2019-03-12 20:15:01 +01:00

2060 lines
70 KiB

;; Assembler Macros
;; This is not part of the WebAssembly spec, but uses some custom assembler
;; infrastructure.
;; Although you can go crazy wild with macro programming, I tried to keep this
;; as simple as possible.
;; Variables and functions in the WebAssembly module definition starting with
;; ! are processed by the assembler, and defined in this section.
;; The assembler also fixes the order of "table" in the module (which needs to come
;; before "elem"s, but due to our assembly macros building up the table need to come
;; last in our definition.
(require "tools/assembler.rkt")
(define (char-index cs char pos)
(cond ((null? cs) #f)
((char=? char (car cs)) pos)
(else (char-index (cdr cs) char (add1 pos)))))
(define !baseBase #x100)
(define !stateBase #x104)
(define !inBase #x108)
(define !wordBase #x200)
(define !inputBufferBase #x300)
;; Compiled modules are limited to 4096 bytes until Chrome refuses to load
;; them synchronously
(define !moduleHeaderBase #x1000)
(define !preludeDataBase #x2000)
(define !returnStackBase #x4000)
(define !stackBase #x10000)
(define !dictionaryBase #x20000)
(define !memorySize (* 100 1024 1024))
(define !moduleHeader
"\u0000\u0061\u0073\u006D" ;; Header
"\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000" ;; Version
"\u0001" "\u0011" ;; Type section
"\u0004" ;; #Entries
"\u0060\u0000\u0000" ;; (func)
"\u0060\u0001\u007F\u0000" ;; (func (param i32))
"\u0060\u0000\u0001\u007F" ;; (func (result i32))
"\u0060\u0001\u007f\u0001\u007F" ;; (func (param i32) (result i32))
"\u0002" "\u002B" ;; Import section
"\u0003" ;; #Entries
"\u0003\u0065\u006E\u0076" "\u0005\u0074\u0061\u0062\u006C\u0065" ;; 'env' . 'table'
"\u0001" "\u0070" "\u0000" "\u00FB\u0000\u0000\u0000" ;; table, anyfunc, flags, initial size
"\u0003\u0065\u006E\u0076" "\u0006\u006d\u0065\u006d\u006f\u0072\u0079" ;; 'env' . 'memory'
"\u0002" "\u0000" "\u0001" ;; memory
"\u0003\u0065\u006E\u0076" "\u0003\u0074\u006f\u0073" ;; 'env' . 'tos'
"\u0003" "\u007F" "\u0000" ;; global, i32, immutable
"\u0003" "\u0002" ;; Function section
"\u0001" ;; #Entries
"\u00FA" ;; Type 0
"\u0009" "\u000a" ;; Element section
"\u0001" ;; #Entries
"\u0000" ;; Table 0
"\u0041\u00FC\u0000\u0000\u0000\u000B" ;; i32.const ..., end
"\u0001" ;; #elements
"\u0000" ;; function 0
"\u000A" "\u00FF\u0000\u0000\u0000" ;; Code section (padded length)
"\u0001" ;; #Bodies
"\u00FE\u0000\u0000\u0000" ;; Body size (padded)
"\u0001" ;; #locals
"\u00FD\u0000\u0000\u0000\u007F")) ;; # #i32 locals (padded)
(define !moduleHeaderSize (string-length !moduleHeader))
(define !moduleHeaderCodeSizeOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FF 0))
(define !moduleHeaderBodySizeOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FE 0))
(define !moduleHeaderLocalCountOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FD 0))
(define !moduleHeaderTableIndexOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FC 0))
(define !moduleHeaderTableInitialSizeOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FB 0))
(define !moduleHeaderFunctionTypeOffset (char-index (string->list !moduleHeader) #\u00FA 0))
(define !moduleBodyBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderSize))
(define !moduleHeaderCodeSizeBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderCodeSizeOffset))
(define !moduleHeaderBodySizeBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderBodySizeOffset))
(define !moduleHeaderLocalCountBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderLocalCountOffset))
(define !moduleHeaderTableIndexBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderTableIndexOffset))
(define !moduleHeaderTableInitialSizeBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderTableInitialSizeOffset))
(define !moduleHeaderFunctionTypeBase (+ !moduleHeaderBase !moduleHeaderFunctionTypeOffset))
(define !fNone #x0)
(define !fImmediate #x80)
(define !fData #x40)
(define !fHidden #x20)
(define !lengthMask #x1F)
;; Predefined table indices
(define !pushIndex 1)
(define !popIndex 2)
(define !typeIndex 3)
(define !abortIndex 4)
(define !pushDataAddressIndex 5)
(define !setLatestBodyIndex 6)
(define !tableStartIndex 7)
(define !dictionaryLatest 0)
(define !dictionaryTop !dictionaryBase)
;; Built-in strings
(define !undefinedWordStr -1)
(define !divisionBy0Str -1)
(define !incompleteInputStr -1)
(define !missingClosingParenStr -1)
(define !missingClosingQuoteStr -1)
(define !wordNotInterpretable -1)
(define-syntax-rule (!def_string s addressVar)
(let ((base !dictionaryTop)
(size (* (ceiling (/ (+ (string-length s) 4) 4)) 4)))
(set! !dictionaryTop (+ !dictionaryTop size))
(set! addressVar base)
(i32.const ,(eval base))
,(integer->integer-bytes (string-length s) 4 #f #f)
,(eval s)))))
(define (!def_word name f (flags 0) (idx !tableStartIndex))
(let* ((base !dictionaryTop)
(previous !dictionaryLatest)
(name-entry-length (* (ceiling (/ (+ (string-length name) 1) 4)) 4))
(size (+ 8 name-entry-length)))
(cond ((= idx !tableStartIndex)
(set! !tableStartIndex (+ !tableStartIndex 1))))
(set! !dictionaryLatest !dictionaryTop)
(set! !dictionaryTop (+ !dictionaryTop size))
`((elem (i32.const ,(eval idx)) ,(string->symbol f))
(i32.const ,(eval base))
,(integer->integer-bytes previous 4 #f #f)
,(integer->integer-bytes (bitwise-ior (string-length name) flags) 1 #f #f)
,(eval name)
,(make-bytes (- name-entry-length (string-length name) 1) 0)
,(integer->integer-bytes idx 4 #f #f)))))
(define (!+ x y) (list (+ x y)))
(define (!/ x y) (list (ceiling (/ x y))))
(define !preludeData "")
(define (!prelude c)
(set! !preludeData
(regexp-replace* #px"[ ]?\n[ ]?"
