#!/usr/bin/env yarn exec ts-node -- import * as process from "process"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import simpleEval from "simple-eval"; import { assert } from "console"; let inplace = false; let addDict: string | undefined = undefined; for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) { const arg = process.argv[i]; switch (arg) { case "--inplace": inplace = true; break; case "--add-dict": addDict = process.argv[i + 1]; i += 1; break; } } type DictElement = { type: "dict"; offset: number; prev: number; flags: number; name: string; index: number; indexExpr?: string; data?: string; dataExpr?: string; // Added afterwards func?: string; }; type StringElement = { type: "string"; offset: number; string: string; }; type DataElement = DictElement | StringElement; function unescapeString(s: string) { return s.replace(/\\(..)/, (str: string, ...args: any[]) => { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(args[0], 16)); }); } function escapeString(s: string) { return s.replace("\\", "\\5c").replace('"', "\\22"); } function unpack(s: string): number { let n = 0; for (const ch of s .split(/(\\..|[^\\])/) .filter((x) => x != "") .reverse()) { n = n << 8; if (ch.startsWith("\\")) { n += parseInt(ch.slice(1), 16); } else { n += ch.charCodeAt(0); } } return n; } function pack(n: number) { const acc = []; while (n > 0) { acc.push(n % 256); n = Math.floor(n / 256); } while (acc.length < 4) { acc.push(0); } return acc.map((x) => "\\" + _.padStart(x.toString(16), 2, "0")).join(""); } function parseExpr(s: string | undefined): string | undefined { if (s == null) { return undefined; } const m = s.match(/\(; =(.*) ;\)/); if (m == null) { throw new Error("unparseable expression: " + s); } let expr = m[1].trim(); if (expr.startsWith("body(") && expr.endsWith(")")) { expr = 'body("' + expr.substring(5, expr.length - 1) + '")'; } if (expr.startsWith("'") && expr.endsWith("'")) { expr = "ord(" + expr + ")"; } return expr; } function parseDataElement(line: string): DataElement | null { if (!line.match(/^\s*\(data\s+/)) { return null; } if (line.match(/= MODULE_HEADER_BASE/)) { return null; } let m: RegExpMatchArray | null; if ((m = line.match(/^\s*\(data \(i32.const (\w+)\) "\\.." "([^"]+)"/))) { return { type: "string", offset: parseInt(m[1]), string: unescapeString(m[2]), }; } else if ( (m = line.match( /^\s*\(data \(i32.const (\w+)\) "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"( \(;[^;]+;\))? "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"( \(;[^;]+;\))?( "([^"]+)"( \(;[^;]+;\))?)?\)/ )) ) { return { type: "dict", offset: parseInt(m[1]), prev: unpack(m[2]), flags: unpack(m[3]) & 0xe0, name: unescapeString(m[5]).substring(0, unpack(m[3]) & 0x1f), index: unpack(m[6]), indexExpr: parseExpr(m[7]), data: m[9], dataExpr: parseExpr(m[10]), }; } throw new Error("unmatched data section: " + line); } const wat_file = "src/waforth.wat"; const args = process.argv.slice(2); let lines = fs.readFileSync(wat_file).toString().split("\n"); const updateValues = true; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collect information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const stringElements: StringElement[] = []; let dictElements: DictElement[] = []; const definitions: Record = {}; let currentFunc: string; for (let line of lines) { // Parse function name let m = line.match(/\s*\(func ([^\s]+)\s/); if (m != null) { currentFunc = m[1]; } const dataElement = parseDataElement(line); if (dataElement != null) { switch (dataElement.type) { case "string": stringElements.push(dataElement); break; case "dict": dictElements.push({ ...dataElement, func: currentFunc! }); break; default: assert(false); } } // Parse definitions m = line.match(/^\s*;;\s+([!a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*:=\s*([^\s]+)/); if (m) { if (isNaN(m[2] as any)) { throw new Error("unparseable definition: " + m[2]); } definitions[m[1]] = parseInt(m[2]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add new entry //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let addDictElement: DictElement | undefined = undefined; if (addDict) { addDictElement = { type: "dict", offset: -1, prev: -1, flags: 0, name: addDict, index: 0xffffffff, func: "$" + addDict, }; let i = 0; for (; i < dictElements.length; ++i) { if (dictElements[i].name.localeCompare(addDictElement.name) > 0) { break; } } dictElements.splice(i, 0, addDictElement); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update data elements //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let offset = definitions.DATA_SPACE_BASE; for (const el of stringElements) { el.offset = offset; offset += 1 + el.string.length; } offset = Math.ceil(offset / 4) * 4; let prevDictOffset = 0; let nextTableIndex = 0x10; for (const el of dictElements) { el.prev = prevDictOffset; el.offset = prevDictOffset = offset; offset += 4 + Math.ceil((1 + el.name.length) / 4) * 4 + 4 + (el.data != null ? 4 : 0); if (el.indexExpr == null) { el.index = nextTableIndex; nextTableIndex += 1; } } const here = offset; function serializeWordData(el: DictElement): string { const paddedName = _.padEnd( el.name, Math.ceil((1 + el.name.length) / 4) * 4 - 1, " " ); const flagsLen = "\\" + _.padStart((el.name.length | el.flags).toString(16), 2, "0"); let l = ` (data (i32.const 0x${el.offset.toString(16)})`; l += ` "${pack(el.prev)}"`; l += ` "${flagsLen}"`; if (el.flags !