import WAForth from "../src/shell/WAForth"; import sieve from "../src/shell/sieve"; import standardTestSuiteTester from "./standard-testsuite/tester.f"; import standardCoreWordsTestSuite from "./standard-testsuite/core.f"; import { expect, assert } from "chai"; function loadTests(wasmModule, arrayToBase64) { describe("WAForth", () => { let forth, stack, output, core, memory, memory8, initialTOS; beforeEach(() => { forth = new WAForth(wasmModule, arrayToBase64); forth.onEmit = c => { output = output + String.fromCharCode(c); // console.log(output); }; const x = forth.start({ skipPrelude: true }).then( () => { core = forth.core.exports; output = ""; memory = new Int32Array(core.memory.buffer, 0, 0x30000); memory8 = new Uint8Array(core.memory.buffer, 0, 0x30000); // dictionary = new Uint8Array(core.memory.buffer, 0x1000, 0x1000); stack = new Int32Array(core.memory.buffer, core.tos(), 0x100); initialTOS = core.tos(); }, err => { console.error(err); } ); return x; }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dumpTable() { for (let i = 0; i < core.table.length; ++i) { console.log("table", i, core.table.get(i)); } } function getString(p, n) { let name = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { name.push(String.fromCharCode(memory8[p + i])); } return name.join(""); } // function getCountedString(p) { // return getString(p + 4, memory[p / 4]); // } function loadString(s) { run("HERE"); run(`${s.length} C,`); for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { run(`${s.charCodeAt(i)} C,`); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dumpWord(w) { let end = here(); let p = latest(); while (p != w) { console.log("SEARCH", p, w); end = p; p = memory[p / 4]; } const previous = memory[p / 4]; const length = memory8[p + 4]; const name = getString(p + 4 + 1, length); const codeP = (p + 4 + 1 + length + 3) & ~3; const code = memory[codeP / 4]; const data = []; for (let i = codeP + 4; i < end; ++i) { data.push(memory8[i]); } console.log("Entry:", p, previous, length, name, code, data, end); } function run(ss, expectErrors = false) { ss.split("\n").forEach(s => { // console.log("Running: ", s); const r =; if (expectErrors) { expect(r); output = output.substr(0, output.length); } else { expect(r) "undefined", "Error running: " + s + "; Output: " + output ); expect(r); output = output.substr(0, output.length - 3); // Strip 'ok\n' from output } }); } function here() { run("HERE"); const result = memory[core.tos() / 4 - 1]; run("DROP"); return result; } function latest() { run("LATEST"); const result = memory[core.tos() / 4 - 1]; run("DROP"); return result; } function tosValue() { return memory[core.tos() / 4 - 1]; } function stackValues() { const result = []; const tos = core.tos(); for (let i = initialTOS; i < tos; i += 4) { result.push(memory[i / 4]); } return result; } describe("leb128", () => { it("should convert 0x0", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, 0x0); expect(r).to.eql(0x1); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0x0); }); it("should convert 0x17", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, 0x17); expect(r).to.eql(0x1); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0x17); }); it("should convert 0x80", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, 0x80); expect(r).to.eql(0x2); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0x80); expect(memory8[1]).to.eql(0x01); }); it("should convert 0x12345", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, 0x12345); expect(r).to.eql(0x3); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0xc5); expect(memory8[1]).to.eql(0xc6); expect(memory8[2]).to.eql(0x04); }); it("should convert -1", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, -1); expect(r).to.eql(0x1); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0x7f); }); it("should convert -0x12345", () => { const r = core.leb128(0x0, -0x12345); expect(r).to.eql(0x3); expect(memory8[0]).to.eql(0xbb); expect(memory8[1]).to.eql(0xb9); expect(memory8[2]).to.eql(0x7b); }); }); describe("leb128-4p", () => { it("should convert 0x0", () => { expect(core.leb128_4p(0x0)).to.eql(0x808080); }); it("should convert 0x17", () => { expect(core.leb128_4p(0x17)).to.eql(0x808097); }); it("should convert 0x80", () => { expect(core.leb128_4p(0x80)).to.eql(0x808180); }); it("should convert 0xBADF00D", () => { expect(core.leb128_4p(0xbadf00d)).to.eql(0x5db7e08d); }); it("should convert 0xFFFFFFF", () => { expect(core.leb128_4p(0xfffffff)).to.eql(0x7fffffff); }); }); describe("interpret", () => { it("should return an error when word is not found", () => {"BADWORD"); expect(() => core.interpret()).to.throw(); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("undefined word"); }); it("should interpret a positive number", () => {"123"); expect(core.interpret()).to.eql(0); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(123); }); it("should interpret a negative number", () => {"-123"); expect(core.interpret()).to.eql(0); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-123); }); it("should interpret a hex", () => {"16 BASE ! DF"); expect(core.interpret()).to.eql(0); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(223); }); it("should not