(regexp-replace* #px"[ ]+"
(regexp-replace* #px"[\n]+" (string-append !preludeData "\n" c) "\n")
" ")
;; WebAssembly module definition
(import "shell" "emit" (func $shell_emit (param i32)))
(import "shell" "getc" (func $shell_getc (result i32)))
(import "shell" "key" (func $shell_key (result i32)))
(import "shell" "accept" (func $shell_accept (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "shell" "load" (func $shell_load (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "shell" "debug" (func $shell_debug (param i32)))
(memory (export "memory") (!/ !memorySize 65536))
(type $word (func))
(type $dataWord (func (param i32)))
(global $tos (mut i32) (i32.const !stackBase))
(global $tors (mut i32) (i32.const !returnStackBase))
(global $inputBufferSize (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(global $sourceID (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
;; Constant strings
(!def_string "undefined word" !undefinedWordStr)
(!def_string "division by 0" !divisionBy0Str)
(!def_string "incomplete input" !incompleteInputStr)
(!def_string "missing ')'" !missingClosingParenStr)
(!def_string "missing \"" !missingClosingQuoteStr)
(!def_string "word not supported in interpret mode" !wordNotInterpretable)
;; Built-in words
;; 6.1.0010 !
(func $!
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos)))
(!def_word "!" "$!")
;; 6.1.0070
(func $tick
(call $word)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))) (call $fail (i32.const !incompleteInputStr)))
(call $find)
(drop (call $pop)))
(!def_word "'" "$tick")
;; 6.1.0080
(func $paren
(local $c i32)
(call $ensureCompiling)
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(if (i32.lt_s (tee_local $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0))
(call $fail (i32.const !missingClosingParenStr)))
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $c) (i32.const 41)))
(br $loop))))
(!def_word "(" "$paren" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.0090
(func $star
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.mul (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.load (get_local $bbtos))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "*" "$star")
;; 6.1.0100
(func $*/
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $bbbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12)))
(i64.mul (i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (get_local $bbbtos)))
(i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
(i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos)))
(!def_word "*/" "$*/")
;; 6.1.0110
(func $*/MOD
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $bbbtos i32)
(local $x1 i64)
(local $x2 i64)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12)))
(tee_local $x1 (i64.mul (i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (get_local $bbbtos)))
(i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))))))
(tee_local $x2 (i64.extend_s/i32 (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.wrap/i64 (i64.div_s (get_local $x1) (get_local $x2))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "*/MOD" "$*/MOD")
;; 6.1.0120
(func $plus
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.add (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.load (get_local $bbtos))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "+" "$plus")
;; 6.1.0130
(func $+!
(local $addr i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $addr (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.add (i32.load (get_local $addr))
(i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos)))
(!def_word "+!" "$+!")
;; 6.1.0140
(func $plus-loop
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compilePlusLoop))
(!def_word "+LOOP" "$plus-loop" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.0150
(func $comma
(get_global $here)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 4)))
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "," "$comma")
;; 6.1.0160
(func $minus
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.sub (i32.load (get_local $bbtos))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "-" "$minus")
;; 6.1.0180
(func $.q
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $Sq)
(call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const !typeIndex)))
(!def_word ".\"" "$.q" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.0230
(func $/
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $divisor i32)
(if (i32.eqz (tee_local $divisor (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(call $fail (i32.const !divisionBy0Str)))
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.div_s (i32.load (get_local $bbtos)) (get_local $divisor)))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "/" "$/")
;; 6.1.0240
(func $/MOD
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $n1 i32)
(local $n2 i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.rem_s (tee_local $n1 (i32.load (get_local $bbtos)))
(tee_local $n2 (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4)))))))
(i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.div_s (get_local $n1) (get_local $n2))))
(!def_word "/MOD" "$/MOD")
;; 6.1.0250
(func $0<
(local $btos i32)
(if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4))))
(i32.const 0))
(then (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const 0)))))
(!def_word "0<" "$0<")
;; 6.1.0270
(func $zero-equals
(local $btos i32)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4)))))
(then (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const 0)))))
(!def_word "0=" "$zero-equals")
;; 6.1.0290
(func $one-plus
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.add (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const 1))))
(!def_word "1+" "$one-plus")
;; 6.1.0300
(func $one-minus
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.sub (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const 1))))
(!def_word "1-" "$one-minus")
;; 6.1.0320
(func $2*
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.shl (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const 1))))
(!def_word "2*" "$2*")
;; 6.1.0330
(func $2/
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.shr_s (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const 1))))
(!def_word "2/" "$2/")
;; 6.1.0370
(func $two-drop
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(!def_word "2DROP" "$two-drop")
;; 6.1.0380
(func $two-dupe
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.store (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(!def_word "2DUP" "$two-dupe")
;; 6.1.0400
(func $2OVER
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 16))))
(i32.store (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12))))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(!def_word "2OVER" "$2OVER")
;; 6.1.0430
(func $2SWAP
(local $x1 i32)
(local $x2 i32)
(set_local $x1 (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $x2 (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12))))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 16))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))
(get_local $x1))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))
(get_local $x2)))
(!def_word "2SWAP" "$2SWAP")
;; 6.1.0450
(func $colon
(call $create)
(call $hidden)
;; Turn off (default) data flag
(i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !fData)))
;; Store the code pointer already
;; The code hasn't been loaded yet, but since nothing can affect the next table
;; index, we can assume the index will be correct. This allows semicolon to be
;; agnostic about whether it is compiling a word or a DOES>.
(i32.store (call $body (get_global $latest)) (get_global $nextTableIndex))
(call $startColon (i32.const 0))
(call $right-bracket))
(!def_word ":" "$colon")
;; 6.1.0460
(func $semicolon
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $endColon)
(call $hidden)
(call $left-bracket))
(!def_word ";" "$semicolon" !fImmediate)
;; Initializes compilation.
