B. Watson 18921c5321 audio/fIcy: Added (icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite)
Signed-off-by: dsomero <>
2013-06-05 03:17:41 -05:00

315 lines
10 KiB

# pod source for fIcy/fResync/fPls man page. Build with:
# pod2man -s1 -r1.0.18 --stderr -nFICY -c''
=head1 NAME
fIcy - an icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite
fIcy B<[options]> B<server [port [path]]|url>
The main program. Takes directly a stream url and dumps the tracks on
the specified file/s and standard output, depending on the settings.
fPls B<[options]> B<file|url> B<[fIcy options]>
Playlist manager. Reads a playlist (local or remote) and manages fIcy
retries/timeouts/errors, forwarding the specified flags.
fResync B<[options]> B<file>
MPEG resyncing utility. Re-aligns head frame headers on dumped or
broken files. Usually needed for embedded hardware decoders or editing
fIcy is a small icecast/shoutcast stream grabber suite for use under shell
environment. Its goal is to automatically rip a stream into user customisable
files. It will work with ICY compatible streams, allowing you to either to save
the stream to disk or to pipe the output to a media player, or even both. fIcy,
among other uses, is ideal for batch/unattended recording of radio programs and
stream debugging.
The fIcy package includes:
=item -
fIcy itself, a stream separator/multiplexer,
=item -
fResync, a fast MPEG-resyncing utility,
=item -
fPls, a playlist frontend for fIcy.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 fIcy options
-d Do not dump the output to stdout.
Useful when only ripping.
-E num Enumerate files when song title [metadata] changes, starting at
num. When 0, fIcy will try to find the highest unused file
number automatically. Uses -o as a prefix.
-h Help
-c Do not clobber files.
-m Use song title [metadata] when naming files. Uses -o as prefix.
-n If the file exists create new one with .n as suffix.
-p When dumping to stdout consider writing errors as transient
(that is: flush the output buffer until stdout is ready).
Useful when you pipe the output to a media player and want to
kill it while not interrupting the rip.
-o file Dump the output to file or use file as a prefix (depending on
other settings). Hint: to dump without a prefix use "./".
-s suffix Use sfx as a suffix for new files.
Hint: the .mp3/.m4a extension is NOT implicit.
-t Display song title [metadata] while ripping.
-r Remove/don't save partial chunks. This will skip the first
chunk and remove the last one upon termination which are
(supposedly) incomplete. To use in combination with -m or -E.
-q file Append "file name" sequence to file. The file name is written
upon file completition. This may be used to trigger events and
rejoin splitted parts with an external tool without -E.
fResync will use this file in the future.
-x regex Save only files whose title (NOT filename) matches against this
(or one of these) extended regular expressions. Multiple -x can
be specified on the command line to form OR conditions. Dump
unaffected. Can be combined with -X.
-X regex Do NOT save files whose title matches against this extended
regular expression. Same semantics as -x.
-I file Load include/exclude REs from file. Each line must be prefixed
with + or - to indicate whether it's a positive or negative
expression (-xX).
-f expr Filter titles through the specified coprocessor expression. The
raw title is passed to the expression (doesn't include any
additional prefixes/suffixes). As the result will be used
internally, some limitations apply. Read carefully the
Filtering_ section.
-F file Filter titles through the specified coprocessor script. Same
semantics as -f, but the expressions are loaded from a file
instead. Conflicts with -f.
-C path Specify the path of the external title rewriting coprocessor.
Defaults to "sed". The executable must support the '-e', '-f'
flags and operate through stdin/out, like "sed".
-M time Maximum recording time. See Notes_.
-i time Maximum network idle time. Stops recording after the specified
amount of time is passed without network activity. Defaults to
0 (default tcp timeout).
-a file Read authentication credentials from file (the file must
contain a line of the form user:password). Note that only the
Basic HTTP authentication scheme is supported.
-l num Redirect follow limit. Defaults to 1. 0 disables redirection
=head2 fResync options
-b By default fResync maps the entire file into memory when
operating. However this can create problems on loaded systems
with large files or when simulating. This reverts to a
buffered I/O mode. This flag is also implicit when simulating.
-s Simulate the process. Print on the standard output the starting
sync offset and stream length, but don't modify the source
-v Verbose.
-n frames Require/decode at least n valid consecutive frames to validate
the sync offset. Defaults to 6.
-m len Maximum frame length. Defaults to 1597. fResync uses this value
to determine the maximal region of the file to be checked.
=head2 fPls options
-P path Specify a different name or full path for the fIcy executable
(defaults to "fIcy").
-v Verbose.
