diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index fa5bdfd..60d7cc0 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ src/waforth.bulkmem.wat src/waforth.vanilla.wat src/web/benchmarks/sieve/sieve-c.js build/ +dist/ *.wasm *.wasm.hex *.tmp diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e948f15..870fb9d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -22,8 +22,60 @@ Words](http://lars.nocrew.org/dpans/dpans6.htm#6.1), and passes most of the [Forth 200x Test Suite](https://forth-standard.org/standard/testsuite) core word tests. +![WAForth Console](https://mko.re/waforth/console.gif "WAForth Console") -## Install Dependencies + +## Using WAForth in an application + +You can embed WAForth in any JavaScript application. + +A simple example to illustrate starting WAForth, and binding JavaScript functions: + +```typescript +import WAForth from "waforth"; + +(async () => { + // Create the UI + document.body.innerHTML = `
+  const btn = document.querySelector("button");
+  const log = document.querySelector("pre");
+  // Initialize WAForth
+  const forth = new WAForth();
+  forth.onEmit = (c) =>
+    log.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(c)));
+  await forth.load();
+  // Bind "prompt" call to a function that pops up a JavaScript prompt, and pushes the entered number back on the stack
+  forth.bind("prompt", (stack) => {
+    const message = stack.popString();
+    const result = window.prompt(message);
+    stack.push(parseInt(result));
+  });
+  // Load Forth code to bind the "prompt" call to a word, and call the word
+  forth.interpret(`
+( Call "prompt" with the given string )
+: PROMPT ( c-addr u -- n )
+  S" prompt" SCALL 
+( Prompt the user for a number, and write it to output )
+: ASK-NUMBER ( -- )
+  S" Please enter a number" PROMPT
+  ." The number was" SPACE .
+  btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
+    forth.interpret("ASK-NUMBER");
+  });
+## Development
+### Install Dependencies
 The build uses the [WebAssembly Binary
 Toolkit](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt) for converting raw WebAssembly
@@ -34,7 +86,7 @@ managing the dependencies of the shell.
-## Building & Running
+### Building & Running
 To build everything:
@@ -44,7 +96,7 @@ To run the development server:
     make dev
-## Testing
+### Testing
 The tests are served from `/waforth/tests` by the development server.
@@ -116,11 +168,10 @@ The shell is [a JavaScript
 class](https://github.com/remko/waforth/blob/master/src/shell/WAForth.js) that
 wraps the WebAssembly module, and loads it in the browser.  It provides the I/O
 primitives to the WebAssembly module to read and write characters to a
-terminal, and externally provides a `run()` function to execute a fragment of
+terminal, and externally provides a `interpret()` function to execute a fragment of
 Forth code.
 To tie everything together into an interactive system, there's a small
 console-based interface around this shell to type Forth code, which you can see
 in action [here](https://mko.re/waforth/).
-![WAForth Console](https://mko.re/waforth/console.gif "WAForth Console")
diff --git a/build-package.js b/build-package.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c0cb2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-package.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+/* eslint-env node */
+const esbuild = require("esbuild");
+const path = require("path");
+const { execSync } = require("child_process");
+const { wasmTextPlugin } = require("./scripts/esbuild/wasm-text");
+let buildConfig = {
+  bundle: true,
+  logLevel: "info",
+  entryPoints: [path.join(__dirname, "src", "web", "WAForth")],
+  outfile: path.join(__dirname, "dist", "index.js"),
+  minify: true,
+  format: "cjs",
+  loader: {
+    ".wasm": "binary",
+  },
+  sourcemap: true,
+  plugins: [wasmTextPlugin({ debug: false })],
+  () => {
+    execSync("./node_modules/.bin/tsc --project tsconfig.package.json");
+  },
+  () => process.exit(1)
diff --git a/build-web.js b/build-web.js
index 90ce902..1ec6133 100755
--- a/build-web.js
+++ b/build-web.js
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ let buildConfig = {
     path.join(__dirname, "src", "web", "shell", "shell"),
     path.join(__dirname, "src", "web", "tests", "tests"),
     path.join(__dirname, "src", "web", "benchmarks", "benchmarks"),
+    path.join(__dirname, "src", "web", "examples", "prompt", "prompt"),
   entryNames: dev ? "[name]" : "[name]-c$[hash]",
   assetNames: "[name]-c$[hash]",
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ async function handleBuildFinished(result) {
   let index = INDEX_TEMPLATE.replace(/\$BASE/g, "shell");
   let testIndex = INDEX_TEMPLATE.replace(/\$BASE/g, "tests");
   let benchmarksIndex = INDEX_TEMPLATE.replace(/\$BASE/g, "benchmarks");
+  let promptIndex = INDEX_TEMPLATE.replace(/\$BASE/g, "prompt");
   // console.log(JSON.stringify(result.metafile.outputs, undefined, 2));
   for (const [out] of Object.entries(result.metafile.outputs)) {
     const outfile = path.basename(out);
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ async function handleBuildFinished(result) {
     index = index.replace(`/${sourcefile}`, `/${outfile}`);
     testIndex = testIndex.replace(`/${sourcefile}`, `/${outfile}`);
     benchmarksIndex = benchmarksIndex.replace(`/${sourcefile}`, `/${outfile}`);
+    promptIndex = promptIndex.replace(`/${sourcefile}`, `/${outfile}`);
   await fs.promises.writeFile("public/waforth/index.html", index);
   await fs.promises.mkdir("public/waforth/tests", { recursive: true });
@@ -116,6 +119,13 @@ async function handleBuildFinished(result) {
+  await fs.promises.mkdir("public/waforth/examples/prompt", {
+    recursive: true,
+  });
+  await fs.promises.writeFile(
+    "public/waforth/examples/prompt/index.html",
+    promptIndex
+  );
 if (watch) {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 71dcd2b..148a81d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-  "private": true,
+  "name": "waforth",
+  "version": "0.2.0",
   "license": "MIT",
+  "repository": "github:remko/waforth",
   "dependencies": {},
   "devDependencies": {
+    "@types/node": "^17.0.31",
     "chai": "^4.3.6",
     "esbuild": "^0.14.36",
     "eslint": "^8.13.0",
@@ -14,13 +17,23 @@
     "mocha": "^9.2.2",
     "prettier": "^2.6.2",
     "react": "^18.0.0",
-    "react-dom": "^18.0.0"
+    "react-dom": "^18.0.0",
+    "typescript": "^4.6.4"
+  "types": "dist/WAForth.d.ts",
+  "main": "dist/index.js",
+  "files": [
+    "dist"
+  ],
   "scripts": {
     "build": "./build-web.js",
     "dev": "./build-web.js --watch --development",
     "test": "./test-web.js",
     "test-watch": "./test-web.js --watch",
-    "lint": "eslint ."
-  }
+    "lint": "eslint .",
+    "prepare": "./build-package.js"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "forth"
+  ]
diff --git a/scripts/generate-dictionary-entry.js b/scripts/generate-dictionary-entry.js
index 890ced1..2075a8c 100755
--- a/scripts/generate-dictionary-entry.js
+++ b/scripts/generate-dictionary-entry.js
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ const process = require("process");
 function encodeLE(n, align) {
   return (
-    "\\u00" +
+    "\\" +
     _.padStart(n.toString(16), align * 2, "0")
-      .join("\\u00")
+      .join("\\")
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const nextTableIndex = parseInt(process.argv[7]);
 const dictionaryEntry = [
   encodeLE(latest, 4),
   encodeLE(name.length | flags, 1),
-  _.padEnd(name, 4 * Math.floor((name.length + 4) / 4) - 1, "0"),
+  _.padEnd(name, 6 * Math.floor((name.length + 4) / 4) - 1, "\\00"),
   encodeLE(nextTableIndex, 4),
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ console.log(
 console.log("latest: 0x" + here.toString(16));
   "here: 0x" +
-    (here + dictionaryEntry.join("").replace(/\\u..../g, "_").length).toString(
-      16
-    )
+    (here + dictionaryEntry.join("").replace(/\\../g, "_").length).toString(16)
 console.log("!nextTableIndex: 0x" + (nextTableIndex + 1).toString(16));
diff --git a/src/waforth.wat b/src/waforth.wat
index 3d19400..29e35dd 100644
--- a/src/waforth.wat
+++ b/src/waforth.wat
@@ -4,2783 +4,2801 @@
 (module $WAForth
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; External function dependencies.
- ;; 
- ;; These are provided by JavaScript (or whoever instantiates the WebAssembly 
- ;; module)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; I/O
- (import "shell" "emit" (func $shell_emit (param i32)))
- (import "shell" "getc" (func $shell_getc (result i32)))
- (import "shell" "key" (func $shell_key (result i32)))
- (import "shell" "accept" (func $shell_accept (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)))
- ;; (import "shell" "debug" (func $shell_debug (param i32)))
- ;; Load a webassembly module.
- ;; Parameters: memory offset, size, table index where the new module will
- ;; be loaded.
- (import "shell" "load" (func $shell_load (param i32 i32 i32)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Function types
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; A regular compiled word is a function without any parameters.
- ;; (arguments are passed via the stack)
- (type $word (func (param i32) (result i32)))
- ;; Words with the 'data' flag set get a pointer to data passed
- ;; as parameter.
- (type $dataWord (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Function table
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; The function table contains entries for each defined word, and some helper
- ;; functions used in compiled words. All calls from compiled words to other words go
- ;; through this table.
- ;;
- ;; The table starts with 16 reserved addresses for utility, non-words 
- ;; functions (used in compiled words). From then on, the built-in words start.
- ;;
- ;; Predefined entries:
- ;;
- ;;   START_DO_INDEX := 1
- ;;   UPDATE_DO_INDEX := 2
- ;;   END_DO_INDEX := 9
- ;;   TYPE_INDEX := 0x85
- ;;   ABORT_INDEX := 0x39
- ;;   CONSTANT_INDEX := 0x4c
- ;;   NEXT_TABLE_INDEX := 0xaa   (; Next available table index for a compiled word ;)
- (table (export "table") 0xaa (; = NEXT_TABLE_INDEX ;) funcref)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Data
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- ;; Memory size:
- ;;   MEMORY_SIZE := 104857600     (100*1024*1024)
- ;;   MEMORY_SIZE_PAGES := 1600    (MEMORY_SIZE / 65536)
- ;;
- ;; Memory layout:
- ;;   BASE_BASE          :=   0x100
- ;;   STATE_BASE         :=   0x104
- ;;   IN_BASE            :=   0x108
- ;;   WORD_BASE          :=   0x200
- ;;   WORD_BASE_PLUS_1   :=   0x201
- ;;   WORD_BASE_PLUS_2   :=   0x202
- ;;   INPUT_BUFFER_BASE  :=   0x300
- ;;   (Compiled modules are limited to 4096 bytes until Chrome refuses to load them synchronously)
- ;;   MODULE_HEADER_BASE :=  0x1000 
- ;;   RETURN_STACK_BASE  :=  0x2000
- ;;   STACK_BASE         := 0x10000
- ;;   STRINGS_BASE       := 0x20000
- ;;   PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE := 0x21000 (filled backward)
- ;;   DICTIONARY_BASE    := 0x21000
- (memory (export "memory") 1600 (; = MEMORY_SIZE_PAGES ;))
- (data (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) "\0A\00\00\00")
- (data (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00")
- (data (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00")
- ;; The header of a WebAssembly module for a compiled word.
- ;; The body of the compiled word is directly appended to the end
- ;; of this chunk:
- ;;
- ;; Bytes with the top 4 bits set (0xF.) are placeholders
- ;; for patching, for which the offsets are computed below:
- ;;
- (data (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;))
-   "\00\61\73\6D" ;; Header
-   "\01\00\00\00" ;; Version
-   "\01" "\12" ;; Type section
-     "\03" ;; #Entries
-       "\60\01\7f\01\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (result i32))
-       "\60\02\7f\7f\01\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32))
-       "\60\01\7f\02\7F\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (result i32) (result i32))
-   "\02" "\20" ;; Import section
-     "\02" ;; #Entries
-     "\03\65\6E\76" "\05\74\61\62\6C\65" ;; 'env' . 'table'
-       "\01" "\70" "\00" "\FB\00\00\00" ;; table, funcref, flags, initial size
-     "\03\65\6E\76" "\06\6d\65\6d\6f\72\79" ;; 'env' . 'memory'
-       "\02" "\00" "\01" ;; memory
-   "\03" "\02" ;; Function section
-     "\01" ;; #Entries
-     "\FA" ;; Type 0
-   "\09" "\0a" ;; Element section
-     "\01" ;; #Entries
-     "\00" ;; Table 0
-     "\41\FC\00\00\00\0B" ;; i32.const ..., end
-     "\01" ;; #elements
-       "\00" ;; function 0
-   "\0A" "\FF\00\00\00" ;; Code section (padded length)
-   "\01" ;; #Bodies
-     "\FE\00\00\00" ;; Body size (padded)
-     "\01" ;; #locals
-       "\FD\00\00\00\7F"  ;; # #i32 locals (padded)
-       "\20\00") ;; local.get 0
- ;; Compiled module header offsets:
- ;;
- ;;   MODULE_HEADER_SIZE := 0x60
- ;;
- ;;   MODULE_BODY_BASE := 0x1060                    (MODULE_HEADER_BASE + 0x60 (; = MODULE_HEADER_SIZE ;))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Constant strings
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (data (i32.const 0x20000) "\0e" "undefined word")
- (data (i32.const 0x20014) "\0d" "division by 0")
- (data (i32.const 0x20028) "\10" "incomplete input")
- (data (i32.const 0x2003C) "\0b" "missing ')'")
- (data (i32.const 0x2004C) "\09" "missing \22")
- (data (i32.const 0x2005C) "\24" "word not supported in interpret mode")
- (data (i32.const 0x20084) "\0F" "not implemented")
- (data (i32.const 0x20090) "\11" "ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS")
- (data (i32.const 0x200A2) "\0F" "/COUNTED-STRING")
- (data (i32.const 0x200A2) "\0F" "/COUNTED-STRING")
- (data (i32.const 0x200B2) "\11" "stack empty")
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Built-in words
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; These follow the following pattern:
- ;; - WebAssembly function definition (func ...)
- ;; - Dictionary entry in memory (data ...)
- ;; - Function table entry (elem ...)
- ;;
- ;; The dictionary entry has the following form:
- ;; - prev (4 bytes): Pointer to start of previous entry
- ;; - flags|name-length (1 byte): Length of the entry name, OR-ed with
- ;;   flags in the top 3 bits.
- ;;   Flags is an OR-ed value of
- ;;      F_IMMEDIATE := 0x80
- ;;      F_DATA := 0x40
- ;;      F_HIDDEN := 0x20
- ;;   Length is acquired by masking
- ;;      LENGTH_MASK := 0x1F
- ;; - name (n bytes): Name characters. End is 4-byte aligned.
- ;; - code pointer (4 bytes): Index into the function 
- ;;   table of code to execute
- ;; - data (optional m bytes, only if 'data' flag is set)
- ;;
- ;; Execution tokens are addresses of dictionary entries
- ;;
- ;; 6.1.0010 ! 
- (func $! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (local.get $bbtos))
- (data (i32.const 0x21000 (; = DICTIONARY_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00\01!\00\00\10\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x10) $!)
- ;; 6.1.0030
- (func $# (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i64)
-   (local $base i64)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $m i64)
-   (local $npo i32)
-   (local.set $base (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))))
-   (local.set $v (i64.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (local.set $m (i64.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-   (local.set $v (i64.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-   (i32.store8 (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
-     (call $numberToChar (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $m))))
-   (i64.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))
-   (global.set $po (local.get $npo))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135180) "\00\10\02\00\01#\00\00\11\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x11) $#)
- ;; 6.1.0040
- (func $#> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)) (global.get $po))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)) (i32.sub (i32.const 0x21000 (; = PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE ;)) (global.get $po)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135192) "\0c\10\02\00\02#>\00\12\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x12) $#>)
- ;; 6.1.0050
- (func $#S (param $tos i32) (result i32) 
-   (local $v i64)
-   (local $base i64)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $m i64)
-   (local $po i32)
-   (local.set $base (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))))
-   (local.set $v (i64.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (local.set $po (global.get $po))
-   (loop $loop
-     (local.set $m (i64.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-     (local.set $v (i64.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-     (i32.store8 (local.tee $po (i32.sub (local.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
-       (call $numberToChar (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $m))))
-     (br_if $loop (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $v))))
-   (i64.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))
-   (global.set $po (local.get $po))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135204) "\18\10\02\00\02#S\00\13\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x13) $#S)
- ;; 6.1.0070
- (func $' (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
-     (then 
-       (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028)))) ;; incomplete input
-   (call $FIND)
-   (drop (call $pop)))
- (data (i32.const 135216) "$\10\02\00\01'\00\00\14\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x14) $')
- ;; 6.1.0080
- (func $paren (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $c i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
-     (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.lt_s (local.tee $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0)) 
-       (call $fail (i32.const 0x2003C))) ;; missing ')'
-     (br_if $loop (i32.ne (local.get $c) (i32.const 41)))))
- (data (i32.const 135228) "0\10\02\00" "\81" (; immediate ;) "(\00\00\15\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x15) $paren)
- ;; 6.1.0090
- (func $* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.mul (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-                       (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135240) "<\10\02\00\01*\00\00\16\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x16) $*)
- ;; 6.1.0100
- (func $*/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
-               (i32.wrap_i64
-                 (i64.div_s
-                     (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
-                               (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
-                     (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))
-   (local.get $bbtos))
- (data (i32.const 135252) "H\10\02\00\02*/\00\17\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x17) $*/)
- ;; 6.1.0110
- (func $*/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (local $x1 i64)
-   (local $x2 i64)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
-               (i32.wrap_i64
-                 (i64.rem_s
-                     (local.tee $x1 (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
-                                             (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))))
-                     (local.tee $x2 (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.div_s (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135264) "T\10\02\00\05*/MOD\00\00\18\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x18) $*/MOD)
- ;; 6.1.0120
- (func $+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.add (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-                       (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135280) "`\10\02\00\01+\00\00\19\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x19) $+)
- ;; 6.1.0130
- (func $+! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $addr i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $addr (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-               (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $addr))
-                       (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
-   (local.get $bbtos))
- (data (i32.const 135292) "p\10\02\00\02+!\00\1a\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1a) $+!)
- ;; 6.1.0140
- (func $+LOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compilePlusLoop))
- (data (i32.const 135304) "|\10\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "+LOOP\00\00" "\1b\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1b) $+LOOP)
- ;; 6.1.0150
- (func $comma (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store
-     (global.get $here)
-     (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
-   (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 135320) "\88\10\02\00\01,\00\00\1c\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1c) $comma)
- ;; 6.1.0160
- (func $- (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.sub (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
-                       (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135332) "\98\10\02\00\01-\00\00\1d\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1d) $-)
- ;; 6.1.0180
- (func $.q (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $Sq)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x85 (; = TYPE_INDEX ;))))
- (data (i32.const 135344) "\a4\10\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) ".\22\00" "\1e\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1e) $.q)
- ;; 6.1.0230
- (func $/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $divisor i32)
-   (if (i32.eqz (local.tee $divisor (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-     (return (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20014)))) ;; division by 0
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.div_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)) (local.get $divisor)))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135356) "\b0\10\02\00\01/\00\00\1f\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x1f) $/)
- ;; 6.1.0240
- (func $/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $n1 i32)
-   (local $n2 i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.rem_s (local.tee $n1 (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
-                         (local.tee $n2 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                                             (i32.const 4)))))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135368) "\bc\10\02\00\04/MOD\00\00\00 \00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x20) $/MOD)
- ;; 6.1.0250
- (func $0< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                     (i32.const 4))))
-                 (i32.const 0))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135384) "\c8\10\02\00\020<\00!\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x21) $0<)
- ;; 6.1.0270
- (func $0= (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (if (i32.eqz (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                     (i32.const 4)))))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135396) "\d8\10\02\00\020=\00\22\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x22) $0=)
- ;; 6.1.0290
- (func $1+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135408) "\e4\10\02\00\021+\00#\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x23) $1+)
- ;; 6.1.0300
- (func $1- (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.sub (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135420) "\f0\10\02\00\021-\00$\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x24) $1-)
- ;; 6.1.0310
- (func $2! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $SWAP) (call $OVER) (call $!) (call $CELL+) (call $!))
- (data (i32.const 135432) "\fc\10\02\00\022!\00%\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x25) $2!)
