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; Skint .scm precursors compiler (Limited Scheme => Serialized code as C data)
(import (only (skint hidden)
list2? list3? location-set-val! root-environment
xform write-serialized-sexp compile-to-string
make-location syntax-rules* new-id? new-id-lookup
lookup-integrable write-serialized-sexp compile-to-string
path-strip-extension path-strip-directory
(define *transformers*
(cons 'syntax-quote 'syntax-quote)
(cons 'quote 'quote)
(cons 'set! 'set!)
(cons 'set& 'set&)
(cons 'if 'if)
(cons 'lambda 'lambda)
(cons 'lambda* 'lambda*)
(cons 'letcc 'letcc)
(cons 'withcc 'withcc)
(cons 'body 'body)
(cons 'begin 'begin)
(cons 'define 'define)
(cons 'define-syntax 'define-syntax)
(cons 'syntax-lambda 'syntax-lambda)
(cons 'syntax-rules 'syntax-rules)
(cons 'syntax-length 'syntax-length)
(cons 'syntax-error 'syntax-error)
(cons 'define-library 'define-library)
(cons 'program 'program)
(cons 'import 'import)
(cons 'export 'export)
(cons '... '...)
(cons '_ '_)))
(define *top-transformer-env* #f)
(define (top-transformer-env id at)
(unless *top-transformer-env*
(set! *top-transformer-env*
(map (lambda (bnd)
(case (car bnd)
[(... _) ; syntax-rules looks them up in skint's root env!!
(cons (car bnd) (root-environment (car bnd) 'ref))]
[else ; for the rest, it is val that matters
(cons (car bnd) (make-location (cdr bnd)))]))
(if (new-id? id)
(new-id-lookup id at) ; nonsymbolic ids can't be globally bound
(cond [(assq id *top-transformer-env*) => cdr]
(let ([loc (make-location (or (lookup-integrable id) (list 'ref id)))])
(set! *top-transformer-env* (cons (cons id loc) *top-transformer-env*))
(define (install-transformer! s t)
(location-set-val! (top-transformer-env s 'ref) t))
(define (transform appos? sexp . ?env)
(xform appos? sexp (if (null? ?env) top-transformer-env (car ?env))))
(define *hide-refs* '())
(define (display-code cstr oport)
(let loop ([i 0] [l (string-length cstr)])
(let ([r (fx- l i)])
(cond [(<= r 70)
(display " \"" oport)
(display (substring cstr i l) oport)
(display "\"," oport)]
(display " \"" oport)
(display (substring cstr i (fx+ i 70)) oport)
(display "\"\n" oport)
(loop (fx+ i 70) l)]))))
(define (process-syntax id xval oport)
(newline oport)
(display " \"S\", \"" oport) (display id oport) (display "\",\n" oport)
(let ([p (open-output-string)]) (write-serialized-sexp xval p)
(display-code (get-output-string p) oport) (newline oport)))
(define (process-alias id oldid oport)
(newline oport)
(display " \"A\", \"" oport) (display id oport) (display "\"," oport)
(display " \"" oport) (display oldid oport) (display "\",\n" oport))
(define (process-command xval oport)
(define cstr (compile-to-string xval))
(newline oport)
(display " \"C\", 0,\n" oport)
(display-code cstr oport) (newline oport))
(define (process-define id xlam oport)
(define cstr (compile-to-string xlam))
(let ([len (string-length cstr)])
(cond [(and (eq? (car xlam) 'lambda)
(> len 4)
(char=? (string-ref cstr 0) #\&)
(char=? (string-ref cstr 1) #\0)
(char=? (string-ref cstr 2) #\{)
(char=? (string-ref cstr (fx- len 1)) #\}))
(newline oport)
(display " \"P\", \"" oport) (display id oport) (display "\",\n" oport)
(display-code (substring cstr 3 (fx- len 1)) oport) (newline oport)]
[else (process-command (list 'set! id xlam) oport)])))
(define (for-each-top-sexp filename sexpproc)
(call-with-current-input-file filename ;=>
(lambda (iport)
(let loop ([x (read iport)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(sexpproc x)
(loop (read iport)))))))
(define (scan-top-form x)
[(and (list2? x) (eq? (car x) 'load) (string? (cadr x)))
(for-each-top-sexp (cadr x) scan-top-form)]
[(pair? x)
(let ([hval (transform #t (car x))])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
(for-each scan-top-form (cdr x))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
(let ([xval (transform #t (caddr x))])
(install-transformer! (cadr x) xval))]
[(procedure? hval)
(scan-top-form (hval x top-transformer-env))]))]))
(define (process-top-form x oport)
[(and (list2? x) (eq? (car x) 'load) (string? (cadr x)))
(for-each-top-sexp (cadr x) scan-top-form)]
[(pair? x)
(let ([hval (transform #t (car x))])
[(eq? hval 'begin)
(let loop ([x* (cdr x)])
(when (pair? x*)
(process-top-form (car x*) oport)
(loop (cdr x*))))]
[(eq? hval 'define-syntax)
(let ([xval (transform #t (caddr x))])
(install-transformer! (cadr x) xval)
(unless (memq (cadr x) *hide-refs*)
(if (symbol? (caddr x))
(process-alias (cadr x) (caddr x) oport)
(process-syntax (cadr x) (caddr x) oport))))]
[(eq? hval 'define)
(let* ([dval (transform #f x)] [xval (caddr dval)])
(process-define (cadr dval) xval oport))]
[(procedure? hval)
(process-top-form (hval x top-transformer-env) oport)]
(process-command (transform #f x) oport)]))]
(process-command (transform #f x) oport)]))
(define (path-strip-directory filename)
(let loop ([l (reverse (string->list filename))] [r '()])
(cond [(null? l) (list->string r)]
[(memv (car l) '(#\\ #\/ #\:)) (list->string r)]
[else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) r))])))
(define (path-strip-extension filename)
(let ([l (reverse (string->list filename))])
(let ([r (memv #\. l)])
(if r (list->string (reverse (cdr r))) filename))))
(define (module-name filename)
(path-strip-extension (path-strip-directory filename)))
(define (process-file ifname . ?ofname)
(define iport (open-input-file ifname)) ; relative to wd, not this script!
(define oport (if (pair? ?ofname) (open-output-file (car ?ofname)) (current-output-port)))
(define mname (module-name ifname))
(display "/* " oport) (display mname oport)
(display ".c -- generated via skint scm2c.ssc " oport)
(display (path-strip-directory ifname) oport)
(display " */" oport) (newline oport) (newline oport)
(display "char *" oport) (display mname oport)
(display "_code[] = {" oport) (newline oport)
(let loop ([x (read iport)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(process-top-form x oport)
(loop (read iport))))
(display "\n 0, 0, 0\n};\n" oport)
(close-input-port iport)
(if (pair? ?ofname) (close-output-port oport)))
(define (main args)
(cond [(list2? args) (process-file (cadr args))]
[(list3? args) (process-file (cadr args) (caddr args))]
[else (error "usage: skint scm2c.ssc INFILE [OUTFILE]" args)]))
; this is not a real #! script, so call main manually
(main (command-line))