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332 lines
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Executable file
#!/usr/bin/python env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Slpkg is a terminal tool , written in Python that allows the build, upgrade, remove, find
and view Slackware packages.
It's a quick and easy way to manage your packages in slackware to a command.'''
import os
import re
import sys
import getpass
import urllib2
import argparse
import subprocess
__author__ = "dslackw"
__version__ = "1.1.8"
__license__ = "GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)"
__email__ = "d.zlatanidis@gmail.com"
# path file record
packages = "/var/log/packages/"
tmp = "/tmp/"
# SlackBuilds Repository
sbo_url = "http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/"
repository = ("academic", "business", "games", "ham",
"misc", "office", "ruby", "accessibility",
"desktop", "gis", "haskell", "multimedia",
"perl", "system", "audio", "development",
"graphics", "lbraries", "network", "python")
import getpass
# print out colors class
class colors:
RED = "\e[31m"
GREEN = "\e[32m"
YELLOW = "\e[93m"
CYAN = "\e[36m"
DEF_TEXT = "\e[0m"
ENDC = "\e[39m"
# check if user is root
def s_user(user):
if user == "root":
os.system("echo -e '{}Must have {}`root`{} privileges ...{}'".format(colors.RED,
colors.GREEN, colors.RED, colors.ENDC))
# remove unused chars
def rmv_unused(name):
rmv = "><"
for i in rmv:
name = name.replace(i, "")
return name
# this fuction return the path of the package
def find_package(find_pkg):
results = []
for file in os.listdir(packages):
if file.startswith(find_pkg):
return results
# find_pkg = subprocess.check_output(["find " + packages + " -name '{}*' 2>
#/dev/null".format(find_pkg)], shell=True)
# return find_pkg
# open url and read page
def url_read(name):
f = urllib2.urlopen(name)
read_page = f.read()
return read_page
# search and found slackbuilds packages links from http://slackbuilds.org
def sbo_search_pkg(name):
i = 0
os.system("echo -e 'Searching for {} from www.slackbuilds.org Please wait ...'".format("`" + name + "`"))
name = ">" + name + "<"
for i in repository:
sbo_url_sub = sbo_url + i + "/"
find_sbo = re.findall(name, url_read(sbo_url_sub))
# find sub-category
if name in find_sbo:
name = sbo_url_sub + name + "/"
name = rmv_unused(name)
return name
# find slackbuild download
def sbo_slackbuild_dwn(sbo_url, name):
find_sbo = re.findall(">" + name + ".tar.gz" + "<", url_read(sbo_url))
find_sbo[0] = rmv_unused(find_sbo[0])
if find_sbo[0] == name + ".tar.gz":
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace(name + "/", name + ".tar.gz")
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace(name + "/", name + ".tar.bz2")
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace("repository", "slackbuilds")
return sbo_url
# find source downloads
def sbo_source_dwn(sbo_url, name):
sbo_url = sbo_url + name + ".info"
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace("repository", "slackbuilds")
# read lines from .info files grep download line and return source link
for line in url_read(sbo_url).splitlines():
if line.startswith('DOWNLOAD='):
line = line[10:-1]
return line
# find extra source downloads
def sbo_extra_dwn(sbo_url, name):
sbo_url = sbo_url + name + ".info"
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace("repository", "slackbuilds")
results = []
# read lines from .info files remove gaps and return lines to start `http`
for line in url_read(sbo_url).splitlines():
if line.startswith(' '):
line = line[10:-1]
if line.startswith('http'):
return results
# search for package requirements
def sbo_requires_pkg(sbo_url, name):
sbo_url = sbo_url + name + ".info"
sbo_url = sbo_url.replace("repository", "slackbuilds")
# find requires line from .info and remove unused chars
for line in url_read(sbo_url).splitlines():
if line.startswith('REQUIRES="'):
line = line[10:-1]
return line
# main function
def main():
description = "Utility to help package management in Slackware"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="print version and exit",
parser.add_argument("-s", "--slackbuild", help="auto build package",
type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('script','source'))
parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", help="list of installed packages",
nargs="+", choices="all sbo".split(), metavar=('all, sbo'))
parser.add_argument("-n", "--network", help="find from SBo repositority",
