when nbs send is to my own phone number, just put the packet in the

incoming queue. T-mobile will deliver the message, but it's much
faster this way and while I'm still sending too many messages avoids
triggering the undismissable "this app is sending too many SMS
messages" Android warning alert.
This commit is contained in:
Eric House 2015-02-07 22:37:06 -08:00
parent fa856e1db0
commit 01c4fa620e

View file

@ -116,16 +116,20 @@ public class SMSService extends XWService {
public String number;
public boolean isGSM;
private static SMSPhoneInfo s_phoneInfo;
public static SMSPhoneInfo getPhoneInfo( Context context )
TelephonyManager mgr = (TelephonyManager)
String number = mgr.getLine1Number();
if ( null == s_phoneInfo ) {
TelephonyManager mgr = (TelephonyManager)
String number = mgr.getLine1Number();
int type = mgr.getPhoneType();
boolean isGSM = TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM == type;
return new SMSPhoneInfo( number, isGSM );
int type = mgr.getPhoneType();
boolean isGSM = TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM == type;
s_phoneInfo = new SMSPhoneInfo( number, isGSM );
return s_phoneInfo;
public static void smsToastEnable( boolean newVal )
@ -406,30 +410,6 @@ public class SMSService extends XWService {
return result;
private String[] breakAndEncode( String msg ) throws java.io.IOException
// TODO: as optimization, truncate header when only one packet
// required
Assert.assertFalse( msg.contains(":") );
int count = (msg.length() + (MAX_LEN_TEXT-1)) / MAX_LEN_TEXT;
String[] result = new String[count];
int msgID = ++s_nSent % 0x000000FF;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii ) {
int len = msg.length() - end;
if ( len > MAX_LEN_TEXT ) {
end += len;
result[ii] = String.format( "0:%X:%X:%X:%s", msgID, ii, count,
msg.substring( start, end ) );
start = end;
return result;
private byte[][] breakAndEncode( byte msg[] ) throws java.io.IOException
int count = (msg.length + (MAX_LEN_BINARY-1)) / MAX_LEN_BINARY;
@ -621,32 +601,41 @@ public class SMSService extends XWService {
boolean success = false;
if ( XWPrefs.getSMSEnabled( this ) ) {
short nbsPort = (short)Integer.parseInt( getString( R.string.nbs_port ) );
try {
SmsManager mgr = SmsManager.getDefault();
PendingIntent sent = makeStatusIntent( MSG_SENT );
PendingIntent delivery = makeStatusIntent( MSG_DELIVERED );
String myPhone = getPhoneInfo( this ).number;
if ( PhoneNumberUtils.compare( phone, myPhone ) ) {
for ( byte[] fragment : fragments ) {
mgr.sendDataMessage( phone, null, nbsPort, fragment, sent,
delivery );
DbgUtils.logf( "SMSService.sendBuffers(): sent %d byte fragment",
fragment.length );
if ( s_showToasts ) {
DbgUtils.showf( this, "sent %dth msg", s_nSent );
handleFrom( this, fragment, phone );
success = true;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
DbgUtils.logf( "sendBuffers(%s): %s", phone, iae.toString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException npe ) {
Assert.fail(); // shouldn't be trying to do this!!!
} catch ( Exception ee ) {
DbgUtils.loge( ee );
} else {
short nbsPort = (short)Integer.parseInt( getString( R.string.nbs_port ) );
try {
SmsManager mgr = SmsManager.getDefault();
PendingIntent sent = makeStatusIntent( MSG_SENT );
PendingIntent delivery = makeStatusIntent( MSG_DELIVERED );
for ( byte[] fragment : fragments ) {
mgr.sendDataMessage( phone, null, nbsPort, fragment, sent,
delivery );
DbgUtils.logf( "SMSService.sendBuffers(): sent %d byte fragment",
fragment.length );
success = true;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae ) {
DbgUtils.logf( "sendBuffers(%s): %s", phone, iae.toString() );
} catch ( NullPointerException npe ) {
Assert.fail(); // shouldn't be trying to do this!!!
} catch ( Exception ee ) {
DbgUtils.loge( ee );
} else {
DbgUtils.logf( "sendBuffers(): dropping because SMS disabled" );
if ( s_showToasts && success ) {
DbgUtils.showf( this, "sent %dth msg", s_nSent );
ConnStatusHandler.updateStatusOut( this, null,
success );