- ;; 6.1.0320
- (func $2* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135444) "\08\11\02\00\022*\00&\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x26) $2*)
- ;; 6.1.0330
- (func $2/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.shr_s (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135456) "\14\11\02\00\022/\00'\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x27) $2/)
- ;; 6.1.0350
- (func $2@  (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $DUP)
-   (call $CELL+)
-   (call $@)
-   (call $SWAP)
-   (call $@))
- (data (i32.const 135468) " \11\02\00\022@\00(\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x28) $2@)
- ;; 6.1.0370 
- (func $2DROP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
- (data (i32.const 135480) ",\11\02\00\052DROP\00\00)\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x29) $2DROP)
- ;; 6.1.0380
- (func $2DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-   (i32.store (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
- (data (i32.const 135496) "8\11\02\00\042DUP\00\00\00*\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2a) $2DUP)
- ;; 6.1.0400
- (func $2OVER (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
-   (i32.store (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
- (data (i32.const 135512) "H\11\02\00\052OVER\00\00+\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2b) $2OVER)
- ;; 6.1.0430
- (func $2SWAP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $x1 i32)
-   (local $x2 i32)
-   (local.set $x1 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
-   (local.set $x2 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
-               (local.get $x1))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
-               (local.get $x2))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135528) "X\11\02\00\052SWAP\00\00,\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2c) $2SWAP)
- ;; 6.1.0450
- (func $: (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $CREATE)
-   (call $hidden)
-   ;; Turn off (default) data flag
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
-     (i32.xor 
-       (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
-       (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;))))
-   ;; Store the code pointer already
-   ;; The code hasn't been loaded yet, but since nothing can affect the next table
-   ;; index, we can assume the index will be correct. This allows semicolon to be
-   ;; agnostic about whether it is compiling a word or a DOES>.
-   (i32.store (call $body (global.get $latest)) (global.get $nextTableIndex))
-   (call $startColon (i32.const 0))
-   (call $right-bracket))
- (data (i32.const 135544) "h\11\02\00\01:\00\00-\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2d) $:)
- ;; 6.1.0460
- (func $semicolon (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $endColon)
-   (call $hidden)
-   (call $left-bracket))
- (data (i32.const 135556) "x\11\02\00" "\81" (; immediate ;) ";\00\00" ".\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2e) $semicolon)
- ;; 6.1.0480
- (func $< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135568) "\84\11\02\00\01<\00\00/\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x2f) $<)
- ;; 6.1.0490
- (func $<# (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (global.set $po (i32.const 0x21000 (; = PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE ;)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135580) "\90\11\02\00\02<#\000\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x30) $<#)
- ;; 6.1.0530
- (func $= (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (if (i32.eq (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-               (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135592) "\9c\11\02\00\01=\00\001\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x31) $=)
- ;; 6.1.0540
- (func $> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135604) "\a8\11\02\00\01>\00\002\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x32) $>)
- ;; 6.1.0550
- (func $>BODY (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-     (i32.add (call $body (i32.load (local.get $btos))) (i32.const 4)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135616) "\b4\11\02\00\05>BODY\00\003\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x33) $>BODY)
- ;; 6.1.0560
- (func $>IN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)))
-  (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 135632) "\c0\11\02\00\03>IN4\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x34) $>IN)
- ;; 6.1.0570
- (func $>NUMBER (param $tos i32) (result i32) 
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $bbbbtos i32)
-   (local $value i64)
-   (local $rest i32)
-   (local $restcount i32)
-   (call $number
-     (i64.load (local.tee $bbbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
-     (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-     (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (local.set $restcount)
-   (local.set $rest)
-   (local.set $value)
-   (i32.store (local.get $btos) (local.get $restcount))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $rest))
-   (i64.store (local.get $bbbbtos) (local.get $value))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135644) "\d0\11\02\00\07>NUMBER5\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x35) $>NUMBER)
- ;; 6.1.0580
- (func $>R (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.tee $tos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-   (i32.store (global.get $tors) (i32.load (local.get $tos)))
-   (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
- (data (i32.const 135660) "\dc\11\02\00\02>R\006\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x36) $>R)
- ;; 6.1.0630 
- (func $?DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (if (result i32) (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-     (then
-       (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-         (i32.load (local.get $btos)))
-       (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-     (else 
-       (local.get $tos))))
- (data (i32.const 135672) "\ec\11\02\00\04?DUP\00\00\007\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x37) $?DUP)
- ;; 6.1.0650
- (func $@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-     (i32.load (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135688) "\f8\11\02\00\01@\00\008\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x38) $@)
- ;; 6.1.0670 ABORT 
- (func $ABORT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $QUIT (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))))
- (data (i32.const 135700) "\08\12\02\00\05ABORT\00\009\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x39 (; = ABORT_INDEX ;)) $ABORT) ;; none
- ;; 6.1.0680 ABORT"
- (func $ABORTq (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $compileIf)
-   (call $Sq)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x85 (; = TYPE_INDEX ;)))
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x39 (; = ABORT_INDEX ;)))
-   (call $compileThen))
- (data (i32.const 135716) "\14\12\02\00" "\86" (; immediate ;) "ABORT\22\00" ":\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3a) $ABORTq)
- ;; 6.1.0690
- (func $ABS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local $y i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.sub (i32.xor (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.get $btos)))
-                                 (local.tee $y (i32.shr_s (local.get $v) (i32.const 31))))
-                       (local.get $y)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135732) "$\12\02\00\03ABS;\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3b) $ABS)
- ;; 6.1.0695
- (func $ACCEPT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (call $shell_accept (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
-                                   (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135744) "4\12\02\00\06ACCEPT\00<\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3c) $ACCEPT)
- ;; 6.1.0705
- (func $ALIGN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (global.set $here (i32.and
-                       (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 3))
-                       (i32.const -4 (; ~3 ;))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135760) "@\12\02\00\05ALIGN\00\00=\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3d) $ALIGN)
- ;; 6.1.0706
- (func $ALIGNED (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.and (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 3))
-                       (i32.const -4 (; ~3 ;))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135776) "P\12\02\00\07ALIGNED>\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3e) $ALIGNED)
- ;; 6.1.0710
- (func $ALLOT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $v (call $pop))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (local.get $v))))
- (data (i32.const 135792) "`\12\02\00\05ALLOT\00\00?\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x3f) $ALLOT)
- ;; 6.1.0720
- (func $AND (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.and (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-                       (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 135808) "p\12\02\00\03AND@\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x40) $AND)
- ;; 6.1.0750 
- (func $BASE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 135820) "\80\12\02\00\04BASE\00\00\00A\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x41) $BASE)
- ;; 6.1.0760 
- (func $BEGIN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileBegin))
- (data (i32.const 135836) "\8c\12\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "BEGIN\00\00" "B\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x42) $BEGIN)
- ;; 6.1.0770
- (func $BL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 32)))
- (data (i32.const 135852) "\9c\12\02\00\02BL\00C\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x43) $BL)
- ;; 6.1.0850
- (func $C! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store8 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (local.get $bbtos))
- (data (i32.const 135864) "\ac\12\02\00\02C!\00D\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x44) $C!)
- ;; 6.1.0860
- (func $Cc (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $here)
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 135876) "\b8\12\02\00\02C,\00E\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x45) $Cc)
- ;; 6.1.0870
- (func $C@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.load8_u (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135888) "\c4\12\02\00\02C@\00F\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x46) $C@)
- ;; 6.1.0880
- (func $CELL+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 4)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135900) "\d0\12\02\00\05CELL+\00\00G\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x47) $CELL+)
- ;; 6.1.0890
- (func $CELLS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 2)))            
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135916) "\dc\12\02\00\05CELLS\00\00H\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x48) $CELLS)
- ;; 6.1.0895
- (func $CHAR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $readWord (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
-   (local.tee $tos)
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
-               (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)))))
- (data (i32.const 135932) "\ec\12\02\00\04CHAR\00\00\00I\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x49) $CHAR)
- ;; 6.1.0897
- (func $CHAR+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $1+ (local.get $tos)))
- (data (i32.const 135948) "\fc\12\02\00\05CHAR+\00\00J\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4a) $CHAR+)
- ;; 6.1.0898
- (func $CHARS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 135964) "\0c\13\02\00\05CHARS\00\00K\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4b) $CHARS)
- ;; 6.1.0950
- (func $CONSTANT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $CREATE)
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)) (i32.const 6 (; = PUSH_INDIRECT_INDEX ;)))
-   (local.set $v (call $pop))
-   (i32.store (global.get $here) (local.get $v))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4))))
- (data (i32.const 135980) "\1c\13\02\00" "\08" "CONSTANT\00\00\00" "L\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4c (; = CONSTANT_INDEX ;)) $CONSTANT)
- ;; 6.1.0980
- (func $COUNT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $addr i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-               (i32.load8_u (local.tee $addr (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                                               (i32.const 4)))))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.add (local.get $addr) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136000) ",\13\02\00\05COUNT\00\00M\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4d) $COUNT)
- ;; 6.1.0990
- (func $CR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 10)) (call $EMIT))
- (data (i32.const 136016) "@\13\02\00\02CR\00N\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4e) $CR)
- ;; 6.1.1000
- (func $CREATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $length i32)
-   (i32.store (global.get $here) (global.get $latest))
-   (global.set $latest (global.get $here))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
-   (drop (call $pop))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $here) (local.tee $length (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $memcopy (global.get $here) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $length))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (local.get $length)))
-   (call $ALIGN)
-   (i32.store (global.get $here) (i32.const 3 (; = PUSH_DATA_ADDRESS_INDEX ;)))
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
-   (i32.store (global.get $here) (i32.const 0))
-   (call $setFlag (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;))))
- (data (i32.const 136028) "P\13\02\00\06CREATE\00O\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x4f) $CREATE)
- ;; 6.1.1170
- (func $DECIMAL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 10))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136044) "\5c\13\02\00\07DECIMALP\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x50) $DECIMAL)
- ;; 6.1.1200
- (func $DEPTH (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-             (i32.shr_u (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))) (i32.const 2)))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136060) "l\13\02\00\05DEPTH\00\00Q\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x51) $DEPTH)
- ;; 6.1.1240
- (func $DO (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileDo))
- (data (i32.const 136076) "|\13\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) "DO\00" "R\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x52) $DO)
- ;; 6.1.1250
- (func $DOES> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $emitConst (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 4 (; = SET_LATEST_BODY_INDEX ;)))
-   (call $endColon)
-   (call $startColon (i32.const 1))
-   (call $compilePushLocal (i32.const 1)))
- (data (i32.const 136088) "\8c\13\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "DOES>\00\00" "S\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x53) $DOES>)
- ;; 6.1.1260
- (func $DROP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136104) "\98\13\02\00\04DROP\00\00\00T\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x54) $DROP)
- ;; 6.1.1290
- (func $DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-     (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136120) "\a8\13\02\00\03DUPU\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x55) $DUP)
- ;; 6.1.1310
- (func $ELSE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $emitElse))
- (data (i32.const 136132) "\b8\13\02\00" "\84" (; immediate ;) "ELSE\00\00\00" "V\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x56) $ELSE)
- ;; 6.1.1320
- (func $EMIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $shell_emit (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136148) "\c4\13\02\00\04EMIT\00\00\00W\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x57) $EMIT)
- ;; TODO: Remove
- (func $UNUSED1 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20084))) ;; not implemented
- (data (i32.const 136164) "\d4\13\02\00" "\2b" (; HIDDEN ;) "UNUSED1____" "X\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x58) $UNUSED1)
- ;; TODO: Remove
- (func $UNUSED2 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20084))) ;; not implemented
- (data (i32.const 137224) "\f8\17\02\00" "\2c" "UNUSED______\00\00\00" "\9f\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9f) $UNUSED2)
- ;; 6.1.1345
- (func $ENVIRONMENT? (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $addr i32)
-   (local $len i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local.set $addr (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (local.set $len (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (if (call $stringEqual (local.get $addr) (local.get $len) (i32.const 0x20091) (i32.const 0x11) (; "ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS" ;))
-     (then
-       (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 8))
-       (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1))
-       (return (local.get $tos)))
-     (else 
-       (if (call $stringEqual (local.get $addr) (local.get $len) (i32.const 0x200A3) (i32.const 0x0F) (; "/COUNTED-STRING" ;))
-         (then
-           (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 255))
-           (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1))
-           (return (local.get $tos)))
-         (else
-           (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))
-           (return (local.get $btos))))))
-   (unreachable))
- (data (i32.const 0x218ac) "\9c\18\02\00" "\0c" "ENVIRONMENT?000" "\a9\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa9) $ENVIRONMENT?)
- ;; 6.1.1360
- (func $EVALUATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $prevSourceID i32)
-   (local $prevIn i32)
-   (local $prevInputBufferBase i32)
-   (local $prevInputBufferSize i32)
-   ;; Save input state
-   (local.set $prevSourceID (global.get $sourceID))
-   (local.set $prevIn (i32.load (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;))))
-   (local.set $prevInputBufferSize (global.get $inputBufferSize))
-   (local.set $prevInputBufferBase (global.get $inputBufferBase))
-   (global.set $sourceID (i32.const -1))
-   (global.set $inputBufferBase (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0))
-   (drop (call $interpret (local.get $bbtos)))
-   ;; Restore input state
-   (global.set $sourceID (local.get $prevSourceID))
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (local.get $prevIn))
-   (global.set $inputBufferBase (local.get $prevInputBufferBase))
-   (global.set $inputBufferSize (local.get $prevInputBufferSize)))
- (data (i32.const 136184) "\e4\13\02\00\08EVALUATE\00\00\00Y\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x59) $EVALUATE)
- ;; 6.1.1370
- (func $EXECUTE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $xt i32)
-   (local $body i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $body (call $body (local.tee $xt (call $pop))))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $xt) (i32.const 4)))
-                 (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;)))
-     (then
-       (call_indirect (type $dataWord) (i32.add (local.get $body) (i32.const 4))
-                                       (i32.load (local.get $body))))
-     (else
-       (call_indirect (type $word) (i32.load (local.get $body))))))
- (data (i32.const 136204) "\f8\13\02\00\07EXECUTEZ\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5a) $EXECUTE)
- ;; 6.1.1380
- (func $EXIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $emitReturn))
- (data (i32.const 136220) "\0c\14\02\00" "\84" (; immediate ;) "EXIT\00\00\00" "[\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5b) $EXIT)
- ;; 6.1.1540
- (func $FILL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (call $memset (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
-                 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-                 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-  (local.get $bbbtos))
- (data (i32.const 136236) "\1c\14\02\00\04FILL\00\00\00\5c\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5c) $FILL)
- ;; 6.1.1550
- (func $FIND (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $entryP i32)
-   (local $entryLF i32)
-   (local $wordStart i32)
-   (local $wordLength i32)
-   (local.set $wordLength (i32.load8_u (local.tee $wordStart (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.set $wordStart (i32.add (local.get $wordStart) (i32.const 1)))
-   (local.set $entryP (global.get $latest))
-   (loop $loop
-     (if 
-         (i32.and 
-           (i32.eqz
-             (i32.and 
-               (local.tee $entryLF (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 4))))
-               (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;))))
-           (call $stringEqual 
-             (local.get $wordStart) (local.get $wordLength)
-             (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 5)) (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;)))))
-       (then
-         (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $entryP))
-         (call $push (local.get $tos)
-           (select 
-             (i32.const -1)
-             (i32.const 1)
-             (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x80 (; = F_IMMEDIATE ;))))))
-         (return)))
-     (local.set $entryP (i32.load (local.get $entryP)))
-     (br_if $loop (local.get $entryP)))
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0)))
- (data (i32.const 136252) ",\14\02\00\04FIND\00\00\00]\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5d) $FIND)
- ;; 6.1.1561
- (func $FM/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (local $n1 i64)
-   (local $n2 i64)
-   (local $n2_32 i32)
-   (local $q i32)
-   (local $mod i32)
-   (local.set $mod
-     (i32.wrap_i64 
-       (i64.rem_s 
-         (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))))
-         (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_s (local.tee $n2_32 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))))))
-   (local.set $q (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
-   (if 
-       (i32.and 
-         (i32.ne (local.get $mod (i32.const 0))) 
-         (i64.lt_s (i64.xor (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2)) (i64.const 0)))
-     (then
-       (local.set $q (i32.sub (local.get $q) (i32.const 1)))
-       (local.set $mod (i32.add (local.get $mod) (local.get $n2_32)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbbtos) (local.get $mod))
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)) (local.get $q))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136268) "<\14\02\00\06FM/MOD\00^\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5e) $FM/MOD)
- ;; 6.1.1650
- (func $HERE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (global.get $here))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136284) "L\14\02\00\04HERE\00\00\00_\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x5f) $HERE)
- ;; 6.1.1670
- (func $HOLD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $npo i32)
-   (i32.store8 
-     (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
-     (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (global.set $po (local.get $npo))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136300) "\5c\14\02\00\04HOLD\00\00\00`\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x60) $HOLD)
- ;; 6.1.1680
- (func $I (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136316) "l\14\02\00" "\01" "I\00\00" "a\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x61) $I)
- ;; 6.1.1700
- (func $IF (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileIf))
- (data (i32.const 136328) "|\14\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) "IF\00" "b\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x62) $IF)
- ;; 6.1.1710
- (func $IMMEDIATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $setFlag (i32.const 0x80 (; = F_IMMEDIATE ;)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136340) "\88\14\02\00\09IMMEDIATE\00\00c\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x63) $IMMEDIATE)
- ;; 6.1.1720
- (func $INVERT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.xor (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const -1)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136360) "\94\14\02\00\06INVERT\00d\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x64) $INVERT)
- ;; 6.1.1730
- (func $J (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 8))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136376) "\a8\14\02\00\01J\00\00e\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x65) $J)
- ;; 6.1.1750
- (func $KEY (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (call $shell_key))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136388) "\b8\14\02\00\03KEYf\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x66) $KEY)
- ;; 6.1.1760
- (func $LEAVE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileLeave))
- (data (i32.const 136400) "\c4\14\02\00\85LEAVE\00\00g\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x67) $LEAVE) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.1780
- (func $LITERAL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
- (data (i32.const 136416) "\d0\14\02\00\87LITERALh\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x68) $LITERAL) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.1800
- (func $LOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileLoop))
- (data (i32.const 136432) "\e0\14\02\00\84LOOP\00\00\00i\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x69) $LOOP) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.1805
- (func $LSHIFT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
-                       (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136448) "\f0\14\02\00\06LSHIFT\00j\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6a) $LSHIFT)
- ;; 6.1.1810
- (func $M* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i64.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
-                       (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                             (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136464) "\00\15\02\00\02M*\00k\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6b) $M*)
- ;; 6.1.1870
- (func $MAX (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                                   (i32.const 4))))))
-     (then
-       (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136476) "\10\15\02\00\03MAXl\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6c) $MAX)
- ;; 6.1.1880
- (func $MIN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                                   (i32.const 4))))))
-     (then
-       (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136488) "\1c\15\02\00\03MINm\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6d) $MIN)
- ;; 6.1.1890
- (func $MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.rem_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
-                         (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136500) "(\15\02\00\03MODn\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6e) $MOD)
- ;; 6.1.1900
- (func $MOVE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (call $memcopy (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-                   (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
-                   (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (local.get $bbbtos))
- (data (i32.const 136512) "4\15\02\00\04MOVE\00\00\00o\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x6f) $MOVE)
- ;; 6.1.1910
- (func $NEGATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-               (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136528) "@\15\02\00\06NEGATE\00p\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x70) $NEGATE)
- ;; 6.1.1980
- (func $OR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.or (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-                       (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136544) "P\15\02\00\02OR\00q\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x71) $OR)
- ;; 6.1.1990
- (func $OVER (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos)
-               (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136556) "`\15\02\00\04OVER\00\00\00r\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x72) $OVER)
- ;; 6.1.2033
- (func $POSTPONE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $FINDToken i32)
-   (local $FINDResult i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
-   (call $FIND)
-   (local.set $FINDResult (call $pop))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (local.get $FINDResult)) 
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))) ;; undefined word
-   (local.set $FINDToken (call $pop))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (local.get $FINDResult) (i32.const 1))
-     (then 
-       (call $compileCall (local.get $FINDToken)))
-     (else
-       (call $emitConst (local.get $FINDToken))
-       (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 5 (; = COMPILE_CALL_INDEX ;))))))
- (data (i32.const 136572) "l\15\02\00\88POSTPONE\00\00\00s\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x73) $POSTPONE) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2050
- (func $QUIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (global.set $tos (local.get $tos))
-   (global.set $tors (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
-   (global.set $sourceID (i32.const 0))
-   (unreachable))
- (data (i32.const 136592) "|\15\02\00\04QUIT\00\00\00t\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x74) $QUIT)
- ;; 6.1.2060
- (func $R> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (global.set $tors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (global.get $tors)))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136608) "\90\15\02\00\02R>\00u\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x75) $R>)
- ;; 6.1.2070
- (func $R@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136620) "\a0\15\02\00\02R@\00v\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x76) $R@)
- ;; 6.1.2120 
- (func $RECURSE  (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileRecurse))
- (data (i32.const 136632) "\ac\15\02\00\87RECURSEw\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x77) $RECURSE) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2140
- (func $REPEAT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileRepeat))
- (data (i32.const 136648) "\b8\15\02\00\86REPEAT\00x\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x78) $REPEAT) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2160 ROT 
- (func $ROT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $tmp i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (local.set $tmp (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $btos) 
-     (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbbtos) 
-     (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $tmp))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136664) "\c8\15\02\00\03ROTy\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x79) $ROT)
- ;; 6.1.2162
- (func $RSHIFT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.shr_u (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
-                         (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136676) "\d8\15\02\00\06RSHIFT\00z\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7a) $RSHIFT)
- ;; 6.1.2165
- (func $Sq (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $c i32)
-   (local $start i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (local.set $start (global.get $here))
-   (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
-     (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
-       (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.lt_s (local.tee $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0))
-         (call $fail (i32.const 0x2003C))) ;; missing closing quote
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $c) (i32.const 0x22)))
-       (i32.store8 (global.get $here) (local.get $c))
-       (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
-       (br $loop)))
-   (call $compilePushConst (local.get $start))
-   (call $compilePushConst (i32.sub (global.get $here) (local.get $start)))
-   (call $ALIGN))
- (data (i32.const 136692) "\e4\15\02\00\82S\22\00{\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7b) $Sq) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2170
- (func $S>D (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i64.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-     (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136704) "\f4\15\02\00\03S>D|\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7c) $S>D)
- ;; 6.1.2210
- (func $SIGN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $npo i32)
-   (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))) (i32.const 0))
-     (then 
-       (i32.store8 (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1))) (i32.const 0x2D (; '-' ;)))
-       (global.set $po (local.get $npo))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136716) "\00\16\02\00\04SIGN\00\00\00}\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7d) $SIGN)
- ;; 6.1.2214
- ;; See e.g. https://www.nimblemachines.com/symmetric-division-considered-harmful/
- (func $SM/REM (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (local $n1 i64)
-   (local $n2 i64)
-   (i32.store 
-     (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
-     (i32.wrap_i64 
-       (i64.rem_s 
-         (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
-         (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
-     (i32.wrap_i64 
-       (i64.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136732) "\0c\16\02\00\06SM/REM\00~\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7e) $SM/REM)
- ;; 6.1.2216
- (func $SOURCE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $push (global.get $inputBufferBase))
-   (call $push (global.get $inputBufferSize)))
- (data (i32.const 136748) "\1c\16\02\00\06SOURCE\00\7f\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x7f) $SOURCE)
- ;; 6.1.2220
- (func $SPACE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $BL) (call $EMIT))
- (data (i32.const 136764) ",\16\02\00\05SPACE\00\00\80\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x80) $SPACE)
- ;; 6.1.2230
- (func $SPACES (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $i i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $i (call $pop))
-   (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32)
-     (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32)
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.le_s (local.get $i) (i32.const 0)))
-       (call $SPACE)
-       (local.set $i (i32.sub (local.get $i) (i32.const 1)))
-       (br $loop))))
- (data (i32.const 136780) "<\16\02\00\06SPACES\00\81\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x81) $SPACES)
- ;; 6.1.2250
- (func $STATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 136796) "L\16\02\00\05STATE\00\00\82\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x82) $STATE)
- ;; 6.1.2260
- (func $SWAP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (local $tmp i32)
-   (local.set $tmp (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) 
-               (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (i32.store (local.get $btos) (local.get $tmp))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136812) "\5c\16\02\00\04SWAP\00\00\00\83\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x83) $SWAP)
- ;; 6.1.2270
- (func $THEN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileThen))
- (data (i32.const 136828) "l\16\02\00\84THEN\00\00\00\84\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x84) $THEN) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2310 TYPE 
- (func $TYPE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $p i32)
-   (local $end i32)
-   (local $len i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $len (call $pop))
-   (local.set $p (call $pop))
-   (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $p) (local.get $len)))
-   (block $endLoop
-     (loop $loop
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $p) (local.get $end)))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.load8_u (local.get $p)))
-       (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
-       (br $loop))))
- ;; WARNING: If you change this table index, make sure the emitted ICalls are also updated
- (data (i32.const 136844) "|\16\02\00\04TYPE\00\00\00\85\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x85) $TYPE) ;; none
- ;; 6.1.2320
- (func $U. (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $U._ (call $pop) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
-   (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20)))
- (data (i32.const 136860) "\8c\16\02\00\02U.\00\86\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x86) $U.)
