add jni methods, and modify common code, so a CurGameInfo struct alone

can be read from and stored to a game file.
This commit is contained in:
ehouse 2010-01-15 13:44:29 +00:00
parent a3a313fdb4
commit 3beba51b6f
3 changed files with 144 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ public class XwJNI {
public static native boolean timerFired( int gamePtr, int why,
int when, int handle );
// Stateless methods
public static native byte[] gi_to_stream( CurGameInfo gi );
public static native void gi_from_stream( CurGameInfo gi, byte[] stream );
// Game methods
public static native int initJNI();
public static native void game_makeNewGame( int gamePtr,

View file

@ -132,6 +132,77 @@ loadCommonPrefs( JNIEnv* env, CommonPrefs* cp, jobject j_cp )
return success;
* These two methods are stateless: no gamePtr
(JNIEnv* env, jclass C, jobject jgi )
jbyteArray result;
#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
MemPoolCtx* mpool = mpool_make();
CurGameInfo* gi = makeGI( MPPARM(mpool) env, jgi );
VTableMgr* vtMgr = make_vtablemgr( MPPARM_NOCOMMA(mpool) );
XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make( MPPARM(mpool) vtMgr,
NULL, 0, NULL );
game_saveToStream( NULL, gi, stream );
destroyGI( MPPARM(mpool) gi );
int nBytes = stream_getSize( stream );
result = (*env)->NewByteArray( env, nBytes );
jbyte* jelems = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, result, NULL );
stream_getBytes( stream, jelems, nBytes );
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, result, jelems, 0 );
stream_destroy( stream );
vtmgr_destroy( MPPARM(mpool) vtMgr );
#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
mpool_destroy( mpool );
return result;
( JNIEnv* env, jclass C, jobject jgi, jbyteArray jstream )
#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
MemPoolCtx* mpool = mpool_make();
VTableMgr* vtMgr = make_vtablemgr( MPPARM_NOCOMMA(mpool) );
jbyte* jelems = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jstream, NULL );
XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make( MPPARM(mpool) vtMgr,
NULL, 0, NULL );
int len = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, jstream );
stream_putBytes( stream, jelems, len );
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jstream, jelems, 0 );
CurGameInfo gi;
XP_MEMSET( &gi, 0, sizeof(gi) );
if ( game_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, NULL,
setJGI( env, jgi, &gi );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: game_makeFromStream failed", __func__ );
gi_disposePlayerInfo( MPPARM(mpool) &gi );
stream_destroy( stream );
vtmgr_destroy( MPPARM(mpool) vtMgr );
#ifdef MEM_DEBUG
mpool_destroy( mpool );
typedef struct _JNIState {
XWGame game;
JNIEnv* env;
@ -140,12 +211,12 @@ typedef struct _JNIState {
} JNIState;
#define XWJNI_START() { \
XP_LOGF( "%s(env=%x)", __func__, env ); \
XP_ASSERT( 0 != gamePtr ); \
JNIState* state = (JNIState*)gamePtr; \
MPASSIGN( mpool, state->mpool); \
AndGlobals* globals = &state->globals; \
/* if reentrant must be from same thread */ \
XP_ASSERT( state->env == 0 || state->env == env ); \
JNIEnv* _oldEnv = state->env; \
@ -183,16 +254,13 @@ Java_org_eehouse_android_xw4_jni_XwJNI_game_1makeNewGame
CurGameInfo* gi = makeGI( MPPARM(mpool) env, j_gi );
globals->gi = gi;
XW_UtilCtxt* util = makeUtil( MPPARM(mpool) &state->env, j_util, gi, globals );
XW_UtilCtxt* util = makeUtil( MPPARM(mpool) &state->env, j_util, gi,
globals );
globals->util = util;
DrawCtx* dctx = makeDraw( MPPARM(mpool) &state->env, j_draw );
globals->dctx = dctx;
CommonPrefs cp;
(void)loadCommonPrefs( env, &cp, j_cp );
/* TransportProcs proc; */
/* loadTransportProcs( &procs, j_procs ); */
XP_LOGF( "calling game_makeNewGame" );
game_makeNewGame( MPPARM(mpool) &state->game, gi, util, dctx, gameID,
@ -234,7 +302,7 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eehouse_android_xw4_jni_XwJNI_game_1dispose
XP_FREE( mpool, state );
mpool_destroy( mpool );
} /* game_dispose */
@ -254,7 +322,6 @@ Java_org_eehouse_android_xw4_jni_XwJNI_game_1makeFromStream
XWStreamCtxt* stream = mem_stream_make( MPPARM(mpool) globals->vtMgr,
NULL, 0, NULL );
int len = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, jstream );
XP_LOGF( "putting %d bytes into stream", len );
stream_putBytes( stream, jelems, len );
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jstream, jelems, 0 );
@ -266,7 +333,11 @@ Java_org_eehouse_android_xw4_jni_XwJNI_game_1makeFromStream
stream_destroy( stream );
setJGI( env, jgi, globals->gi );
if ( result ) {
setJGI( env, jgi, globals->gi );
} else {
XP_LOGF( "%s: need to free stuff allocated above", __func__ );
return result;

