# Contributing to sway Contributing just involves sending a pull request. You will probably be more successful with your contribution if you visit the [IRC channel](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sway&uio=d4) upfront and discuss your plans. ## Pull Requests If you already have your own pull request habits, feel free to use them. If you don't, however, allow me to make a suggestion: feature branches pulled from upstream. Try this: 1. Fork sway 2. Clone your fork 3. git remote add upstream git://github.com/SirCmpwn/sway.git You only need to do this once. You're never going to use your fork's master branch. Instead, when you start working on a feature, do this: 1. git fetch upstream 2. git checkout -b add-so-and-so-feature upstream/master 3. work 4. git push -u origin add-so-and-so-feature 5. Make pull request from your feature branch ## Coding Style Sway is written in C. The style guidelines is [kernel style](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle), but all braces go on the same line (*"but K&R says so!" is a silly way of justifying something*). Some points to note: * Do not use typedefs unless you have a good reason * Do not use macros unless you have a *really* good reason * Align `case` with `switch` * Tabs, not spaces * `char *pointer` - note position of `*` * Use logging with reckless abandon * Always include braces for if/for/while/etc, even for one-liners An example of well formatted code: ```C #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "log.h" #include "example.h" struct foobar { char *foo; int bar; long baz; }; // Do not typedef without a good reason int main(int argc, const char **argv) { if (argc != 4) { sway_abort("Do not run this program manually. See man 5 sway and look for output options."); } if (!registry->desktop_shell) { sway_abort("swaybg requires the compositor to support the desktop-shell extension."); } int desired_output = atoi(argv[1]); sway_log(L_INFO, "Using output %d of %d", desired_output, registry->outputs->length); int i; struct output_state *output = registry->outputs->items[desired_output]; struct window *window = window_setup(registry, 100, 100, false); if (!window) { sway_abort("Failed to create surfaces."); } window->width = output->width; window->height = output->height; desktop_shell_set_background(registry->desktop_shell, output->output, window->surface); list_add(surfaces, window); cairo_surface_t *image = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(argv[2]); double width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(image); double height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(image); const char *scaling_mode_str = argv[3]; enum scaling_mode scaling_mode; if (strcmp(scaling_mode_str, "stretch") == 0) { scaling_mode = SCALING_MODE_STRETCH; } else if (strcmp(scaling_mode_str, "fill") == 0) { scaling_mode = SCALING_MODE_FILL; } else if (strcmp(scaling_mode_str, "fit") == 0) { scaling_mode = SCALING_MODE_FIT; } else if (strcmp(scaling_mode_str, "center") == 0) { scaling_mode = SCALING_MODE_CENTER; } else if (strcmp(scaling_mode_str, "tile") == 0) { scaling_mode = SCALING_MODE_TILE; } else { sway_abort("Unsupported scaling mode: %s", scaling_mode_str); } for (i = 0; i < surfaces->length; ++i) { struct window *window = surfaces->items[i]; if (window_prerender(window) && window->cairo) { switch (scaling_mode) { case SCALING_MODE_STRETCH: cairo_scale(window->cairo, (double) window->width / width, (double) window->height / height); cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, 0, 0); break; case SCALING_MODE_FILL: { double window_ratio = (double) window->width / window->height; double bg_ratio = width / height; if (window_ratio > bg_ratio) { double scale = (double) window->width / width; cairo_scale(window->cairo, scale, scale); cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, 0, (double) window->height/2 / scale - height/2); } else { double scale = (double) window->height / height; cairo_scale(window->cairo, scale, scale); cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, (double) window->width/2 / scale - width/2, 0); } break; } case SCALING_MODE_FIT: { double window_ratio = (double) window->width / window->height; double bg_ratio = width / height; if (window_ratio > bg_ratio) { double scale = (double) window->height / height; cairo_scale(window->cairo, scale, scale); cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, (double) window->width/2 / scale - width/2, 0); } else { double scale = (double) window->width / width; cairo_scale(window->cairo, scale, scale); cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, 0, (double) window->height/2 / scale - height/2); } break; } case SCALING_MODE_CENTER: cairo_set_source_surface(window->cairo, image, (double) window->width/2 - width/2, (double) window->height/2 - height/2); break; case SCALING_MODE_TILE: { cairo_pattern_t *pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(image); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_set_source(window->cairo, pattern); break; } default: sway_abort("Scaling mode '%s' not implemented yet!", scaling_mode_str); } cairo_paint(window->cairo); window_render(window); } } while (wl_display_dispatch(registry->display) != -1); for (i = 0; i < surfaces->length; ++i) { struct window *window = surfaces->items[i]; window_teardown(window); } list_free(surfaces); registry_teardown(registry); return 0; } ```