From 703474726d78afe66c1bf01ecfff401e14990252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rekkabell Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 17:01:20 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] * --- | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 0eefd16..90a1082 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ mepperpint leaves then?" \newpage -Eka, Lupen and Hush wandered the desert, alleviating their thirst with waterstones. Hush could no longer stand to have any weight on its back and walked behind them, panting. They could not get to Montore fast enough, though the thought of cake and tea did offer some motivation. During the walk, Eka sang about bam cakes, listing the ingredients aloud. Every song ended with a solo of groans and growls, courtesy of Lupen's empty belly. +Eka, Lupen and Hush wandered the desert, alleviating their thirst with waterstones. Hush could no longer stand to have any weight on its back and walked behind them, panting. They could not get to Montore fast enough, though the thought of cake and tea did offer some motivation. During the walk, Eka sang about babam cakes, listing the ingredients aloud. Every song ended with a solo of groans and growls, courtesy of Lupen's empty belly.     "Ba-ba-ba-bam cakes! Ba-ba-ba-bam cakes!"                                             ~ @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ Once all three got to work, Lupen realized just how terrible Nono's vision was.     "What's that?" Lupen asked, pointing to a barrel stored on deck, "plumpkin juice?"     "Kapo." Nono said.     "Poop," Eka translated. Seeing the look on Lupen's face, both laughed. -    Lupen had heard of this, but did not think it was true. Nono explained that while the sandfin had no need of fuel there was always a barrel stored on this vessel to give to others. "Montore fiendling, dey say eet 'miracle fuel', make life easy! Why use da hand when der ees macheen dey say. Beobug dey sell dis dream to Finiku, give macheen... but wat happen when eet brake? Dey have no part, no fuel. Beobug have to come fix, dey ask for de coin! Beobug create... how you say? Dependency, dae'na? Befor, Finiku depend only on sawa te kira!" +    Lupen had heard of this, but did not think it was true. Nono explained that while the sandfin had no need of fuel there was always a barrel stored on this vessel to give to others. "Montore fiendling, dey say eet 'miracle fuel', make life easy! Why use da hand when der ees macheen dey say. Beobug[^33] dey sell dis dream to Finiku, give macheen... but wat happen when eet brake? Dey have no part, no fuel. Beobug have to come fix, dey ask for de coin! Beobug create... how you say? Dependency, dae'na? Befor, Finiku depend only on sawa te kira!"     "Wind and sun." Lupen said, happy to know that this mind knew a few Finiku words. Everyone in the Soronan Desert used these two words. "I don't understand what Ilk kapo has to do with fuel." Lupen said, perplexed. "Beobug sandfin follow Ilk and take eet! Den, Beobug process eet on sandfin. Very profitable! Nono mapa say, 'If Nono captain Beobug sandfin, Nono make good coin'," Nono's head shook again, "Mapa say dis, but Nono ees like gran-mapa Etyl, care only to sandfin. Nono lee-sin to voice of sawa te kira. Coin mawani'ia oro." Nono said, putting a hand on the heart.     "Coin has no soul," Eka said, "Etyl is your grand-mapa?" That name is known all over! First one to travel the whole of the land by sandfin!" @@ -483,10 +483,10 @@ not so, not so! Nono tink better to go back to help. Sik eyes... ees dangerous, \newpage Tiputa, along with other towns like Kippu, Tiu'va, Inepril, and Renate, exists primarily as a relief station for travel-worn visitors. -    The town's shops line a single road, suggesting that a traveler would leave as quickly as they have come, with every service just a short walk away. All the buildings are triangular, built with a slant pointing saa'ta[^] as to align with the prevailing winds. Strong winds, known in these parts as Shriekers, pass through every 10 days, and during this time all activity in the town stops. Many travelers come through Tiputa to re-supply, to repair, but take off as soon as they are able to avoid the Shriekers. +    The town's shops line a single road, suggesting that a traveler would leave as quickly as they have come, with every service just a short walk away. All the buildings are triangular, built with a slant pointing saa'ta as to align with the prevailing winds. Strong winds, known in these parts as Shriekers, pass through every 10 days, and during this time all activity in the town stops. Many travelers come through Tiputa to re-supply, to repair, but take off as soon as they are able to avoid the Shriekers. Today Finiku workers are outside, with their banabo leaf brooms, brushing the sand from their storefronts, beating the dust out of their floor mats and window shutters, knowing that all of this work would be likely undone the next day. -    No one seemed to mind having to redo the work. Each could start a small task and finish it moments later, with plenty of time to start and finish many more. Savoring a cup of tea was counted as a task task, so was buttering a slice of muckwheat bread with bonan puree. Some argued that every bite or sip or breath or step ought to be tallied and counted, others preferred different metrics, such as making someone laugh or smile, like brushing the dust from a mat, it serves to embellish the town. +    No one seemed to mind having to redo the work. Each could start a small task and finish it moments later, with plenty of time to start and finish many more. Savoring a cup of tea was counted as a task task, so was buttering a slice of muckwheat[^34] bread with bonan[^35] puree. Some argued that every bite or sip or breath or step ought to be tallied and counted, others preferred different metrics, such as making someone laugh or smile, like brushing the dust from a mat, it serves to embellish the town.     Eka was wandering through town, eyeing the yellow sand clinging to every house, filling every crack, as if looking for a way inside. Eka appreciated the desert filling gaps as its way of helping to strengthen old structures. People on the street stopped their work to wave and say a friendly "yora'!" A diligent troupe of children armed with brooms furiously brushed the sand away from the main road, laughing and telling jokes as they did, making a game of the task.     