- ;; 6.1.2340
- (func $U< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (if (i32.lt_u (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136872) "\9c\16\02\00\02U<\00\87\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x87) $U<)
- ;; 6.1.2360
- (func $UM* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i64.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
-                       (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                             (i32.const 4))))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 136884) "\a8\16\02\00\03UM*\88\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x88) $UM*)
- ;; 6.1.2370
- (func $UM/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbbtos i32)
-   (local $n1 i64)
-   (local $n2 i64)
-   (i32.store 
-     (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
-     (i32.wrap_i64 
-       (i64.rem_u 
-         (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
-         (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
-     (i32.wrap_i64 
-       (i64.div_u (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136896) "\b4\16\02\00\06UM/MOD\00\89\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x89) $UM/MOD) ;; TODO: Rename
- ;; 6.1.2380
- (func $UNLOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;))))
- (data (i32.const 136912) "\c0\16\02\00\86UNLOOP\00\8a\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8a) $UNLOOP) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2390
- (func $UNTIL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileUntil))
- (data (i32.const 136928) "\d0\16\02\00\85UNTIL\00\00\8b\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8b) $UNTIL) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2410
- (func $VARIABLE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $CREATE)
-   (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4))))
- (data (i32.const 136944) "\e0\16\02\00\08VARIABLE\00\00\00\8c\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8c) $VARIABLE)
- ;; 6.1.2430
- (func $WHILE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $compileWhile))
- (data (i32.const 136964) "\f0\16\02\00\85WHILE\00\00\8d\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8d) $WHILE) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2450
- (func $WORD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $readWord (call $pop)))
- (data (i32.const 136980) "\04\17\02\00\04WORD\00\00\00\8e\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8e) $WORD)
- ;; 6.1.2490
- (func $XOR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
-               (i32.xor (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-                       (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
-   (local.get $btos))
- (data (i32.const 136996) "\14\17\02\00\03XOR\8f\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x8f) $XOR)
- ;; 6.1.2500
- (func $left-bracket (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0)))
- (data (i32.const 137008) "$\17\02\00\81[\00\00\90\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x90) $left-bracket) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2510
- (func $bracket-tick (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $')
-   (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
- (data (i32.const 137020) "0\17\02\00\83[']\91\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x91) $bracket-tick) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2520
- (func $bracket-char (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $ensureCompiling)
-   (call $CHAR)
-   (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
- (data (i32.const 137032) "<\17\02\00\86[CHAR]\00\92\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x92) $bracket-char) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2540
- (func $right-bracket (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 1))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 137048) "H\17\02\00\01]\00\00\93\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x93) $right-bracket)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; 6.2.0280
- (func $0> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
-                                                     (i32.const 4))))
-                 (i32.const 0))
-     (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
-     (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 137060) "X\17\02\00\020>\00\94\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x94) $0>)
- ;; 6.2.1350
- (func $ERASE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $bbtos i32)
-   (call $memset (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
-                 (i32.const 0)
-                 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
-   (local.get $bbtos))
- (data (i32.const 137072) "d\17\02\00\05ERASE\00\00\95\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x95) $ERASE)
- ;; 6.2.2030
- (func $PICK (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $btos i32)
-   (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-     (i32.load 
-       (i32.sub 
-         (local.get $tos) 
-         (i32.shl (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 2)))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 137088) "p\17\02\00\04PICK\00\00\00\96\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x96) $PICK)
- ;; 6.2.2125
- (func $REFILL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $char i32)
-   (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.const 0))
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (global.get $sourceID) (i32.const -1))
-     (then
-       (call $push (i32.const -1))
-       (return)))
-   (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
-     (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.tee $char (call $shell_getc)) (i32.const -1)))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (i32.const 0x300 (; = INPUT_BUFFER_BASE ;)) (global.get $inputBufferSize)) 
-                   (local.get $char))
-       (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.add (global.get $inputBufferSize) (i32.const 1)))
-       (br $loop)))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (global.get $inputBufferSize))
-     (then (call $push (i32.const 0)))
-     (else 
-       (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0))
-       (call $push (i32.const -1)))))
- (data (i32.const 137104) "\80\17\02\00\06REFILL\00\97\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x97) $REFILL)
- ;; 6.2.2295
- (func $TO (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local $xt i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
-   (call $FIND)
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (call $pop)) 
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))) ;; undefined word
-   (local.set $xt (call $pop))
-   (local.set $v (call $pop))
-   (i32.store (i32.add (call $body (local.get $xt)) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $v)))
- (data (i32.const 137120) "\90\17\02\00\02TO\00\98\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x98) $TO)
- ;; 6.1.2395
- (func $UNUSED (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $push (i32.shr_s (i32.sub (i32.const 104857600 (; = MEMORY_SIZE ;)) (global.get $here)) (i32.const 2))))
- (data (i32.const 137132) "\a0\17\02\00\06UNUSED\00\99\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x99) $UNUSED)
- ;; 6.2.2535
- (func $\ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $char i32)
-   (block $endSkipComments
-     (loop $skipComments
-       (local.set $char (call $readChar))
-       (br_if $endSkipComments (i32.eq (local.get $char) 
-                                       (i32.const 0x0a (; '\n' ;))))
-       (br_if $endSkipComments (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)))
-       (br $skipComments)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 137148) "\ac\17\02\00\81\5c\00\00\9a\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9a) $\) ;; immediate
- ;; 6.1.2250
- (func $SOURCE-ID (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (global.get $sourceID)))
- (data (i32.const 137160) "\bc\17\02\00\09SOURCE-ID\00\00\9b\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9b) $SOURCE-ID)
- (func $DSP@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store
-     (local.get $tos)
-     (local.get $tos))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 137180) "\c8\17\02\00\04DSP@\00\00\00\9c\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9c) $DSP@)
- (func $S0 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))))
- (data (i32.const 137196) "\dc\17\02\00\02S0\00\9d\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9d) $S0)
- (func $LATEST (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (global.get $latest))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (data (i32.const 137208) "\ec\17\02\00\06LATEST\00\9e\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0x9e) $LATEST)
- (func $HEX (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 16))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 0x21820) "\08\18\02\00\03HEX\a0\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa0) $HEX)
- ;; 6.2.2298
- (func $TRUE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0xffffffff)))
- (data (i32.const 0x2182c) "\20\18\02\00" "\04" "TRUE000" "\a1\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa1) $TRUE)
- ;; 6.2.1485
- (func $FALSE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x0)))
- (data (i32.const 0x2183c) "\2c\18\02\00" "\05" "FALSE00" "\a2\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa2) $FALSE)
- ;; 6.2.1930
- (func $NIP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $SWAP) (call $DROP))
- (data (i32.const 0x2184c) "\3c\18\02\00" "\03" "NIP" "\a3\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa3) $NIP)
- ;; 6.2.2300
- (func $TUCK (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $SWAP) (call $OVER))
- (data (i32.const 0x21858) "\4c\18\02\00" "\03" "NIP" "\a4\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa4) $TUCK)
- (func $UWIDTH (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local $r i32)
-   (local $base i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $v (call $pop))
-   (local.set $base (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
-   (block $endLoop
-     (loop $loop
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (local.get $v)))
-       (local.set $r (i32.add (local.get $r) (i32.const 1)))
-       (local.set $v (i32.div_s (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-       (br $loop)))
-   (call $push (local.get $r)))
- (data (i32.const 0x21864) "\58\18\02\00" "\06" "UWIDTH0" "\a5\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa5) $UWIDTH)
- ;; 6.2.2405
- (data (i32.const 0x21874) "\64\18\02\00" "\05" "VALUE00" "\4c\00\00\00") ;; CONSTANT_INDEX
- ;; 6.1.0180
- (func $. (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $v i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (local.set $v (call $pop))
-   (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $v) (i32.const 0))
-     (then
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x2d))
-       (local.set $v (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (local.get $v)))))
-   (call $U._ (local.get $v) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
-   (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20)))
- (data (i32.const 0x21884) "\74\18\02\00" "\01" ".00" "\a6\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa6) $.)
- (func $U._ (param $v i32) (param $base i32)
-   (local $m i32)
-   (local.set $m (i32.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-   (local.set $v (i32.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
-   (if (i32.eqz (local.get $v))
-     (then)
-     (else (call $U._ (local.get $v) (local.get $base))))
-   (call $shell_emit (call $numberToChar (local.get $m))))
- ;;
- (func $.S (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $p i32)
-   (local.set $p (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
-   (block $endLoop
-     (loop $loop
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.ge_u (local.get $p) (local.get $tos)))
-       (call $U._ (i32.load (local.get $p)) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20))
-       (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 4)))
-       (br $loop)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 0x21890) "\84\18\02\00" "\02" ".S0" "\a7\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa7) $.S)
- ;;
- (func $WORDS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local $entryP i32)
-   (local $entryLF i32)
-   (local $entryL i32)
-   (local $p i32)
-   (local $pe i32)
-   (local.set $entryP (global.get $latest))
-   (loop $loop
-     (local.set $entryLF (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 4))))
-     (if (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;))))
-       (then
-         (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 5)))
-         (local.set $pe (i32.add (local.get $p) 
-                                 (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;)))))
-         (loop $emitLoop
-           (call $shell_emit (i32.load8_u (local.get $p)))
-           (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
-           (br_if $emitLoop (i32.lt_s (local.get $p) (local.get $pe))))))
-     (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20))
-     (local.set $entryP (i32.load (local.get $entryP)))
-     (br_if $loop (local.get $entryP)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (data (i32.const 0x2189c) "\90\18\02\00" "\05" "WORDS00" "\a8\00\00\00")
- (elem (i32.const 0xa8) $WORDS)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Interpreter
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Interprets the string in the input, until the end of string is reached.
- ;; Returns 0 if processed, 1 if still compiling, or traps if a word 
- ;; was not found.
- (func $interpret (param $tos i32) (result i32) (result i32)
-   (local $FINDResult i32)
-   (local $FINDToken i32)
-   (local $error i32)
-   (local $number i32)
-   (local.set $error (i32.const 0))
-   (global.set $tors (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
-     (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
-       (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
-       (call $FIND)
-       (local.set $FINDResult (call $pop))
-       (local.set $FINDToken (call $pop))
-       (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (local.get $FINDResult))
-         (then ;; Not in the dictionary. Is it a number?
-           (if (param i32 i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (call $readNumber))
-             (then ;; It's a number. Are we compiling?
-               (local.set $number)
-               (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)))
-                 (then
-                   ;; We're compiling. Pop it off the stack and 
-                   ;; add it to the compiled list
-                   (call $compilePushConst (local.get $number)))
-                 (else 
-                   ;; We're not compiling. Put the number on the stack.
-                   (call $push (local.get $number)))))
-             (else ;; It's not a number.
-               (drop)
-               (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))))) ;; undefined word
-         (else ;; Found the word. 
-           ;; Are we compiling or is it immediate?
-           (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.or (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
-                       (i32.eq (local.get $FINDResult) (i32.const 1)))
-             (then
-               (call $push (local.get $FINDToken))
-               (call $EXECUTE))
-             (else
-               ;; We're compiling a non-immediate
-               (call $compileCall (local.get $FINDToken))))))
-         (br $loop)))
-   ;; 'WORD' left the address on the stack
-   (drop (call $pop))
-   (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
- (func $readWord (param $tos i32) (param $delimiter i32) (result i32)
-   (local $char i32)
-   (local $stringPtr i32)
-   ;; Skip leading delimiters
-   (block $endSkipBlanks
-     (loop $skipBlanks
-       (local.set $char (call $readChar))
-       (br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (local.get $char) (local.get $delimiter)))
-       (br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a (; ' ' ;))))
-       (br $endSkipBlanks)))
-   (local.set $stringPtr (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)))
-   (if (i32.ne (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)) 
-     (if (i32.ne (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a))
-       (then 
-         ;; Search for delimiter
-         (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $char))
-         (local.set $stringPtr (i32.const 0x202 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_2 ;)))
-         (block $endReadChars
-           (loop $readChars
-             (local.set $char (call $readChar))
-             (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (local.get $delimiter)))
-             (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a (; ' ' ;))))
-             (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)))
-             (i32.store8 (local.get $stringPtr) (local.get $char))
-             (local.set $stringPtr (i32.add (local.get $stringPtr) (i32.const 0x1)))
-             (br $readChars))))))
-     ;; Write word length
-     (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)) 
-       (i32.sub (local.get $stringPtr) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;))))
-     (local.get $tos)
-     (call $push (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
- (func $readNumber (result i32 i32)
-   (local $length i32)
-   (local $restcount i32)
-   (local $value i32)
-   (if (i32.eqz (local.tee $length (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
-     (return (i32.const -1) (i32.const -1)))
-   (call $number (i64.const 0) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $length) )
-   (local.set $restcount)
-   (drop)
-   (i32.wrap_i64)
-   (local.get $restcount))
- ;; Parse a number
- ;; Returns (number, unparsed start address, unparsed length)
- (func $number (param $value i64) (param $addr i32) (param $length i32) (result i64 i32 i32)
-   (local $p i32)
-   (local $sign i64)
-   (local $char i32)
-   (local $base i32)
-   (local $end i32)
-   (local $n i32)  
-   (local.set $p (local.get $addr))
-   (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $p) (local.get $length)))  
-   (local.set $base (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
-   ;; Read first character
-   (if (i32.eq (local.tee $char (i32.load8_u (local.get $p))) (i32.const 0x2d (; '-' ;)))
-     (then 
-       (local.set $sign (i64.const -1))
-       (local.set $char (i32.const 48 (; '0' ;) ))
-       (if (i32.eq (local.get $length) (i32.const 1))
-         (then
-           (return (local.get $value) (local.get $p) (local.get $length)))))
-     (else 
-       (local.set $sign (i64.const 1))))
-   ;; Read all characters
-   (block $endLoop
-     (loop $loop
-       (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 48 (; '0' ;) ))
-         (br $endLoop))      
-       (if (i32.le_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 57 (; '9' ;) ))
-         (then 
-           (local.set $n (i32.sub (local.get $char) (i32.const 48))))
-         (else
-           (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 65 (; 'A' ;) ))
-             (br $endLoop))
-           (local.set $n (i32.sub (local.get $char) (i32.const 55)))))
-       (if (i32.ge_s (local.get $n) (local.get $base))
-         (br $endLoop))
-       (local.set $value 
-         (i64.add 
-           (i64.mul (local.get $value) (i64.extend_i32_u (local.get $base)))
-           (i64.extend_i32_u (local.get $n))))
-       (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
-       (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $p) (local.get $end)))
-       (local.set $char (i32.load8_s (local.get $p)))
-       (br $loop)))
-   (i64.mul (local.get $sign) (local.get $value))
-   (local.get $p) 
-   (i32.sub (local.get $end) (local.get $p)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Interpreter state
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Top of stack
- (global $tos (mut i32) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
- ;; Top of return stack
- (global $tors (mut i32) (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
- ;; Input buffer
- (global $inputBufferBase (mut i32) (i32.const 0x300 (; = INPUT_BUFFER_BASE ;)))
- (global $inputBufferSize (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
- ;; Source ID
- (global $sourceID (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
- ;; Dictionary pointers
- (global $latest (mut i32) (i32.const 0x218ac))
- (global $here (mut i32) (i32.const 0x218c4))
- (global $nextTableIndex (mut i32) (i32.const 0xaa (; = NEXT_TABLE_INDEX ;)))
- ;; Pictured output pointer
- (global $po (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Compiler functions
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Initializes compilation.
