mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 20:48:00 +01:00
total rewrite. New protocol eliminates need to store and forward
messages: clients connect, then messages are passthru only. Add control port. Use stl map and vector to remove limit on number of connections. Also removed synchronization, which need to be re-added.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 257 additions and 345 deletions
@ -28,10 +28,6 @@
// be useful for other things. It also needs a lot of work, and I hacked it
// up before making an exhaustive search for other alternatives.
// The extreme limitations it has now are meant to be fixed by using stl-based
// structs rather than arrays to track stuff, and by adding mutexes on a
// per-cookie basis.
#include <stdio.h>
@ -44,380 +40,297 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "xwrelay.h"
#include "cref.h"
#include "ctrl.h"
typedef unsigned short HostID;
typedef struct ThreadData {
int socket;
HostID srcID;
} ThreadData;
typedef struct SavedBuf {
unsigned char* buf;
int bufLen;
HostID srcID;
} SavedBuf;
#define MAX_BUFS_SAVES 10
#define ILLEGAL_ID (HostID)0
/* One of these puppies needed per cookie, or one, roughly, per two
threads. */
typedef struct CookieData {
int nSavedBufs;
SavedBuf savedBufs[MAX_BUFS_SAVES];
int nHosts;
struct {
HostID id;
int socket;
} hostSockets[MAX_HOSTS_PER_COOKIE];
} CookieData;
/* This is too gross in scope! Need per-cookie mutexes once there are more
than one cookie on a system a once so removing data for a dying socket in
one game doesn't lock other games out.*/
pthread_mutex_t gCookieDataMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define MAX_COOKIES 10
typedef struct CookieHash {
char* cookie;
CookieData* ref;
} CookieHash;
static CookieHash gCookieRefs[MAX_COOKIES];
static int gNCookies = 0;
static CookieData*
getCookieRef( const char* cookie )
logf( const char* format, ... )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < gNCookies; ++i ) {
if ( 0 == strcmp( gCookieRefs[i].cookie, cookie ) ) {
return gCookieRefs[i].ref;
assert( gNCookies < MAX_COOKIES + 1 );
CookieData* newRef = new CookieData;
char* c = new char[strlen(cookie)+1];
strcpy( c, cookie );
gCookieRefs[gNCookies].cookie = c;
gCookieRefs[gNCookies].ref = newRef;
FILE* where = stderr;
struct tm* timp;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday( &tv, &tz );
timp = localtime( &tv.tv_sec );
newRef->nSavedBufs = 0;
return newRef;
} /* getCookieRef */
pthread_t me = pthread_self();
fprintf( where, "<%lx>%d:%d:%d: ", me, timp->tm_hour, timp->tm_min,
timp->tm_sec );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, format );
vfprintf( where, format, ap );
fprintf( where, "\n" );
} /* logf */
static unsigned short
getNetShort( unsigned char** bufpp )
unsigned short tmp;
memcpy( &tmp, *bufpp, 2 );
*bufpp += 2;
return ntohs( tmp );
static void
deleteCookieRef( CookieData* cref )
putNetShort( unsigned char** bufpp, unsigned short s )
int i;
int found = 0;
s = htons( s );
memcpy( *bufpp, &s, sizeof(s) );
*bufpp += sizeof(s);
for ( i = 0; i < cref->nSavedBufs; ++i ) {
delete [] cref->savedBufs[i].buf;
for ( i = 0; i < gNCookies; ++i ) {
if ( gCookieRefs[i].ref == cref ) {
found = 1;
static void
processHeartbeat( const unsigned char* buf, int bufLen )
} /* processHeartbeat */
fprintf( stderr, "removing ref for cookie %s\n",
gCookieRefs[i].cookie );
delete [] gCookieRefs[i].cookie;
/* A CONNECT message from a device gives us the hostID and socket we'll
* associate with one participant in a relayed session. We'll store this
* information with the cookie where other participants can find it when they
* arrive.
* What to do if we already have a game going? In that case the connection ID
* passed in will be non-zero. If the device can be associated with an
* ongoing game, with its new socket, associate it and forward any messages
* outstanding. Otherwise close down the socket. And maybe the others in the
* game?