The main road was made of flat stones. Eka enjoyed the sound the dry fronds produced when brushed against them. The children were not aware of it, but there was a rhythm to their brushing. A song came to Eka's lips then:     "Brush the sands, sweep the lands," Eka's voice got louder, "-brush, brush, brush," and then went lower, "sweep, sweep, sweep!" @@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ Busy singing, Eka didn't see that someone was standing close by. A Finiku with a The house had a red roof and outer walls. Eka wondered if everything inside was also red and imagined a house with objects, walls and floors that were so red that they were indistinguishable from one another. A carving over the entrance to the house read 'Orin, the Tailor', with a second one underneath it with the words 'Now Retired'. The signs had green lettering, dispelling Eka's fantasy of this place being an all-crimson fun house.     "You make clothes? Convenient." Eka said.     "Orae, orae. Well, I used to. Watch your head!" -    Eka entered the space on two knees, and could only stand up fully once reaching the centre of the house, the area where the ceiling was highest. Orin's workshop had angled walls filled with spindles of colourful fabric. Between the spindles lay frames with endorsements of past commissions from various famous characters, including a signed portrait of Bao the Bright. On the ceiling hung clothing Orin had made, favourite pieces from past and current projects. +    Eka entered the space on two knees, and could only stand up fully once reaching the centre of the house, the area where the ceiling was highest. Orin's workshop had angled walls filled with spindles of colourful fabric. Between the spindles lay frames with endorsements of past commissions from various famous characters, including a signed portrait of The Luminary Moera[^36]. On the ceiling hung clothing Orin had made, favourite pieces from past and current projects.     In a far corner of the house was a small mattress, and a table with a giant empty bottle, that Eka was certain once contained bonan wine. There was no room to cook, and no food either. Eka had seen a small restaurant on the other side of the road which likely doubled as a community kitchen.     The tailor grabbed a needle, and then reached for a thread wound around one of the many spindles on the wall. The dark-coloured spindle Orin chose had very little thread left and was soon empty, all of it now bound to Orin's needle. The tailor's hands were shaky at first, but steadied when the point of the needle came in contact with the shirt. The tailor, moving with machine-like precision, the thread, disappearing into the sweater, and the hole quickly coming to a close. The thread on the needle was the same colour and material as the shirt, Orin had just enough fibre to finish the repair. In the end, it was like it had never ripped at all. -    Orin used to live in Edonor, a place that, Eka made a point to say, made the very best peachik pancakes. The Finiku's great-great mapa opened a shop there many annums ago. Because the shop was so popular, Orin had had no time for anything other than clothes-making. The tailor had an itch to make different sorts of clothes, more risqué items, but the customers always asked for the same thing: copies of copies of copies, all copies of past works, nothing new, nothing exciting. It was then that this tailor decided that it was time to retire to Tiputa, where Bou, a relative, now lived. Orin did not produce new clothes anymore, but continued to help mending holes or strenghtening seams. +    Orin used to live in Edonor, a place that, Eka made a point to say, made the very best peagram[^37] pancakes. The Finiku's great-great mapa opened a shop there many annums ago. Because the shop was so popular, Orin had had no time for anything other than clothes-making. The tailor had an itch to make different sorts of clothes, more risqué items, but the customers always asked for the same thing: copies of copies of copies, all copies of past works, nothing new, nothing exciting. It was then that this tailor decided that it was time to retire to Tiputa, where Bou, a relative, now lived. Orin did not produce new clothes anymore, but continued to help mending holes or strenghtening seams.     "I'm sorry I can't give this shirt to you, my friend's mapa made it you see! After I get some new clothes, it won't be mine to keep," Eka explained.     "I understand. I apologize for my un-towardness. It's been a long time since I've seen isilk, but no matter," while saying this, Orin glanced at Eka's frame, already making calculations, "you want an outfit? I will make you a set worthy of desert travel. I have a thread here that would suit you. Orae, orae! Come, come!"     After picking out some colours the tailor pulled out a flat banabo braid, each division with markings at specific lengths indicated by red stitches. It took some time to measure Eka's frame, because unlike Orin's usual customers Eka was tall. The redhead sat on a stool, extending an arm or leg forward as required. @@ -540,13 +540,13 @@ Eka wandered over to the repair shop next door, which used to be green, Eka coul     The first task, was to try and get a pomparu out of a pipe. The sandfin was moored in front of the shop, its owner was at the snack bar having a drink, Bou waved from across the street, shouting a word in Finic to say that the work would likely be done today. Both moved to the back of the sandfin, once there Eka caught a whiff of the pomparu and gasped, hands moved to cover up both the mouth and nose. It had been a long time since Eka had encountered one.     "Nohi sosae'ia're dae'na? Pomparu smell burn da nose. Firss time Bou smell dis, no eat for many day. Smell make all food taste like rot."     Bou grabbed a jar from a pantleg pocket, dipped a finger in it and scooped out a thick glob of purple gel. Then, without warning, Bou smeared the purple gel under Eka's nose, near and around the nostrils. Now both had a thick purple mustache. "Better, orae?" -    "Lavendiri flowers! Good trick!" +    "Lavendiri[^38] flowers! Good trick!"     The fresh scent would help cover up the nasty pomparu fumes. Bou also had a thick scarf on to keep the smell out, and passed one to Eka. The scarf was just enough to block the stink entirely while keeping the lavendiri gel from drying out too quickly.     The butt of a plump pomparu was sticking halfway out of the scupper, its four back legs were dangling in the air while the four forward legs were wedged inside. The pomparu's colourful spots were hard to see because its body was brown with dirt. -    "Pomparu like strong smell. Sandfinner ferment bobonion aboard, dis one try follow smell but now stuk." +    "Pomparu like strong smell. Sandfinner ferment bobonion[^39] aboard, dis one try follow smell but now stuk."     