- ;; Parameter indicates the type of code we're compiling: type 0 (no params), 
- ;; or type 1 (1 param)
- (func $startColon (param $type i32)
-   (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x1041 (; = MODULE_HEADER_FUNCTION_TYPE_BASE ;)) (local.get $type))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.const 0x1060 (; = MODULE_BODY_BASE ;)))
-   (global.set $firstTemporaryLocal (i32.add (local.get $type) (i32.const 1)))
-   ;; 1 temporary local for computations
-   (global.set $currentLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
-   (global.set $lastLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.const -1))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $endColon
-   (local $bodySize i32)
-   (local $nameLength i32)
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   ;; Update code size
-   (local.set $bodySize (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)))) 
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.const 0x104f (; = MODULE_HEADER_CODE_SIZE_BASE ;))
-     (call $leb128-4p
-         (i32.sub (local.get $bodySize) 
-                 (i32.const 0x53 (; = MODULE_HEADER_CODE_SIZE_OFFSET_PLUS_4 ;)))))
-   ;; Update body size
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.const 0x1054 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BODY_SIZE_BASE ;))
-     (call $leb128-4p
-         (i32.sub (local.get $bodySize) 
-                 (i32.const 0x58 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BODY_SIZE_OFFSET_PLUS_4 ;)))))
-   ;; Update #locals
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.const 0x1059 (; = MODULE_HEADER_LOCAL_COUNT_BASE ;))
-     (call $leb128-4p 
-       (i32.add
-         (i32.sub 
-           (global.get $lastLocal) 
-           (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
-         (i32.const 1))))
-   ;; Update table offset
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.const 0x1047 (; = MODULE_HEADER_TABLE_INDEX_BASE ;))
-     (call $leb128-4p (global.get $nextTableIndex)))
-   ;; Also store the initial table size to satisfy other tools (e.g. wasm-as)
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.const 0x102c (; = MODULE_HEADER_TABLE_INITIAL_SIZE_BASE ;))
-     (call $leb128-4p (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
-   ;; Write a name section (if we're ending the code for the current dictionary entry)
-   (if (i32.eq (i32.load (call $body (global.get $latest)))
-               (global.get $nextTableIndex))
-     (then
-       (local.set $nameLength (i32.and (i32.load8_u (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
-                                       (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;))))
-       (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
-                   (i32.add (i32.const 13) (i32.mul (i32.const 2) (local.get $nameLength))))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x04))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x6e))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 4)) (i32.const 0x61))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 5)) (i32.const 0x6d))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 6)) (i32.const 0x65))
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 7)))
-       (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
-                   (i32.add (i32.const 1) (local.get $nameLength)))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (local.get $nameLength)) 
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)))
-       (call $memcopy (global.get $cp)
-                     (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 5))
-                     (local.get $nameLength))
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (local.get $nameLength)))
-       (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x01))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
-                   (i32.add (i32.const 3) (local.get $nameLength)))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x01))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x00))
-       (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $nameLength))
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 5)))
-       (call $memcopy (global.get $cp)
-                     (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 5))
-                     (local.get $nameLength))
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (local.get $nameLength)))))
-   ;; Load the code
-   (call $shell_load (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)) 
-                     (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)))
-                     (global.get $nextTableIndex))
-   (global.set $nextTableIndex (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $compilePushConst (param $n i32)
-   (call $emitSetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Save tos currently on operand stack
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put tos on operand stack again
-   (call $emitConst (local.get $n))
-   (call $compilePush))
- (func $compilePushLocal (param $n i32)
-   (call $emitSetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Save tos currently on operand stack
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put tos on operand stack again
-   (call $emitGetLocal (local.get $n))
-   (call $compilePush))
- (func $compilePush
-   (call $emitStore)
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put $tos+4 on operand stack
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 4))
-   (call $emitAdd))
- (func $compileIf
-   (call $compilePop)
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitNotEqual)
-   (call $emitIf)
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $compileThen 
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitEnd))
- (func $compileDo
-   ;; 1: $diff_i = end index - current index
-   ;; 2: $end_i
-   (global.set $currentLocal (i32.add (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 2)))
-   (if (i32.gt_s (global.get $currentLocal) (global.get $lastLocal))
-     (then
-       (global.set $lastLocal (global.get $currentLocal))))
-   ;; Save branch nesting
-   (i32.store (global.get $tors) (global.get $branchNesting))
-   (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.const 0))
-   ;; $1 = current index (temporary)
-   (call $compilePop)
-   (call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   ;; $end_i = end index
-   (call $compilePop)
-   (call $emitSetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
-   ;; startDo $1
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 1 (; = START_DO_INDEX ;)))
-   ;; $diff = $1 - $end_i
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
-   (call $emitSub)
-   (call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitBlock)
-   (call $emitLoop))
- (func $compileLoop 
-   ;; $diff = $diff + 1
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 1))
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitAdd)
-   (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   ;; updateDo $diff + $end_i
-   (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
-   (call $emitAdd)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)))
-   ;; loop if $diff != 0
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitNotEqual)
-   (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
-   (call $compileLoopEnd))
- (func $compilePlusLoop 
-   ;; temporarily store old diff 
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitSetLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
-   ;; $diff = $diff + $n
-   (call $compilePop)
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitAdd)
-   (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   ;; updateDo $diff + $end_i
-   (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
-   (call $emitAdd)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)))
-   ;; compare signs to see if limit crossed
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
-   (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
-   (call $emitXOR)
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitGreaterEqualSigned)
-   (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
-   (call $compileLoopEnd))
- ;; Assumes increment is on the operand stack
- (func $compileLoopEnd
-   (local $btors i32)
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)))
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   (global.set $currentLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 2)))
-   ;; Restore branch nesting
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.load (local.tee $btors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))))
-   (global.set $tors (local.get $btors)))
- (func $compileLeave
-   (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)))
-   (call $emitBr (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $compileBegin
-   (call $emitLoop)
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 2))))
- (func $compileWhile
-   (call $compileIf))
- (func $compileRepeat
-   (call $emitBr (i32.const 1)) ;; Jump across while to repeat
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $compileUntil
-   (call $compilePop)
-   (call $emitEqualsZero)
-   (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitEnd)
-   (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 2))))
- (func $compileRecurse
-   ;; call 0
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x10))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $compilePop
-   (call $emitConst (i32.const 4))
-   (call $emitSub)
-   (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0))
-   (call $emitLoad))
- (func $compileCall (param $tos i32) (param $FINDToken i32) (result i32)
-   (local $body i32)
-   (local.set $body (call $body (local.get $FINDToken)))
-   (if (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $FINDToken) (i32.const 4)))
-                 (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;)))
-     (then
-       (call $emitConst (i32.add (local.get $body) (i32.const 4)))
-       (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.load (local.get $body))))
-     (else
-       (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.load (local.get $body)))))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (elem (i32.const 5 (; = COMPILE_CALL_INDEX ;)) $compileCall)
- (func $emitICall (param $type i32) (param $n i32)
-   (call $emitConst (local.get $n))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x11))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $type))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitBlock
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitLoop
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x03))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitConst (param $n i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x41))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitIf
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x04))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitElse
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x05))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitEnd
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0b))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitBr (param $n i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0c))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitBrIf (param $n i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0d))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitSetLocal (param $n i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x21))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.eqz (local.get $n))))
- (func $emitGetLocal (param $n i32)
-   (if (i32.or (i32.ne (local.get $n) (i32.const 0)) (i32.eqz (global.get $lastEmitWasGetTOS)))
-     (then
-       (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x20))
-       (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-       (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))))
-     (else
-       ;; In case we have a TOS get after a TOS set, replace the previous one with tee.
-       ;; Doesn't seem to have much of a performance impact, but this makes the code a little bit shorter, 
-       ;; and easier to step through.
-       (i32.store8 (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x22))))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitTeeLocal (param $n i32)
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x22))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitAdd
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x6a))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitSub
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x6b))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitXOR
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x73))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1))))
- (func $emitEqualsZero
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x45))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitNotEqual
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x47))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitGreaterEqualSigned
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x4e))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitLesserSigned
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x48))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitReturn
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0f))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitStore
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x36))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02)) ;; Alignment
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Offset
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- (func $emitLoad
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x28))
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02)) ;; Alignment
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Offset
-   (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
-   (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Compilation state
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (global $currentLocal (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
- (global $lastLocal (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
- (global $firstTemporaryLocal (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
- (global $branchNesting (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
- (global $lastEmitWasGetTOS (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
- ;; Compilation pointer
- (global $cp (mut i32) (i32.const 0x1060 (; = MODULE_BODY_BASE ;)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Word helper functions
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (func $startDo (param $tos i32) (param $i i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (global.get $tors) (local.get $i))
-   (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (elem (i32.const 1 (; = START_DO_INDEX ;)) $startDo)
- (func $endDo (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (global.set $tors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (elem (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)) $endDo)
- (func $updateDo (param $tos i32) (param $i i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $i))
-   (local.get $tos))
- (elem (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)) $updateDo)
- (func $pushDataAddress (param $tos i32) (param $d i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (local.get $d)))
- (elem (i32.const 3 (; = PUSH_DATA_ADDRESS_INDEX ;)) $pushDataAddress)
- (func $setLatestBody (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (call $body (local.get $tos) (global.get $latest)) (local.get $v)))
- (elem (i32.const 4 (; = SET_LATEST_BODY_INDEX ;)) $setLatestBody)
- (func $pushIndirect (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
-   (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.load (local.get $v))))
- (elem (i32.const 6 (; = PUSH_INDIRECT_INDEX ;)) $pushIndirect)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Helper functions
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (func $push (export "push") (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.store (local.get $tos) (local.get $v))
-   (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
- (func $pop (export "pop") (param $tos i32) (result i32) (result i32)
-   (local.tee $tos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
-   (i32.load (local.get $tos)))
- ;; Returns 1 if equal, 0 if not
- (func $stringEqual (param $addr1 i32) (param $len1 i32) (param $addr2 i32) (param $len2 i32) (result i32)
-   (local $end1 i32)
-   (local $end2 i32)
-   (if (i32.ne (local.get $len1) (local.get $len2))
-     (return (i32.const 0)))
-   (local.set $end1 (i32.add (local.get $addr1) (local.get $len1)))
-   (local.set $end2 (i32.add (local.get $addr2) (local.get $len2)))
-   (loop $loop
-     (if (i32.eq (local.get $addr1) (local.get $end1)) 
-       (return (i32.const 1)))
-     (if (i32.ne (i32.load8_s (local.get $addr1)) (i32.load8_s (local.get $addr2)))
-       (return (i32.const 0)))
-     (local.set $addr1 (i32.add (local.get $addr1) (i32.const 1)))
-     (local.set $addr2 (i32.add (local.get $addr2)(i32.const 1)))
-     (br $loop))
-   (unreachable))
- (func $fail (param $tos i32) (param $str i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos)
-   (call $push (local.get $str))
-   (call $COUNT)
-   (call $TYPE)
-   (call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
-   (call $ABORT))
- (func $setFlag (param $v i32)
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
-     (i32.or 
-       (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
-       (local.get $v))))
- (func $ensureCompiling (param $tos i32) (result i32)
-   (local.get $tos) 
-   (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
-     (call $fail (i32.const 0x2005C)))) ;; word not interpretable
- ;; Toggle the hidden flag
- (func $hidden
-   (i32.store 
-     (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
-     (i32.xor 
-       (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
-       (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;)))))
- ;; Drop-in replacement of memory.copy
- (func $memcopy (param $dst i32) (param $src i32) (param $n i32)
-   (local $end i32)
-   (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $dst) (local.get $src))
-     (then
-       (local.set $end (local.get $src))
-       (local.set $src (i32.sub (i32.add (local.get $src) (local.get $n)) (i32.const 1)))
-       (local.set $dst (i32.sub (i32.add (local.get $dst) (local.get $n)) (i32.const 1)))
-       (block $endLoop
-         (loop $loop
-           (br_if $endLoop (i32.lt_u (local.get $src) (local.get $end)))
-           (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (i32.load8_u (local.get $src)))
-           (local.set $src (i32.sub (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))
-           (local.set $dst (i32.sub (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
-           (br $loop))))
-     (else
-       (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $src) (local.get $n)))
-       (block $endLoop
-         (loop $loop
-           (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $src) (local.get $end)))
-           (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (i32.load8_u (local.get $src)))
-           (local.set $src (i32.add (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))
-           (local.set $dst (i32.add (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
-           (br $loop))))))
-   ;; Drop-in replacement of memory.fill
-   (func $memset (param $dst i32) (param $c i32) (param $n i32)
-     (local $end i32)
-     (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $dst) (local.get $n)))
-     (block $endLoop
-       (loop $loop
-         (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $dst) (local.get $end)))
-         (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (local.get $c))
-         (local.set $dst (i32.add (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
-         (br $loop))))
- ;; LEB128 with fixed 4 bytes (with padding bytes)
- ;; This means we can only represent 28 bits, which should be plenty.
- (func $leb128-4p (export "leb128_4p") (param $n i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.or
-     (i32.or 
-       (i32.or
-         (i32.or
-           (i32.and (local.get $n) (i32.const 0x7F))
-           (i32.shl
-             (i32.and
-               (local.get $n)
-               (i32.const 0x3F80))
-             (i32.const 1)))
-         (i32.shl
-           (i32.and
-             (local.get $n)
-             (i32.const 0x1FC000))
-           (i32.const 2)))
-       (i32.shl
-         (i32.and
-           (local.get $n)
-           (i32.const 0xFE00000))
-         (i32.const 3)))
-     (i32.const 0x808080)))
- ;; Encodes `value` as leb128 to `p`, and returns the address pointing after the data
- (func $leb128 (export "leb128") (param $p i32) (param $value i32) (result i32)
-   (local $more i32)
-   (local $byte i32)
-   (local.set $more (i32.const 1))
-   (loop $loop
-     (local.set $byte (i32.and (i32.const 0x7F) (local.get $value)))
-     (local.set $value (i32.shr_s (local.get $value) (i32.const 7)))
-     (if (i32.or (i32.and (i32.eqz (local.get $value)) 
-                          (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x40))))
-                 (i32.and (i32.eq (local.get $value) (i32.const -1))
-                           (i32.eq (i32.and (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x40))
-                                   (i32.const 0x40))))
-       (then
-         (local.set $more (i32.const 0)))
-       (else
-         (local.set $byte (i32.or (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x80)))))
-     (i32.store8 (local.get $p) (local.get $byte))
-     (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
-     (br_if $loop (local.get $more)))
-   (local.get $p))
- (func $body (param $xt i32) (result i32)
-   (i32.and
-     (i32.add
-       (i32.add 
-         (local.get $xt)
-         (i32.and
-           (i32.load8_u (i32.add (local.get $xt) (i32.const 4)))
-           (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;))))
-       (i32.const 8 (; 4 + 1 + 3 ;)))
-     (i32.const -4)))
- (func $readChar (result i32)
-   (local $n i32)
-   (local $in i32)
-   (if (i32.ge_u (local.tee $in (i32.load (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;))))
-                 (global.get $inputBufferSize))
-     (then
-       (return (i32.const -1)))
-     (else
-       (local.set $n (i32.load8_s (i32.add (global.get $inputBufferBase) (local.get $in))))
-       (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.add (local.get $in) (i32.const 1)))
-       (return (local.get $n))))
-   (unreachable))
-   (func $numberToChar (param $v i32) (result i32)
-     (if (result i32) (i32.ge_u (local.get $v) (i32.const 10))
-       (then
-         (i32.add (local.get $v) (i32.const 0x37)))
-       (else
-         (i32.add (local.get $v) (i32.const 0x30)))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; API Functions
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (func (export "tos") (result i32)
-   (global.get $tos))
- (func (export "interpret") (result i32)
-   (local $result i32)
-   (local $tos i32)
-   (local.tee $tos (global.get $tos))
-   (call $REFILL)
-   (drop (call $pop))
-   (local.set $result (call $interpret))
-   (global.set $tos)
-   ;; Check for stack underflow
-   (if (i32.lt_s (global.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
-     (drop (call $fail (global.get $tos) (i32.const 0x200B2 (; stack empty ;)))))
-   (if (i32.ge_s (local.get $result) (i32.const 0))
-     (then
-       ;; Write ok
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 107)))
-     (else
-       ;; Write error
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 101))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
-       (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))))
-   (call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
-   (local.get $result))
- ;; Used for experiments
- (func (export "set_state") (param $latest i32) (param $here i32)
-   (global.set $latest (local.get $latest))
-   (global.set $here (local.get $here)))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; External function dependencies.
+  ;; 
+  ;; These are provided by JavaScript (or whoever instantiates the WebAssembly 
+  ;; module)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; I/O
+  (import "shell" "emit" (func $shell_emit (param i32)))
+  (import "shell" "getc" (func $shell_getc (result i32)))
+  (import "shell" "key" (func $shell_key (result i32)))
+  (import "shell" "accept" (func $shell_accept (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)))
+  ;; (import "shell" "debug" (func $shell_debug (param i32)))
+  ;; Load a webassembly module.
+  ;; Parameters: memory offset, size, table index where the new module will
+  ;; be loaded.
+  (import "shell" "load" (func $shell_load (param i32 i32 i32)))
+  ;; Generic signal to shell
+  (import "shell" "call" (func $shell_call))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Function types
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; A regular compiled word is a function without any parameters.
+  ;; (arguments are passed via the stack)
+  (type $word (func (param i32) (result i32)))
+  ;; Words with the 'data' flag set get a pointer to data passed
+  ;; as parameter.
+  (type $dataWord (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Function table
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; The function table contains entries for each defined word, and some helper
+  ;; functions used in compiled words. All calls from compiled words to other words go
+  ;; through this table.
+  ;;
+  ;; The table starts with 16 reserved addresses for utility, non-words 
+  ;; functions (used in compiled words). From then on, the built-in words start.
+  ;;
+  ;; Predefined entries:
+  ;;
+  ;;   START_DO_INDEX := 1
+  ;;   UPDATE_DO_INDEX := 2
+  ;;   END_DO_INDEX := 9
+  ;;   TYPE_INDEX := 0x85
+  ;;   ABORT_INDEX := 0x39
+  ;;   CONSTANT_INDEX := 0x4c
+  ;;   NEXT_TABLE_INDEX := 0xab   (; Next available table index for a compiled word ;)
+  (table (export "table") 0xab (; = NEXT_TABLE_INDEX ;) funcref)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Data
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;;
+  ;; Memory size:
+  ;;   MEMORY_SIZE := 104857600     (100*1024*1024)
+  ;;   MEMORY_SIZE_PAGES := 1600    (MEMORY_SIZE / 65536)
+  ;;
+  ;; Memory layout:
+  ;;   BASE_BASE          :=   0x100
+  ;;   STATE_BASE         :=   0x104
+  ;;   IN_BASE            :=   0x108
+  ;;   WORD_BASE          :=   0x200
+  ;;   WORD_BASE_PLUS_1   :=   0x201
+  ;;   WORD_BASE_PLUS_2   :=   0x202
+  ;;   INPUT_BUFFER_BASE  :=   0x300
+  ;;   (Compiled modules are limited to 4096 bytes until Chrome refuses to load them synchronously)
+  ;;   MODULE_HEADER_BASE :=  0x1000 
+  ;;   RETURN_STACK_BASE  :=  0x2000
+  ;;   STACK_BASE         := 0x10000
+  ;;   STRINGS_BASE       := 0x20000
+  ;;   PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE := 0x21000 (filled backward)
+  ;;   DICTIONARY_BASE    := 0x21000
+  (memory (export "memory") 1600 (; = MEMORY_SIZE_PAGES ;))
+  (data (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) "\0A\00\00\00")
+  (data (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00")
+  (data (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00")
+  ;; The header of a WebAssembly module for a compiled word.
