From 129802e0b5b0ed8cafe14aebb0e011ec22e15709 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: trimstray
- :small_orange_diamond: GNU Bash - is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell and C shell.
- :small_orange_diamond: z - tracks the folder you use the most and allow you to jump, without having to type the whole path.
- :small_orange_diamond: Midnight Commander - is a visual file manager, licensed under GNU General Public License.
- :small_orange_diamond: vi - is one of the most common text editors on Unix.
- :small_orange_diamond: fd - is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- :small_orange_diamond: PuTTY - is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnsdiag - is a DNS diagnostics and performance measurement tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: curl - is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.
- :small_orange_diamond: openssl - is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: SELinux - provides a flexible Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system built into the Linux kernel.
- :small_orange_diamond: ossec - actively monitoring all aspects of system activity with file integrity monitoring.
- :small_orange_diamond: strace - diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux.
- :small_orange_diamond: angle-grinder - slice and dice log files on the command line.
- :small_orange_diamond: usql - universal command-line interface for SQL databases.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nipe - script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
- :small_orange_diamond: Irssi - is a free open source terminal based IRC client.
- :small_orange_diamond: taskwarrior - task management system, todo list
- :small_orange_diamond: sysadmin-util - tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
- :small_orange_diamond: Guake - is a dropdown terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment.
- :small_orange_diamond: Wireshark - is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
- :small_orange_diamond: TOR Browser - protect your privacy and defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
- :small_orange_diamond: KeePassXC - store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and apps.
- :small_orange_diamond: HexChat - is an IRC client based on XChat.
- :small_orange_diamond: Signal - is an encrypted communications app.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sublime Text - is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor known for its speed, ease of use.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSL/TLS Capabilities of Your Browser - test your browser's SSL implementation.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSLLabs Server Test - performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Headers - analyse the HTTP response headers (with rating system to the results).
- :small_orange_diamond: ViewDNS - one source for free DNS related tools and information.
- :small_orange_diamond: smtp-tls-checker - check an email domain for SMTP TLS support.
- :small_orange_diamond: URL Encode/Decode - tool from above to either encode or decode a string of text.
- :small_orange_diamond: Netcraft - detailed report about the site, helping you to make informed choices about their integrity.*
- :small_orange_diamond: - provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
- :small_orange_diamond: ShellCheck - finds bugs in your shell scripts.
- :small_orange_diamond: GTmetrix - analyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
- :small_orange_diamond: Censys - platform that helps information security practitioners discover, monitor, and analyze devices.
- :small_orange_diamond: thispersondoesnotexist - generate fake faces in one click - endless possibilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: have i been pwned? - check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
- :small_orange_diamond: CVE Mitre - list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: ImmuniWeb® Mobile App Scanner - test security and privacy of mobile apps (iOS & Android).
- :small_orange_diamond: Startpage - the world's most private search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: CounterMail - online email service, designed to provide maximum security and privacy.
- :small_orange_diamond: Keybase - it's open source and powered by public-key cryptography.
- :small_orange_diamond: SKS OpenPGP Key server - services for the SKS keyservers used by OpenPGP.
- :small_orange_diamond: Slackware - the most "Unix-like" Linux distribution.
- :small_orange_diamond: Varnish Cache - HTTP accelerator designed for content-heavy dynamic web sites.
- :small_orange_diamond: Unbound - validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver (with TLS).
- :small_orange_diamond: 3proxy - tiny free proxy server.
- :small_orange_diamond: Emerald Onion - is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and transit internet service provider (ISP).
- :small_orange_diamond: CapAnalysis - web visual tool to analyze large amounts of captured network traffic (PCAP analyzer).
- :small_orange_diamond: NRE Labs - learn automation by doing it. Right now, right here, in your browser.
- :small_orange_diamond: LBNL's Network Research Group - home page of the Network Research Group (NRG).
- :small_orange_diamond: gvisor - container runtime sandbox.
- :small_orange_diamond: Moby - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based system.
- :small_orange_diamond: docker-bench-security - checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker.
- :small_orange_diamond: docker-cheat-sheet - a quick reference cheat sheet on Docker.
- :small_orange_diamond: pure-bash-bible - is a collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- :small_orange_diamond: Vim Cheat Sheet - great multi language vim guide.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Python - a curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: F’Awk Yeah! - advanced sed and awk usage (Parsing for Pentesters 3).
- :small_orange_diamond: nixCraft - linux and unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadmin.
- :small_orange_diamond: AD-Attack-Defense - attack and defend active directory using modern post exploitation activity.
- :small_orange_diamond: The System Design Primer - learn how to design large-scale systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: CIS Benchmarks - secure configuration settings for over 100 technologies, available as a free PDF.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacking Articles - LRaj Chandel's Security & Hacking Blog.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP - worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software.
- :small_orange_diamond: LZone Cheat Sheets - all cheat sheets.
- :small_orange_diamond: free-programming-books - list of free learning resources in many languages.
- :small_orange_diamond: CTF Series : Vulnerable Machines - the steps below could be followed to find vulnerabilities and exploits.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Sysadmin - amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: Zsh - is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
- :small_orange_diamond: tclsh - is a very powerful cross-platform shell, suitable for a huge range of uses.
- :small_orange_diamond: bash-it - is a framework for using, developing and maintaining shell scripts and custom commands.
- :small_orange_diamond: Oh My ZSH! - is the best framework for managing your Zsh configuration.
- :small_orange_diamond: Oh My Fish - the Fishshell framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: Starship - the cross-shell prompt written in Rust.
- :small_orange_diamond: powerlevel10k - is a fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme.
+ GNU Bash - is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell and C shell.
+ Zsh - is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
+ tclsh - is a very powerful cross-platform shell, suitable for a huge range of uses.
+ bash-it - is a framework for using, developing and maintaining shell scripts and custom commands.
+ Oh My ZSH! - is the best framework for managing your Zsh configuration.
+ Oh My Fish - the Fishshell framework.
+ Starship - the cross-shell prompt written in Rust.
+ powerlevel10k - is a fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme.
- :small_orange_diamond: fzf - is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
- :small_orange_diamond: zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.
- :small_orange_diamond: zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome ZSH Plugins - A list of frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials for ZSH.
+ z - tracks the folder you use the most and allow you to jump, without having to type the whole path.
+ fzf - is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.
+ zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.
+ zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
+ Awesome ZSH Plugins - A list of frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials for ZSH.
- :small_orange_diamond: ranger - is a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.
- :small_orange_diamond: nnn - is a tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager.
- :small_orange_diamond: screen - is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.
- :small_orange_diamond: tmux - is a terminal multiplexer, lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal.
- :small_orange_diamond: tmux-cssh - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions.
+ Midnight Commander - is a visual file manager, licensed under GNU General Public License.
+ ranger - is a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.
+ nnn - is a tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager.
+ screen - is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.
+ tmux - is a terminal multiplexer, lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal.
+ tmux-cssh - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions.
- :small_orange_diamond: vim - is a highly configurable text editor.
- :small_orange_diamond: emacs - is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: micro - is a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
- :small_orange_diamond: neovim - is a free open source, powerful, extensible and usable code editor.
- :small_orange_diamond: spacemacs - a community-driven Emacs distribution.
- :small_orange_diamond: spacevim - a community-driven vim distribution.
+ vi - is one of the most common text editors on Unix.
+ vim - is a highly configurable text editor.
+ emacs - is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor, and more.
+ micro - is a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
+ neovim - is a free open source, powerful, extensible and usable code editor.
+ spacemacs - a community-driven Emacs distribution.
+ spacevim - a community-driven vim distribution.
- :small_orange_diamond: ncdu - is an easy to use, fast disk usage analyzer.
+ fd - is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
+ ncdu - is an easy to use, fast disk usage analyzer.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mosh - is a SSH wrapper designed to keep a SSH session alive over a volatile connection.
- :small_orange_diamond: Eternal Terminal - enables mouse-scrolling and tmux commands inside the SSH session.
- :small_orange_diamond: nmap - is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing.
- :small_orange_diamond: zmap - is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.
- :small_orange_diamond: Rust Scan - to find all open ports faster than Nmap.
- :small_orange_diamond: masscan - is the fastest Internet port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously.
- :small_orange_diamond: pbscan - is a faster and more efficient stateless SYN scanner and banner grabber.
- :small_orange_diamond: hping - is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.
- :small_orange_diamond: mtr - is a tool that combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: mylg - utility which combines the functions of the different network probes in one diagnostic tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: netcat - utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol.
- :small_orange_diamond: socat - utility which transfers data between two objects.
- :small_orange_diamond: tcpdump - is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.
- :small_orange_diamond: tshark - is a tool that allows us to dump and analyze network traffic (wireshark cli).
- :small_orange_diamond: Termshark - is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark.
- :small_orange_diamond: ngrep - is like GNU grep applied to the network layer.
- :small_orange_diamond: netsniff-ng - is a Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing if you will.
- :small_orange_diamond: sockdump - dump unix domain socket traffic.
- :small_orange_diamond: stenographer - is a packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk.
- :small_orange_diamond: tcpterm - visualize packets in TUI.
- :small_orange_diamond: bmon - is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually.
- :small_orange_diamond: iptraf-ng - is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic.
- :small_orange_diamond: vnstat - is a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD.
- :small_orange_diamond: iPerf3 - is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.
- :small_orange_diamond: ethr - is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.
- :small_orange_diamond: Etherate - is a Linux CLI based Ethernet and MPLS traffic testing tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: echoip - is a IP address lookup service.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nemesis - packet manipulation CLI tool; craft and inject packets of several protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: packetfu - a mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby.
- :small_orange_diamond: Scapy - packet manipulation library; forge, send, decode, capture packets of a wide number of protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: impacket - is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: ssh-audit - is a tool for SSH server auditing.
- :small_orange_diamond: aria2 - is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
- :small_orange_diamond: iptables-tracer - observe the path of packets through the iptables chains.
- :small_orange_diamond: inception - a highly configurable tool to check for whatever you like against any number of hosts.
- :small_orange_diamond: mRemoteNG - a fork of mRemote, multi-tabbed PuTTy on steroids!
+ PuTTY - is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham.
+ Mosh - is a SSH wrapper designed to keep a SSH session alive over a volatile connection.
+ Eternal Terminal - enables mouse-scrolling and tmux commands inside the SSH session.
+ nmap - is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing.
+ zmap - is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.
+ Rust Scan - to find all open ports faster than Nmap.
+ masscan - is the fastest Internet port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously.
+ pbscan - is a faster and more efficient stateless SYN scanner and banner grabber.
+ hping - is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.
+ mtr - is a tool that combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single tool.
+ mylg - utility which combines the functions of the different network probes in one diagnostic tool.
+ netcat - utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol.
+ socat - utility which transfers data between two objects.
+ tcpdump - is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.
+ tshark - is a tool that allows us to dump and analyze network traffic (wireshark cli).
+ Termshark - is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark.
+ ngrep - is like GNU grep applied to the network layer.
+ netsniff-ng - is a Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing if you will.
+ sockdump - dump unix domain socket traffic.
+ stenographer - is a packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk.
+ tcpterm - visualize packets in TUI.
+ bmon - is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually.
+ iptraf-ng - is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic.
+ vnstat - is a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD.
+ iPerf3 - is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.
+ ethr - is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.
+ Etherate - is a Linux CLI based Ethernet and MPLS traffic testing tool.
+ echoip - is a IP address lookup service.
+ Nemesis - packet manipulation CLI tool; craft and inject packets of several protocols.
+ packetfu - a mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby.
+ Scapy - packet manipulation library; forge, send, decode, capture packets of a wide number of protocols.
+ impacket - is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
+ ssh-audit - is a tool for SSH server auditing.
+ aria2 - is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
+ iptables-tracer - observe the path of packets through the iptables chains.
+ inception - a highly configurable tool to check for whatever you like against any number of hosts.
+ mRemoteNG - a fork of mRemote, multi-tabbed PuTTy on steroids!
- :small_orange_diamond: fierce - is a DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.
- :small_orange_diamond: subfinder - is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites.
- :small_orange_diamond: sublist3r - is a fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.
- :small_orange_diamond: amass - is tool that obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, crawling web archives, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: namebench - provides personalized DNS server recommendations based on your browsing history.
- :small_orange_diamond: massdns - is a high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance.
- :small_orange_diamond: knock - is a tool to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnsperf - DNS performance testing tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnscrypt-proxy 2 - a flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnsdbq - API client providing access to passive DNS database systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: grimd - fast dns proxy, built to black-hole internet advertisements and malware servers.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnstwist - detect typosquatters, phishing attacks, fraud, and brand impersonation.
+ dnsdiag - is a DNS diagnostics and performance measurement tools.
+ fierce - is a DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.
+ subfinder - is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites.
+ sublist3r - is a fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.
+ amass - is tool that obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, crawling web archives, and more.
+ namebench - provides personalized DNS server recommendations based on your browsing history.
+ massdns - is a high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance.
+ knock - is a tool to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.
+ dnsperf - DNS performance testing tools.
+ dnscrypt-proxy 2 - a flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
+ dnsdbq - API client providing access to passive DNS database systems.
+ grimd - fast dns proxy, built to black-hole internet advertisements and malware servers.
+ dnstwist - detect typosquatters, phishing attacks, fraud, and brand impersonation.
- :small_orange_diamond: kurly - is an alternative to the widely popular curl program, written in Golang.
- :small_orange_diamond: HTTPie - is an user-friendly HTTP client.
- :small_orange_diamond: wuzz - is an interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection.
- :small_orange_diamond: h2spec - is a conformance testing tool for HTTP/2 implementation.
- :small_orange_diamond: h2t - is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.
- :small_orange_diamond: - is a simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
- :small_orange_diamond: httpstat - is a tool that visualizes curl statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.
- :small_orange_diamond: httplab - is an interactive web server.
- :small_orange_diamond: Lynx - is a text browser for the World Wide Web.
- :small_orange_diamond: Browsh - is a fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser.
- :small_orange_diamond: HeadlessBrowsers - a list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence.
- :small_orange_diamond: ab - is a single-threaded command line tool for measuring the performance of HTTP web servers.
- :small_orange_diamond: siege - is an http load testing and benchmarking utility.
- :small_orange_diamond: wrk - is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load.
- :small_orange_diamond: wrk2 - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.
- :small_orange_diamond: vegeta - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.
- :small_orange_diamond: bombardier - is a fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go.
- :small_orange_diamond: gobench - http/https load testing and benchmarking tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: hey - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom.
- :small_orange_diamond: boom - is a script you can use to quickly smoke-test your web app deployment.
- :small_orange_diamond: SlowHTTPTest - is a tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks by prolonging HTTP.
- :small_orange_diamond: gobuster - is a free and open source directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go.
- :small_orange_diamond: ssllabs-scan - command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs.
- :small_orange_diamond: http-observatory - Mozilla HTTP Observatory cli version.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hurl - is a command line tool to run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
+ curl - is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.
+ kurly - is an alternative to the widely popular curl program, written in Golang.
+ HTTPie - is an user-friendly HTTP client.
+ wuzz - is an interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection.
+ h2spec - is a conformance testing tool for HTTP/2 implementation.
+ h2t - is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.
+ - is a simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
+ httpstat - is a tool that visualizes curl statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.
+ httplab - is an interactive web server.
+ Lynx - is a text browser for the World Wide Web.
+ Browsh - is a fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser.
+ HeadlessBrowsers - a list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence.
+ ab - is a single-threaded command line tool for measuring the performance of HTTP web servers.
+ siege - is an http load testing and benchmarking utility.
+ wrk - is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load.
+ wrk2 - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.
+ vegeta - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.
+ bombardier - is a fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go.
+ gobench - http/https load testing and benchmarking tool.
