mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 08:47:50 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/android_branch' into android_branch
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 449 additions and 617 deletions
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.JNIUtilsImpl;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.XwJNI;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.loc.LocUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
@ -299,6 +300,12 @@ public class DictLangCache {
return result;
public static long getFileLen( Context context, DictAndLoc dal )
File path = dal.getPath( context );
return path.length();
public static int getDictLangCode( Context context, String dict )
return getInfo( context, dict ).langCode;
@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ public class DictUtils {
public String name;
public DictLoc loc;
public File getPath( Context context )
File path = getDictFile( context, addDictExtn(name), loc );
return path;
public boolean equals( Object obj )
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import org.json.JSONObject;
public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = UpdateCheckReceiver.class.getSimpleName();
private static final boolean LOG_QUERIES = false;
public static final String NEW_DICT_URL = "NEW_DICT_URL";
public static final String NEW_DICT_LOC = "NEW_DICT_LOC";
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String k_LANG = "lang";
private static final String k_MD5SUM = "md5sum";
private static final String k_INDEX = "index";
private static final String k_LEN = "len";
private static final String k_URL = "url";
private static final String k_DEVID = "did";
private static final String k_DEBUG = "dbg";
@ -174,7 +176,9 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
params.put( k_STRINGSHASH, BuildConfig.STRINGS_HASH );
params.put( k_NAME, packageName );
params.put( k_AVERS, versionCode );
// Log.d( TAG, "current update: %s", params );
if ( LOG_QUERIES ) {
Log.d( TAG, "checkVersions(): sending: %s", params );
new UpdateQueryTask( context, params, fromUI, pm,
packageName, dals ).execute();
} catch ( org.json.JSONException jse ) {
@ -215,11 +219,13 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
int lang = DictLangCache.getDictLangCode( context, dal );
String langStr = DictLangCache.getLangName( context, lang );
String sum = DictLangCache.getDictMD5Sum( context, dal.name );
long len = DictLangCache.getFileLen( context, dal );
try {
params.put( k_NAME, dal.name );
params.put( k_LANG, langStr );
params.put( k_MD5SUM, sum );
params.put( k_INDEX, index );
params.put( k_LEN, len );
} catch( org.json.JSONException jse ) {
Log.ex( TAG, jse );
@ -269,6 +275,9 @@ public class UpdateCheckReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
protected void onPostExecute( String json )
if ( null != json ) {
if ( LOG_QUERIES ) {
Log.d( TAG, "onPostExecute(): received: %s", json );
makeNotificationsIf( json, m_params );
XWPrefs.setHaveCheckedUpgrades( m_context, true );
@ -49,12 +49,6 @@ typedef struct _AndDictionaryCtxt {
} AndDictionaryCtxt;
#define CHECK_PTR(p,c,e) \
if ( ((p)+(c)) > (e) ) { \
XP_LOGF( "%s (line %d); out of bytes", __func__, __LINE__ ); \
goto error; \
static void splitFaces_via_java( JNIEnv* env, AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt,
const XP_U8* ptr,
int nFaceBytes, int nFaces, XP_Bool isUTF8 );
@ -80,152 +74,6 @@ n_ptr_tohl( XP_U8 const** inp )
return XP_NTOHL(t);
} /* n_ptr_tohl */
static XP_U16
n_ptr_tohs( XP_U8 const ** inp )
XP_U16 t;
XP_MEMCPY( &t, *inp, sizeof(t) );
*inp += sizeof(t);
return XP_NTOHS(t);
} /* n_ptr_tohs */
static XP_U16
andCountSpecials( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt )
XP_U16 result = 0;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++ii ) {
if ( IS_SPECIAL( ctxt->super.facePtrs[ii][0] ) ) {
return result;
} /* andCountSpecials */
static XP_Bool
andMakeBitmap( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XP_U8 const** ptrp,
const XP_U8* end, XP_Bitmap* result )
XP_Bool success = XP_TRUE;
XP_U8 const* ptr = *ptrp;
jobject bitmap = NULL;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end );
XP_U8 nCols = *ptr++;
if ( nCols > 0 ) {
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end );
XP_U8 nRows = *ptr++;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, ((nRows*nCols)+7) / 8, end );
ptr += ((nRows*nCols)+7) / 8;
XP_U8 srcByte = 0;
XP_U8 nBits;
jboolean* colors = (jboolean*)XP_CALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nCols * nRows * sizeof(*colors) );
jboolean* next = colors;
nBits = nRows * nCols;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < nBits; ++ii ) {
XP_U8 srcBitIndex = ii % 8;
XP_U8 srcMask;
if ( srcBitIndex == 0 ) {
srcByte = *ptr++;
srcMask = 1 << (7 - srcBitIndex);
XP_ASSERT( next < (colors + (nRows * nCols)) );
*next++ = ((srcByte & srcMask) == 0) ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE;
JNIEnv* env = ctxt->env;
jobject tmp = and_util_makeJBitmap( ctxt->jniutil, nCols, nRows, colors );
bitmap = (*env)->NewGlobalRef( env, tmp );
deleteLocalRef( env, tmp );
XP_FREE( ctxt->super.mpool, colors );
goto done;
success = XP_FALSE;
*ptrp = ptr;
*result = bitmap;
return success;
} /* andMakeBitmap */
static XP_Bool
andLoadSpecialData( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XP_U8 const** ptrp,
const XP_U8* end )
XP_Bool success = XP_TRUE;
XP_U16 nSpecials = andCountSpecials( ctxt );
XP_U8 const* ptr = *ptrp;
XP_UCHAR** texts;
XP_UCHAR** textEnds;
SpecialBitmaps* bitmaps;
texts = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*texts) );
textEnds = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*textEnds) );
bitmaps = (SpecialBitmaps*)
XP_CALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, nSpecials * sizeof(*bitmaps) );
for ( Tile ii = 0; ii < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++ii ) {
const XP_UCHAR* facep = ctxt->super.facePtrs[(short)ii];
if ( IS_SPECIAL(*facep) ) {
/* get the string */
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end );
XP_U8 txtlen = *ptr++;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, txtlen, end );
XP_UCHAR* text = (XP_UCHAR*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->super.mpool, txtlen+1);
texts[(int)*facep] = text;
textEnds[(int)*facep] = text + txtlen + 1;
XP_MEMCPY( text, ptr, txtlen );
ptr += txtlen;
text[txtlen] = '\0';
XP_ASSERT( *facep < nSpecials ); /* firing */
/* This little hack is safe because all bytes but the first in a
multi-byte utf-8 char have the high bit set. SYNONYM_DELIM
does not have its high bit set */
XP_ASSERT( 0 == (SYNONYM_DELIM & 0x80) );
for ( ; '\0' != *text; ++text ) {
if ( *text == SYNONYM_DELIM ) {
*text = '\0';
if ( !andMakeBitmap( ctxt, &ptr, end,
&bitmaps[(int)*facep].largeBM ) ) {
goto error;
if ( !andMakeBitmap( ctxt, &ptr, end,
&bitmaps[(int)*facep].smallBM ) ) {
goto error;
goto done;
success = XP_FALSE;
ctxt->super.chars = texts;
ctxt->super.charEnds = textEnds;
ctxt->super.bitmaps = bitmaps;
*ptrp = ptr;
return success;
} /* andLoadSpecialData */
/** Android doesn't include iconv for C code to use, so we'll have java do it.