+  ;; The body of the compiled word is directly appended to the end
+  ;; of this chunk:
+  ;;
+  ;; Bytes with the top 4 bits set (0xF.) are placeholders
+  ;; for patching, for which the offsets are computed below:
+  ;;
+  (data (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;))
+    "\00\61\73\6D" ;; Header
+    "\01\00\00\00" ;; Version
+    "\01" "\12" ;; Type section
+      "\03" ;; #Entries
+        "\60\01\7f\01\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (result i32))
+        "\60\02\7f\7f\01\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32))
+        "\60\01\7f\02\7F\7f" ;; (func (param i32) (result i32) (result i32))
+    "\02" "\20" ;; Import section
+      "\02" ;; #Entries
+      "\03\65\6E\76" "\05\74\61\62\6C\65" ;; 'env' . 'table'
+        "\01" "\70" "\00" "\FB\00\00\00" ;; table, funcref, flags, initial size
+      "\03\65\6E\76" "\06\6d\65\6d\6f\72\79" ;; 'env' . 'memory'
+        "\02" "\00" "\01" ;; memory
+    "\03" "\02" ;; Function section
+      "\01" ;; #Entries
+      "\FA" ;; Type 0
+    "\09" "\0a" ;; Element section
+      "\01" ;; #Entries
+      "\00" ;; Table 0
+      "\41\FC\00\00\00\0B" ;; i32.const ..., end
+      "\01" ;; #elements
+        "\00" ;; function 0
+    "\0A" "\FF\00\00\00" ;; Code section (padded length)
+    "\01" ;; #Bodies
+      "\FE\00\00\00" ;; Body size (padded)
+      "\01" ;; #locals
+        "\FD\00\00\00\7F"  ;; # #i32 locals (padded)
+        "\20\00") ;; local.get 0
+  ;; Compiled module header offsets:
+  ;;
+  ;;   MODULE_HEADER_SIZE := 0x60
+  ;;
+  ;;   MODULE_BODY_BASE := 0x1060                    (MODULE_HEADER_BASE + 0x60 (; = MODULE_HEADER_SIZE ;))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Constant strings
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (data (i32.const 0x20000) "\0e" "undefined word")
+  (data (i32.const 0x20014) "\0d" "division by 0")
+  (data (i32.const 0x20028) "\10" "incomplete input")
+  (data (i32.const 0x2003C) "\0b" "missing ')'")
+  (data (i32.const 0x2004C) "\09" "missing \22")
+  (data (i32.const 0x2005C) "\24" "word not supported in interpret mode")
+  (data (i32.const 0x20084) "\0F" "not implemented")
+  (data (i32.const 0x20090) "\11" "ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS")
+  (data (i32.const 0x200A2) "\0F" "/COUNTED-STRING")
+  (data (i32.const 0x200A2) "\0F" "/COUNTED-STRING")
+  (data (i32.const 0x200B2) "\11" "stack empty")
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Built-in words
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; These follow the following pattern:
+  ;; - WebAssembly function definition (func ...)
+  ;; - Dictionary entry in memory (data ...)
+  ;; - Function table entry (elem ...)
+  ;;
+  ;; The dictionary entry has the following form:
+  ;; - prev (4 bytes): Pointer to start of previous entry
+  ;; - flags|name-length (1 byte): Length of the entry name, OR-ed with
+  ;;   flags in the top 3 bits.
+  ;;   Flags is an OR-ed value of
+  ;;      F_IMMEDIATE := 0x80
+  ;;      F_DATA := 0x40
+  ;;      F_HIDDEN := 0x20
+  ;;   Length is acquired by masking
+  ;;      LENGTH_MASK := 0x1F
+  ;; - name (n bytes): Name characters. End is 4-byte aligned.
+  ;; - code pointer (4 bytes): Index into the function 
+  ;;   table of code to execute
+  ;; - data (optional m bytes, only if 'data' flag is set)
+  ;;
+  ;; Execution tokens are addresses of dictionary entries
+  ;;
+  ;; 6.1.0010 ! 
+  (func $! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (local.get $bbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21000 (; = DICTIONARY_BASE ;)) "\00\00\00\00\01!\00\00\10\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x10) $!)
+  ;; 6.1.0030
+  (func $# (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i64)
+    (local $base i64)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $m i64)
+    (local $npo i32)
+    (local.set $base (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))))
+    (local.set $v (i64.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (local.set $m (i64.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+    (local.set $v (i64.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+    (i32.store8 (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
+      (call $numberToChar (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $m))))
+    (i64.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))
+    (global.set $po (local.get $npo))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135180) "\00\10\02\00\01#\00\00\11\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x11) $#)
+  ;; 6.1.0040
+  (func $#> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)) (global.get $po))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)) (i32.sub (i32.const 0x21000 (; = PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE ;)) (global.get $po)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135192) "\0c\10\02\00\02#>\00\12\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x12) $#>)
+  ;; 6.1.0050
+  (func $#S (param $tos i32) (result i32) 
+    (local $v i64)
+    (local $base i64)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $m i64)
+    (local $po i32)
+    (local.set $base (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))))
+    (local.set $v (i64.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (local.set $po (global.get $po))
+    (loop $loop
+      (local.set $m (i64.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+      (local.set $v (i64.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+      (i32.store8 (local.tee $po (i32.sub (local.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
+        (call $numberToChar (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $m))))
+      (br_if $loop (i32.wrap_i64 (local.get $v))))
+    (i64.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))
+    (global.set $po (local.get $po))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135204) "\18\10\02\00\02#S\00\13\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x13) $#S)
+  ;; 6.1.0070
+  (func $' (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
+      (then 
+        (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028)))) ;; incomplete input
+    (call $FIND)
+    (drop (call $pop)))
+  (data (i32.const 135216) "$\10\02\00\01'\00\00\14\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x14) $')
+  ;; 6.1.0080
+  (func $paren (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $c i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
+      (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.lt_s (local.tee $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0)) 
+        (call $fail (i32.const 0x2003C))) ;; missing ')'
+      (br_if $loop (i32.ne (local.get $c) (i32.const 41)))))
+  (data (i32.const 135228) "0\10\02\00" "\81" (; immediate ;) "(\00\00\15\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x15) $paren)
+  ;; 6.1.0090
+  (func $* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.mul (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                        (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135240) "<\10\02\00\01*\00\00\16\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x16) $*)
+  ;; 6.1.0100
+  (func $*/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
+                (i32.wrap_i64
+                  (i64.div_s
+                      (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
+                                (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
+                      (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))
+    (local.get $bbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 135252) "H\10\02\00\02*/\00\17\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x17) $*/)
+  ;; 6.1.0110
+  (func $*/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (local $x1 i64)
+    (local $x2 i64)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
+                (i32.wrap_i64
+                  (i64.rem_s
+                      (local.tee $x1 (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
+                                              (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))))
+                      (local.tee $x2 (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.div_s (local.get $x1) (local.get $x2))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135264) "T\10\02\00\05*/MOD\00\00\18\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x18) $*/MOD)
+  ;; 6.1.0120
+  (func $+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.add (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                        (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135280) "`\10\02\00\01+\00\00\19\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x19) $+)
+  ;; 6.1.0130
+  (func $+! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $addr i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $addr (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $addr))
+                        (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))))
+    (local.get $bbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 135292) "p\10\02\00\02+!\00\1a\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1a) $+!)
+  ;; 6.1.0140
+  (func $+LOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compilePlusLoop))
+  (data (i32.const 135304) "|\10\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "+LOOP\00\00" "\1b\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1b) $+LOOP)
+  ;; 6.1.0150
+  (func $comma (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store
+      (global.get $here)
+      (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
+    (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 135320) "\88\10\02\00\01,\00\00\1c\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1c) $comma)
+  ;; 6.1.0160
+  (func $- (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.sub (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
+                        (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135332) "\98\10\02\00\01-\00\00\1d\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1d) $-)
+  ;; 6.1.0180
+  (func $.q (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $Sq)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x85 (; = TYPE_INDEX ;))))
+  (data (i32.const 135344) "\a4\10\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) ".\22\00" "\1e\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1e) $.q)
+  ;; 6.1.0230
+  (func $/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $divisor i32)
+    (if (i32.eqz (local.tee $divisor (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+      (return (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20014)))) ;; division by 0
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.div_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)) (local.get $divisor)))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135356) "\b0\10\02\00\01/\00\00\1f\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x1f) $/)
+  ;; 6.1.0240
+  (func $/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $n1 i32)
+    (local $n2 i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.rem_s (local.tee $n1 (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
+                          (local.tee $n2 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                                              (i32.const 4)))))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135368) "\bc\10\02\00\04/MOD\00\00\00 \00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x20) $/MOD)
+  ;; 6.1.0250
+  (func $0< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                      (i32.const 4))))
+                  (i32.const 0))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135384) "\c8\10\02\00\020<\00!\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x21) $0<)
+  ;; 6.1.0270
+  (func $0= (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (if (i32.eqz (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                      (i32.const 4)))))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135396) "\d8\10\02\00\020=\00\22\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x22) $0=)
+  ;; 6.1.0290
+  (func $1+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135408) "\e4\10\02\00\021+\00#\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x23) $1+)
+  ;; 6.1.0300
+  (func $1- (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.sub (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135420) "\f0\10\02\00\021-\00$\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x24) $1-)
+  ;; 6.1.0310
+  (func $2! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $SWAP) (call $OVER) (call $!) (call $CELL+) (call $!))
+  (data (i32.const 135432) "\fc\10\02\00\022!\00%\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x25) $2!)
+  ;; 6.1.0320
+  (func $2* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135444) "\08\11\02\00\022*\00&\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x26) $2*)
+  ;; 6.1.0330
+  (func $2/ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.shr_s (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 1)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135456) "\14\11\02\00\022/\00'\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x27) $2/)
+  ;; 6.1.0350
+  (func $2@  (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $DUP)
+    (call $CELL+)
+    (call $@)
+    (call $SWAP)
+    (call $@))
+  (data (i32.const 135468) " \11\02\00\022@\00(\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x28) $2@)
+  ;; 6.1.0370 
+  (func $2DROP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+  (data (i32.const 135480) ",\11\02\00\052DROP\00\00)\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x29) $2DROP)
+  ;; 6.1.0380
+  (func $2DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+    (i32.store (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+  (data (i32.const 135496) "8\11\02\00\042DUP\00\00\00*\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2a) $2DUP)
+  ;; 6.1.0400
+  (func $2OVER (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
+    (i32.store (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+  (data (i32.const 135512) "H\11\02\00\052OVER\00\00+\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2b) $2OVER)
+  ;; 6.1.0430
+  (func $2SWAP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $x1 i32)
+    (local $x2 i32)
+    (local.set $x1 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
+    (local.set $x2 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
+                (local.get $x1))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
+                (local.get $x2))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135528) "X\11\02\00\052SWAP\00\00,\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2c) $2SWAP)
+  ;; 6.1.0450
+  (func $: (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $CREATE)
+    (call $hidden)
+    ;; Turn off (default) data flag
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
+      (i32.xor 
+        (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
+        (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;))))
+    ;; Store the code pointer already
+    ;; The code hasn't been loaded yet, but since nothing can affect the next table
+    ;; index, we can assume the index will be correct. This allows semicolon to be
+    ;; agnostic about whether it is compiling a word or a DOES>.
+    (i32.store (call $body (global.get $latest)) (global.get $nextTableIndex))
+    (call $startColon (i32.const 0))
+    (call $right-bracket))
+  (data (i32.const 135544) "h\11\02\00\01:\00\00-\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2d) $:)
+  ;; 6.1.0460
+  (func $semicolon (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $endColon)
+    (call $hidden)
+    (call $left-bracket))
+  (data (i32.const 135556) "x\11\02\00" "\81" (; immediate ;) ";\00\00" ".\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2e) $semicolon)
+  ;; 6.1.0480
+  (func $< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135568) "\84\11\02\00\01<\00\00/\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x2f) $<)
+  ;; 6.1.0490
+  (func $<# (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $po (i32.const 0x21000 (; = PICTURED_OUTPUT_BASE ;)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135580) "\90\11\02\00\02<#\000\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x30) $<#)
+  ;; 6.1.0530
+  (func $= (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (if (i32.eq (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135592) "\9c\11\02\00\01=\00\001\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x31) $=)
+  ;; 6.1.0540
+  (func $> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135604) "\a8\11\02\00\01>\00\002\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x32) $>)
+  ;; 6.1.0550
+  (func $>BODY (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+      (i32.add (call $body (i32.load (local.get $btos))) (i32.const 4)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135616) "\b4\11\02\00\05>BODY\00\003\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x33) $>BODY)
+  ;; 6.1.0560
+  (func $>IN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 135632) "\c0\11\02\00\03>IN4\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x34) $>IN)
+  ;; 6.1.0570
+  (func $>NUMBER (param $tos i32) (result i32) 
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $bbbbtos i32)
+    (local $value i64)
+    (local $rest i32)
+    (local $restcount i32)
+    (call $number
+      (i64.load (local.tee $bbbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 16))))
+      (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+      (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (local.set $restcount)
+    (local.set $rest)
+    (local.set $value)
+    (i32.store (local.get $btos) (local.get $restcount))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $rest))
+    (i64.store (local.get $bbbbtos) (local.get $value))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135644) "\d0\11\02\00\07>NUMBER5\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x35) $>NUMBER)
+  ;; 6.1.0580
+  (func $>R (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.tee $tos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+    (i32.store (global.get $tors) (i32.load (local.get $tos)))
+    (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
+  (data (i32.const 135660) "\dc\11\02\00\02>R\006\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x36) $>R)
+  ;; 6.1.0630 
+  (func $?DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (if (result i32) (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+      (then
+        (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+          (i32.load (local.get $btos)))
+        (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+      (else 
+        (local.get $tos))))
+  (data (i32.const 135672) "\ec\11\02\00\04?DUP\00\00\007\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x37) $?DUP)
+  ;; 6.1.0650
+  (func $@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+      (i32.load (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135688) "\f8\11\02\00\01@\00\008\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x38) $@)
+  ;; 6.1.0670 ABORT 
+  (func $ABORT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $QUIT (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))))
+  (data (i32.const 135700) "\08\12\02\00\05ABORT\00\009\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x39 (; = ABORT_INDEX ;)) $ABORT) ;; none
+  ;; 6.1.0680 ABORT"
+  (func $ABORTq (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $compileIf)
+    (call $Sq)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x85 (; = TYPE_INDEX ;)))
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0x39 (; = ABORT_INDEX ;)))
+    (call $compileThen))
+  (data (i32.const 135716) "\14\12\02\00" "\86" (; immediate ;) "ABORT\22\00" ":\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3a) $ABORTq)
+  ;; 6.1.0690
+  (func $ABS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local $y i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.sub (i32.xor (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.get $btos)))
+                                  (local.tee $y (i32.shr_s (local.get $v) (i32.const 31))))
+                        (local.get $y)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135732) "$\12\02\00\03ABS;\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3b) $ABS)
+  ;; 6.1.0695
+  (func $ACCEPT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (call $shell_accept (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
+                                    (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135744) "4\12\02\00\06ACCEPT\00<\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3c) $ACCEPT)
+  ;; 6.1.0705
+  (func $ALIGN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $here (i32.and
+                        (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 3))
+                        (i32.const -4 (; ~3 ;))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135760) "@\12\02\00\05ALIGN\00\00=\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3d) $ALIGN)
+  ;; 6.1.0706
+  (func $ALIGNED (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.and (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 3))
+                        (i32.const -4 (; ~3 ;))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135776) "P\12\02\00\07ALIGNED>\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3e) $ALIGNED)
+  ;; 6.1.0710
+  (func $ALLOT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $v (call $pop))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (local.get $v))))
+  (data (i32.const 135792) "`\12\02\00\05ALLOT\00\00?\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x3f) $ALLOT)
+  ;; 6.1.0720
+  (func $AND (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.and (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                        (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 135808) "p\12\02\00\03AND@\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x40) $AND)
+  ;; 6.1.0750 
+  (func $BASE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 135820) "\80\12\02\00\04BASE\00\00\00A\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x41) $BASE)
+  ;; 6.1.0760 
+  (func $BEGIN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileBegin))
+  (data (i32.const 135836) "\8c\12\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "BEGIN\00\00" "B\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x42) $BEGIN)
+  ;; 6.1.0770
+  (func $BL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 32)))
+  (data (i32.const 135852) "\9c\12\02\00\02BL\00C\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x43) $BL)
+  ;; 6.1.0850
+  (func $C! (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store8 (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (local.get $bbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 135864) "\ac\12\02\00\02C!\00D\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x44) $C!)
+  ;; 6.1.0860
+  (func $Cc (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $here)
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 135876) "\b8\12\02\00\02C,\00E\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x45) $Cc)
+  ;; 6.1.0870
+  (func $C@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.load8_u (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135888) "\c4\12\02\00\02C@\00F\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x46) $C@)
+  ;; 6.1.0880
+  (func $CELL+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 4)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135900) "\d0\12\02\00\05CELL+\00\00G\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x47) $CELL+)
+  ;; 6.1.0890
+  (func $CELLS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 2)))            
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135916) "\dc\12\02\00\05CELLS\00\00H\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x48) $CELLS)
+  ;; 6.1.0895
+  (func $CHAR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $readWord (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
+    (local.tee $tos)
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))
+                (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)))))
+  (data (i32.const 135932) "\ec\12\02\00\04CHAR\00\00\00I\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x49) $CHAR)
+  ;; 6.1.0897
+  (func $CHAR+ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $1+ (local.get $tos)))
+  (data (i32.const 135948) "\fc\12\02\00\05CHAR+\00\00J\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4a) $CHAR+)
+  ;; 6.1.0898
+  (func $CHARS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 135964) "\0c\13\02\00\05CHARS\00\00K\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4b) $CHARS)
+  ;; 6.1.0950
+  (func $CONSTANT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $CREATE)
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)) (i32.const 6 (; = PUSH_INDIRECT_INDEX ;)))
+    (local.set $v (call $pop))
+    (i32.store (global.get $here) (local.get $v))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4))))
+  (data (i32.const 135980) "\1c\13\02\00" "\08" "CONSTANT\00\00\00" "L\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4c (; = CONSTANT_INDEX ;)) $CONSTANT)
+  ;; 6.1.0980
+  (func $COUNT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $addr i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+                (i32.load8_u (local.tee $addr (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                                                (i32.const 4)))))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.add (local.get $addr) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136000) ",\13\02\00\05COUNT\00\00M\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4d) $COUNT)
+  ;; 6.1.0990
+  (func $CR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 10)) (call $EMIT))
+  (data (i32.const 136016) "@\13\02\00\02CR\00N\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4e) $CR)
+  ;; 6.1.1000
+  (func $CREATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $length i32)
+    (i32.store (global.get $here) (global.get $latest))
+    (global.set $latest (global.get $here))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
+    (drop (call $pop))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $here) (local.tee $length (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $memcopy (global.get $here) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $length))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (local.get $length)))
+    (call $ALIGN)
+    (i32.store (global.get $here) (i32.const 3 (; = PUSH_DATA_ADDRESS_INDEX ;)))
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4)))
+    (i32.store (global.get $here) (i32.const 0))
+    (call $setFlag (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;))))
+  (data (i32.const 136028) "P\13\02\00\06CREATE\00O\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x4f) $CREATE)
+  ;; 6.1.1170
+  (func $DECIMAL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 10))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136044) "\5c\13\02\00\07DECIMALP\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x50) $DECIMAL)
+  ;; 6.1.1200
+  (func $DEPTH (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+              (i32.shr_u (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))) (i32.const 2)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136060) "l\13\02\00\05DEPTH\00\00Q\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x51) $DEPTH)
+  ;; 6.1.1240
+  (func $DO (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileDo))
+  (data (i32.const 136076) "|\13\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) "DO\00" "R\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x52) $DO)
+  ;; 6.1.1250
+  (func $DOES> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $emitConst (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 4 (; = SET_LATEST_BODY_INDEX ;)))
+    (call $endColon)
+    (call $startColon (i32.const 1))
+    (call $compilePushLocal (i32.const 1)))
+  (data (i32.const 136088) "\8c\13\02\00" "\85" (; immediate ;) "DOES>\00\00" "S\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x53) $DOES>)
+  ;; 6.1.1260
+  (func $DROP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136104) "\98\13\02\00\04DROP\00\00\00T\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x54) $DROP)
+  ;; 6.1.1290
+  (func $DUP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+      (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136120) "\a8\13\02\00\03DUPU\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x55) $DUP)
+  ;; 6.1.1310
+  (func $ELSE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $emitElse))
+  (data (i32.const 136132) "\b8\13\02\00" "\84" (; immediate ;) "ELSE\00\00\00" "V\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x56) $ELSE)
+  ;; 6.1.1320
+  (func $EMIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $shell_emit (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136148) "\c4\13\02\00\04EMIT\00\00\00W\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x57) $EMIT)
+  ;; TODO: Remove
+  (func $UNUSED1 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20084))) ;; not implemented
+  (data (i32.const 136164) "\d4\13\02\00" "\2b" (; HIDDEN ;) "UNUSED1____" "X\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x58) $UNUSED1)
+  ;; TODO: Remove
+  (func $UNUSED2 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $fail (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x20084))) ;; not implemented
+  (data (i32.const 137224) "\f8\17\02\00" "\2c" "UNUSED______\00\00\00" "\9f\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9f) $UNUSED2)
+  ;; 6.1.1345
+  (func $ENVIRONMENT? (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $addr i32)
+    (local $len i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local.set $addr (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (local.set $len (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (if (call $stringEqual (local.get $addr) (local.get $len) (i32.const 0x20091) (i32.const 0x11) (; "ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS" ;))
+      (then
+        (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 8))
+        (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1))
+        (return (local.get $tos)))
+      (else 
+        (if (call $stringEqual (local.get $addr) (local.get $len) (i32.const 0x200A3) (i32.const 0x0F) (; "/COUNTED-STRING" ;))
+          (then
+            (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 255))
+            (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1))
+            (return (local.get $tos)))
+          (else
+            (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))
+            (return (local.get $btos))))))
+    (unreachable))
+  (data (i32.const 0x218ac) "\9c\18\02\00" "\0c" "ENVIRONMENT?000" "\a9\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa9) $ENVIRONMENT?)