+ hey - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom.
+ boom - is a script you can use to quickly smoke-test your web app deployment.
+ SlowHTTPTest - is a tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks by prolonging HTTP.
+ gobuster - is a free and open source directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go.
+ ssllabs-scan - command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs.
+ http-observatory - Mozilla HTTP Observatory cli version.
+ Hurl - is a command line tool to run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
- :small_orange_diamond: gnutls-cli - client program to set up a TLS connection to some other computer.
- :small_orange_diamond: sslyze
+ openssl - is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols.
+ gnutls-cli - client program to set up a TLS connection to some other computer.
+ sslyze
- fast and powerful SSL/TLS server scanning library.
- :small_orange_diamond: sslscan - tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.
- :small_orange_diamond: - testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port.
- :small_orange_diamond: cipherscan - a very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target.
- :small_orange_diamond: spiped - is a utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses.
- :small_orange_diamond: Certbot - is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server.
- :small_orange_diamond: mkcert - simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- :small_orange_diamond: certstrap - tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sublert - is a security and reconnaissance tool to automatically monitor new subdomains.
- :small_orange_diamond: mkchain - open source tool to help you build a valid SSL certificate chain.
- :small_orange_diamond: ssl-cert-check - SSL Certification Expiration Checker.
+ sslscan - tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.
+ - testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port.
+ cipherscan - a very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target.
+ spiped - is a utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses.
+ Certbot - is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server.
+ mkcert - simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
+ certstrap - tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates.
+ Sublert - is a security and reconnaissance tool to automatically monitor new subdomains.
+ mkchain - open source tool to help you build a valid SSL certificate chain.
+ ssl-cert-check - SSL Certification Expiration Checker.
- :small_orange_diamond: AppArmor - proactively protects the operating system and applications from external or internal threats.
- :small_orange_diamond: grapheneX - Automated System Hardening Framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: DevSec Hardening Framework - Security + DevOps: Automatic Server Hardening.
+ SELinux - provides a flexible Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system built into the Linux kernel.
+ AppArmor - proactively protects the operating system and applications from external or internal threats.
+ grapheneX - Automated System Hardening Framework.
+ DevSec Hardening Framework - Security + DevOps: Automatic Server Hardening.
- :small_orange_diamond: auditd - provides a way to track security-relevant information on your system.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tiger - is a security tool that can be use both as a security audit and intrusion detection system.
- :small_orange_diamond: Lynis - battle-tested security tool for systems running Linux, macOS, or Unix-based operating system.
- :small_orange_diamond: LinEnum - scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks.
- :small_orange_diamond: Rkhunter - scanner tool for Linux systems that scans backdoors, rootkits and local exploits on your systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: PE-sieve - is a light-weight tool that helps to detect malware running on the system.
- :small_orange_diamond: PEASS - privilege escalation tools for Windows and Linux/Unix and MacOS.
+ ossec - actively monitoring all aspects of system activity with file integrity monitoring.
+ auditd - provides a way to track security-relevant information on your system.
+ Tiger - is a security tool that can be use both as a security audit and intrusion detection system.
+ Lynis - battle-tested security tool for systems running Linux, macOS, or Unix-based operating system.
+ LinEnum - scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks.
+ Rkhunter - scanner tool for Linux systems that scans backdoors, rootkits and local exploits on your systems.
+ PE-sieve - is a light-weight tool that helps to detect malware running on the system.
+ PEASS - privilege escalation tools for Windows and Linux/Unix and MacOS.
- :small_orange_diamond: DTrace - is a performance analysis and troubleshooting tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: ltrace - is a library call tracer, used to trace calls made by programs to library functions.
- :small_orange_diamond: ptrace-burrito - is a friendly wrapper around ptrace.
- :small_orange_diamond: perf-tools - performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace.
- :small_orange_diamond: bpftrace - high-level tracing language for Linux eBPF.
- :small_orange_diamond: sysdig - system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Valgrind - is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: gperftools - high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation, plus some performance analysis tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: glances - cross-platform system monitoring tool written in Python.
- :small_orange_diamond: htop - interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
- :small_orange_diamond: bashtop - Linux resource monitor written in pure Bash.
- :small_orange_diamond: nmon - a single executable for performance monitoring and data analysis.
- :small_orange_diamond: atop - ASCII performance monitor. Includes statistics for CPU, memory, disk, swap, network, and processes.
- :small_orange_diamond: lsof - displays in its output information about files that are opened by processes.
- :small_orange_diamond: FlameGraph - stack trace visualizer.
- :small_orange_diamond: lsofgraph - convert Unix lsof output to a graph showing FIFO and UNIX interprocess communication.
- :small_orange_diamond: rr - is a lightweight tool for recording, replaying and debugging execution of applications.
- :small_orange_diamond: Performance Co-Pilot - a system performance analysis toolkit.
- :small_orange_diamond: hexyl - a command-line hex viewer.
- :small_orange_diamond: Austin - Python frame stack sampler for CPython.
+ strace - diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux.
+ DTrace - is a performance analysis and troubleshooting tool.
+ ltrace - is a library call tracer, used to trace calls made by programs to library functions.
+ ptrace-burrito - is a friendly wrapper around ptrace.
+ perf-tools - performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace.
+ bpftrace - high-level tracing language for Linux eBPF.
+ sysdig - system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers.
+ Valgrind - is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
+ gperftools - high-performance multi-threaded malloc() implementation, plus some performance analysis tools.
+ glances - cross-platform system monitoring tool written in Python.
+ htop - interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
+ bashtop - Linux resource monitor written in pure Bash.
+ nmon - a single executable for performance monitoring and data analysis.
+ atop - ASCII performance monitor. Includes statistics for CPU, memory, disk, swap, network, and processes.
+ lsof - displays in its output information about files that are opened by processes.
+ FlameGraph - stack trace visualizer.
+ lsofgraph - convert Unix lsof output to a graph showing FIFO and UNIX interprocess communication.
+ rr - is a lightweight tool for recording, replaying and debugging execution of applications.
+ Performance Co-Pilot - a system performance analysis toolkit.
+ hexyl - a command-line hex viewer.
+ Austin - Python frame stack sampler for CPython.
- :small_orange_diamond: lnav - log file navigator with search and automatic refresh.
- :small_orange_diamond: GoAccess - real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal.
- :small_orange_diamond: ngxtop - real-time metrics for nginx server.
+ angle-grinder - slice and dice log files on the command line.
+ lnav - log file navigator with search and automatic refresh.
+ GoAccess - real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal.
+ ngxtop - real-time metrics for nginx server.
- :small_orange_diamond: pgcli - postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
- :small_orange_diamond: mycli - terminal client for MySQL with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
- :small_orange_diamond: litecli - SQLite CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
- :small_orange_diamond: mssql-cli - SQL Server CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
- :small_orange_diamond: OSQuery - is a SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: pgsync - sync data from one Postgres database to another.
- :small_orange_diamond: iredis - a terminal client for redis with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
- :small_orange_diamond: SchemaCrawler - generates an E-R diagram of your database.
+ usql - universal command-line interface for SQL databases.
+ pgcli - postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
+ mycli - terminal client for MySQL with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
+ litecli - SQLite CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
+ mssql-cli - SQL Server CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
+ OSQuery - is a SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics framework.
+ pgsync - sync data from one Postgres database to another.
+ iredis - a terminal client for redis with autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
+ SchemaCrawler - generates an E-R diagram of your database.
- :small_orange_diamond: multitor - a tool that lets you create multiple TOR instances with a load-balancing.
+ Nipe - script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
+ multitor - a tool that lets you create multiple TOR instances with a load-balancing.
- :small_orange_diamond: WeeChat - is an extremely extensible and lightweight IRC client.
+ Irssi - is a free open source terminal based IRC client.
+ WeeChat - is an extremely extensible and lightweight IRC client.
+ taskwarrior - task management system, todo list
- :small_orange_diamond: incron - is an inode-based filesystem notification technology.
- :small_orange_diamond: lsyncd - synchronizes local directories with remote targets (Live Syncing Daemon).
- :small_orange_diamond: GRV - is a terminal based interface for viewing Git repositories.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tig - text-mode interface for Git.
- :small_orange_diamond: tldr - simplified and community-driven man pages.
- :small_orange_diamond: archiver - easily create and extract .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lz4,, and .rar.
- :small_orange_diamond: commander.js - minimal CLI creator in JavaScript.
- :small_orange_diamond: gron - make JSON greppable!
- :small_orange_diamond: bed - binary editor written in Go.
+ sysadmin-util - tools for Linux/Unix sysadmins.
+ incron - is an inode-based filesystem notification technology.
+ lsyncd - synchronizes local directories with remote targets (Live Syncing Daemon).
+ GRV - is a terminal based interface for viewing Git repositories.
+ Tig - text-mode interface for Git.
+ tldr - simplified and community-driven man pages.
+ archiver - easily create and extract .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lz4,, and .rar.
+ commander.js - minimal CLI creator in JavaScript.
+ gron - make JSON greppable!
+ bed - binary editor written in Go.
- :small_orange_diamond: Terminator - is based on GNOME Terminal, useful features for sysadmins and other users.
- :small_orange_diamond: Kitty - is a GPU based terminal emulator that supports smooth scrolling and images.
- :small_orange_diamond: Alacritty - is a fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
+ Guake - is a dropdown terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment.
+ Terminator - is based on GNOME Terminal, useful features for sysadmins and other users.
+ Kitty - is a GPU based terminal emulator that supports smooth scrolling and images.
+ Alacritty - is a fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
- :small_orange_diamond: Ettercap - is a comprehensive network monitor tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: EtherApe - is a graphical network monitoring solution.
- :small_orange_diamond: Packet Sender - is a networking utility for packet generation and built-in UDP/TCP/SSL client and servers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Ostinato - is a packet crafter and traffic generator.
- :small_orange_diamond: JMeter™ - open source software to load test functional behavior and measure performance.
- :small_orange_diamond: locust - scalable user load testing tool written in Python.
+ Wireshark - is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
+ Ettercap - is a comprehensive network monitor tool.
+ EtherApe - is a graphical network monitoring solution.
+ Packet Sender - is a networking utility for packet generation and built-in UDP/TCP/SSL client and servers.
+ Ostinato - is a packet crafter and traffic generator.
+ JMeter™ - open source software to load test functional behavior and measure performance.
+ locust - scalable user load testing tool written in Python.
+ TOR Browser - protect your privacy and defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
- :small_orange_diamond: Bitwarden - open source password manager with built-in sync.
- :small_orange_diamond: Vaultwarden - unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust.
+ KeePassXC - store your passwords safely and auto-type them into your everyday websites and apps.
+ Bitwarden - open source password manager with built-in sync.
+ Vaultwarden - unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pidgin - is an easy to use and free chat client used by millions.
+ HexChat - is an IRC client based on XChat.
+ Pidgin - is an easy to use and free chat client used by millions.
- :small_orange_diamond: Wire - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences. All protected with end-to-end encryption.
- :small_orange_diamond: TorChat - decentralized anonymous instant messenger on top of Tor Hidden Services.
- :small_orange_diamond: Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized, real-time communication.
+ Signal - is an encrypted communications app.
+ Wire - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences. All protected with end-to-end encryption.
+ TorChat - decentralized anonymous instant messenger on top of Tor Hidden Services.
+ Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized, real-time communication.
- :small_orange_diamond: Visual Studio Code - an open-source and free source code editor developed by Microsoft.
- :small_orange_diamond: Atom - a hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
+ Sublime Text - is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor known for its speed, ease of use.
+ Visual Studio Code - an open-source and free source code editor developed by Microsoft.
+ Atom - a hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
- :small_orange_diamond: Can I use - provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies.
- :small_orange_diamond: Panopticlick 3.0 - is your browser safe against tracking?
- :small_orange_diamond: Privacy Analyzer - see what data is exposed from your browser.
- :small_orange_diamond: Web Browser Security - it's all about Web Browser fingerprinting.
- :small_orange_diamond: How's My SSL? - help a web server developer learn what real world TLS clients were capable of.
- :small_orange_diamond: sslClientInfo - client test (incl TLSv1.3 information).
+ SSL/TLS Capabilities of Your Browser - test your browser's SSL implementation.
+ Can I use - provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies.
+ Panopticlick 3.0 - is your browser safe against tracking?
+ Privacy Analyzer - see what data is exposed from your browser.
+ Web Browser Security - it's all about Web Browser fingerprinting.
+ How's My SSL? - help a web server developer learn what real world TLS clients were capable of.
+ sslClientInfo - client test (incl TLSv1.3 information).
- :small_orange_diamond: SSLLabs Server Test (DEV) - performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server.
- :small_orange_diamond: ImmuniWeb® SSLScan - test SSL/TLS (PCI DSS, HIPAA and NIST).
- :small_orange_diamond: SSL Check - scan your website for non-secure content.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSL Scanner - analyze website security.
- :small_orange_diamond: CryptCheck - test your TLS server configuration (e.g. ciphers).
- :small_orange_diamond: - service to scan and analyse websites.
- :small_orange_diamond: Report URI - monitoring security policies like CSP and HPKP.
- :small_orange_diamond: CSP Evaluator - allows developers and security experts to check if a Content Security Policy.
- :small_orange_diamond: Useless CSP - public list about CSP in some big players (might make them care a bit more).
- :small_orange_diamond: Why No HTTPS? - top 100 websites by Alexa rank not automatically redirecting insecure requests.
- :small_orange_diamond: TLS Cipher Suite Search- cipher suite search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: - strong ciphers for Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, and more.*
- :small_orange_diamond: dhtool - public Diffie-Hellman parameter service/tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: - memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs.
- :small_orange_diamond: - registered for various tests regarding the TLS/SSL protocol.
- :small_orange_diamond: CAA Record Helper - generate a CAA policy.
- :small_orange_diamond: Common CA Database - repository of information about CAs, and their root and intermediate certificates.
- :small_orange_diamond: CERTSTREAM - real-time certificate transparency log update stream.
- :small_orange_diamond: - discovers certificates by continually monitoring all of the publicly known CT.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hardenize - deploy the security standards.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cipher suite compatibility - test TLS cipher suite compatibility.
- :small_orange_diamond: urlvoid - this service helps you detect potentially malicious websites.
- :small_orange_diamond: security.txt - a proposed standard (generator) which allows websites to define security policies.
- :small_orange_diamond: ssl-config-generator - help you follow the Mozilla Server Side TLS configuration guidelines.
- :small_orange_diamond: TLScan - pure python, SSL/TLS protocol and cipher scanner/enumerator.
+ SSLLabs Server Test - performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server.
+ SSLLabs Server Test (DEV) - performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server.
+ ImmuniWeb® SSLScan - test SSL/TLS (PCI DSS, HIPAA and NIST).
+ SSL Check - scan your website for non-secure content.
+ SSL Scanner - analyze website security.
+ CryptCheck - test your TLS server configuration (e.g. ciphers).
+ - service to scan and analyse websites.
+ Report URI - monitoring security policies like CSP and HPKP.
+ CSP Evaluator - allows developers and security experts to check if a Content Security Policy.
+ Useless CSP - public list about CSP in some big players (might make them care a bit more).
+ Why No HTTPS? - top 100 websites by Alexa rank not automatically redirecting insecure requests.
+ TLS Cipher Suite Search- cipher suite search engine.
+ - strong ciphers for Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, and more.*
+ dhtool - public Diffie-Hellman parameter service/tool.
+ - memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs.
+ - registered for various tests regarding the TLS/SSL protocol.
+ CAA Record Helper - generate a CAA policy.
+ Common CA Database - repository of information about CAs, and their root and intermediate certificates.
+ CERTSTREAM - real-time certificate transparency log update stream.
+ - discovers certificates by continually monitoring all of the publicly known CT.
