mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 10:26:36 +01:00
Merge branch 'android_branch' into send_in_background
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 459 additions and 273 deletions
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ makeDict( MPFORMAL JNIEnv *env, JNIUtilCtxt* jniutil, jstring jname,
anddict->bytes =
(*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, anddict->byteArray, NULL );
} else {
anddict->byteArray = NULL;
XP_ASSERT( NULL == anddict->byteArray );
const char* path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jpath, NULL );
struct stat statbuf;
@ -58,25 +58,12 @@
<!-- Player list plus connection status -->
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/player_list"
<!-- Player names container I stick stuff in -->
<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/player_list"
<TextView android:id="@+id/role"
</LinearLayout> <!-- end players column -->
/> <!-- end players column -->
<!-- holds right column. Could hold more... -->
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"
@ -97,5 +84,12 @@
<TextView android:id="@+id/role"
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
<CheckBox android:id="@+id/robot_check"
@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
<li>Make a game's language one of several configurable attributes
that can be displayed along with the game</li>
<li>Display relay connection state as being in one of three phases:
configured, connected, and with all players present.</li>
<li>Fix rename of games to work when keyboard opened while dialog
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
<string name="button_html">Html</string>
<string name="player_label">Name:</string>
<string name="dicts_list_promptf">Installed wordlists (in %s)</string>
<string name="info_title">FYI...</string>
<string name="newbie_title">New user info</string>
@ -364,7 +365,11 @@
check off-device players.</string>
<string name="forced_consistent">Modified first player.</string>
<string name="summary_fmt_relay">Connecting via Relay, room \"%s\"</string>
<string name="summary_relay_conff">Configured for room
<string name="summary_relay_waitf">Waiting for players in room
<string name="summary_relay_connf">Game in play in room \"%s\"</string>
<string name="gameOver">Game over</string>
<string name="movesf">%d moves played</string>
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
private static final int CHAT_REQUEST = 1;
private static final int SCREEN_ON_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 mins
private static final int UNDO_LAST_ACTION = 1;
private static final String DLG_TITLE = "DLG_TITLE";
private static final String DLG_TITLESTR = "DLG_TITLESTR";
private static final String DLG_BYTES = "DLG_BYTES";
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
ab.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_retry, lstnr );
dialog = ab.create();
setRemoveOnDismiss( dialog, id );
Utils.setRemoveOnDismiss( this, dialog, id );
@ -258,14 +260,7 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_no,
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void
onClick( DialogInterface dlg,
int item ) {
// do nothing
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_no, null )
@ -516,14 +511,7 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
// cmd = JNIThread.JNICmd.CMD_UNDO_CUR;
// break;
case R.id.board_menu_undo_last:
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_undo_last,
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg,
int whichButton ) {
m_jniThread.handle( JNIThread.JNICmd.
} );
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_undo_last, UNDO_LAST_ACTION );
case R.id.board_menu_values:
cmd = JNIThread.JNICmd.CMD_VALUES;
@ -575,6 +563,22 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
return handled;
// DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify interface
public void buttonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
switch ( id ) {
if ( !cancelled ) {
m_jniThread.handle( JNIThread.JNICmd.CMD_UNDO_LAST );
// TransportProcs.TPMsgHandler interface
@ -1079,31 +1083,32 @@ public class BoardActivity extends XWActivity
langName );
m_jniThread = new
JNIThread( m_jniGamePtr, m_gi, m_view, m_gameLock, this,
new Handler() {
public void handleMessage( Message msg ) {
