- Allow to use the blacklist system from slackpkg 2.84 (still in beta).
Only impact install/upgrade/remove options, and does not impact
- Fix incompatibility with slackpkg-2.83.0-noarch-3
- Fix setupmultilib script. It did use oldstyle 'multilib:'
- Fix a regression in TAG PRIORITY
- Handle the case where /var/log/packages is a symlink
ap/slackpkg-2.83.0-noarch-3.txz: Rebuilt.
Don't remove ChangeLog.txt upon upgrade/reinstall.
Use CHECKSUMS.md5.asc to determine if ChangeLog.txt is unchanged.
it downloads CHECKSUMS.md5.asc BEFORE ChangeLog.txt.
This broke the 'slackpkg update' in slackpkg+
Solved by force to download ChangeLog.txt the first time that
checkchangelog() ask for CHECKSUMS.md5.asc
This break slackpkg+ management of $ROOT.
However this commit fix slackpkg+ if $ROOT is empty.
It's impossible a full fix (to make $ROOT working) until slackpkg-2.83
will be released into slackware official branch.
- Add a fatal.log for messages that users should not ignore.
Currently it log if a package fails to install/upgrade/remove.
- slackpkg upgrade did not work with slackpkg-2.83 (development release)
- Fixed when server response is 302
- smaller output for slackpkg search
The user should not ignore messages from this log.
Currently it log if a package fails to install/upgrade/remove.
This may occurs if a download fails.
slackpkg retry one time.
If download fails another time you will have a fatal message.
- Added SBo support. This does not replace sbopkg. It just search in and report the url to download to build and install
packages yourself.
- Slackware 14.2 was finally released. Updated repository list.
- Added manpage for the configuration file (man slackpkgplus.conf)
- bash_completion is now enabled by default
- Improved (now write PACKAGES.TXT size and last update time)
- Changed some default settings in sample configuration file; also
USEBL accepts on/off instead 0/1
- Fixed some typos and missed SEARCH_CLOG_INPARENT documentation in README
- Suppress wget output in ChangeLog downloading
- Fixed an issue when an invalid repository is configured
This could be the last batch of updates before 1.7.0 stable, so please test!
- dialog did no more trap develop errors (but if occurs please report it)
- givepriority did drop matched package if it is the first in pkglist
- Added /usr/src/slackpkg+-*/slackpkg.bash_completation. Edit it for
- ChangeLog did not skipped for dir:/ repositories
- ChangeLog did not show correctly certain slackware changelog
- dir:/ repositories does not need STRICTGPG nor GPG key; however remember
that if .asc file exists a key must be manually imported
- Removed since it was bugged and no longer supported
- Repositories in default configuration file are bumped to 14.2
- Full 1.7.0 changes tracked in CHANGES file
- Added /usr/libexec/slackpkg/ tool. Edit it to see instructions.
- Improved cached downloader with specifics output for ChangeLogs
- Fixed a bug in TAG_PRIORITY when the package is not installed
- Improved performance in upgrade by skipping priority check for
not installed packages
- slackpkg search now search in dir:// repositories too.
- subdirectory allowed in dir:// repositories.
- slackpkg search honour correctly the '+' character
- Added 'ChangeLog' dialog box to show the changelog of selected packages
(thanks to phenixia2003)
Well, I think that we can mark that version as Beta. It does not contains
new features, but it was done a large work of bugfixes and improvements.
A special thanks is for phenixia2003 and yars068 for code contributing and
for many other for ideas and testing. It's the time for the tests, to find
for bugs or someother improvement.
- 'slackpkg search' if finds more duplicated packages with different
versions from many repository, now show all, marking it as "masked" the
packages that will not be installed due the priority
- Fixed a regression that drop PKGS_PRIORITY function in slackpkg upgrade
- Improved greylist. Also, now it allow to match the name in installed packages
- Fixed download GPG-KEY; it did not show the correct repository for gpg key
- Fixed previous patch for $ROOT problem (did broke 'slackpkg search command')
- Improved performance
- Fixed search that may fails to detect repository in certain conditions
- slackpkg search shows the repository name for the official repository
- Do not show notices when running slackpkg update or slackpkg check-updates
(thanks to yars068)
- Fixed a bug on x86 hosts when a repository contains also x86_64 packages
removed TABs from all files
- Remember user to (re)run 'slackpkg update gpg'
- Fixed Download Only when upgrade base packages (aaa_base, pkgtools...)
- Quick output on Cached Download
Add vim modeline settings (but vim has nomodeline set by default, so it is just informational)
Removed tab (use spaces instead)
Reindent code
Add/Modify comments
moved into
reordering functions (and separing from main):
function internal_blacklist()
function applyblacklist()
function cleanup()
function handle_event()
function remove_pkg()
function upgrade_pkg()
function install_pkg()
function wgetdebug()
function cached_downloader()
function getfile()
function checkgpg()
function checkmd5()
function givepriority()
function searchPackages()
function searchlistEX()
function showlist() // dialog=on (
function showlist() // dialog=off
- Fixed a missed $ROOT
- Added SHOWORDER option. It's a way to sort packages in dialog box to help
reviewing large upgrade from many repositories. The SHOWORDER option
accepts "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch".
- Fixed some repository url. There are already some 14.2 repositories!!!
- slackpkg+ advise you to update the pkglist before use it
- Added a script in /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* to a fast check of repositories
- slackpkg -dialog=off now show repository name as with dialog
- Added SENSITIVE_SEARCH option to search case-insensitive
(thanks to phenixia2003)
- Important fixes in the priority manager. Many thanks to all people that
reported the bugs and a Big thanks to phenixia2003 for the fix. Now we need
your help to test it.
Note for Slackware 14.1 users: slackware-current introduce important bug fix
in slackpkg 2.82.0-14 (see Slackware ChangeLog) not backported in slackware
14.1; it is not mandatory but you are encouraged to upgrade it by download it
manually; be sure to graylist slackpkg to avoid an automatic downgrade.
- The trailing slash in MIRRORPLUS[] is now optional (thanks to phenixia2003
and Didier Spaier)
- Added DOWNLOADCMD option to add a custom downloader
- Fixed a bug that causes that ALL repositories fail if ONE repository fails
(thanks to FR on Alien Pasture for reporting)
- Fixed TAG_PRIORITY to avoid impact in slackpkg install
- Added priority by tag. Setting TAG_PRIORITY to 'yes' slackpkg+
automatically upgrade packages from repository where the tag is the same
of the already installed package.
- Now the official repositories (slackware64, extra, patches...) are treated
as thirdy party repositories, so you can add it in PKGS_PRIORITY
- To put an entire repository in PKGS_PRIORITY, you no more need to add
':.*' after the name (phenixia2003)
- Now ALLOW32BIT also auto-greylist the 32bit packages
- Added an install log in /var/lib/slackpkg/install.log; use
'/usr/libexec/slackpkg/ -t' to create a starting
install.log (it TRY to detect the repository)
- Added ALLOW32BIT flag to allow to install 32bit packages on a 64bit system
- install only adaptative multilib by default
- Small fixes