* Cons up a string with all the tile faces (skipping the specials to make
* things easier) and have java return an array of strings. Then load one at
@ -290,16 +138,18 @@ splitFaces_via_java( JNIEnv* env, AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, const XP_U8* ptr,
ctxt->super.facePtrs = ptrs;
} /* splitFaces_via_java */
static XP_UCHAR*
getNullTermParam( AndDictionaryCtxt* dctx, const XP_U8** ptr,
XP_U16* headerLen )
computeChecksum( DictionaryCtxt* dctx, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8* ptr,
XP_U32 len, XP_UCHAR* out )
XP_U16 len = 1 + XP_STRLEN( (XP_UCHAR*)*ptr );
XP_UCHAR* result = XP_MALLOC( dctx->super.mpool, len );
XP_MEMCPY( result, *ptr, len );
*ptr += len;
*headerLen -= len;
return result;
AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt = (AndDictionaryCtxt*)dctx;
JNIEnv* env = xwe;
jstring jsum = and_util_getMD5SumForDict( ctxt->jniutil, env,
ctxt->super.name, ptr, len );
const char* sum = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jsum, NULL );
XP_MEMCPY( out, sum, 1 + XP_STRLEN(sum) );
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jsum, sum );
deleteLocalRef( env, jsum );
static XP_Bool
@ -311,149 +161,15 @@ parseDict( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XWEnv xwe, XP_U8 const* ptr,
ASSERT_ENV( ctxt->ti, xwe );
const XP_U8* end = ptr + dictLength;
XP_U32 offset;
XP_U16 nFaces, numFaceBytes = 0;
XP_U16 flags;
void* mappedBase = (void*)ptr;
XP_U8 nodeSize;
XP_Bool isUTF8 = XP_FALSE;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, sizeof(flags), end );
flags = n_ptr_tohs( &ptr );
if ( 0 != (DICT_HEADER_MASK & flags) ) {
XP_U16 headerLen;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, sizeof(headerLen), end );
headerLen = n_ptr_tohs( &ptr );
if ( 4 <= headerLen ) { /* have word count? */
CHECK_PTR( ptr, sizeof(ctxt->super.nWords), end );
ctxt->super.nWords = n_ptr_tohl( &ptr );
headerLen -= 4; /* don't skip it */
if ( 1 <= headerLen ) { /* have description? */
ctxt->super.desc = getNullTermParam( ctxt, &ptr, &headerLen );
if ( 1 <= headerLen ) { /* have md5sum? */
ctxt->super.md5Sum = getNullTermParam( ctxt, &ptr, &headerLen );
CHECK_PTR( ptr, headerLen, end );
ptr += headerLen;
if ( flags == 0x0002 ) {
nodeSize = 3;
} else if ( flags == 0x0003 ) {
nodeSize = 4;
} else if ( flags == 0x0004 ) {
nodeSize = 3;
} else if ( flags == 0x0005 ) {
nodeSize = 4;
} else {
goto error;
if ( isUTF8 ) {
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end );
numFaceBytes = (XP_U16)(*ptr++);
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end );
nFaces = (XP_U16)(*ptr++);
if ( nFaces > 64 ) {
goto error;
JNIEnv* env = xwe;
if ( NULL == ctxt->super.md5Sum
#ifdef DEBUG
) {
jstring jsum = and_util_getMD5SumForDict( ctxt->jniutil, env,
ctxt->super.name, NULL, 0 );
XP_UCHAR* md5Sum = NULL;
/* If we have a cached sum, check that it's correct. */
if ( NULL != jsum && NULL != ctxt->super.md5Sum ) {
md5Sum = getStringCopy( MPPARM(ctxt->super.mpool) env, jsum );
if ( 0 != XP_STRCMP( ctxt->super.md5Sum, md5Sum ) ) {
deleteLocalRef( env, jsum );
jsum = NULL;
XP_FREE( ctxt->super.mpool, md5Sum );
md5Sum = NULL;
if ( NULL == jsum ) {
jsum = and_util_getMD5SumForDict( ctxt->jniutil, env,
ctxt->super.name, ptr, end - ptr );
if ( NULL == md5Sum ) {
md5Sum = getStringCopy( MPPARM(ctxt->super.mpool) env, jsum );
deleteLocalRef( env, jsum );
if ( NULL == ctxt->super.md5Sum ) {
ctxt->super.md5Sum = md5Sum;
} else {
XP_FREE( ctxt->super.mpool, md5Sum );
ctxt->super.nodeSize = nodeSize;
if ( !isUTF8 ) {
numFaceBytes = nFaces * 2;
ctxt->super.nFaces = (XP_U8)nFaces;
ctxt->super.isUTF8 = isUTF8;
if ( isUTF8 ) {
CHECK_PTR( ptr, numFaceBytes, end );
splitFaces_via_java( env, ctxt, ptr, numFaceBytes, nFaces,
ptr += numFaceBytes;
} else {
XP_U8 tmp[nFaces*4]; /* should be enough... */
XP_U16 nBytes = 0;
/* Need to translate from iso-8859-n to utf8 */
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 2 * nFaces, end );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < nFaces; ++ii ) {
XP_UCHAR ch = ptr[1];
ptr += 2;
tmp[nBytes] = ch;
nBytes += 1;
XP_ASSERT( nFaces == nBytes );
splitFaces_via_java( env, ctxt, tmp, nBytes, nFaces, XP_FALSE );
ctxt->super.is_4_byte = (ctxt->super.nodeSize == 4);
ctxt->super.countsAndValues =
(XP_U8*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->super.mpool, nFaces*2);
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 2, end );
ctxt->super.langCode = ptr[0] & 0x7F;
ptr += 2; /* skip xloc header */
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 2 * nFaces, end );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < nFaces*2; ii += 2 ) {
ctxt->super.countsAndValues[ii] = *ptr++;
ctxt->super.countsAndValues[ii+1] = *ptr++;
if ( !andLoadSpecialData( ctxt, &ptr, end ) ) {
if ( !parseCommon( &ctxt->super, xwe, &ptr, end ) ) {
goto error;
dictLength -= ptr - (XP_U8*)mappedBase;
if ( dictLength >= sizeof(offset) ) {
CHECK_PTR( ptr, sizeof(offset), end );
CHECK_PTR( ptr, sizeof(offset), end, error );
offset = n_ptr_tohl( &ptr );
dictLength -= sizeof(offset);
XP_ASSERT( dictLength % ctxt->super.nodeSize == 0 );