;; Parameter indicates the type of code we're compiling: type 0 (no params),
;; or type 1 (1 param)
(func $startColon (param $params i32)
(i32.store8 (i32.const !moduleHeaderFunctionTypeBase) (get_local $params))
(set_global $cp (i32.const !moduleBodyBase))
(set_global $currentLocal (i32.add (i32.const -1) (get_local $params)))
(set_global $lastLocal (i32.add (i32.const -1) (get_local $params))))
(func $endColon
(local $bodySize i32)
(local $nameLength i32)
(call $emitEnd)
;; Update code size
(set_local $bodySize (i32.sub (get_global $cp) (i32.const !moduleHeaderBase)))
(i32.const !moduleHeaderCodeSizeBase)
(call $leb128-4p
(i32.sub (get_local $bodySize)
(i32.const (!+ !moduleHeaderCodeSizeOffset 4)))))
;; Update body size
(i32.const !moduleHeaderBodySizeBase)
(call $leb128-4p
(i32.sub (get_local $bodySize)
(i32.const (!+ !moduleHeaderBodySizeOffset 4)))))
;; Update #locals
(i32.const !moduleHeaderLocalCountBase)
(call $leb128-4p (i32.add (get_global $lastLocal) (i32.const 1))))
;; Update table offset
(i32.const !moduleHeaderTableIndexBase)
(call $leb128-4p (get_global $nextTableIndex)))
;; Also store the initial table size to satisfy other tools (e.g. wasm-as)
(i32.const !moduleHeaderTableInitialSizeBase)
(call $leb128-4p (i32.add (get_global $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
;; Write a name section (if we're ending the code for the current dictionary entry)
(if (i32.eq (i32.load (call $body (get_global $latest)))
(get_global $nextTableIndex))
(set_local $nameLength (i32.and (i32.load8_u (i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !lengthMask)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))
(i32.add (i32.const 13) (i32.mul (i32.const 2) (get_local $nameLength))))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x04))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x6e))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 4)) (i32.const 0x61))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 5)) (i32.const 0x6d))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 6)) (i32.const 0x65))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 7)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))
(i32.add (i32.const 1) (get_local $nameLength)))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 2)) (get_local $nameLength))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 3)))
(call $memmove (get_global $cp)
(i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 5))
(get_local $nameLength))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (get_local $nameLength)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x01))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))
(i32.add (i32.const 3) (get_local $nameLength)))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x01))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x00))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 4)) (get_local $nameLength))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 5)))
(call $memmove (get_global $cp)
(i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 5))
(get_local $nameLength))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (get_local $nameLength)))))
;; Load the code
(call $shell_load (i32.const !moduleHeaderBase)
(i32.sub (get_global $cp) (i32.const !moduleHeaderBase))
(get_global $nextTableIndex))
(set_global $nextTableIndex (i32.add (get_global $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
;; 6.1.0480
(func $less-than
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(then (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "<" "$less-than")
;; 6.1.0530
(func $=
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(if (i32.eq (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(then (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "=" "$=")
;; 6.1.0540
(func $greater-than
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(then (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word ">" "$greater-than")
;; 6.1.0550
(func $>BODY
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.add (call $body (i32.load (get_local $btos)))
(i32.const 4))))
(!def_word ">BODY" "$>BODY")
;; 6.1.0560
(func $>IN
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.const !inBase))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word ">IN" "$>IN")
;; 6.1.0580
(func $>R
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.store (get_global $tors) (i32.load (get_global $tos)))
(set_global $tors (i32.add (get_global $tors) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word ">R" "$>R")
;; 6.1.0630
(func $?DUP
(local $btos i32)
(if (i32.ne (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.const 0))
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.load (get_local $btos)))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(!def_word "?DUP" "$?DUP")
;; 6.1.0650
(func $@
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (i32.load (get_local $btos)))))
(!def_word "@" "$@")
;; 6.1.0670 ABORT
(func $ABORT
(set_global $tos (i32.const !stackBase))
(call $QUIT))
(!def_word "ABORT" "$ABORT" !fNone !abortIndex)
;; 6.1.0680 ABORT"
(func $ABORT-quote
(call $compileIf)
(call $Sq)
(call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const !typeIndex))
(call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const !abortIndex))
(call $compileThen))
(!def_word "ABORT\"" "$ABORT-quote" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.0690
(func $ABS
(local $btos i32)
(local $v i32)
(local $y i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.sub (i32.xor (tee_local $v (i32.load (get_local $btos)))
(tee_local $y (i32.shr_s (get_local $v) (i32.const 31))))
(get_local $y))))
(!def_word "ABS" "$ABS")
;; 6.1.0695
(func $ACCEPT
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(call $shell_accept (i32.load (get_local $bbtos))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "ACCEPT" "$ACCEPT")
;; 6.1.0710
(func $ALLOT
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (call $pop))))
(!def_word "ALLOT" "$ALLOT")
;; 6.1.0720
(func $AND
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.and (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.load (get_local $bbtos))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "AND" "$AND")
;; 6.1.0705
(func $ALIGN
(set_global $here (i32.and
(i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 3))
(i32.const -4 #| ~3 |#))))
(!def_word "ALIGN" "$ALIGN")
;; 6.1.0706
(func $ALIGNED
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.and (i32.add (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const 3))
(i32.const -4 #| ~3 |#))))
(!def_word "ALIGNED" "$ALIGNED")
;; 6.1.0750
(func $BASE
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.const !baseBase))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "BASE" "$BASE")
;; 6.1.0760
(func $begin
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileBegin))
(!def_word "BEGIN" "$begin" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.0770
(func $bl (call $push (i32.const 32)))
(!def_word "BL" "$bl")
;; 6.1.0850
(func $c-store
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store8 (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos)))
(!def_word "C!" "$c-store")
;; 6.1.0860
(func $c-comma
(i32.store8 (get_global $here)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 1)))