It was common for people to make a pile of rotting food outside of town to get their attention, and to keep them there. Tiputa did have a pile like this, Eka had seen it, but this sandfin had acquired the pomparu while on transit.     "Is it dead?" Eka asked, noticing its legs weren't moving. -    "Iane. If pomparu dead we no stand around talk about eet. Eet make lavendiri gel rot, and we go bury da head in sand. But even like dis, eet no help, smell stay." Bou paused, recalling something that happened. "Frend find dead pomparu once, smell so *so* bad dat dey rip nose off. Crazy'di'naa? Pomparu smell bad, but Bou blame da crazy on Kavava. Kavava make brain loopy, Bou no friend chew eet too too much." +    "Iane. If pomparu dead we no stand around talk about eet. Eet make lavendiri gel rot, and we go bury da head in sand. But even like dis, eet no help, smell stay." Bou paused, recalling something that happened. "Frend find dead pomparu once, smell so *so* bad dat dey rip nose off. Crazy'di'naa? Pomparu smell bad, but Bou blame da crazy on Kavava[^40]. Kavava make brain loopy, Bou no friend chew eet too too much."     Eka's eyes widened, imagining someone without a nose. "How horrible."     "When eet come to pomparu, some say no nose better! Bou carve new nose for frend out of banabo and add color with ground lavendiri flower. Frend love eet, call eet poronoso'di'no, to mean my special purple nose. Tawari'ia'di. No touch pomparu. Eka say goodbye to *all* frend if do dis. The smell, eet *no* come off!"     "So, um. Shall we do this thing then?" Eka's nose was eager to move on to some other task, it had no desire to be replaced with a poronoso'di. @@ -593,24 +593,24 @@ Lupen was enjoying a mug of bonan wine at the local snack bar at the edge of tow                                             ~     Lupen enjoyed conversing with Javi, that is, until Gree showed up. Gree was also a Finiku and captain of one of the Beobug supply ships Nono had mentioned. Gree took a seat by the Verido, despite there being unoccupied seats all around. Gree's big bulbous green eyes matched the Beobug uniform, with dark hair licked tight, so tight that the Finiku could not frown. -    One of the gigantic supply vessels, with the name Beobug II painted on its side in yellow letters, was moored outside of town, it had two masts and a green hull. Gree was the captain of Beobug II, and before Lupen could ask Gree was already explaining how Ilk droppings were treated to be turned into gas to power machinery and vessels in Montore. -    Lupen knew about Beobug, the Volare elders didn't like them, they thought it was disrespectful of them to follow the Ilk. In cities Ilks would eat their weight in teaweet, and when it was on the move again Beobug was always there to catch its droppings. +    One of the gigantic supply vessels, with the name Beobug II painted on its side in yellow letters, was moored outside of town, it had two masts and a green hull. Gree was the captain of Beobug II, and before Lupen could ask Gree was already explaining how Ilk kapo was treated to be turned into gas to power machinery and vessels in Montore. +    Lupen knew about Beobug, the Volare elders didn't like them, they thought it was disrespectful of them to follow the Ilk. In cities Ilks would eat their weight in teaweet, and when it was on the move again Beobug was always there to catch its kapo.     Gree threw an arm around Lupen. "Nono good friend to you dae'sa? You arrive on same sandfin. Gree see dis."     "You want something?" Lupen asked.     "Hm. Gree see dat Lupen like to speak plain." Gree said with a smile. "Nono best sandfinner. But package delivery ees waste of talent. Beobug fleet have two ship. Gree steer Beobug II, but Beobug, lead sandfin, need captain. Gree ask and ask but always, Nono say no. I ask too much! Lupen ask for Gree. Voice of Ilk can do anything, orae?"     Mentioning being Voice was a mistake, Lupen regretted it, blaming the bonan wine. Seeing that the Verido was hesitating, Gree spoke again. "Lupen talk to Ilk! You autority! Use dis title to get good ting for *you*!"     "Are we still talking about Nono? I don't understand why a title is so important."     "Lupen forget, Voice ees grand being! If talk big, make all around listen." Saying this, Gree sharply elbowed the Verido in the ribs. -    "I don't know." Lupen said, attempting to move away but Gree's arm was unyielding. "You really think being the captain of a vessel that recycles Ilk dung is worthy of praise?" +    "I don't know." Lupen said, attempting to move away but Gree's arm was unyielding. "You really think being the captain of a vessel that recycles Ilk kapo is worthy of praise?"     "Orae!" Gree threw their hands up into the air. "No limit to da energy! Montore no more wait for wind! Beobug give city great great success! Gree swim in coin! No poor, no pain. No more, no more!" Gree said, eyes aglow.     "Wind is free. And when there's no wind well, you wait." Lupen said. -    "Lupen seem to tink Verido'wati taint-free," Gree's bulbous eyes were set on the Verido, narrowing for a moment, "all you take free ride on Ilk. How long you do dis for, umm? Three'hety te eight annums? Up derr, eet keep you from worse of desert. Lupen always safe before, no understand tru misery." The captain smacked the top of the Verido's thigh then, causing the sand embedded in the isilk clothes to rise. When the dust settled again Gree laughed. "Well, Lupen learning dis now, orae? You are here in da dust wit us." +    "Lupen seem to tink Verido taint-free," Gree's bulbous eyes were set on the Verido, narrowing for a moment, "all you take free ride on Ilk. How long you do dis for, umm? Three'hety te eight annums? Up derr, eet keep you from worse of desert. Lupen always safe before, no understand tru misery." The captain smacked the top of the Verido's thigh then, causing the sand embedded in the isilk clothes to rise. When the dust settled again Gree laughed. "Well, Lupen learning dis now, orae? You are here in da dust wit us."     "The Ilk is a friend. We co-exist." Lupen retorted.     "Dis what Beobug do too," Gree turned to the restaurant owner, raising two empty mug. "Mou ipaya Javi!"     Javi nodded, pouring a generous serving of wine to both, a bit of the liquid overflowing outside their mugs.     Lupen noticed a patch on Gree's arm then, "what's that?" -    The captain lifted up a green sleeve to show the full patch, pressed onto the skin. "Lunch. Much better than real thing oro!" -    "Yoroi'di!" Javi said, inspecting the patch. "Bam cake! Good one." +    The captain lifted up a green sleeve to show the full patch, pressed onto the skin. "Ees lunch. Much better den real ting oro!" +    "Yoroi'di!" Javi said, inspecting the patch. "Babam cake! Good one."     