interpret hex in decimal mode", () => {"DF"); expect(() => core.interpret()).to.throw(); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("undefined word"); }); it("should fail on half a word", () => {"23FOO"); expect(() => core.interpret()).to.throw(); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("undefined word"); }); }); describe("DUP", () => { it("should work", () => { run("121"); run("DUP"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(121); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(121); }); }); describe("?DUP", () => { it("should duplicate when not 0", () => { run("121"); run("?DUP 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(121); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(121); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); it("should not duplicate when 0", () => { run("0"); run("?DUP 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("2DUP", () => { it("should work", () => { run("222"); run("173"); run("2DUP"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(222); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(173); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(222); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(173); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("ROT", () => { it("should work", () => { run("1 2 3 ROT 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("*", () => { it("should multiply", () => { run("3"); run("4"); run("*"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should multiply negative", () => { run("-3"); run("4"); run("*"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("+", () => { it("should add", () => { run("3"); run("4"); run("+"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("-", () => { it("should subtract", () => { run("8 5 - 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should subtract to negative", () => { run("8 13 - 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-5); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should subtract negative", () => { run("8 -3 - 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(11); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("/", () => { it("should divide", () => { run("15 5 / 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should divide negative", () => { run("15 -5 / 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("/MOD", () => { it("should work", () => { run("15 6 /MOD 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("*/", () => { it("should work with small numbers", () => { run("10 3 5 */ 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(6); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with large numbers", () => { run("268435455 1000 5000 */"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(53687091); }); }); describe("*/MOD", () => { it("should work with small numbers", () => { run("9 3 5 */MOD 7"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(7); }); it("should work with large numbers", () => { run("268435455 1000 3333 */MOD"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1230); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(80538690); }); }); describe("1+", () => { it("should work with positive numbers", () => { run("3"); run("1+"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with negative numbers", () => { run("-3"); run("1+"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("1-", () => { it("should work with positive numbers", () => { run("3"); run("1-"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with negative numbers", () => { run("-3"); run("1-"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-4); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe(">", () => { it("should test true when greater", () => { run("5"); run("3"); run(">"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should test false when smaller", () => { run("3"); run("5"); run(">"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should test false when equal", () => { run("5"); run("5"); run(">"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with negative numbers", () => { run("5"); run("-3"); run(">"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("NEGATE", () => { it("should negate positive number", () => { run("7 NEGATE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-7); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should negate negative number", () => { run("-7 NEGATE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should negate negative zero", () => { run("0 NEGATE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("0=", () => { it("should test true", () => { run("0"); run("0="); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should test false", () => { run("23"); run("0="); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("0>", () => { it("should test true", () => { run("2"); run("0>"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should test false", () => { run("-3"); run("0>"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("OVER", () => { it("should work", () => { run("12"); run("34"); run("OVER"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(34); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("SWAP", () => { it("should