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "C," "$c-comma")
;; 6.1.0870
(func $c-fetch
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load8_u (i32.load (get_local $btos)))))
(!def_word "C@" "$c-fetch")
;; 6.1.0895
(func $CHAR
(call $word)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))) (call $fail (i32.const !incompleteInputStr)))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load8_u (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)))))
(!def_word "CHAR" "$CHAR")
;; 6.1.0980
(func $COUNT
(local $btos i32)
(local $addr i32)
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.load (tee_local $addr (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4)))))))
(i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.add (get_local $addr) (i32.const 4)))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "COUNT" "$COUNT")
;; 6.1.1000
(func $create
(local $length i32)
(i32.store (get_global $here) (get_global $latest))
(set_global $latest (get_global $here))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 4)))
(call $word)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))) (call $fail (i32.const !incompleteInputStr)))
(drop (call $pop))
(i32.store8 (get_global $here) (tee_local $length (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 1)))
(call $memmove (get_global $here) (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)) (get_local $length))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (get_local $length)))
(call $ALIGN)
(i32.store (get_global $here) (i32.const !pushDataAddressIndex))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.store (get_global $here) (i32.const 0))
(call $setFlag (i32.const !fData)))
(!def_word "CREATE" "$create")
;; 6.1.1200
(func $DEPTH
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.shr_u (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const !stackBase)) (i32.const 2)))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "DEPTH" "$DEPTH")
;; 6.1.1240
(func $do
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileDo))
(!def_word "DO" "$do" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1250
(func $DOES>
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $emitConst (i32.add (get_global $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1)))
(call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const !setLatestBodyIndex))
(call $endColon)
(call $startColon (i32.const 1))
(call $compilePushLocal (i32.const 0)))
(!def_word "DOES>" "$DOES>" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1260
(func $drop
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "DROP" "$drop")
;; 6.1.1290
(func $dupe
(get_global $tos)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "DUP" "$dupe")
;; 6.1.1310
(func $else
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileElse))
(!def_word "ELSE" "$else" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1320
(func $emit
(call $shell_emit (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "EMIT" "$emit")
;; 6.1.1370
(func $EXECUTE
(local $xt i32)
(local $body i32)
(set_local $body (call $body (tee_local $xt (call $pop))))
(if (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (get_local $xt) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !fData))
(call_indirect (type $dataWord) (i32.add (get_local $body) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (get_local $body))))
(call_indirect (type $word) (i32.load (get_local $body))))))
(!def_word "EXECUTE" "$EXECUTE")
;; 6.1.1360
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $inputSize i32)
(set_global $sourceID (i32.const -1))
(call $memmove (i32.const !inputBufferBase)
(i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(tee_local $inputSize (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(set_global $inputBufferSize (get_local $inputSize))
(i32.store (i32.const !inBase) (i32.const 0))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos))
(drop (call $interpret)))
(!def_word "EVALUATE" "$EVALUATE")
;; 6.1.1380
(func $EXIT
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $emitReturn))
(!def_word "EXIT" "$EXIT" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1540
(func $FILL
(local $bbbtos i32)
(call $memset (i32.load (tee_local $bbbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12))))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbbtos)))
(!def_word "FILL" "$FILL")
;; 6.1.1550
(func $find
(local $entryP i32)
(local $entryNameP i32)
(local $entryLF i32)
(local $wordP i32)
(local $wordStart i32)
(local $wordLength i32)
(local $wordEnd i32)
(set_local $wordLength
(i32.load (tee_local $wordStart (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4))))))
(set_local $wordStart (i32.add (get_local $wordStart) (i32.const 4)))
(set_local $wordEnd (i32.add (get_local $wordStart) (get_local $wordLength)))
(set_local $entryP (get_global $latest))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(set_local $entryLF (i32.load (i32.add (get_local $entryP) (i32.const 4))))
(block $endCompare
(if (i32.and
(i32.eq (i32.and (get_local $entryLF) (i32.const !fHidden)) (i32.const 0))
(i32.eq (i32.and (get_local $entryLF) (i32.const !lengthMask))
(get_local $wordLength)))
(set_local $wordP (get_local $wordStart))
(set_local $entryNameP (i32.add (get_local $entryP) (i32.const 5)))
(block $endCompareLoop
(loop $compareLoop
(br_if $endCompare (i32.ne (i32.load8_s (get_local $entryNameP))
(i32.load8_s (get_local $wordP))))
(set_local $entryNameP (i32.add (get_local $entryNameP) (i32.const 1)))
(set_local $wordP (i32.add (get_local $wordP) (i32.const 1)))
(br_if $endCompareLoop (i32.eq (get_local $wordP)
(get_local $wordEnd)))
(br $compareLoop)))
(i32.store (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))
(get_local $entryP))
(if (i32.eq (i32.and (get_local $entryLF) (i32.const !fImmediate)) (i32.const 0))
(call $push (i32.const -1)))
(call $push (i32.const 1))))
(set_local $entryP (i32.load (get_local $entryP)))
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (get_local $entryP)))
(br $loop)))
(call $push (i32.const 0)))
(!def_word "FIND" "$find")
;; 6.1.1650
(func $here
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (get_global $here))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "HERE" "$here")
;; 6.1.1680
(func $i
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compilePushLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 1))))
(!def_word "I" "$i" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1700
(func $if
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileIf))
(!def_word "IF" "$if" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1710
(func $immediate
(call $setFlag (i32.const !fImmediate)))
(!def_word "IMMEDIATE" "$immediate")
;; 6.1.1720
(func $INVERT
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.xor (i32.load (get_local $btos)) (i32.const -1))))
(!def_word "INVERT" "$INVERT")
;; 6.1.1730
(func $j
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compilePushLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 3))))
(!def_word "J" "$j" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1750
(func $key
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (call $shell_key))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "KEY" "$key")
;; 6.1.1760
(func $LEAVE
