mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 20:46:28 +01:00
major rewrite. Covers nearly all functions now.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 196 additions and 137 deletions
@ -23,16 +23,53 @@ my %fileNames;
my %contents;
sub usage() {
print STDERR "$0 funcList path .c_file .h_file\n"
print STDERR "$0 \\\n" .
"\t[-oh out.h] \\\n" .
"\t[-oc out.c] \\\n" .
"\t[-file palmheader.h|palm_header_dir] (can repeat) \\\n" .
"\t[-func func_name_or_list_file] (can repeat)\n";
exit 1;
my $funcList = shift(@ARGV);
my $pathList = shift(@ARGV);
my $dot_c = shift(@ARGV);
my $dot_h = shift(@ARGV);
# Given the name of a palm function, or of a file containing a list of
# such, return a list of function names. In the first case it'll be a
# singleton.
sub makeFuncList($) {
my ( $nameOrPath ) = @_;
my @result;
usage() if ! defined($funcList) || !defined( $pathList )
|| ! defined($dot_c) || !defined( $dot_h );
if ( open LIST, "< $nameOrPath" ) {
while ( <LIST> ) {
# comments?
# white space
next if ! length;
push( @result, $_ );
close LIST;
} else {
# must be a simple function name
push( @result, $nameOrPath );
return @result;
} # makeFuncList
sub makeFileList($) {
my ( $fileOrDir ) = @_;
my @result;
push @result, $fileOrDir;
return @result;
} # makeFileList
my @funcList;
my @pathList;
my $dot_c;
my $dot_h;
# A list of types seen in the header files. The idea is to use these
# to determine the size of a type and whether it's returned in d0 or
@ -52,7 +89,7 @@ my %typeInfo = (
"Char**" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"ControlType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"Coord" => { "size" => 2, "a0" => 0 }, # ???
"Coord*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 0 },
"Coord*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 0, "autoSwap" => 2 },
"DateFormatType" => { "size" => 1, "a0" => 0 }, # enum
"DateTimeType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 0 },
"DmOpenRef" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
@ -64,12 +101,12 @@ my %typeInfo = (
"EventPtr" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"EventType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"ExgDBWriteProcPtr" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"ExgSocketType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"ExgSocketType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1, "autoSwap" => -1 },
"FieldAttrPtr" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FieldType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FileInfoType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FileInfoType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1, "autoSwap" => -1 },
"FileRef" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 0 }, # UInt32
"FileRef*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FileRef*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1, "autoSwap" => 4 },
"FontID" => { "size" => 1, "a0" => 0 }, # enum
"FormEventHandlerType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FormType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
@ -86,7 +123,8 @@ my %typeInfo = (
"MemHandle*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"MemPtr" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"MenuBarType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"RectangleType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"RectangleType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1,
"autoSwap" => -1 },
"ScrollBarType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"SndSysBeepType" => { "size" => 1, "a0" => 0 },
"SysNotifyProcPtr" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
@ -102,14 +140,15 @@ my %typeInfo = (
"char*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const Char*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const ControlType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const CustomPatternType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const CustomPatternType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 }, # UInt8[8]; no need to translate
"const EventType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const FieldAttrType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const FieldAttrType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1, "autoSwap" => -1 },
"const FieldType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const FormType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const ListType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const RGBColorType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const RectangleType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const RectangleType*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1,
"autoSwap" => -1 },
"const char*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"const void*" => { "size" => 4, "a0" => 1 },