+ Hardenize - deploy the security standards.
+ Cipher suite compatibility - test TLS cipher suite compatibility.
+ urlvoid - this service helps you detect potentially malicious websites.
+ security.txt - a proposed standard (generator) which allows websites to define security policies.
+ ssl-config-generator - help you follow the Mozilla Server Side TLS configuration guidelines.
+ TLScan - pure python, SSL/TLS protocol and cipher scanner/enumerator.
- :small_orange_diamond: Observatory by Mozilla - set of tools to analyze your website.
- :small_orange_diamond: webhint - is a linting tool that will help you with your site's accessibility, speed, security, and more.
+ Security Headers - analyse the HTTP response headers (with rating system to the results).
+ Observatory by Mozilla - set of tools to analyze your website.
+ webhint - is a linting tool that will help you with your site's accessibility, speed, security, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNSLookup - is an advanced DNS lookup tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNSlytics - online DNS investigation tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS Spy - monitor, validate and verify your DNS configurations.
- :small_orange_diamond: Zonemaster - helps you to control how your DNS works.
- :small_orange_diamond: Leaf DNS - comprehensive DNS tester.
- :small_orange_diamond: Find subdomains online - find subdomains for security assessment penetration test.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNSdumpster - dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS Table online - search for DNS records by domain, IP, CIDR, ISP.
- :small_orange_diamond: intoDNS - DNS and mail server health checker.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS Bajaj - check the delegation of your domain.
- :small_orange_diamond: BuddyDNS Delegation LAB - check, trace and visualize delegation of your domain.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnssec-debugger - DS or DNSKEY records validator.
- :small_orange_diamond: - this site is responsible for the safekeeping of historical reverse DNS records.
- :small_orange_diamond: - wildcard DNS for everyone.
- :small_orange_diamond: - dead simple wildcard DNS for any IP Address.
- :small_orange_diamond: dnslookup (ceipam) - one of the best DNS propagation checker (and not only).
- :small_orange_diamond: What's My DNS - DNS propagation checking tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNSGrep - quickly searching large DNS datasets.
+ ViewDNS - one source for free DNS related tools and information.
+ DNSLookup - is an advanced DNS lookup tool.
+ DNSlytics - online DNS investigation tool.
+ DNS Spy - monitor, validate and verify your DNS configurations.
+ Zonemaster - helps you to control how your DNS works.
+ Leaf DNS - comprehensive DNS tester.
+ Find subdomains online - find subdomains for security assessment penetration test.
+ DNSdumpster - dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records.
+ DNS Table online - search for DNS records by domain, IP, CIDR, ISP.
+ intoDNS - DNS and mail server health checker.
+ DNS Bajaj - check the delegation of your domain.
+ BuddyDNS Delegation LAB - check, trace and visualize delegation of your domain.
+ dnssec-debugger - DS or DNSKEY records validator.
+ - this site is responsible for the safekeeping of historical reverse DNS records.
+ - wildcard DNS for everyone.
+ - dead simple wildcard DNS for any IP Address.
+ dnslookup (ceipam) - one of the best DNS propagation checker (and not only).
+ What's My DNS - DNS propagation checking tool.
+ DNSGrep - quickly searching large DNS datasets.
- :small_orange_diamond: MX Toolbox - all of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: Secure Email - complete email test tools for email technicians.
- :small_orange_diamond: blacklistalert - checks to see if your domain is on a Real Time Spam Blacklist.
- :small_orange_diamond: MultiRBL - complete IP check for sending Mailservers.
- :small_orange_diamond: DKIM SPF & Spam Assassin Validator - checks mail authentication and scores messages with Spam Assassin.
+ smtp-tls-checker - check an email domain for SMTP TLS support.
+ MX Toolbox - all of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool.
+ Secure Email - complete email test tools for email technicians.
+ blacklistalert - checks to see if your domain is on a Real Time Spam Blacklist.
+ MultiRBL - complete IP check for sending Mailservers.
+ DKIM SPF & Spam Assassin Validator - checks mail authentication and scores messages with Spam Assassin.
- :small_orange_diamond: Uncoder - the online translator for search queries on log data.
- :small_orange_diamond: Regex101 - online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript.
- :small_orange_diamond: RegExr - online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).
- :small_orange_diamond: RegEx Testing - online regex testing tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: RegEx Pal - online regex testing tool + other tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
+ URL Encode/Decode - tool from above to either encode or decode a string of text.
+ Uncoder - the online translator for search queries on log data.
+ Regex101 - online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript.
+ RegExr - online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).
+ RegEx Testing - online regex testing tool.
+ RegEx Pal - online regex testing tool + other tools.
+ The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
- :small_orange_diamond: RIPE NCC Atlas - a global, open, distributed Internet measurement platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: Robtex - uses various sources to gather public information about IP numbers, domain names, host names, etc.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Trails - APIs for Security Companies, Researchers and Teams.
- :small_orange_diamond: Online Curl - curl test, analyze HTTP Response Headers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Online Tools for Developers - HTTP API tools, testers, encoders, converters, formatters, and other tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: - online Ping, Traceroute, DNS lookup, WHOIS and others.
- :small_orange_diamond: Network-Tools - network tools for webmasters, IT technicians & geeks.
- :small_orange_diamond: BGPview - search for any ASN, IP, Prefix or Resource name.
- :small_orange_diamond: Is BGP safe yet? - check BGP (RPKI) security of ISPs and other major Internet players.
- :small_orange_diamond: Riseup - provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change.
- :small_orange_diamond: VirusTotal - analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware.
+ Netcraft - detailed report about the site, helping you to make informed choices about their integrity.*
+ RIPE NCC Atlas - a global, open, distributed Internet measurement platform.
+ Robtex - uses various sources to gather public information about IP numbers, domain names, host names, etc.
+ Security Trails - APIs for Security Companies, Researchers and Teams.
+ Online Curl - curl test, analyze HTTP Response Headers.
+ Online Tools for Developers - HTTP API tools, testers, encoders, converters, formatters, and other tools.
+ - online Ping, Traceroute, DNS lookup, WHOIS and others.
+ Network-Tools - network tools for webmasters, IT technicians & geeks.
+ BGPview - search for any ASN, IP, Prefix or Resource name.
+ Is BGP safe yet? - check BGP (RPKI) security of ISPs and other major Internet players.
+ Riseup - provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change.
+ VirusTotal - analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS Privacy Test Servers - DNS privacy recursive servers list (with a 'no logging' policy).
+ - provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
+ DNS Privacy Test Servers - DNS privacy recursive servers list (with a 'no logging' policy).
- :small_orange_diamond: explainshell - get interactive help texts for shell commands.
- :small_orange_diamond: jsbin - live pastebin for HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: CodeSandbox - online code editor for web application development.
- :small_orange_diamond: PHP Sandbox - test your PHP code with this code tester.
- :small_orange_diamond: - an instant IDE to learn, build, collaborate, and host all in one place.
- :small_orange_diamond: vclFiddle - is an online tool for experimenting with the Varnish Cache VCL.
- :small_orange_diamond: Haskell Dockerfile Linter - a smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images.
+ ShellCheck - finds bugs in your shell scripts.
+ explainshell - get interactive help texts for shell commands.
+ jsbin - live pastebin for HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and more.
+ CodeSandbox - online code editor for web application development.
+ PHP Sandbox - test your PHP code with this code tester.
+ - an instant IDE to learn, build, collaborate, and host all in one place.
+ vclFiddle - is an online tool for experimenting with the Varnish Cache VCL.
+ Haskell Dockerfile Linter - a smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sucuri loadtimetester - test here the
+ GTmetrix - analyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
+ Sucuri loadtimetester - test here the
performance of any of your sites from across the globe.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pingdom Tools - analyze your site’s speed around the world.
- :small_orange_diamond: - run website latency tests across multiple geographic regions.
- :small_orange_diamond: PageSpeed Insights - analyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
- :small_orange_diamond: - helps developers like you learn and apply the web's modern capabilities to your own sites and apps.
- :small_orange_diamond: Lighthouse - automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
+ Pingdom Tools - analyze your site’s speed around the world.
+ - run website latency tests across multiple geographic regions.
+ PageSpeed Insights - analyze your site’s speed and make it faster.
+ - helps developers like you learn and apply the web's modern capabilities to your own sites and apps.
+ Lighthouse - automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.
- :small_orange_diamond: Shodan - the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices.
- :small_orange_diamond: Shodan 2000 - this tool looks for randomly generated data from Shodan.
- :small_orange_diamond: GreyNoise - mass scanner such as Shodan and Censys.
- :small_orange_diamond: ZoomEye - search engine for cyberspace that lets the user find specific network components.
- :small_orange_diamond: netograph - tools to monitor and understand deep structure of the web.
- :small_orange_diamond: FOFA - is a cyberspace search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: onyphe - is a search engine for open-source and cyber threat intelligence data collected.
- :small_orange_diamond: IntelligenceX - is a search engine and data archive.
- :small_orange_diamond: binaryedge - it scan the entire internet space and create real-time threat intelligence streams and reports.
- :small_orange_diamond: Spyse - Internet assets registry: networks, threats, web objects, etc.
- :small_orange_diamond: wigle - is a submission-based catalog of wireless networks. All the networks. Found by Everyone.
- :small_orange_diamond: PublicWWW - find any alphanumeric snippet, signature or keyword in the web pages HTML, JS and CSS code.
- :small_orange_diamond: IntelTechniques - this repository contains hundreds of online search utilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: hunter - lets you find email addresses in seconds and connect with the people that matter for your business.
- :small_orange_diamond: GhostProject? - search by full email address or username.
- :small_orange_diamond: databreaches - was my email affected by data breach?
- :small_orange_diamond: We Leak Info - world's fastest and largest data breach search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pulsedive - scans of malicious URLs, IPs, and domains, including port scans and web requests.
- :small_orange_diamond: Buckets by Grayhatwarfar - database with public search for Open Amazon S3 Buckets and their contents.
- :small_orange_diamond: - the breached database directory.
- :small_orange_diamond: builtwith - find out what websites are built with.
- :small_orange_diamond: NerdyData - search the web's source code for technologies, across millions of sites.
- :small_orange_diamond: zorexeye - search for sites, images, apps, softwares & more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mamont's open FTP Index - if a target has an open FTP site with accessible content it will be listed here.
- :small_orange_diamond: OSINT Framework - focused on gathering information from free tools or resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: maltiverse - is a service oriented to cybersecurity analysts for the advanced analysis of indicators of compromise.
- :small_orange_diamond: Leaked Source - is a collaboration of data found online in the form of a lookup.
- :small_orange_diamond: We Leak Info - to help everyday individuals secure their online life, avoiding getting hacked.
- :small_orange_diamond: pipl - is the place to find the person behind the email address, social username or phone number.
- :small_orange_diamond: - is operated by a random swiss guy fighting malware for non-profit.
- :small_orange_diamond: malc0de - malware search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cybercrime Tracker - monitors and tracks various malware families that are used to perpetrate cyber crimes.
- :small_orange_diamond: shhgit - find GitHub secrets in real time.
- :small_orange_diamond: searchcode - helping you find real world examples of functions, API's and libraries.
- :small_orange_diamond: Insecam - the world biggest directory of online surveillance security cameras.
- :small_orange_diamond: index-of - contains great stuff like: security, hacking, reverse engineering, cryptography, programming etc.
- :small_orange_diamond: Rapid7 Labs Open Data - is a great resources of datasets from Project Sonar.
- :small_orange_diamond: Common Response Headers - the largest database of HTTP response headers.
- :small_orange_diamond: InQuest Labs - InQuest Labs is an open, interactive, and API driven data portal for security researchers.
+ Censys - platform that helps information security practitioners discover, monitor, and analyze devices.
+ Shodan - the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices.
+ Shodan 2000 - this tool looks for randomly generated data from Shodan.
+ GreyNoise - mass scanner such as Shodan and Censys.
+ ZoomEye - search engine for cyberspace that lets the user find specific network components.
+ netograph - tools to monitor and understand deep structure of the web.
+ FOFA - is a cyberspace search engine.
+ onyphe - is a search engine for open-source and cyber threat intelligence data collected.
+ IntelligenceX - is a search engine and data archive.
+ binaryedge - it scan the entire internet space and create real-time threat intelligence streams and reports.
+ Spyse - Internet assets registry: networks, threats, web objects, etc.
+ wigle - is a submission-based catalog of wireless networks. All the networks. Found by Everyone.
+ PublicWWW - find any alphanumeric snippet, signature or keyword in the web pages HTML, JS and CSS code.
+ IntelTechniques - this repository contains hundreds of online search utilities.
+ hunter - lets you find email addresses in seconds and connect with the people that matter for your business.
+ GhostProject? - search by full email address or username.
+ databreaches - was my email affected by data breach?
+ We Leak Info - world's fastest and largest data breach search engine.
+ Pulsedive - scans of malicious URLs, IPs, and domains, including port scans and web requests.
+ Buckets by Grayhatwarfar - database with public search for Open Amazon S3 Buckets and their contents.
+ - the breached database directory.
+ builtwith - find out what websites are built with.
+ NerdyData - search the web's source code for technologies, across millions of sites.
+ zorexeye - search for sites, images, apps, softwares & more.
+ Mamont's open FTP Index - if a target has an open FTP site with accessible content it will be listed here.
+ OSINT Framework - focused on gathering information from free tools or resources.
+ maltiverse - is a service oriented to cybersecurity analysts for the advanced analysis of indicators of compromise.
+ Leaked Source - is a collaboration of data found online in the form of a lookup.
+ We Leak Info - to help everyday individuals secure their online life, avoiding getting hacked.
+ pipl - is the place to find the person behind the email address, social username or phone number.
+ - is operated by a random swiss guy fighting malware for non-profit.
+ malc0de - malware search engine.
+ Cybercrime Tracker - monitors and tracks various malware families that are used to perpetrate cyber crimes.
+ shhgit - find GitHub secrets in real time.
+ searchcode - helping you find real world examples of functions, API's and libraries.
+ Insecam - the world biggest directory of online surveillance security cameras.
+ index-of - contains great stuff like: security, hacking, reverse engineering, cryptography, programming etc.
+ Rapid7 Labs Open Data - is a great resources of datasets from Project Sonar.
+ Common Response Headers - the largest database of HTTP response headers.
+ InQuest Labs - InQuest Labs is an open, interactive, and API driven data portal for security researchers.
- :small_orange_diamond: AI Generated Photos - 100.000 AI generated faces.
- :small_orange_diamond: fakenamegenerator - your randomly generated identity.
- :small_orange_diamond: Intigriti Redirector - open redirect/SSRF payload generator.
+ thispersondoesnotexist - generate fake faces in one click - endless possibilities.
+ AI Generated Photos - 100.000 AI generated faces.
+ fakenamegenerator - your randomly generated identity.
+ Intigriti Redirector - open redirect/SSRF payload generator.
- :small_orange_diamond: dehashed - is a hacked database search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: Leaked Source - is a collaboration of data found online in the form of a lookup.
+ have i been pwned? - check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
+ dehashed - is a hacked database search engine.
+ Leaked Source - is a collaboration of data found online in the form of a lookup.
- :small_orange_diamond: CVE Details - CVE security vulnerability advanced database.
- :small_orange_diamond: Exploit DB - CVE compliant archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software.
- :small_orange_diamond: - exploits market provides you the possibility to buy/sell zero-day exploits.
- :small_orange_diamond: sploitus - the exploit and tools database.
- :small_orange_diamond: cxsecurity - free vulnerability database.
- :small_orange_diamond: Vulncode-DB - is a database for vulnerabilities and their corresponding source code if available.
- :small_orange_diamond: cveapi - free API for CVE data.
+ CVE Mitre - list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
+ CVE Details - CVE security vulnerability advanced database.
+ Exploit DB - CVE compliant archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software.