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileLeave))
(!def_word "LEAVE" "$LEAVE" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1780
(func $literal
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
(!def_word "LITERAL" "$literal" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1800
(func $loop
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileLoop))
(!def_word "LOOP" "$loop" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.1805
(func $LSHIFT
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.shl (i32.load (get_local $bbtos))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "LSHIFT" "$LSHIFT")
;; 6.1.1870
(func $MAX
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $v i32)
(if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(tee_local $v (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4))))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (get_local $v))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "MAX" "$MAX")
;; 6.1.1880
(func $MIN
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $v i32)
(if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(tee_local $v (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4))))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (get_local $v))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "MIN" "$MIN")
;; 6.1.1880
(func $MOD
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.rem_s (i32.load (get_local $bbtos))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "MOD" "$MOD")
;; 6.1.1900
(func $MOVE
(local $bbbtos i32)
(call $memmove (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.load (tee_local $bbbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12))))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbbtos)))
(!def_word "MOVE" "$MOVE")
;; 6.1.1910
(func $negate
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.sub (i32.const 0) (i32.load (get_local $btos)))))
(!def_word "NEGATE" "$negate")
;; 6.1.1980
(func $OR
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.or (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.load (get_local $bbtos))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "OR" "$OR")
;; 6.1.1990
(func $over
(i32.store (get_global $tos)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "OVER" "$over")
;; 6.1.2033
(local $findToken i32)
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $word)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))) (call $fail (i32.const !incompleteInputStr)))
(call $find)
(if (i32.eqz (call $pop)) (call $fail (i32.const !undefinedWordStr)))
(set_local $findToken (call $pop))
(call $compileCall (get_local $findToken)))
(!def_word "POSTPONE" "$POSTPONE" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2050
(func $QUIT
(set_global $tors (i32.const !returnStackBase))
(set_global $sourceID (i32.const 0))
(!def_word "QUIT" "$QUIT")
;; 6.1.2060
(func $R>
(set_global $tors (i32.sub (get_global $tors) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.load (get_global $tors)))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "R>" "$R>")
;; 6.1.2070
(func $R@
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tors) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "R@" "$R@")
;; 6.1.2120
(func $RECURSE
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileRecurse))
(!def_word "RECURSE" "$RECURSE" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2140
(func $repeat
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileRepeat))
(!def_word "REPEAT" "$repeat" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2160 ROT
(func $ROT
(local $tmp i32)
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $bbbtos i32)
(set_local $tmp (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(i32.store (get_local $btos)
(i32.load (tee_local $bbbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 12)))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbbtos)
(i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbtos)
(get_local $tmp)))
(!def_word "ROT" "$ROT")
;; 6.1.2162
(func $RSHIFT
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.shr_u (i32.load (get_local $bbtos))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "RSHIFT" "$RSHIFT")
;; 6.1.2165
(func $Sq
(local $c i32)
(local $start i32)
(call $ensureCompiling)
(set_local $start (get_global $here))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(if (i32.lt_s (tee_local $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0))
(call $fail (i32.const !missingClosingQuoteStr)))
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $c) (i32.const 0x22)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $here) (get_local $c))
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop)))
(call $compilePushConst (get_local $start))
(call $compilePushConst (i32.sub (get_global $here) (get_local $start)))
(call $ALIGN))
(!def_word "S\"" "$Sq" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2216
(func $SOURCE
(call $push (i32.const !inputBufferBase))
(call $push (get_global $inputBufferSize)))
(!def_word "SOURCE" "$SOURCE")
;; 6.1.2220
(func $space (call $bl) (call $emit))
(!def_word "SPACE" "$space")
;; 6.1.2250
(func $STATE
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.const !stateBase))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "STATE" "$STATE")
;; 6.1.2260
(func $swap
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(local $tmp i32)
(set_local $tmp (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
(i32.store (get_local $bbtos)
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(i32.store (get_local $btos) (get_local $tmp)))
(!def_word "SWAP" "$swap")
;; 6.1.2270
(func $then
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileThen))
(!def_word "THEN" "$then" !fImmediate)
;; 6.2.2295
(func $TO
(call $word)
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))) (call $fail (i32.const !incompleteInputStr)))
(call $find)
(if (i32.eqz (call $pop)) (call $fail (i32.const !undefinedWordStr)))
(i32.store (i32.add (call $body (call $pop)) (i32.const 4)) (call $pop)))
(!def_word "TO" "$TO")
;; 6.1.2340
(func $U<
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(if (i32.lt_u (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
(then (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "U<" "$U<")
;; 6.1.2380
(func $UNLOOP
(call $ensureCompiling))
(!def_word "UNLOOP" "$UNLOOP" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2390
(func $UNTIL
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileUntil))
(!def_word "UNTIL" "$UNTIL" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2410
(call $create)
(set_global $here (i32.add (get_global $here) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "VARIABLE" "$VARIABLE")
;; 6.1.2430
(func $while
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $compileWhile))
(!def_word "WHILE" "$while" !fImmediate)
(func $word (export "WORD")
(local $char i32)
(local $stringPtr i32)
;; Search for first non-blank character
(block $endSkipBlanks
(loop $skipBlanks
(set_local $char (call $readChar))
;; Skip comments (if necessary)
(if (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x5C #| '\' |#))
(loop $skipComments
(set_local $char (call $readChar))
(br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x0a #| '\n' |#)))
(br_if $endSkipBlanks (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const -1)))