"FormObjectKind" => { "size" => 1, "a0" => 0 }, # enum
@ -139,8 +178,6 @@ sub params_parse($) {
my ( $params ) = @_;
my @plist;
#print STDERR "1. $params\n";
# strip leading and training ws and params
$params =~ s/^\s*\(//;
$params =~ s/\)\s*$//;
@ -156,12 +193,6 @@ sub params_parse($) {
{ "type" => type_compact($1), "name" => name_compact($2) };
} @params;
# foreach my $param (@params) {
# print STDERR $$param{"type"}, "\n";
# print STDERR $$param{"name"}, "\n";
# }
# print STDERR "got ", 0 + @params, "\n";
return \@params;
@ -254,8 +285,6 @@ sub searchOneFile($$) {
sub searchOneDir($$) {
my ( $dir, $function ) = @_;
# print STDERR "checking dir $dir\n";
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "can't opendir $dir: $!";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
@ -288,51 +317,73 @@ sub print_params_list($) {
return $result;
sub push_param($$$) {
my ( $typ, $name, $offset ) = @_;
my $result;
my $info = $typeInfo{$typ};
if ( ! $info ) {
die "type \"$typ\" (name: $name) not listed\n";
} else {
my $size = $$info{'size'};
$result .= " ADD_TO_STACK$size(stack, $name, $$offset);\n";
if ( $size == 1 ) {
$$offset += 2;
} else {
$$offset += $size;
return "$result";
sub swap_param($$$) {
my ( $type, $name, $out ) = @_;
my $result = "";
my $info = $typeInfo{$type};
die "unknown type $type\n" if !defined $info;
my $size = $info->{'autoSwap'};
if ( $size ) {
die "not sure what to do swapping struct\n" if $size > 4;
$result .= " SWAP${size}_NON_NULL_";
$result .= $out? "OUT" : "IN";
$result .= "($name);\n";
return $result;
sub nameToBytes($) {
my ( $nam ) = @_;
return "\"'" . join( "','", split( //, $nam ) ) . "'\"";
sub makeSwapStuff($$$$$) {
my ( $params, $varDecls, $swapIns, $pushes, $swapOuts ) = @_;
my $sizeSum = 0;
my $vcount = 0;
$$varDecls .= " /* var decls */\n";
$$pushes .= " /* pushes */\n";
$$swapOuts .= " /* swapOuts */\n";
$$swapIns .= " /* swapIns */\n";
foreach my $param ( @$params ) {
# each param has "type" and "name" fields
my $type = $param->{"type"};
my $info = $typeInfo{$type};
my $size = $info->{'size'};
my $name = $param->{'name'};
my $pushName = $name;
# If type requires swapping, just swap in and out. If it's
# RECT (or later, other things) declare a tmp var and swap in
# and out. If it's const, only swap in.
my $swapInfo = $info->{"autoSwap"};
if ( defined $swapInfo ) {
if ( $swapInfo == -1 ) {
my $typeNoStar = $type;
$typeNoStar =~ s/\*$//;
die "no start found" if $typeNoStar eq $type;
my $isConst = $typeNoStar =~ m|^const|;
$typeNoStar =~ s/^const\s+//;
my $vName = "${typeNoStar}_68K${vcount}";
$pushName = "&$vName";
$$varDecls .= " $typeNoStar $vName;\n";
$typeNoStar = uc($typeNoStar);
$$swapIns .= " SWAP_${typeNoStar}_ARM_TO_68K( &$vName, $name );\n";
if ( ! $isConst ) {
$$swapOuts .= " SWAP_${typeNoStar}_68K_TO_ARM( $name, &$vName );\n";
} else {
if ( $swapInfo >= 1 && $swapInfo <= 4 ) {
$$swapIns .= " SWAP${swapInfo}_NON_NULL_IN($name);\n";
$$swapOuts .= " SWAP${swapInfo}_NON_NULL_OUT($name);\n";
} else {
die "unknown swapInfo $swapInfo\n";
$$pushes .= " ADD_TO_STACK$size(stack, $pushName, $sizeSum);\n";
$sizeSum += $size;
if ( $size == 1 ) {
return $sizeSum;
} # makeSwapStuff
sub print_body($$$$$) {
my ( $name, $returnType, $params, $trapSel, $trapType ) = @_;
my $result;
@ -345,21 +396,17 @@ sub print_body($$$$$) {
$result .= " FUNC_HEADER($name);\n";
foreach my $param ( @$params ) {
$result .= swap_param( $$param{"type"}, $$param{"name"}, 0 );
$result .= " {\n";
my ( $varDecls, $swapIns, $pushes, $swapOuts );
$offset = makeSwapStuff( $params, \$varDecls,
\$swapIns, \$pushes, \$swapOuts );
$result .= $varDecls . $swapIns;
$result .= " {\n";
$result .= " PNOState* sp = GET_CALLBACK_STATE();\n";
my $parmsResult;
foreach my $param ( @$params ) {
$parmsResult .= push_param( $$param{"type"},
\$offset );
$result .= " STACK_START(unsigned char, stack, $offset);\n"
. $parmsResult
#$result .= " unsigned char stack[] = {\n";
. $pushes
. " STACK_END(stack);\n";
my $info = $typeInfo{$returnType};
@ -370,7 +417,10 @@ sub print_body($$$$$) {
if ( $trapType eq "VFSMGR_TRAP" ) {
$result .= " SET_SEL_REG($trapSel, sp);\n";
$trapSel = "sysTrapFileSystemDispatch";
} elsif( $trapType eq "GRF_TRAP" || $trapType eq "SYS_TRAP" ) {
# they're the same according to Graffiti.h
} else {
die "unknown dispatch type";
$result .= " ";
@ -382,15 +432,13 @@ sub print_body($$$$$) {
. " PceNativeTrapNo($trapSel),\n"
. " stack, $offset );\n";
foreach my $param ( @$params ) {
$result .= swap_param( $$param{"type"}, $$param{"name"}, 1 );
$result .= $swapOuts;
$result .= " }\n FUNC_TAIL($name);\n";
$result .= " EMIT_NAME(\"$name\"," . nameToBytes($name) . ");\n";
if ( $notVoid ) {
$result .= " return result;\n";
$result .= " EMIT_NAME(" . nameToBytes($name) . ");\n";
$result .= "} /* $name */\n";
return $result;
@ -414,24 +462,28 @@ sub print_func_impl($$$$$$) {
# Main
open LIST, "<$funcList";
