# How to start If you are going to use only the [SlackBuilds.org](https://slackbuilds.org) repository, you don't need to edit the `/etc/slpkg/repositories.toml` file, otherwise edit the file and set `true` the repositories you want. The second step is to update the package lists and install the data to the database, just run: ``` $ slpkg update ``` Now you are ready to start! To install a package, run: ``` $ slpkg install ``` or change the repository: ``` $ slpkg install --repository= ``` You can install a whole repository with the command: ``` $ slpkg install '*' --repository= ``` To remove a package with the dependencies: ``` $ slpkg remove ``` If you want to search a package from all repositories, run: ``` $ slpkg search --repository='*' ``` Edit the configuration `/etc/slpkg/slpkg.toml` file: ``` $ slpkg configs ``` For further information, please read the manpage: ``` $ man slpkg ```