mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 20:48:02 +01:00
make packet accumulator a thread that sends
Get rid of the single sender thread and the complexity of querying individual queues for their state (and the slowdown that happened when successful writes had to wait for those to devices that weren't responding). Instead each PacketAccumulator does its own waiting with timeouts and backoffs, wakes itself when appropriate, and periodically sends if it can make a connection. Now when there are a bunch of messages ready they'll get sent pretty quickly once connections to the remote device start to be successful.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 252 additions and 399 deletions
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
private enum BTAction implements XWJICmds { _NONE,
INVITE, // old
SEND, // old
@ -418,19 +418,11 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
void onHandleWorkImpl( Intent intent, XWJICmds jicmd, long timestamp )
if ( BTEnabled() ) {
BTSenderThread.startYourself( this );
BTAction cmd = (BTAction)jicmd;
switch( cmd ) {
case ACL_CONN: // just forces onCreate to run
noteLastUsed( this ); // prevent timer from killing immediately
case SCAN:
int timeout = intent.getIntExtra( SCAN_TIMEOUT_KEY, -1 );
startScanThread( timeout );
@ -440,12 +432,12 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
String jsonData = intent.getStringExtra( GAMEDATA_KEY );
NetLaunchInfo nli = NetLaunchInfo.makeFrom( this, jsonData );
// Log.i( TAG, "onHandleWorkImpl(): nli: %s", nli );
getSenderFor( btAddr ).addInvite( nli );
getPA( btAddr ).addInvite( nli );
btAddr = intent.getStringExtra( ADDR_KEY );
int gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_KEY, 0 );
getSenderFor( btAddr ).addPing( gameID );
getPA( btAddr ).addPing( gameID );
case SEND:
@ -454,7 +446,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
String msgID = intent.getStringExtra( MSGID_KEY );
gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_KEY, -1 );
if ( -1 != gameID ) {
getSenderFor( btAddr ).addMsg( gameID, buf, msgID );
getPA( btAddr ).addMsg( gameID, buf, msgID );
case RADIO:
@ -476,7 +468,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
case REMOVE:
gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_KEY, -1 );
btAddr = intent.getStringExtra( ADDR_KEY );
getSenderFor( btAddr ).addDied( gameID );
getPA( btAddr ).addDied( gameID );
@ -552,14 +544,13 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
} // onHandleWorkImpl()
private void startScanThread( final int timeout )
private void startScanThread( final int timeoutMS )
new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.d( TAG, "scan thread starting" );
BTSenderThread.startYourself( BTService.this )
.sendPings( MultiEvent.HOST_PONGED, timeout );
Log.d( TAG, "scan thread starting (timeout=%dms)", timeoutMS );
sendPings( MultiEvent.HOST_PONGED, timeoutMS );
mHelper.postEvent( MultiEvent.SCAN_DONE );
Log.d( TAG, "scan thread done" );
@ -744,244 +735,40 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
return btAddr;
// sender thread
// Thing wants to outlive an instance of BTService, but not live
// forever. Ideally it exists long enough to send the elems posted by one
// instance then dies.
