When finding font to fit height, optionally force it to fit width as

well.  Mechanism used for Rem only so far, but will work for score too
as long as we don't need it to shrink font as score gets longer.
Current impl worries about height first, then width; would be better
to look at both simultaneously to reach the goal more quickly.
This commit is contained in:
ehouse 2008-11-02 23:17:38 +00:00
parent e6399c74c1
commit 3958950ad1

View file

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ makeTestBuf( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_UCHAR* buf, XP_U16 bufLen, RFIndex index )
strcpy( buf, "Pts0" ); /* all numbers the same :-) */
strcpy( buf, "Rem0" );
strcpy( buf, "Rem" );
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ makeTestBuf( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_UCHAR* buf, XP_U16 bufLen, RFIndex index )
XP_LOGF( "%s=>%s", __func__, buf );
XP_LOGF( "%s=>\"%s\"", __func__, buf );
} /* makeTestBuf */
static void
@ -376,16 +376,22 @@ ceMeasureGlyph( HDC hdc, HBRUSH white, wchar_t glyph,
FillRect( hdc, &rect, white );
DrawText( hdc, &glyph, 1, &rect, DT_TOP | DT_LEFT );
/* char tbuf[size.cx+1]; */
/* for ( yy = 0; yy < size.cy; ++yy ) { */
/* XP_MEMSET( tbuf, 0, size.cx+1 ); */
/* for ( xx = 0; xx < size.cx; ++xx ) { */
/* COLORREF ref = GetPixel( hdc, xx, yy ); */
/* XP_ASSERT( ref != CLR_INVALID ); */
/* strcat( tbuf, ref==0? " " : "x" ); */
#ifdef DEBUG
/* if ( logGlyphs ) { */
/* wchar_t foo[2] = { glyph, 0 }; */
/* char tbuf[size.cx+1]; */
/* XP_LOGW( __func__, foo ); */
/* for ( yy = 0; yy < size.cy; ++yy ) { */
/* XP_MEMSET( tbuf, 0, size.cx+1 ); */
/* for ( xx = 0; xx < size.cx; ++xx ) { */
/* COLORREF ref = GetPixel( hdc, xx, yy ); */
/* XP_ASSERT( ref != CLR_INVALID ); */
/* strcat( tbuf, ref==0? " " : "x" ); */
/* } */
/* XP_LOGF( "line[%.2d] = %s", yy, tbuf ); */
/* } */
/* XP_LOGF( "line[%.2d] = %s", yy, tbuf ); */
/* } */
/* Find out if this guy's taller than what we have */
for ( done = XP_FALSE, yy = 0; yy < minTopSeen && !done; ++yy ) {
@ -491,8 +497,8 @@ ceFillFontInfo( const CEDrawCtx* dctx, LOGFONT* fontInfo,
static void
ceBestFitFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 soughtHeight, RFIndex index,
FontCacheEntry* fce )
ceBestFitFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 soughtHeight, XP_U16 soughtWidth,
RFIndex index, FontCacheEntry* fce )
wchar_t widebuf[65];
XP_U16 len;
@ -501,23 +507,27 @@ ceBestFitFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 soughtHeight, RFIndex index,
HBRUSH white = dctx->brushes[CE_WHITE_COLOR];
HDC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
XP_U16 testSize;
XP_U16 testHeight;
HFONT testFont = NULL;
char sample[65];
makeTestBuf( dctx, sample, VSIZE(sample), index );
len = 1 + strlen(sample);
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sample, len,
widebuf, len );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, sample, len, widebuf, len );
memBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap( memDC, soughtHeight*2, soughtHeight*2 );
SelectObject( memDC, memBM );
for ( firstPass = XP_TRUE, testSize = soughtHeight*2; ; ) {
XP_U16 prevSize;
for ( firstPass = XP_TRUE, testHeight = soughtHeight*2; ; ) {
XP_U16 prevHeight = testHeight;
LOGFONT fontInfo;
HFONT testFont;
ceFillFontInfo( dctx, &fontInfo, testSize );
if ( !!testFont ) {
DeleteObject( testFont );
ceFillFontInfo( dctx, &fontInfo, testHeight );
testFont = CreateFontIndirect( &fontInfo );
if ( !!testFont ) {
@ -541,27 +551,36 @@ ceBestFitFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 soughtHeight, RFIndex index,
thisHeight = bottom - top + 1;
if ( thisHeight <= soughtHeight ) { /* got it!!! */
/* If we don't meet the height test, continue based on best guess
at height. Only after height looks ok do we try based on
width */
if ( thisHeight > soughtHeight ) { /* height too big... */
testHeight = 1 + ((testHeight * soughtHeight) / thisHeight);
} else {
if ( soughtWidth > 0 ) {
SIZE size;
GetTextExtentPoint32( memDC, widebuf, len-1, &size );
if ( size.cx > soughtWidth ) { /* width too big... */
--testHeight; /* PENDING: do this via a ratio too!! */
goto test;
/* we get here, we have our font */
fce->setFont = testFont;
fce->indexHt = soughtHeight;
fce->lfHeight = testSize;
fce->lfHeight = testHeight;
fce->offset = top;
fce->glyphHt = thisHeight;
XP_LOGF( "Found for %s: indexHt: %d; lfHeight: %d; glyphHt: %d",
RFI2Str(index), fce->indexHt, fce->lfHeight,
fce->glyphHt );
XP_ASSERT( fce->lfHeight >= fce->indexHt );
XP_ASSERT( fce->indexHt >= fce->glyphHt );
DeleteObject( testFont );
prevSize = testSize;
testSize = (testSize * soughtHeight) / thisHeight;
if ( testSize >= prevSize ) {
if ( testHeight >= prevHeight ) {
/* guarantee progress regardless of rounding errors */
testSize = prevSize - 1;
testHeight = prevHeight - 1;
@ -571,14 +590,15 @@ ceBestFitFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 soughtHeight, RFIndex index,
} /* ceBestFitFont */
static const FontCacheEntry*
ceGetSizedFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 height, RFIndex index )
