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154 lines
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; Skint n.sf precursor compiler (n.sf => n.h)
(import (only (skint hidden)
list2? list3?))
(define (path-strip-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) (list->string r)]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (path-strip-extension filename)
(let ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(let ([r (memv #\. l)])
(if r (list->string (reverse (cdr r))) filename))))
(define (module-name filename)
(path-strip-extension (path-strip-directory filename)))
(define *prelude*
"#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wparentheses-equality\"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wignored-attributes\"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-value\"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Woverlength-strings\"
/* this is for MS headers; shouldn't affect others */
/* standard includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* extra includes */
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
/* standard definitions */
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int64_t obj; /* pointers are this size, higher 16 bits and lower bit zero */
typedef int64_t cxoint_t; /* same thing, used as integer */
typedef struct { /* type descriptor */
const char *tname; /* name (debug) */
void (*free)(void*); /* deallocator */
} cxtype_t;
#define notobjptr(o) (((cxoint_t)(o) - (cxoint_t)cxg_heap) & cxg_hmask)
#define isobjptr(o) (!notobjptr(o))
#define notaptr(o) ((o) & 0xffff000000000001ULL)
#define isaptr(o) (!notaptr(o))
typedef ptrdiff_t obj; /* pointers are this size, lower bit zero */
typedef ptrdiff_t cxoint_t; /* same thing, used as integer */
typedef struct { /* type descriptor */
const char *tname; /* name (debug) */
void (*free)(void*); /* deallocator */
} cxtype_t;
#define notobjptr(o) (((char*)(o) - (char*)cxg_heap) & cxg_hmask)
#define isobjptr(o) (!notobjptr(o))
#define notaptr(o) ((o) & 1)
#define isaptr(o) (!notaptr(o))
#define obj_from_obj(o) (o)
#define obj_from_objptr(p) ((obj)(p))
#define obj_from_size(n) (((cxoint_t)(n) << 1) | 1)
#define objptr_from_objptr(p) (p)
#define objptr_from_obj(o) ((obj*)(o))
#define size_from_obj(o) ((int)((o) >> 1))
#define obj_from_case(n) obj_from_objptr(cases+(n))
#define case_from_obj(o) (objptr_from_obj(o)-cases)
#define obj_from_ktrap() obj_from_size(0x5D56F806)
#define obj_from_void(v) ((void)(v), obj_from_size(0x6F56DF77))
#define bool_from_obj(o) (o)
#define bool_from_bool(b) (b)
#define bool_from_size(s) (s)
#define void_from_void(v) (void)(v)
#define void_from_obj(o) (void)(o)
#define rreserve(m) if (r + (m) >= cxg_rend) r = cxm_rgc(r, m)
#define hpushptr(p, pt, l) (hreserve(2, l), *--hp = (obj)(p), *--hp = (obj)(pt), (obj)(hp+1))
#define hbsz(s) ((s) + 1) /* 1 extra word to store block size */
#define hreserve(n, l) ((hp < cxg_heap + (n)) ? hp = cxm_hgc(r, r+(l), hp, n) : hp)
#define hendblk(n) (*--hp = obj_from_size(n), (obj)(hp+1))
#define hblklen(p) size_from_obj(((obj*)(p))[-1])
#define hblkref(p, i) (((obj*)(p))[i])
typedef obj (*cxhost_t)(obj);
typedef struct cxroot_tag {
int globc; obj **globv;
struct cxroot_tag *next;
} cxroot_t;
extern obj *cxg_heap;
extern obj *cxg_hp;
extern cxoint_t cxg_hmask;
extern cxroot_t *cxg_rootp;
extern obj *cxm_rgc(obj *regs, size_t needs);
extern obj *cxm_hgc(obj *regs, obj *regp, obj *hp, size_t needs);
extern obj *cxg_regs, *cxg_rend;
extern void cxm_check(int x, char *msg);
extern void *cxm_cknull(void *p, char *msg);
extern int cxg_rc;
extern char **cxg_argv;
/* extra definitions */
(define (process-top-form x oport)
(when (and (list2? x) (symbol? (car x)) (string? (cadr x)))
(case (car x)
[(%definition) (display (cadr x) oport) (newline oport)]
[(%localdef)] ; does not go into n.h
[(%include)]))) ; all needed includes already included
(define (process-file ifname . ?ofname)
(define iport (open-input-file ifname)) ; relative to wd, not this script!
(define oport (if (pair? ?ofname) (open-output-file (car ?ofname)) (current-output-port)))
(define mname (module-name ifname))
(display "/* " oport) (display mname oport)
(display ".h -- generated via skint nsf2h.ssc " oport)
(display (path-strip-directory ifname) oport)
(display " */" oport) (newline oport) (newline oport)
(display *prelude* oport)
(let loop ([x (read iport)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(process-top-form x oport)
(loop (read iport))))
(close-input-port iport)
(if (pair? ?ofname) (close-output-port oport)))
(define (main args)
(cond [(list2? args) (process-file (cadr args))]
[(list3? args) (process-file (cadr args) (caddr args))]
[else (error "usage: skint nsf2h.ssc INFILE [OUTFILE]" args)]))
; this is not a real #! script, so call main manually
(main (command-line))