+  ;; 6.1.1360
+  (func $EVALUATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $prevSourceID i32)
+    (local $prevIn i32)
+    (local $prevInputBufferBase i32)
+    (local $prevInputBufferSize i32)
+    ;; Save input state
+    (local.set $prevSourceID (global.get $sourceID))
+    (local.set $prevIn (i32.load (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;))))
+    (local.set $prevInputBufferSize (global.get $inputBufferSize))
+    (local.set $prevInputBufferBase (global.get $inputBufferBase))
+    (global.set $sourceID (i32.const -1))
+    (global.set $inputBufferBase (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0))
+    (drop (call $interpret (local.get $bbtos)))
+    ;; Restore input state
+    (global.set $sourceID (local.get $prevSourceID))
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (local.get $prevIn))
+    (global.set $inputBufferBase (local.get $prevInputBufferBase))
+    (global.set $inputBufferSize (local.get $prevInputBufferSize)))
+  (data (i32.const 136184) "\e4\13\02\00\08EVALUATE\00\00\00Y\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x59) $EVALUATE)
+  ;; 6.1.1370
+  (func $EXECUTE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $xt i32)
+    (local $body i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $body (call $body (local.tee $xt (call $pop))))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $xt) (i32.const 4)))
+                  (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;)))
+      (then
+        (call_indirect (type $dataWord) (i32.add (local.get $body) (i32.const 4))
+                                        (i32.load (local.get $body))))
+      (else
+        (call_indirect (type $word) (i32.load (local.get $body))))))
+  (data (i32.const 136204) "\f8\13\02\00\07EXECUTEZ\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5a) $EXECUTE)
+  ;; 6.1.1380
+  (func $EXIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $emitReturn))
+  (data (i32.const 136220) "\0c\14\02\00" "\84" (; immediate ;) "EXIT\00\00\00" "[\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5b) $EXIT)
+  ;; 6.1.1540
+  (func $FILL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (call $memset (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
+                  (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                  (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+    (local.get $bbbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 136236) "\1c\14\02\00\04FILL\00\00\00\5c\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5c) $FILL)
+  ;; 6.1.1550
+  (func $FIND (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $entryP i32)
+    (local $entryLF i32)
+    (local $wordStart i32)
+    (local $wordLength i32)
+    (local.set $wordLength (i32.load8_u (local.tee $wordStart (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.set $wordStart (i32.add (local.get $wordStart) (i32.const 1)))
+    (local.set $entryP (global.get $latest))
+    (loop $loop
+      (if 
+          (i32.and 
+            (i32.eqz
+              (i32.and 
+                (local.tee $entryLF (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 4))))
+                (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;))))
+            (call $stringEqual 
+              (local.get $wordStart) (local.get $wordLength)
+              (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 5)) (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;)))))
+        (then
+          (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $entryP))
+          (call $push (local.get $tos)
+            (select 
+              (i32.const -1)
+              (i32.const 1)
+              (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x80 (; = F_IMMEDIATE ;))))))
+          (return)))
+      (local.set $entryP (i32.load (local.get $entryP)))
+      (br_if $loop (local.get $entryP)))
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0)))
+  (data (i32.const 136252) ",\14\02\00\04FIND\00\00\00]\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5d) $FIND)
+  ;; 6.1.1561
+  (func $FM/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (local $n1 i64)
+    (local $n2 i64)
+    (local $n2_32 i32)
+    (local $q i32)
+    (local $mod i32)
+    (local.set $mod
+      (i32.wrap_i64 
+        (i64.rem_s 
+          (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))))
+          (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_s (local.tee $n2_32 (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))))))
+    (local.set $q (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
+    (if 
+        (i32.and 
+          (i32.ne (local.get $mod (i32.const 0))) 
+          (i64.lt_s (i64.xor (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2)) (i64.const 0)))
+      (then
+        (local.set $q (i32.sub (local.get $q) (i32.const 1)))
+        (local.set $mod (i32.add (local.get $mod) (local.get $n2_32)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbbtos) (local.get $mod))
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)) (local.get $q))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136268) "<\14\02\00\06FM/MOD\00^\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5e) $FM/MOD)
+  ;; 6.1.1650
+  (func $HERE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (global.get $here))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136284) "L\14\02\00\04HERE\00\00\00_\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x5f) $HERE)
+  ;; 6.1.1670
+  (func $HOLD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $npo i32)
+    (i32.store8 
+      (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1)))
+      (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (global.set $po (local.get $npo))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136300) "\5c\14\02\00\04HOLD\00\00\00`\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x60) $HOLD)
+  ;; 6.1.1680
+  (func $I (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136316) "l\14\02\00" "\01" "I\00\00" "a\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x61) $I)
+  ;; 6.1.1700
+  (func $IF (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileIf))
+  (data (i32.const 136328) "|\14\02\00" "\82" (; immediate ;) "IF\00" "b\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x62) $IF)
+  ;; 6.1.1710
+  (func $IMMEDIATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $setFlag (i32.const 0x80 (; = F_IMMEDIATE ;)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136340) "\88\14\02\00\09IMMEDIATE\00\00c\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x63) $IMMEDIATE)
+  ;; 6.1.1720
+  (func $INVERT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.xor (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const -1)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136360) "\94\14\02\00\06INVERT\00d\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x64) $INVERT)
+  ;; 6.1.1730
+  (func $J (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 8))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136376) "\a8\14\02\00\01J\00\00e\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x65) $J)
+  ;; 6.1.1750
+  (func $KEY (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (call $shell_key))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136388) "\b8\14\02\00\03KEYf\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x66) $KEY)
+  ;; 6.1.1760
+  (func $LEAVE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileLeave))
+  (data (i32.const 136400) "\c4\14\02\00\85LEAVE\00\00g\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x67) $LEAVE) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.1780
+  (func $LITERAL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
+  (data (i32.const 136416) "\d0\14\02\00\87LITERALh\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x68) $LITERAL) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.1800
+  (func $LOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileLoop))
+  (data (i32.const 136432) "\e0\14\02\00\84LOOP\00\00\00i\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x69) $LOOP) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.1805
+  (func $LSHIFT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.shl (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
+                        (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136448) "\f0\14\02\00\06LSHIFT\00j\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6a) $LSHIFT)
+  ;; 6.1.1810
+  (func $M* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i64.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
+                        (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                              (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136464) "\00\15\02\00\02M*\00k\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6b) $M*)
+  ;; 6.1.1870
+  (func $MAX (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                                    (i32.const 4))))))
+      (then
+        (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136476) "\10\15\02\00\03MAXl\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6c) $MAX)
+  ;; 6.1.1880
+  (func $MIN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (local.tee $v (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                                    (i32.const 4))))))
+      (then
+        (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $v))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136488) "\1c\15\02\00\03MINm\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6d) $MIN)
+  ;; 6.1.1890
+  (func $MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.rem_s (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
+                          (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136500) "(\15\02\00\03MODn\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6e) $MOD)
+  ;; 6.1.1900
+  (func $MOVE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (call $memcopy (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                    (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12))))
+                    (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (local.get $bbbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 136512) "4\15\02\00\04MOVE\00\00\00o\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x6f) $MOVE)
+  ;; 6.1.1910
+  (func $NEGATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+                (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136528) "@\15\02\00\06NEGATE\00p\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x70) $NEGATE)
+  ;; 6.1.1980
+  (func $OR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.or (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                        (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136544) "P\15\02\00\02OR\00q\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x71) $OR)
+  ;; 6.1.1990
+  (func $OVER (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos)
+                (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136556) "`\15\02\00\04OVER\00\00\00r\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x72) $OVER)
+  ;; 6.1.2033
+  (func $POSTPONE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $FINDToken i32)
+    (local $FINDResult i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
+    (call $FIND)
+    (local.set $FINDResult (call $pop))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (local.get $FINDResult)) 
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))) ;; undefined word
+    (local.set $FINDToken (call $pop))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (local.get $FINDResult) (i32.const 1))
+      (then 
+        (call $compileCall (local.get $FINDToken)))
+      (else
+        (call $emitConst (local.get $FINDToken))
+        (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 5 (; = COMPILE_CALL_INDEX ;))))))
+  (data (i32.const 136572) "l\15\02\00\88POSTPONE\00\00\00s\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x73) $POSTPONE) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2050
+  (func $QUIT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $tos (local.get $tos))
+    (global.set $tors (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
+    (global.set $sourceID (i32.const 0))
+    (unreachable))
+  (data (i32.const 136592) "|\15\02\00\04QUIT\00\00\00t\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x74) $QUIT)
+  ;; 6.1.2060
+  (func $R> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $tors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (global.get $tors)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136608) "\90\15\02\00\02R>\00u\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x75) $R>)
+  ;; 6.1.2070
+  (func $R@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.load (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136620) "\a0\15\02\00\02R@\00v\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x76) $R@)
+  ;; 6.1.2120 
+  (func $RECURSE  (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileRecurse))
+  (data (i32.const 136632) "\ac\15\02\00\87RECURSEw\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x77) $RECURSE) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2140
+  (func $REPEAT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileRepeat))
+  (data (i32.const 136648) "\b8\15\02\00\86REPEAT\00x\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x78) $REPEAT) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2160 ROT 
+  (func $ROT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $tmp i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (local.set $tmp (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $btos) 
+      (i32.load (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbbtos) 
+      (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (local.get $tmp))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136664) "\c8\15\02\00\03ROTy\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x79) $ROT)
+  ;; 6.1.2162
+  (func $RSHIFT (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.shr_u (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))
+                          (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136676) "\d8\15\02\00\06RSHIFT\00z\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7a) $RSHIFT)
+  ;; 6.1.2165
+  (func $Sq (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $c i32)
+    (local $start i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (local.set $start (global.get $here))
+    (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
+      (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
+        (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.lt_s (local.tee $c (call $readChar)) (i32.const 0))
+          (call $fail (i32.const 0x2003C))) ;; missing closing quote
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $c) (i32.const 0x22)))
+        (i32.store8 (global.get $here) (local.get $c))
+        (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br $loop)))
+    (call $compilePushConst (local.get $start))
+    (call $compilePushConst (i32.sub (global.get $here) (local.get $start)))
+    (call $ALIGN))
+  (data (i32.const 136692) "\e4\15\02\00\82S\22\00{\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7b) $Sq) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2170
+  (func $S>D (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i64.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+      (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.get $btos))))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136704) "\f4\15\02\00\03S>D|\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7c) $S>D)
+  ;; 6.1.2210
+  (func $SIGN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $npo i32)
+    (if (i32.lt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))) (i32.const 0))
+      (then 
+        (i32.store8 (local.tee $npo (i32.sub (global.get $po) (i32.const 1))) (i32.const 0x2D (; '-' ;)))
+        (global.set $po (local.get $npo))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136716) "\00\16\02\00\04SIGN\00\00\00}\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7d) $SIGN)
+  ;; 6.1.2214
+  ;; See e.g. https://www.nimblemachines.com/symmetric-division-considered-harmful/
+  (func $SM/REM (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (local $n1 i64)
+    (local $n2 i64)
+    (i32.store 
+      (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
+      (i32.wrap_i64 
+        (i64.rem_s 
+          (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
+          (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
+      (i32.wrap_i64 
+        (i64.div_s (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136732) "\0c\16\02\00\06SM/REM\00~\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7e) $SM/REM)
+  ;; 6.1.2216
+  (func $SOURCE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $push (global.get $inputBufferBase))
+    (call $push (global.get $inputBufferSize)))
+  (data (i32.const 136748) "\1c\16\02\00\06SOURCE\00\7f\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x7f) $SOURCE)
+  ;; 6.1.2220
+  (func $SPACE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $BL) (call $EMIT))
+  (data (i32.const 136764) ",\16\02\00\05SPACE\00\00\80\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x80) $SPACE)
+  ;; 6.1.2230
+  (func $SPACES (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $i i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $i (call $pop))
+    (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32)
+      (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32)
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.le_s (local.get $i) (i32.const 0)))
+        (call $SPACE)
+        (local.set $i (i32.sub (local.get $i) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br $loop))))
+  (data (i32.const 136780) "<\16\02\00\06SPACES\00\81\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x81) $SPACES)
+  ;; 6.1.2250
+  (func $STATE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 136796) "L\16\02\00\05STATE\00\00\82\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x82) $STATE)
+  ;; 6.1.2260
+  (func $SWAP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (local $tmp i32)
+    (local.set $tmp (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) 
+                (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (i32.store (local.get $btos) (local.get $tmp))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136812) "\5c\16\02\00\04SWAP\00\00\00\83\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x83) $SWAP)
+  ;; 6.1.2270
+  (func $THEN (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileThen))
+  (data (i32.const 136828) "l\16\02\00\84THEN\00\00\00\84\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x84) $THEN) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2310 TYPE 
+  (func $TYPE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $p i32)
+    (local $end i32)
+    (local $len i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $len (call $pop))
+    (local.set $p (call $pop))
+    (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $p) (local.get $len)))
+    (block $endLoop
+      (loop $loop
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $p) (local.get $end)))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.load8_u (local.get $p)))
+        (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br $loop))))
+  ;; WARNING: If you change this table index, make sure the emitted ICalls are also updated
+  (data (i32.const 136844) "|\16\02\00\04TYPE\00\00\00\85\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x85) $TYPE) ;; none
+  ;; 6.1.2320
+  (func $U. (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $U._ (call $pop) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
+    (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20)))
+  (data (i32.const 136860) "\8c\16\02\00\02U.\00\86\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x86) $U.)
+  ;; 6.1.2340
+  (func $U< (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (if (i32.lt_u (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $bbtos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136872) "\9c\16\02\00\02U<\00\87\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x87) $U<)
+  ;; 6.1.2360
+  (func $UM* (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i64.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i64.mul (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (local.get $bbtos)))
+                        (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                              (i32.const 4))))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 136884) "\a8\16\02\00\03UM*\88\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x88) $UM*)
+  ;; 6.1.2370
+  (func $UM/MOD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbbtos i32)
+    (local $n1 i64)
+    (local $n2 i64)
+    (i32.store 
+      (local.tee $bbbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 12)))
+      (i32.wrap_i64 
+        (i64.rem_u 
+          (local.tee $n1 (i64.load (local.get $bbbtos)))
+          (local.tee $n2 (i64.extend_i32_u (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))))))))
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))
+      (i32.wrap_i64 
+        (i64.div_u (local.get $n1) (local.get $n2))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136896) "\b4\16\02\00\06UM/MOD\00\89\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x89) $UM/MOD) ;; TODO: Rename
+  ;; 6.1.2380
+  (func $UNLOOP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;))))
+  (data (i32.const 136912) "\c0\16\02\00\86UNLOOP\00\8a\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8a) $UNLOOP) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2390
+  (func $UNTIL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileUntil))
+  (data (i32.const 136928) "\d0\16\02\00\85UNTIL\00\00\8b\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8b) $UNTIL) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2410
+  (func $VARIABLE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $CREATE)
+    (global.set $here (i32.add (global.get $here) (i32.const 4))))
+  (data (i32.const 136944) "\e0\16\02\00\08VARIABLE\00\00\00\8c\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8c) $VARIABLE)
+  ;; 6.1.2430
+  (func $WHILE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $compileWhile))
+  (data (i32.const 136964) "\f0\16\02\00\85WHILE\00\00\8d\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8d) $WHILE) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2450
+  (func $WORD (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $readWord (call $pop)))
+  (data (i32.const 136980) "\04\17\02\00\04WORD\00\00\00\8e\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8e) $WORD)
+  ;; 6.1.2490
+  (func $XOR (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8)))
+                (i32.xor (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+                        (i32.load (local.get $bbtos))))
+    (local.get $btos))
+  (data (i32.const 136996) "\14\17\02\00\03XOR\8f\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x8f) $XOR)
+  ;; 6.1.2500
+  (func $left-bracket (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0)))
+  (data (i32.const 137008) "$\17\02\00\81[\00\00\90\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x90) $left-bracket) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2510
+  (func $bracket-tick (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $')
+    (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
+  (data (i32.const 137020) "0\17\02\00\83[']\91\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x91) $bracket-tick) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2520
+  (func $bracket-char (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $ensureCompiling)
+    (call $CHAR)
+    (call $compilePushConst (call $pop)))
+  (data (i32.const 137032) "<\17\02\00\86[CHAR]\00\92\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x92) $bracket-char) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2540
+  (func $right-bracket (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 1))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 137048) "H\17\02\00\01]\00\00\93\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x93) $right-bracket)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; 6.2.0280
+  (func $0> (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (if (i32.gt_s (i32.load (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) 
+                                                      (i32.const 4))))
+                  (i32.const 0))
+      (then (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const -1)))
+      (else (i32.store (local.get $btos) (i32.const 0))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 137060) "X\17\02\00\020>\00\94\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x94) $0>)
+  ;; 6.2.1350
+  (func $ERASE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $bbtos i32)
+    (call $memset (i32.load (local.tee $bbtos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 8))))
+                  (i32.const 0)
+                  (i32.load (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4))))
+    (local.get $bbtos))
+  (data (i32.const 137072) "d\17\02\00\05ERASE\00\00\95\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x95) $ERASE)
+  ;; 6.2.2030
+  (func $PICK (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $btos i32)
+    (i32.store (local.tee $btos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+      (i32.load 
+        (i32.sub 
+          (local.get $tos) 
+          (i32.shl (i32.add (i32.load (local.get $btos)) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 2)))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 137088) "p\17\02\00\04PICK\00\00\00\96\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x96) $PICK)
+  ;; 6.2.2125
+  (func $REFILL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $char i32)
+    (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.const 0))
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (global.get $sourceID) (i32.const -1))
+      (then
+        (call $push (i32.const -1))
+        (return)))
+    (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
+      (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.tee $char (call $shell_getc)) (i32.const -1)))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (i32.const 0x300 (; = INPUT_BUFFER_BASE ;)) (global.get $inputBufferSize)) 
+                    (local.get $char))
+        (global.set $inputBufferSize (i32.add (global.get $inputBufferSize) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br $loop)))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (global.get $inputBufferSize))
+      (then (call $push (i32.const 0)))
+      (else 
+        (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.const 0))
+        (call $push (i32.const -1)))))
+  (data (i32.const 137104) "\80\17\02\00\06REFILL\00\97\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x97) $REFILL)
+  ;; 6.2.2295
+  (func $TO (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local $xt i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))) 
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20028))) ;; incomplete input
+    (call $FIND)
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (call $pop)) 
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))) ;; undefined word
+    (local.set $xt (call $pop))
+    (local.set $v (call $pop))
+    (i32.store (i32.add (call $body (local.get $xt)) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $v)))
+  (data (i32.const 137120) "\90\17\02\00\02TO\00\98\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x98) $TO)
+  ;; 6.1.2395
+  (func $UNUSED (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $push (i32.shr_s (i32.sub (i32.const 104857600 (; = MEMORY_SIZE ;)) (global.get $here)) (i32.const 2))))
+  (data (i32.const 137132) "\a0\17\02\00\06UNUSED\00\99\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x99) $UNUSED)
+  ;; 6.2.2535
+  (func $\ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $char i32)
+    (block $endSkipComments
+      (loop $skipComments
+        (local.set $char (call $readChar))
+        (br_if $endSkipComments (i32.eq (local.get $char) 
+                                        (i32.const 0x0a (; '\n' ;))))
+        (br_if $endSkipComments (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)))
+        (br $skipComments)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 137148) "\ac\17\02\00\81\5c\00\00\9a\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9a) $\) ;; immediate
+  ;; 6.1.2250
+  (func $SOURCE-ID (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (global.get $sourceID)))
+  (data (i32.const 137160) "\bc\17\02\00\09SOURCE-ID\00\00\9b\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9b) $SOURCE-ID)
+  (func $DSP@ (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store
+      (local.get $tos)
+      (local.get $tos))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 137180) "\c8\17\02\00\04DSP@\00\00\00\9c\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9c) $DSP@)
+  (func $S0 (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;))))
+  (data (i32.const 137196) "\dc\17\02\00\02S0\00\9d\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9d) $S0)
+  (func $LATEST (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (global.get $latest))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (data (i32.const 137208) "\ec\17\02\00\06LATEST\00\9e\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0x9e) $LATEST)
+  (func $HEX (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;)) (i32.const 16))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21820) "\08\18\02\00\03HEX\a0\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa0) $HEX)
+  ;; 6.2.2298
+  (func $TRUE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0xffffffff)))
+  (data (i32.const 0x2182c) "\20\18\02\00" "\04" "TRUE000" "\a1\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa1) $TRUE)
+  ;; 6.2.1485
+  (func $FALSE (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.const 0x0)))
+  (data (i32.const 0x2183c) "\2c\18\02\00" "\05" "FALSE00" "\a2\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa2) $FALSE)
+  ;; 6.2.1930
+  (func $NIP (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $SWAP) (call $DROP))
+  (data (i32.const 0x2184c) "\3c\18\02\00" "\03" "NIP" "\a3\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa3) $NIP)
+  ;; 6.2.2300
+  (func $TUCK (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $SWAP) (call $OVER))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21858) "\4c\18\02\00" "\03" "NIP" "\a4\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa4) $TUCK)
+  (func $UWIDTH (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local $r i32)
+    (local $base i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $v (call $pop))
+    (local.set $base (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
+    (block $endLoop
+      (loop $loop
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (local.get $v)))
+        (local.set $r (i32.add (local.get $r) (i32.const 1)))
+        (local.set $v (i32.div_s (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+        (br $loop)))
+    (call $push (local.get $r)))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21864) "\58\18\02\00" "\06" "UWIDTH0" "\a5\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa5) $UWIDTH)
+  ;; 6.2.2405
+  (data (i32.const 0x21874) "\64\18\02\00" "\05" "VALUE00" "\4c\00\00\00") ;; CONSTANT_INDEX
+  ;; 6.1.0180
+  (func $. (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $v i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (local.set $v (call $pop))
+    (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $v) (i32.const 0))
+      (then
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x2d))
+        (local.set $v (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (local.get $v)))))
+    (call $U._ (local.get $v) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
+    (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20)))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21884) "\74\18\02\00" "\01" ".00" "\a6\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa6) $.)