(br $skipComments))))
(br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x20 #| ' ' |#)))
(br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x0a #| ' ' |#)))
(br $endSkipBlanks)))
(if (i32.ne (get_local $char) (i32.const -1))
;; Search for first blank character
(i32.store8 (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)) (get_local $char))
(set_local $stringPtr (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 5)))
(block $endReadChars
(loop $readChars
(set_local $char (call $readChar))
(br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x20 #| ' ' |#)))
(br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const 0x0a #| ' ' |#)))
(br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (get_local $char) (i32.const -1)))
(i32.store8 (get_local $stringPtr) (get_local $char))
(set_local $stringPtr (i32.add (get_local $stringPtr) (i32.const 0x1)))
(br $readChars))))
;; Reached end of input
(set_local $stringPtr (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)))))
;; Write word length
(i32.store (i32.const !wordBase)
(i32.sub (get_local $stringPtr) (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4))))
(call $push (i32.const !wordBase)))
;; 6.1.2490
(func $XOR
(local $btos i32)
(local $bbtos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8)))
(i32.xor (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(i32.load (get_local $bbtos))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $btos)))
(!def_word "XOR" "$XOR")
;; 6.1.2500
(func $left-bracket
(call $ensureCompiling)
(i32.store (i32.const !stateBase) (i32.const 0)))
(!def_word "[" "$left-bracket" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2510
(func $bracket-tick
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $tick)
(call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
(!def_word "[']" "$bracket-tick" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2520
(func $bracket-char
(call $ensureCompiling)
(call $CHAR)
(call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
(!def_word "[CHAR]" "$bracket-char" !fImmediate)
;; 6.1.2540
(func $right-bracket
(i32.store (i32.const !stateBase) (i32.const 1)))
(!def_word "]" "$right-bracket")
;; 6.2.0280
(func $zero-greater
(local $btos i32)
(if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.const 4))))
(i32.const 0))
(then (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const -1)))
(else (i32.store (get_local $btos) (i32.const 0)))))
(!def_word "0>" "$zero-greater")
;; 6.2.1350
(func $erase
(local $bbtos i32)
(call $memset (i32.load (tee_local $bbtos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 8))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(set_global $tos (get_local $bbtos)))
(!def_word "ERASE" "$erase")
;; 6.2.2030
(func $PICK
(local $btos i32)
(i32.store (tee_local $btos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (i32.sub (get_global $tos)
(i32.shl (i32.add (i32.load (get_local $btos))
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 2))))))
(!def_word "PICK" "$PICK")
;; 6.1.2395
(func $UNUSED
(call $push (i32.shr_s (i32.sub (i32.const !memorySize) (get_global $here)) (i32.const 2))))
(!def_word "UNUSED" "$UNUSED")
;; 6.1.2250
(func $SOURCE-ID
(call $push (get_global $sourceID)))
(!def_word "SOURCE-ID" "$SOURCE-ID")
(func $dspFetch
(get_global $tos)
(get_global $tos))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "DSP@" "$dspFetch")
(func $S0
(call $push (i32.const !stackBase)))
(!def_word "S0" "$S0")
(func $latest
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (get_global $latest))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(!def_word "LATEST" "$latest")
;; High-level words
(!prelude #<<EOF
\ 6.1.0950
\ 6.1.1170
\ 6.2.1660
: HEX ( -- ) 16 BASE ! ;
\ 6.2.2298
: TRUE -1 ;
\ 6.2.1485
: FALSE 0 ;
\ 6.2.1930
: NIP ( x y -- y ) SWAP DROP ;
\ 6.2.2300
: TUCK ( x y -- y x y ) SWAP OVER ;
\ 6.1.0897
: CHAR+ 1+ ;
\ 6.1.0898
\ 6.1.0880
: CELL+ 4 + ;
\ 6.1.0890
: CELLS 4 * ;
\ 6.1.0350
: 2@ DUP CELL+ @ SWAP @ ;
\ 6.1.0310
: 2! SWAP OVER ! CELL+ ! ;
\ 6.1.0990
: CR 10 EMIT ;
\ 6.1.2230
\ 6.1.2320
: U.
DUP 10 < IF 48 ELSE 10 - 65 THEN
: .S
2DUP >
DUP @ U.
4 +
\ 6.2.0210
: .R
\ 6.1.0180
: . 0 .R SPACE ;
\ 6.2.2405
;; Reads a number from the word buffer, and puts it on the stack.
;; Returns -1 if an error occurred.
;; TODO: Support other bases
(func $number (result i32)
(local $sign i32)
(local $length i32)
(local $char i32)
(local $value i32)
(local $base i32)
(local $p i32)
(local $end i32)
(local $n i32)
(if (i32.eqz (tee_local $length (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))))
(return (i32.const -1)))
(set_local $p (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)))
(set_local $end (i32.add (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4)) (get_local $length)))
(set_local $base (i32.load (i32.const !baseBase)))
;; Read first character
(if (i32.eq (tee_local $char (i32.load8_u (i32.const (!+ !wordBase 4))))
(i32.const 0x2d #| '-' |#))
(set_local $sign (i32.const -1))
(set_local $char (i32.const 48 #| '0' |# )))
(set_local $sign (i32.const 1))))
;; Read all characters
(set_local $value (i32.const 0))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(if (i32.lt_s (get_local $char) (i32.const 48 #| '0' |# ))
(return (i32.const -1)))
(if (i32.le_s (get_local $char) (i32.const 57 #| '9' |# ))
(set_local $n (i32.sub (get_local $char) (i32.const 48))))
(if (i32.lt_s (get_local $char) (i32.const 65 #| 'A' |# ))
(return (i32.const -1)))
(set_local $n (i32.sub (get_local $char) (i32.const 55)))
(if (i32.ge_s (get_local $n) (get_local $base))
(return (i32.const -1)))))
(set_local $value (i32.add (i32.mul (get_local $value) (get_local $base))
(get_local $n)))
(set_local $p (i32.add (get_local $p) (i32.const 1)))
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $p) (get_local $end)))
(set_local $char (i32.load8_s (get_local $p)))
(br $loop)))
(call $push (i32.mul (get_local $sign) (get_local $value)))
(return (i32.const 0)))
(func $fail (param $str i32)
(call $push (get_local $str))
(call $COUNT)
(call $TYPE)
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
(call $ABORT))
;; Interpreter
;; Interprets the string in the input, until the end of string is reached.
;; Returns 0 if processed, 1 if still compiling, -1 if a word was not found.
(func $interpret (result i32)
(local $findResult i32)
(local $findToken i32)
(local $error i32)
(set_local $error (i32.const 0))
(set_global $tors (i32.const !returnStackBase))
(i32.store (i32.const !inBase) (i32.const 0))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(call $word)
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !wordBase))))
(call $find)
(set_local $findResult (call $pop))
(set_local $findToken (call $pop))
(if (i32.eqz (get_local $findResult))
(then ;; Not in the dictionary. Is it a number?
(if (i32.eqz (call $number))
(then ;; It's a number. Are we compiling?
(if (i32.ne (i32.load (i32.const !stateBase)) (i32.const 0))
;; We're compiling. Pop it off the stack and
;; add it to the compiled list
(call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))))
;; We're not compiling. Leave the number on the stack.
(else ;; It's not a number.
(call $fail (i32.const !undefinedWordStr)))))
(else ;; Found the word.
;; Are we compiling or is it immediate?