+ - exploits market provides you the possibility to buy/sell zero-day exploits.
+ sploitus - the exploit and tools database.
+ cxsecurity - free vulnerability database.
+ Vulncode-DB - is a database for vulnerabilities and their corresponding source code if available.
+ cveapi - free API for CVE data.
- :small_orange_diamond: Quixxi - free Mobile App Vulnerability Scanner for Android & iOS.
- :small_orange_diamond: Ostorlab - analyzes mobile application to identify vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses.
+ ImmuniWeb® Mobile App Scanner - test security and privacy of mobile apps (iOS & Android).
+ Quixxi - free Mobile App Vulnerability Scanner for Android & iOS.
+ Ostorlab - analyzes mobile application to identify vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses.
- :small_orange_diamond: searX - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: darksearch - the 1st real Dark Web search engine.
- :small_orange_diamond: Qwant - the search engine that respects your privacy.
- :small_orange_diamond: DuckDuckGo - the search engine that doesn't track you.
- :small_orange_diamond: Swisscows - privacy safe web search
- :small_orange_diamond: Disconnect - the search engine that anonymizes your searches.
- :small_orange_diamond: MetaGer - the search engine that uses anonymous proxy and hidden Tor branches.
+ Startpage - the world's most private search engine.
+ searX - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine.
+ darksearch - the 1st real Dark Web search engine.
+ Qwant - the search engine that respects your privacy.
+ DuckDuckGo - the search engine that doesn't track you.
+ Swisscows - privacy safe web search
+ Disconnect - the search engine that anonymizes your searches.
+ MetaGer - the search engine that uses anonymous proxy and hidden Tor branches.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mail2Tor - is a Tor Hidden Service that allows anyone to send and receive emails anonymously.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tutanota - is the world's most secure email service and amazingly easy to use.
- :small_orange_diamond: Protonmail - is the world's largest secure email service, developed by CERN and MIT scientists.
- :small_orange_diamond: Startmail - private & encrypted email made easy.
+ CounterMail - online email service, designed to provide maximum security and privacy.
+ Mail2Tor - is a Tor Hidden Service that allows anyone to send and receive emails anonymously.
+ Tutanota - is the world's most secure email service and amazingly easy to use.
+ Protonmail - is the world's largest secure email service, developed by CERN and MIT scientists.
+ Startmail - private & encrypted email made easy.
+ Keybase - it's open source and powered by public-key cryptography.
+ SKS OpenPGP Key server - services for the SKS keyservers used by OpenPGP.
##### :black_small_square: Operating Systems
- :small_orange_diamond: OpenBSD - multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system.
- :small_orange_diamond: HardenedBSD - HardenedBSD aims to implement innovative exploit mitigation and security solutions.
- :small_orange_diamond: Kali Linux - Linux distribution used for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking and network security assessments.
- :small_orange_diamond: Parrot Security OS - cyber security GNU/Linux environment.
- :small_orange_diamond: Backbox Linux - penetration test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu-based Linux distribution.
- :small_orange_diamond: BlackArch - is an Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution for penetration testers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pentoo - is a security-focused livecd based on Gentoo.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Onion - Linux distro for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tails - is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity.
- :small_orange_diamond: vedetta - OpenBSD router boilerplate.
- :small_orange_diamond: Qubes OS - is a security-oriented OS that uses Xen-based virtualization.
+ Slackware - the most "Unix-like" Linux distribution.
+ OpenBSD - multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system.
+ HardenedBSD - HardenedBSD aims to implement innovative exploit mitigation and security solutions.
+ Kali Linux - Linux distribution used for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking and network security assessments.
+ Parrot Security OS - cyber security GNU/Linux environment.
+ Backbox Linux - penetration test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu-based Linux distribution.
+ BlackArch - is an Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution for penetration testers.
+ Pentoo - is a security-focused livecd based on Gentoo.
+ Security Onion - Linux distro for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management.
+ Tails - is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity.
+ vedetta - OpenBSD router boilerplate.
+ Qubes OS - is a security-oriented OS that uses Xen-based virtualization.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nginx - open source web and reverse proxy server that is similar to Apache, but very light weight.
- :small_orange_diamond: OpenResty - is a dynamic web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tengine - a distribution of Nginx with some advanced features.
- :small_orange_diamond: Caddy Server - is an open source, HTTP/2-enabled web server with HTTPS by default.
- :small_orange_diamond: HAProxy - the reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
+ Varnish Cache - HTTP accelerator designed for content-heavy dynamic web sites.
+ Nginx - open source web and reverse proxy server that is similar to Apache, but very light weight.
+ OpenResty - is a dynamic web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT.
+ Tengine - a distribution of Nginx with some advanced features.
+ Caddy Server - is an open source, HTTP/2-enabled web server with HTTPS by default.
+ HAProxy - the reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
- :small_orange_diamond: Knot Resolver - caching full resolver implementation, including both a resolver library and a daemon.
- :small_orange_diamond: PowerDNS - is an open source authoritative DNS server, written in C++ and licensed under the GPL.
+ Unbound - validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver (with TLS).
+ Knot Resolver - caching full resolver implementation, including both a resolver library and a daemon.
+ PowerDNS - is an open source authoritative DNS server, written in C++ and licensed under the GPL.
+ 3proxy - tiny free proxy server.
- :small_orange_diamond: pi-hole - the Pi-hole® is a DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content.
- :small_orange_diamond: maltrail - malicious traffic detection system.
- :small_orange_diamond: security_monkey - monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs for assets and their changes over time.
- :small_orange_diamond: firecracker - secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- :small_orange_diamond: streisand - sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, and more.
+ Emerald Onion - is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and transit internet service provider (ISP).
+ pi-hole - the Pi-hole® is a DNS sinkhole that protects your devices from unwanted content.
+ maltrail - malicious traffic detection system.
+ security_monkey - monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs for assets and their changes over time.
+ firecracker - secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
+ streisand - sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, and more.
##### :black_small_square: Tools
- :small_orange_diamond: netbox - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
+ CapAnalysis - web visual tool to analyze large amounts of captured network traffic (PCAP analyzer).
+ netbox - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
+ NRE Labs - learn automation by doing it. Right now, right here, in your browser.
+ LBNL's Network Research Group - home page of the Network Research Group (NRG).
##### :black_small_square: CLI Tools
- :small_orange_diamond: ctop - top-like interface for container metrics.
+ gvisor - container runtime sandbox.
+ ctop - top-like interface for container metrics.
- :small_orange_diamond: Traefik - open source reverse proxy/load balancer provides easier integration with Docker and Let's encrypt.
- :small_orange_diamond: kong - The Cloud-Native API Gateway.
- :small_orange_diamond: rancher - complete container management platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: portainer - making Docker management easy.
- :small_orange_diamond: nginx-proxy - automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen.
- :small_orange_diamond: bunkerized-nginx - nginx docker image "secure by default".
+ Moby - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based system.
+ Traefik - open source reverse proxy/load balancer provides easier integration with Docker and Let's encrypt.
+ kong - The Cloud-Native API Gateway.
+ rancher - complete container management platform.
+ portainer - making Docker management easy.
+ nginx-proxy - automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen.
+ bunkerized-nginx - nginx docker image "secure by default".
- :small_orange_diamond: trivy - vulnerability scanner for containers, suitable for CI.
- :small_orange_diamond: Harbor - cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
- :small_orange_diamond: Houdini - hundreds of offensive and useful docker images for network intrusion.
+ docker-bench-security - checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker.
+ trivy - vulnerability scanner for containers, suitable for CI.
+ Harbor - cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
+ Houdini - hundreds of offensive and useful docker images for network intrusion.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-docker - a curated list of Docker resources and projects.
- :small_orange_diamond: docker_practice - learn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice!
- :small_orange_diamond: labs
+ docker-cheat-sheet - a quick reference cheat sheet on Docker.
+ awesome-docker - a curated list of Docker resources and projects.
+ docker_practice - learn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice!
+ labs
- is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: dockerfiles - various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.
- :small_orange_diamond: kubernetes-the-hard-way - bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- :small_orange_diamond: kubernetes-the-easy-way - bootstrap Kubernetes the easy way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- :small_orange_diamond: cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4 - Kubernetes CheatSheets in A4.
- :small_orange_diamond: k8s-security - kubernetes security notes and best practices.
- :small_orange_diamond: kubernetes-production-best-practices - checklists with best-practices for production-ready Kubernetes.
- :small_orange_diamond: kubernetes-production-best-practices - kubernetes security - best practice guide.
- :small_orange_diamond: kubernetes-failure-stories - is a compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes.
+ dockerfiles - various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.
+ kubernetes-the-hard-way - bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
+ kubernetes-the-easy-way - bootstrap Kubernetes the easy way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
+ cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4 - Kubernetes CheatSheets in A4.
+ k8s-security - kubernetes security notes and best practices.
+ kubernetes-production-best-practices - checklists with best-practices for production-ready Kubernetes.
+ kubernetes-production-best-practices - kubernetes security - best practice guide.
+ kubernetes-failure-stories - is a compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes.
##### :black_small_square: Shell/Command line
- :small_orange_diamond: pure-sh-bible - is a collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
- :small_orange_diamond: bash-guide - is a guide to learn bash.
- :small_orange_diamond: bash-handbook - for those who wanna learn Bash.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Bash Hackers Wiki - hold documentation of any kind about GNU Bash.
- :small_orange_diamond: Shell & Utilities - describes the commands offered to application programs by POSIX-conformant systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: the-art-of-command-line - master the command line, in one page.
- :small_orange_diamond: Shell Style Guide - a shell style guide for Google-originated open-source projects.
+ pure-bash-bible - is a collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
+ pure-sh-bible - is a collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
+ bash-guide - is a guide to learn bash.
+ bash-handbook - for those who wanna learn Bash.
+ The Bash Hackers Wiki - hold documentation of any kind about GNU Bash.
+ Shell & Utilities - describes the commands offered to application programs by POSIX-conformant systems.
+ the-art-of-command-line - master the command line, in one page.
+ Shell Style Guide - a shell style guide for Google-originated open-source projects.
+ Vim Cheat Sheet - great multi language vim guide.
- :small_orange_diamond: python-cheatsheet - comprehensive Python cheatsheet.
- :small_orange_diamond: - basic reference for beginner and advanced developers.
+ Awesome Python - a curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
+ python-cheatsheet - comprehensive Python cheatsheet.
+ - basic reference for beginner and advanced developers.
+ F’Awk Yeah! - advanced sed and awk usage (Parsing for Pentesters 3).
- :small_orange_diamond: TecMint - the ideal Linux blog for Sysadmins & Geeks.
- :small_orange_diamond: Omnisecu - free Networking, System Administration and Security tutorials.
- :small_orange_diamond: linux-cheat - Linux tutorials and cheatsheets. Minimal examples. Mostly user-land CLI utilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: linuxupskillchallenge - learn the skills required to sysadmin.
- :small_orange_diamond: Unix Toolbox - Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Kernel Teaching - is a collection of lectures and labs Linux kernel topics.
- :small_orange_diamond: htop explained - explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on Linux.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Guide and Hints - tutorials on system administration in Fedora and CentOS.
- :small_orange_diamond: strace-little-book - a little book which introduces strace.
- :small_orange_diamond: linux-tracing-workshop - examples and hands-on labs for Linux tracing tools workshops.
- :small_orange_diamond: http2-explained - a detailed document explaining and documenting HTTP/2.
- :small_orange_diamond: http3-explained - a document describing the HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols.
- :small_orange_diamond: HTTP/2 in Action - an excellent introduction to the new HTTP/2 standard.
- :small_orange_diamond: Let's code a TCP/IP stack - great stuff to learn network and system programming at a deeper level.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nginx Admin's Handbook - how to improve NGINX performance, security and other important things.
- :small_orange_diamond: - NGINX config generator on steroids.
- :small_orange_diamond: openssh guideline - is to help operational teams with the configuration of OpenSSH server and client.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSH Handshake Explained - is a relatively brief description of the SSH handshake.
- :small_orange_diamond: ISC's Knowledgebase - you'll find some general information about BIND 9, ISC DHCP, and Kea DHCP.
- :small_orange_diamond: - a place to record notes while studying for Cisco's CCNP certification.
+ nixCraft - linux and unix tutorials for new and seasoned sysadmin.
+ TecMint - the ideal Linux blog for Sysadmins & Geeks.
+ Omnisecu - free Networking, System Administration and Security tutorials.
+ linux-cheat - Linux tutorials and cheatsheets. Minimal examples. Mostly user-land CLI utilities.
+ linuxupskillchallenge - learn the skills required to sysadmin.
+ Unix Toolbox - Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users.
+ Linux Kernel Teaching - is a collection of lectures and labs Linux kernel topics.
+ htop explained - explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on Linux.
+ Linux Guide and Hints - tutorials on system administration in Fedora and CentOS.
+ strace-little-book - a little book which introduces strace.
+ linux-tracing-workshop - examples and hands-on labs for Linux tracing tools workshops.
+ http2-explained - a detailed document explaining and documenting HTTP/2.
+ http3-explained - a document describing the HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols.
+ HTTP/2 in Action - an excellent introduction to the new HTTP/2 standard.
+ Let's code a TCP/IP stack - great stuff to learn network and system programming at a deeper level.
+ Nginx Admin's Handbook - how to improve NGINX performance, security and other important things.
+ - NGINX config generator on steroids.
+ openssh guideline - is to help operational teams with the configuration of OpenSSH server and client.
+ SSH Handshake Explained - is a relatively brief description of the SSH handshake.
+ ISC's Knowledgebase - you'll find some general information about BIND 9, ISC DHCP, and Kea DHCP.
+ - a place to record notes while studying for Cisco's CCNP certification.
+ AD-Attack-Defense - attack and defend active directory using modern post exploitation activity.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Scalability - best practices in building High Scalability, High Availability, High Stability, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Web Architecture 101 - the basic architecture concepts.
+ The System Design Primer - learn how to design large-scale systems.
+ Awesome Scalability - best practices in building High Scalability, High Availability, High Stability, and more.
+ Web Architecture 101 - the basic architecture concepts.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Harden CentOS 7 - this walks you through the steps required to security harden CentOS.
- :small_orange_diamond: CentOS 7 Server Hardening Guide - great guide for hardening CentOS; familiar with OpenSCAP.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-security-hardening - is a collection of security hardening guides, tools and other resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Practical Linux Hardening Guide - provides a high-level overview of hardening GNU/Linux systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Hardening Guide - how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy.
+ CIS Benchmarks - secure configuration settings for over 100 technologies, available as a free PDF.
+ Security Harden CentOS 7 - this walks you through the steps required to security harden CentOS.
+ CentOS 7 Server Hardening Guide - great guide for hardening CentOS; familiar with OpenSCAP.
+ awesome-security-hardening - is a collection of security hardening guides, tools and other resources.
+ The Practical Linux Hardening Guide - provides a high-level overview of hardening GNU/Linux systems.
+ Linux Hardening Guide - how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy.
- :small_orange_diamond: AWS security tools - make your AWS cloud environment more secure.
- :small_orange_diamond: Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory - an inventory of tools and resources about CyberSecurity.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Illustrated TLS Connection - every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSL Research - SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices by SSL Labs.
- :small_orange_diamond: SELinux Game - learn SELinux by doing. Solve Puzzles, show skillz.
- :small_orange_diamond: Certificates and PKI - everything you should know about certificates and PKI but are too afraid to ask.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Art of Subdomain Enumeration - a reference for subdomain enumeration techniques.
- :small_orange_diamond: Quitting Google - the comprehensive guide to quitting Google.
+ Hacking Articles - LRaj Chandel's Security & Hacking Blog.
+ AWS security tools - make your AWS cloud environment more secure.
+ Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory - an inventory of tools and resources about CyberSecurity.