private static class BTSenderThread extends Thread {
private volatile boolean mFinishing = false;
private BTService mService;
private static BTSenderThread[] sSenderHolder = {null};
private static BTSenderThread startYourself( BTService bts )
synchronized ( sSenderHolder ) {
BTSenderThread result = sSenderHolder[0];
if ( null == result || !result.isAlive() ) {
result = new BTSenderThread( bts );
sSenderHolder[0] = result;
} else {
result.setService( bts );
return result;
private void sendPings( MultiEvent event, int timeoutMS )
Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevs = m_adapter.getBondedDevices();
Map<BluetoothDevice, PacketAccumulator> pas = new HashMap<>();
for ( BluetoothDevice dev : pairedDevs ) {
// Skip things that can't host an Android app
int clazz = dev.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
if ( Major.PHONE == clazz || Major.COMPUTER == clazz ) {
PacketAccumulator pa =
new PacketAccumulator( dev.getAddress(), timeoutMS )
.addPing( 0 )
.setService( this )
pas.put( dev, pa );
} else {
Log.d( TAG, "skipping %s (clazz=%d); not an android device!",
dev.getName(), clazz );
private BTSenderThread( BTService service ) {
setService( service );
void setService( BTService service ) { mService = service; }
public void run()
final String className = getClass().getSimpleName();
final AtomicInteger nDone = new AtomicInteger();
Log.d( TAG, "%s.run() starting", className );
while ( !mFinishing && BTEnabled() ) {
try {
List<PacketAccumulator> pas = getHasData(); // blocks
Thread[] threads = new Thread[pas.size()];
for ( int ii = 0; ii < threads.length; ++ii ) {
final PacketAccumulator pa = pas.get( ii );
threads[ii] = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean success = false;
BluetoothSocket socket = null;
try {
socket = mService.m_adapter.getRemoteDevice( pa.getAddr() )
.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord( XWApp.getAppUUID() );
DataOutputStream dos = connect( socket );
if ( null == dos ) {
updateStatusOut( false );
} else {
Log.d( TAG, "%s.thread.run(): connect(%s) => %s",
className, pa.getName(), dos );
nDone.addAndGet( pa.writeAndCheck( socket, dos,
mService.mHelper ) );
success = true;
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
Log.e( TAG, "%s.run(): ioe: %s", className,
ioe.getMessage() );
} finally {
if ( null != socket ) {
try { socket.close(); }
catch (Exception ex) {}
if ( !success ) {
} );
Log.d( TAG, "%s.run(): waiting on %d threads", className,
threads.length );
for ( Thread thread : threads ) {
try {
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG );
Log.d( TAG, "%s.run(): DONE waiting on %d threads", className,
threads.length );
// } catch ( IOException ie ) {
// Log.e( TAG, "run(): ioe: %s", ie.getMessage() );
} catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {
Log.w( TAG, "%s.run() interrupted; killing thread", className );
Log.d( TAG, "%s.run() exiting after sending %d packets (owner was %s)", className,
nDone.get(), mService );
private void sendPings( MultiEvent event, int timeout )
Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevs = mService.m_adapter.getBondedDevices();
Map<BluetoothDevice, PingThread> threads = new HashMap<>();
for ( BluetoothDevice dev : pairedDevs ) {
// Skip things that can't host an Android app
int clazz = dev.getBluetoothClass().getMajorDeviceClass();
if ( Major.PHONE == clazz || Major.COMPUTER == clazz ) {
PingThread thread = new PingThread( dev, timeout, event );
threads.put( dev, thread );
} else {
Log.d( TAG, "skipping %s (clazz=%d); not an android device!",
dev.getName(), clazz );
for ( BluetoothDevice dev : threads.keySet() ) {
PingThread thread = threads.get( dev );
try {
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG );
private class PingThread extends Thread {
private boolean mGotResponse;
private BluetoothDevice mDev;
private int mTimeout;
private MultiEvent mEvent;
PingThread(BluetoothDevice dev, int timeout, MultiEvent event)
mDev = dev; mTimeout = timeout; mEvent = event;
public void run() {
mGotResponse = sendPing( mDev, 0, mTimeout );
if ( mGotResponse && null != mEvent) {