-R max Specifies the maximal number of retries to do for each stream
upon connection/read failure.
-L max Specifies the maximal number of loops to do for the entire
playlist (-1 for infinite).
-T time Wait time to pause after each failure.
-M time Maximum cumulative recording time. See Notes_.
-i time Maximum network idle time. Same as fIcy's when loading a
playlist via http. Forwarded to fIcy.
-a file Read authentication credentials from file. Same as fIcy's when
loading a playlist via http. The credentials are automatically
forwarded to fIcy, but you can override them when needed.
-l num Redirect follow limit. Same as fIcy's when loading a playlist
via http. Forwarded to fIcy.
-d file Run as a daemon, redirecting messages to file. fIcy's -d
option is enforced. As the process is chdir-ed to the root
directory you also have to specify absolute paths for all
options, including fIcy's ones.
Use fIcy to display ICY titles while playing::
fPls -t | mpg123 -
Rip a station until stopped::
fPls -L-1 http://netradio.invalid/listen.pls -s.mp3 -o./ -cmrd
Connect directly to the stream with server:port and /path::
fIcy -s .mp3 -o ./ -md 8080 /path/to/stream
Rip an .mp3 stream while playing, but allows the player to be restarted later
by using a named fifo (note that you can re/open "fifo" with any player)::
$ mkfifo fifo
$ fIcy -p ... > fifo
$ mpg123 fifo
Record your favourite program "XYZ" usually on-air between 16:30-17:00::
at 16:30
fPls -M 30m -o program.mp3 -x XYZ
Cleanup a ripped and/or damaged mp3 file::
fResync file.mp3
=head1 NOTES
The output files produced by fIcy may miss audio framing information and
headers since the separation does not consider the audio data. For this reason,
your player 'may' (but should not) fail to reproduce the dump or output some
initial noise: this is expected. fResync can be used to cleanup MPEG files
after processing.
You can also use other tools such as mpgedit for cutting the file in arbitrary
positions without diminishing the quality. Assuming that your song spans across
three files (use -q to know which ones), that's how to proceed::
cat 1.mp3 2.mp3 3.mp3 > temp.mp3 && xmpgedit temp.mp3
Do *not* resync the files if you're going to post-process them this way:
fResync would remove at least one boundary frame on each file, while other
tools could also insert extra empty frames to silence the decoder!
The -M flag supported by both fIcy and fPls accepts a time specification in
seconds, `HH:MM` or `N minutes/hours/days`. Time starts just after the
connection has been established, but without counting further delays. Also
beware that -M specified in fPls means `cumulative recording time` (time
accumulates across retries/timeouts), while -M specified in fIcy means `single
stream recording time` (recording stops at the first error or when the
specified time has elapsed).
Most online radio stations tend to put banners in the title that will be shown
in the player, and eventually result in the filename. To overcome to this (and
more), fIcy offers the possibility to rewrite each title through a normal sed
script via the "-fF" flags. A real sed coprocess is used along the execution so
all of sed's power is available, but some limitations apply:
* Each line of input should result in one output line, and ONE ONLY.
* Two consecutive identical titles will result in the second one
being ignored (thus NOT splitting the stream). Consider this rule,
as removing carefully the banner could result in a better separation.
* The resulting title will still apply for -xXI as usual.
* Please note that the *title* is filtered, not the filename (which may
still have some characters removed/modified). Use -tv to see what is
actually sent to the filter.
You can actually use any executable that works as a stream editor by specifying
the path with '-C'. The executable must support the '-e' (inline expression)
and '-f' (script file) flags or, at least, ignore them. This allows for any
script or custom executable to be used when a "sed" script is considered
=head2 Filtering examples
As an example, suppose your titles look like this::
Artist - Title (radiobanner)
You can write a sed expression or script containing::
s/ (radiobanner)$//
to remove the trailing part. This facility can also be used to uniform file
names, invert Artist/Title positions and so on. Clever use of the pattern space
can also be used to merge albums. sed alone can be used to debug expressions,
echo "test title" | sed -e 'expr'
Refer to the sed(1) manual for a complete list of commands you can use.
We would like to remind you that saving streams containing copyrighted material
without explicit consent is *ILLEGAL*. For stream administrators, please see
our statement in the FAQ.
=head1 SEE ALSO
bfr <>
Audio-oriented rebuffering tool. Ideal for lousy streams.
mpgedit <>
Frame-level mp3 cutting tool.
=head1 AUTHORS
fIcy was written by Yuri D'Elia (I<>) and
David Leonardi (I<>)
This manual page by B. Watson for the project. It may
be used by anyone.