== 0) { const flags = []; if (el.flags & 0x20) { flags.push("F_HIDDEN"); } if (el.flags & 0x40) { flags.push("F_DATA"); } if (el.flags & 0x80) { flags.push("F_IMMEDIATE"); } l += ` (; ${flags.join(" & ")} ;)`; } l += ` "${escapeString(paddedName)}"`; l += ` "${pack(el.index)}"`; if (el.indexExpr) { l += ` (; = ${el.indexExpr} ;)`; } if (el.data) { l += ` "${el.data}"`; if (el.dataExpr) { l += ` (; = ${el.dataExpr} ;)`; } } l += ")"; return l; } function serializeStringData(el: StringElement): string { const offset = "0x" + el.offset.toString(16); const len = "\\" + _.padStart(el.string.length.toString(16), 2, "0"); return ` (data (i32.const ${offset}) "${len}" "${escapeString(el.string)}")`; } let newLines = []; for (const line of lines) { const dataElement = parseDataElement(line); if (dataElement != null) { switch (dataElement.type) { case "string": { const el = stringElements.find((e) => e.string === dataElement.string)!; assert(el != null); newLines.push(serializeStringData(el)); break; } case "dict": { const el = dictElements.find((e) => e.name === dataElement.name); if (el == null) { newLines.push(line); continue; } newLines.push(serializeWordData(el)); break; } default: assert(false); } } else { // TODO: Update new HERE newLines.push(line); } } lines = newLines; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Validate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!updateValues) { for (const de of dictElements) { const exprVals: [string | undefined, unknown][] = [ [de.indexExpr, de.index], [de.dataExpr, de.data], ]; for (const [expr, val] of exprVals) { if (expr != null) { let x = simpleEval(expr, { ...definitions, pack }); if (typeof val === "number" && typeof x === "string") { x = unpack(x); } if (x != val) { throw new Error( `expression does not match value: ${JSON.stringify( de )} -> ${val} != ${x}` ); } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update expression values //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function body(w: string) { const el = dictElements.find((e) => e.name === w); if (el == null) { throw new Error("dict entry not found: " + w); } return ( el.offset + 4 + Math.ceil((1 + el.name.length) / 4) * 4 + (el.flags & 0x40 ? 4 : 0) ); } function str(s: string) { const sel = stringElements.find((e) => e.string === s); if (sel == null) { throw new Error("string not found: " + s); } return sel.offset; } function len(s: string) { return s.length; } function ord(s: string) { return s.charCodeAt(0); } function index(w: string) { const el = dictElements.find((e) => e.name === w); if (el == null) { throw new Error("dict entry not found: " + w); } return el.index; } if (updateValues) { const updatedLines: string[] = []; for (let line of lines) { line = line.replace( new RegExp("(\\s)([^\\s]+)(\\s)+(\\(; =[^;]+;\\))", "g"), (s: string, ...args: any[]) => { const expr = parseExpr(args[3]); const val = simpleEval(expr!, { ...definitions, pack, body, index, str, len, ord, }); const sval = _.isString(val) ? '"' + val + '"' : "0x" + (val as number).toString(16); return args[0] + sval + args[2] + args[3]; } ); let m = line.match( /(.*\(global ([^\s]+) \(mut i32\) \(i32.const )([^\)\s]+)(\).*)/ ); if (m != null) { const [prefix, global, val, suffix] = m.slice(1); if (global === "$here") { line = prefix + "0x" + here.toString(16) + suffix; } else if (global === "$latest") { line = prefix + "0x" + dictElements[dictElements.length - 1].offset.toString(16) + suffix; } else if (global === "$nextTableIndex") { line = prefix + "0x" + nextTableIndex.toString(16) + suffix; } } m = line.match(/(.*\(table .* )([^\s]+)( funcref\))/); if (m != null) { line = m[1] + "0x" + nextTableIndex.toString(16) + m[3]; } m = line.match(/\s*\(elem \(i32.const ([^\)]+)\) ([^\)]+)\)/); if (m != null) { const func = m[2]; const el = dictElements.find((e) => e.func === func); if (el == null) { continue; } line = ` (elem (i32.const 0x${el.index.toString(16)}) ${func})`; } updatedLines.push(line); } lines = updatedLines; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Strip //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // const strippedLines: string[] = []; // let skipLevel = 0; // let skippingDefinition = false; // for (let line of lines) { // if (enableBulkMemory) { // line = line // .replace(/\(call \$memcopy/g, "(memory.copy") // .replace(/\(call \$memset/g, "(memory.fill"); // if (line.match(/\(func (\$memset|\$memcopy)/)) { // skippingDefinition = true; // skipLevel = 0; // } // } // if (skippingDefinition) { // skipLevel += (line.match(/\(/g) || []).length; // skipLevel -= (line.match(/\)/g) || []).length; // } // // Output line // if (!skippingDefinition) { // strippedLines.push(line); // } // if (skippingDefinition && skipLevel <= 0) { // skippingDefinition = false; // } // } // lines = strippedLines; fs.writeFileSync( inplace ? "src/waforth.wat" : "src/waforth.out.wat", lines.join("\n") ); if (addDictElement) { console.log(` (func $${addDictElement.name} (param $tos i32) (result i32))`); console.log(serializeWordData(addDictElement)); console.log( ` (elem (i32.const 0x${addDictElement.index.toString(16)}) $${ addDictElement.name })` ); }