static CookieRef*
processConnect( unsigned char* bufp, int bufLen, int socket )
logf( "processConnect" );
CookieRef* cref = NULL;
unsigned char* end = bufp + bufLen;
unsigned char clen = *bufp++;
if ( bufp < end && clen < MAX_COOKIE_LEN ) {
char cookie[MAX_COOKIE_LEN+1];
memcpy( cookie, bufp, clen );
cookie[clen] = '\0';
logf( "got cookie: %s", cookie );
bufp += clen;
int nToMove = gNCookies - i - 1;
if ( nToMove > 0 ) {
memmove( &gCookieRefs[i].ref, gCookieRefs[i+1].ref,
nToMove * sizeof(gCookieRefs[0].ref) );
if ( bufp < end ) {
HostID srcID = getNetShort( &bufp );
unsigned short connID = getNetShort( &bufp );
if ( bufp == end ) {
cref = get_make_cookieRef( cookie );
cref->Associate( socket, srcID );
Associate( socket, cref );
assert( found );
delete cref;
} /* deleteCookieRef */
return cref;
} /* processConnect */
static void
setSocketForId( CookieData* cref, HostID id, int socket )
killSocket( int socket, char* why )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < cref->nHosts; ++i ) {
if ( cref->hostSockets[i].id == id ) {
cref->hostSockets[i].socket == socket;
/* Not found; need to add */
fprintf( stderr, "adding slot for hostID %x\n", id );
assert( cref->nHosts < MAX_HOSTS_PER_COOKIE - 1 );
cref->hostSockets[cref->nHosts].id = id;
cref->hostSockets[cref->nHosts].socket = socket;
} /* setSocketForId */
static const SavedBuf*
getSavedBufs( const CookieData* cref, int* nBufs )
*nBufs = cref->nSavedBufs;
return cref->savedBufs;
static int
getIds( const CookieData* cref, HostID* ids )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < cref->nHosts; ++i ) {
*ids++ = cref->hostSockets[i].id;
return cref->nHosts;
} /* getIds */
static void
peekData( unsigned char* buf, char** cookie, HostID* srcIDP, long* connIdP,
unsigned short* channelNoP, HostID* destIDP )
short cklen = (short)*buf++;
*cookie = new char[cklen+1];
memcpy( *cookie, buf, cklen );
(*cookie)[cklen] = '\0';
fprintf( stderr, "got cookie %s\n", *cookie );
buf += cklen;
long connId;
HostID id;
memcpy( &id, buf, 2 );
*srcIDP = htons( id );
buf += 2;
memcpy( &connId, buf, 4 );
*connIdP = htons( connId );
buf += 4;
memcpy( &id, buf, 2 );
*channelNoP = htons( id );
buf += 2;
memcpy( &id, buf, 2 );
*destIDP = htons( id );
buf += 2;
fprintf( stderr, "0x%x %ld %d 0x%x\n",
*srcIDP, *connIdP, *channelNoP, *destIDP );
static int
socketForHostID( const CookieData* cref, HostID id )
assert( id != ILLEGAL_ID );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < cref->nHosts; ++i ) {
if ( cref->hostSockets[i].id == id ) {
return cref->hostSockets[i].socket;
assert( false );
/* Remove all data for a socket being closed down. No point in remembering
* its hostID or any buffers it originated. If it's the last thread with this
* cookie, remove the cookie ref as well */
static void
removeSocket( CookieData* cref, ThreadData* td )
if ( cref != NULL ) {
HostID dyingID = td->srcID;
int i;
fprintf( stderr, "removing socket %d for host 0x%x\n",
td->socket, dyingID );
pthread_mutex_lock( &gCookieDataMutex );
/* If this is the last/only ref for this cookie, just nuke the
cookie ref */
if ( cref->nHosts == 1 ) {
assert( cref->hostSockets[0].id == dyingID );
deleteCookieRef( cref );
} else {
/* Remove all bufs */
int nBufs = cref->nSavedBufs;
for ( i = nBufs - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
SavedBuf* sbuf = &cref->savedBufs[i];
if ( sbuf->srcID == dyingID ) {
delete [] sbuf->buf;
int nToMove = nBufs - i - 1;
assert( nToMove >= 0 );
if ( nToMove > 0 ) {
memcpy( sbuf, sbuf + 1,
sizeof(*sbuf) * (nBufs - i - 1) );
cref->nSavedBufs = nBufs;
/* remove ref to HostID */
int nHosts = cref->nHosts;
for ( i = nHosts - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
if ( cref->hostSockets[i].id == dyingID ) {
int nToMove = --nHosts - i;
if ( nToMove > 0 ) {
memmove( &cref->hostSockets[i],
nToMove * sizeof( cref->hostSockets[0] ) );
cref->nHosts = nHosts;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &gCookieDataMutex ) ;
} /* removeSocket */
static void
saveBuffer( CookieData* cref, unsigned char* buf, int bufLen, HostID srcID )
assert( cref->nSavedBufs < (MAX_BUFS_SAVES - 1) );
SavedBuf* bufs = &cref->savedBufs[cref->nSavedBufs++];
bufs->buf = buf;
bufs->bufLen = bufLen;
bufs->srcID = srcID;
fprintf( stderr, "%d bufs now saved\n", cref->nSavedBufs );
logf( "killSocket(%d): %s", socket, why );
RemoveSocketRefs( socket );
