties a single cell? */
model_listPlacedBlanks( model, board->selPlayer,
board->trayVisState == TRAY_REVEALED, &bq );
invalBlanksWithNeighbors( board, &bq );
/* Don't try to optimize this using lastVisibleRow etc. If the
board is flipped, "lastVisibleRow" here is really col.
redrawFlags is at the model level, pre-flip. */
for ( row = model_numRows(model) - 1; row >= 0; --row ) {
for ( row = board->yOffset; row < board->lastVisibleRow; ++row ) {
XP_U16 rowFlags = board->redrawFlags[row];
if ( rowFlags != 0 ) {
XP_U16 colMask;
@ -1148,8 +1200,6 @@ drawBoard( BoardCtxt* board )
if ( arrow->visible ) {
XP_U16 col = arrow->col;
XP_U16 row = arrow->row;
XP_Bool drawVertical =
(arrow->vert == XP_CURSOR_KEY_DOWN) ^ board->isFlipped;
if ( getCellRect( board, col, row, &arrowRect ) ) {
XWBonusType bonus;
HintAtts hintAtts;
@ -1163,7 +1213,7 @@ drawBoard( BoardCtxt* board )
draw_drawBoardArrow( board->draw, &arrowRect, bonus,
drawVertical, hintAtts, flags );
arrow->vert, hintAtts, flags );
@ -1437,6 +1487,7 @@ XP_Bool
board_flip( BoardCtxt* board )
invalArrowCell( board );
flipArrow( board );
invalCursorCell( board );
@ -1448,6 +1499,7 @@ board_flip( BoardCtxt* board )
invalCurHintRect( board, board->selPlayer );
flipAllLimits( board );
board->isFlipped = !board->isFlipped;
@ -1549,6 +1601,10 @@ board_requestHint( BoardCtxt* board,
nTiles = tileSet->nTiles - board->dividerLoc[selPlayer];
result = nTiles > 0;
if ( result ) {
BdHintLimits limits;
BdHintLimits* lp = NULL;
XP_Bool wasVisible;
XP_Bool canMove;
@ -1563,15 +1619,19 @@ board_requestHint( BoardCtxt* board,
XP_ASSERT( board->gi->allowHintRect
|| !board->hasHintRect[selPlayer] );
if ( board->gi->allowHintRect && board->hasHintRect[selPlayer] ) {
limits = board->limits[selPlayer];
lp = &limits;
if ( board->isFlipped ) {
flipLimits( lp );
searchComplete = engine_findMove(engine, model,
tiles, nTiles,
(board->gi->allowHintRect &&
&board->limits[selPlayer] : NULL,
lp, useTileLimits,
&canMove, &newMove );
@ -1609,6 +1669,7 @@ drawCell( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Bool skipBlanks )
XWBonusType bonus;
ModelCtxt* model = board->model;
DictionaryCtxt* dict = model_getDictionary( model );
XP_U16 modelCol, modelRow;
if ( dict != NULL && getCellRect( board, col, row, &cellRect ) ) {
@ -1621,6 +1682,8 @@ drawCell( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Bool skipBlanks )
XP_Bool showPending = board->trayVisState == TRAY_REVEALED
&& curCount > 0;
flipIf( board, col, row, &modelCol, &modelRow );
/* This 'while' is only here so I can 'break' below */
while ( board->trayVisState == TRAY_HIDDEN ||
!rectContainsRect( &board->trayBounds, &cellRect ) ) {
@ -1631,7 +1694,7 @@ drawCell( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Bool skipBlanks )
HintAtts hintAtts;
CellFlags flags = CELL_NONE;
isEmpty = !model_getTile( model, col, row, showPending,
isEmpty = !model_getTile( model, modelCol, modelRow, showPending,
selPlayer, &tile, &isBlank,
&pending, &recent );
@ -1642,7 +1705,8 @@ drawCell( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Bool skipBlanks )
} else {
if ( board->showColors ) {
owner = (XP_S16)model_getCellOwner( model, col, row );
owner = (XP_S16)model_getCellOwner( model, modelCol,
modelRow );
invert = showPending? pending : recent;
@ -1732,12 +1796,6 @@ coordToCell( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 x, XP_U16 y, XP_U16* colP, XP_U16* rowP )
col = x / board->boardHScale;
row = y / board->boardVScale;
if ( board->isFlipped ) {
XP_U16 tmp = col;
col = row;
row = tmp;
max = model_numCols( board->model ) - 1;
/* I don't deal with non-square boards yet. */
XP_ASSERT( max + 1 == model_numRows( board->model ) );
@ -1761,12 +1819,6 @@ getCellRect( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Rect* rect )
XP_S16 top;
XP_Bool onBoard = XP_TRUE;
if ( board->isFlipped ) {
XP_U16 tmp = col;
col = row;
row = tmp;