switch( msg.what ) {
case JNIThread.DRAW:
case JNIThread.DIALOG:
m_dlgBytes = (String)msg.obj;
m_dlgTitle = msg.arg1;
showDialog( DLG_OKONLY );
showDialog( QUERY_ENDGAME );
if ( null != m_jniThread ) {
m_gsi = m_jniThread.getGameStateInfo();
} );
Handler handler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage( Message msg ) {
switch( msg.what ) {
case JNIThread.DRAW:
case JNIThread.DIALOG:
m_dlgBytes = (String)msg.obj;
m_dlgTitle = msg.arg1;
showDialog( DLG_OKONLY );
showDialog( QUERY_ENDGAME );
if ( null != m_jniThread ) {
m_gsi =
m_jniThread = new JNIThread( m_jniGamePtr, m_gi, m_view,
m_gameLock, this, handler );
// see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680180/where-to-stop-\
// destroy-threads-in-android-service-class
m_jniThread.setDaemon( true );
@ -56,11 +56,20 @@ import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
implements View.OnClickListener, XWListItem.DeleteCallback,
SDCardWatcher.SDCardNotifiee {
SDCardWatcher.SDCardNotifiee, DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify {
private static final String DICT_DOLAUNCH = "do_launch";
private static final String DICT_LANG_EXTRA = "use_lang";
private static final String DICT_NAME_EXTRA = "use_dict";
private static final String PACKED_POSITION = "packed_position";
private static final String DELETE_DICT = "delete_dict";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String LANG = "lang";
private static final String MOVEFROMLOC = "movefromloc";
private static final String MOVETOLOC = "movetoloc";
// For new callback alternative
private static final int DELETE_DICT_ACTION = 1;
private static final int PICK_STORAGE = DlgDelegate.DIALOG_LAST + 1;
private static final int MOVE_DICT = DlgDelegate.DIALOG_LAST + 2;
@ -68,21 +77,23 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
private int m_lang = 0;
private String[] m_langs;
private String m_name = null;
private String m_deleteDict = null;
private String m_download;
private ExpandableListView m_expView;
private DlgDelegate m_delegate;
private String[] m_locNames;
private DictListAdapter m_adapter;
private XWListItem m_rowView;
GameUtils.DictLoc m_moveFromLoc;
GameUtils.DictLoc m_moveToLoc;
private long m_packedPosition;
private GameUtils.DictLoc m_moveFromLoc;
private GameUtils.DictLoc m_moveToLoc;
private SDCardWatcher m_cardWatcher;
private String m_moveName;
private LayoutInflater m_factory;
private class DictListAdapter implements ExpandableListAdapter {
private Context m_context;
private XWListItem[][] m_cache;
public DictListAdapter( Context context ) {
//super( context, m_dicts.length );
@ -105,29 +116,41 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
boolean isLastChild, View convertView,
ViewGroup parent)
int lang = (int)getGroupId( groupPosition );
String[] dicts = DictLangCache.getHaveLang( m_context, lang );
String text;
boolean canDelete = false;
if ( null != dicts && childPosition < dicts.length ) {
text = dicts[childPosition];
canDelete = !GameUtils.dictIsBuiltin( DictsActivity.this,
text );
} else {
text = m_download;
XWListItem view =
(XWListItem)m_factory.inflate( R.layout.list_item, null );
view.setText( text );
if ( canDelete ) {
view.setDeleteCallback( DictsActivity.this );
return getChildView( groupPosition, childPosition );
private View getChildView( int groupPosition, int childPosition )
XWListItem view = null;
if ( null != m_cache && null != m_cache[groupPosition] ) {
view = m_cache[groupPosition][childPosition];
GameUtils.DictLoc loc =
GameUtils.getDictLoc( DictsActivity.this, text );
view.setComment( m_locNames[loc.ordinal()] );
view.cache( loc );
if ( null == view ) {
int lang = (int)getGroupId( groupPosition );
String[] dicts = DictLangCache.getHaveLang( m_context, lang );
String text;
boolean canDelete = false;
if ( null != dicts && childPosition < dicts.length ) {
text = dicts[childPosition];
canDelete = !GameUtils.dictIsBuiltin( DictsActivity.this,
text );
} else {
text = m_download;
view = (XWListItem)m_factory.inflate( R.layout.list_item, null );
view.setText( text );
if ( canDelete ) {
view.setDeleteCallback( DictsActivity.this );
GameUtils.DictLoc loc =
GameUtils.getDictLoc( DictsActivity.this, text );
view.setComment( m_locNames[loc.ordinal()] );
view.cache( loc );
addToCache( groupPosition, childPosition, view );