+  (func $U._ (param $v i32) (param $base i32)
+    (local $m i32)
+    (local.set $m (i32.rem_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+    (local.set $v (i32.div_u (local.get $v) (local.get $base)))
+    (if (i32.eqz (local.get $v))
+      (then)
+      (else (call $U._ (local.get $v) (local.get $base))))
+    (call $shell_emit (call $numberToChar (local.get $m))))
+  ;;
+  (func $.S (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $p i32)
+    (local.set $p (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
+    (block $endLoop
+      (loop $loop
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.ge_u (local.get $p) (local.get $tos)))
+        (call $U._ (i32.load (local.get $p)) (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20))
+        (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 4)))
+        (br $loop)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 0x21890) "\84\18\02\00" "\02" ".S0" "\a7\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa7) $.S)
+  ;;
+  (func $WORDS (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local $entryP i32)
+    (local $entryLF i32)
+    (local $entryL i32)
+    (local $p i32)
+    (local $pe i32)
+    (local.set $entryP (global.get $latest))
+    (loop $loop
+      (local.set $entryLF (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 4))))
+      (if (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;))))
+        (then
+          (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $entryP) (i32.const 5)))
+          (local.set $pe (i32.add (local.get $p) 
+                                  (i32.and (local.get $entryLF) (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;)))))
+          (loop $emitLoop
+            (call $shell_emit (i32.load8_u (local.get $p)))
+            (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
+            (br_if $emitLoop (i32.lt_s (local.get $p) (local.get $pe))))))
+      (call $shell_emit (i32.const 0x20))
+      (local.set $entryP (i32.load (local.get $entryP)))
+      (br_if $loop (local.get $entryP)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 0x2189c) "\90\18\02\00" "\05" "WORDS00" "\a8\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xa8) $WORDS)
+  (func $SCALL (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $tos (local.get $tos))
+    (call $shell_call)
+    (global.get $tos))
+  (data (i32.const 0x218c4) "\ac\18\02\00" "\05" "SCALL\00\00" "\aa\00\00\00")
+  (elem (i32.const 0xaa) $SCALL)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Interpreter
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Interprets the string in the input, until the end of string is reached.
+  ;; Returns 0 if processed, 1 if still compiling, or traps if a word 
+  ;; was not found.
+  (func $interpret (param $tos i32) (result i32) (result i32)
+    (local $FINDResult i32)
+    (local $FINDToken i32)
+    (local $error i32)
+    (local $number i32)
+    (local.set $error (i32.const 0))
+    (global.set $tors (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (block $endLoop (param i32) (result i32) 
+      (loop $loop (param i32) (result i32) 
+        (call $readWord (i32.const 0x20))
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eqz (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
+        (call $FIND)
+        (local.set $FINDResult (call $pop))
+        (local.set $FINDToken (call $pop))
+        (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (local.get $FINDResult))
+          (then ;; Not in the dictionary. Is it a number?
+            (if (param i32 i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (call $readNumber))
+              (then ;; It's a number. Are we compiling?
+                (local.set $number)
+                (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;)))
+                  (then
+                    ;; We're compiling. Pop it off the stack and 
+                    ;; add it to the compiled list
+                    (call $compilePushConst (local.get $number)))
+                  (else 
+                    ;; We're not compiling. Put the number on the stack.
+                    (call $push (local.get $number)))))
+              (else ;; It's not a number.
+                (drop)
+                (call $fail (i32.const 0x20000))))) ;; undefined word
+          (else ;; Found the word. 
+            ;; Are we compiling or is it immediate?
+            (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.or (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
+                        (i32.eq (local.get $FINDResult) (i32.const 1)))
+              (then
+                (call $push (local.get $FINDToken))
+                (call $EXECUTE))
+              (else
+                ;; We're compiling a non-immediate
+                (call $compileCall (local.get $FINDToken))))))
+          (br $loop)))
+    ;; 'WORD' left the address on the stack
+    (drop (call $pop))
+    (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
+  (func $readWord (param $tos i32) (param $delimiter i32) (result i32)
+    (local $char i32)
+    (local $stringPtr i32)
+    ;; Skip leading delimiters
+    (block $endSkipBlanks
+      (loop $skipBlanks
+        (local.set $char (call $readChar))
+        (br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (local.get $char) (local.get $delimiter)))
+        (br_if $skipBlanks (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a (; ' ' ;))))
+        (br $endSkipBlanks)))
+    (local.set $stringPtr (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)))
+    (if (i32.ne (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)) 
+      (if (i32.ne (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a))
+        (then 
+          ;; Search for delimiter
+          (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $char))
+          (local.set $stringPtr (i32.const 0x202 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_2 ;)))
+          (block $endReadChars
+            (loop $readChars
+              (local.set $char (call $readChar))
+              (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (local.get $delimiter)))
+              (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const 0x0a (; ' ' ;))))
+              (br_if $endReadChars (i32.eq (local.get $char) (i32.const -1)))
+              (i32.store8 (local.get $stringPtr) (local.get $char))
+              (local.set $stringPtr (i32.add (local.get $stringPtr) (i32.const 0x1)))
+              (br $readChars))))))
+      ;; Write word length
+      (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)) 
+        (i32.sub (local.get $stringPtr) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;))))
+      (local.get $tos)
+      (call $push (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;))))
+  (func $readNumber (result i32 i32)
+    (local $length i32)
+    (local $restcount i32)
+    (local $value i32)
+    (if (i32.eqz (local.tee $length (i32.load8_u (i32.const 0x200 (; = WORD_BASE ;)))))
+      (return (i32.const -1) (i32.const -1)))
+    (call $number (i64.const 0) (i32.const 0x201 (; = WORD_BASE_PLUS_1 ;)) (local.get $length) )
+    (local.set $restcount)
+    (drop)
+    (i32.wrap_i64)
+    (local.get $restcount))
+  ;; Parse a number
+  ;; Returns (number, unparsed start address, unparsed length)
+  (func $number (param $value i64) (param $addr i32) (param $length i32) (result i64 i32 i32)
+    (local $p i32)
+    (local $sign i64)
+    (local $char i32)
+    (local $base i32)
+    (local $end i32)
+    (local $n i32)  
+    (local.set $p (local.get $addr))
+    (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $p) (local.get $length)))  
+    (local.set $base (i32.load (i32.const 0x100 (; = BASE_BASE ;))))
+    ;; Read first character
+    (if (i32.eq (local.tee $char (i32.load8_u (local.get $p))) (i32.const 0x2d (; '-' ;)))
+      (then 
+        (local.set $sign (i64.const -1))
+        (local.set $char (i32.const 48 (; '0' ;) ))
+        (if (i32.eq (local.get $length) (i32.const 1))
+          (then
+            (return (local.get $value) (local.get $p) (local.get $length)))))
+      (else 
+        (local.set $sign (i64.const 1))))
+    ;; Read all characters
+    (block $endLoop
+      (loop $loop
+        (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 48 (; '0' ;) ))
+          (br $endLoop))      
+        (if (i32.le_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 57 (; '9' ;) ))
+          (then 
+            (local.set $n (i32.sub (local.get $char) (i32.const 48))))
+          (else
+            (if (i32.lt_s (local.get $char) (i32.const 65 (; 'A' ;) ))
+              (br $endLoop))
+            (local.set $n (i32.sub (local.get $char) (i32.const 55)))))
+        (if (i32.ge_s (local.get $n) (local.get $base))
+          (br $endLoop))
+        (local.set $value 
+          (i64.add 
+            (i64.mul (local.get $value) (i64.extend_i32_u (local.get $base)))
+            (i64.extend_i32_u (local.get $n))))
+        (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $p) (local.get $end)))
+        (local.set $char (i32.load8_s (local.get $p)))
+        (br $loop)))
+    (i64.mul (local.get $sign) (local.get $value))
+    (local.get $p) 
+    (i32.sub (local.get $end) (local.get $p)))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Interpreter state
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Top of stack
+  (global $tos (mut i32) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
+  ;; Top of return stack
+  (global $tors (mut i32) (i32.const 0x2000 (; = RETURN_STACK_BASE ;)))
+  ;; Input buffer
+  (global $inputBufferBase (mut i32) (i32.const 0x300 (; = INPUT_BUFFER_BASE ;)))
+  (global $inputBufferSize (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
+  ;; Source ID
+  (global $sourceID (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
+  ;; Dictionary pointers
+  (global $latest (mut i32) (i32.const 0x218c4))
+  (global $here (mut i32) (i32.const 0x218d4))
+  (global $nextTableIndex (mut i32) (i32.const 0xab (; = NEXT_TABLE_INDEX ;)))
+  ;; Pictured output pointer
+  (global $po (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Compiler functions
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Initializes compilation.
+  ;; Parameter indicates the type of code we're compiling: type 0 (no params), 
+  ;; or type 1 (1 param)
+  (func $startColon (param $type i32)
+    (i32.store8 (i32.const 0x1041 (; = MODULE_HEADER_FUNCTION_TYPE_BASE ;)) (local.get $type))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.const 0x1060 (; = MODULE_BODY_BASE ;)))
+    (global.set $firstTemporaryLocal (i32.add (local.get $type) (i32.const 1)))
+    ;; 1 temporary local for computations
+    (global.set $currentLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
+    (global.set $lastLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.const -1))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $endColon
+    (local $bodySize i32)
+    (local $nameLength i32)
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    ;; Update code size
+    (local.set $bodySize (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)))) 
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.const 0x104f (; = MODULE_HEADER_CODE_SIZE_BASE ;))
+      (call $leb128-4p
+          (i32.sub (local.get $bodySize) 
+                  (i32.const 0x53 (; = MODULE_HEADER_CODE_SIZE_OFFSET_PLUS_4 ;)))))
+    ;; Update body size
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.const 0x1054 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BODY_SIZE_BASE ;))
+      (call $leb128-4p
+          (i32.sub (local.get $bodySize) 
+                  (i32.const 0x58 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BODY_SIZE_OFFSET_PLUS_4 ;)))))
+    ;; Update #locals
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.const 0x1059 (; = MODULE_HEADER_LOCAL_COUNT_BASE ;))
+      (call $leb128-4p 
+        (i32.add
+          (i32.sub 
+            (global.get $lastLocal) 
+            (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
+          (i32.const 1))))
+    ;; Update table offset
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.const 0x1047 (; = MODULE_HEADER_TABLE_INDEX_BASE ;))
+      (call $leb128-4p (global.get $nextTableIndex)))
+    ;; Also store the initial table size to satisfy other tools (e.g. wasm-as)
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.const 0x102c (; = MODULE_HEADER_TABLE_INITIAL_SIZE_BASE ;))
+      (call $leb128-4p (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
+    ;; Write a name section (if we're ending the code for the current dictionary entry)
+    (if (i32.eq (i32.load (call $body (global.get $latest)))
+                (global.get $nextTableIndex))
+      (then
+        (local.set $nameLength (i32.and (i32.load8_u (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
+                                        (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;))))
+        (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
+                    (i32.add (i32.const 13) (i32.mul (i32.const 2) (local.get $nameLength))))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x04))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x6e))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 4)) (i32.const 0x61))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 5)) (i32.const 0x6d))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 6)) (i32.const 0x65))
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 7)))
+        (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
+                    (i32.add (i32.const 1) (local.get $nameLength)))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (local.get $nameLength)) 
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)))
+        (call $memcopy (global.get $cp)
+                      (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 5))
+                      (local.get $nameLength))
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (local.get $nameLength)))
+        (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x01))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)) 
+                    (i32.add (i32.const 3) (local.get $nameLength)))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x01))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 0x00))
+        (i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $nameLength))
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 5)))
+        (call $memcopy (global.get $cp)
+                      (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 5))
+                      (local.get $nameLength))
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (local.get $nameLength)))))
+    ;; Load the code
+    (call $shell_load (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)) 
+                      (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x1000 (; = MODULE_HEADER_BASE ;)))
+                      (global.get $nextTableIndex))
+    (global.set $nextTableIndex (i32.add (global.get $nextTableIndex) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $compilePushConst (param $n i32)
+    (call $emitSetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Save tos currently on operand stack
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put tos on operand stack again
+    (call $emitConst (local.get $n))
+    (call $compilePush))
+  (func $compilePushLocal (param $n i32)
+    (call $emitSetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Save tos currently on operand stack
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put tos on operand stack again
+    (call $emitGetLocal (local.get $n))
+    (call $compilePush))
+  (func $compilePush
+    (call $emitStore)
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0)) ;; Put $tos+4 on operand stack
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 4))
+    (call $emitAdd))
+  (func $compileIf
+    (call $compilePop)
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitNotEqual)
+    (call $emitIf)
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $compileThen 
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitEnd))
+  (func $compileDo
+    ;; 1: $diff_i = end index - current index
+    ;; 2: $end_i
+    (global.set $currentLocal (i32.add (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 2)))
+    (if (i32.gt_s (global.get $currentLocal) (global.get $lastLocal))
+      (then
+        (global.set $lastLocal (global.get $currentLocal))))
+    ;; Save branch nesting
+    (i32.store (global.get $tors) (global.get $branchNesting))
+    (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.const 0))
+    ;; $1 = current index (temporary)
+    (call $compilePop)
+    (call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    ;; $end_i = end index
+    (call $compilePop)
+    (call $emitSetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
+    ;; startDo $1
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 1 (; = START_DO_INDEX ;)))
+    ;; $diff = $1 - $end_i
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
+    (call $emitSub)
+    (call $emitSetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitBlock)
+    (call $emitLoop))
+  (func $compileLoop 
+    ;; $diff = $diff + 1
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 1))
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitAdd)
+    (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    ;; updateDo $diff + $end_i
+    (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
+    (call $emitAdd)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)))
+    ;; loop if $diff != 0
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitNotEqual)
+    (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
+    (call $compileLoopEnd))
+  (func $compilePlusLoop 
+    ;; temporarily store old diff 
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitSetLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
+    ;; $diff = $diff + $n
+    (call $compilePop)
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitAdd)
+    (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    ;; updateDo $diff + $end_i
+    (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $currentLocal))
+    (call $emitAdd)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)))
+    ;; compare signs to see if limit crossed
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 1)))
+    (call $emitGetLocal (global.get $firstTemporaryLocal))
+    (call $emitXOR)
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitGreaterEqualSigned)
+    (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
+    (call $compileLoopEnd))
+  ;; Assumes increment is on the operand stack
+  (func $compileLoopEnd
+    (local $btors i32)
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)))
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    (global.set $currentLocal (i32.sub (global.get $currentLocal) (i32.const 2)))
+    ;; Restore branch nesting
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.load (local.tee $btors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))))
+    (global.set $tors (local.get $btors)))
+  (func $compileLeave
+    (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)))
+    (call $emitBr (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $compileBegin
+    (call $emitLoop)
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.add (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 2))))
+  (func $compileWhile
+    (call $compileIf))
+  (func $compileRepeat
+    (call $emitBr (i32.const 1)) ;; Jump across while to repeat
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $compileUntil
+    (call $compilePop)
+    (call $emitEqualsZero)
+    (call $emitBrIf (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitEnd)
+    (global.set $branchNesting (i32.sub (global.get $branchNesting) (i32.const 2))))
+  (func $compileRecurse
+    ;; call 0
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x10))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $compilePop
+    (call $emitConst (i32.const 4))
+    (call $emitSub)
+    (call $emitTeeLocal (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitGetLocal (i32.const 0))
+    (call $emitLoad))
+  (func $compileCall (param $tos i32) (param $FINDToken i32) (result i32)
+    (local $body i32)
+    (local.set $body (call $body (local.get $FINDToken)))
+    (if (i32.and (i32.load (i32.add (local.get $FINDToken) (i32.const 4)))
+                  (i32.const 0x40 (; = F_DATA ;)))
+      (then
+        (call $emitConst (i32.add (local.get $body) (i32.const 4)))
+        (call $emitICall (i32.const 1) (i32.load (local.get $body))))
+      (else
+        (call $emitICall (i32.const 0) (i32.load (local.get $body)))))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (elem (i32.const 5 (; = COMPILE_CALL_INDEX ;)) $compileCall)
+  (func $emitICall (param $type i32) (param $n i32)
+    (call $emitConst (local.get $n))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x11))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $type))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitBlock
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitLoop
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x03))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitConst (param $n i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x41))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitIf
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x04))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Block type
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitElse
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x05))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitEnd
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0b))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitBr (param $n i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0c))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitBrIf (param $n i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0d))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitSetLocal (param $n i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x21))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.eqz (local.get $n))))
+  (func $emitGetLocal (param $n i32)
+    (if (i32.or (i32.ne (local.get $n) (i32.const 0)) (i32.eqz (global.get $lastEmitWasGetTOS)))
+      (then
+        (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x20))
+        (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+        (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n))))
+      (else
+        ;; In case we have a TOS get after a TOS set, replace the previous one with tee.
+        ;; Doesn't seem to have much of a performance impact, but this makes the code a little bit shorter, 
+        ;; and easier to step through.