Lupen was unphased, "aah I see, I see... another Montore industry. Another way to amass coin, another path to titles." An empty mug sat in Lupen's hand, "did I drink all of this just now?" Gree's mug was also empty, but Javi was there to fill them right back up again.     "Industry mean progress." Gree said, leaning into the Verido. @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Another way to amass coin, another path to titles." An empty mug sat in Lupen's     Lupen stayed at the bar, unable to put a phrase together.     Javi laughed. "Eat muckwheat dumpling, healthy wit bobonion, dilly herb and looma root. Verido like da looma root, orae? Wawa'de, will imbibe bonan in stomak." Javi pushed a plate of steaming dumplings in front of the Verido. "Eet, eet." -Having finished all deliveries, and now armed with a tall bottle of plumpkin ale, Nono felt it necessary to treat the fleshies to a drink. All three gathered at Javi's snack bar, savoring their drinks, although Lupen had opted for tea this time. +Having finished all deliveries, and now armed with a tall bottle of plumpkin[^41] ale, Nono felt it necessary to treat the fleshies to a drink. All three gathered at Javi's snack bar, savoring their drinks, although Lupen had opted for tea this time.     Eka, still wearing the coveralls, told them about Orin, Bou, the incident with the pomparu, the fixing of the waterstone pump and all the other items on the list they'd been tasked with. Lupen spoke of the encounter with Gree, and told Nono about the favour.     "Dis komororo ask Lupen to ask Nono to captain Beobug sandfin? Ia'! Ianae!" The Finiku's head began to shake and the shaking did not stop for some time. Eka wondered if their friend was stuck in a loop and needed help, but Nono recovered moments after that. "Ia' ees wat Nono say and always say to Gree!"     "Being on a sandfin like that must be impressive. Why not do it?" Eka asked, remembering the large green sandfin at the edge of town. @@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ Zucca, Lupen, Eka and the patient were in the tent. The Terin decided not to res     "Alone, I searched for a place to start fresh, somewhere far and hidden. While on the outskirts of Montore, I met two strangers in the desert who told me about a place that was still invisible to the world and that could host such a project. Depleted of strength and energy, and desperate, I followed their instructions. I found the place. It was perfect. There was a great recess in the land, surrounded by large irinwood trees, and rows of fragglebush on the ground. This was no mirage. It was a miraculous remnant of the old world. The trees and shrubs would protect the new sanctuary from sand dunes shifting in high winds and from the eyes of curious onlookers. In the hollow I found a boundless waterstone pit. Waterstone pits this size were rare. The strangers must have known about it. It was too, too perfect. But there was nothing else growing there at the time, getting it to the state it is now took a long time, and lot of work."     "I'm glad they never found this place," Lupen said, relieved.     "The Iridi might have expanded much further, if it hadn't been for the -loss of Moera. No one knows what happened, but it was enough to stop the armies from advancing further. The next leader, Bao, put a stop to it, with an endless supply of workers they stopped the raids and closed their city to the world." Zucca stared at the tent wall, but these eyes had burned through the fabric, parted the row of irinwood trees, shifted the sand dunes and split whole mountains to better watch Irideri, to make sure that the Iridi city was still dormant, still closed to the world. "May those brutes never leave the Andenuis again." +loss of The Luminary. No one knows what happened, but it was enough to stop the armies from advancing further. The next leader, Bao The Bright, put a stop to it, with an endless supply of workers they stopped the raids and closed their city to the world." Zucca stared at the tent wall, but these eyes had burned through the fabric, parted the row of irinwood trees, shifted the sand dunes and split whole mountains to better watch Irideri, to make sure that the Iridi city was still dormant, still closed to the world. "May those brutes never leave the Andenuis again." The next day Zucca allowed Eka and Lupen to view the nursery, while Hush and the hounds had been left in charge of the patient in the tent. Everyone on this dust ball was born from the earth, from seeds. A willing, and healthy parent could sow a seed, and eventually the seed would grow into a child. This could take a long time, depending on the state of the soil and temperature. Some races could only grow in the dark, others in high-moisture environments, even altitude played a part in the growing process. At harvest, a carer would help each child out of the ground, severing their roots. The children needed protection and good nutrition to thrive. The leaves on their heads would fall in time, and like the roots, they left no mark behind. The young grew fast, and even faster in good conditions.     Zucca pointed to the markings on Lupen's face, "those lines you wear are a remnant of when everyone lived in the wilds. The Verido didn't have colour on their faces then. The colour segregation of your people is unfortunate Lupen, I rather liked the subtleties of the patterns from before, like veins on a leaf. Colours are so, so vulgar." @@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ Later that same day, Kuzi had sold the last of the kavava in exchange for coin t     "Is that something people say? 'I will *woth* this letter to you?' It is ever used as a verb?" Lupen asked.     "It's something I say, and that others ought to say." Eka said, showing Lupen the cover of the book, it read *Habitants of the Dark*.     "I had a long talk with Zucca about the Iridi, they ruined a lot of lives. They raided all those villages for workers, destroyed the Suvalba sanctuary, all that just because they didn't want to harvest the chloromyce shroos themselves. It's horrible. Why are they so dependent on them anyway?" -    "That's because of Moera, the first ever Sovereign of Irideri. Moera loved the stuff." Eka opened the book and began to turn the first few pages. It was an old tome, the pages, like the binding thread, were also made from banabo fibers. "I'm going to read the story out loud! I'll make voices and everything." +    "That's because of The Luminary, Moera, the first ever Sovereign of Irideri. Moera loved the stuff." Eka opened the book and began to turn the first few pages. It was an old tome, the pages, like the binding thread, were also made from banabo fibers. "I'm going to read the story out loud! I'll make voices and everything."     "I don't care to hear it, I already how it ends." Lupen said.     "Shush, shush, this is not for you, this is for Hush and Wormple the Woth." Eka said. The woth stirred inside its glass ball, but did not rise to the name Wormple. Eka flashed Lupen a smile and began to read aloud... @@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ Later that same day, Kuzi had sold the last of the kavava in exchange for coin t >      Ingesting dried shroo had stopped the inflammation from spreading to other organs. The Crown began to ingest chloromyce shroo powder, with the belief that in time these eyes would be healed. Eventually, the custom spread through the village. People mirrored the actions of their Monarch, they began to ascribe all sorts of benefits to it. They believed that it kept diseases at bay, or that it gave radiance to their skin. Ingesting chloromyce shroo powder permitted them to live healthy lives in perfect darkness, and their vision too adapted to the low light. Fresh shroo spores were dangerous, it is why Iridi people kept them in closed, glass balls, but when dried they lost their irritative qualities. >      The city of Irideri was lit with chloromyce, the Sovereign and royal family too wore clothes made with this shroo. >      Overtime, Moera developed sensitivities to loud noises. A servant could be executed for dropping a single object on the ground. From that moment on, all citizens of Irideri left their shoes at the entrance to the palace and walked barefoot inside. This practice of silence was widely adopted because all feared dying at Moera's hand. Eventually, the entire kingdom learned to make as little sound as possible, they kept their voices low. The Iri and underground workers too were instructed not to speak. ->      Eventually, Moera left this world and the heir to the throne, Bao assumed the role of Light of Lights. The foot soldier army was disbanded, the mining sites outside of the city were shut, and the kingdom of Irideri shut its doors to all foreign visitors. +>      Eventually, Moera left this world and the heir to the throne, Bao The Bright assumed the role of Light of Lights. The foot soldier army was disbanded, the mining sites outside of the city were shut, and the kingdom of Irideri shut its doors to all foreign visitors. >      Ingesting chloromyce shroos made the habitants of Irideri sensitive to light, causing mild phototoxicity, strengthening their hatred of the suns. Over just 2 generations, their skin greyed and their eyes darkened. Such is the story of the Iridi, the habitants of the dark.                                             ~ @@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ As the second sun fell over the horizon, the people of Irideri were waking. The     Speaking with Iri gave little distraction, but did offer some release. Having an ear to talk to with a mouth bound by law meant that anything could be said without fear of punishment.     Iri flashed an open hand then. This gesture meant: Have no illusions about me. I am not worthy of language. I am nothing.     "Would you deny a request by your crown-to-be?" Kurono asked with a smile. "Dance me with *now*, I demand it!" The Little Light stood up and went to take the servant's hands. Iri could not refuse such a request, or any other. For Iri, Kurono's word was law. -    Kurono lead the confused Iri into a waltz. "Do as I do." Iri followed Kurono's steps well enough. After a while it was difficult to tell that this Iri had never before danced a waltz. Iri had been part of Kurono's life for a long time and knew many secrets, like how this Young Light enjoyed overcooked peachik dumplings, the smell of Montimori flowers, and the feeling of a warm shawl on cold evenings. +    Kurono lead the confused Iri into a waltz. "Do as I do." Iri followed Kurono's steps well enough. After a while it was difficult to tell that this Iri had never before danced a waltz. Iri had been part of Kurono's life for a long time and knew many secrets, like how this Young Light enjoyed overcooked peagram dumplings, the smell of Montimori flowers, and the feeling of a warm shawl on cold evenings.     "I've been thinking about this a lot," the Young Crown began, "you've never given me any gifts on any of my past Green Days. I am *very* upset about that."     Iri began to sweat, upsetting Kurono was punishable by death.     "Don't worry! I know what I want you to give me," both stopped dancing then, but Kurono kept hold of the servant's hand. "I, I *need* to hear your voice." @@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ Today's events had left Kurono in a heightened state, focusing on today's lesson     After a while, Kurono's distracted brain conjured up images of 16 tiny workers at the crook of Mura's nose, getting ready to go on an expedition inside the left nostril. The teacher did not fail to notice that the only student in the room wasn't listening. After the lesson, they went to inform Demeri. Telling Demeri was not done out of concern for the young student, but to make clear that this was not their fault.     After Kurono's lesson, the Light Of The Realm, Demeri, came to the study hall. Demeri was tall, made taller by an elaborate vertical diadem. The diadem kept the Light's hairdo together, pinned in the centre, like the knot of a giant bow. "Kurono, light of my life, what is the matter?" Demeri was followed by many servants, careful to keep their monarch well-lit. The light shone onto the set of robes beautifully, reflecting off the many superimposed layers of dark fabric. The layers were different lengths, fanning out in all directions like petals on a flower. Demeri's long hair draped down onto the floor, and because it did workers cleaned and shined the floors tirelessly all day to make sure that no dirt could corrupt the Light's gown, feet or hair.     "Your teacher tells me you had trouble focusing today. You must tell me if you need a replacement. There is no play of light that can rightly conceal Mura's growing collection of wrinkles, it's dreadful." -    "Isn't it true that Monarch Bao wrote a law forbidding the cutting out of tongues?" Kurono asked suddenly. +    "Isn't it true that Bao The Bright wrote a law forbidding the cutting out of tongues?" Kurono asked suddenly.     