The 'sh' completion file only completes on *.sh files.  This breaks the 
expectation (on Slackware, at least) that e.g. "sh /etc/rc.d/<TAB>" 
will complete to rc.mysql.  This patch fixes that, but a consequence is that
"sh" will complete on *any* filename.  IMHO, that's not a regression at all,
since stock bash without bash-completion does that already...  --rworkman

Acked-by: volkerdi

--- ./completions/sh.orig       2020-07-25 12:37:24.175001592 -0500
+++ ./completions/sh    2020-07-25 12:38:34.061003155 -0500
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
     ((args == 1)) && ext="sh"
     _filedir $ext
 } &&
-    complete -F _sh sh
+    complete -F _sh

 # ex: filetype=sh