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; Derived expression types
; builtins:
; (quote const)
; (set! id expr)
; (set& id)
; (if expr1 expr2)
; (if expr1 expr2 expr3)
; (begin expr ...)
; (lambda args expr ...)
; (lambda* [arity expr] ...)
; (body expr ...) -- lexical scope for definitions
; (letcc id expr)
; (withcc expr expr ...)
; (define id expr)
; (define (id . args) expr ...)
; (define-syntax kw form)
; (syntax-lambda (id ...) form ...)
; (syntax-rules (lit ...) [pat templ] ...)
; (syntax-rules ellipsis (lit ...) [pat templ] ...)
; (cond-expand [ftest exp ...] ...)
(define-syntax let-syntax
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([kw init] ...))
[(_ ([kw init] ...) . forms)
((syntax-lambda (kw ...) . forms)
init ...)]))
(define-syntax letrec-syntax
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([key trans] ...) . forms)
(body (define-syntax key trans) ... . forms)]))
(define-syntax letrec
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([var init] ...) . forms)
(body (define var init) ... . forms)]))
(define-syntax letrec*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([var expr] ...) . forms)
(let ([var #f] ...)
(set! var expr)
(body . forms))]))
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () . forms) (body . forms)]
[(_ ([var init] ...) . forms)
((lambda (var ...) . forms) init ...)]
[(_ name ([var init] ...) . forms)
((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) . forms))) name) init ...)]))
(define-syntax let*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () . forms)
(body . forms)]
[(_ (first . more) . forms)
(let (first) (let* more . forms))]))
(define-syntax let*-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () . forms) (body . forms)]
[(_ ([(a) x] . b*) . forms) (let ([a x]) (let*-values b* . forms))]
[(_ ([aa x] . b*) . forms) (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda aa (let*-values b* . forms)))]))
(define-syntax %let-values-loop
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (new-b ...) new-aa x map-b* () () . forms)
(let*-values (new-b ... [new-aa x]) (let map-b* . forms))]
[(_ (new-b ...) new-aa old-x map-b* () ([aa x] . b*) . forms)
(%let-values-loop (new-b ... [new-aa old-x]) () x map-b* aa b* . forms)]
[(_ new-b* (new-a ...) x (map-b ...) (a . aa) b* . forms)
(%let-values-loop new-b* (new-a ... tmp-a) x (map-b ... [a tmp-a]) aa b* . forms)]
[(_ new-b* (new-a ...) x (map-b ...) a b* . forms)
(%let-values-loop new-b* (new-a ... . tmp-a) x (map-b ... [a tmp-a]) () b* . forms)]))
(define-syntax let-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () . forms) (let () . forms)]
[(_ ([aa x] . b*) . forms)
(%let-values-loop () () x () aa b* . forms)]))
(define-syntax %define-values-loop
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ new-aa ([a tmp-a] ...) () x)
(define a (begin)) ...
(define () (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda new-aa (set! a tmp-a) ...))))]
[(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) (a . aa) x)
(%define-values-loop (new-a ... tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) aa x)]
[(_ (new-a ...) (map-a ...) a x)
(%define-values-loop (new-a ... . tmp-a) (map-a ... [a tmp-a]) () x)]))
(define-syntax define-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () x) (define () (call-with-values (lambda () x) (lambda ())))] ; use idless define
[(_ aa x) (%define-values-loop () () aa x)]))
(define-syntax and
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #t]
[(_ test) test]
[(_ test . tests) (if test (and . tests) #f)]))
(define-syntax or
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #f]
[(_ test) test]
[(_ test . tests) (let ([x test]) (if x x (or . tests)))]))
(define-syntax cond
(syntax-rules (else =>)
[(_) #f]
[(_ (else . exps)) (begin . exps)]
[(_ (x) . rest) (or x (cond . rest))]
[(_ (x => proc) . rest) (let ([tmp x]) (cond [tmp (proc tmp)] . rest))]
[(_ (x . exps) . rest) (if x (begin . exps) (cond . rest))]))
(define-syntax %case-test
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ k ()) #f]
[(_ k (datum)) (eqv? k 'datum)]
[(_ k data) (memv k 'data)]))
(define-syntax %case
(syntax-rules (else =>)
[(_ key) (begin)]
[(_ key (else => resproc))
(resproc key)]
[(_ key (else expr ...))
(begin expr ...)]
[(_ key ((datum ...) => resproc) . clauses)
(if (%case-test key (datum ...))
(resproc key)
(%case key . clauses))]
[(_ key ((datum ...) expr ...) . clauses)
(if (%case-test key (datum ...))
