# Configuration file for slpkg # slpkg.conf file is part of slpkg. # Copyright 2014-2015 Dimitris Zlatanidis # All rights reserved. # Slpkg is a user-friendly package manager for Slackware installations. # https://github.com/dslackw/slpkg # Slpkg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Slackware release 'stable' or 'current'. RELEASE=stable # Choose repositories want to work. Read first REPOSITORIES file. # Available repositories : slack,sbo,alien,rlw,slacky,studio,slackr,slonly, # ktown{latest},multi,slacke{18},salix,slackl,rested # # slackr (slackers.it) repository must used from Slackware64 current. # Ktown (Alien's ktown) repository. Default ktown{latest}. # Slacke (Enlightenment E17 and E18) repository. Default slacke{18}. REPOSITORIES=slack,sbo # Build directory for repository slackbuilds.org. In this directory # downloaded sources and scripts for building. BUILD_PATH=/tmp/slpkg/build/ # Download directory for others repositories that use binaries files # for installation. PACKAGES=/tmp/slpkg/packages/ # Download directory for Slackware patches file. PATCHES=/tmp/slpkg/patches/ # If CHECKMD5 is 'on' the system will check all downloaded # sources and Slackware packages. CHECKMD5=on # Delete all downloaded files if DEL_ALL is 'on'. Default is 'on'. DEL_ALL=on # Delete build directory after each process if DEL_BUILD is 'on'. # Default is 'off'. DEL_BUILD=off # Keep build log file if SBO_BUILD_LOG is 'on'. Default is 'on'. SBO_BUILD_LOG=on # Define default answer to slpkg questions. # Choose 'y' if you do not want to questions. Default is 'n'. DEFAULT_ANSWER=n # Define default answer for the removal of dependencies. # Choose 'y' if you do not want to question. Default is 'n'. REMOVE_DEPS_ANSWER=n # If you want build UNSUPPORTED or UNTESTED packages choose 'y'. # Default is 'n'. SKIP_UNST=n # If you want to disable automatic resovle dependencies choose 'off'. # Default is 'on'. RSL_DEPS=on # Delete package dependencies if DEL_DEPS is on. # You must be careful if you enable this option because it can remove # packages related to distribution. Default is 'off'. DEL_DEPS=off # Use colors for highlighting. Choose 'on' or 'off'. Default is 'on'. USE_COLORS=on # Wget [OPTION]. Pass wget options. Default is '-c -N'. WGET_OPTIONS=-c -N # Update slackpkg ChangeLog.txt file if SLACKPKG_LOG is 'on'. # Automatically synchronizes the command 'slackpkg update' with # 'slpkg -c slack --upgrade'. Default is 'on'. SLACKPKG_LOG=on # This option applies only to the distribution upgrade and repository # slack (Slackware). If you want to update only packages that are installed # choose 'on'. Default is 'off'. ONLY_INSTALLED=off