work", () => { run("12"); run("34"); run("SWAP"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(34); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("EMIT", () => { it("should work once", () => { run("87"); run("EMIT"); expect(output).to.eql("W"); }); it("should work twice", () => { run("97"); run("87"); run("EMIT"); run("EMIT"); expect(output).to.eql("Wa"); }); }); describe("DROP", () => { it("should drop", () => { run("222"); run("173"); run("DROP"); run("190"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(222); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(190); }); }); describe("ERASE", () => { it("should erase", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 222; memory8[ptr + 1] = 173; memory8[ptr + 2] = 190; memory8[ptr + 3] = 239; run((ptr + 1).toString(10)); run("2 ERASE 5"); expect(memory8[ptr + 0]).to.eql(222); expect(memory8[ptr + 1]).to.eql(0x00); expect(memory8[ptr + 2]).to.eql(0x00); expect(memory8[ptr + 3]).to.eql(239); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("IF/ELSE/THEN", () => { it("should take the then branch without else", () => { run(`: FOO IF 8 THEN ;`); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(8); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should not take the then branch without else", () => { run(": FOO"); run("IF"); run("8"); run("THEN"); run("0"); run(";"); run("FOO"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); }); it("should take the then branch with else", () => { run(": FOO"); run("IF"); run("8"); run("ELSE"); run("9"); run("THEN"); run(";"); run("1"); run("FOO"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(8); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should take the else branch with else", () => { run(": FOO"); run("IF"); run("8"); run("ELSE"); run("9"); run("THEN"); run(";"); run("0"); run("FOO"); run("5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(9); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should support nested if", () => { run(`: FOO IF IF 8 ELSE 9 THEN 10 ELSE 11 THEN ;`); run("0 1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(9); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(10); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("DO/LOOP", () => { it("should run a loop", () => { run(`: FOO 4 0 DO 3 LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(5); }); it("should run a nested loop", () => { run(`: FOO 3 0 DO 2 0 DO 3 LOOP LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("UNLOOP", () => { it.skip("should work with nested loops", () => { run( ": GD6 0 3 0 DO I 1+ 0 DO I J + 3 = IF I UNLOOP I UNLOOP EXIT THEN 1+ LOOP LOOP ;" ); run("GD6"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([4, 2, 1]); }); }); describe("LEAVE", () => { it("should leave", () => { run(`: FOO 4 0 DO 3 LEAVE 6 LOOP 4 ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([3, 4, 5]); }); it("should leave an if in a loop", () => { run(`: FOO 5 0 DO I I 3 = IF 124 LEAVE THEN I LOOP 123 ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 124, 123, 5]); }); }); describe("+LOOP", () => { it("should increment a loop", () => { run(`: FOO 10 0 DO 3 2 +LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(5); }); it("should increment a loop beyond the index", () => { run(`: FOO 10 0 DO 3 8 +LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with decrementing loops", () => { run(": GD2 DO I -1 +LOOP ;"); run("1 4 GD2"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([4, 3, 2, 1]); }); }); describe("I", () => { it("should work", () => { run(`: FOO 4 0 DO I LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work in a nested loop", () => { run(`: FOO 3 0 DO 2 0 DO I LOOP LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("J", () => { it("should work", () => { run(`: FOO 3 0 DO 2 0 DO J LOOP LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work in a nested loop", () => { run(`: FOO 3 0 DO 2 0 DO J LOOP LOOP ;`); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(0); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("BEGIN / WHILE / REPEAT", () => { it("should work", () => { run(`: FOO BEGIN DUP 2 * DUP 16 < WHILE DUP REPEAT 7 ;`); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(8); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(8); expect(stack[7]).to.eql(16); expect(stack[8]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[9]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("BEGIN / UNTIL", () => { it("should work", () => { run(`: FOO BEGIN DUP 2 * DUP 16 > UNTIL 7 ;`); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(8); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(16); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(32); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[7]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("EXIT", () => { it("should work", () => { run(`: FOO IF 3 EXIT 4 THEN 5 ;`); run("1 FOO 6"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(6); }); }); describe("( / )", () => { it("should work", () => { run(": FOO ( bad -- x ) 7 ;"); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); it("should ignore nesting", () => { run(": FOO ( ( bad -- x ) 7 ;"); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("CHAR", () => { it("should work with a single character", () => { run("CHAR A 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(65); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with multiple characters", () => { run("CHAR ABC 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(65); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("[CHAR]", () => { it("should work with a single character", () => { run(": FOO [CHAR] A 5 ;"); run("4 FOO 6"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(65); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(6); }); it("should work with multiple characters", () => { run(": FOO [CHAR] ABC 5 ;"); run("4 FOO 6"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(65); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(6); }); }); // describe("word", () => { // it("should read a word", () => { //" FOO BAR BAZ "); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString(stack[0])).to.eql("FOO"); // }); // // it("should read two words", () => { //" FOO BAR BAZ "); // core.WORD(); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString(stack[1])).to.eql("BAR"); // }); // // it("should skip comments", () => { //" \\ FOO BAZ\n BART BAZ"); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString(stack[0])).to.eql("BART"); // }); // // it("should stop at end of buffer while parsing word", () => { //"FOO"); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString(stack[0])).to.eql("FOO"); // }); // // it("should stop at end of buffer while parsing comments", () => { //" \\FOO"); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString()).to.eql(""); // }); // // it("should stop when parsing empty line", () => { //" "); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString()).to.eql(""); // }); // // it("should stop when parsing nothing", () => { //""); // core.WORD(); // expect(getCountedString()).to.eql(""); // }); // }); describe("FIND", () => { it("should find a word", () => { loadString("DUP"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(131956); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(-1); }); it("should find a short word", () => { loadString("!"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(131204); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(-1); }); it("should find an immediate word", () => { loadString("+LOOP"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(131304); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(1); }); it("should not find an unexisting word", () => { loadString("BADWORD"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(0); }); it("should not find a very long unexisting word", () => { loadString("VERYVERYVERYBADWORD"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(0); }); }); describe("BASE", () => { it("should contain the base", () => { run("BASE @ 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(10); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); // describe("KEY", () => { // it("should read a key", () => { // run("KEY F"); // run("5"); // expect(stack[0]).to.eql(70); // expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); // }); // }); describe("LITERAL", () => { it("should put a literal on the stack", () => { run("20 : FOO LITERAL ;"); run("5 FOO"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(20); }); }); describe("[ ]", () => { it("should work", () => { run(": FOO [ 20 5 * ] LITERAL ;"); run("5 FOO 6"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(100); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(6); }); }); describe("C@", () => { it("should fetch an aligned character", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 222; memory8[ptr + 1] = 173; run(ptr.toString()); run("C@"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(222); }); it("should fetch an unaligned character", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 222; memory8[ptr + 1] = 173; run((ptr + 1).toString()); run("C@"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(173); }); }); describe("C!", () => { it("should store an aligned character", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 222; memory8[ptr + 1] = 173; run("190"); run(ptr.toString()); run("C! 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory8[ptr]).to.eql(190); expect(memory8[ptr + 1]).to.eql(173); }); it("should store an unaligned character", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 222; memory8[ptr + 1] = 173; run("190"); run((ptr + 1).toString()); run("C! 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory8[ptr]).to.eql(222); expect(memory8[ptr + 1]).to.eql(190); }); }); describe("@", () => { it("should fetch", () => { const ptr = here(); memory[ptr / 4] = 123456; run(ptr.toString()); run("@ 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(123456); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("!", () => { it("should store", () => { const ptr = here(); run("12345"); run(ptr.toString()); run("! 