return view;
@ -188,17 +211,40 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
public void onGroupExpanded(int groupPosition){}
public void registerDataSetObserver( DataSetObserver obs ){}
public void unregisterDataSetObserver( DataSetObserver obs ){}
protected XWListItem getSelChildView()
int groupPosition =
ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup( m_packedPosition );
int childPosition =
ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild( m_packedPosition );
return (XWListItem)getChildView( groupPosition, childPosition );
private void addToCache( int group, int child, XWListItem view )
if ( null == m_cache ) {
m_cache = new XWListItem[getGroupCount()][];
if ( null == m_cache[group] ) {
m_cache[group] = new XWListItem[getChildrenCount(group)];
Assert.assertTrue( null == m_cache[group][child] );
m_cache[group][child] = view;
protected Dialog onCreateDialog( int id )
Dialog dialog;
DialogInterface.OnClickListener lstnr;
Dialog dialog;
String format;
String message;
boolean doRemove = true;
switch( id ) {
lstnr = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int item ) {
startDownload( m_lang, m_name, item !=
@ -216,21 +262,28 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
lstnr = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int item ) {
XWListItem rowView = m_adapter.getSelChildView();
if ( GameUtils.moveDict( DictsActivity.this,
m_moveToLoc ) ) {
setComment( m_locNames[m_moveToLoc.ordinal()]);
m_rowView.cache( m_moveToLoc );
rowView.cache( m_moveToLoc );
} else {
Utils.logf( "moveDict failed" );
format = getString( R.string.move_dictf );
message = String.format( format,
m_locNames[ m_moveFromLoc.ordinal() ],
m_locNames[ m_moveToLoc.ordinal() ] );
dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( this )
.setMessage( "" ) // will set later
.setMessage( message )
.setPositiveButton( R.string.button_ok, lstnr )
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_cancel, null )
@ -240,18 +293,22 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int item ) {
if ( DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE == item
|| DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE == item ) {
setDefault( R.string.key_default_dict, m_rowView );
setDefault( R.string.key_default_dict );
if ( DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE == item
|| DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL == item ) {
setDefault( R.string.key_default_robodict,
m_rowView );
setDefault( R.string.key_default_robodict );
XWListItem rowView = m_adapter.getSelChildView();
String lang =
DictLangCache.getLangName( this, rowView.getText() );
format = getString( R.string.set_default_messagef );
message = String.format( format, lang );
dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( this )
.setTitle( R.string.query_title )
.setMessage( "" ) // or can't change it later!
.setMessage( message )
.setPositiveButton( R.string.button_default_human, lstnr )
.setNeutralButton( R.string.button_default_robot, lstnr )
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_default_both, lstnr )
@ -259,49 +316,34 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
dialog = m_delegate.onCreateDialog( id );
doRemove = false;
if ( doRemove && null != dialog ) {
Utils.setRemoveOnDismiss( this, dialog, id );
return dialog;
} // onCreateDialog
public void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog )
protected void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog )
AlertDialog ad = (AlertDialog)dialog;
String format;
String message;
switch( id ) {
format = getString( R.string.move_dictf );
message = String.format( format, m_moveName,
m_locNames[ m_moveFromLoc.ordinal() ],
m_locNames[ m_moveToLoc.ordinal() ] );
ad.setMessage( message );
String lang =
DictLangCache.getLangName( this, m_rowView.getText() );
format = getString( R.string.set_default_messagef );
message = String.format( format, lang );
ad.setMessage( message );
m_delegate.onPrepareDialog( id, dialog );
super.onPrepareDialog( id, dialog );
m_delegate.onPrepareDialog( id, dialog );
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState )
super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
getBundledData( savedInstanceState );
Resources res = getResources();