mService.mHelper.postEvent( mEvent, mDev );
boolean gotResponse() { return mGotResponse; }
private boolean sendPing( BluetoothDevice dev, int gameID, int timeout )
Log.d( TAG, "sendPing(dev=%s)", dev );
boolean gotReply = false;
boolean sendWorking = false;
boolean receiveWorking = false;
for ( BluetoothDevice dev : pas.keySet() ) {
PacketAccumulator pa = pas.get( dev );
try {
BluetoothSocket socket =
dev.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord( XWApp.getAppUUID() );
if ( null != socket ) {
DataOutputStream os = connect( socket, timeout );
if ( null != os ) {
// quick hack to use new formatting code here too
PacketAccumulator pa = new PacketAccumulator(socket.getRemoteDevice().getAddress());
pa.addPing( gameID );
int nSent = pa.writeAndCheck( socket, os, mService.mHelper );
gotReply = nSent == 1;
Assert.assertTrue( nSent == 1 );
receiveWorking = true;
sendWorking = true;
if ( 0 < pa.getResponseCount() ) {
mHelper.postEvent( event, dev );
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
Log.e( TAG, "sendPing() failure; %s", ioe.getMessage() );
DbgUtils.printStack( TAG, ioe );
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG );
updateStatusOut( sendWorking );
updateStatusIn( receiveWorking );
// Log.d( TAG, "sendPing(%s) => %b", dev.getName(), gotReply );
return gotReply;
} // sendPing
private boolean sendPing( String btAddr, int gameID, int timeout )
boolean success = false;
BluetoothDevice dev = mService.m_adapter.getRemoteDevice( btAddr );
success = sendPing( dev, gameID, timeout );
return success;
private DataOutputStream connect( BluetoothSocket socket )
return connect( socket, 20000 );
private DataOutputStream connect( BluetoothSocket socket, int timeout )
String name = socket.getRemoteDevice().getName();
String addr = socket.getRemoteDevice().getAddress();
Log.w( TAG, "connect(%s/%s, timeout=%d) starting", name, addr, timeout );
// DbgUtils.logf( "connecting to %s to send cmd %s", name, cmd.toString() );
// Docs say always call cancelDiscovery before trying to connect
DataOutputStream dos = null;
// Retry for some time. Some devices take a long time to generate and
// broadcast ACL conn ACTION
int nTries = 0;
for ( long end = timeout + System.currentTimeMillis(); ; ) {
try {
// Log.d( TAG, "trying connect(%s/%s) (check accept() logs)", name, addr );
Log.i( TAG, "connect(%s/%s) succeeded after %d tries",
name, addr, nTries );
dos = new DataOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream() );
dos.writeByte( BT_PROTO );
break; // success!!!
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Log.d( TAG, "connect(): %s", ioe.getMessage() );
long msLeft = end - System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( msLeft <= 0 ) {
try {
Thread.sleep( Math.min( CONNECT_SLEEP_MS, msLeft ) );
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Log.w( TAG, "connect(%s/%s) => %s", name, addr, dos );
return dos;
} // class BTSenderThread
private void startListener()
@ -1008,60 +795,12 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
return result;
private static void noteLastUsed( Context context )
Log.d( TAG, "noteLastUsed(" + context + ")" );
// synchronized (BTService.class) {
// int nowSecs = (int)(SystemClock.uptimeMillis() / 1000);
// int newKeepSecs = nowSecs + DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_SECONDS;
// DBUtils.setIntFor( context, KEY_KEEPALIVE_UNTIL_SECS, newKeepSecs );
// }
private void setTimeoutTimer()
// // DbgUtils.assertOnUIThread();
// long dieTimeMillis;
// synchronized (BTService.class) {
// dieTimeMillis = 1000 * DBUtils.getIntFor( this, KEY_KEEPALIVE_UNTIL_SECS, 0 );
// }
// long nowMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
// if ( dieTimeMillis <= nowMillis ) {
// Log.d( TAG, "setTimeoutTimer(): killing the thing" );
// stopListener();
// stopForeground(true);
// } else {
// mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages( this );
// mHandler.postAtTime( new Runnable() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// setTimeoutTimer();
// }
// }, this, dieTimeMillis );