(if (i32.or (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !stateBase)))
(i32.eq (get_local $findResult) (i32.const 1)))
(call $push (get_local $findToken))
(call $EXECUTE))
;; We're compiling a non-immediate
(call $compileCall (get_local $findToken))))))
(br $loop)))
;; 'WORD' left the address on the stack
(drop (call $pop))
(return (i32.load (i32.const !stateBase))))
;; Compiler functions
(func $compilePushConst (param $n i32)
(call $emitConst (get_local $n))
(call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const !pushIndex)))
(func $compilePushLocal (param $n i32)
(call $emitGetLocal (get_local $n))
(call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const !pushIndex)))
(func $compileIf
(call $compilePop)
(call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
;; ne
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x47))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
;; if (empty block)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x04))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x40))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $compileElse
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x05))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $compileThen (call $emitEnd))
(func $compileDo
(set_global $currentLocal (i32.add (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 2)))
(if (i32.gt_s (get_global $currentLocal) (get_global $lastLocal))
(set_global $lastLocal (get_global $currentLocal))))
(call $compilePop)
(call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
(call $compilePop)
(call $emitSetLocal (get_global $currentLocal))
(call $emitBlock)
(call $emitLoop))
(func $compileLoop
(call $emitConst (i32.const 1))
(call $compileLoopEnd))
(func $compilePlusLoop
(call $compilePop)
(call $compileLoopEnd))
;; Assumes increment is on the operand stack
(func $compileLoopEnd
(call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
(call $emitAdd)
(call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
(call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
(call $emitGetLocal (get_global $currentLocal))
(call $emitGreaterEqualSigned)
(call $emitBrIf (i32.const 1))
(call $emitBr (i32.const 0))
(call $emitEnd)
(call $emitEnd)
(set_global $currentLocal (i32.sub (get_global $currentLocal) (i32.const 2))))
(func $compileLeave
(call $emitBr (i32.const 1)))
(func $compileBegin
(call $emitBlock)
(call $emitLoop))
(func $compileWhile
(call $compilePop)
(call $emitEqualsZero)
(call $emitBrIf (i32.const 1)))
(func $compileRepeat
(call $emitBr (i32.const 0))
(call $emitEnd)
(call $emitEnd))
(func $compileUntil
(call $compilePop)
(call $emitEqualsZero)
(call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
(call $emitBr (i32.const 1))
(call $emitEnd)
(call $emitEnd))
(func $compileRecurse
;; call 0
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x10))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $compilePop
(call $emitICall (i32.const 2) (i32.const !popIndex)))
(func $compileCall (param $findToken i32)
(local $body i32)
(set_local $body (call $body (get_local $findToken)))
(if (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (get_local $findToken) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !fData))
(call $emitConst (i32.add (get_local $body) (i32.const 4)))
(call $emitICall
(i32.const 1)
(i32.load (get_local $body))))
(call $emitICall
(i32.const 0)
(i32.load (get_local $body))))))
(func $emitICall (param $type i32) (param $n i32)
(call $emitConst (get_local $n))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x11))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (get_local $type))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitBlock
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x02))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x40))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitLoop
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x03))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x40))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitConst (param $n i32)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x41))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(set_global $cp (call $leb128 (get_global $cp) (get_local $n))))
(func $emitEnd
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x0b))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitBr (param $n i32)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x0c))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (get_local $n))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitBrIf (param $n i32)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x0d))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (get_local $n))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitSetLocal (param $n i32)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x21))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(set_global $cp (call $leb128 (get_global $cp) (get_local $n))))
(func $emitGetLocal (param $n i32)
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x20))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1)))
(set_global $cp (call $leb128 (get_global $cp) (get_local $n))))
(func $emitAdd
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x6a))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitEqualsZero
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x45))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitGreaterEqualSigned
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x4e))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
(func $emitReturn
(i32.store8 (get_global $cp) (i32.const 0x0f))
(set_global $cp (i32.add (get_global $cp) (i32.const 1))))
;; Word helper function
(func $push (export "push") (param $v i32)
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (get_local $v))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4))))
(elem (i32.const !pushIndex) $push)
(func $pop (export "pop") (result i32)
(set_global $tos (i32.sub (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.load (get_global $tos)))
(elem (i32.const !popIndex) $pop)
(func $TYPE
(local $p i32)
(local $end i32)
(set_local $end (i32.add (call $pop) (tee_local $p (call $pop))))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $p) (get_local $end)))
(call $shell_emit (i32.load8_u (get_local $p)))
(set_local $p (i32.add (get_local $p) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop))))
(!def_word "TYPE" "$TYPE" !fNone !typeIndex)
(func $pushDataAddress (param $d i32)
(call $push (get_local $d)))
(elem (i32.const !pushDataAddressIndex) $pushDataAddress)
(func $setLatestBody (param $v i32)
(i32.store (call $body (get_global $latest)) (get_local $v)))
(elem (i32.const !setLatestBodyIndex) $setLatestBody)
;; Helper functions
(func $setFlag (param $v i32)
(i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4)))
(get_local $v))))
(func $ensureCompiling
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const !stateBase)))
(call $fail (i32.const !wordNotInterpretable))))
;; Toggle the hidden flag
(func $hidden
(i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4))
(i32.load (i32.add (get_global $latest) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !fHidden))))
(func $memmove (param $dst i32) (param $src i32) (param $n i32)
(local $end i32)
(if (i32.gt_u (get_local $dst) (get_local $src))
(set_local $end (get_local $src))
(set_local $src (i32.sub (i32.add (get_local $src) (get_local $n)) (i32.const 1)))
(set_local $dst (i32.sub (i32.add (get_local $dst) (get_local $n)) (i32.const 1)))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(br_if $endLoop (i32.lt_u (get_local $src) (get_local $end)))
(i32.store8 (get_local $dst) (i32.load8_u (get_local $src)))
(set_local $src (i32.sub (get_local $src) (i32.const 1)))
(set_local $dst (i32.sub (get_local $dst) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop))))
(set_local $end (i32.add (get_local $src) (get_local $n)))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $src) (get_local $end)))
(i32.store8 (get_local $dst) (i32.load8_u (get_local $src)))
(set_local $src (i32.add (get_local $src) (i32.const 1)))
(set_local $dst (i32.add (get_local $dst) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop))))))
(func $memset (param $dst i32) (param $c i32) (param $n i32)
(local $end i32)
(set_local $end (i32.add (get_local $dst) (get_local $n)))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (get_local $dst) (get_local $end)))
(i32.store8 (get_local $dst) (get_local $c))
(set_local $dst (i32.add (get_local $dst) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop))))
;; LEB128 with fixed 4 bytes (with padding bytes)
;; This means we can only represent 28 bits, which should be plenty.