Demeri, surprised by this question, glanced at the Iri before giving a reply. "It's an old law, is this what Mura has been teaching you?"     Iri looked tense, in pain, as if burned by fire.     "My Iri has a number. 16 it says," Kurono continued, sitting upright in the chair to appear more confident, "why?" @@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ The next day Iri was not there to brush Kurono's hair. One of Demeri's servants     Monarch Demeri dipped 2 spoonfuls of powdered chloromyce shroo powder into a cup of warm water, then proceeded to gently stir it into the drink, drawing a swirl of light. "I did not like your tone Kurono."     "And the tongues?" Kurono insisted.     "What about them?" Demeri asked, taking a sip of chloromyce-infused tea. -    "Iri has no tongue. I thought monarch Bao had made that practice illegal." +    "Iri has no tongue. I thought Bao The Bright had made that practice illegal."     "If I hear that name one more time I shall erase it from the history books."     Kurono took a sip of tea as well, thinking hard, trying to find ways to get some answers without angering Demeri. @@ -1902,9 +1902,9 @@ Enji caught sight of Renzo leaning on a balcony railing, staring at the city bel                                             ~ -On the eve of the coronation Lupen and Eka were given free reign over Irideri. This was the first time any sovereign had allowed foreigners inside. They wandered the city, escorted by Enji. The general pointed out various sights, including Bao's childhood home and the Kangoku, a library containing writings from the city's best current and past authors. The Iridi enjoyed writing, many did it. Because paper was a rarity in the city, there was only one copy of every book. The authors could not produce drafts, and so they planned the work in their heads and voiced it out to a letterer in one sitting. +On the eve of the coronation Lupen and Eka were given free reign over Irideri. This was the first time any sovereign had allowed foreigners inside. They wandered the city, escorted by Enji. The general pointed out various sights, including Bao The Bright's childhood home and the Kangoku, a library containing writings from the city's best current and past authors. The Iridi enjoyed writing, many did it. Because paper was a rarity in the city, there was only one copy of every book. The authors could not produce drafts, and so they planned the work in their heads and voiced it out to a letterer in one sitting.     If someone wanted to read a book they had to do it on-site. Today, many locals were sitting in the common room, a book laid out on a mat as they sat cross-legged in front of them. Everyone wore isilk gloves, a thread visible to experts like Lupen. Although, the fabric had been stripped of all colour. -    When Lupen asked Enji about it, the general said this: "I don't know anything about colour, having never seen an Ilk in real life. Bao, our former Light, commissioned twenty pairs from a tailor in Edonor." This is all Enji knew of it. +    When Lupen asked Enji about it, the general said this: "I don't know anything about colour, having never seen an Ilk in real life. Moera, our Luminary, and our First Light, commissioned twenty pairs from a tailor in Edonor." This is all Enji knew of it.     Lupen noticed then that there were fewer than twenty people reading, concluding that the readers could not exceed the number of gloves available.     An Iridi stepped forward then, wearing one of the twenty pairs, holding a copy of *The Wind in Passage* by the writer Gurahem. The Iridi was a worker here in the Kangoku.     "Would you like to read? Or to be read *to*? That is also an option." @@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@ On the eve of the coronation Lupen and Eka were given free reign over Irideri. T     The librarian nodded, and produced a pair for Eka to wear. The gloves were soft, comfortable. Eka found a copy of *Wise Sproutling*. The book was bound in white thread with the cover made from conk shroos.     "They grow well here in the mountains. They are hard, woody, cave-dwelling shroos, perfect for making paper. The fibers are strong and durable, they hold up well to inks. My grand-mapa was the first to produce them."     "I would love to see the process!" -    "We've got no books to make today, but know that it warms my heart to have outsiders having interest in this. My grand-mapa dreamed of a time when foreigners could come and read these. Books need to be read, by as many as possible." The librarian said. + &nbsMoerap;  "We've got no books to make today, but know that it warms my heart to have outsiders having interest in this. My grand-mapa dreamed of a time when foreigners could come and read these. Books need to be read, by as many as possible." The librarian said.     "I think that dream is about to come true." Eka said.     During the entirety of the conversation, Lupen was busy inspecting the white gloves, wondering which Ilk the thread came from. "Why not keep the original colour?" Lupen interjected.     "A request by Bao." the Librarian said, "the kingdom bares no colour, as I'm sure you've noticed. Our people prefer shapes and texture." @@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@ All in the group were merry, all but Nono and Eka, they too had consumed the sam     Maka nodded. "A giant left crates of food patches for people in Renate during the Raids, our people would not have survived without it."     "No one spoke to the giant?" Renzo asked.     "No," Maka began, "all they saw was the crate at the edge of the village and a tall frame, riding away." -    Renzo also had something to share, related to Maka's story. "I've spent the greater part of my life in a walled-city. Like you Klev I did not see one with my own eyes, but I heard stories. During the Raids at the Suvalba Sanctuary, soldiers stole seeds to bring back to Moera. One day, all awoke to the blood-curdling screams of a soldier. The soldier was shaking, claiming to have seen some kind of apparition wandering through the camp. No one else had seen it, and so they ignored it. On another day they saw leafhounds trailing far behind them, following them. Again, they ignored it. They arrived in Irideri, and noticed then that their bags had holes in them. They'd lost much of their seed cargo on the way here. They lied about it, of course... no one wanted to suffer Moera's wrath." Renzo smiled. "Soldiers would never admit to it, they're too proud, but many thought that someone had pierced the bags in the dark, and that the leafhounds trailed behind to gather up the seeds." +    Renzo also had something to share, related to Maka's story. "I've spent the greater part of my life in a walled-city. Like you Klev I did not see one with my own eyes, but I heard stories. During the Raids at the Suvalba Sanctuary, soldiers stole seeds to bring back to Moera. One day, all awoke to the blood-curdling screams of a soldier. The soldier was shaking, claiming to have seen some kind of apparition wandering through the camp. No one else had seen it, and so they ignored it. On another day they saw leafhounds trailing far behind them, following them. Again, they ignored it. They arrived in Irideri, and noticed then that their bags had holes in them. They'd lost much of their seed cargo on the way here. They lied about it, of course... no one wanted to suffer wrath of our Luminary." Renzo smiled. "Soldiers would never admit to it, they're too proud, but many thought that someone had pierced the bags in the dark, and that the leafhounds trailed behind to gather up the seeds."     