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.TH CLONEKEEN 6 "March 25, 2010"
clonekeen \- Clone of id Software's "Commander Keen" game
.B clonekeen
CloneKeen is an almost almost complete open\-source clone of
the old classic DOS game, \fICommander Keen: Invasion of the
Vorticons\fR by ID Software. CloneKeen requires the original game
data files to work. You can play all three episodes of the game
(but not the later episodes 4 through 6, nor "Keen Dreams").
CloneKeen tries to mostly replicate the original game,
however there are also a number of improvements,
including smoother scrolling, better graphic effects
in some parts of the game, and 2\-player support.
See story.txt for a description of the game's plot.
specify a level number (such as 2) to go directly to that level. This option
must be given first. Example: \fBclonekeen 1 \-fs\fR to start the game on
level 1 in fullscreen mode.
\fB\-1player\fR, \fB\-2player\fR
select number of players (1\-2); defaults to 1. This is local multiplayer,
with 2 players using the same keyboard (there is no network play).
do not allow players to kill each other in multiplayer games
\fB\-ep1\fR, \fB\-ep2\fR, \fB\-ep3\fR
select episode 1, 2, or 3; defaults to 1
go directly to the world map, bypassing intro and title screen
increase game difficulty
enable function key cheat/debug codes
record player actions to demo.dat for making a demo
for the impatient\-\-cut directly to the ending sequence
use fullscreen mode
zoom image 2x
show frames/second in upper\-right of screen
Show inventory and status
Jump (or on the map screen, enter a level)
Pogo stick (if you have it)
Fire Raygun (if it has charges)
Save the game
At the intro or title screen, quits the game. During gameplay, brings up
the quit menu (press Escape again to return to the game).
Switch to fullscreen and enable scale2x mode. Only active during the
intro screen (blue text on starfield).
In 2\-player games, player 2's controls are:
On the Map stage, move up. On a level, jump.
Pogo stick (if you have it)
Fire Raygun (if it has charges)
There are a full assortment of cheat codes available. Some cheats must first
be enabled with -cheat or through the options menu. C+T+SPACE and G+O+D will
always work.
God \- Toggles GOD mode. You can't protect yourself
from dying if you fall off the map though.
(Use TAB to revive in this case).
Noclip/Revive \-
Turns off clipping, allowing you to walk through
walls / Aborts a dying sequence.
All Items \- Gives all items, similar to the original.
Nofall \- Disables gravity, so Keen can walk on air.
Debug mode/RADAR \- Press once: enables debug mode, press again,
enables radar in upper\-left corner.
Throttle off \- Disables speed throttle so the game goes really
Frame\-by\-frame mode \- Just as it sounds, see in\-game instructions.
Abort level \- Marks level as "done", and returns to the map.
\fBKeypad +\fR
Force fall \- Allows fall to a platform below the current one.
The opposite of F2.
(taken/modified from the original game's in\-game help)
When you are on the Mars map, you may be blocked by a city, shrine, or other
obstacle. You must enter the city (press Ctrl) and finish it
before proceeding.
When you enter a city, you can get things by simply running into them.
If you cannot pass through a door, there may be a "keycard" that the door
requires. This keycard will be the same color as the door.
(taken/modified from the original game's in\-game help)
\fBLollipop\fR \- 100 points
\fBSoda\fR \- 200 points
\fBPizza\fR \- 500 points
\fBBook\fR \- 1000 points
\fBTeddy Bear\fR \- 5000 points
You get an extra Keen every 20,000 points.
Per\-user savegames and config data. This directory is created the first
time you run \fBclonekeen\fR.
Default arguments to pass to the game. Good candidates are \-fs, \-dbl,
and/or -cheat. Put the arguments in the file on the same line,
separated by spaces, e.g.:
\fBecho "-dbl -fs -cheat" > ~/.clonekeen/defaultargs\fR
System\-wide game data files (including the ones that come with
the original game). Data files may be named in all\-uppercase or
all\-lowercase (EGAHEAD.CK1 or egahead.ck1, or even mixed case like
EGAHEAD.ck1 or egahead.CK1, but not egaHead.ck1)
Main game binary. Generally not to be run directly: it expects to find the
data files in the current dir, and writes config/savegame data in the
current dir. Use the \fBclonekeen\fR wrapper script instead.
Wrapper script. Creates ~/.clonekeen, populates it with symlinks to the
game data files, runs the main binary.
Actually not bugs, these are features that were in the original DOS version
of the game that are not (yet?) implemented in clonekeen:
No way to customize keyboard controls
No support for joystick controls
No support for in\-game help (probably just as well, the help talks about
joysticks, and customizing keyboard controls...)
Also, the DOS build of clonekeen appears to support up to 4 (or maybe
only 3) player
games, but the Linux build only defines enough control keys
for 2 players.
clonekeen was written by Caitlin Shaw.
This manual page and the wrapper script were written by B. Watson for the project.