2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
import base64, json, mod_python, socket, struct, sys
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
import psycopg2, random
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
2017-10-31 20:05:07 -07:00
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
2017-10-31 20:05:07 -07:00
# try:
# from mod_python import apache
# apacheAvailable = True
# except ImportError:
# apacheAvailable = False
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
def join(req, devID, room, lang = 1, nInGame = 2, nHere = 1, inviteID = None):
connname = None
con = psycopg2.connect(database='xwgames')
2017-11-07 07:34:06 -08:00
query = """UPDATE games SET njoined = njoined + %s
WHERE lang = %s AND nTotal = %s AND room = %s AND njoined + %s <= ntotal
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
RETURNING connname"""
cur = con.cursor()
2017-11-07 07:34:06 -08:00
cur.execute(query, (nHere, lang, nInGame, room, nHere))
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
for row in cur:
connname = row[0]
print 'got:', connname
if not connname:
connname = str(random.randint(0, 10000000000))
query = """INSERT INTO games (connname, room, lang, ntotal, njoined)
2017-11-07 07:34:06 -08:00
values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING connname; """
cur.execute(query, (connname, room, lang, nInGame, nHere))
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
for row in cur:
print row
print 'got nothing'
print 'did an insert'
result = {'connname': connname}
return json.dumps(result)
2017-10-31 20:05:07 -07:00
def kill(req, params):
params = json.loads(params)
count = len(params)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('', 10998))
header = struct.Struct('!BBh')
strLens = 0
for ii in range(count):
strLens += len(params[ii]['relayID']) + 1
size = header.size + (2*count) + strLens
sock.send(header.pack(PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_DEVICE_GONE, count))
for ii in range(count):
elem = params[ii]
asBytes = bytes(elem['relayID'])
sock.send(struct.Struct('!H%dsc' % (len(asBytes))).pack(elem['seed'], asBytes, '\n'))
result = {'err': 0}
return json.dumps(result)
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
# winds up in handle_udp_packet() in xwrelay.cpp
2017-10-28 20:12:05 -07:00
def post(req, params, timeoutSecs = 1.0):
2017-10-18 06:53:15 -07:00
err = 'none'
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
jobj = json.loads(params)
2017-10-18 06:53:15 -07:00
data = base64.b64decode(jobj['data'])
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
udpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udpSock.settimeout(float(timeoutSecs)) # seconds
2017-10-18 06:53:15 -07:00
addr = ("", 10997)
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
udpSock.sendto(data, addr)
2017-10-18 06:53:15 -07:00
2017-10-18 07:09:05 -07:00
responses = []
while True:
2017-11-07 07:33:04 -08:00
data, server = udpSock.recvfrom(1024)
2017-10-18 07:09:05 -07:00
except socket.timeout:
#If data is not received back from server, print it has timed out
err = 'timeout'
2017-10-18 06:53:15 -07:00
2017-10-18 07:09:05 -07:00
jobj = {'err' : err, 'data' : responses}
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
return json.dumps(jobj)
2017-10-28 20:12:05 -07:00
def query(req, ids, timeoutSecs = 5.0):
2017-10-22 15:47:01 -07:00
print('ids', ids)
2017-10-18 22:02:14 -07:00
ids = json.loads(ids)
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
idsLen = 0
for id in ids: idsLen += len(id)
2017-11-02 07:16:11 -07:00
tcpSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcpSock.connect(('', 10998))
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
2017-10-22 21:29:16 -07:00
lenShort = 2 + idsLen + len(ids) + 2
2017-10-22 15:47:01 -07:00
print(lenShort, PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_GET_MSGS, len(ids))
2017-10-22 21:29:16 -07:00
header = struct.Struct('!hBBh')
2017-10-22 15:47:01 -07:00
assert header.size == 6
2017-11-02 07:16:11 -07:00
tcpSock.send(header.pack(lenShort, PROTOCOL_VERSION, PRX_GET_MSGS, len(ids)))
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
2017-11-02 07:16:11 -07:00
for id in ids: tcpSock.send(id + '\n')
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
msgsLists = {}
2017-11-02 07:16:11 -07:00
shortUnpacker = struct.Struct('!H')
resLen, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size)) # not getting all bytes
nameCount, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size))
resLen -= shortUnpacker.size
print('resLen:', resLen, 'nameCount:', nameCount)
if nameCount == len(ids) and resLen > 0:
print('nameCount', nameCount)
for ii in range(nameCount):
perGame = []
countsThisGame, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size)) # problem
print('countsThisGame:', countsThisGame)
for jj in range(countsThisGame):
msgLen, = shortUnpacker.unpack(tcpSock.recv(shortUnpacker.size))
print('msgLen:', msgLen)
msgs = []
if msgLen > 0:
msg = tcpSock.recv(msgLen)
print('msg len:', len(msg))
msg = base64.b64encode(msg)
msgsLists[ids[ii]] = perGame
2017-10-18 21:18:30 -07:00
return json.dumps(msgsLists)
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
def main():
2017-10-31 20:05:07 -07:00
result = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
cmd = sys.argv[1]
args = sys.argv[2:]
2017-11-07 07:34:06 -08:00
try :
if cmd == 'query':
result = query(None, json.dumps(args))
elif cmd == 'post':
# Params = { 'data' : 'V2VkIE9jdCAxOCAwNjowNDo0OCBQRFQgMjAxNwo=' }
# params = json.dumps(params)
# print(post(None, params))
elif cmd == 'join':
result = join(None, 1, args[0], int(args[1]), int(args[2]))
elif cmd == 'kill':
result = kill( None, json.dumps([{'relayID': args[0], 'seed':int(args[1])}]) )
except : pass
2017-10-31 20:05:07 -07:00
if result:
print '->', result
print 'USAGE: query [connname/hid]*'
# print ' post '
print ' kill <relayID> <seed>'
2017-11-07 07:34:06 -08:00
print ' join <roomName> <lang> <nTotal>'
2017-10-17 21:32:11 -07:00
if __name__ == '__main__':