if ( row < board->yOffset ) {
onBoard = XP_FALSE;
@ -1918,10 +1970,7 @@ figureHintAtts( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row )
HintAtts result = HINT_BORDER_NONE;
if ( board->trayVisState == TRAY_REVEALED && board->gi->allowHintRect ) {
BdHintLimits limits;
XP_Bool isFlipped = board->isFlipped;
limits = board->limits[board->selPlayer];
BdHintLimits limits = board->limits[board->selPlayer];
/* while lets us break to exit... */
while ( board->hasHintRect[board->selPlayer]
@ -1932,16 +1981,16 @@ figureHintAtts( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row )
if ( row > limits.bottom ) break;
if ( col == limits.left ) {
result |= isFlipped? HINT_BORDER_TOP : HINT_BORDER_LEFT;
if ( col == limits.right ) {
if ( row == {
result |= HINT_BORDER_TOP;
if ( row == limits.bottom ) {
if ( result == HINT_BORDER_NONE ) {
@ -2112,12 +2161,8 @@ finishHintRegionDrag( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 x, XP_U16 y )
needsRedraw = continueHintRegionDrag( board, x, y );
/* Now check if the whole drag ended above where it started. If yes, it
means erase! */
if ( board->isFlipped ) {
makeActive = board->hintDragStartCol <= board->hintDragCurCol;
} else {
makeActive = board->hintDragStartRow <= board->hintDragCurRow;
means erase! */
makeActive = board->hintDragStartRow <= board->hintDragCurRow;
board->hasHintRect[board->selPlayer] = makeActive;
if ( !makeActive ) {
@ -2339,10 +2384,12 @@ cellOccupied( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_Bool inclPending )
Tile tile;
XP_Bool ignr;
XP_Bool result;
XP_Bool result = model_getTile( board->model, col, row, inclPending,
board->selPlayer, &tile,
&ignr, &ignr, &ignr );
flipIf( board, col, row, &col, &row );
result = model_getTile( board->model, col, row, inclPending,
board->selPlayer, &tile,
&ignr, &ignr, &ignr );
return result;
} /* cellOccupied */
@ -2396,6 +2443,7 @@ tryReplaceTile( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 pencol, XP_U16 penrow )
Tile tile;
XP_Bool ignore, isPending;
flipIf( board, pencol, penrow, &pencol, &penrow );
if ( model_getTile( board->model, pencol, penrow, XP_TRUE,
board->selPlayer, &tile, &ignore, &isPending,
(XP_Bool*)NULL )
@ -2516,34 +2564,6 @@ board_handlePenUp( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 x, XP_U16 y )
#endif /* #ifdef POINTER_SUPPORT */
flipKey( XP_Key key, XP_Bool flip ) {
XP_Key result = key;
if ( flip ) {
switch( key ) {
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_RIGHT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTRIGHT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_LEFT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTLEFT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_UP; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTUP; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_DOWN; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTDOWN; break;
return result;
} /* flipKey */
static void
getRectCenter( const XP_Rect* rect, XP_U16* xp, XP_U16* yp )
@ -2616,8 +2636,7 @@ handleFocusKeyUp( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key key, XP_Bool preflightOnly,
if ( board->focusHasDived ) {
XP_Bool up = XP_FALSE;
if ( board->focussed == OBJ_BOARD ) {
redraw = board_moveCursor( board, flipKey( key, board->isFlipped ),
preflightOnly, &up );
redraw = board_moveCursor( board, key, preflightOnly, &up );
} else if ( board->focussed == OBJ_SCORE ) {
redraw = moveScoreCursor( board, key, preflightOnly, &up );
} else if ( board->focussed == OBJ_TRAY ) {
@ -2646,6 +2665,7 @@ board_handleKeyRepeat( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key key, XP_Bool* handled )
if ( key == XP_RETURN_KEY ) {
*handled = XP_FALSE;
draw = XP_FALSE;
} else {
XP_Bool upHandled, downHandled;
draw = board_handleKeyUp( board, key, &upHandled );
@ -2883,7 +2903,7 @@ figureNextLoc( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key cursorKey,