+        (i32.store8 (i32.sub (global.get $cp) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 0x22))))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitTeeLocal (param $n i32)
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x22))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $cp (call $leb128 (global.get $cp) (local.get $n)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitAdd
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x6a))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitSub
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x6b))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitXOR
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x73))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1))))
+  (func $emitEqualsZero
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x45))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitNotEqual
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x47))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitGreaterEqualSigned
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x4e))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitLesserSigned
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x48))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitReturn
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x0f))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitStore
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x36))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02)) ;; Alignment
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Offset
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  (func $emitLoad
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x28))
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x02)) ;; Alignment
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (i32.store8 (global.get $cp) (i32.const 0x00)) ;; Offset
+    (global.set $cp (i32.add (global.get $cp) (i32.const 1)))
+    (global.set $lastEmitWasGetTOS (i32.const 0)))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Compilation state
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (global $currentLocal (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
+  (global $lastLocal (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
+  (global $firstTemporaryLocal (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
+  (global $branchNesting (mut i32) (i32.const -1))
+  (global $lastEmitWasGetTOS (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
+  ;; Compilation pointer
+  (global $cp (mut i32) (i32.const 0x1060 (; = MODULE_BODY_BASE ;)))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Word helper functions
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (func $startDo (param $tos i32) (param $i i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (global.get $tors) (local.get $i))
+    (global.set $tors (i32.add (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (elem (i32.const 1 (; = START_DO_INDEX ;)) $startDo)
+  (func $endDo (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (global.set $tors (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (elem (i32.const 9 (; = END_DO_INDEX ;)) $endDo)
+  (func $updateDo (param $tos i32) (param $i i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (i32.sub (global.get $tors) (i32.const 4)) (local.get $i))
+    (local.get $tos))
+  (elem (i32.const 2 (; = UPDATE_DO_INDEX ;)) $updateDo)
+  (func $pushDataAddress (param $tos i32) (param $d i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (local.get $d)))
+  (elem (i32.const 3 (; = PUSH_DATA_ADDRESS_INDEX ;)) $pushDataAddress)
+  (func $setLatestBody (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (call $body (local.get $tos) (global.get $latest)) (local.get $v)))
+  (elem (i32.const 4 (; = SET_LATEST_BODY_INDEX ;)) $setLatestBody)
+  (func $pushIndirect (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
+    (call $push (local.get $tos) (i32.load (local.get $v))))
+  (elem (i32.const 6 (; = PUSH_INDIRECT_INDEX ;)) $pushIndirect)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Helper functions
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (func $push (param $tos i32) (param $v i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.store (local.get $tos) (local.get $v))
+    (i32.add (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+  (func $pop (param $tos i32) (result i32) (result i32)
+    (local.tee $tos (i32.sub (local.get $tos) (i32.const 4)))
+    (i32.load (local.get $tos)))
+  ;; Returns 1 if equal, 0 if not
+  (func $stringEqual (param $addr1 i32) (param $len1 i32) (param $addr2 i32) (param $len2 i32) (result i32)
+    (local $end1 i32)
+    (local $end2 i32)
+    (if (i32.ne (local.get $len1) (local.get $len2))
+      (return (i32.const 0)))
+    (local.set $end1 (i32.add (local.get $addr1) (local.get $len1)))
+    (local.set $end2 (i32.add (local.get $addr2) (local.get $len2)))
+    (loop $loop
+      (if (i32.eq (local.get $addr1) (local.get $end1)) 
+        (return (i32.const 1)))
+      (if (i32.ne (i32.load8_s (local.get $addr1)) (i32.load8_s (local.get $addr2)))
+        (return (i32.const 0)))
+      (local.set $addr1 (i32.add (local.get $addr1) (i32.const 1)))
+      (local.set $addr2 (i32.add (local.get $addr2)(i32.const 1)))
+      (br $loop))
+    (unreachable))
+  (func $fail (param $tos i32) (param $str i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos)
+    (call $push (local.get $str))
+    (call $COUNT)
+    (call $TYPE)
+    (call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
+    (call $ABORT))
+  (func $setFlag (param $v i32)
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
+      (i32.or 
+        (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
+        (local.get $v))))
+  (func $ensureCompiling (param $tos i32) (result i32)
+    (local.get $tos) 
+    (if (param i32) (result i32) (i32.eqz (i32.load (i32.const 0x104 (; = STATE_BASE ;))))
+      (call $fail (i32.const 0x2005C)))) ;; word not interpretable
+  ;; Toggle the hidden flag
+  (func $hidden
+    (i32.store 
+      (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4))
+      (i32.xor 
+        (i32.load (i32.add (global.get $latest) (i32.const 4)))
+        (i32.const 0x20 (; = F_HIDDEN ;)))))
+  ;; Drop-in replacement of memory.copy
+  (func $memcopy (param $dst i32) (param $src i32) (param $n i32)
+    (local $end i32)
+    (if (i32.gt_u (local.get $dst) (local.get $src))
+      (then
+        (local.set $end (local.get $src))
+        (local.set $src (i32.sub (i32.add (local.get $src) (local.get $n)) (i32.const 1)))
+        (local.set $dst (i32.sub (i32.add (local.get $dst) (local.get $n)) (i32.const 1)))
+        (block $endLoop
+          (loop $loop
+            (br_if $endLoop (i32.lt_u (local.get $src) (local.get $end)))
+            (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (i32.load8_u (local.get $src)))
+            (local.set $src (i32.sub (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))
+            (local.set $dst (i32.sub (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
+            (br $loop))))
+      (else
+        (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $src) (local.get $n)))
+        (block $endLoop
+          (loop $loop
+            (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $src) (local.get $end)))
+            (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (i32.load8_u (local.get $src)))
+            (local.set $src (i32.add (local.get $src) (i32.const 1)))
+            (local.set $dst (i32.add (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
+            (br $loop))))))
+  ;; Drop-in replacement of memory.fill
+  (func $memset (param $dst i32) (param $c i32) (param $n i32)
+    (local $end i32)
+    (local.set $end (i32.add (local.get $dst) (local.get $n)))
+    (block $endLoop
+      (loop $loop
+        (br_if $endLoop (i32.eq (local.get $dst) (local.get $end)))
+        (i32.store8 (local.get $dst) (local.get $c))
+        (local.set $dst (i32.add (local.get $dst) (i32.const 1)))
+        (br $loop))))
+  ;; LEB128 with fixed 4 bytes (with padding bytes)
+  ;; This means we can only represent 28 bits, which should be plenty.
+  (func $leb128-4p (export "leb128_4p") (param $n i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.or
+      (i32.or 
+        (i32.or
+          (i32.or
+            (i32.and (local.get $n) (i32.const 0x7F))
+            (i32.shl
+              (i32.and
+                (local.get $n)
+                (i32.const 0x3F80))
+              (i32.const 1)))
+          (i32.shl
+            (i32.and
+              (local.get $n)
+              (i32.const 0x1FC000))
+            (i32.const 2)))
+        (i32.shl
+          (i32.and
+            (local.get $n)
+            (i32.const 0xFE00000))
+          (i32.const 3)))
+      (i32.const 0x808080)))
+  ;; Encodes `value` as leb128 to `p`, and returns the address pointing after the data
+  (func $leb128 (export "leb128") (param $p i32) (param $value i32) (result i32)
+    (local $more i32)
+    (local $byte i32)
+    (local.set $more (i32.const 1))
+    (loop $loop
+      (local.set $byte (i32.and (i32.const 0x7F) (local.get $value)))
+      (local.set $value (i32.shr_s (local.get $value) (i32.const 7)))
+      (if (i32.or (i32.and (i32.eqz (local.get $value)) 
+                            (i32.eqz (i32.and (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x40))))
+                  (i32.and (i32.eq (local.get $value) (i32.const -1))
+                            (i32.eq (i32.and (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x40))
+                                    (i32.const 0x40))))
+        (then
+          (local.set $more (i32.const 0)))
+        (else
+          (local.set $byte (i32.or (local.get $byte) (i32.const 0x80)))))
+      (i32.store8 (local.get $p) (local.get $byte))
+      (local.set $p (i32.add (local.get $p) (i32.const 1)))
+      (br_if $loop (local.get $more)))
+    (local.get $p))
+  (func $body (param $xt i32) (result i32)
+    (i32.and
+      (i32.add
+        (i32.add 
+          (local.get $xt)
+          (i32.and
+            (i32.load8_u (i32.add (local.get $xt) (i32.const 4)))
+            (i32.const 0x1F (; = LENGTH_MASK ;))))
+        (i32.const 8 (; 4 + 1 + 3 ;)))
+      (i32.const -4)))
+  (func $readChar (result i32)
+    (local $n i32)
+    (local $in i32)
+    (if (i32.ge_u (local.tee $in (i32.load (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;))))
+                  (global.get $inputBufferSize))
+      (then
+        (return (i32.const -1)))
+      (else
+        (local.set $n (i32.load8_s (i32.add (global.get $inputBufferBase) (local.get $in))))
+        (i32.store (i32.const 0x108 (; = IN_BASE ;)) (i32.add (local.get $in) (i32.const 1)))
+        (return (local.get $n))))
+    (unreachable))
+    (func $numberToChar (param $v i32) (result i32)
+      (if (result i32) (i32.ge_u (local.get $v) (i32.const 10))
+        (then
+          (i32.add (local.get $v) (i32.const 0x37)))
+        (else
+          (i32.add (local.get $v) (i32.const 0x30)))))
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; API Functions
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (func (export "tos") (result i32)
+    (global.get $tos))
+  (func (export "interpret") (result i32)
+    (local $result i32)
+    (local $tos i32)
+    (local.tee $tos (global.get $tos))
+    (call $REFILL)
+    (drop (call $pop))
+    (local.set $result (call $interpret))
+    (global.set $tos)
+    ;; Check for stack underflow
+    (if (i32.lt_s (global.get $tos) (i32.const 0x10000 (; = STACK_BASE ;)))
+      (drop (call $fail (global.get $tos) (i32.const 0x200B2 (; stack empty ;)))))
+    (if (i32.ge_s (local.get $result) (i32.const 0))
+      (then
+        ;; Write ok
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 107)))
+      (else
+        ;; Write error
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 101))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 111))
+        (call $shell_emit (i32.const 114))))
+    (call $shell_emit (i32.const 10))
+    (local.get $result))
+  (func (export "push") (param $v i32)
+    (global.set $tos (call $push (global.get $tos) (local.get $v))))
+  (func (export "pop") (result i32)
+    (local $result i32)
+    (local.set $result (call $pop (global.get $tos)))
+    (global.set $tos)
+    (local.get $result))
+  ;; Used for experiments
+  (func (export "set_state") (param $latest i32) (param $here i32)
+    (global.set $latest (local.get $latest))
+    (global.set $here (local.get $here)))
diff --git a/src/web/WAForth.js b/src/web/WAForth.ts
similarity index 54%
rename from src/web/WAForth.js
rename to src/web/WAForth.ts
index 144b3fc..376d9bd 100644
--- a/src/web/WAForth.js
+++ b/src/web/WAForth.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const isSafari =
 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
 const arrayToBase64 =
   typeof Buffer === "undefined"
-    ? function arrayToBase64(bytes) {
+    ? function arrayToBase64(bytes: Uint8Array) {
         var binary = "";
         var len = bytes.byteLength;
         for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
@@ -15,10 +15,17 @@ const arrayToBase64 =
         return window.btoa(binary);
-    : function arrayToBase64(s) {
+    : function arrayToBase64(s: Uint8Array) {
         return Buffer.from(s).toString("base64");
+function loadString(memory: WebAssembly.Memory, addr: number, len: number) {
+  return String.fromCharCode.apply(
+    null,
+    new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, addr, len) as any
+  );
  * Small JavaScript shell around the WAForth WebAssembly module.
@@ -28,20 +35,28 @@ const arrayToBase64 =
  * the I/O primitives with the UI.
  * */
 class WAForth {
-  constructor() {}
+  core?: WebAssembly.Instance;
+  buffer?: number[];
+  onEmit?: (c: number) => void;
+  fns: Record void>;
+  stack?: Stack;
-  start() {
-    let table;
-    let memory;
+  constructor() {
+    this.fns = {};
+  }
+  async load() {
+    let table: WebAssembly.Table;
+    let memory: WebAssembly.Memory;
     const buffer = (this.buffer = []);
-    return WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, {
+    const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, {
       shell: {
         // I/O
-        emit: this.onEmit,
+        emit: this.onEmit ?? (() => {}),
         getc: () => {
           if (buffer.length === 0) {
@@ -50,20 +65,20 @@ class WAForth {
           return buffer.pop();
-        debug: (d) => {
+        debug: (d: number) => {
           console.log("DEBUG: ", d, String.fromCharCode(d));
         key: () => {
-          let c;
+          let c: string | null = null;
           while (c == null || c == "") {
             c = window.prompt("Enter character");
           return c.charCodeAt(0);
-        accept: (p, n) => {
-          const input = (window.prompt("Enter text") || "").substr(0, n);
+        accept: (p: number, n: number) => {
+          const input = (window.prompt("Enter text") || "").substring(0, n);
           const target = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, p, input.length);
           for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
             target[i] = input.charCodeAt(i);
@@ -76,9 +91,9 @@ class WAForth {
         // Loader
-        load: (offset, length, index) => {
+        load: (offset: number, length: number, index: number) => {
           let data = new Uint8Array(
-            this.core.exports.memory.buffer,
+            (this.core!.exports.memory as WebAssembly.Memory).buffer,
@@ -105,30 +120,85 @@ class WAForth {
             throw e;
+        ////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Generic call
+        ////////////////////////////////////////
+        call: () => {
+          const len = pop();
+          const addr = pop();
+          const fname = loadString(memory, addr, len);
+          const fn = this.fns[fname];
+          if (!fn) {
+            console.error("Unbound SCALL: %s", fname);
+          } else {
+            fn(this.stack!);
+          }
+        },
-    }).then((instance) => {
-      this.core = instance.instance;
-      table = this.core.exports.table;
-      memory = this.core.exports.memory;
+    this.core = instance.instance;
+    const pop = (): number => {
+      return (this.core!.exports.pop as any)();
+    };
+    const popString = (): string => {
+      const len = pop();
+      const addr = pop();
+      return loadString(memory, addr, len);
+    };
+    const push = (n: number): void => {
+      (this.core!.exports.push as any)(n);
+    };
+    this.stack = {
+      pop,
+      popString,
+      push,
+    };
+    table = this.core.exports.table as WebAssembly.Table;
+    memory = this.core.exports.memory as WebAssembly.Memory;
-  read(s) {
+  read(s: string) {
     const data = new TextEncoder().encode(s);
     for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-      this.buffer.push(data[i]);
+      this.buffer!.push(data[i]);
-  run(s) {
+  /**
+   * Read data `s` into the input buffer, and interpret.
+   */
+  interpret(s: string) {
     try {
-      return this.core.exports.interpret();
+      return (this.core!.exports.interpret as any)();
     } catch (e) {
       // Exceptions thrown from the core means QUIT or ABORT is called, or an error
       // has occurred. Assume what has been done has been done, and ignore here.
+  /**
+   * Bind `name` to SCALL in Forth.
+   *
+   * When an SCALL is done with `name` on the top of the stack, `fn` will be called (with the name popped off the stack).
+   * Use `stack` to pop parameters off the stack, and push results back on the stack.
+   */
+  bind(name: string, fn: (stack: Stack) => void) {
+    this.fns[name] = fn;
+  }
+interface Stack {
+  push(n: number): void;
+  pop(): number;
+  popString(): string;
 export default WAForth;
diff --git a/src/web/benchmarks/benchmarks.js b/src/web/benchmarks/benchmarks.js
index 552adc8..75ce0b8 100644
--- a/src/web/benchmarks/benchmarks.js
+++ b/src/web/benchmarks/benchmarks.js
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ forth.onEmit = (c) => {
-  forth.start().then(() => {
-    forth.run(sieve);
+  forth.load().then(() => {
+    forth.interpret(sieve);
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const benchmarks = [
     name: "sieve",
     fn: () => {
       outputBuffer = [];
-      forth.run(`${LIMIT} sieve`);
+      forth.interpret(`${LIMIT} sieve`);
       return outputBuffer.join("");
diff --git a/src/web/examples/prompt/prompt.css b/src/web/examples/prompt/prompt.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/src/web/examples/prompt/prompt.ts b/src/web/examples/prompt/prompt.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f80b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/web/examples/prompt/prompt.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import "./prompt.css";
+import WAForth from "../../WAForth";
+(async () => {
+  // Create the UI
+  document.body.innerHTML = `
+  const btn = document.querySelector("button");
+  const log = document.querySelector("pre");
+  // Initialize WAForth
+  const forth = new WAForth();
+  forth.onEmit = (c) =>
+    log.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(c)));
+  await forth.load();
+  // Bind "prompt" call to a function that pops up a JavaScript prompt, and pushes the entered number back on the stack
+  forth.bind("prompt", (stack) => {
+    const message = stack.popString();
+    const result = window.prompt(message);
+    stack.push(parseInt(result));
+  });
+  // Load Forth code to bind the "prompt" call to a word, and call the word
+  forth.interpret(`
+( Call "prompt" with the given string )
+: PROMPT ( c-addr u -- n )
+  S" prompt" SCALL 
+( Prompt the user for a number, and write it to output )
+: ASK-NUMBER ( -- )
+  S" Please enter a number" PROMPT
+  ." The number was" SPACE .
+  btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
+    forth.interpret("ASK-NUMBER");
+  });
diff --git a/src/web/shell/shell.js b/src/web/shell/shell.js
index 5ce86cc..3fc4dbd 100644
--- a/src/web/shell/shell.js
+++ b/src/web/shell/shell.js
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function startConsole() {
     // console.log("keydown", ev);
     if (ev.key === "Enter") {
       output(" ", true);
-      forth.run(inputbuffer.join(""));
+      forth.interpret(inputbuffer.join(""));
       inputbuffer = [];
     } else if (ev.key === "Backspace") {
       if (inputbuffer.length > 0) {
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ function startConsole() {
     for (const command of commands) {
       output(command, true);
       output(" ", true);
-      forth.run(inputbuffer.join("") + command);
+      forth.interpret(inputbuffer.join("") + command);
       inputbuffer = [];
     if (newInputBuffer.length > 0) {
@@ -102,14 +102,15 @@ forth.onEmit = (c) => {
 output("Loading core ... ", false);
   () => {
     output("ok\nLoading sieve ... ", false);
-    forth.run(sieve);
+    forth.interpret(sieve);
-  () => {
+  (e) => {
+    console.error(e);
     const errorEl = document.createElement("span");
     errorEl.className = "error";
     errorEl.innerText = "error";
diff --git a/src/web/tests/suite.js b/src/web/tests/suite.js
index 265aa7f..5cfbfbb 100644
--- a/src/web/tests/suite.js
+++ b/src/web/tests/suite.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function loadTests() {
         output = output + String.fromCharCode(c);
         // console.log(output);
-      const x = forth.start().then(
+      const x = forth.load().then(
         () => {
           core = forth.core.exports;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function loadTests() {
     function run(ss, expectErrors = false) {
       ss.split("\n").forEach((s) => {
         // console.log("Running: ", s);
-        const r = forth.run(s);
+        const r = forth.interpret(s);
         if (expectErrors) {
           output = output.substr(0, output.length);
@@ -1087,6 +1087,7 @@ function loadTests() {
       it("should fetch", () => {
         const ptr = here();
         memory[ptr / 4] = 123456;
+        console.log("SET", ptr.toString(), memory[ptr / 8]);
         run("@ 5");
@@ -1480,19 +1481,19 @@ function loadTests() {
       it("should work", () => {
         run(': FOO 0 0 S" 123AB" >NUMBER ;');
-        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([123, 0, 137427, 2]);
+        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([123, 0, 137443, 2]);
       it("should work with init", () => {
         run(': FOO 1 0 S" 1" >NUMBER ;');
-        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([11, 0, 137425, 0]);
+        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([11, 0, 137441, 0]);
       it("should not parse sign", () => {
         run(': FOO 0 0 S" -" >NUMBER ;');
-        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([0, 0, 137424, 1]);
+        expect(stackValues()).to.eql([0, 0, 137440, 1]);
diff --git a/src/web/types/waforth.d.ts b/src/web/types/waforth.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184e3f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/web/types/waforth.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+declare module "*.wat" {
+  const value: Uint8Array;
+  export default value;
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130c65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "outDir": "dist",
+    "noImplicitAny": true,
+    "strict": true,
+    "incremental": true,
+    "typeRoots": ["./src/web/types"],
+    "types": ["node"]
+  },
+  "include": ["src/web"],
+  "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "build"]
diff --git a/tsconfig.package.json b/tsconfig.package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af6ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "outDir": "dist",
+    "noImplicitAny": true,
+    "strict": true,
+    "incremental": true,
+    "typeRoots": ["./src/web/types"],
+    "types": ["node"],
+    "declaration": true,
+    "emitDeclarationOnly": true
+  },
+  "include": ["src/web/WAForth.ts", "src/web/types"],
+  "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "build"]
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index 2513f5e..1f766db 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
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