mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 09:58:30 +01:00
send language and player counts with invitations. Works as long as
the recipient has a dict in the lang; otherwise crashes on that device.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 78 additions and 53 deletions
@ -34,13 +34,6 @@ import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommsAddrRec;
// import android.app.Notification;
// import android.app.NotificationManager;
// import android.app.PendingIntent;
// import javax.net.SocketFactory;
// import java.net.InetAddress;
// import java.net.Socket;
// import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
@ -49,10 +42,6 @@ import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
// import java.util.ArrayList;
// import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.GameSummary;
// import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
public class BTService extends Service {
@ -66,9 +55,6 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
// public static final String BNDL_NAMES;
// public static final String BNDL_GAMEID;
public interface BTEventListener {
public void eventOccurred( BTEvent event, Object ... args );
@ -83,6 +69,10 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
private static final String TARGET_STR = "TRG";
private static final String GAMEID_STR = "GMI";
private static final String LANG_STR = "LNG";
private static final String NTO_STR = "TOT";
private static final String NHE_STR = "HER";
private static BTEventListener s_eventListener = null;
private static Object s_syncObj = new Object();
@ -104,10 +94,15 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
byte[] m_msg;
String m_recipient;
int m_gameID;
int m_lang;
int m_nPlayersT;
int m_nPlayersH;
public BTQueueElem( BTCmd cmd ) { m_cmd = cmd; }
public BTQueueElem( BTCmd cmd, String target, int gameID ) {
public BTQueueElem( BTCmd cmd, String target, int gameID,
int lang, int nPlayersT, int nPlayersH ) {
this( cmd, null, target, gameID );
m_lang = lang; m_nPlayersT = nPlayersT; m_nPlayersH = nPlayersH;
public BTQueueElem( BTCmd cmd, byte[] buf, String target, int gameID ) {
m_cmd = cmd; m_msg = buf; m_recipient = target; m_gameID = gameID;
@ -150,16 +145,22 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
context.startService( intent );
public static void inviteRemote( Context context, String host, int gameID )
public static void inviteRemote( Context context, String host, int gameID,
int lang, int nPlayersT, int nPlayersH )
Intent intent = new Intent( context, BTService.class );
intent.putExtra( CMD_STR, INVITE );
intent.putExtra( GAMEID_STR, gameID );
intent.putExtra( TARGET_STR, host );
intent.putExtra( LANG_STR, lang );
intent.putExtra( NTO_STR, nPlayersT );
intent.putExtra( NHE_STR, nPlayersH );
context.startService( intent );
public static int enqueueFor( Context context, byte[] buf, String target, int gameID )
public static int enqueueFor( Context context, byte[] buf, String target,
int gameID )
Intent intent = new Intent( context, BTService.class );
intent.putExtra( CMD_STR, SEND );
@ -183,38 +184,47 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
m_btMsgSink = new BTMsgSink();
new BTListenerThread().start();
new BTSenderThread().start();
} else {
DbgUtils.logf( "not starting threads: BT not available" );
public int onStartCommand( Intent intent, int flags, int startId )
int cmd = intent.getIntExtra( CMD_STR, -1 );
DbgUtils.logf( "BTService.onStartCommand; cmd=%d", cmd );
switch( cmd ) {
case -1:
case PING:
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.PING ) );
case SCAN:
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.SCAN ) );
case INVITE:
int gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_STR, -1 );
String target = intent.getStringExtra( TARGET_STR );
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.INVITE, target, gameID ) );
case SEND:
byte[] buf = intent.getByteArrayExtra( MSG_STR );
target = intent.getStringExtra( TARGET_STR );
gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_STR, -1 );
if ( -1 != gameID ) {
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.MESG_SEND, buf, target,
gameID ) );
if ( null != intent ) {
int cmd = intent.getIntExtra( CMD_STR, -1 );
DbgUtils.logf( "BTService.onStartCommand; cmd=%d", cmd );
switch( cmd ) {
case -1:
case PING:
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.PING ) );
case SCAN:
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.SCAN ) );
case INVITE:
int gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_STR, -1 );
String target = intent.getStringExtra( TARGET_STR );
int lang = intent.getIntExtra( LANG_STR, -1 );
int nPlayersT = intent.getIntExtra( NTO_STR, -1 );
int nPlayersH = intent.getIntExtra( NHE_STR, -1 );
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.INVITE, target, gameID,
lang, nPlayersT, nPlayersH) );
case SEND:
byte[] buf = intent.getByteArrayExtra( MSG_STR );
target = intent.getStringExtra( TARGET_STR );
gameID = intent.getIntExtra( GAMEID_STR, -1 );
if ( -1 != gameID ) {
m_queue.add( new BTQueueElem( BTCmd.MESG_SEND, buf, target,
gameID ) );
return Service.START_STICKY;
@ -339,6 +349,9 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
new DataOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream() );
outStream.writeByte( BTCmd.INVITE.ordinal() );
outStream.writeInt( elem.m_gameID );
outStream.writeInt( elem.m_lang );
outStream.writeInt( elem.m_nPlayersT );
outStream.writeInt( elem.m_nPlayersH );
DataInputStream inStream =
@ -490,9 +503,13 @@ public class BTService extends Service {
int gameID = is.readInt();
DbgUtils.logf( "receiveInvitation: got gameID of %d", gameID );
int lang = is.readInt();
int nPlayersT = is.readInt();
int nPlayersH = is.readInt();
BluetoothDevice host = socket.getRemoteDevice();
GameUtils.makeNewBTGame( context, gameID, host.getName() );
GameUtils.makeNewBTGame( context, gameID, host.getName(),
lang, nPlayersT, nPlayersH );
addAddr( host );
@ -441,15 +441,16 @@ public class GameUtils {
public static long makeNewBTGame( Context context, int gameID,
String hostName )
String hostName, int lang,
int nPlayersT, int nPlayersH )
long rowid = -1;
CommsAddrRec addr =
new CommsAddrRec( context,
CommsAddrRec.CommsConnType.COMMS_CONN_BT );
int[] lang = { 1 }; // English
return makeNewMultiGame( context, addr, lang, 2, 1,
int[] langa = { lang };
return makeNewMultiGame( context, addr, langa, nPlayersT, nPlayersH,
null, gameID, null == hostName, hostName );
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity
private Handler m_handler = null;
private int m_chosen;
private String[] m_btDevNames;
private int m_lang = 0;
protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState )
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity
String fmt = getString( R.string.newgame_local_descf );
String dict = CommonPrefs.getDefaultHumanDict( this );
String lang = DictLangCache.getLangName( this, dict );
m_lang = DictLangCache.getLangLangCode( this, lang );
desc.setText( String.format( fmt, lang ) );
Button button = (Button)findViewById( R.id.newgame_local );
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity
inviteRemote( NewGameActivity.this,
gameID );
gameID, m_lang, 2, 1 );
startProgress( R.string.invite_progress );
@ -249,18 +251,23 @@ public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity
m_handler.post( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
DbgUtils.showf( NewGameActivity.this,
"Remote failed to create game" );
} );
int gameID = (Integer)args[0];
GameUtils.makeNewBTGame( NewGameActivity.this, gameID, null );
final int gameID = (Integer)args[0];
m_handler.post( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
GameUtils.makeNewBTGame( NewGameActivity.this, gameID,
null, m_lang, 2, 1 );
} );
DbgUtils.logf( "unexpected event %s", event.toString() );
Reference in a new issue