Lupen couldn't believe it. The raid on the sanctuary was a horrible event. Zucca had saved many lives that day, and would be glad to know that someone else, a giant, some apparition, had saved many more. The day ended with everyone sleeping around a dying flame, all, but Lupen and Eka. Both were lying next to each other, gazing up at the sky. A question burned at Lupen's lips. "You didn't look surprised when you saw me at the top of the mountain." @@ -2623,15 +2623,20 @@ The Ilk's pace quickened as it neared them. Everyone got up. Uno began to whistl ## Locations -**Kippu**. A Finiku road-side town of the Soronan desert. +### Kippu +A Finiku road-side town of the Soronan desert. -**Montore**. Situated on the Central Rim, sanu'mawa of Edonor and Renate, and is one of the largest cities of the land, second only to Edonor. It is known for its extravagances, for being technologically advanced, with a giant wind-powered cog generating power for the whole of the city. There is talk of the city converting to gas for power, thanks to Beobug. Food patches are prevalent here, and is the main source of nutrition. Coin was also invented here, to simplify exhanges. Montore is the residence of the Grand Leader Monty. +### Montore +Situated on the Central Rim, sanu'mawa of Edonor and Renate, and is one of the largest cities of the land, second only to Edonor. It is known for its extravagances, for being technologically advanced, with a giant wind-powered cog generating power for the whole of the city. There is talk of the city converting to gas for power, thanks to Beobug. Food patches are prevalent here, and is the main source of nutrition. Coin was also invented here, to simplify exhanges. Montore is the residence of the Grand Leader Monty. -**Suvalba Sanctuary**. After the fall of Ministe, some of the surviving Terins created the sanctuary to provide a safe haven for growing sproutlings. It became a seed repository, for all the plants in the Soronan desert. +### Suvalba Sanctuary +After the fall of Ministe, some of the surviving Terins created the sanctuary to provide a safe haven for growing sproutlings. It became a seed repository, for all the plants in the Soronan desert. -**Colonies** During the Raids, the Iridi established colonies in far-away camps, used as relief stations for soldiers, but also as temporary camps for captives. These stations were equidistant, getting from one to the next in cover of darkness was possible — a requirement for Iridi soldiers. Most of the camps were evacuated when the raidings ceased, but rumor spread that Bao left two standing. These settlements were built over mines, known for their abundance of chloromyce shroos. +### Colonies +During the Raids, the Iridi established colonies in far-away camps, used as relief stations for soldiers, but also as temporary camps for captives. These stations were equidistant, getting from one to the next in cover of darkness was possible — a requirement for Iridi soldiers. Most of the camps were evacuated when the raidings ceased, but rumor spread that Bao left two standing. These settlements were built over mines, known for their abundance of chloromyce shroos. -**Basilik**. A library in Irideri, consisting of books written by its habitants only, with hand-made books. +### Basilik +A library in Irideri, consisting of books written by its habitants only, with hand-made books. ### Ministe Ministe is the Terin capital, once a grand and green place, where every variety of greenery could be found. They were the main exporters of fruits and vegetables, and its habitants often went on long pilgrimages to other cities to help @@ -2639,7 +2644,8 @@ them create green spaces. The pilgrimages and the exports stopped when the Iridi [^1]: **Volare**. One of three cities, built on the back of Vol, an Ilk. Volare is also the name of one of the founders of the city bearing this same name. -**Volare**. One of three cities, built on the back of the Ilk Vol. Volare is also the name of one of the founders of the three cities, the ones who befriended the desert walkers, and that first settled on the Ilk. Lupen and Mago are direct descendants of Volare, which earns them the right to be the Voice of Volare. +### Volare +One of three cities, built on the back of the Ilk Vol. Volare is also the name of one of the founders of the three cities, the ones who befriended the desert walkers, and that first settled on the Ilk. Lupen and Mago are direct descendants of Volare, which earns them the right to be the Voice of Volare. ### Soronan desert The Soronan Desert is a vast desert wildnerness stretching over the Central Rim and the Northern and Southern Plains. It is a continous body of sand which occupies most of the planet. @@ -2659,7 +2665,7 @@ The capital, and only city of the feared Iridi. The city is protected, lying in ### Southern dust plains A region of flat lands which rims the planet, and where little grows. Many sandfinners travel through here to make quick passages to other areas, since the land has no protrusions, the wind screams by unhindered. -### The rupture +### The Rupture The Rupture, although feared by many, is a place of passing. It is a deep chasm, seemingly infinite, a rip in the ground. The dying, or the sick, accompanied by family, will journey there to take a leap into the Rupture. ### Central rim @@ -2678,6 +2684,12 @@ The birthplace of Orin the tailor, and their grand-mapa Nok. Edonor is a modern \newpage +## Characters + +[^36]: **Moera** Moera, also known as The Luminary, and The First Light, is the first ruler of the Iridi people. Blinded and disfigured by an accident, they plunged Irideri and its people into a life lived in the dark. + +\newpage + ### Fauna ### Leafhound @@ -2758,6 +2770,11 @@ The Iridi reside within the protective ridge of Mount Nui in the city of Irideri ## Flora +[^37]: **Peagram** A type of pulse growing from a thorny bush, with large seedpods filled with a green liquid that contain 10-15 peas. + +### Peagram +A type of pulse growing from a thorny bush, with large seedpods filled with a green liquid that contain 10-15 peas. It is said that this liquid is klorea from past harvesters, and that the pulse owes its sweetness and nutrition to this. The harvesters from the old days would pick the pods without wearing gloves, and the thorns would cut their skin. Everytime a meal with peagram is consumed, the eater thanks the harvesters aloud for their sacrifice: "Estre danki." + ### Conk shroo Conks are hard, woody, cave-dwelling shroos. They are found in mountainous areas, and used to make a variety of objects. Conks can also be eaten, but the texture makes it difficult to chew. @@ -2770,12 +2787,16 @@ A type of grass that is hair-like and sweet-tasting. Many creatures have an inte [^12]:**Looma root**. A climbing vine with small eatable cream-coloured heart-shaped roots. +[^41]: **Plumpkins** A large scaly purple root vegetable. The scales can be peeled off, revealing the bright and soft red flesh underneath. + ### Plumpkins A large purple root vegetable, its skin is covered in scales. The scales can be peeled off, revealing the bright and soft red flesh underneath. Plumpkins can be processed into juice, or fermented to make plumpkin ale. ### Cactub A Cactub is a nutritious, bulbous root vegetable primarily found in the Northern Plains, where water stones are scarce. Their outer core is hard, and covered in tiny protrusions called 'nubs'. These nubs helps the cactub move in and out of the ground. The flesh is a white colour, and has a markedly higher fat content than other vegetables. It can be made into cactub oil, it has a high smoke point, making it the ideal cooking oil. Cactubs are a Finiku favourite, served sliced on muckwheat bread. They spend most of their time underground, and only emerge in the dark to gather moisture from the surrounding air. Cactubs are sensititive to loud noises and movements, and they temporarily seize when panicked. +[^34]: **Muckwheat** Grain-like seeds with a nutty taste, used to make breads and stews. + ### Muckwheat A plant cultivated for its grain-like seeds. These seeds are rich in complex carbohydrates, and can be ground down into flour. It is popular with the Finiku people, made into bread or cooked into stews. @@ -2791,6 +2812,8 @@ Sandfinners like to use yukwood to build sandfin masts, and interiors. Older san ### Hampa One of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber, but it has fallen out of style in recent annums. Sandfinners continue to use it to make their sails, as it is a sturdy material. The plant is large, with thick broad leaves. It can be found in the Central Rim, near waterstone pits. +[^38]: **Lavendiri** A purple bulbous flower that is often dried and used in homes to cover bad smells, or to freshen a room + ### Lavendiri A purple bulbous flower that is often dried and used in homes to cover bad smells or freshen a room. When the dried and crushed leaves are mixed with a waterstone, the powder thickens into a gel. The gel is often smeared under the nose in situations where a nearby stink is too strong. This plant also leaves a pleasant feeling on the skin. @@ -2808,7 +2831,7 @@ A type of fungus that grows in habited areas, like cities, they even grow on the [^30]: **Teaweet** A staple grain that is easy to grow. -[^32]: **Mepperpint** A popular fragrant leafy plant with rounded bulbs hanging from a thick central stem. Its leaves have a warm pungent taste with a cooling aftertaste. +[^32]: **Mepperpint** A popular leafy plant with rounded bulbs hanging from a thick central stem. Its leaves have a warm pungent taste with a cooling aftertaste. ### Chilabi Chilabi was a popular ingredient in Aodal cuisine. A hot, pungent condiment that burns the nose, and that is be painful depending on the amount consumed. It is a short, and stout pink rhizome. It is grown on the outskirts of Renate, in a valley with a few yukwood trees. Chilabi grows over waterstone pits, its roots digging deep and latching onto stones. Their roots are strong enough to pierce them. This plant is only ever consumed in Renate, as it loses its pungency not too long after harvest. @@ -2819,6 +2842,8 @@ Nuni is a starchy tuber with bright yellow flesh, it has a taste and smell that ### Norange A sweet, and bitter fruit with a thick rind. It has a fragant smell, and can calm the mind. It pairs well with norcorn patties. +[^39]: **Bobonion** A spicy octagonal vegetable, enveloped in a thick black rind. The inside is soft, and can be scooped out with a tool. + ### Bobonion A spicy octagonal vegetable, enveloped in a thick black rind. The inside is soft, and can be scooped out with a tool. Bobonion taste just as strong as they smell. @@ -2832,9 +2857,13 @@ Mapples are heart-shaped fruits with smooth ribbed skin that grow to be the size [^2]: **Licky root**. Grown for its roots, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. This plant is very hardy, it grows in high-altitude areas. +[^40]: **Kavava** An addictive root that when chewed numbs the mind and body, it can also cause minor hallucinations. + ### Kavava Kavava is a leafy plant, but the roots is what most people choose to use. The roots are harvested, cleaned, dried and broken up into smaller bits and sold. It can be chewed as is, or pounded to a powder and made into a tea, although it loses some of its 'numbing' properties this way. If chewed, kavava numbs the mind and body from first sunrise to first sunset, it may also cause some minor hallucinations. Many become addicted to it. +[^35]: **Bonan** A berry with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be orange or purple when ripe. + ### Bonan A berry, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be orange or purple when ripe. The seeds are roasted and brewed for tea, or eaten as a snack. Finiku love to make wine with it. The rind of the berry is used to make plates, and other recipients for cooking. @@ -2902,8 +2931,7 @@ A history book written by Aristollo, explaining how the Iridi came to start inge ## Professions -### Beobug -A Montore company that owns 5 large double-masted sandfins, that follow the Ilks to catch their droppings. They use this to turn into gas. +[^33]: **Beobug** A Montore company that owns cargo sandfins. The sandfins follow the Ilks to gather kapo to turn into fuel. [^8]: **Voice**. A traditional Verido role. Only Voices can speak to an Ilk.