
meep (electromagnetic FDTD solver)

Meep is a free and open-source software package for electromagnetics 
simulation via the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method spanning 
a broad range of applications. It saves results in hdf5 format.

This package requires: hdf5, libctl, lapack, mpb

You probably will also want to preinstall: harminv

You may wish to also install: h5utils

You very probably want to build a multi-processor version of this 
code by adding the "--with-openmp" configure option. Here, mpb is 
specified as a prerequisite since at the present time the python 
interface will not build without it.


If the build script can find the ATLAS libraries, it will adapt the
configure options to use them, rather than the the default choice of

You can add additional options to the command line using
the environment variable SBOPTIONS_MEEP; e.g. to enable MPI
(multi-processor calculation) using openmp, use:

SBOPTIONS_MEEP="--with-openmp" ./meep.Slackbuild

Alternatively, if building non-interactively (e.g. if using slpkg),
use/create the file /etc/sbo_pkg_options.conf since this slackbuild
script will search it for options. Simply include a line starting
"meep:" followed by options, e.g.:

meep: --with-openmp

Currently, building the python support for meep can be problematic
unless the mpb package is also installed; if you do so, and (e.g.) use
openmp, it is best to build mpb with the same option. You may also
need to install mpi4py using pip.  If you do not want python support,
specify "--without-python", and in this case installing mpb is not