@ -470,6 +186,8 @@ parseDict( AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XWEnv xwe, XP_U8 const* ptr,
ctxt->super.topEdge = ctxt->super.base
+ (offset * ctxt->super.nodeSize);
} else {
XP_ASSERT( !ctxt->super.topEdge );
XP_ASSERT( !ctxt->super.base );
ctxt->super.topEdge = (array_edge*)NULL;
ctxt->super.base = (array_edge*)NULL;
@ -489,7 +207,7 @@ and_dictionary_destroy( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv xwe )
AndDictionaryCtxt* ctxt = (AndDictionaryCtxt*)dict;
ASSERT_ENV( ctxt->ti, xwe );
XP_LOGF( "%s(dict=%p); code=%x", __func__, ctxt, ctxt->dbgid );
XP_U16 nSpecials = andCountSpecials( ctxt );
XP_U16 nSpecials = countSpecials( &ctxt->super );
JNIEnv* env = xwe;
if ( !!ctxt->super.chars ) {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "comtypes.h"
#include "xwstream.h"
#include "strutils.h"
and_assert( const char* test, int line, const char* file, const char* func )
@ -251,10 +252,8 @@ getStringCopy( MPFORMAL JNIEnv* env, jstring jstr )
XP_UCHAR* result = NULL;
if ( NULL != jstr ) {
jsize len = 1 + (*env)->GetStringUTFLength( env, jstr );
const char* chars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jstr, NULL );
result = XP_MALLOC( mpool, len );
XP_MEMCPY( result, chars, len );
result = copyString( mpool, chars );
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jstr, chars );
return result;
@ -15,9 +15,12 @@ except:
from stat import ST_CTIME
from mod_python import apache
apacheAvailable = True
except ImportError:
apacheAvailable = False
apache = None
def apache_log_error(msg):
if apache:
# constants that are also used in UpdateCheckReceiver.java
@ -50,11 +53,13 @@ k_PAIRS = 'pairs'
k_LANG = 'lang'
k_MD5SUM = 'md5sum'
k_INDEX = 'index'
k_LEN = 'len'
k_ISUM = 'isum'
k_SUCCESS = 'success'
k_URL = 'url'
k_SUMS = 'sums'
k_LENS = 'lens'
k_COUNT = 'count'
k_LANGS = 'langs'
k_LANGSVERS = 'lvers'
@ -102,11 +107,11 @@ def getInternalSum( filePath ):
k_filebase + 'xw4/dawg2dict.py',
'--dict', filePath ],
'--dawg', filePath ],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
results = proc.communicate()
# apache.log_error(filePath + ': ' + results[1].strip())
# apache_log_error(filePath + ': ' + results[1].strip())
return results[0].strip()
def md5Checksums( sums, filePath ):
@ -125,11 +130,11 @@ def md5Checksums( sums, filePath ):
sums[filePath] = [ md5.hexdigest(),
getInternalSum( filePath ) ]
apache.log_error( "figured sum for %s: %s" % (filePath,
apache_log_error( "figured sum for %s: %s" % (filePath,
sums[filePath] ) )
result = sums[filePath]
# apache.log_error( "Unexpected error: " + sys.exc_info()[0] )
# apache_log_error( "Unexpected error: " + sys.exc_info()[0] )
result = None
return result
@ -143,9 +148,10 @@ def openShelf():
s_shelf = {}
if not k_SUMS in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_SUMS] = {}
if not k_LENS in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_LENS] = {}
if not k_COUNT in s_shelf: s_shelf[k_COUNT] = 0
s_shelf[k_COUNT] += 1
# apache.log_error( "Count now %d" % s_shelf[k_COUNT] )
# apache_log_error( "Count now %d" % s_shelf[k_COUNT] )
def closeShelf():
global s_shelf
@ -156,9 +162,14 @@ def getDictSums():
return s_shelf[k_SUMS]
def getDictLens():
global s_shelf
return s_shelf[k_LENS]
def getGitRevFor(file, repo):
result = None
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file);
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file)
result = zip.read('assets/gitvers.txt').split("\n")[0]
@ -243,48 +254,47 @@ def getVariantDir( name ):
splits = string.split( name, '.' )
last = splits[-1]
if not last == 'xw4': result = last + '/'
# apache.log_error( 'getVariantDir(' + name + ") => " + result )
# apache_log_error( 'getVariantDir(' + name + ") => " + result )
return result
# public, but deprecated
def curVersion( req, name, avers = 41, gvers = None, installer = None ):
global k_versions
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
if apacheAvailable:
apache.log_error( 'IP address of requester is %s'
% req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NAME) )
apache_log_error( 'IP address of requester is %s'
% req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NAME) )
apache.log_error( "name: %s; avers: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
apache_log_error( "name: %s; avers: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
% (name, avers, installer, gvers) )
if name in k_versions:
versions = k_versions[name]
if versions[k_AVERS] > int(avers):
apache.log_error( avers + " is old" )
apache_log_error( avers + " is old" )
result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + '/' + versions[k_URL]
apache.log_error(name + " is up-to-date")
apache_log_error(name + " is up-to-date")
apache.log_error( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
apache_log_error( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
return json.dumps( result )
# public, but deprecated
def dictVersion( req, name, lang, md5sum ):
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix
dictSums = getDictSums()
path = lang + "/" + name
if not path in dictSums:
sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path )
if sums:
dictSums[path] = sums
s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
if path in dictSums:
if not md5sum in dictSums[path]:
result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path
apache.log_error( path + " not known" )
return json.dumps( result )
# def dictVersion( req, name, lang, md5sum ):
# result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
# if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix
# dictSums = getDictSums()
# path = lang + "/" + name
# if not path in dictSums:
# sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path )
# if sums:
# dictSums[path] = sums
# s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
# if path in dictSums:
# if not md5sum in dictSums[path]:
# result[k_URL] = k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path
# else:
# apache_log_error( path + " not known" )
# closeShelf()
# return json.dumps( result )
def getApp( params, name = None, debug = False):
result = None
@ -300,10 +310,10 @@ def getApp( params, name = None, debug = False):
apk = apks[0]
curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk'
if curApk in apk:
apache.log_error( "already have " + curApk )
apache_log_error( "already have " + curApk )
url = k_urlbase + '/' + k_apkDir + variantDir + apk[len(dir):]
apache.log_error("url: " + url)
apache_log_error("url: " + url)
result = {k_URL: url}
elif k_DEVOK in params and params[k_DEVOK]:
apks = getOrderedApks( k_filebase + k_apkDir, name, False )
@ -312,18 +322,18 @@ def getApp( params, name = None, debug = False):
# Does path NOT contain name of installed file
curApk = params[k_GVERS] + '.apk'
if curApk in apk:
apache.log_error( "already have " + curApk )
apache_log_error( "already have " + curApk )
url = k_urlbase + '/' + apk[len(k_filebase):]
result = {k_URL: url}
apache.log_error( result )
apache_log_error( result )
elif k_AVERS in params:
vers = params[k_AVERS]
if k_INSTALLER in params: installer = params[k_INSTALLER]
else: installer = ''
apache.log_error( "name: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
apache_log_error( "name: %s; installer: %s; gvers: %s"
% (name, installer, vers) )
print "name: %s; installer: %s; vers: %s" % (name, installer, vers)
dir = k_filebase + k_apkDir
@ -332,11 +342,11 @@ def getApp( params, name = None, debug = False):
apk = apk[len(k_filebase):] # strip fs path
result = {k_URL: k_urlbase + '/' + apk}
apache.log_error(name + " is up-to-date")
apache_log_error(name + " is up-to-date")
apache.log_error( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
apache_log_error( 'Error: bad name ' + name )
apache.log_error( 'missing param' )
apache_log_error( 'missing param' )
return result
def getStats( path ):
@ -402,7 +412,7 @@ def listDicts( lc = None ):
s_shelf[k_LANGSVERS] = langsVers
result = { 'langs' : s_shelf[k_LANGS] }
print "looking for", lc
if lc:
@ -413,13 +423,27 @@ def listDicts( lc = None ):
def getDicts( params ):
result = []
dictSums = getDictSums()
dictLens = getDictLens()
for param in params:
name = param[k_NAME]
lang = param[k_LANG]
md5sum = param[k_MD5SUM]
index = param[k_INDEX]
if k_LEN in param: dictLen = int(param[k_LEN])
else: dictLen = 0
if not name.endswith(k_suffix): name += k_suffix
path = lang + "/" + name
fullPath = k_filebase + "and_wordlists/" + path
# Use this as an excuse to check for existance
dictLens[path] = int(os.stat( fullPath ).st_size)
apache_log_error( 'dropping for non-existant file: {}'.format(fullPath) )
needsUpgrade = False
if not path in dictSums:
sums = md5Checksums( dictSums, path )
if sums:
@ -427,11 +451,19 @@ def getDicts( params ):
s_shelf[k_SUMS] = dictSums
if path in dictSums:
if not md5sum in dictSums[path]:
cur = { k_URL : k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path,
k_INDEX : index, k_ISUM: dictSums[path][1] }
result.append( cur )
needsUpgrade = True
if not needsUpgrade and dictLen > 0:
if not dictLens[path] == dictLen: needsUpgrade = True
if needsUpgrade:
cur = { k_URL : k_urlbase + "/and_wordlists/" + path,
k_INDEX : index, k_ISUM: dictSums[path][-1],
k_LEN : dictLens[path],
result.append( cur )
apache.log_error( path + " not known" )
apache_log_error( path + " not known" )
if 0 == len(result): result = None
@ -439,22 +471,22 @@ def getDicts( params ):
def variantFor( name ):
if name == 'xw4': result = 'XWords4'
apache.log_error( 'variantFor(%s)=>%s' % (name, result))
apache_log_error( 'variantFor(%s)=>%s' % (name, result))
return result
def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ):
result = []
path = xwconfig.k_REPOPATH
apache.log_error('creating repo with path ' + path)
apache_log_error('creating repo with path ' + path)
repo = mygit.GitRepo( path )
apache.log_error( "getXlate: %s, hash=%s" % (json.dumps(params), stringsHash) )
# apache.log_error( 'status: ' + repo.status() )
apache_log_error( "getXlate: %s, hash=%s" % (json.dumps(params), stringsHash) )
# apache_log_error( 'status: ' + repo.status() )
# reduce org.eehouse.anroid.xxx to xxx, then turn it into a
# variant and get the contents of the R.java file
splits = name.split('.')