m_locNames = res.getStringArray( R.array.loc_names );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this, this, savedInstanceState );
m_factory = LayoutInflater.from( this );
m_download = getString( R.string.download_dicts );
@ -338,6 +380,44 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
protected void onSaveInstanceState( Bundle outState )
super.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
m_delegate.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
outState.putLong( PACKED_POSITION, m_packedPosition );
outState.putString( NAME, m_name );
outState.putInt( LANG, m_lang );
outState.putString( DELETE_DICT, m_deleteDict );
if ( null != m_moveFromLoc ) {
outState.putInt( MOVEFROMLOC, m_moveFromLoc.ordinal() );
if ( null != m_moveToLoc ) {
outState.putInt( MOVETOLOC, m_moveToLoc.ordinal() );
private void getBundledData( Bundle savedInstanceState )
if ( null != savedInstanceState ) {
m_packedPosition = savedInstanceState.getLong( PACKED_POSITION );
m_name = savedInstanceState.getString( NAME );
m_lang = savedInstanceState.getInt( LANG );
m_deleteDict = savedInstanceState.getString( DELETE_DICT );
int tmp = savedInstanceState.getInt( MOVEFROMLOC, -1 );
if ( -1 != tmp ) {
m_moveFromLoc = GameUtils.DictLoc.values()[tmp];
tmp = savedInstanceState.getInt( MOVETOLOC, -1 );
if ( -1 != tmp ) {
m_moveToLoc = GameUtils.DictLoc.values()[tmp];
protected void onPause() {
m_cardWatcher = null;
@ -395,14 +475,14 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
return false;
XWListItem row = (XWListItem)info.targetView;
m_packedPosition = info.packedPosition;
int id = item.getItemId();
switch( id ) {
case R.id.dicts_item_move:
askMoveDict( row );
askMoveDict( (XWListItem)info.targetView );
case R.id.dicts_item_select:
m_rowView = row;
showDialog( SET_DEFAULT );
case R.id.dicts_item_details:
@ -413,13 +493,14 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
return handled;
private void setDefault( int keyId, final XWListItem text )
private void setDefault( int keyId )
XWListItem view = m_adapter.getSelChildView();
SharedPreferences sp
= PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences( this );
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit();
String key = getString( keyId );
String name = text.getText();
String name = view.getText();
editor.putString( key, name );
@ -429,32 +510,25 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
// options for YY?
private void askMoveDict( XWListItem item )
m_rowView = item;
m_moveFromLoc = (GameUtils.DictLoc)item.getCached();
if ( m_moveFromLoc == GameUtils.DictLoc.INTERNAL ) {
m_moveToLoc = GameUtils.DictLoc.EXTERNAL;
} else {
m_moveToLoc = GameUtils.DictLoc.INTERNAL;
m_moveName = item.getText();
showDialog( MOVE_DICT );
// XWListItem.DeleteCallback interface
public void deleteCalled( int myPosition, final String dict )
public void deleteCalled( int myPosition, String dict )
int code = DictLangCache.getDictLangCode( this, dict );
String lang = DictLangCache.getLangName( this, code );
int nGames = DBUtils.countGamesUsing( this, code );
String msg = String.format( getString( R.string.confirm_delete_dictf ),
dict );
DialogInterface.OnClickListener action =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int item ) {
deleteDict( dict );
m_deleteDict = dict;
if ( nGames > 0 ) {
int fmt;
@ -466,7 +540,7 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
msg += String.format( getString(fmt), lang );
m_delegate.showConfirmThen( msg, action );
m_delegate.showConfirmThen( msg, DELETE_DICT_ACTION );
// SDCardWatcher.SDCardNotifiee interface
@ -476,6 +550,20 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
// DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify interface
public void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
switch( id ) {
if ( !cancelled ) {
deleteDict( m_deleteDict );
private void deleteDict( String dict )
GameUtils.deleteDict( this, dict );
@ -508,9 +596,8 @@ public class DictsActivity extends ExpandableListActivity
private void mkListAdapter()
m_langs = DictLangCache.listLangs( this );
//m_langs = DictLangCache.getLangNames( this );
ExpandableListAdapter adapter = new DictListAdapter( this );
setListAdapter( adapter );
m_adapter = new DictListAdapter( this );
setListAdapter( m_adapter );
private void expandGroups()
@ -21,14 +21,16 @@