/* Might want to kill the thread it belongs to if we're not in it,
e.g. when unable to write to another socket. */
static void
forwardMsg( const CookieData* cref, const void* buf, int bufLen,
HostID destID )
send_with_length( int socket, unsigned char* buf, int bufLen )
int socket = socketForHostID( cref, destID );
int ok = 0;
unsigned short len = htons( bufLen );
ssize_t nSent = send( socket, &len, 2, 0 );
assert( nSent == 2 );
fprintf( stderr, "sent len %x (%x)\n", bufLen, len );
nSent += send( socket, buf, bufLen, 0 );
fprintf( stderr, "sent %d bytes to host %x on socket %d\n",
nSent, destID, socket );
static void
forwardToAllBut( const CookieData* cref, void* buf, int bufLen,
HostID thisID )
fprintf( stderr, "forwardToAllBut(%x)\n", thisID );
int nIds = getIds( cref, ids );
HostID destID;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < nIds; ++i ) {
if ( ids[i] != thisID ) {
forwardMsg( cref, buf, bufLen, ids[i] );
if ( nSent == 2 ) {
nSent = send( socket, buf, bufLen, 0 );
if ( nSent == bufLen ) {
logf( "sent %d bytes on socket %d", nSent, socket );
ok = 1;
if ( !ok ) {
killSocket( socket, "couldn't send" );
static void
forwardSavedTo( const CookieData* cref, HostID destID )
sendConnResp( CookieRef* cref, int socket )
fprintf( stderr, "forwardSavedTo(%x)\n", destID );
int nBufs;
const SavedBuf* bufs = getSavedBufs( cref, &nBufs );
while ( nBufs-- ) {
forwardMsg( cref, bufs->buf, bufs->bufLen, destID );
} /* forwardSavedTo */
/* send cmd, heartbeat, connid */
short tmp;
unsigned char buf[5];
unsigned char* bufp = buf;
static CookieData*
putNetShort( &bufp, cref->GetHeartbeat() );
putNetShort( &bufp, cref->GetConnID() );
send_with_length( socket, buf, sizeof(buf) );
logf( "sent CONNECTIONRSP" );
/* forward the message. Need only change the command after looking up the
* socket and it's ready to go. */
static int
forwardMessage( unsigned char* buf, int bufLen )
int success = 0;
unsigned char* bufp = buf + 1; /* skip cmd */
unsigned short cookieID = getNetShort( &bufp );
logf( "cookieID = %d", cookieID );
CookieRef* cref = get_cookieRef( cookieID );
if ( cref != NULL ) {
HostID src = getNetShort( &bufp );
HostID dest = getNetShort( &bufp );
logf( "forwarding from %x to %x", src, dest );
int socket = cref->SocketForHost( dest );
logf( "got socket %d for dest %x", socket, dest );
if ( socket != -1 ) {
send_with_length( socket, buf, bufLen );
success = 1;
return success;
} /* forwardMessage */
static CookieRef*
processMessage( unsigned char* buf, int bufLen, ThreadData* ts )
HostID srcID, destID;
unsigned short channelNo;
long connId;
char* cookie;
peekData( buf, &cookie, &srcID, &connId, &channelNo, &destID );
ts->srcID = srcID;
CookieRef* cref = NULL;
CookieData* cref = getCookieRef( cookie );
setSocketForId( cref, srcID, ts->socket );
if ( destID != ILLEGAL_ID ) {
fprintf( stderr, "JUST FORWARDING: %x -> %x\n", srcID, destID );
forwardMsg( cref, buf, bufLen, destID );
/* I'm pretty sure that at this point we can nuke all buffers saved
for this cookie: the device acting as server now has all the
addresses it needs. */
} else {
pthread_mutex_lock( &gCookieDataMutex );
/* comms not set up yet. Need to get all existing messages */
/* to this socket *and* get its message to all that came */
/* before. So we'll forward this first, then send it the */
/* full set, and then add this message to the full set. */
forwardToAllBut( cref, buf, bufLen, srcID );
forwardSavedTo( cref, srcID );
saveBuffer( cref, buf, bufLen, srcID );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &gCookieDataMutex ) ;
XWRELAY_Cmd cmd = *buf;
switch( cmd ) {
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_CONNECT" );
cref = processConnect( buf+1, bufLen-1, ts->socket );
if ( cref != NULL ) {
sendConnResp( cref, ts->socket );
} else {
killSocket( ts->socket, "no cref found" );
logf( "bad: processMessage got XWRELAY_CONNECTRESP" );
logf( "bad: processMessage got XWRELAY_MSG_FROMRELAY" );
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_HEARTBEAT" );
processHeartbeat( buf + 1, bufLen - 1 );
logf( "processMessage got XWRELAY_MSG_TORELAY" );
if ( !forwardMessage( buf, bufLen ) ) {
killSocket( ts->socket, "couldn't forward message" );
return cref;
} /* processMessage */
static void*
thread_main( void* arg )
relay_thread_main( void* arg )
ThreadData localStorage;
memcpy( &localStorage, arg, sizeof(localStorage) );
CookieData* cRef = NULL;
ThreadData* localStorage = (ThreadData*)arg;