(func $leb128-4p (export "leb128_4p") (param $n i32) (result i32)
(i32.and (get_local $n) (i32.const 0x7F))
(get_local $n)
(i32.const 0x3F80))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local $n)
(i32.const 0x1FC000))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local $n)
(i32.const 0xFE00000))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 0x808080)))
;; Encodes `value` as leb128 to `p`, and returns the address pointing after the data
(func $leb128 (export "leb128") (param $p i32) (param $value i32) (result i32)
(local $more i32)
(local $byte i32)
(set_local $more (i32.const 1))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(set_local $byte (i32.and (i32.const 0x7F) (get_local $value)))
(set_local $value (i32.shr_s (get_local $value) (i32.const 7)))
(if (i32.or (i32.and (i32.eqz (get_local $value))
(i32.eq (i32.and (get_local $byte) (i32.const 0x40))
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.and (i32.eq (get_local $value) (i32.const -1))
(i32.eq (i32.and (get_local $byte) (i32.const 0x40))
(i32.const 0x40))))
(set_local $more (i32.const 0)))
(set_local $byte (i32.or (get_local $byte) (i32.const 0x80)))))
(i32.store8 (get_local $p) (get_local $byte))
(set_local $p (i32.add (get_local $p) (i32.const 1)))
(br_if $loop (get_local $more))
(br $endLoop)))
(get_local $p))
(func $body (param $xt i32) (result i32)
(get_local $xt)
(i32.load8_u (i32.add (get_local $xt) (i32.const 4)))
(i32.const !lengthMask)))
(i32.const 8 #| 4 + 1 + 3 |#))
(i32.const -4)))
(func $readChar (result i32)
(local $n i32)
(local $in i32)
(loop $loop
(if (i32.ge_u (tee_local $in (i32.load (i32.const !inBase)))
(get_global $inputBufferSize))
(if (i32.eqz (get_global $sourceID))
(return (i32.const -1)))
(set_global $sourceID (i32.const 0))
(br $loop))))
(set_local $n (i32.load8_s (i32.add (i32.const !inputBufferBase) (get_local $in))))
(i32.store (i32.const !inBase) (i32.add (get_local $in) (i32.const 1)))
(return (get_local $n)))))
(func $readInput
(local $char i32)
(set_global $inputBufferSize (i32.const 0))
(block $endLoop
(loop $loop
(br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (tee_local $char (call $shell_getc)) (i32.const -1)))
(i32.store8 (i32.add (i32.const !inputBufferBase) (get_global $inputBufferSize))
(get_local $char))
(set_global $inputBufferSize (i32.add (get_global $inputBufferSize) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop))))
(func $loadPrelude (export "loadPrelude")
(set_global $sourceID (i32.const -1))
(call $push (i32.const !preludeDataBase))
(call $push (i32.const (!+ (string-length !preludeData) 0)))
(call $EVALUATE))
;; A sieve with direct calls. Only here for benchmarking
(func $sieve_prime
(call $here) (call $plus)
(call $c-fetch) (call $zero-equals))
(func $sieve_composite
(call $here)
(call $plus)
(i32.store (get_global $tos) (i32.const 1))
(set_global $tos (i32.add (get_global $tos) (i32.const 4)))
(call $swap)
(call $c-store))
(func $sieve
(local $i i32)
(local $end i32)
(call $here)
(call $over)
(call $erase)
(call $push (i32.const 2))
(block $endLoop1
(loop $loop1
(call $two-dupe)
(call $dupe)
(call $star)
(call $greater-than)
(br_if $endLoop1 (i32.eqz (call $pop)))
(call $dupe)
(call $sieve_prime)
(if (i32.ne (call $pop) (i32.const 0))
(call $two-dupe)
(call $dupe)
(call $star)
(set_local $i (call $pop))
(set_local $end (call $pop))
(block $endLoop2
(loop $loop2
(call $push (get_local $i))
(call $sieve_composite)
(call $dupe)
(set_local $i (i32.add (call $pop) (get_local $i)))
(br_if $endLoop2 (i32.ge_s (get_local $i) (get_local $end)))
(br $loop2)))))
(call $one-plus)
(br $loop1)))
(call $drop)
(call $push (i32.const 1))
(call $swap)
(call $push (i32.const 2))
(set_local $i (call $pop))
(set_local $end (call $pop))
(block $endLoop3
(loop $loop3
(call $push (get_local $i))
(call $sieve_prime)
(if (i32.ne (call $pop) (i32.const 0))
(call $drop)
(call $push (get_local $i))))
(set_local $i (i32.add (i32.const 1) (get_local $i)))
(br_if $endLoop3 (i32.ge_s (get_local $i) (get_local $end)))
(br $loop3))))
(!def_word "sieve_direct" "$sieve")
;; Data
;; The dictionary has entries of the following form:
;; - prev (4 bytes): Pointer to start of previous entry
;; - flags|name-length (1 byte): Length of the entry name, ORed with
;; flags in the top 3 bits.
;; - name (n bytes): Name characters. End is 4-byte aligned.
;; - code pointer (4 bytes): Index into the function
;; table of code to execute
;; - data (m bytes)
;; Execution tokens are addresses of dictionary entries
(data (i32.const !baseBase) "\u000A\u0000\u0000\u0000")
(data (i32.const !stateBase) "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000")
(data (i32.const !inBase) "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000")
(data (i32.const !moduleHeaderBase) !moduleHeader)
(data (i32.const !preludeDataBase) !preludeData)
(func (export "tos") (result i32)
(get_global $tos))
(func (export "interpret") (result i32)
(local $result i32)
(call $readInput)
(if (i32.ge_s (tee_local $result (call $interpret)) (i32.const 0))
;; Write ok
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 107)))
;; Write error
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 101))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))))
(call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
(get_local $result))
;; Used for experiments
(func (export "set_state") (param $latest i32) (param $here i32)
(set_global $latest (get_local $latest))
(set_global $here (get_local $here)))
(table (export "table") !tableStartIndex anyfunc)
(global $latest (mut i32) (i32.const !dictionaryLatest))
(global $here (mut i32) (i32.const !dictionaryTop))
(global $nextTableIndex (mut i32) (i32.const !tableStartIndex))
;; Compilation state
(global $currentLocal (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(global $lastLocal (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
;; Compilation pointer
(global $cp (mut i32) (i32.const !moduleBodyBase)))