package org.eehouse.android.xw4;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
@ -43,21 +45,41 @@ public class DlgDelegate {
public static final int DLG_DICTGONE = 6;
public static final int DIALOG_LAST = DLG_DICTGONE;
public static final String MSG = "msg";
public static final String CALLBACK = "callback";
public static final String MSGID = "msgid";
public interface DlgClickNotify {
void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled );
private int m_msgID;
private int m_cbckID;
private String m_msg;
private Runnable m_proc = null;
private int m_prefsKey;
private Activity m_activity;
private DlgClickNotify m_clickCallback;
private String m_dictName = null;
DialogInterface.OnClickListener m_then;
public interface TextOrHtmlClicked {
public void clicked( boolean choseText );
private TextOrHtmlClicked m_txt_or_html;
public DlgDelegate( Activity activity ) {
public DlgDelegate( Activity activity, DlgClickNotify callback,
Bundle bundle )
m_activity = activity;
m_clickCallback = callback;
if ( null != bundle ) {
m_msg = bundle.getString( MSG );
m_cbckID = bundle.getInt( CALLBACK );
m_msgID = bundle.getInt( MSGID );
public void onSaveInstanceState( Bundle outState )
outState.putString( MSG, m_msg );
outState.putInt( CALLBACK, m_cbckID );
outState.putInt( MSGID, m_msgID );
public Dialog onCreateDialog( int id )
@ -86,17 +108,6 @@ public class DlgDelegate {
return dialog;
protected void setRemoveOnDismiss( Dialog dialog, final int id )
dialog.setOnDismissListener( new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss( DialogInterface di ) {
Utils.logf( "%s.onDismiss() called",
getClass().getName() );
m_activity.removeDialog( id );
} );
public void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog )
AlertDialog ad = (AlertDialog)dialog;
@ -114,27 +125,18 @@ public class DlgDelegate {
ad.setMessage( m_activity.getString(m_msgID) );
// I'm getting an occasional 0 here on device only. May
// be related to screen orientation changes. Let's be safe
ad.setMessage( m_msg );
ad.setButton( AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE,
m_activity.getString( R.string.button_ok ), m_then );
lstnr = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int button ) {
if ( null != m_txt_or_html ) {
clicked( button == AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE );
boolean cancelled =
button == DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE;
m_clickCallback.dlgButtonClicked( m_cbckID, cancelled );
ad.setButton( AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE,
m_activity.getString( R.string.button_text ),
lstnr );
ad.setButton( AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE,
m_activity.getString( R.string.button_html ),
lstnr );
m_activity.getString( R.string.button_ok ), lstnr );
ad.setButton( AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE,
m_activity.getString( R.string.button_ok ), lstnr );
@ -171,16 +173,16 @@ public class DlgDelegate {
public void showConfirmThen( String msg, DialogInterface.OnClickListener then )
public void showConfirmThen( String msg, int callbackID )
m_msg = msg;
m_then = then;
m_cbckID = callbackID;
m_activity.showDialog( CONFIRM_THEN );
public void showTextOrHtmlThen( TextOrHtmlClicked txtOrHtml )
public void showTextOrHtmlThen( int callbackID )
m_txt_or_html = txtOrHtml;
m_cbckID = callbackID;
m_activity.showDialog( TEXT_OR_HTML_THEN );
@ -284,19 +286,25 @@ public class DlgDelegate {
private Dialog createHtmlThenDialog()
DialogInterface.OnClickListener lstnr =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int button ) {
boolean cancelled =
button == DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE;
m_clickCallback.dlgButtonClicked( m_cbckID, cancelled );
return new AlertDialog.Builder( m_activity )
.setTitle( R.string.query_title )
.setMessage( R.string.text_or_html )
.setPositiveButton( R.string.button_text, null ) // will change
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_html, null )
.setPositiveButton( R.string.button_text, lstnr )
.setNegativeButton( R.string.button_html, lstnr )
private Dialog createDictGoneDialog()
Utils.logf( "DlgDelegate.createDictGoneDialog() called" );
Dialog dialog;
dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( m_activity )
Dialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( m_activity )
.setTitle( R.string.no_dict_title )
