Anton S. Abanin 673adb9755 development/pyclewn: Added (vim as a debugger frontend).
Signed-off-by: Matteo Bernardini <>
2012-12-20 14:12:51 +01:00

18 lines
784 B

Pyclewn allows using vim as a front end to a debugger.
Pyclewn currently supports gdb and pdb.
The debugger output is redirected to a vim window,
the pyclewn console. The debugger commands are mapped to vim
user-defined commands with a common letter prefix, and with completion
available on the commands and their first argument.
When running gvim, the controlling terminal of the program to debug is
the terminal used to launch pyclewn. Any other terminal can be used
when the debugger allows it, for example after using the attach or tty
gdb commands or using the --tty option with pdb.
Required Vim 7.0 or above with the netbeans_intg feature enabled,
and with the autocmd feature enabled.
You can use the :help pyclewn command within vim, to get access
to the documentation.