+ The Illustrated TLS Connection - every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced.
+ SSL Research - SSL and TLS Deployment Best Practices by SSL Labs.
+ SELinux Game - learn SELinux by doing. Solve Puzzles, show skillz.
+ Certificates and PKI - everything you should know about certificates and PKI but are too afraid to ask.
+ The Art of Subdomain Enumeration - a reference for subdomain enumeration techniques.
+ Quitting Google - the comprehensive guide to quitting Google.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP ASVS 3.0.1 - OWASP Application Security Verification Standard Project.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP ASVS 3.0.1 Web App - simple web app that helps developers understand the ASVS requirements.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP ASVS 4.0 - is a list of application security requirements or tests.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Testing Guide v4 - includes a "best practice" penetration testing framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Dev Guide - this is the development version of the OWASP Developer Guide.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP WSTG - is a comprehensive open source guide to testing the security of web apps.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP API Security Project - focuses specifically on the top ten vulnerabilities in API security.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mozilla Web Security - help operational teams with creating secure web applications.
- :small_orange_diamond: security-bulletins - security bulletins that relate to Netflix Open Source.
- :small_orange_diamond: API-Security-Checklist - security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API.
- :small_orange_diamond: Enable CORS - enable cross-origin resource sharing.
- :small_orange_diamond: Application Security Wiki - is an initiative to provide all application security related resources at one place.
- :small_orange_diamond: Weird Proxies - reverse proxy related attacks; it is a result of analysis of various proxies.
- :small_orange_diamond: Webshells - great series about malicious payloads.
- :small_orange_diamond: Practical Web Cache Poisoning - show you how to compromise websites by using esoteric web features.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hidden directories and files - as a source of sensitive information about web application.
- :small_orange_diamond: Explosive blog - great blog about cybersec and pentests.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Cookies - this paper will take a close look at cookie security.
- :small_orange_diamond: APISecurityBestPractices - help you keep secrets (API keys, db credentials, certificates) out of source code.
+ OWASP - worldwide not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software.
+ OWASP ASVS 3.0.1 - OWASP Application Security Verification Standard Project.
+ OWASP ASVS 3.0.1 Web App - simple web app that helps developers understand the ASVS requirements.
+ OWASP ASVS 4.0 - is a list of application security requirements or tests.
+ OWASP Testing Guide v4 - includes a "best practice" penetration testing framework.
+ OWASP Dev Guide - this is the development version of the OWASP Developer Guide.
+ OWASP WSTG - is a comprehensive open source guide to testing the security of web apps.
+ OWASP API Security Project - focuses specifically on the top ten vulnerabilities in API security.
+ Mozilla Web Security - help operational teams with creating secure web applications.
+ security-bulletins - security bulletins that relate to Netflix Open Source.
+ API-Security-Checklist - security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API.
+ Enable CORS - enable cross-origin resource sharing.
+ Application Security Wiki - is an initiative to provide all application security related resources at one place.
+ Weird Proxies - reverse proxy related attacks; it is a result of analysis of various proxies.
+ Webshells - great series about malicious payloads.
+ Practical Web Cache Poisoning - show you how to compromise websites by using esoteric web features.
+ Hidden directories and files - as a source of sensitive information about web application.
+ Explosive blog - great blog about cybersec and pentests.
+ Security Cookies - this paper will take a close look at cookie security.
+ APISecurityBestPractices - help you keep secrets (API keys, db credentials, certificates) out of source code.
- :small_orange_diamond: Dan’s Cheat Sheets’s - massive cheat sheets documentation.
- :small_orange_diamond: Rico's cheatsheets - this is a modest collection of cheatsheets.
- :small_orange_diamond: DevDocs API - combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
- :small_orange_diamond: - the only cheat sheet you need.
- :small_orange_diamond: - collection of cheat sheets about bash, vim and networking.
- :small_orange_diamond: Web Skills - visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer.
+ LZone Cheat Sheets - all cheat sheets.
+ Dan’s Cheat Sheets’s - massive cheat sheets documentation.
+ Rico's cheatsheets - this is a modest collection of cheatsheets.
+ DevDocs API - combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
+ - the only cheat sheet you need.
+ - collection of cheat sheets about bash, vim and networking.
+ Web Skills - visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer.
+ free-programming-books - list of free learning resources in many languages.
- :small_orange_diamond: 50M_CTF_Writeup - $50 million CTF from Hackerone - writeup.
- :small_orange_diamond: ctf-tasks - an archive of low-level CTF challenges developed over the years.
- :small_orange_diamond: How to start RE/malware analysis? - collection of some hints and useful links for the beginners.
- :small_orange_diamond: The C10K problem - it's time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously, don't you think?
- :small_orange_diamond: How 1500 bytes became the MTU of the internet - great story about the Maximum Transmission Unit.
- :small_orange_diamond: poor man's profiler - like dtrace's don't really provide methods to see what programs are blocking on.
- :small_orange_diamond: HTTPS on Stack Overflow - this is the story of a long journey regarding the implementation of SSL.
- :small_orange_diamond: Julia's Drawings - some drawings about programming and unix world, zines about systems & debugging tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hash collisions - this great repository is focused on hash collisions exploitation.
- :small_orange_diamond: sha256-animation - animation of the SHA-256 hash function in your terminal.
- :small_orange_diamond: sha256algorithm - sha256 algorithm explained online step by step visually.
- :small_orange_diamond: BGP Meets Cat - after 3072 hours of manipulating BGP, Job Snijders has succeeded in drawing a Nyancat.
- :small_orange_diamond: bgp-battleships - playing battleships over BGP.
- :small_orange_diamond: What happens when... - you type into your browser and press enter?
- :small_orange_diamond: how-web-works - based on the 'What happens when...' repository.
- :small_orange_diamond: HTTPS in the real world - great tutorial explain how HTTPS works in the real world.
- :small_orange_diamond: Gitlab and NFS bug - how we spent two weeks hunting an NFS bug in the Linux kernel.
- :small_orange_diamond: Gitlab melts down - postmortem on the database outage of January 31 2017 with the lessons we learned.
- :small_orange_diamond: How To Become A Hacker - if you want to be a hacker, keep reading.
- :small_orange_diamond: Operation Costs in CPU - should help to estimate costs of certain operations in CPU clocks.
- :small_orange_diamond: Let's Build a Simple Database - writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C.
- :small_orange_diamond: simple-computer - great resource to understand how computers work under the hood.
- :small_orange_diamond: The story of "Have I been pwned?" - working with 154 million records on Azure Table Storage.
- :small_orange_diamond: TOP500 Supercomputers - shows the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems known to us.
- :small_orange_diamond: How to build a 8 GPU password cracker - any "black magic" or hours of frustration like desktop components do.
- :small_orange_diamond: CERN Data Centre - 3D visualizations of the CERN computing environments (and more).
- :small_orange_diamond: How fucked is my database - evaluate how fucked your database is with this handy website.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Troubleshooting 101 , 2016 Edition - everything is a DNS Problem...
- :small_orange_diamond: Five Whys - you know what the problem is, but you cannot solve it?
- :small_orange_diamond: Maersk, me & notPetya - how did ransomware successfully hijack hundreds of domain controllers?
- :small_orange_diamond: - how HTTPS works a comic!
- :small_orange_diamond: - a fun and colorful explanation of how DNS works.
- :small_orange_diamond: POSTGRESQLCO.NF - your postgresql.conf documentation and recommendations.
+ CTF Series : Vulnerable Machines - the steps below could be followed to find vulnerabilities and exploits.
+ 50M_CTF_Writeup - $50 million CTF from Hackerone - writeup.
+ ctf-tasks - an archive of low-level CTF challenges developed over the years.
+ How to start RE/malware analysis? - collection of some hints and useful links for the beginners.
+ The C10K problem - it's time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously, don't you think?
+ How 1500 bytes became the MTU of the internet - great story about the Maximum Transmission Unit.
+ poor man's profiler - like dtrace's don't really provide methods to see what programs are blocking on.
+ HTTPS on Stack Overflow - this is the story of a long journey regarding the implementation of SSL.
+ Julia's Drawings - some drawings about programming and unix world, zines about systems & debugging tools.
+ Hash collisions - this great repository is focused on hash collisions exploitation.
+ sha256-animation - animation of the SHA-256 hash function in your terminal.
+ sha256algorithm - sha256 algorithm explained online step by step visually.
+ BGP Meets Cat - after 3072 hours of manipulating BGP, Job Snijders has succeeded in drawing a Nyancat.
+ bgp-battleships - playing battleships over BGP.
+ What happens when... - you type into your browser and press enter?
+ how-web-works - based on the 'What happens when...' repository.
+ HTTPS in the real world - great tutorial explain how HTTPS works in the real world.
+ Gitlab and NFS bug - how we spent two weeks hunting an NFS bug in the Linux kernel.
+ Gitlab melts down - postmortem on the database outage of January 31 2017 with the lessons we learned.
+ How To Become A Hacker - if you want to be a hacker, keep reading.
+ Operation Costs in CPU - should help to estimate costs of certain operations in CPU clocks.
+ Let's Build a Simple Database - writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C.
+ simple-computer - great resource to understand how computers work under the hood.
+ The story of "Have I been pwned?" - working with 154 million records on Azure Table Storage.
+ TOP500 Supercomputers - shows the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems known to us.
+ How to build a 8 GPU password cracker - any "black magic" or hours of frustration like desktop components do.
+ CERN Data Centre - 3D visualizations of the CERN computing environments (and more).
+ How fucked is my database - evaluate how fucked your database is with this handy website.
+ Linux Troubleshooting 101 , 2016 Edition - everything is a DNS Problem...
+ Five Whys - you know what the problem is, but you cannot solve it?
+ Maersk, me & notPetya - how did ransomware successfully hijack hundreds of domain controllers?
+ - how HTTPS works a comic!
+ - a fun and colorful explanation of how DNS works.
+ POSTGRESQLCO.NF - your postgresql.conf documentation and recommendations.
##### :black_small_square: SysOps/DevOps
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Shell - awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
- :small_orange_diamond: Command-line-text-processing - finding text to search and replace, sorting to beautifying, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Pcaptools - collection of tools developed by other researchers to process network traces.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-ebpf - a curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Network Performance - where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Postgres - list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: quick-SQL-cheatsheet - a quick reminder of all SQL queries and examples on how to use them.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome-Selfhosted - list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally.
- :small_orange_diamond: List of applications - huge list of apps sorted by category, as a reference for those looking for packages.
- :small_orange_diamond: CS-Interview-Knowledge-Map - build the best interview map.
- :small_orange_diamond: DevOps-Guide - DevOps Guide from basic to advanced with Interview Questions and Notes.
- :small_orange_diamond: FreeBSD Journal - it is a great list of periodical magazines about FreeBSD and other important things.
- :small_orange_diamond: devops-interview-questions - contains interview questions on various DevOps and SRE related topics.
+ Awesome Shell - awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
+ Command-line-text-processing - finding text to search and replace, sorting to beautifying, and more.
+ Awesome Pcaptools - collection of tools developed by other researchers to process network traces.
+ awesome-ebpf - a curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF.
+ Linux Network Performance - where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow.
+ Awesome Postgres - list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources.
+ quick-SQL-cheatsheet - a quick reminder of all SQL queries and examples on how to use them.
+ Awesome-Selfhosted - list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally.
+ List of applications - huge list of apps sorted by category, as a reference for those looking for packages.
+ CS-Interview-Knowledge-Map - build the best interview map.
+ DevOps-Guide - DevOps Guide from basic to advanced with Interview Questions and Notes.
+ FreeBSD Journal - it is a great list of periodical magazines about FreeBSD and other important things.
+ devops-interview-questions - contains interview questions on various DevOps and SRE related topics.
- :small_orange_diamond: Web Developer Roadmap - roadmaps, articles and resources to help you choose your path, learn and improve.
- :small_orange_diamond: Front-End-Checklist - the perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Front-End-Performance-Checklist - Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others.
- :small_orange_diamond: Python's Magic Methods - what are magic methods? They're everything in object-oriented Python.
- :small_orange_diamond: wtfpython - a collection of surprising Python snippets and lesser-known features.
- :small_orange_diamond: js-dev-reads - a list of books and articles for the discerning web developer to read.
- :small_orange_diamond: Commit messages guide - a guide to understand the importance of commit messages.
+ Web Developer Roadmap - roadmaps, articles and resources to help you choose your path, learn and improve.
+ Front-End-Checklist - the perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers.
+ Front-End-Performance-Checklist - Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others.
+ Python's Magic Methods - what are magic methods? They're everything in object-oriented Python.
+ wtfpython - a collection of surprising Python snippets and lesser-known features.
+ js-dev-reads - a list of books and articles for the discerning web developer to read.
+ Commit messages guide - a guide to understand the importance of commit messages.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Web Security - a curated list of Web Security materials and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-cyber-skills - a curated list of hacking environments where you can train your cyber skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-devsecops - an authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-osint - is a curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT.
- :small_orange_diamond: HolyTips - tips and tutorials on Bug Bounty Hunting and Web App Security.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-threat-intelligence - a curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: Red-Teaming-Toolkit - a collection of open source and commercial tools that aid in red team operations.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-burp-extensions - a curated list of amazingly awesome Burp Extensions.
- :small_orange_diamond: Free Security eBooks - list of a Free Security and Hacking eBooks.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacking-Security-Ebooks - top 100 Hacking & Security E-Books.
- :small_orange_diamond: privacy-respecting - curated list of privacy respecting services and software.
- :small_orange_diamond: reverse-engineering - list of awesome reverse engineering resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: linux-re-101 - a collection of resources for linux reverse engineering.
- :small_orange_diamond: reverseengineering-reading-list - a list of Reverse Engineering articles, books, and papers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome-WAF - a curated list of awesome web-app firewall (WAF) stuff.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-shodan-queries - interesting, funny, and depressing search queries to plug into
- :small_orange_diamond: RobotsDisallowed - a curated list of the most common and most interesting robots.txt disallowed directories.
- :small_orange_diamond: HackingNeuralNetworks - is a small course on exploiting and defending neural networks.
- :small_orange_diamond: wildcard-certificates - why you probably shouldn't use a wildcard certificate.
- :small_orange_diamond: Don't use VPN services - which is what every third-party "VPN provider" does.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-yara - a curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
- :small_orange_diamond: macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS.
- :small_orange_diamond: macos_security - macOS Security Compliance Project.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-sec-talks - is a collected list of awesome security talks.
- :small_orange_diamond: Movies for Hackers - list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cryptography_1 - materials used whilst taking Prof. Dan Boneh Stanford Crypto course.
- :small_orange_diamond: Crypton - library to learn and practice Offensive and Defensive Cryptography.
+ Awesome Web Security - a curated list of Web Security materials and resources.
+ awesome-cyber-skills - a curated list of hacking environments where you can train your cyber skills.
+ awesome-devsecops - an authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools.
+ awesome-osint - is a curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT.
+ HolyTips - tips and tutorials on Bug Bounty Hunting and Web App Security.
+ awesome-threat-intelligence - a curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources.
+ Red-Teaming-Toolkit - a collection of open source and commercial tools that aid in red team operations.
+ awesome-burp-extensions - a curated list of amazingly awesome Burp Extensions.
+ Free Security eBooks - list of a Free Security and Hacking eBooks.
+ Hacking-Security-Ebooks - top 100 Hacking & Security E-Books.
+ privacy-respecting - curated list of privacy respecting services and software.
+ reverse-engineering - list of awesome reverse engineering resources.
+ linux-re-101 - a collection of resources for linux reverse engineering.
+ reverseengineering-reading-list - a list of Reverse Engineering articles, books, and papers.
+ Awesome-WAF - a curated list of awesome web-app firewall (WAF) stuff.