.setMessage( R.string.no_dict_finish )
.setPositiveButton( R.string.button_close_game, null )
@ -644,6 +644,9 @@ public class GameConfig extends XWActivity
Spinner dictsSpinner =
(Spinner)dialog.findViewById( R.id.dict_spinner );
String fmt = getString( R.string.dicts_list_promptf );
String lang = DictLangCache.getLangName( this, m_gi.dictLang );
dictsSpinner.setPrompt(String.format( fmt, lang ) );
OnItemSelectedListener onSel =
new OnItemSelectedListener() {
@ -461,21 +461,6 @@ public class GameUtils {
public static void launchInviteActivity( final XWActivity activity,
final String room,
final int lang,
final int nPlayers )
DlgDelegate.TextOrHtmlClicked cb =
new DlgDelegate.TextOrHtmlClicked() {
public void clicked( boolean choseText ) {
launchInviteActivity( activity, choseText, room,
lang, nPlayers );
activity.showTextOrHtmlThen( cb );
public static boolean gameDictsHere( Context context, long rowid )
return gameDictsHere( context, rowid, null, null );
@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
private static final String SAVE_ROWID = "SAVE_ROWID";
private static final int NEW_NET_GAME_ACTION = 1;
private static final int RESET_GAME_ACTION = 2;
private static final int DELETE_GAME_ACTION = 3;
private static final int DELETE_ALL_ACTION = 4;
private GameListAdapter m_adapter;
private String m_missingDict;
private Handler m_handler;
@ -72,6 +77,7 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
private int m_missingDictLang;
private long m_rowid;
private String m_nameField;
private NetLaunchInfo m_netLaunchInfo;
protected Dialog onCreateDialog( int id )
@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
ab.setNeutralButton( R.string.button_substdict, lstnr );
dialog = ab.create();
setRemoveOnDismiss( dialog, id );
Utils.setRemoveOnDismiss( this, dialog, id );
m_sameLangDicts =
@ -334,12 +340,16 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
super.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
outState.putLong( SAVE_ROWID, m_rowid );
if ( null != m_netLaunchInfo ) {
m_netLaunchInfo.putSelf( outState );
private void getBundledData( Bundle bundle )
if ( null != bundle ) {
m_rowid = bundle.getLong( SAVE_ROWID );
m_netLaunchInfo = new NetLaunchInfo( bundle );
@ -393,6 +403,34 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
// DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify interface
public void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
if ( !cancelled ) {
switch( id ) {
long rowid = GameUtils.makeNewNetGame( this, m_netLaunchInfo );
GameUtils.launchGame( this, rowid, true );
GameUtils.resetGame( this, m_rowid );
GameUtils.deleteGame( this, m_rowid, true );
long[] games = DBUtils.gamesList( this );
for ( int ii = games.length - 1; ii >= 0; --ii ) {
GameUtils.deleteGame( this, games[ii], ii == 0 );
m_adapter.inval( games[ii] );
public void itemClicked( long rowid )
// We need a way to let the user get back to the basic-config
@ -466,19 +504,9 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
case R.id.gamel_menu_delete_all:
final long[] games = DBUtils.gamesList( this );
if ( games.length > 0 ) {
DialogInterface.OnClickListener lstnr =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int item ) {
for ( int ii = games.length - 1; ii >= 0; --ii ) {
GameUtils.deleteGame( GamesList.this, games[ii],
ii == 0 );
m_adapter.inval( games[ii] );
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_delete_all, lstnr );
if ( DBUtils.gamesList( this ).length > 0 ) {
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_delete_all,
handled = true;
@ -525,22 +553,14 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
final long rowid = DBUtils.gamesList( this )[position];
if ( R.id.list_item_delete == menuID ) {
lstnr = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int ii ) {
GameUtils.deleteGame( GamesList.this, rowid, true );
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_delete, lstnr );
m_rowid = rowid;
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_delete, DELETE_GAME_ACTION );
} else {
if ( checkWarnNoDict( rowid ) ) {
switch ( menuID ) {
case R.id.list_item_reset:
lstnr = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg, int ii ) {
GameUtils.resetGame( GamesList.this, rowid );
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_reset, lstnr );