int socket = localStorage->socket;
CookieRef* cref = NULL;
logf( "relay_thread_main called" );
for ( ; ; ) {
short packetSize;
assert( sizeof(packetSize) == 2 );
ssize_t rcvd = recv( localStorage.socket, &packetSize,
sizeof(packetSize), 0 );
if ( rcvd < 2 ) break;
ssize_t nRead = recv( socket, &packetSize,
sizeof(packetSize), MSG_WAITALL );
if ( nRead != 2 ) {
killSocket( socket, "nRead != 2" );
packetSize = ntohs( packetSize );
if ( packetSize < 0 ) break;
assert( rcvd == 2 );
if ( packetSize < 0 || packetSize > MAX_MSG_LEN ) {
killSocket( socket, "packetSize wrong" );
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[packetSize];
rcvd = recv( localStorage.socket, buf, packetSize, 0 );
assert( rcvd == packetSize );
fprintf( stderr, "read %d bytes\n", rcvd );
unsigned char buf[MAX_MSG_LEN];
nRead = recv( socket, buf, packetSize, MSG_WAITALL );
if ( nRead != packetSize ) {
killSocket( socket, "nRead != packetSize" ); break;
logf( "read %d bytes\n", nRead );
cRef = processMessage( buf, packetSize, &localStorage );
cref = processMessage( buf, packetSize, localStorage );
close( localStorage.socket );
close( socket );
removeSocket( cRef, &localStorage );
delete localStorage;
fprintf( stderr, "exiting thread\n" );
logf( "exiting thread\n" );
return NULL;
} /* thread_main */
} /* relay_thread_main */
static int
make_socket( unsigned long addr, unsigned short port )
int sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
struct sockaddr_in sockAddr;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(addr);
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
int result = bind( sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr) );
if ( result != 0 ) {
logf( "exiting: unable to bind port %d: %d, errno = %d\n",
port, result, errno );
return -1;
logf( "bound socket %d on port %d", sock, port );
result = listen( sock, 5 );
if ( result != 0 ) {
logf( "exiting: unable to listen: %d, errno = %d\n", result, errno );
return -1;
return sock;
} /* make_socket */
static void
accept_and_fork( int socket, void * (*start_routine)(void *) )
logf( "calling accept on socket %d\n", socket );
sockaddr newaddr;
socklen_t siz = sizeof(newaddr);
int newSock = accept( socket, &newaddr, &siz );
logf( "got one\n" );
ThreadData* td = new ThreadData();
td->socket = newSock;
pthread_t thread;
int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, start_routine, td );
} /* accept_and_fork */
int main( int argc, char** argv )
int port = 12000;
int port = 10999;
int result;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
@ -426,39 +339,38 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
/* Open a listening socket. For each received message, fork a thread into
which relevant stuff is passed. */
int listener = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
int listener = make_socket( INADDR_ANY, port );
if ( listener == -1 ) exit( 1 );
int control = make_socket( INADDR_LOOPBACK, port + 1 );
if ( control == -1 ) exit( 1 );
struct sockaddr_in sockAddr;
sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port);
result = bind( listener, (struct sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr) );
if ( result != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "exiting: unable to bind: %d, errno = %d\n", result, errno );
exit( 1 );
result = listen( listener, 5 );
if ( result != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "exiting: unable to listen: %d, errno = %d\n", result, errno );
exit( 1 );
fprintf( stderr, "listening on port %d, socket %d\n", port, listener );
/* set up select call */
fd_set rfds;
for ( ; ; ) {
sockaddr newaddr;
socklen_t siz = sizeof(newaddr);
int newSock = accept( listener, &newaddr, &siz );
fprintf( stderr, "got one\n" );
FD_SET( listener, &rfds );
FD_SET( control, &rfds );
int highest = listener;
if ( control > listener ) {
highest = control;
ThreadData td;
td.socket = newSock;
pthread_t thread;
int result = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, thread_main, &td );
int retval = select( highest, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL );
assert( retval > 0 );
if ( FD_ISSET( listener, &rfds ) ) {
accept_and_fork( listener, relay_thread_main );
if ( FD_ISSET( control, &rfds ) ) {
accept_and_fork( control, ctrl_thread_main );
assert( retval == 0 );
close( listener );
close( control );
return 0;
} // main
Add table
Reference in a new issue