+ awesome-shodan-queries - interesting, funny, and depressing search queries to plug into
+ RobotsDisallowed - a curated list of the most common and most interesting robots.txt disallowed directories.
+ HackingNeuralNetworks - is a small course on exploiting and defending neural networks.
+ wildcard-certificates - why you probably shouldn't use a wildcard certificate.
+ Don't use VPN services - which is what every third-party "VPN provider" does.
+ awesome-yara - a curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
+ macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS.
+ macos_security - macOS Security Compliance Project.
+ awesome-sec-talks - is a collected list of awesome security talks.
+ Movies for Hackers - list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
+ Cryptography_1 - materials used whilst taking Prof. Dan Boneh Stanford Crypto course.
+ Crypton - library to learn and practice Offensive and Defensive Cryptography.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cheatography - over 3,000 free cheat sheets, revision aids and quick references.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-static-analysis - static analysis tools for all programming languages.
- :small_orange_diamond: computer-science - path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science.
- :small_orange_diamond: post-mortems - is a collection of postmortems (config errors, hardware failures, and more).
- :small_orange_diamond: build-your-own-x - build your own (insert technology here).
- :small_orange_diamond: Project-Based-Tutorials-in-C - is a curated list of project-based tutorials in C.
- :small_orange_diamond: The-Documentation-Compendium - various README templates & tips on writing high-quality documentation.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-python-applications - free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-public-datasets - a topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
- :small_orange_diamond: machine-learning-algorithms - a curated list of all machine learning algorithms and concepts.
+ Cheatography - over 3,000 free cheat sheets, revision aids and quick references.
+ awesome-static-analysis - static analysis tools for all programming languages.
+ computer-science - path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science.
+ post-mortems - is a collection of postmortems (config errors, hardware failures, and more).
+ build-your-own-x - build your own (insert technology here).
+ Project-Based-Tutorials-in-C - is a curated list of project-based tutorials in C.
+ The-Documentation-Compendium - various README templates & tips on writing high-quality documentation.
+ awesome-python-applications - free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
+ awesome-public-datasets - a topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
+ machine-learning-algorithms - a curated list of all machine learning algorithms and concepts.
- :small_orange_diamond: Varnish for PHP developers - very interesting presentation of Varnish by Mattias Geniar.
- :small_orange_diamond: A Netflix Guide to Microservices - talks about the chaotic and vibrant world of microservices at Netflix.
+ Varnish for PHP developers - very interesting presentation of Varnish by Mattias Geniar.
+ A Netflix Guide to Microservices - talks about the chaotic and vibrant world of microservices at Netflix.
- :small_orange_diamond: Comparing C to machine lang - compare a simple C app with the compiled machine code of that program.
+ Comparing C to machine lang - compare a simple C app with the compiled machine code of that program.
- :small_orange_diamond: Brendan Gregg's Blog - is an industry expert in computing performance and cloud computing.
- :small_orange_diamond: Gynvael "GynDream" Coldwind - is a IT security engineer at Google.
- :small_orange_diamond: Michał "lcamtuf" Zalewski - white hat hacker, computer security expert.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mattias Geniar - developer, sysadmin, blogger, podcaster and public speaker.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nick Craver - software developer and systems administrator for Stack Exchange.
- :small_orange_diamond: Scott Helme - security researcher, speaker and founder of and
- :small_orange_diamond: Brian Krebs - The Washington Post and now an Independent investigative journalist.
- :small_orange_diamond: Bruce Schneier - is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a "security guru".
- :small_orange_diamond: Chrissy Morgan - advocate of practical learning, Chrissy also takes part in bug bounty programs.
- :small_orange_diamond: Andy Gill - is a hacker at heart who works as a senior penetration tester.
- :small_orange_diamond: Daniel Miessler - cybersecurity expert and writer.
- :small_orange_diamond: Samy Kamkar - is an American privacy and security researcher, computer hacker.
- :small_orange_diamond: Javvad Malik - is a security advocate at AlienVault, a blogger event speaker and industry commentator.
- :small_orange_diamond: Graham Cluley - public speaker and independent computer security analyst.
- :small_orange_diamond: Kacper Szurek - detection engineer at ESET.
- :small_orange_diamond: Troy Hunt - web security expert known for public education and outreach on security topics.
- :small_orange_diamond: - sysadmin specializing in building high availability cloud environments.
- :small_orange_diamond: Robert Penz - IT security expert.
+ Brendan Gregg's Blog - is an industry expert in computing performance and cloud computing.
+ Gynvael "GynDream" Coldwind - is a IT security engineer at Google.
+ Michał "lcamtuf" Zalewski - white hat hacker, computer security expert.
+ Mattias Geniar - developer, sysadmin, blogger, podcaster and public speaker.
+ Nick Craver - software developer and systems administrator for Stack Exchange.
+ Scott Helme - security researcher, speaker and founder of and
+ Brian Krebs - The Washington Post and now an Independent investigative journalist.
+ Bruce Schneier - is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a "security guru".
+ Chrissy Morgan - advocate of practical learning, Chrissy also takes part in bug bounty programs.
+ Andy Gill - is a hacker at heart who works as a senior penetration tester.
+ Daniel Miessler - cybersecurity expert and writer.
+ Samy Kamkar - is an American privacy and security researcher, computer hacker.
+ Javvad Malik - is a security advocate at AlienVault, a blogger event speaker and industry commentator.
+ Graham Cluley - public speaker and independent computer security analyst.
+ Kacper Szurek - detection engineer at ESET.
+ Troy Hunt - web security expert known for public education and outreach on security topics.
+ - sysadmin specializing in building high availability cloud environments.
+ Robert Penz - IT security expert.
- :small_orange_diamond: Linux Audit - the Linux security blog about auditing, hardening and compliance by Michael Boelen.
- :small_orange_diamond:
+ Linux Audit - the Linux security blog about auditing, hardening and compliance by Michael Boelen.
Linux Security Expert - trainings, howtos, checklists, security tools, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Grymoire - collection of useful incantations for wizards, be you computer wizards, magicians, or whatever.
- :small_orange_diamond: Secjuice - is the only non-profit, independent and volunteer led publication in the information security space.
- :small_orange_diamond: Decipher - security news that informs and inspires.
+ The Grymoire - collection of useful incantations for wizards, be you computer wizards, magicians, or whatever.
+ Secjuice - is the only non-profit, independent and volunteer led publication in the information security space.
+ Decipher - security news that informs and inspires.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tenable Podcast - conversations and interviews related to Cyber Exposure, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sophos - threat news room, giving you news, opinion, advice and research on computer security issues.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tripwire State of Security - blog featuring the latest news, trends and insights on current security issues.
- :small_orange_diamond: Malwarebytes Labs Blog - security blog aims to provide insider news about cybersecurity.
- :small_orange_diamond: TrustedSec - latest news, and trends about cybersecurity.
- :small_orange_diamond: PortSwigger Web Security Blog - about web app security vulns and top tips from our team of web security.
- :small_orange_diamond: AT&T Cybersecurity blog - news on emerging threats and practical advice to simplify threat detection.
- :small_orange_diamond: Thycotic - where CISOs and IT Admins come to learn about industry trends, IT security, and more.
+ Tenable Podcast - conversations and interviews related to Cyber Exposure, and more.
+ Sophos - threat news room, giving you news, opinion, advice and research on computer security issues.
+ Tripwire State of Security - blog featuring the latest news, trends and insights on current security issues.
+ Malwarebytes Labs Blog - security blog aims to provide insider news about cybersecurity.
+ TrustedSec - latest news, and trends about cybersecurity.
+ PortSwigger Web Security Blog - about web app security vulns and top tips from our team of web security.
+ AT&T Cybersecurity blog - news on emerging threats and practical advice to simplify threat detection.
+ Thycotic - where CISOs and IT Admins come to learn about industry trends, IT security, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Risky Business - is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cyber, by Motherboard - stories, and focus on the ideas about cybersecurity.
- :small_orange_diamond: Tenable Podcast - conversations and interviews related to Cyber Exposure, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond:
+ Risky Business - is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews.
+ Cyber, by Motherboard - stories, and focus on the ideas about cybersecurity.
+ Tenable Podcast - conversations and interviews related to Cyber Exposure, and more.
Cybercrime Investigations - podcast by Geoff White about cybercrimes.
- :small_orange_diamond: The many hats club - featuring stories from a wide range of Infosec people (Whitehat, Greyhat and Blackhat).
- :small_orange_diamond: Darknet Diaries - true stories from the dark side of the Internet.
- :small_orange_diamond: OSINTCurious Webcasts - is the investigative curiosity that helps people be successful in OSINT.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Weekly - the latest information security and hacking news.
+ The many hats club - featuring stories from a wide range of Infosec people (Whitehat, Greyhat and Blackhat).
+ Darknet Diaries - true stories from the dark side of the Internet.
+ OSINTCurious Webcasts - is the investigative curiosity that helps people be successful in OSINT.
+ Security Weekly - the latest information security and hacking news.
- :small_orange_diamond: rev3rse security - offensive, binary exploitation, web app security, hardening, red team, blue team.
- :small_orange_diamond: LiveOverflow - a lot more advanced topics than what is typically offered in paid online courses - but for free.
- :small_orange_diamond: J4vv4D - the important information regarding our internet security.
- :small_orange_diamond:
+ rev3rse security - offensive, binary exploitation, web app security, hardening, red team, blue team.
+ LiveOverflow - a lot more advanced topics than what is typically offered in paid online courses - but for free.
+ J4vv4D - the important information regarding our internet security.
CyberTalks - talks, interviews, and article about cybersecurity.
- :small_orange_diamond: @blackroomsec - a white-hat hacker/pentester. Intergalactic Minesweeper Champion 1990.
- :small_orange_diamond: @MarcoCiappelli - Co-Founder @ITSPmagazine, at the intersection of IT security and society.
- :small_orange_diamond: @binitamshah - Linux Evangelist. Malwares. Kernel Dev. Security Enthusiast.
- :small_orange_diamond: @joe_carson - an InfoSec Professional and Tech Geek.
- :small_orange_diamond: @mikko - CRO at F-Secure, Reverse Engineer, TED Speaker, Supervillain.
- :small_orange_diamond: @esrtweet - often referred to as ESR, is an American software developer, and open-source software advocate.
- :small_orange_diamond: @gynvael - security researcher/programmer, @DragonSectorCTF founder/player, technical streamer.
- :small_orange_diamond: @x0rz - Security Researcher & Cyber Observer.
- :small_orange_diamond: @hasherezade - programmer, malware analyst. Author of PEbear, PEsieve, libPeConv.
- :small_orange_diamond: @TinkerSec - tinkerer, cypherpunk, hacker.
- :small_orange_diamond: @alisaesage - independent hacker and researcher.
- :small_orange_diamond: @SwiftOnSecurity - systems security, industrial safety, sysadmin, author of
- :small_orange_diamond: @dakami - is one of just seven people with the authority to restore the DNS root keys.
- :small_orange_diamond: @samykamkar - is a famous "grey hat" hacker, security researcher, creator of the MySpace "Samy" worm.
- :small_orange_diamond: @securityweekly - founder & CTO of Security Weekly podcast network.
- :small_orange_diamond: @jack_daniel - @SecurityBSides co-founder.
- :small_orange_diamond: @thegrugq - Security Researcher.
- :small_orange_diamond: @matthew_d_green - a cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University.
+ @blackroomsec - a white-hat hacker/pentester. Intergalactic Minesweeper Champion 1990.
+ @MarcoCiappelli - Co-Founder @ITSPmagazine, at the intersection of IT security and society.
+ @binitamshah - Linux Evangelist. Malwares. Kernel Dev. Security Enthusiast.
+ @joe_carson - an InfoSec Professional and Tech Geek.
+ @mikko - CRO at F-Secure, Reverse Engineer, TED Speaker, Supervillain.
+ @esrtweet - often referred to as ESR, is an American software developer, and open-source software advocate.
+ @gynvael - security researcher/programmer, @DragonSectorCTF founder/player, technical streamer.
+ @x0rz - Security Researcher & Cyber Observer.
+ @hasherezade - programmer, malware analyst. Author of PEbear, PEsieve, libPeConv.
+ @TinkerSec - tinkerer, cypherpunk, hacker.
+ @alisaesage - independent hacker and researcher.
+ @SwiftOnSecurity - systems security, industrial safety, sysadmin, author of
+ @dakami - is one of just seven people with the authority to restore the DNS root keys.
+ @samykamkar - is a famous "grey hat" hacker, security researcher, creator of the MySpace "Samy" worm.
+ @securityweekly - founder & CTO of Security Weekly podcast network.
+ @jack_daniel - @SecurityBSides co-founder.
+ @thegrugq - Security Researcher.
+ @matthew_d_green - a cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University.
- :small_orange_diamond: @haveibeenpwned - check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
- :small_orange_diamond: @bugcrowd - trusted by more of the Fortune 500 than any other crowdsourced security platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: @Malwarebytes - most trusted security company. Unmatched threat visibility.
- :small_orange_diamond: @sansforensics - the world's leading Digital Forensics and Incident Response provider.
- :small_orange_diamond: @attcyber - AT&T Cybersecurity’s Edge-to-Edge technologies provide threat intelligence, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: @TheManyHatsClub - an information security focused podcast and group of individuals from all walks of life.
- :small_orange_diamond: @hedgehogsec - Hedgehog Cyber. Gibraltar and Manchester's top boutique information security firm.
- :small_orange_diamond: @NCSC - the National Cyber Security Centre. Helping to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.
- :small_orange_diamond: @Synacktiv - IT security experts.
+ @haveibeenpwned - check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
+ @bugcrowd - trusted by more of the Fortune 500 than any other crowdsourced security platform.
+ @Malwarebytes - most trusted security company. Unmatched threat visibility.
+ @sansforensics - the world's leading Digital Forensics and Incident Response provider.
+ @attcyber - AT&T Cybersecurity’s Edge-to-Edge technologies provide threat intelligence, and more.
+ @TheManyHatsClub - an information security focused podcast and group of individuals from all walks of life.
+ @hedgehogsec - Hedgehog Cyber. Gibraltar and Manchester's top boutique information security firm.
+ @NCSC - the National Cyber Security Centre. Helping to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.
+ @Synacktiv - IT security experts.
- :small_orange_diamond: How to Do Things at ARL - how to configure modems, scan images, record CD-ROMs, and other.*
+ How to Do Things at ARL - how to configure modems, scan images, record CD-ROMs, and other.*
- :small_orange_diamond: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (short version) - how Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange worked.
+ Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (short version) - how Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange worked.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sandcat Browser - a penetration-oriented browser with plenty of advanced functionality already built in.
- :small_orange_diamond: Metasploit - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more, contains a lot a ready to use exploit.
- :small_orange_diamond: Burp Suite - tool for testing web app security, intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Zed Attack Proxy - intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz HTTP requests.
- :small_orange_diamond: w3af - is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: mitmproxy - an interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Nikto2 - web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items.
- :small_orange_diamond: sqlmap - tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws.
- :small_orange_diamond: Recon-ng - is a full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python.
- :small_orange_diamond: AutoRecon - is a network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services.
- :small_orange_diamond: Faraday - an Integrated Multiuser Pentest Environment.
- :small_orange_diamond: Photon - incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
- :small_orange_diamond: XSStrike - most advanced XSS detection suite.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sn1per - automated pentest framework for offensive security experts.
- :small_orange_diamond: vuls - is an agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, and other.
- :small_orange_diamond: tsunami - is a general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system.
- :small_orange_diamond: aquatone - a tool for domain flyovers.
- :small_orange_diamond: BillCipher - information gathering tool for a website or IP address.
- :small_orange_diamond: WhatWaf - detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: Corsy - CORS misconfiguration scanner.
- :small_orange_diamond: Raccoon - is a high performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.
- :small_orange_diamond: dirhunt - find web directories without bruteforce.
- :small_orange_diamond: John The Ripper - is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, and other.
