--- rdist-6.1.5/src/message.c.thestokes	2006-04-19 17:30:39.000000000 -0400
+++ rdist-6.1.5/src/message.c	2006-04-19 17:36:37.000000000 -0400
@@ -793,15 +793,20 @@
 	char *msg;
 	static char buf[MSGBUFSIZ];
-	++nerrs;
-	if (isserver)
-		(void) sprintf(buf, "REMOTE ERROR: %s", msg);
-	else
-		(void) sprintf(buf, "LOCAL ERROR: %s", msg);
-	_message(MT_FERROR, buf);
+	/* Don't reenter this function. There is a nasty infinite recursion
+	   case that pops up when msgsndnotify tries to exit. */
+	static int inside=0; 
+	if(inside==0){
+	        ++nerrs;
+		inside=1;
+	        if (isserver)
+		        (void) sprintf(buf, "REMOTE ERROR: %s", msg);
+	        else
+		        (void) sprintf(buf, "LOCAL ERROR: %s", msg);
+		_message(MT_FERROR, buf);
+	}