Christian Meissl 3cadf200a5 wayland: allow to always send a configure event
this changes send_configure for ToplevelSurface,
PopupSurface and LayerSurface to always generate
a configure event. The old behavior can be found
in send_pending_configure. This is needed as
set_fullscreen and set_maximized always expect
a configure event regardless if the request was
fulfilled or not.
2023-05-06 22:19:14 +02:00

11 KiB

Smithay Changelog


Breaking Changes

wayland-server was updated to 0.30:

  • Most of the wayland frontend API is changed to follow the new request dispatching mechanism built around the Dispatch trait from wayland-server
  • Modules that provide handlers for Wayland globals now provide DelegateDispatch implementations, as well as macros to simplify the dispatching from your main state

Clients & Protocols

  • Remove xdg-shell-unstable-v6 backwards compatibility
  • XdgPositionerState moved to XdgPopupState and added to XdgRequest::NewPopup
  • PopupSurface::send_configure now checks the protocol version and returns an Result
  • KeyboardHandle::input filter closure now receives a KeysymHandle instead of a Keysym and returns a FilterResult.
  • PointerButtonEvent::button now returns an Option<MouseButton>.
  • MouseButton is now non-exhaustive.
  • Remove Other and add Forward and Back variants to MouseButton. Use the new PointerButtonEvent::button_code in place of Other.
  • GrabStartData has been renamed to PointerGrabStartData
  • The slot method on touch events no longer returns an Option and multi-touch capability is thus opaque to the compositor
  • wayland::output::Output now is created separately from it's Global as reflected by [Output::new] and the new [`Output::create_global] method.
  • PointerHandle no longer sends an implicit motion event when a grab is set, time has been replaced by an explicit focus parameter in [PointerHandle::set_grab]
  • ToplevelSurface::send_configure/PopupSurface::send_configure/LayerSurface::send_configure now always send a configure event regardless of changes and return the serial of the configure event. send_pending_configure can be used to only send a configure event on pending changes.


  • Rename WinitInputBacked to WinitEventLoop.
  • Rename WinitInputError to WinitError;
  • WinitInputBackend no longer implements InputBackend. Input events are now received from the WinitEvent::Input variant.
  • All winit backend internal event types now use WinitInput as the backend type.
  • WinitEventLoop::dispatch_new_events is now used to receive some WinitEvents.
  • Added TabletToolType::Unknown as an option for tablet events
  • render_texture was removed from Frame, use render_texture_at or render_texture_from_to instead or use Gles2Renderer::render_texture as a direct replacement.
  • Remove InputBackend::dispatch_new_events, turning InputBackend into a definition of backend event types. Future input backends should be a calloop::EventSource.
  • Remove InputBackend::EventError associated type as it is unneeded since dispatch_new_events was removed.
  • Swapchain does not have a generic Userdata-parameter anymore, but utilizes UserDataMap instead
  • GbmBufferedSurface::next_buffer now additionally returns the age of the buffer
  • Present was merged into the X11Surface
  • X11Surface::buffer now additionally returns the age of the buffer
  • X11Surface now has an explicit submit function
  • X11Surface is now multi-window capable.
  • Renderer::clear now expects a second argument to optionally only clear parts of the buffer/surface
  • Transform::transform_size now takes a Size instead of two u32
  • Gles2Renderer now automatically flips the render result to account for OpenGLs coordinate system
  • Frame::clear, Frame::render_texture_at and Frame::render_texture_from_to now have an additional damage argument
  • EGLNativeSurface implementations overriding swap_buffers now receive and additional damage attribute to be used with eglSwapBuffersWithDamageEXT if desired
  • EGLSurface::swap_buffers now accepts an optional damage parameter
  • WinitGraphicsBackend does no longer provide a render-method and exposes its Renderer directly instead including new functions bind and submit to handle swapping buffers.
  • ImportShm was renamed to ImportMem
  • ImportMem and ImportDma were split and do now have accompanying traits ImportMemWl and ImportDmaWl to import wayland buffers.
  • Added EGLSurface::get_size
  • EGLDisplay::get_extensions was renamed to extensions and now returns a &[String].
  • Added gesture input events, which are supported with the libinput backend.


Clients & Protocols

  • xdg_activation_v1 support
  • wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1 support
  • Added public api constants for the roles of wl_shell_surface, zxdg_toplevel and xdg_toplevel. See the shell::legacy and shell::xdg modules for these constants.
  • Whether a surface is toplevel equivalent can be determined with the new function shell::is_toplevel_equivalent.
  • Setting the parent of a toplevel surface is now possible with the xdg::ToplevelSurface::set_parent function.
  • Add support for the zxdg-foreign-v2 protocol.
  • Support for xdg_wm_base protocol version 3
  • Added the option to initialize the dmabuf global with a client filter
  • wayland::output::Output now has user data attached to it and more functions to query its properties
  • Added a KeyboardGrab similar to the existing PointerGrab
  • wayland::output::Output now has a current_scale method to quickly retrieve its set scale.
  • wayland::shell::wlr_layer::KeyboardInteractivity now implements PartialEq and Eq.
  • Added TouchHandle for Wayland client touch support (see Seat::get_touch)
  • wayland::output::Scale was introduced to handle fractional scale values better
  • Support for wl_output global version 4
  • Support for wl_seat global version 7
  • Support for wl_compositor global version 5
  • Support for the wp_viewporter protocol
  • Support for the zwp_input_method_v2 protocol
  • Support for the zwp_text_input_v3 protocol