- :small_orange_diamond: hashcat - world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility.
- :small_orange_diamond: p0f - is a tool to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP communications.
- :small_orange_diamond: ssh_scan - a prototype SSH configuration and policy scanner.
- :small_orange_diamond: LeakLooker - find open databases - powered by
- :small_orange_diamond: exploitdb - searchable archive from The Exploit Database.
- :small_orange_diamond: getsploit - is a command line utility for searching and downloading exploits.
- :small_orange_diamond: ctf-tools - some setup scripts for security research tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: pwntools - CTF framework and exploit development library.
- :small_orange_diamond: security-tools - collection of small security tools created mostly in Python. CTFs, pentests and so on.
- :small_orange_diamond: pentestpackage - is a package of Pentest scripts.
- :small_orange_diamond: python-pentest-tools - python tools for penetration testers.
- :small_orange_diamond: fuzzdb - dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection.
- :small_orange_diamond: AFL - is a free software fuzzer maintained by Google.
- :small_orange_diamond: AFL++ - is AFL with community patches.
- :small_orange_diamond: syzkaller - is an unsupervised, coverage-guided kernel fuzzer.
- :small_orange_diamond: pwndbg - exploit development and reverse engineering with GDB made easy.
- :small_orange_diamond: GDB PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.
- :small_orange_diamond: IDA - multi-processor disassembler and debugger useful for reverse engineering malware.
- :small_orange_diamond: radare2 - framework for reverse-engineering and analyzing binaries.
- :small_orange_diamond: routersploit - exploitation framework for embedded devices.
- :small_orange_diamond: Ghidra - is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cutter - is an SRE platform integrating Ghidra's decompiler.
- :small_orange_diamond: Vulnreport - open-source pentesting management and automation platform by Salesforce Product Security.
- :small_orange_diamond: Mentalist - is a graphical tool for custom wordlist generation.
- :small_orange_diamond: archerysec - vulnerability assessment and management helps to perform scans and manage vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: Osmedeus - fully automated offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.
- :small_orange_diamond: beef - the browser exploitation framework project.
- :small_orange_diamond: AutoSploit - automated mass exploiter.
- :small_orange_diamond: SUDO_KILLER - is a tool to identify and exploit sudo rules' misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: yara - the pattern matching swiss knife.
- :small_orange_diamond: mimikatz - a little tool to play with Windows security.
- :small_orange_diamond: sherlock - hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Threat Dragon - is a tool used to create threat model diagrams and to record possible threats.
+ Sandcat Browser - a penetration-oriented browser with plenty of advanced functionality already built in.
+ Metasploit - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more, contains a lot a ready to use exploit.
+ Burp Suite - tool for testing web app security, intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz.
+ OWASP Zed Attack Proxy - intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz HTTP requests.
+ w3af - is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.
+ mitmproxy - an interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers.
+ Nikto2 - web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items.
+ sqlmap - tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws.
+ Recon-ng - is a full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python.
+ AutoRecon - is a network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services.
+ Faraday - an Integrated Multiuser Pentest Environment.
+ Photon - incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
+ XSStrike - most advanced XSS detection suite.
+ Sn1per - automated pentest framework for offensive security experts.
+ vuls - is an agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, and other.
+ tsunami - is a general purpose network security scanner with an extensible plugin system.
+ aquatone - a tool for domain flyovers.
+ BillCipher - information gathering tool for a website or IP address.
+ WhatWaf - detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems.
+ Corsy - CORS misconfiguration scanner.
+ Raccoon - is a high performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.
+ dirhunt - find web directories without bruteforce.
+ John The Ripper - is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, and other.
+ hashcat - world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility.
+ p0f - is a tool to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP communications.
+ ssh_scan - a prototype SSH configuration and policy scanner.
+ LeakLooker - find open databases - powered by
+ exploitdb - searchable archive from The Exploit Database.
+ getsploit - is a command line utility for searching and downloading exploits.
+ ctf-tools - some setup scripts for security research tools.
+ pwntools - CTF framework and exploit development library.
+ security-tools - collection of small security tools created mostly in Python. CTFs, pentests and so on.
+ pentestpackage - is a package of Pentest scripts.
+ python-pentest-tools - python tools for penetration testers.
+ fuzzdb - dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection.
+ AFL - is a free software fuzzer maintained by Google.
+ AFL++ - is AFL with community patches.
+ syzkaller - is an unsupervised, coverage-guided kernel fuzzer.
+ pwndbg - exploit development and reverse engineering with GDB made easy.
+ GDB PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.
+ IDA - multi-processor disassembler and debugger useful for reverse engineering malware.
+ radare2 - framework for reverse-engineering and analyzing binaries.
+ routersploit - exploitation framework for embedded devices.
+ Ghidra - is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework.
+ Cutter - is an SRE platform integrating Ghidra's decompiler.
+ Vulnreport - open-source pentesting management and automation platform by Salesforce Product Security.
+ Mentalist - is a graphical tool for custom wordlist generation.
+ archerysec - vulnerability assessment and management helps to perform scans and manage vulnerabilities.
+ Osmedeus - fully automated offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.
+ beef - the browser exploitation framework project.
+ AutoSploit - automated mass exploiter.
+ SUDO_KILLER - is a tool to identify and exploit sudo rules' misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
+ yara - the pattern matching swiss knife.
+ mimikatz - a little tool to play with Windows security.
+ sherlock - hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks.
+ OWASP Threat Dragon - is a tool used to create threat model diagrams and to record possible threats.
- :small_orange_diamond: PTES - the penetration testing execution standard.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pentests MindMap - amazing mind map with vulnerable apps and systems.
- :small_orange_diamond: WebApps Security Tests MindMap - incredible mind map for WebApps security tests.
- :small_orange_diamond: Brute XSS - master the art of Cross Site Scripting.
- :small_orange_diamond: XSS cheat sheet - contains many vectors that can help you bypass WAFs and filters.
- :small_orange_diamond: Offensive Security Bookmarks - security bookmarks collection, all things that author need to pass OSCP.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Pentest Cheat Sheets - collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Hacking by HackWithGithub - awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Hacking by carpedm20 - a curated list of awesome hacking tutorials, tools and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Hacking Resources - collection of hacking/penetration testing resources to make you better.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Pentest - collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome-Hacking-Tools - is a curated list of awesome Hacking Tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacking Cheat Sheet - author hacking and pentesting notes.
- :small_orange_diamond: blackhat-arsenal-tools - official Black Hat arsenal security tools repository.
- :small_orange_diamond: Penetration Testing and WebApp Cheat Sheets - the complete list of Infosec related cheat sheets.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cyber Security Resources - includes thousands of cybersecurity-related references and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pentest Bookmarks - there are a LOT of pentesting blogs.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cheatsheet-God - Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP/PTP & PTX Cheatsheet.
- :small_orange_diamond: ThreatHunter-Playbook - to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.
- :small_orange_diamond: Beginner-Network-Pentesting - notes for beginner network pentesting course.
- :small_orange_diamond: OSCPRepo - is a list of resources that author have been gathering in preparation for the OSCP.
- :small_orange_diamond: PayloadsAllTheThings - a list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF.
- :small_orange_diamond: payloads - git all the Payloads! A collection of web attack payloads.
- :small_orange_diamond: command-injection-payload-list - command injection payload list.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Shodan Search Queries - great search queries to plug into Shodan.
- :small_orange_diamond: AwesomeXSS - is a collection of Awesome XSS resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: php-webshells - common php webshells.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pentesting Tools Cheat Sheet - a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Cheat Sheet Series - is a collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP dependency-check - is an open source solution the OWASP Top 10 2013 entry.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP ProActive Controls - OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls 2018.
- :small_orange_diamond: PENTESTING-BIBLE - hacking & penetration testing & red team & cyber security resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: pentest-wiki - is a free online security knowledge library for pentesters/researchers.
- :small_orange_diamond: DEF CON Media Server - great stuff from DEFCON.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome Malware Analysis - a curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources.
- :small_orange_diamond: SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - detailed technical stuff about the many different variants of the SQL Injection.
- :small_orange_diamond: Entersoft Knowledge Base - great and detailed reference about vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - a collection of HTML5 related XSS attack vectors.
- :small_orange_diamond: XSS String Encoder - for generating XSS code to check your input validation filters against XSS.
- :small_orange_diamond: GTFOBins - list of Unix binaries that can be exploited by an attacker to bypass local security restrictions.
- :small_orange_diamond: Guifre Ruiz Notes - collection of security, system, network and pentest cheatsheets.
- :small_orange_diamond: SSRF Tips - a collection of SSRF Tips.
- :small_orange_diamond: shell-storm repo CTF - great archive of CTFs.
- :small_orange_diamond: ctf - CTF (Capture The Flag) writeups, code snippets, notes, scripts.
- :small_orange_diamond: My-CTF-Web-Challenges - collection of CTF Web challenges.
- :small_orange_diamond: MSTG - The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing.
- :small_orange_diamond: Internal-Pentest-Playbook - notes on the most common things for an Internal Network Penetration Test.
- :small_orange_diamond: KeyHacks - shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked.
- :small_orange_diamond: securitum/research - various Proof of Concepts of security research performed by Securitum.
- :small_orange_diamond: public-pentesting-reports - is a list of public pentest reports released by several consulting security groups.
- :small_orange_diamond: awesome-bug-bounty - is a comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty.
- :small_orange_diamond: bug-bounty-reference - is a list of bug bounty write-ups.
- :small_orange_diamond: Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - is a curated list of bugbounty writeups.
- :small_orange_diamond: Bug bounty writeups - list of bug bounty writeups (2012-2020).
- :small_orange_diamond: - a great journey into security.
+ PTES - the penetration testing execution standard.
+ Pentests MindMap - amazing mind map with vulnerable apps and systems.
+ WebApps Security Tests MindMap - incredible mind map for WebApps security tests.
+ Brute XSS - master the art of Cross Site Scripting.
+ XSS cheat sheet - contains many vectors that can help you bypass WAFs and filters.
+ Offensive Security Bookmarks - security bookmarks collection, all things that author need to pass OSCP.
+ Awesome Pentest Cheat Sheets - collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting.
+ Awesome Hacking by HackWithGithub - awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers.
+ Awesome Hacking by carpedm20 - a curated list of awesome hacking tutorials, tools and resources.
+ Awesome Hacking Resources - collection of hacking/penetration testing resources to make you better.
+ Awesome Pentest - collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things.
+ Awesome-Hacking-Tools - is a curated list of awesome Hacking Tools.
+ Hacking Cheat Sheet - author hacking and pentesting notes.
+ blackhat-arsenal-tools - official Black Hat arsenal security tools repository.
+ Penetration Testing and WebApp Cheat Sheets - the complete list of Infosec related cheat sheets.
+ Cyber Security Resources - includes thousands of cybersecurity-related references and resources.
+ Pentest Bookmarks - there are a LOT of pentesting blogs.
+ Cheatsheet-God - Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP/PTP & PTX Cheatsheet.
+ ThreatHunter-Playbook - to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns.
+ Beginner-Network-Pentesting - notes for beginner network pentesting course.
+ OSCPRepo - is a list of resources that author have been gathering in preparation for the OSCP.
+ PayloadsAllTheThings - a list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF.
+ payloads - git all the Payloads! A collection of web attack payloads.
+ command-injection-payload-list - command injection payload list.
+ Awesome Shodan Search Queries - great search queries to plug into Shodan.
+ AwesomeXSS - is a collection of Awesome XSS resources.
+ php-webshells - common php webshells.
+ Pentesting Tools Cheat Sheet - a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing.
+ OWASP Cheat Sheet Series - is a collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
+ OWASP dependency-check - is an open source solution the OWASP Top 10 2013 entry.
+ OWASP ProActive Controls - OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls 2018.
+ PENTESTING-BIBLE - hacking & penetration testing & red team & cyber security resources.
+ pentest-wiki - is a free online security knowledge library for pentesters/researchers.
+ DEF CON Media Server - great stuff from DEFCON.
+ Awesome Malware Analysis - a curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources.
+ SQL Injection Cheat Sheet - detailed technical stuff about the many different variants of the SQL Injection.
+ Entersoft Knowledge Base - great and detailed reference about vulnerabilities.
+ HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - a collection of HTML5 related XSS attack vectors.
+ XSS String Encoder - for generating XSS code to check your input validation filters against XSS.
+ GTFOBins - list of Unix binaries that can be exploited by an attacker to bypass local security restrictions.
+ Guifre Ruiz Notes - collection of security, system, network and pentest cheatsheets.
+ SSRF Tips - a collection of SSRF Tips.
+ shell-storm repo CTF - great archive of CTFs.
+ ctf - CTF (Capture The Flag) writeups, code snippets, notes, scripts.
+ My-CTF-Web-Challenges - collection of CTF Web challenges.
+ MSTG - The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing.
+ Internal-Pentest-Playbook - notes on the most common things for an Internal Network Penetration Test.
+ KeyHacks - shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked.
+ securitum/research - various Proof of Concepts of security research performed by Securitum.
+ public-pentesting-reports - is a list of public pentest reports released by several consulting security groups.
+ awesome-bug-bounty - is a comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty.
+ bug-bounty-reference - is a list of bug bounty write-ups.
+ Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - is a curated list of bugbounty writeups.
+ Bug bounty writeups - list of bug bounty writeups (2012-2020).
+ - a great journey into security.
- :small_orange_diamond: PHP-backdoors - a collection of PHP backdoors. For educational or testing purposes only.
+ PHP-backdoors - a collection of PHP backdoors. For educational or testing purposes only.
- :small_orange_diamond: Weakpass - for any kind of bruteforce find wordlists or unleash the power of them all at once!
- :small_orange_diamond: - is a free online hash resolving service incorporating many unparalleled techniques.
- :small_orange_diamond: SecLists - collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place.
- :small_orange_diamond: Probable-Wordlists - sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing.
- :small_orange_diamond: skullsecurity passwords - password dictionaries and leaked passwords repository.
- :small_orange_diamond: Polish PREMIUM Dictionary - official dictionary created by the team on the forum* 1
- :small_orange_diamond: statistically-likely-usernames - wordlists for creating statistically likely username lists.
+ Weakpass - for any kind of bruteforce find wordlists or unleash the power of them all at once!
+ - is a free online hash resolving service incorporating many unparalleled techniques.
+ SecLists - collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place.
+ Probable-Wordlists - sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing.
+ skullsecurity passwords - password dictionaries and leaked passwords repository.
+ Polish PREMIUM Dictionary - official dictionary created by the team on the forum* 1
+ statistically-likely-usernames - wordlists for creating statistically likely username lists.
- :small_orange_diamond: YesWeHack - bug bounty platform with infosec jobs.
- :small_orange_diamond: Openbugbounty - allows any security researcher reporting a vulnerability on any website.
- :small_orange_diamond: hackerone - global hacker community to surface the most relevant security issues.
- :small_orange_diamond: bugcrowd - crowdsourced cybersecurity for the enterprise.
- :small_orange_diamond: Crowdshield - crowdsourced security & bug bounty management.
- :small_orange_diamond: Synack - crowdsourced security & bug bounty programs, crowd security intelligence platform, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacktrophy - bug bounty platform.
+ YesWeHack - bug bounty platform with infosec jobs.
+ Openbugbounty - allows any security researcher reporting a vulnerability on any website.
+ hackerone - global hacker community to surface the most relevant security issues.
+ bugcrowd - crowdsourced cybersecurity for the enterprise.
+ Crowdshield - crowdsourced security & bug bounty management.
+ Synack - crowdsourced security & bug bounty programs, crowd security intelligence platform, and more.
+ Hacktrophy - bug bounty platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP-VWAD - comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications.
