- 'slackpkg search' if finds more duplicated packages with different
versions from many repository, now show all, marking it as "masked" the
packages that will not be installed due the priority
- Fixed a regression that drop PKGS_PRIORITY function in slackpkg upgrade
- Improved greylist. Also, now it allow to match the name in installed packages
- Fixed download GPG-KEY; it did not show the correct repository for gpg key
- Fixed previous patch for $ROOT problem (did broke 'slackpkg search command')
- Improved performance
- Fixed search that may fails to detect repository in certain conditions
- slackpkg search shows the repository name for the official repository
- Do not show notices when running slackpkg update or slackpkg check-updates
(thanks to yars068)
- Fixed a bug on x86 hosts when a repository contains also x86_64 packages
removed TABs from all files
- Remember user to (re)run 'slackpkg update gpg'
- Fixed Download Only when upgrade base packages (aaa_base, pkgtools...)
- Quick output on Cached Download
- Fixed a missed $ROOT
- Added SHOWORDER option. It's a way to sort packages in dialog box to help
reviewing large upgrade from many repositories. The SHOWORDER option
accepts "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch".
- Fixed some repository url. There are already some 14.2 repositories!!!
- slackpkg+ advise you to update the pkglist before use it
- Added a script in /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* to a fast check of repositories
- slackpkg -dialog=off now show repository name as with dialog
- Added SENSITIVE_SEARCH option to search case-insensitive
(thanks to phenixia2003)
- Important fixes in the priority manager. Many thanks to all people that
reported the bugs and a Big thanks to phenixia2003 for the fix. Now we need
your help to test it.
Note for Slackware 14.1 users: slackware-current introduce important bug fix
in slackpkg 2.82.0-14 (see Slackware ChangeLog) not backported in slackware
14.1; it is not mandatory but you are encouraged to upgrade it by download it
manually; be sure to graylist slackpkg to avoid an automatic downgrade.
- The trailing slash in MIRRORPLUS[] is now optional (thanks to phenixia2003
and Didier Spaier)
- Added DOWNLOADCMD option to add a custom downloader
- Fixed a bug that causes that ALL repositories fail if ONE repository fails
(thanks to FR on Alien Pasture for reporting)
- Fixed TAG_PRIORITY to avoid impact in slackpkg install
- Added priority by tag. Setting TAG_PRIORITY to 'yes' slackpkg+
automatically upgrade packages from repository where the tag is the same
of the already installed package.
- Now the official repositories (slackware64, extra, patches...) are treated
as thirdy party repositories, so you can add it in PKGS_PRIORITY
- To put an entire repository in PKGS_PRIORITY, you no more need to add
':.*' after the name (phenixia2003)
- Now ALLOW32BIT also auto-greylist the 32bit packages
- Added an install log in /var/lib/slackpkg/install.log; use
'/usr/libexec/slackpkg/makeinstlog.sh -t' to create a starting
install.log (it TRY to detect the repository)
- Added ALLOW32BIT flag to allow to install 32bit packages on a 64bit system
- setupmultilib.sh install only adaptative multilib by default
- Small fixes
- slackpkg+ 1.0 stable finally relased
- All repositories aligned to newest slackware version
- Documentation reformatting and some typo fix (thanx to idlemoor)
- Added function 'notification on event' that allow to insert reminders
when you install/ugrade/remove some packages. See slackpkgplus.conf samples.
(thanks to phenixia2003)
- slackpkg+ 1.0 release candidate 3. Last call. :)
- Added setupmultilib.sh in /usr/doc/slackpk+-*, an helper for configure
multilibs in slackpkgplus.conf
- Looks like we get a slackpkg+ 1.0 release candidate 2... but things are
pretty much nailed down at this point. Please test and report any last :D
- Updated some repository to 14.1
- Slackware 14.1 is coming up. I think that also slackpkg+ is ready so as
Slackware I mark it as rc1 :). slackpkg 2.82.0-11 added the 14.1 repositories.
Unfortuatly I don't know which third-party repository will contains 14.1
packages, so I can't add 14.1 to repositories.txt
- You can now ovverride SLACKPKGPLUS VERBOSE from command-line (as USEBL)
Version - 24/Sep/2013
- Try a better way to detect the newest version of the same package in local
or remote directory (does not guarantees 100% success)
- Try to download CHECKSUMS.md5.gz.asc if CHECKSUMS.md5.asc does not exists
(as salixos repository)
Version - 09/Sep/2013
- Added support for unrepositorized local directory in config file
- Added USEBL to temporary skip blacklist check (USEBL=0 slackpkg install..)
Version 0.9.7 - 05/Sep/2013
- Added install/upgrade/reinstall from disk with file:package.txz or dir:path,
and remote with {http,ftp,htts}://site/path/[package.txz], unrepositorized
packages. Please, read the README file.
- Disallow to choice the download manager; slackpkg+ require wget AND lftp
1) add http/ftp/https support.
for now only syntax:
slackpkg {install/upgrade/reinstall} http://site/repo/package.txz
2) use wget forzately
3) fixed a bug that does not allow to install from a directory
4) allow to uninstall packages even if you specify the '.txz' in
slackpkg remove package-1-noarch-1.txz
Version 20130902.2 - 02/Sep/2013
- Added install from file or directoy:
slackpkg {install|upgrade} file:test-1.0-noarch-1
slackpkg {install|upgrade} file:./
You can optionally specify relative path or absolute path for file.
Version 20130902.1 - 02/Sep/2013
- Added install from file: slackpkg {install|upgrade} file:test-1.0-noarch-1
You can optionally specify relative path or absolute path for file.
all contributes from phenixia2003 on LQ
Version 0.9.4 - 27/Aug/2013
- fixed a issue when a pattern is used multiple times in argument
- fixed a bug in install/upgrade regarding the enhanced priority
- fixed a bug in search which leads to wrong information about upgrade
- allow to to install/upgrade/reinstall/remove all the packages from
a given repository (thanks to phenixia2003 for big patch)