.TH XaoS 6 "16 Oct 2010" "XaoS" "Demos"

xaos - Fast interactive real-time fractal zoomer/morpher

xaos [\fIOPTIONS\fR]

XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It
displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and
allows you to zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are
provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In
addition, switching between Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and
displaying planes is provided. The first version was a poorly written
Mandelbrot viewer by Thomas later modified by Jan to support high
frame-rate zooming. Other additions were later made including autopilot
(for those of you without driver licenses), palette changing, PNG
saving, and fractal inversion.


 -delay          number
                  Delay screen updates (milliseconds)
 -driver         string
                  Select driver
 -list            List available drivers. Then exit
 -config          Print configuration. Then exit
 -speedtest       Test speed of calculation loop. Then exit
 -threads        number
                  Set number of threads (CPUs) to use
 -pipe           string
                  Accept commands from pipe (use "-" for stdin)
 -maxframerate   number
                  Maximal framerate (0 for unlimited - default)

Screen size options: 

  Knowledge of exact screen size makes random dot stereogram look better. 
  Also is used for choosing correct view area

 -screenwidth    f.point
                  exact size of screen in centimeters
 -screenheight   f.point
                  exact size of screen in centimeters

  Use this option in case you use some kind of virtual screen
  or something similiar that confuses previous options

 -pixelwidth     f.point
                  exact size of one pixel in centimeters
 -pixelheight    f.point
                  exact size of one pixel in centimeters

Animation rendering:

 -render         string
                  Render animation into seqence of .png files
 -basename       string
                  Name for .png files (XaoS will add 4 digit number and extension
 -size           string
 -renderimage    string
                  256 or truecolor
 -renderframerate  f.point
 -antialiasing    Perform antialiasing (slow, requires quite lot of memory)
 -alwaysrecalc    Always recalculate whole image (slowes down rendering, increases quality)
 -rendervectors   Render motion vectors (should be used for MPEG encoding)
 -iframedist     number
                  Recommended distance between I frames in pat file (should be used for MPEG encoding)

X11 driver options:

 -display        string
                  Select display
 -size           string
                  Select size of window (WIDTHxHEIGHT).
 -sync            Generate sync signals before looking for events. This
			helps on old and buggy HP-UX X servers.
 -shared          Use shared colormap on pseudocolor display.
 -usedefault      Use default visual if autodetection causes troubles.
 -nomitshm        Disable MITSHM extension.
 -fullscreen      Enable fullscreen mode.
 -windowid       number
                  Use selected window.
 -window-id      number
                  Use selected window.
 -root            Use root window.

Command line options only

 -print_menus     print menus specifications of all menus
 -print_menu     string 
                  print menu specification
                  print menu specification in xshl format
 -xshl_print_menus print all menu specifications in xshl format
 -print_dialog   string 
                  print dialog specification


 -loadpos        input_file 
 -savepos        output_file 
 -record         output_file 
 -play           input_file 
 -saveimg        output_file 
                  Save image
 -loadexample     Load random example
 -savecfg         Save configuration


 -perturbation   real_number  real_number 
 -initstate       Reset to defaults
 -julia          on|off 
                  Julia mode
 -view           real_number real_number real_number real_number 
 -angle          real_number 
                  Set angle
 -plane          integer 
                  Set plane
 -incoloring     integer 
                  Inside coloring mode
 -outcoloring    integer 
                  Outside coloring mode
 -intcoloring    integer 
                  Inside truecolor coloring mode
 -outtcoloring   integer 
                  Outside truecolor coloring mode
 -juliaseed      real_number  real_number 
                  Julia seed


 -periodicity     Periodicity checking
 -maxiter        integer 
 -bailout        real_number 
 -fastjulia       Fast julia mode
 -range          integer 
                  Solid guessing range


 -edge            Edge detection
 -edge2           Edge detection2
 -threed          Pseudo 3d
 -starfield       Starfield
 -stereogram      Random dot stereogram
 -interlace       Interlace filter
 -blur            Motionblur
 -emboss          Emboss
 -palettef        Palette emulator
 -anti            Antialiasing
 -truecolor       Truecolor emulator


 -letterspersec  integer 
                  Letters per second
 -autopilot       Autopilot
 -inhibittextoutput VJ mode
 -recalculate     Recalculate
 -interrupt       Interrupt
 -speed          real_number 
                  Zooming speed
 -fixedstep       Fixed step
 -nogui           Disable XaoS's builtin GUI
 -status          Status
 -ministatus      Ministatus


 -playstr        string 
                  Play string
 -text           string 
                  Display text
 -color          white|black|red 
 -textposition   left|center|right top|middle|bottom 
                  Text position
 -message        string 


 -help            Help


 -mandel          Mandelbrot
 -mandel3         Mandelbrot^3
 -mandel4         Mandelbrot^4
 -mandel5         Mandelbrot^5
 -mandel6         Mandelbrot^6
 -newton          Newton
 -newton4         Newton^4
 -barnsley        Barnsley1
 -barnsley2       Barnsley2
 -barnsley3       Barnsley3
 -octal           Octal
 -phoenix         Phoenix
 -magnet          Magnet
 -magnet2         Magnet2

More formulae

 -trice           Triceratops
 -catseye         Catseye
 -mbar            Mandelbar
 -mlambda         Lambda
 -manowar         Manowar
 -spider          Spider
 -sier            Sierpinski
 -carpet          S.Carpet
 -koch            Koch Snowflake
 -hornflake       Spidron hornflake


 -defpalette      Default palette
 -randompalette   Random palette
 -palette        integer integer integer 
                  Custom palette
 -cycling         Color cycling
 -cyclingspeed   integer 
                  Color cycling speed
 -shiftpalette   integer 
                  Shift palette

Dynamic resolution

 -fastmode       zero|never|animation|new|allways 
                  Dynamic resolution mode


 -rotationspeed  real_number 
                  Rotation speed
 -autorotate     on|off 
                  Automatic rotation
 -fastrotate     on|off 
                  Fast rotation mode


 -quit            Exit now

This manual page is obsolete and no longer maintained.
Please read the full documentation running
XaoS. You can start it typing 'xaos'. (Press 'h' 3
times to get into the help system.)
In addition,
.B xaos --help
should give a detailed list about the command line options.