- :small_orange_diamond: DVWA - PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
- :small_orange_diamond: metasploitable2 - vulnerable web application amongst security researchers.
- :small_orange_diamond: metasploitable3 - is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: DSVW - is a deliberately vulnerable web application written in under 100 lines of code.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Mutillidae II - free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Juice Shop Project - the most bug-free vulnerable application in existence.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Node js Goat Project - OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web apps developed using Node.js.
- :small_orange_diamond: juicy-ctf - run Capture the Flags and Security Trainings with OWASP Juice Shop.
- :small_orange_diamond: SecurityShepherd - web and mobile application security training platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Ninjas - open source application security training program.
- :small_orange_diamond: hackazon - a modern vulnerable web app.
- :small_orange_diamond: dvna - damn vulnerable NodeJS application.
- :small_orange_diamond: django-DefectDojo - is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: Google Gruyere - web application exploits and defenses.
- :small_orange_diamond: Bodhi - is a playground focused on learning the exploitation of client-side web vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: Websploit - single vm lab with the purpose of combining several vulnerable appliations in one environment.
- :small_orange_diamond: vulhub - pre-built Vulnerable Environments based on docker-compose.
- :small_orange_diamond: CloudGoat 2 - the new & improved "Vulnerable by Design"
+ OWASP-VWAD - comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications.
+ DVWA - PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
+ metasploitable2 - vulnerable web application amongst security researchers.
+ metasploitable3 - is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.
+ DSVW - is a deliberately vulnerable web application written in under 100 lines of code.
+ OWASP Mutillidae II - free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application.
+ OWASP Juice Shop Project - the most bug-free vulnerable application in existence.
+ OWASP Node js Goat Project - OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web apps developed using Node.js.
+ juicy-ctf - run Capture the Flags and Security Trainings with OWASP Juice Shop.
+ SecurityShepherd - web and mobile application security training platform.
+ Security Ninjas - open source application security training program.
+ hackazon - a modern vulnerable web app.
+ dvna - damn vulnerable NodeJS application.
+ django-DefectDojo - is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.
+ Google Gruyere - web application exploits and defenses.
+ Bodhi - is a playground focused on learning the exploitation of client-side web vulnerabilities.
+ Websploit - single vm lab with the purpose of combining several vulnerable appliations in one environment.
+ vulhub - pre-built Vulnerable Environments based on docker-compose.
+ CloudGoat 2 - the new & improved "Vulnerable by Design"
AWS deployment tool.
- :small_orange_diamond: secDevLabs - is a laboratory for learning secure web development in a practical manner.
- :small_orange_diamond: CORS-vulnerable-Lab - sample vulnerable code and its exploit code.
- :small_orange_diamond: RootTheBox - a Game of Hackers (CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager).
- :small_orange_diamond: KONTRA - application security training (OWASP Top Web & Api).
+ secDevLabs - is a laboratory for learning secure web development in a practical manner.
+ CORS-vulnerable-Lab - sample vulnerable code and its exploit code.
+ RootTheBox - a Game of Hackers (CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager).
+ KONTRA - application security training (OWASP Top Web & Api).
- :small_orange_diamond: Offensive Security - true performance-based penetration testing training for over a decade.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hack The Box - online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacking-Lab - online ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: - non-commercial wargame site which provides various pwn challenges.
- :small_orange_diamond: - is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: picoCTF - is a free computer security game targeted at middle and high school students.
- :small_orange_diamond: CTFlearn - is an online platform built to help ethical hackers learn and practice their cybersecurity knowledge.
- :small_orange_diamond: ctftime - CTF archive and a place, where you can get some another CTF-related info.
- :small_orange_diamond: Silesia Security Lab - high quality security testing services.
- :small_orange_diamond: Practical Pentest Labs - pentest lab, take your Hacking skills to the next level.
- :small_orange_diamond: Root Me - the fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: - a great platform to train your pentesting skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: TryHackMe - learning Cyber Security made easy.
- :small_orange_diamond: hackxor - is a realistic web application hacking game, designed to help players of all abilities develop their skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hack Yourself First - it's full of nasty app sec holes.
- :small_orange_diamond: OverTheWire - can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games.
- :small_orange_diamond: Wizard Labs - is an online Penetration Testing Lab.
- :small_orange_diamond: PentesterLab - provides vulnerable systems that can be used to test and understand vulnerabilities.
- :small_orange_diamond: RingZer0 - tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: try2hack - several security-oriented challenges for your entertainment.
- :small_orange_diamond: Ubeeri - preconfigured lab environments.
- :small_orange_diamond: Pentestit - emulate IT infrastructures of real companies for legal pen testing and improving pentest skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: Microcorruption - reversal challenges done in the web interface.
- :small_orange_diamond: Crackmes - download crackmes to help improve your reverse engineering skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: DomGoat - DOM XSS security learning and practicing platform.
- :small_orange_diamond: Stereotyped Challenges - upgrade your web hacking techniques today!
- :small_orange_diamond: Vulnhub - allows anyone to gain practical 'hands-on' experience in digital security.
- :small_orange_diamond: W3Challs - is a penetration testing training platform, which offers various computer challenges.
- :small_orange_diamond: RingZer0 CTF - offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: - a platform where you can build, host and share vulnerable web apps for educational purposes.
- :small_orange_diamond: HackThis! - discover how hacks, dumps and defacements are performed and secure your website.
- :small_orange_diamond: Enigma Group WebApp Training - these challenges cover the exploits listed in the OWASP Top 10 Project.
- :small_orange_diamond: Reverse Engineering Challenges - challenges, exercises, problems and tasks - by level, by type, and more.
- :small_orange_diamond: 0x00sec - the home of the Hacker - Malware, Reverse Engineering, and Computer Science.
- :small_orange_diamond: We Chall - there are exist a lots of different challenge types.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacker Gateway - is the go-to place for hackers who want to test their skills.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hacker101 - is a free class for web security.
- :small_orange_diamond: - a stupid game for learning about containers, capabilities, and syscalls.
- :small_orange_diamond: flAWS challenge! - a series of levels you'll learn about common mistakes and gotchas when using AWS.
- :small_orange_diamond: CyberSec WTF - provides web hacking challenges derived from bounty write-ups.
- :small_orange_diamond: CTF Challenge - CTF Web App challenges.
- :small_orange_diamond: gCTF - most of the challenges used in the Google CTF 2017.
- :small_orange_diamond: Hack This Site - is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Attack & Defense - is a browser-based cloud labs.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cryptohack - a fun platform for learning modern cryptography.
- :small_orange_diamond: Cryptopals - the cryptopals crypto challenges.
+ Offensive Security - true performance-based penetration testing training for over a decade.
+ Hack The Box - online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills.
+ Hacking-Lab - online ethical hacking, computer network and security challenge platform.
+ - non-commercial wargame site which provides various pwn challenges.
+ - is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.
+ picoCTF - is a free computer security game targeted at middle and high school students.
+ CTFlearn - is an online platform built to help ethical hackers learn and practice their cybersecurity knowledge.
+ ctftime - CTF archive and a place, where you can get some another CTF-related info.
+ Silesia Security Lab - high quality security testing services.
+ Practical Pentest Labs - pentest lab, take your Hacking skills to the next level.
+ Root Me - the fast, easy, and affordable way to train your hacking skills.
+ - a great platform to train your pentesting skills.
+ TryHackMe - learning Cyber Security made easy.
+ hackxor - is a realistic web application hacking game, designed to help players of all abilities develop their skills.
+ Hack Yourself First - it's full of nasty app sec holes.
+ OverTheWire - can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games.
+ Wizard Labs - is an online Penetration Testing Lab.
+ PentesterLab - provides vulnerable systems that can be used to test and understand vulnerabilities.
+ RingZer0 - tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills.
+ try2hack - several security-oriented challenges for your entertainment.
+ Ubeeri - preconfigured lab environments.
+ Pentestit - emulate IT infrastructures of real companies for legal pen testing and improving pentest skills.
+ Microcorruption - reversal challenges done in the web interface.
+ Crackmes - download crackmes to help improve your reverse engineering skills.
+ DomGoat - DOM XSS security learning and practicing platform.
+ Stereotyped Challenges - upgrade your web hacking techniques today!
+ Vulnhub - allows anyone to gain practical 'hands-on' experience in digital security.
+ W3Challs - is a penetration testing training platform, which offers various computer challenges.
+ RingZer0 CTF - offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills.
+ - a platform where you can build, host and share vulnerable web apps for educational purposes.
+ HackThis! - discover how hacks, dumps and defacements are performed and secure your website.
+ Enigma Group WebApp Training - these challenges cover the exploits listed in the OWASP Top 10 Project.
+ Reverse Engineering Challenges - challenges, exercises, problems and tasks - by level, by type, and more.
+ 0x00sec - the home of the Hacker - Malware, Reverse Engineering, and Computer Science.
+ We Chall - there are exist a lots of different challenge types.
+ Hacker Gateway - is the go-to place for hackers who want to test their skills.
+ Hacker101 - is a free class for web security.
+ - a stupid game for learning about containers, capabilities, and syscalls.
+ flAWS challenge! - a series of levels you'll learn about common mistakes and gotchas when using AWS.
+ CyberSec WTF - provides web hacking challenges derived from bounty write-ups.
+ CTF Challenge - CTF Web App challenges.
+ gCTF - most of the challenges used in the Google CTF 2017.
+ Hack This Site - is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers.
+ Attack & Defense - is a browser-based cloud labs.
+ Cryptohack - a fun platform for learning modern cryptography.
+ Cryptopals - the cryptopals crypto challenges.
- :small_orange_diamond: fbctf - platform to host Capture the Flag competitions.
- :small_orange_diamond: ctfscoreboard - scoreboard for Capture The Flag competitions.
+ fbctf - platform to host Capture the Flag competitions.
+ ctfscoreboard - scoreboard for Capture The Flag competitions.
- :small_orange_diamond: Bugcrowd University - open source education content for the researcher community.
- :small_orange_diamond: OSCPRepo - a list of resources and scripts that I have been gathering in preparation for the OSCP.
- :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Top 10: Real-World Examples - test your web apps with real-world examples (two-part series).
- :small_orange_diamond: - an awesome collection of articles from several respected hackers and other thinkers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Practical-Ethical-Hacking-Resources - compilation of resources from TCM's Udemy Course.
+ Bugcrowd University - open source education content for the researcher community.
+ OSCPRepo - a list of resources and scripts that I have been gathering in preparation for the OSCP.
+ OWASP Top 10: Real-World Examples - test your web apps with real-world examples (two-part series).
+ - an awesome collection of articles from several respected hackers and other thinkers.
+ Practical-Ethical-Hacking-Resources - compilation of resources from TCM's Udemy Course.
- :small_orange_diamond: Feedly - organize, read and share what matters to you.
- :small_orange_diamond: Inoreader - similar to feedly with a support for filtering what you fetch from rss.
+ Feedly - organize, read and share what matters to you.
+ Inoreader - similar to feedly with a support for filtering what you fetch from rss.
- :small_orange_diamond: #hackerspaces - hackerspace IRC channels.
+ #hackerspaces - hackerspace IRC channels.
- :small_orange_diamond: The Hacker News - leading news source dedicated to promoting awareness for security experts and hackers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Latest Hacking News - provides the latest hacking news, exploits and vulnerabilities for ethical hackers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Security Newsletter - security news as a weekly digest (email notifications).
- :small_orange_diamond: Google Online Security Blog - the latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet.
- :small_orange_diamond: Qualys Blog - expert network security guidance and news.
- :small_orange_diamond: DARKReading - connecting the Information Security Community.
- :small_orange_diamond: Darknet - latest hacking tools, hacker news, cybersecurity best practices, ethical hacking & pen-testing.
- :small_orange_diamond: publiclyDisclosed - public disclosure watcher who keeps you up to date about the recently disclosed bugs.
- :small_orange_diamond: Reddit - Hacking - a subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Packet Storm - information security services, news, files, tools, exploits, advisories and whitepapers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Sekurak - about security, penetration tests, vulnerabilities and many others (PL/EN).
- :small_orange_diamond: nf.sec - basic aspects and mechanisms of Linux operating system security (PL).
+ The Hacker News - leading news source dedicated to promoting awareness for security experts and hackers.
+ Latest Hacking News - provides the latest hacking news, exploits and vulnerabilities for ethical hackers.
+ Security Newsletter - security news as a weekly digest (email notifications).
+ Google Online Security Blog - the latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet.
+ Qualys Blog - expert network security guidance and news.
+ DARKReading - connecting the Information Security Community.
+ Darknet - latest hacking tools, hacker news, cybersecurity best practices, ethical hacking & pen-testing.
+ publiclyDisclosed - public disclosure watcher who keeps you up to date about the recently disclosed bugs.
+ Reddit - Hacking - a subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers.
+ Packet Storm - information security services, news, files, tools, exploits, advisories and whitepapers.
+ Sekurak - about security, penetration tests, vulnerabilities and many others (PL/EN).
+ nf.sec - basic aspects and mechanisms of Linux operating system security (PL).
- :small_orange_diamond: Changelog - is a community of hackers; news & podcasts for developers and hackers.
+ Changelog - is a community of hackers; news & podcasts for developers and hackers.
- :small_orange_diamond: Unbound DNS Tutorial - a validating, recursive, and caching DNS server.
- :small_orange_diamond: Knot Resolver on Fedora - how to get faster and more secure DNS resolution with Knot Resolver on Fedora.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS-over-HTTPS - tutorial to setup your own DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) server.
- :small_orange_diamond: dns-over-https - a cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS-over-TLS - following to your DoH server, setup your DNS-over-TLS (DoT) server.
- :small_orange_diamond: DNS Servers - how (and why) i run my own DNS Servers.
+ Unbound DNS Tutorial - a validating, recursive, and caching DNS server.
+ Knot Resolver on Fedora - how to get faster and more secure DNS resolution with Knot Resolver on Fedora.
+ DNS-over-HTTPS - tutorial to setup your own DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) server.
+ dns-over-https - a cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS.
+ DNS-over-TLS - following to your DoH server, setup your DNS-over-TLS (DoT) server.
+ DNS Servers - how (and why) i run my own DNS Servers.
- :small_orange_diamond: OpenSSL Certificate Authority - build your own certificate authority (CA) using the OpenSSL tools.
- :small_orange_diamond: step-ca Certificate Authority - build your own certificate authority (CA) using open source step-ca.
+ OpenSSL Certificate Authority - build your own certificate authority (CA) using the OpenSSL tools.
+ step-ca Certificate Authority - build your own certificate authority (CA) using open source step-ca.
- :small_orange_diamond: os-tutorial - how to create an OS from scratch.
- :small_orange_diamond: Write your Own Virtual Machine - how to write your own virtual machine (VM).
- :small_orange_diamond: x86 Bare Metal Examples - dozens of minimal operating systems to learn x86 system programming.
- :small_orange_diamond: simple-computer - the scott CPU from "But How Do It Know?" by J. Clark Scott.
- :small_orange_diamond: littleosbook - the little book about OS development.
+ os-tutorial - how to create an OS from scratch.
+ Write your Own Virtual Machine - how to write your own virtual machine (VM).
+ x86 Bare Metal Examples - dozens of minimal operating systems to learn x86 system programming.
+ simple-computer - the scott CPU from "But How Do It Know?" by J. Clark Scott.
+ littleosbook - the little book about OS development.
Signal - is an encrypted communications app.
- Wire - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences. All protected with end-to-end encryption.
+ Wire - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences.
TorChat - decentralized anonymous instant messenger on top of Tor Hidden Services.
Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized, real-time communication.
Sandcat Browser - a penetration-oriented browser with plenty of advanced functionality already built in.
- Metasploit - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more, contains a lot a ready to use exploit.
+ Metasploit - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more.
Burp Suite - tool for testing web app security, intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz.
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy - intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz HTTP requests.
w3af - is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.
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