// Log.d( TAG, "setTimeoutTimer(): set for %dms from now", dieTimeMillis - nowMillis );
// }
private static void logIOE( IOException ioe )
Log.ex( TAG, ioe );
private void sendBadProto( BluetoothSocket socket )
sendBadProto( mHelper, socket );
private static void sendBadProto( BTServiceHelper helper, BluetoothSocket socket )
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.BAD_PROTO_BT,
socket.getRemoteDevice().getName() );
DbgUtils.printStack( TAG );
private static void updateStatusOut( boolean success )
Context context = XWApp.getContext();
@ -1116,8 +855,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
int nSent = -1;
String btAddr = getSafeAddr( addr );
if ( null != btAddr && 0 < btAddr.length() ) {
getSenderFor( btAddr ).addMsg( gameID, buf, msgID );
BTSenderThread.startYourself( BTService.this );
getPA( btAddr ).addMsg( gameID, buf, msgID );
nSent = buf.length;
} else {
Log.i( TAG, "sendViaBluetooth(): no addr for dev %s",
@ -1153,7 +891,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
private static class PacketAccumulator {
private static class PacketAccumulator extends Thread {
private static class MsgElem {
BTCmd mCmd;
@ -1218,22 +956,128 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
private int mFailCount;
private int mLength;
private int mCounter;
private BTService mService;
private boolean mShouldExit = false;
private long mDieTimeMS = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private int mResponseCount;
private int mTimeoutMS;
private volatile boolean mExitWhenEmpty = false;
PacketAccumulator( String addr ) {
PacketAccumulator( String addr ) { this(addr, 20000); }
PacketAccumulator( String addr, int timeoutMS )
mAddr = addr;
mName = getName( addr );
mElems = new ArrayList<>();
mFailCount = 0;
mLength = 0;
mTimeoutMS = timeoutMS;
String getAddr() { return mAddr; }
String getName() { return mName; }
synchronized PacketAccumulator setService( BTService service )
Assert.assertNotNull( service );
mService = service;
long getNextReadyMS()
return this;
PacketAccumulator setExitWhenEmpty()
mExitWhenEmpty = true;
return this;
PacketAccumulator setLifetimeMS( long msToLive )
mDieTimeMS = System.currentTimeMillis() + msToLive;
return this;
int getResponseCount()
return mResponseCount;
public void run()
Log.d( TAG, "run starting for %s", this );
// Run as long as I have something to send. Sleep for as long as
// appropriate based on backoff logic, and be awakened when
// something new comes in or there's reason to hope a send try
// will succeed.
while ( ! mShouldExit ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
if ( mExitWhenEmpty && 0 == mElems.size() ) {
} else if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= mDieTimeMS ) {
long waitTimeMS = null == mService
? Long.MAX_VALUE : figureWait();
if ( waitTimeMS > 0 ) {
Log.d( TAG, "%s: waiting %dms", this, waitTimeMS );
try {
wait( waitTimeMS );
Log.d( TAG, "%s: done waiting", this );
continue; // restart in case state's changed
} catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {
Log.d( TAG, "ie inside wait: %s", ie.getMessage() );
mResponseCount += trySend();
Log.d( TAG, "run finishing for %s after sending %d packets",
this, mResponseCount );
// A hack: mExitWhenEmpty only set in the ping case
if ( !mExitWhenEmpty ) {
removeSenderFor( this );
String getBTAddr() { return mAddr; }
String getBTName() { return mName; }
private int trySend()
int nDone = 0;
BluetoothSocket socket = null;
try {
socket = mService.m_adapter.getRemoteDevice( getBTAddr() )
.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord( XWApp.getAppUUID() );
DataOutputStream dos = connect( socket, mTimeoutMS );
if ( null == dos ) {
updateStatusOut( false );
} else {
Log.d( TAG, "PacketAccumulator.run(): connect(%s) => %s",
getBTName(), dos );
nDone += writeAndCheck( socket, dos, mService.mHelper );
updateStatusOut( true );
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
Log.e( TAG, "PacketAccumulator.run(): ioe: %s",
ioe.getMessage() );
} finally {
if ( null != socket ) {
try { socket.close(); }
catch (Exception ex) {}
return nDone;
private long figureWait()