type=str, metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-i", "--install", help="install binary packages",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-u", "--upgrade", help="install-upgrade packages with new",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-a", "--reinstall", help="reinstall the same packages",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-r", "--remove", help="remove packages",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-f", "--find", help="find if packages installed",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
parser.add_argument("-d", "--display", help="display the contents of the packages",
type=str, nargs="+", metavar=(''))
args = parser.parse_args()
# print version and exit
if args.verbose:
print ("Version: {}".format(__version__))
print ("Licence: {}".format(__license__))
print ("Email: {}".format(__email__))
# auto build package from slackbuild script
if args.slackbuild:
slack_script = args.slackbuild[0]
source_tar = args.slackbuild[1]
# remove file type from slackbuild script and store the name
pkg_name = slack_script.replace(".tar.gz", "")
if pkg_name != slack_script:
pkg_name = slack_script.replace(".tar.bz2", "")
path = subprocess.check_output(["pwd"], shell=True).replace("\n", "/")
os.system("tar xvf {}{}".format(path, slack_script))
os.system("cp {} {}".format(source_tar, pkg_name))
os.chdir(path + pkg_name)
os.system("sh {}{}{}".format(path, pkg_name + "/", pkg_name + ".SlackBuild"))
# view list of installed packages
if args.list:
if "all" in args.list:
os.system("ls * | more")
if "sbo" in args.list:
os.system("ls * | grep 'SBo' | more")
# find from SBo repositority www.slackbuild.org
if args.network:
# call function `sbo_search_pkg`
find_sbo_url = sbo_search_pkg(args.network)
if find_sbo_url == None:
os.system("echo -e '{}The {} not found{}'".format(colors.RED,
colors.CYAN + '`' + args.network + '`' + colors.RED, colors.ENDC))
# call sbo functions
find_sbo_req = sbo_requires_pkg(find_sbo_url, args.network)
find_sbo_dwn = sbo_slackbuild_dwn(find_sbo_url, args.network)
find_source_dwn = sbo_source_dwn(find_sbo_url, args.network)
find_extra_dwn = sbo_extra_dwn(find_sbo_url, args.network)
# caclulate the length of the link
sbo_name_len = len(args.network)
sbo_url_len = (len(find_sbo_url) + sbo_name_len + 20)
print ("+" + "=" * sbo_url_len)
os.system("echo -e '|{}The {} found in --> {}'".format(colors.GREEN,
colors.CYAN + '`' + args.network + '`' + colors.GREEN,
colors.ENDC + find_sbo_url))
print ("+" + "=" * sbo_url_len)
os.system("echo -e '{}Download SlackBuild : {}{}'".format(colors.GREEN,
colors.ENDC, find_sbo_dwn))
os.system("echo -e '{}Source Downloads : {}{}'".format(colors.GREEN,
colors.ENDC, find_source_dwn))
os.system("echo -e '{}Extra Downloads : {}{}'".format(colors.GREEN,
colors.ENDC, find_extra_dwn))
os.system("echo -e '{}Package requirements : {}{}'".format(colors.YELLOW,
colors.ENDC, find_sbo_req))
# install binary package
if args.install:
for i in range(len(args.install)):
os.system("installpkg {}".format(args.install[i]))
# upgrade package with new
if args.upgrade:
for i in range(len(args.upgrade)):
os.system("upgradepkg --install-new {}".format(args.upgrade[i]))
# upgrade package with the same
if args.reinstall:
for i in range(len(args.reinstall)):
os.system("upgradepkg --reinstall {}".format(args.reinstall[i]))
# uninstall package
if args.remove:
os.system("echo -e '{}!!! WARNING !!!{}'".format(colors.YELLOW, colors.ENDC))
remove_pkg = raw_input("Are you sure to remove this package(s) [y/n] ")
if remove_pkg == "y" or remove_pkg == "Y":
for i in range(len(args.remove)):
# call function `find_package`
if find_package(args.remove[i]) == "":
os.system("echo -e '{}The package {} is not found{}'".format(colors.RED,
colors.CYAN + '`' + args.remove[i] + '`' + colors.RED, colors.ENDC))
os.system("removepkg {}".format(args.remove[i]))
# find if package installed on your system
if args.find:
for i in range(len(args.find)):
if find_package(args.find[i]) == []:
os.system("echo -e '{}The package {} is not found{}'".format(colors.RED,
colors.CYAN + '`' + args.find[i] + '`' + colors.RED, colors.ENDC))
print ("-----> " + "\n".join(find_package(args.find[i])))
# print the package contents
if args.display:
for i in range(len(args.display)):
if find_package(args.display[i]) == []:
os.system("echo -e '{}The package {} is not found{}'".format(colors.RED,
colors.CYAN + '`' + args.display[i] + '`' + colors.RED, colors.ENDC))
os.system("cat {}{}".format(packages, "\n".join(find_package(args.display[i]))))
# fix null arguments
if not any([args.verbose, args.slackbuild, args.network, args.install, args.upgrade, args.reinstall,
args.remove, args.list, args.find, args.display]):
os.system("slpkg -h")
if __name__ == "__main__":