Sage uses specific versions of a number of software components (i.e. R, gap, gp, ipython, maxima, mwrank, hg, python, singular, etc.). Each of thes components will be compiled during the build process and installed to a local tree (/opt/sage). The sage directory will be placed in /opt, however it should be portable enough to be moved to any location. SlackBuild Options: SAGEROOT=/install/path [Default:/opt/sage] By default, sage will be installed to /opt/sage. However, the sage folder is portable and can be installed to any location of your choosing. The final destination for SAGE_ROOT can be specified by passing a value for SAGEROOT to the slackbuild. The final install will be >2GB, so you may need to point SAGEROOT to a different partition if your /opt partition is not large enough. The sage tree can also be moved after installation, however you will need to update the sage.* scripts in /etc/profile.d to point to the new SAGE_ROOT. Example: to install sage to your home directory do the following SAGEROOT=/home/user/opt/sage ./sage.SlackBuild TEST={yes|no} [Default:no] All examples in the documentation (over 93,000 lines of input) can be tested after Sage has been built with the following (Note: it is not uncommon for this to produce 2 or 3 errors) TEST=yes ./sage.SlackBuild INSTALLSCRIPTS={yes|no} [Default:no] Sage's local versions of R, gap, gp, ipython, maxima, mwrank, hg, and singular can be used independently of Sage by placing scripts for each in the PATH. This can be enabled with the following (Note: the scripts will be installed to the location SAGEROOT/bin) INSTALLSCRIPTS=yes ./sage.SlackBuild PDFDOC={yes|no} [Default:no] By default, only the html version of the documentation will be built. The pdf version can be built with the following (Note: this requires LaTeX to be installed): PDFDOC=yes ./sage.Slackbuild OPTIONALSPKG={package1|"package1 package2 ..."|no} [Default:no] There are a number of optional .spkg files (packages) that can be be installed after sage has been built. These packages are downloaded from a sage server before they are installed, therefore you will need a network connection for this to work. A list of the available optional packages and a description of each can be found at These packages can be installed with the following (Note: it is not necessary to give the full version number of the package you are installing, simply giving the base name is sufficient): OPTIONALSPKG="package1 package2 package3 ..." ./sage.SlackBuild The upstream developers "highly recommend" the database_gap package, which would be installed with OPTIONALSPKG="database_gap" ./sage.SlackBuild To install multiple packages, i.e. the database_gap package and the sage-mod package do the following: OPTIONALSPKG="database_gap sage-mod" ./sage.SlackBuild