while ( <LIST> ) {
# comments?
# white space
next if ! length;
my $func = $_;
while ( my $arg = shift(@ARGV) ) {
if ( $arg eq "-oh" ) {
$dot_h = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif ( $arg eq "-oc" ) {
$dot_c = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif ( $arg eq "-file" ) {
push( @pathList, makeFileList(shift(@ARGV)) );
} elsif ( $arg eq "-func" ) {
push( @funcList, makeFuncList(shift(@ARGV)) );
} else {
foreach my $func (@funcList) {
print STDERR "looking for $func\n";
my $found = 0;
open PATHS, "< $pathList";
while ( <PATHS> ) {
my $path = $_;
foreach my $path (@pathList) {
if ( -d $path ) {
searchOneDir( $path, $func );
} elsif ( -e $path ) {
@ -442,23 +494,23 @@ while ( <LIST> ) {
close PATHS;
# if ( !$found ) {
# print STDERR "ERROR $func not found\n";
# }
close LIST;
my $outRef;
if ( $dot_c ) {
if ( $dot_c eq "-" ) {
$outRef = *STDOUT{IO};
} else {
open DOT, "> $dot_c";
$outRef = *DOT{IO};
print $outRef "/********** this file is autogenerated by $0 "
. "***************/\n\n";
open DOT, "> $dot_c";
print DOT "/********** this file is autogenerated by $0 ***************/\n\n";
print $outRef "\n";
#map { print DOT "#include <$_>\n"; } keys(%fileNames);
print DOT "\n";
print DOT <<EOF;
print $outRef <<EOF;
\#include "pnostate.h"
\#include "pace_gen.h"
@ -466,45 +518,52 @@ print DOT <<EOF;
foreach my $key (keys %funcInfo) {
my $ref = $funcInfo{$key};
my $type = $${ref}{"type"};
foreach my $key (keys %funcInfo) {
my $ref = $funcInfo{$key};
my $type = $${ref}{"type"};
$type =~ s/extern\s*//; # "extern" doesn't belong in implementation
$type =~ s/extern\s*//; # "extern" doesn't belong in implementation
$type =~ s/(\S+)\s*$/$1/; # trailing whitespace
$type =~ s/^\s*(.*)/$1/; # leading ws
$type =~ s/(\S+)\s*$/$1/; # trailing whitespace
$type =~ s/^\s*(.*)/$1/; # leading ws
my $funcstr = print_func_impl( $type,
print DOT $funcstr;
my $funcstr = print_func_impl( $type,
print $outRef $funcstr;
if ( $dot_c ne "-" ) {
close DOT;
close DOT;
if ( $dot_h ) {
open DOT, "> $dot_h";
print DOT "/********** this file is autogenerated by $0 "
. "***************/\n\n";
my $def = "_" . uc($dot_h) . "_";
$def =~ s/\./_/;
print DOT "#ifndef $def\n";
print DOT "#define $def\n";
map { print DOT "#include <$_>\n"; } keys(%fileNames);
open DOT, "> $dot_h";
print DOT "/********** this file is autogenerated by $0 ***************/\n\n";
foreach my $key (keys %funcInfo) {
my $ref = $funcInfo{$key};
print DOT $${ref}{"type"}, " "
. $key . print_params_list($$ref{'params'}) . ";\n";
my $def = "_" . uc($dot_h) . "_";
$def =~ s/\./_/;
print DOT "#ifndef $def\n";
print DOT "#define $def\n";
map { print DOT "#include <$_>\n"; } keys(%fileNames);
foreach my $key (keys %funcInfo) {
my $ref = $funcInfo{$key};
print DOT $${ref}{"type"}, " "
. $key . print_params_list($$ref{'params'}) . ";\n";
print DOT "\n#include \"pace_man.h\"\n";
print DOT "#endif /* $def */\n";
close DOT;
print DOT "\n#include \"pace_man.h\"\n";
print DOT "#endif /* $def */\n";
close DOT;
exit 0;
Add table
Reference in a new issue