m_rowid = rowid;
showConfirmThen( R.string.confirm_reset, RESET_GAME_ACTION );
case R.id.list_item_config:
GameUtils.doConfig( this, rowid, GameConfig.class );
@ -656,7 +676,7 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
startActivity( new Intent( this, NewGameActivity.class ) );
private void startNewNetGame( final NetLaunchInfo info )
private void startNewNetGame( NetLaunchInfo info )
long rowid = DBUtils.getRowIDForOpen( this, info.room, info.lang,
info.nPlayers );
@ -665,19 +685,10 @@ public class GamesList extends XWListActivity
rowid = GameUtils.makeNewNetGame( this, info );
GameUtils.launchGame( this, rowid, true );
} else {
DialogInterface.OnClickListener then =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( DialogInterface dlg,
int ii ) {
long rowid = GameUtils.
makeNewNetGame( GamesList.this, info );
GameUtils.launchGame( GamesList.this,
rowid, true );
String fmt = getString( R.string.dup_game_queryf );
String msg = String.format( fmt, info.room );
showConfirmThen( msg, then );
m_netLaunchInfo = info;
showConfirmThen( msg, NEW_NET_GAME_ACTION );
} // startNewNetGame
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ package org.eehouse.android.xw4;
import android.content.Context;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.net.Uri.Builder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
@ -33,8 +34,33 @@ public class NetLaunchInfo {
public int lang;
public int nPlayers;
private static final String LANG = "netlaunchinfo_lang";
private static final String ROOM = "netlaunchinfo_room";
private static final String NPLAYERS = "netlaunchinfo_nplayers";
private static final String VALID = "netlaunchinfo_valid";
private boolean m_valid;
public void putSelf( Bundle bundle )
bundle.putInt( LANG, lang );
bundle.putString( ROOM, room );
bundle.putInt( NPLAYERS, nPlayers );
bundle.putBoolean( VALID, m_valid );
Utils.logf( "bundling NetLaunchInfo: %d, %s, %d, %b",
lang, room, nPlayers, m_valid );
public NetLaunchInfo( Bundle bundle )
lang = bundle.getInt( LANG );
room = bundle.getString( ROOM );
nPlayers = bundle.getInt( NPLAYERS );
m_valid = bundle.getBoolean( VALID );
Utils.logf( "unbundled NetLaunchInfo: %d, %s, %d, %b",
lang, room, nPlayers, m_valid );
public static Uri makeLaunchUri( Context context, String room,
int lang, int nPlayers )
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.Random;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CurGameInfo;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.XwJNI;
public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity {
private static final int NEW_GAME_ACTION = 1;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
@ -84,15 +87,22 @@ public class NewGameActivity extends XWActivity {
public void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
switch( id ) {
makeNewGame( true, true, !cancelled );
private void makeNewGame( boolean networked, boolean launch )
if ( launch && networked ) {
// Let 'em cancel before we make the game
showTextOrHtmlThen( new DlgDelegate.TextOrHtmlClicked() {
public void clicked( boolean choseText ) {
makeNewGame( true, true, choseText );
} );
showTextOrHtmlThen( NEW_GAME_ACTION );
} else {
makeNewGame( networked, launch, false );
@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ package org.eehouse.android.xw4;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.Thread;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.widget.Toast;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
@ -105,6 +106,16 @@ public class Utils {
Toast.makeText( context, text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public static void setRemoveOnDismiss( final Activity activity,
Dialog dialog, final int id )
dialog.setOnDismissListener( new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
public void onDismiss( DialogInterface di ) {
activity.removeDialog( id );
} );
public static View inflate( Context context, int layoutId )
LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from( context );
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ import android.os.Bundle;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
public class XWActivity extends Activity {
public class XWActivity extends Activity
implements DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify {
private DlgDelegate m_delegate;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ public class XWActivity extends Activity {
Utils.logf( "%s.onCreate(this=%H)", getClass().getName(), this );
super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this, this, savedInstanceState );
@ -82,6 +83,13 @@ public class XWActivity extends Activity {
protected void onSaveInstanceState( Bundle outState )
super.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
m_delegate.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
protected Dialog onCreateDialog( int id )
@ -93,11 +101,6 @@ public class XWActivity extends Activity {
return dialog;
protected void setRemoveOnDismiss( Dialog dialog, int id )
m_delegate.setRemoveOnDismiss( dialog, id );
protected void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog )
@ -128,19 +131,25 @@ public class XWActivity extends Activity {
protected void showConfirmThen( int msgID,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener action )
protected void showConfirmThen( int msgID, int action )
m_delegate.showConfirmThen( getString(msgID), action );
public void showTextOrHtmlThen( DlgDelegate.TextOrHtmlClicked txtOrHtml )
public void showTextOrHtmlThen( int action )
m_delegate.showTextOrHtmlThen( txtOrHtml );
m_delegate.showTextOrHtmlThen( action );
protected void doSyncMenuitem()
// DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify interface
public void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
@ -25,9 +25,13 @@ import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Bundle;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eehouse.android.xw4.jni.CommonPrefs;
public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity
implements DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify {
private DlgDelegate m_delegate;
@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
Utils.logf( "%s.onCreate(this=%H)", getClass().getName(), this );
super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this );
m_delegate = new DlgDelegate( this, this, savedInstanceState );
@ -76,6 +80,13 @@ public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
protected void onSaveInstanceState( Bundle outState )
super.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
m_delegate.onSaveInstanceState( outState );
protected Dialog onCreateDialog( final int id )
@ -98,11 +109,6 @@ public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
return dialog;
protected void setRemoveOnDismiss( Dialog dialog, int id )
m_delegate.setRemoveOnDismiss( dialog, id );
protected void onPrepareDialog( int id, Dialog dialog )
@ -132,16 +138,14 @@ public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
m_delegate.showOKOnlyDialog( msgID );
protected void showConfirmThen( String msg,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener action )
protected void showConfirmThen( String msg, int action )
m_delegate.showConfirmThen( msg, action );
protected void showConfirmThen( int msgID,
DialogInterface.OnClickListener action )
protected void showConfirmThen( int msg, int action )
showConfirmThen( getString(msgID), action );
m_delegate.showConfirmThen( getString(msg), action );
protected void doSyncMenuitem()
@ -149,4 +153,10 @@ public class XWListActivity extends ListActivity {
// DlgDelegate.DlgClickNotify interface
public void dlgButtonClicked( int id, boolean cancelled )
@ -118,10 +118,18 @@ public class GameSummary {
String result = null;
if ( isRelayGame() ) {
Assert.assertTrue( CommsAddrRec.CommsConnType.COMMS_CONN_RELAY
== conType );
String fmt = m_context.getString( R.string.summary_fmt_relay );
result = String.format( fmt, roomName );
int fmtID;
if ( null == relayID || 0 == relayID.length() ) {
fmtID = R.string.summary_relay_conff;
} else if ( anyMissing() ) {
fmtID = R.string.summary_relay_waitf;
} else {
fmtID = R.string.summary_relay_connf;
result = String.format( m_context.getString(fmtID), roomName );
return result;
@ -144,6 +152,18 @@ public class GameSummary {
return result;
private boolean anyMissing()
boolean missing = false;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < nPlayers; ++ii ) {
if ( !isLocal(ii) && (0 != ((1 << ii) & missingPlayers) ) ) {
missing = true;
return missing;
public int giflags() {
int result;
if ( null == m_gi ) {
Reference in a new issue