B. Watson 69d77d1d6f games/sms_sdl: Fix bad patch and desktop integration.
Signed-off-by: Willy Sudiarto Raharjo <>
2014-09-08 22:33:56 +07:00

205 lines
3.9 KiB

# pod source for sms_sdl man page. convert with:
# pod2man --stderr -s6 -r0.9.4a-r7.1 sms_sdl.pod > sms_sdl.6
=head1 NAME
sms_sdl - Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator.
B<sms_sdl> [I<--options>] I<<filename.<SMS|GG>>>
SMS Plus/SDL is an emulator for the Sega Master System and Sega Game
Gear video game consoles.
=head1 OPTIONS
I<Note:> The filename may appear anywhere on the command line.
=over 4
=item B<--fm>
Enable YM2413 sound.
=item B<--japan>
Set the machine type as DOMESTIC instead of OVERSEAS.
=item B<--usesram>
Load/save SRAM contents before starting/exiting.
=item B<--fskip> <n>
Specify the number of frames to skip.
=item B<--fullspeed>
Do not limit to 60 frames per second.
=item B<--fullscreen>
Start in fullscreen mode.
=item B<--joystick>
Use joystick.
=item B<--nosound>
Disable sound.
=item B<--filter> <mode>
Render using a filter. Available modes:
=over 4
=item 2xsai
=item super2xsai
=item supereagle
=item advmame2x
=item tv2x
=item 2x
=item bilinear
=item dotmatrix
=over 4
=item B<F1>
Screenshot in BMP format
=item B<F2>
Save state
=item B<F3>
Load state
=item B<F4/F5>
Dec/inc frame skip value
=item B<F6/F7>
Dec/inc state slot
=item B<1..8>
Switch rendering filter
=item B<C>
Button 1
=item B<V>
Button 2
=item B<ENTER>
Start (GG) / pause (SMS)
=item B<ARROWS>
Directional pad
=item B<TAB>
Console hard reset
The key bindings may not be remapped.
=head1 FILES
ROM image files may be in raw dump format, or may have a header
(details are system-specific). Also, ROM images may be zipped (not
gzipped), in which case the first file in the zip file's directory must
be the ROM image (any other files are ignored).
B<sms_sdl> looks at the filename to determine the type of ROM image
in use. Any file whose name ends in I<.gg> (case-insensitive match) is
considered to be a Game Gear ROM. Any other file is treated as a Sega
Master System ROM. In the case of a zipped image, this refers to the
file inside the zip file; the zip file itself doesn't have any special
naming requirements.
Screenshot filenames (F1 key) are generated by replacing the filename
extension with I<-NNN.bmp>, where NNN is a 3-digit number (000 for the
first screenshot, 001 for the second, etc). The numbering starts at 000
every time the emulator is started, and existing files will be overwritten
without confirmation.
State save filenames (F2 key) are generated by replacing the filename
extension with I<.stN>, where N is the number of the save slot (one or
more digits). Again, existing files are overwritten without confirmation.
Screenshots and savestates are stored in I<~/.sms_sdl>.
B<sms_sdl> is launched by a shell script wrapper which reads the file
I<~/.sms_sdl/config> if it exists. Any of the options above may be placed
in this file (one option per line, with or without the leading B<-->
characters). These options will be passed as command-line arguments to
the real B<sms_sdl> binary every time it runs.
See B</usr/doc/sms_sdl-VERSION/sample_config> for further information.
=head1 PATCHES
This build of B<sms_sdl> has been patched to add the following features and fixes:
=over 4
=item -
The B<--fm> and B<--japan> options now work (patch by Ellington Santos).
=item -
B<sms_sdl> can be built and will run on x86_64 systems (patch by B. Watson).
=item -
The emulator no longer segfaults when the ROM filename doesn't contain a dot (patch by B. Watson).
=item -
ROM filename can appear anywhere on the command line, before or after options (patch by B. Watson).
=item -
Wrapper script, supports config file and snapshots/savestates in ~/.sms_sdl (script by B. Watson).
=head1 AUTHORS
The original SMS is (C) Charles Mac Donald in 1998, 1999, 2000.
SDL Version by Gregory Montoir (
This man page by B. Watson, for the project.