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory[ptr / 4]).to.eql(12345); }); }); describe(",", () => { it("should add word", () => { run("HERE"); run("1234"); run(","); run("HERE"); expect(stack[1] - stack[0]).to.eql(4); expect(memory[stack[0] / 4]).to.eql(1234); }); }); describe('S"', () => { it("should work", () => { run(': FOO S" Foo Bar" ;'); run("FOO"); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(7); expect(getString(stack[0], stack[1])).to.eql("Foo Bar"); }); it("should work with 2 strings", () => { run(': FOO S" Foo Bar" ;'); run(': BAR S" Baz Ba" ;'); run("FOO BAR 5"); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(7); expect(getString(stack[0], stack[1])).to.eql("Foo Bar"); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(6); expect(getString(stack[2], stack[3])).to.eql("Baz Ba"); }); }); describe("TYPE", () => { it("should work", () => { run(': FOO S" Foo Bar" TYPE ;'); run("FOO"); expect(output).to.eql("Foo Bar"); }); }); describe('."', () => { it("should work", () => { run(': FOO ." Foo Bar" ;'); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(output).to.eql("Foo Bar"); }); }); describe("MOVE", () => { it("should work with non-overlapping regions", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 1; memory8[ptr + 1] = 2; memory8[ptr + 2] = 3; memory8[ptr + 3] = 4; memory8[ptr + 4] = 5; run("HERE HERE 10 + 4 MOVE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory8[ptr + 10]).to.eql(1); expect(memory8[ptr + 11]).to.eql(2); expect(memory8[ptr + 12]).to.eql(3); expect(memory8[ptr + 13]).to.eql(4); expect(memory8[ptr + 14]).to.eql(0); }); it("should work with begin-overlapping regions", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr] = 1; memory8[ptr + 1] = 2; memory8[ptr + 2] = 3; memory8[ptr + 3] = 4; memory8[ptr + 4] = 5; run("HERE HERE 2 + 4 MOVE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory8[ptr + 0]).to.eql(1); expect(memory8[ptr + 1]).to.eql(2); expect(memory8[ptr + 2]).to.eql(1); expect(memory8[ptr + 3]).to.eql(2); expect(memory8[ptr + 4]).to.eql(3); expect(memory8[ptr + 5]).to.eql(4); expect(memory8[ptr + 6]).to.eql(0); }); it("should work with end-overlapping regions", () => { const ptr = here(); memory8[ptr + 10] = 1; memory8[ptr + 11] = 2; memory8[ptr + 12] = 3; memory8[ptr + 13] = 4; memory8[ptr + 14] = 5; run("HERE 10 + DUP 2 - 4 MOVE 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(memory8[ptr + 8]).to.eql(1); expect(memory8[ptr + 9]).to.eql(2); expect(memory8[ptr + 10]).to.eql(3); expect(memory8[ptr + 11]).to.eql(4); expect(memory8[ptr + 12]).to.eql(3); expect(memory8[ptr + 13]).to.eql(4); expect(memory8[ptr + 14]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("RECURSE", () => { it("should recurse", () => { run(": FOO DUP 4 < IF DUP 1+ RECURSE ELSE 12 THEN 13 ;"); run("1 FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[4]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[5]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[6]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[7]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[8]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[9]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("CREATE", () => { it("should create words", () => { run("HERE"); run("LATEST"); run("CREATE DUP"); run("HERE"); run("LATEST"); expect(stack[2] - stack[0]).to.eql(4 + 4 + 4); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(stack[0]); expect(stack[3]).to.not.eql(stack[1]); }); it("should create findable words", () => { run("CREATE FOOBAR"); run("LATEST"); run("CREATE BAM"); loadString("FOOBAR"); run("FIND"); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(stack[0]); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(-1); }); it("should align unaligned words", () => { run("CREATE DUPE"); run("HERE"); expect(stack[0] % 4).to.eql(0); }); it("should align aligned words", () => { run("CREATE DUP"); run("HERE"); expect(stack[0] % 4).to.eql(0); }); it("should assign default semantics to created words", () => { run("CREATE DUP"); run("HERE"); run("DUP"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(stack[1]); }); }); describe("IMMEDIATE", () => { it("should make executable words", () => { run(': FOOBAR ." Hello World" ; IMMEDIATE'); expect(output).to.eql(""); run("FOOBAR 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(output).to.eql("Hello World"); }); it("should make immediate words", () => { run(': FOOBAR ." Hello World" ; IMMEDIATE'); run(': FOO FOOBAR ." Out There" ;'); expect(output).to.eql("Hello World"); }); }); describe(":", () => { it("should compile multiple instructions", () => { run(": FOOBAR 4 * ;"); run("3 FOOBAR"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); }); it("should compile negative numbers", () => { run(": FOOBAR -4 * ;"); run("3 FOOBAR"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-12); }); it("should compile large numbers", () => { run(": FOOBAR 111111 * ;"); run("3 FOOBAR"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(333333); }); it("should skip comments", () => { run(": FOOBAR\n\n \\ Test string \n 4 * ;"); run("3 FOOBAR 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should override", () => { run(": FOOBAR 3 ;"); run(": FOOBAR FOOBAR 4 ;"); run("FOOBAR 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(4); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); it("should compile a