
MOLDEN a pre- and post processing program of molecular and electronic 

Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio
packages GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US, GAUSSIAN, ADF, and the Semi-Empirical 
packages Mopac/Ampac, it also supports a number of other programs via 
the Molden Format. Molden reads all the required input information from
the GAMESS / GAUSSIAN outputfile. Molden is capable of displaying 
Molecular Orbitals, the electron density and the Molecular minus atomic

The SlackBuild seems to hang a bit before the build starts. 
This is normal.

surf is renamed to molden-surf and docker is renamed to molden-docker to
avoid conflict with other software called surf and docker.

The unchanged copyright notice of the molden source code is:
 Copyright (C) 1991  Gijs Schaftenaar

 Permission to use, copy this software and its documentation
 for private use is hereby granted to non profit organisations.

 This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

 Please cite the author in any work based on this material.