name = splits[-1]
variant = variantFor( name );
variant = variantFor( name )
rPath = '%s/archive/R.java' % variant
rDotJava = repo.cat( rPath, stringsHash )
@ -463,7 +495,7 @@ def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ):
# the revision BEFORE the revision that changed R.java
head = repo.getHeadRev()
apache.log_error('head = %s' % head)
apache_log_error('head = %s' % head)
rjavarevs = repo.getRevsBetween(head, stringsHash, rPath)
if rjavarevs:
assert( 1 >= len(rjavarevs) )
@ -474,7 +506,7 @@ def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ):
firstPossible = rjavarevs[-2] + '^'
# get actual number for rev^
firstPossible = repo.getRevsBetween( firstPossible, firstPossible )[0]
apache.log_error('firstPossible: %s' % firstPossible)
apache_log_error('firstPossible: %s' % firstPossible)
for entry in params:
curVers = entry[k_XLATEVERS]
@ -490,7 +522,7 @@ def getXlate( params, name, stringsHash ):
} )
if 0 == len(result): result = None
apache.log_error( "getXlate=>%s" % (json.dumps(result)) )
apache_log_error( "getXlate=>%s" % (json.dumps(result)) )
return result
def init():
@ -546,7 +578,7 @@ def opponentIDsFor( req, params ):
def getUpdates( req, params ):
result = { k_SUCCESS : True }
appResult = None
apache.log_error( "getUpdates: got params: %s" % params )
apache_log_error( "getUpdates: got params: %s" % params )
asJson = json.loads( params )
if k_APP in asJson:
name = None
@ -561,15 +593,15 @@ def getUpdates( req, params ):
# Let's not upgrade strings at the same time as we're upgrading the app
# if appResult:
# apache.log_error( 'skipping xlation upgrade because app being updated' )
# apache_log_error( 'skipping xlation upgrade because app being updated' )
# elif k_XLATEINFO in asJson and k_NAME in asJson and k_STRINGSHASH in asJson:
# xlateResult = getXlate( asJson[k_XLATEINFO], asJson[k_NAME], asJson[k_STRINGSHASH] )
# if xlateResult:
# apache.log_error( xlateResult )
# apache_log_error( xlateResult )
# result[k_XLATEINFO] = xlateResult;
result = json.dumps( result )
apache.log_error( 'getUpdates() => ' + result )
apache_log_error( 'getUpdates() => ' + result )
return result
def clearShelf():
@ -581,7 +613,7 @@ def usage(msg=None):
if msg: print "ERROR:", msg
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], '--get-sums [lang/dict]*'
print ' | --get-app --appID <org.something> --vers <avers> --gvers <gvers> [--debug]'
print ' | --test-get-dicts name lang curSum'
print ' | --test-get-dicts name lang curSum curLen/0'
print ' | --list-apks [--path <path/to/apks>] [--debug] --appID org.something'
print ' | --list-dicts'
print ' | --opponent-ids-for'
@ -625,10 +657,11 @@ def main():
print getApp( params )
elif arg == '--test-get-dicts':
if not 5 == argc: usage()
if not 6 == argc: usage()
params = { k_NAME: sys.argv[2],
k_LANG : sys.argv[3],
k_MD5SUM : sys.argv[4],
k_LEN : sys.argv[5],
k_INDEX : 0,
print getDicts( [params] )
@ -662,6 +695,8 @@ def main():
print("normal exit")
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -33,6 +33,13 @@
#include "dictiter.h"
#include "game.h"
/* Define DI_DEBUG in Makefile. It's makes iteration really slow on Android */
#ifdef DI_DEBUG
# define DI_ASSERT(...) XP_ASSERT(__VA_ARGS__)
# define DI_ASSERT(...)
#ifdef CPLUS
extern "C" {
@ -455,7 +462,7 @@ dict_makeIndex( const DictIter* iter, XP_U16 depth, IndexData* data )
const DictionaryCtxt* dict = iter->dict;
XP_U16 ii, needCount;
const XP_U16 nFaces = dict_numTileFaces( dict );
XP_U16 nNonBlankFaces = nFaces;
@ -466,7 +473,7 @@ dict_makeIndex( const DictIter* iter, XP_U16 depth, IndexData* data )
for ( ii = 1, needCount = nNonBlankFaces; ii < depth; ++ii ) {
needCount *= nNonBlankFaces;
XP_ASSERT( needCount <= data->count );
DI_ASSERT( needCount <= data->count );
Tile allTiles[nNonBlankFaces];
XP_U16 nTiles = 0;
@ -491,10 +498,10 @@ dict_makeIndex( const DictIter* iter, XP_U16 depth, IndexData* data )
data, &prevIter, &prevIndex );
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DI_DEBUG
DictPosition pos;
for ( pos = 1; pos < data->count; ++pos ) {
XP_ASSERT( data->indices[pos-1] < data->indices[pos] );
DI_ASSERT( data->indices[pos-1] < data->indices[pos] );
} /* dict_makeIndex */
@ -569,7 +576,7 @@ dict_getNthWord( DictIter* iter, DictPosition position, XP_U16 depth,
XP_Bool validWord = 0 < iter->nEdges;
if ( validWord ) { /* uninitialized */
wordCount = iter->nWords;
XP_ASSERT( wordCount == dict_countWords( iter, NULL ) );
DI_ASSERT( wordCount == dict_countWords( iter, NULL ) );
} else {
wordCount = dict_getWordCount( dict );
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "strutils.h"
#include "dictiter.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "dbgutil.h"
#ifdef CPLUS
extern "C" {
@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ extern "C" {
static XP_Bool makeBitmap( XP_U8 const** ptrp, const XP_U8* end );
p_dict_ref( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe)
#ifdef DEBUG_REF
@ -90,6 +93,266 @@ dict_unref_all( PlayerDicts* pd, XWEnv xwe )
static XP_UCHAR*
getNullTermParam( DictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED_DBG(dctx), const XP_U8** ptr,
XP_U16* headerLen )
XP_U16 len = 1 + XP_STRLEN( (XP_UCHAR*)*ptr );
XP_UCHAR* result = XP_MALLOC( dctx->mpool, len );
XP_MEMCPY( result, *ptr, len );
*ptr += len;
*headerLen -= len;
return result;
static XP_Bool
loadSpecialData( DictionaryCtxt* ctxt, XP_U8 const** ptrp,
const XP_U8* end )
XP_Bool success = XP_TRUE;
XP_U16 nSpecials = countSpecials( ctxt );
XP_U8 const* ptr = *ptrp;
XP_UCHAR** texts;
XP_UCHAR** textEnds;
SpecialBitmaps* bitmaps;
texts = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*texts) );
textEnds = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*textEnds) );
bitmaps = (SpecialBitmaps*)
XP_CALLOC( ctxt->mpool, nSpecials * sizeof(*bitmaps) );
for ( Tile ii = 0; ii < ctxt->nFaces; ++ii ) {
const XP_UCHAR* facep = ctxt->facePtrs[(short)ii];
if ( IS_SPECIAL(*facep) ) {
/* get the string */
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end, error );
XP_U8 txtlen = *ptr++;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, txtlen, end, error );
XP_UCHAR* text = (XP_UCHAR*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->mpool, txtlen+1);
texts[(int)*facep] = text;