  • New x11 backend to run the compositor as an X11 client. Enabled through the backend_x11 feature.
  • x11rb event source integration used in anvil's XWayland implementation is now part of smithay at utils::x11rb. Enabled through the x11rb_event_source feature.
  • KeyState, MouseButton, ButtonState and Axis in backend::input now derive Hash.
  • New DrmNode type in drm backend. This is primarily for use a backend which needs to run as client inside another session.
  • The button code for a PointerButtonEvent may now be obtained using PointerButtonEvent::button_code.
  • Renderer now allows texture filtering methods to be set.
  • backend::renderer has a new utils-module that can take care of client buffer management for you.
  • EGLSurface::buffer_age can be used to query the surface buffer age.
  • GbmBufferedSurface::reset_buffers can now be used to reset underlying buffers.
  • Added new Offscreen trait to create offscreen surfaces for Renderers
  • Added functions to ImportMem to upload bitmaps from memory
  • Added ExportDma trait to export framebuffers and textures into dmabufs
  • Added ExportMem trait to copy framebuffers and textures into memory
  • Added multigpu-module to the renderer, which makes handling multi-gpu setups easier!
  • Added backend::renderer::utils::import_surface_tree to be able to import buffers before rendering
  • Added EGLContext::display to allow getting the underlying display of some context.
  • Make EGLContext::dmabuf_render_formats and EGLContext::dmabuf_texture_formats also accessible from EGLDisplay.


  • New desktop module to handle window placement, tracks popups, layer surface and various rendering helpers including automatic damage-tracking! (+so much more)


  • Rectangle can now also be converted from f64 to i32 variants
  • Rectangle::contains_rect can be used to check if a rectangle is contained within another
  • Coordinate is now part of the public api, so it can be used for coordinate agnositic functions outside of the utils module or even out-of-tree


Clients & Protocols

  • Multicache::has() now correctly does what is expected of it
  • xdg_shell had an issue where it was possible that configured state gets overwritten before it was acked/committed.
  • wl_keyboard rewind the keymap file before passing it to the client
  • wl_shm properly validates parameters when creating a wl_buffer.
  • ServerDnDGrab and DnDGrab now correctly send data device leave event on button release
  • Client are now allowed to reassign the same role to a surface
  • xdg_output now applies the output transforms to the reported logical size


  • EGLBufferReader now checks if buffers are alive before using them.
  • LibSeat no longer panics on seat disable event.
  • X11 backend will report an error when trying to present a dmabuf fails.


  • Anvil now implements the x11 backend in smithay. Run by passing --x11 into the arguments when launching.
  • Passing ANVIL_MUTEX_LOG in environment variables now uses the slower Mutex logging drain.
  • Only toplevel surfaces now get implicit keyboard focus
  • Fix popup drawing for fullscreen windows

version 0.3.0 (2021-07-25)

Large parts of Smithay were changed with numerous API changes. It is thus recommended to approach version 0.3 as if it was a new crate altogether compared to 0.2.

The most notable changes are:

  • Deep refactor of the graphics backends around a workflows centered on allocating graphics buffers, and a Gles2-based renderer abstraction is provided.
  • Support for DRM atomic modesetting as well as client-provided DMABUF
  • Most backends are now calloop event sources generating events. The recommended organization for your smithay-based compositor is thus to centralize most of your logic on a global state struct, and delegate event handling to it via the shared data mechanism of calloop. Most of the callbacks you provide to Smithay are given mutable access to this shared data.
  • The wayland::compositor handling logic now automatically handles state tracking and delayed commit for wayland surfaces.

Many thanks to the new contributors to Smithay, who contributed the following:

  • Support for libseat as a session backend, by @PolyMeilex
  • Support for graphics tablets via the tablet protocol extension, by @PolyMeilex
  • Support for running Smithay on aarch64 architectures, by @cmeissl
  • A rework of the xdg-shell handlers to better fit the protocol logic and correctly track configure events, by @cmeissl
  • Basic Xwayland support, by @psychon

version 0.2.0 (2019-01-03)


  • [Breaking] Upgrade to wayland-rs 0.21
  • [Breaking] Moving the public dependencies to a reexports module
  • Migrate the codebase to Rust 2018


  • [Breaking] WinitBackend: Upgrade to winit 0.18
  • [Breaking] Global refactor of the DRM & Session backends
  • [Breaking] Restructuration of the backends around the calloop event-loop

Clients & Protocol

  • Basic XWayland support
  • Data device & Drag'n'Drop support
  • Custom client pointers support

version 0.1.0 (2017-10-01)

Protocol handling

  • Low-level handling routines for several wayland globals:
    • wayland::shm handles wl_shm
    • wayland::compositor handles wl_compositor and wl_subcompositor
    • wayland::shell handles wl_shell and xdg_shell
    • wayland::seat handles wl_seat
    • wayland::output handles wl_output


  • Winit backend (EGL context & input)
  • DRM backend
  • libinput backend
  • glium integration