View file

@ -179,48 +179,57 @@ game_makeFromStream( MPFORMAL XWStreamCtxt* stream, XWGame* game,
strVersion = stream_getU8( stream );
XP_DEBUGF( "strVersion = %d", (XP_U16)strVersion );
if ( strVersion <= CUR_STREAM_VERS ) {
stream_setVersion( stream, strVersion );
gi_readFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, gi );
/* Previous stream versions didn't save anything if built
* standalone. Now we always save something. But we need to know
* if the previous version didn't save. PREV_WAS_STANDALONE_ONLY
* tells us that.
hasComms = XP_FALSE;
if ( STREAM_VERS_ALWAYS_MULTI <= strVersion /* new stream */
|| XP_TRUE /* old, but saved this anyway */
) {
hasComms = stream_getU8( stream );
if ( hasComms ) {
game->comms = comms_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, util,
procs );
} else {
game->comms = NULL;
XP_ASSERT( !!dict );
game->model = model_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, dict, util );
game->server = server_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream,
game->model, game->comms,
util, gi->nPlayers );
game->board = board_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, game->model,
game->server, draw, util,
gi->nPlayers );
server_prefsChanged( game->server, cp );
board_prefsChanged( game->board, cp );
draw_dictChanged( draw, dict );
success = XP_TRUE;
} else {
if ( strVersion > CUR_STREAM_VERS ) {
XP_LOGF( "%s: aborting; stream version too new!", __func__ );
} else {
do { /* do..while so can break */
stream_setVersion( stream, strVersion );
gi_readFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, gi );
if ( !game ) {
success = XP_TRUE;
} else if ( stream_getSize(stream) == 0 ) {
XP_LOGF( "%s: gi was all we got; failing." );
/* Previous stream versions didn't save anything if built
* standalone. Now we always save something. But we need to know
* if the previous version didn't save. PREV_WAS_STANDALONE_ONLY
* tells us that.
hasComms = XP_FALSE;
if ( STREAM_VERS_ALWAYS_MULTI <= strVersion /* new stream */
|| XP_TRUE /* old, but saved this anyway */
) {
hasComms = stream_getU8( stream );
if ( hasComms ) {
game->comms = comms_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, util,
procs );
} else {
game->comms = NULL;
XP_ASSERT( !!dict );
game->model = model_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, dict, util );
game->server = server_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream,
game->model, game->comms,
util, gi->nPlayers );
game->board = board_makeFromStream( MPPARM(mpool) stream, game->model,
game->server, draw, util,
gi->nPlayers );
server_prefsChanged( game->server, cp );
board_prefsChanged( game->board, cp );
draw_dictChanged( draw, dict );
success = XP_TRUE;
} while( XP_FALSE );
return success;
} /* game_makeFromStream */
@ -233,17 +242,19 @@ game_saveToStream( const XWGame* game, const CurGameInfo* gi,
gi_writeToStream( stream, gi );
stream_putU8( stream, (XP_U8)!!game->comms );
if ( !!game ) {
stream_putU8( stream, (XP_U8)!!game->comms );
XP_ASSERT( !game->comms );
XP_ASSERT( !game->comms );
if ( !!game->comms ) {
comms_writeToStream( game->comms, stream );
if ( !!game->comms ) {
comms_writeToStream( game->comms, stream );
model_writeToStream( game->model, stream );
server_writeToStream( game->server, stream );
board_writeToStream( game->board, stream );
model_writeToStream( game->model, stream );
server_writeToStream( game->server, stream );
board_writeToStream( game->board, stream );
} /* game_saveToStream */