long waitFromNow;
// Log.d( TAG, "getNextReadyMS() IN" );
try ( DeadlockWatch dw = new DeadlockWatch( this ) ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
if ( 0 == mElems.size() ) { // nothing to send
@ -1247,7 +1091,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
Log.d( TAG, "%s.getNextReadyMS() => %dms", this, waitFromNow );
Log.d( TAG, "%s.figureWait() => %dms", this, waitFromNow );
return waitFromNow;
@ -1288,7 +1132,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
return sb.append('}').toString();
int writeAndCheck( BluetoothSocket socket, DataOutputStream dos,
private int writeAndCheck( BluetoothSocket socket, DataOutputStream dos,
BTServiceHelper helper )
throws IOException
@ -1355,7 +1199,12 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
Log.d( TAG, "writeAndCheck() %s: got response %s to cmd[%d] %s",
this, reply, ii, cmd );
handleReply( helper, socket, inStream, cmd, gameID, reply );
if ( reply == BTCmd.BAD_PROTO ) {
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.BAD_PROTO_BT,
socket.getRemoteDevice().getName() );
} else {
handleReply( helper, inStream, cmd, gameID, reply );
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
@ -1370,63 +1219,94 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
return nDone;
private void handleReply( BTServiceHelper helper, BluetoothSocket socket,
DataInputStream inStream, BTCmd cmd, int gameID,
BTCmd reply ) throws IOException
private void handleReply( BTServiceHelper helper, DataInputStream inStream,
BTCmd cmd, int gameID, BTCmd reply ) throws IOException
MultiEvent evt = null;
if ( reply == BTCmd.BAD_PROTO ) {
sendBadProto( helper, socket );
} else {
switch ( cmd ) {
switch ( cmd ) {
switch ( reply ) {
evt = MultiEvent.MESSAGE_ACCEPTED;
switch ( reply ) {
evt = MultiEvent.MESSAGE_ACCEPTED;
evt = MultiEvent.MESSAGE_NOGAME;
evt = MultiEvent.MESSAGE_NOGAME;
case INVITE:
switch ( reply ) {
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_SUCCESS, gameID );
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_DUP_REJECTED, mName );
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_FAILURE, gameID );
case INVITE:
switch ( reply ) {
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_SUCCESS, gameID );
case PING:
if ( BTCmd.PONG == reply && inStream.readBoolean() ) {
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.MESSAGE_NOGAME, gameID );
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_DUP_REJECTED, mName );
Log.e( TAG, "handleReply(cmd=%s) case not handled", cmd );
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG ); // fired
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.NEWGAME_FAILURE, gameID );
case PING:
if ( BTCmd.PONG == reply && inStream.readBoolean() ) {
helper.postEvent( MultiEvent.MESSAGE_NOGAME, gameID );
if ( null != evt ) {
helper.postEvent( evt, gameID, 0, mName );
// if ( ! success ) {
// int failCount = elem.incrFailCount();
// mHelper.postEvent( MultiEvent.MESSAGE_RESEND, btName,
// RESEND_TIMEOUT, failCount );
// }
Log.e( TAG, "handleReply(cmd=%s) case not handled", cmd );
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG ); // fired
if ( null != evt ) {
helper.postEvent( evt, gameID, 0, mName );
void addPing( int gameID )
private DataOutputStream connect( BluetoothSocket socket, int timeout )
String name = socket.getRemoteDevice().getName();
String addr = socket.getRemoteDevice().getAddress();
Log.w( TAG, "connect(%s/%s, timeout=%d) starting", name, addr, timeout );
// DbgUtils.logf( "connecting to %s to send cmd %s", name, cmd.toString() );
// Docs say always call cancelDiscovery before trying to connect
DataOutputStream dos = null;
// Retry for some time. Some devices take a long time to generate and
// broadcast ACL conn ACTION
int nTries = 0;
for ( long end = timeout + System.currentTimeMillis(); ; ) {
try {
// Log.d( TAG, "trying connect(%s/%s) (check accept() logs)", name, addr );
Log.i( TAG, "connect(%s/%s) succeeded after %d tries",
name, addr, nTries );
dos = new DataOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream() );
dos.writeByte( BT_PROTO );
break; // success!!!