textEnds[(int)*facep] = text + txtlen + 1;
XP_MEMCPY( text, ptr, txtlen );
ptr += txtlen;
text[txtlen] = '\0';
XP_ASSERT( *facep < nSpecials ); /* firing */
/* This little hack is safe because all bytes but the first in a
multi-byte utf-8 char have the high bit set. SYNONYM_DELIM
does not have its high bit set */
XP_ASSERT( 0 == (SYNONYM_DELIM & 0x80) );
for ( ; '\0' != *text; ++text ) {
if ( *text == SYNONYM_DELIM ) {
*text = '\0';
if ( !makeBitmap( &ptr, end ) ) {
goto error;
if ( !makeBitmap( &ptr, end ) ) {
goto error;
goto done;
success = XP_FALSE;
ctxt->chars = texts;
ctxt->charEnds = textEnds;
ctxt->bitmaps = bitmaps;
*ptrp = ptr;
return success;
} /* loadSpecialData */
parseCommon( DictionaryCtxt* dctx, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8** ptrp, const XP_U8* end )
const XP_U8* ptr = *ptrp;
XP_Bool hasHeader = XP_FALSE;
XP_Bool isUTF8 = XP_FALSE;
XP_U16 charSize;
XP_U16 flags;
XP_Bool formatOk = sizeof(flags) <= end - ptr;
if ( formatOk ) {
XP_MEMCPY( &flags, ptr, sizeof(flags) );
ptr += sizeof( flags );
flags = XP_NTOHS(flags);
XP_LOGFF( "flags=0X%X", flags );
hasHeader = 0 != (DICT_HEADER_MASK & flags);
/* if ( hasHeader ) { */
/* flags &= ~DICT_HEADER_MASK; */
/* } */
XP_U8 nodeSize = 4;
switch ( flags & 0x0007 ) {
case 0x0001:
nodeSize = 3;
charSize = 1;
dctx->is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
case 0x0002:
nodeSize = 3;
charSize = 2;
dctx->is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
case 0x0003:
charSize = 2;
dctx->is_4_byte = XP_TRUE;
case 0x0004:
nodeSize = 3;
dctx->is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
case 0x0005:
dctx->is_4_byte = XP_TRUE;
formatOk = XP_FALSE;
dctx->isUTF8 = isUTF8;
dctx->nodeSize = nodeSize;
if ( formatOk ) {
XP_U8 numFaceBytes, numFaces;
if ( hasHeader ) {
XP_U16 headerLen;
XP_U32 wordCount;
memcpy( &headerLen, ptr, sizeof(headerLen) );
ptr += sizeof(headerLen);
headerLen = XP_NTOHS( headerLen );
memcpy( &wordCount, ptr, sizeof(wordCount) );
ptr += sizeof(wordCount);
headerLen -= sizeof(wordCount);
dctx->nWords = XP_NTOHL( wordCount );
XP_DEBUGF( "dict contains %d words", dctx->nWords );
if ( 0 < headerLen ) {
dctx->desc = getNullTermParam( dctx, &ptr, &headerLen );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: no note", __func__ );
if ( 0 < headerLen ) {
dctx->md5Sum = getNullTermParam( dctx, &ptr, &headerLen );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: no md5Sum", __func__ );
ptr += headerLen;
if ( isUTF8 ) {
numFaceBytes = *ptr++;
numFaces = *ptr++;
if ( !isUTF8 ) {
numFaceBytes = numFaces * charSize;
if ( NULL == dctx->md5Sum
#ifdef DEBUG
) {
XP_UCHAR checksum[256];
// XP_LOGFF( "figuring checksum with len: %uz", end - ptr );
computeChecksum( dctx, xwe, ptr, end - ptr, checksum );
if ( NULL == dctx->md5Sum ) {
dctx->md5Sum = copyString( dctx->mpool, checksum );
} else {
XP_ASSERT( 0 == XP_STRCMP( dctx->md5Sum, checksum ) );
dctx->nFaces = numFaces;
dctx->countsAndValues = XP_MALLOC( dctx->mpool, numFaces * 2 );
XP_U16 facesSize = numFaceBytes;
if ( !isUTF8 ) {
facesSize /= 2;
XP_U8 tmp[numFaceBytes];
XP_MEMCPY( tmp, ptr, numFaceBytes );
ptr += numFaceBytes;
dict_splitFaces( dctx, xwe, tmp, numFaceBytes, numFaces );
unsigned short xloc;
XP_MEMCPY( &xloc, ptr, sizeof(xloc) );
ptr += sizeof(xloc);
XP_MEMCPY( dctx->countsAndValues, ptr, numFaces*2 );
ptr += numFaces*2;
dctx->langCode = xloc & 0x7F;
if ( formatOk ) {
formatOk = loadSpecialData( dctx, &ptr, end );
if ( formatOk ) {
XP_ASSERT( ptr < end );
*ptrp = ptr;
LOG_RETURNF( "%s", boolToStr(formatOk) );
return formatOk;
static XP_Bool
makeBitmap( XP_U8 const** ptrp, const XP_U8* end )
XP_Bool success = XP_TRUE;
XP_U8 const* ptr = *ptrp;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end, error );
XP_U8 nCols = *ptr++;
if ( nCols > 0 ) {
CHECK_PTR( ptr, 1, end, error );
XP_U8 nRows = *ptr++;
CHECK_PTR( ptr, ((nRows*nCols)+7) / 8, end, error );
ptr += ((nRows*nCols)+7) / 8;
do not compile
goto done;
success = XP_FALSE;
*ptrp = ptr;
return success;
countSpecials( DictionaryCtxt* ctxt )
XP_U16 result = 0;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < ctxt->nFaces; ++ii ) {
if ( IS_SPECIAL( ctxt->facePtrs[ii][0] ) ) {
return result;
} /* countSpecials */
setBlankTile( DictionaryCtxt* dict )
@ -215,14 +215,25 @@ XP_U16 dict_getMaxWidth( const DictionaryCtxt* dict );
DictionaryCtxt* make_stubbed_dict( MPFORMAL_NOCOMMA );
XP_U16 countSpecials( DictionaryCtxt* ctxt );
XP_Bool parseCommon( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8** ptrp,
const XP_U8* end );
XP_Bool checkSanity( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XP_U32 numEdges );
/* To be called only by subclasses!!! */
void dict_super_init( DictionaryCtxt* ctxt );
/* Must be implemented by subclass */
/* Must be implemented by subclasses */
void dict_splitFaces( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8* bytes,
XP_U16 nBytes, XP_U16 nFaceos );
void computeChecksum( DictionaryCtxt* dctxt, XWEnv xwe, const XP_U8* ptr,
XP_U32 len, XP_UCHAR* out );
XP_Bool checkSanity( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XP_U32 numEdges );
/* Utility used only by dict-parsing code for now */
#define CHECK_PTR(p,c,e,lab) \
if ( ((p)+(c)) > (e) ) { \
XP_LOGF( "%s (line %d); out of bytes", __func__, __LINE__ ); \
goto lab; \
#ifdef CPLUS
@ -1 +1,2 @@
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ SRC = \
${GIT_DIR}/szotar/alap/ige_targy.1 \
TMP_LIST = tmp_wordlist.txt
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ GIT_TREE:
(cd $(GIT_DIR) && git checkout $(SRC_COMMIT))
hungarian_wordlist.txt: $(SRC)
cat $^ | \
sed -e 's/#.*$$//' -e 's/\[.*$$//' -e 's/ .*$$//' |\
grep -v '^$$' |\
@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ hungarian_wordlist.txt: $(SRC)
# double-letter tile or two single-letter tiles, it's in the list with
# both spellings. That's what the longer sed expressions are doing
# (emitting two words)
$(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz: hungarian_wordlist.txt
$(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz: $(TMP_LIST)
cat $< \
| tr -d '\r' \
| tr [aábcdeéfghiíjklmnnyoóöőprtuúüűvzs] [AÁBCDEÉFGHIÍJKLMNNYOÓÖŐPRTUÚÜŰVZS] \
@ -85,4 +87,4 @@ $(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz: hungarian_wordlist.txt