name with an illegal WASM character", () => { run(': F" 3 0 DO 2 LOOP ;'); }); }); describe("POSTPONE", () => { it("should make immediate words", () => { run(': FOOBAR ." Hello World" ; IMMEDIATE'); run(': FOO POSTPONE FOOBAR ." !!" ;'); expect(output).to.eql(""); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(5); expect(output).to.eql("Hello World!!"); }); it("should postpone non-immediate words", () => { run(': FOO ." A1" ;'); run(': BAR ." A2" POSTPONE FOO ." A3" ; IMMEDIATE'); run(": BAZ BAR ;"); expect(output).to.eql("A2A3"); run("BAZ"); expect(output).to.eql("A2A3A1"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([]); }); }); describe("VARIABLE", () => { it("should work with one variable", () => { run("VARIABLE FOO"); run("12 FOO !"); run("FOO @ 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should work with two variables", () => { run("VARIABLE FOO VARIABLE BAR"); run("12 FOO ! 13 BAR !"); run("FOO @ BAR @ 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("CONSTANT", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); }); it("should work", () => { run("12 CONSTANT FOO"); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("EVALUATE", () => { it("should work", () => { run(': FOO S" 1 2 3" EVALUATE 4 ;'); run("FOO"); expect(stackValues()).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4]); }); }); describe("VALUE", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); }); it("should store a value", () => { run("12 VALUE FOO"); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(12); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); it("should update a value", () => { run("12 VALUE FOO"); run("13 TO FOO"); run("FOO 5"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(13); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(5); }); }); describe("DOES>", () => { it("should work", () => { run(": ID CREATE 23 , DOES> @ ;"); run("ID boo"); run("boo boo 44"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(23); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(23); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(44); }); }); describe("UWIDTH", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); }); it("should work with 3 digits", () => { run("123 UWIDTH"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(3); }); it("should work with 4 digits", () => { run("1234 UWIDTH"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(4); }); }); describe("[']", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); }); it("should work", () => { run(': HELLO ." Hello " ;'); run(': GOODBYE ." Goodbye " ;'); run("VARIABLE 'aloha ' HELLO 'aloha !"); run(": ALOHA 'aloha @ EXECUTE ;"); run(": GOING ['] GOODBYE 'aloha ! ;"); run("GOING"); run("ALOHA"); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("Goodbye"); }); }); describe('ABORT"', () => { it("should not abort if check fails", () => { run(': FOO 5 = ABORT" Error occurred" 6 ;'); run("1 2 FOO 7"); run("8"); expect(output.trim()).to.eql(""); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(1); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(6); expect(stack[2]).to.eql(7); expect(stack[3]).to.eql(8); }); it("should abort if check succeeds", () => { run(': FOO 5 = ABORT" Error occurred" 6 ;'); run("1 5 FOO 7", true); run("8"); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("Error occurred"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(8); }); }); describe("S>D", () => { it("should work with positive number", () => { run("2 S>D"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(0); }); it("should work with negative number", () => { run("-2 S>D"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(-2); expect(stack[1]).to.eql(-1); }); }); describe("system", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); }); it("should run sieve", () => { run(sieve); run("100 sieve"); expect(output.trim()).to.eql("97"); }); it("should run direct sieve", () => { run(sieve); run("100 sieve_direct"); expect(stack[0]).to.eql(97); }); }); describe("standard test suite", () => { beforeEach(() => { core.loadPrelude(); run(standardTestSuiteTester); run("TRUE VERBOSE !"); }); it("should run core word tests", () => { run(standardCoreWordsTestSuite); run("#ERRORS @"); if (tosValue() !== 0) {; } expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE 0-9 SEPARATED BY A SPACE:\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \n" ); expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE THE STANDARD GRAPHIC CHARACTERS:\n !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\n" ); expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE 0-9 (WITH NO SPACES):\n0123456789\n" ); expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE A-G SEPARATED BY A SPACE:\nA B C D E F G \n" ); expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE 0-5 SEPARATED BY TWO SPACES:\n0 1 2 3 4 5 \n" ); expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE TWO SEPARATE LINES:\nLINE 1\nLINE 2\n" ); // These 2 are wrong expect(output).to.include( "YOU SHOULD SEE THE NUMBER RANGES OF SIGNED AND UNSIGNED NUMBERS:\n SIGNED: -(0000000 7FFFFFFF \n" ); expect(output).to.include("UNSIGNED: 0/\n"); }); }); }); } export default loadTests;