XP_S16 max;
XP_S16* useWhat;
XP_S16* useWhat = NULL; /* make compiler happy */
XP_S16 end = 0;
XP_S16 incr = 0;
XP_U16 numCols, numRows;
@ -3007,6 +3027,7 @@ board_moveCursor( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key cursorKey, XP_Bool preflightOnly,
loc.col = col;
loc.row = row;
board->bdCursor[board->selPlayer] = loc;
checkScrollCell( board, col, row );
return changed;
} /* board_moveCursor */
@ -3070,6 +3091,7 @@ replaceLastTile( BoardCtxt* board )
model_moveBoardToTray( board->model, board->selPlayer, index );
flipIf( board, col, row, &col, &row );
setArrow( board, col, row );
result = XP_TRUE;
@ -3086,6 +3108,7 @@ moveTileToBoard( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row, XP_U16 tileIndex,
return XP_FALSE;
flipIf( board, col, row, &col, &row );
model_moveTrayToBoard( board->model, board->selPlayer, col, row,
tileIndex, blankFace );
@ -3097,7 +3120,7 @@ static XP_Bool
moveKeyTileToBoard( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key cursorKey, XP_Bool* gotArrow )
/* keep compiler happy: assign defaults */
Tile tile, blankFace;
Tile tile, blankFace = EMPTY_TILE; /* make compiler happy */
XP_U16 col, row;
DictionaryCtxt* dict = model_getDictionary( board->model );
XP_S16 turn = board->selPlayer;
@ -3131,7 +3154,7 @@ moveKeyTileToBoard( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key cursorKey, XP_Bool* gotArrow )
if ( success ) {
tileIndex = model_trayContains( board->model, turn, tile );
if ( tileIndex >= 0 ) {
blankFace = EMPTY_TILE; /* will be ignored */
// blankFace = EMPTY_TILE; /* already set (and will be ignored) */
} else {
Tile blankTile = dict_getBlankTile( dict );
tileIndex = model_trayContains( board->model, turn, blankTile );
@ -3207,16 +3230,18 @@ setArrowVisibleFor( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 player, XP_Bool visible )
* Listener callbacks
static void
boardCellChanged( void* p_board, XP_U16 turn, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row,
boardCellChanged( void* p_board, XP_U16 turn, XP_U16 modelCol, XP_U16 modelRow,
XP_Bool added )
BoardCtxt* board = (BoardCtxt*)p_board;
XP_Bool pending, found, ignoreBlank;
Tile ignoreTile;
XP_U16 ccol, crow;
XP_U16 col, row;
flipIf( board, modelCol, modelRow, &col, &row );
/* for each player, check if the tile overwrites the cursor */
found = model_getTile( board->model, col, row, XP_TRUE, turn,
found = model_getTile( board->model, modelCol, modelRow, XP_TRUE, turn,
&ignoreTile, &ignoreBlank, &pending,
(XP_Bool*)NULL );
@ -3225,6 +3250,7 @@ boardCellChanged( void* p_board, XP_U16 turn, XP_U16 col, XP_U16 row,
if ( !added && !found ) {
/* nothing to do */
} else {
XP_U16 ccol, crow;
XP_U16 player, nPlayers;
nPlayers = board->gi->nPlayers;

View file

@ -200,7 +200,6 @@ XP_Bool rectsIntersect( const XP_Rect* rect1, const XP_Rect* rect2 );
void board_selectPlayer( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 newPlayer );
XP_Key flipKey( XP_Key key, XP_Bool flip );
XP_Bool tray_moveCursor( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key cursorKey,
XP_Bool preflightOnly, XP_Bool* up );
XP_Bool tray_keyAction( BoardCtxt* board );

View file

@ -274,6 +274,35 @@ handlePenUpScore( BoardCtxt* board, XP_U16 x, XP_U16 y )
static XP_Key
flipKey( XP_Key key, XP_Bool flip )
XP_Key result = key;
if ( flip ) {
switch( key ) {
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_RIGHT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTRIGHT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_LEFT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTLEFT; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_UP; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTUP; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_DOWN; break;
result = XP_CURSOR_KEY_ALTDOWN; break;
return result;
} /* flipKey */
moveScoreCursor( BoardCtxt* board, XP_Key key, XP_Bool preflightOnly,
XP_Bool* pUp )