{ This Program is released unter the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL). In short words this means anybody can do anything with it except incorporating it in whole or part into a new application that is sold and/or marketed commercially, without disclosing the sources to the public. For further details, refer to www.gnu.org. This program has been written by Benedikt Hochstrasser (bhoc@pentagroup.ch or tictactux@swissonline.ch. Its purpose is to transfer raw images to diskette, just like the rawrite program supplied with Slackware Linux. The difference is: this is a native Windows NT application. Syntax: RaWriteNT <source image file> <target drive> Use at your own risk. Although that piece of software has been thouroughly tested I am not responsible for any damage resulting in the use of this software. This software will overwrite stuff stored on a direct-access storage device such as a diskette, hard disk, zip drive, LS-120 drive or similar medium. You have been warned. Zurich, Late August 2000. (c) 2000 bhoc@pentagroup.ch } program RaWriteNT; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$D-,L-,Y-,C-} uses windows; {$R *.RES} const IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY: Cardinal = $70000; type TDiskGeometry = record Cylinders : Int64; Media_Type : LongInt; TracksPerCylinder : Cardinal; SectorsPerTrack : Cardinal; BytesPerSector : Cardinal; end; var InFileName, OutFileName: String; Drive: Char; HIn, HOut, BufBytes, FileSize, MediaSize, BlkSize, BlkNum, i: Cardinal; Buf: Array[0..65535] of Byte; DriveGeometry: TDiskGeometry; function ExtractFileName(FullName: String): String; { cf SysUtils.ExtractFileName - mimicked here for size purposes } var i, n: integer; begin n := Length(FullName); Result := FullName; for i := n downto 1 do if FullName[i] = '\' then break; if i > 1 then Result := Copy(FullName, i+1, n-i); end; function IsWinNT: Boolean; { that should be obvious } var osinfo: TOSVersionInfo; begin Result := False; osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(osinfo); if GetVersionEx(osinfo) then Result := (osinfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); end; procedure ReReadDrive; { just invoke a dummy 'get free disk space' to re-initialize the drive after the write } var BytesPerSect, FreeCl, TotCl, SecPerCl: Cardinal; begin GetDiskFreeSpace(PChar(Drive + ':\'), SecPerCl, BytesPerSect, FreeCl, TotCl); end; begin { finally. dah main program. } Writeln; { do the copyright messages } Writeln('RaWriteNT 1.0 by Ben Hochstrasser (bhoc@pentagroup.ch)'); { discourage Win9x users } If Not IsWinNT then begin Writeln(ParamStr(0), ' has been tested under Windows NT only. Sorry...'); halt(255); end; { get parameters } InFileName := ''; OutFileName := ''; if ParamCount > 0 then InFileName := ParamStr(1); if ParamCount > 1 then OutFileName := ParamStr(2); if InFileName = '' then begin Write('Source Image File name: '); Readln(InFileName); if InFileName = '' then halt(255); end; if OutFileName = '' then begin Write('Target Drive [A]: '); Readln(OutFileName); end; { check target } if OutFileName = '' then Drive := 'A' else Drive := UpCase(Char(OutFileName[1])); if GetDriveType(PChar(Drive + ':\')) in [DRIVE_FIXED, DRIVE_REMOTE, DRIVE_CDROM] then begin Writeln('Drive ' + Drive + ': does not appear to be a removable (and writable) drive.'); Writeln('Hard Disks, Network Drives and CD-ROM Drives cannot be Targets. Sorry.'); Halt(255); end; { prepend the NT incantation stuff } OutFileName := '\\.\' + Drive + ':'; { try to open devices } HIn := CreateFile(PChar(InFileName), GENERIC_READ, 0, NIL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0); if HIn = 0 then begin Writeln('Fatal Error: Cannot open ' + InFileName + ' for read.'); Halt(1); end; HOut := CreateFile(PChar(OutFileName), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NIL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if HOut = 0 then begin Writeln('Fatal Error: Cannot open ' + OutFileName + ' for write.'); CloseHandle(HIn); Halt(2); end; { overwrite 1st sector with 0 }; FillChar(Buf, 512, 0); WriteFile(HOut, Buf, 512, BufBytes, NIL); { get target geometry } DeviceIoControl(HOut, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, nil, 0, @DriveGeometry, SizeOf(DriveGeometry), BufBytes, NIL); { determine sizes } MediaSize := DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector * DriveGeometry.SectorsPerTrack * DriveGeometry.TracksPerCylinder * DriveGeometry.Cylinders; FileSize := GetFileSize(HIn, Nil); if FileSize > MediaSize then begin Writeln('Oops - That file is too big for this medium (', FileSize, ' vs. ', MediaSize, ' Bytes).'); Halt(3); end; { block size is 1 track } BlkSize := DriveGeometry.SectorsPerTrack * DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector; { round up # of blocks if necessary } BlkNum := (FileSize + BlkSize - 1) DIV BlkSize; Writeln('Transferring ', FileSize, ' Bytes (', (FileSize + DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector - 1) div DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector, ' Sectors) from Image ', ExtractFileName(InFileName), ' to Drive ', Drive, ':'); { move file pointers to beginning } SetFilePointer(hIn, 0, NIL, FILE_BEGIN); SetFilePointer(hOut, 0, NIL, FILE_BEGIN); { loop through all blocks } for i := 1 to BlkNum do begin if not ReadFile(HIn, Buf, BlkSize, BufBytes, NIL) then begin writeln('Error ', GetLastError, ' on File Read'); break; end; if not WriteFile(HOut, Buf, BlkSize, BufBytes, NIL) then begin writeln('Error ', GetLastError, ' on File Write'); break; end; write((100 * i) div BlkNum, '% completed.', #13); end; writeln; { close files } CloseHandle(HIn); CloseHandle(HOut); { re-read target medium information } ReReadDrive; If ParamCount = 0 then begin Writeln; Writeln('(Press any Key) '); Readln; end; end.