# "parent" Makefile.langcommon in the parent directory.
clean: clean_common
rm -f $(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz *.bin $(XWLANG)*.pdb $(XWLANG)*.seb hungarian_wordlist.txt
rm -f $(XWLANG)Main.dict.gz *.bin $(XWLANG)*.pdb $(XWLANG)*.seb $(TMP_LIST)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
XWLANG = SpanishFAA41
@ -222,7 +222,9 @@ def process(args):
words = []
if nodes:
expandDAWG( nodes, nodeSize, args.DELIM, offset, data, words )
assert len(words) == nWords
if not len(words) == nWords:
print("loaded {} words but header claims {}".format(len(words), nWords), file=sys.stderr)
# assert len(words) == nWords
if args.DUMP_WORDS:
for word in words:
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ ifeq ($(MEMDEBUG),TRUE)
CFLAGS += -g $(GPROFFLAG) -Wall -Wunused-parameter -Wcast-align -Werror -O0
CFLAGS += -DDEBUG_TS -rdynamic
@ -260,6 +261,7 @@ CFLAGS += `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`
LIBS += `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
ifneq (,$(findstring DPLATFORM_NCURSES,$(DEFINES)))
LIBS += $(OE_LIBDIR) -lncursesw
@ -98,122 +98,15 @@ linux_dictionary_make( MPFORMAL XWEnv xwe, const LaunchParams* params,
return &result->super;
} /* gtk_dictionary_make */
static XP_UCHAR*
getNullTermParam( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED_DBG(dctx), const XP_U8** ptr,
XP_U16* headerLen )
computeChecksum( DictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED(dctx), XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe),
const XP_U8* ptr, XP_U32 len, XP_UCHAR* out )
XP_U16 len = 1 + XP_STRLEN( (XP_UCHAR*)*ptr );
XP_UCHAR* result = XP_MALLOC( dctx->super.mpool, len );
XP_MEMCPY( result, *ptr, len );
*ptr += len;
*headerLen -= len;
return result;
gchar* checksum = g_compute_checksum_for_data( G_CHECKSUM_MD5, ptr, len );
XP_MEMCPY( out, checksum, XP_STRLEN(checksum) + 1 );
g_free( checksum );
static XP_U16
countSpecials( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* ctxt )
XP_U16 result = 0;
XP_U16 ii;
for ( ii = 0; ii < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++ii ) {
if ( IS_SPECIAL(ctxt->super.facePtrs[ii][0]) ) {
return result;
} /* countSpecials */
static XP_Bitmap
skipBitmap( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* XP_UNUSED_DBG(ctxt), const XP_U8** ptrp )
XP_U8 nCols, nRows, nBytes;
LinuxBMStruct* lbs = NULL;
const XP_U8* ptr = *ptrp;
nCols = *ptr++;
if ( nCols > 0 ) {
nRows = *ptr++;
nBytes = ((nRows * nCols) + 7) / 8;
lbs = XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool, sizeof(*lbs) + nBytes );
lbs->nRows = nRows;
lbs->nCols = nCols;
lbs->nBytes = nBytes;
memcpy( lbs + 1, ptr, nBytes );
ptr += nBytes;
*ptrp = ptr;
return lbs;
} /* skipBitmap */
static void
skipBitmaps( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* ctxt, const XP_U8** ptrp )
XP_U16 nSpecials;
XP_UCHAR* text;
XP_UCHAR** texts;
XP_UCHAR** textEnds;
SpecialBitmaps* bitmaps;
Tile tile;
const XP_U8* ptr = *ptrp;
nSpecials = countSpecials( ctxt );
texts = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*texts) );
textEnds = (XP_UCHAR**)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*textEnds) );
bitmaps = (SpecialBitmaps*)XP_MALLOC( ctxt->super.mpool,
nSpecials * sizeof(*bitmaps) );
XP_MEMSET( bitmaps, 0, nSpecials * sizeof(*bitmaps) );
for ( tile = 0; tile < ctxt->super.nFaces; ++tile ) {
const XP_UCHAR* facep = ctxt->super.facePtrs[(short)tile];
if ( IS_SPECIAL(*facep) ) {
XP_U16 asIndex = (XP_U16)*facep;
XP_U8 txtlen;
XP_ASSERT( *facep < nSpecials );
/* get the string */
txtlen = *ptr++;
text = (XP_UCHAR*)XP_MALLOC(ctxt->super.mpool, txtlen+1);
memcpy( text, ptr, txtlen );
ptr += txtlen;
text[txtlen] = '\0';
texts[(XP_U16)*facep] = text;
textEnds[(XP_U16)*facep] = text + txtlen + 1;
/* Now replace the delimiter char with \0. It must be one byte in
length and of course equal to the delimiter */
XP_ASSERT( 0 == (SYNONYM_DELIM & 0x80) );
while ( '\0' != *text ) {
XP_UCHAR* cp = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer( text, 1 );
if ( 1 == (cp - text) && *text == SYNONYM_DELIM ) {
*text = '\0';
text = cp;
XP_DEBUGF( "skipping bitmaps for " XP_S, texts[asIndex] );
bitmaps[asIndex].largeBM = skipBitmap( ctxt, &ptr );
bitmaps[asIndex].smallBM = skipBitmap( ctxt, &ptr );
*ptrp = ptr;
ctxt->super.chars = texts;
