Let Cartridge.new return directly the memory bank controller

* Cartridge does not provide any extra behavior
* Avoids one indirection for every access
This commit is contained in:
Benoit Daloze 2017-03-05 18:27:50 +01:00
parent 8bdd6941ad
commit 89aaa3e2cb

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@ -16,29 +16,26 @@ module Waterfoul
# ninetndo logo, game title, manufacturer, rom size, ram size and more.
class Cartridge
extend Forwardable
# location byte in memory (physically located on cartrdige) that declares the type of cartrdige
# delegate any reads/writes to the memory bank controller
def_delegators :@mbc, :[], :[]=
def initialize(rom)
def self.new(rom)
# get cartridge type byte from game program
cartridge_type = rom[CARTRIDGE_TYPE_MEM_LOC]
# assign memory bank controller to cartridge
@mbc = cartrdige_controller cartridge_type, rom
# return memory bank controller to cartridge
cartrdige_controller cartridge_type, rom
# initialize the memory bank controller given the game program and the controller type
def cartrdige_controller type, rom
def self.cartrdige_controller type, rom
controller_const(type).new rom
# return the class constant that implements the behavior of the memory bank controller
# declared by the game cartridge
def controller_const(type_byte)
def self.controller_const(type_byte)
case type_byte
when 0x00, 0x8, 0x9