ceGetSizedFont( CEDrawCtx* dctx, XP_U16 height, XP_U16 width, RFIndex index )
FontCacheEntry* fce = &dctx->fcEntry[index];
if ( (0 != height) /* 0 means use what we have */
&& fce->indexHt != height ) {
XP_LOGF( "%s: no match for %s (have %d, want %d) so recalculating",
__func__, RFI2Str(index), fce->indexHt, height );
ceBestFitFont( dctx, height, index, fce );
XP_LOGF( "%s: no match for %s (have %d, want %d (width %d) "
"so recalculating",
__func__, RFI2Str(index), fce->indexHt, height, width );
ceBestFitFont( dctx, height, width, index, fce );
XP_ASSERT( !!fce->setFont ); /* failing... */
@ -798,7 +818,8 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawCell)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
ceClipToRect( hdc, &rt );
XP_ASSERT( xprect->height == globals->cellHt );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, xprect->height - CELL_BORDER, RFONTS_CELL );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, xprect->height - CELL_BORDER,
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
/* always init to silence compiler warning */
@ -977,7 +998,7 @@ drawDrawTileGuts( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
if ( !!letters ) {
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, charHt, RFONTS_TRAY );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, charHt, 0, RFONTS_TRAY );
HFONT oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, letters, -1,
widebuf, VSIZE(widebuf) );
@ -997,7 +1018,7 @@ drawDrawTileGuts( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
if ( val >= 0 ) {
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, valHt, RFONTS_TRAYVAL );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, valHt, 0, RFONTS_TRAYVAL );
HFONT oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
swprintf( widebuf, L"%d", val );
@ -1167,15 +1188,11 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(scoreBegin)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
static void
formatRemText( XP_S16 nTilesLeft, XP_Bool isVertical, XP_UCHAR* buf )
char* fmt;
XP_ASSERT( nTilesLeft > 0 );
const char* fmt = "Rem%s%d";
const char* sep = isVertical? XP_CR : ":";
if ( isVertical ) {
fmt = "Rem" XP_CR "%d";
} else {
fmt = "Rem:%d";
sprintf( buf, fmt, nTilesLeft );
XP_ASSERT( nTilesLeft > 0 );
sprintf( buf, fmt, sep, nTilesLeft );
} /* formatRemText */
@ -1200,7 +1217,8 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(measureRemText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
if ( height > globals->cellHt - CELL_BORDER ) {
height = globals->cellHt - CELL_BORDER;
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, height, RFONTS_REM );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, height, xprect->width - 2, RFONTS_REM );
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
ceMeasureText( dctx, hdc, fce, buf, 0, widthP, heightP );
@ -1236,7 +1254,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawRemText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner,
InsetRect( &rt, 1, 1 );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0, RFONTS_REM );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0, 0, RFONTS_REM );
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
ceDrawLinesClipped( hdc, fce, buf, XP_TRUE, &rt );
@ -1303,7 +1321,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(measureScoreText)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
ceFormatScoreText( dctx, dsi, buf, sizeof(buf) );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, fontHt,
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, fontHt, 0,
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
@ -1332,7 +1350,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(score_drawPlayer)( DrawCtx* p_dctx,
XP_U16 bkIndex = isFocussed ? CE_FOCUS_COLOR : CE_BKG_COLOR;
const FontCacheEntry* fce;
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0,
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0, 0,
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
@ -1388,7 +1406,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(score_pendingScore)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
ceGetCharValHts( dctx, xprect, &charHt, &valHt );
/* Little Pts first up top */
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, valHt, RFONTS_TRAYVAL );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, valHt, 0, RFONTS_TRAYVAL );
oldFont = SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
SetTextColor( hdc,
@ -1404,7 +1422,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(score_pendingScore)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* xprect,
xprect->width - (PTS_OFFSET*2), DT_CENTER );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, charHt, RFONTS_TRAY );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, charHt, 0, RFONTS_TRAY );
(void)SelectObject( hdc, fce->setFont );
if ( score < 0 ) {
@ -1442,7 +1460,7 @@ DRAW_FUNC_NAME(drawTimer)( DrawCtx* p_dctx, const XP_Rect* rInner,
HFONT oldFont;
const FontCacheEntry* fce;
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0, RFONTS_SCORE );
fce = ceGetSizedFont( dctx, 0, 0, RFONTS_SCORE );
XPRtoRECT( &rt, rInner );