ctxt->super.charEnds = textEnds;
ctxt->super.bitmaps = bitmaps;
} /* skipBitmaps */
dict_splitFaces( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe), const XP_U8* utf8,
XP_U16 nBytes, XP_U16 nFaces )
@ -263,13 +156,6 @@ initFromDictFile( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* dctx, const LaunchParams* params,
XP_Bool formatOk = XP_TRUE;
size_t dictLength;
XP_U32 topOffset;
unsigned short xloc;
XP_U16 flags;
XP_U16 facesSize;
XP_U16 charSize;
XP_Bool isUTF8 = XP_FALSE;
XP_Bool hasHeader = XP_FALSE;
const XP_U8* ptr;
char path[256];
if ( !getDictPath( params, fileName, path, VSIZE(path) ) ) {
@ -298,130 +184,12 @@ initFromDictFile( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* dctx, const LaunchParams* params,
fclose( dictF );
ptr = dctx->dictBase;
memcpy( &flags, ptr, sizeof(flags) );
ptr += sizeof( flags );
flags = ntohs(flags);
XP_DEBUGF( "flags=0X%X", flags );
hasHeader = 0 != (DICT_HEADER_MASK & flags);
if ( hasHeader ) {
if ( flags == 0x0001 ) {
dctx->super.nodeSize = 3;
charSize = 1;
dctx->super.is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
} else if ( flags == 0x0002 ) {
dctx->super.nodeSize = 3;
charSize = 2;
dctx->super.is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
} else if ( flags == 0x0003 ) {
dctx->super.nodeSize = 4;
charSize = 2;
dctx->super.is_4_byte = XP_TRUE;
} else if ( flags == 0x0004 ) {
dctx->super.nodeSize = 3;
dctx->super.isUTF8 = XP_TRUE;
dctx->super.is_4_byte = XP_FALSE;
} else if ( flags == 0x0005 ) {
dctx->super.nodeSize = 4;
dctx->super.isUTF8 = XP_TRUE;
dctx->super.is_4_byte = XP_TRUE;
} else {
/* case I don't know how to deal with */
formatOk = XP_FALSE;
const XP_U8* ptr = dctx->dictBase;
const XP_U8* end = ptr + dctx->dictLength;
formatOk = parseCommon( &dctx->super, NULL_XWE, &ptr, end );
/* && loadSpecialData( &dctx->super, &ptr, end ); */
if ( formatOk ) {
XP_U8 numFaceBytes, numFaces;
if ( hasHeader ) {
XP_U16 headerLen;
XP_U32 wordCount;
memcpy( &headerLen, ptr, sizeof(headerLen) );
ptr += sizeof(headerLen);
headerLen = ntohs( headerLen );
memcpy( &wordCount, ptr, sizeof(wordCount) );
ptr += sizeof(wordCount);
headerLen -= sizeof(wordCount);
dctx->super.nWords = ntohl( wordCount );
XP_DEBUGF( "dict contains %d words", dctx->super.nWords );
if ( 0 < headerLen ) {
dctx->super.desc = getNullTermParam( dctx, &ptr, &headerLen );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: no note", __func__ );
if ( 0 < headerLen ) {
dctx->super.md5Sum = getNullTermParam( dctx, &ptr, &headerLen );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: no md5Sum", __func__ );
ptr += headerLen;
if ( isUTF8 ) {
numFaceBytes = *ptr++;
numFaces = *ptr++;
if ( !isUTF8 ) {
numFaceBytes = numFaces * charSize;
if ( NULL == dctx->super.md5Sum
#ifdef DEBUG
) {
size_t curPos = ptr - dctx->dictBase;
gssize dictLength = dctx->dictLength - curPos;
gchar* checksum = g_compute_checksum_for_data( G_CHECKSUM_MD5, ptr, dictLength );
if ( NULL == dctx->super.md5Sum ) {
dctx->super.md5Sum = copyString( dctx->super.mpool, checksum );
} else {
XP_ASSERT( 0 == XP_STRCMP( dctx->super.md5Sum, checksum ) );
g_free( checksum );
dctx->super.nFaces = numFaces;
dctx->super.countsAndValues = XP_MALLOC( dctx->super.mpool,
numFaces*2 );
facesSize = numFaceBytes;
if ( !isUTF8 ) {
facesSize /= 2;
XP_U8 tmp[numFaceBytes];
memcpy( tmp, ptr, numFaceBytes );
ptr += numFaceBytes;
dict_splitFaces( &dctx->super, NULL, tmp, numFaceBytes, numFaces );
memcpy( &xloc, ptr, sizeof(xloc) );
ptr += sizeof(xloc);
memcpy( dctx->super.countsAndValues, ptr, numFaces*2 );
ptr += numFaces*2;
dctx->super.langCode = xloc & 0x7F;
if ( formatOk ) {
XP_U32 numEdges;
skipBitmaps( dctx, &ptr );
size_t curPos = ptr - dctx->dictBase;
dictLength = dctx->dictLength - curPos;
@ -433,6 +201,7 @@ initFromDictFile( LinuxDictionaryCtxt* dctx, const LaunchParams* params,
ptr += sizeof(topOffset);
XP_U32 numEdges;
if ( dictLength > 0 ) {
numEdges = dictLength / dctx->super.nodeSize;
#ifdef DEBUG
@ -509,6 +278,7 @@ linux_dictionary_destroy( DictionaryCtxt* dict, XWEnv XP_UNUSED(xwe) )
/* super's destructor should do this!!!! */
XP_FREEP( dict->mpool, &ctxt->super.desc );
XP_FREEP( dict->mpool, &ctxt->super.md5Sum );
XP_FREEP( dict->mpool, &ctxt->super.countsAndValues );
Add table
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