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Log.d( TAG, "connect(): %s", ioe.getMessage() );
long msLeft = end - System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( msLeft <= 0 ) {
try {
Thread.sleep( Math.min( CONNECT_SLEEP_MS, msLeft ) );
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Log.w( TAG, "connect(%s/%s) => %s", name, addr, dos );
return dos;
PacketAccumulator addPing( int gameID )
try {
OutputPair op = new OutputPair();
@ -1435,6 +1315,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
} catch ( IOException ioe ) {
Assert.assertFalse( BuildConfig.DEBUG );
return this;
void addInvite( NetLaunchInfo nli )
@ -1515,7 +1396,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
// for now, we restart timer on new data, even if a dupe
mFailCount = 0;
@ -1562,17 +1443,6 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
int length() { return bos.toByteArray().length; }
private void tellSomebody()
// Log.d( TAG, "tellSomebody() IN" );
try ( DeadlockWatch dw = new DeadlockWatch( sBlocker ) ) {
synchronized ( sBlocker ) {
// Log.d( TAG, "tellSomebody() OUT" );
private String getName( String addr )
Assert.assertFalse( BOGUS_MARSHMALLOW_ADDR.equals( addr ) );
@ -1597,9 +1467,7 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
private static class PacketParser {
private int mProto;
PacketParser(int proto) {
mProto = proto;
PacketParser( int proto ) { mProto = proto; }
void dispatchAll( DataInputStream inStream, BluetoothSocket socket,
BTListenerThread processor )
@ -1690,38 +1558,10 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
} // class PacketParser
// Blocks until can return an Accumulator with data
private static Object sBlocker = new Object();
private static List<PacketAccumulator> getHasData() throws InterruptedException
private PacketAccumulator getPA( String addr )
// Log.d( TAG, "getHasData() IN" );
List<PacketAccumulator> result = new ArrayList<>();
while ( 0 == result.size() ) {
long newMin = 60 * 60 * 1000; // longest wait: 1 hour
try ( DeadlockWatch dw = new DeadlockWatch( sSenders ) ) {
synchronized ( sSenders ) {
for ( String addr : sSenders.keySet() ) {
PacketAccumulator pa = sSenders.get( addr );
long nextReady = pa.getNextReadyMS();
if ( nextReady <= 0 ) {
result.add( pa );
} else {
newMin = Math.min( newMin, nextReady );
if ( 0 == result.size() ) {
synchronized ( sBlocker ) {
Log.d( TAG, "getHasData(): waiting %dms", newMin );
sBlocker.wait( 1 + newMin ); // 0 might mean forever
Log.d( TAG, "getHasData(): DONE waiting" );
// Log.d( TAG, "getHasData() => %s", result );
return result;
PacketAccumulator pa = getSenderFor( addr );
return pa.setService( this );
private static Map<String, PacketAccumulator> sSenders = new HashMap<>();
@ -1744,6 +1584,19 @@ public class BTService extends XWJIService {
return result;
private static void removeSenderFor( PacketAccumulator pa )
try ( DeadlockWatch dw = new DeadlockWatch( sSenders ) ) {
synchronized ( sSenders ) {
if ( pa == sSenders.get( pa.getBTAddr() ) ) {
sSenders.remove( pa );
} else {
Log.e( TAG, "race? There's a different PA for %s", pa.getBTAddr() );
private static void resetSenderFor( BluetoothSocket socket )
// Log.d( TAG, "resetSenderFor(%s)", socket );
Add table
Reference in a new issue