(begin expr ...)
(%case key . clauses))]))
(define-syntax case
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x . clauses) (let ([key x]) (%case key . clauses))]))
(define-syntax %do-step
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) x] [(_ x y) y]))
(define-syntax do
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([var init step ...] ...)
[test expr ...]
command ...)
(let loop ([var init] ...)
(if test
(begin expr ...)
(let () command ...
(loop (%do-step var step ...) ...))))]))
(define-syntax quasiquote
(syntax-rules (unquote unquote-splicing quasiquote)
[(_ ,x) x]
[(_ (,@x . y)) (append x `y)]
[(_ `x . d) (cons 'quasiquote (quasiquote (x) d))]
[(_ ,x d) (cons 'unquote (quasiquote (x) . d))]
[(_ ,@x d) (cons 'unquote-splicing (quasiquote (x) . d))]
[(_ (x . y) . d) (cons (quasiquote x . d) (quasiquote y . d))]
[(_ #(x ...) . d) (list->vector (quasiquote (x ...) . d))]
[(_ x . d) 'x]))
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ test . rest) (if test (begin . rest))]))
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ test . rest) (if (not test) (begin . rest))]))
(define-syntax case-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ [args . forms] ...) (lambda* [args (lambda args . forms)] ...)]))
; Delayed evaluation
(define promise? box?)
(define (make-promise o) (box (cons #t o)))
(define (make-lazy-promise o) (box (cons #f o)))
(define (force p)
(let ([pc (unbox p)])
(if (car pc)
(cdr pc)
(let* ([newp ((cdr pc))] [pc (unbox p)])
(unless (car pc)
(set-car! pc (car (unbox newp)))
(set-cdr! pc (cdr (unbox newp)))
(set-box! newp pc))
(force p)))))
(define-syntax delay-force
(syntax-rules () [(_ x) (make-lazy-promise (lambda () x))]))
(define-syntax delay
(syntax-rules () [(_ x) (delay-force (make-promise x))]))
; Dynamic bindings
(define make-parameter
[() value]
[(x) (set! value x)]
[(x s) (if s (set! value x) x)])]
[(init converter)
(let ([value (converter init)])
[() value]
[(x) (set! value (converter x))]
[(x s) (if s (set! value x) (converter x))]))]))
(define-syntax %parameterize-loop
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([param value p old new] ...) () body)
(let ([p param] ...)
(let ([old (p)] ... [new (p value #f)] ...)
(lambda () (p new #t) ...)
(lambda () . body)
(lambda () (p old #t) ...))))]
[(_ args ([param value] . rest) body)
(%parameterize-loop ([param value p old new] . args) rest body)]))
(define-syntax parameterize
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ([param value] ...) . body)
(%parameterize-loop () ([param value] ...) body)]))
; Record type definitions
; integrables:
; (record? x (rtd))
; (make-record rtd n (fill #f))
; (record-length r)
; (record-ref r i)
; (record-set! r i v)
(define (new-record-type name fields)
; should be something like (cons name fields), but that would complicate procedure?
; check that now relies on block tag being a non-immediate object, so we'll better put
; some pseudo-unique immediate object here -- and we don't have to be fast doing that
(let loop ([fl (cons name fields)] [sl '("rtd://")])
; NB: can't do (apply string-append ..) -- they are defined w/cover syntax below!
(cond [(null? fl) (string->symbol (apply-to-list %string-append (reverse sl)))]
[(null? (cdr fl)) (loop (cdr fl) (cons (symbol->string (car fl)) sl))]
[else (loop (cdr fl) (cons ":" (cons (symbol->string (car fl)) sl)))])))
; see http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/macro-symbol-p.txt
(define-syntax %id-eq??
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ id b kt kf)
((syntax-lambda (id ok) ((syntax-rules () [(_ b) (id)]) ok))
(syntax-rules () [(_) kf]) (syntax-rules () [(_) kt]))]))
(define-syntax %id-assq??
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ id () kt kf)
[(_ id ([id0 . r0] . idr*) kt kf)
(%id-eq?? id id0 (kt . r0) (%id-assq?? id idr* kt kf))]))
(define-syntax %drt-init
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ r () fi* (x ...))
(begin x ... r)]
[(_ r (id0 . id*) fi* (x ...))
(%id-assq?? id0 fi*
(syntax-rules () [(_ i0) (%drt-init r id* fi* (x ... (record-set! r i0 id0)))])
(syntax-error "id in define-record-type constructor is not a field:" id0))]))
(define-syntax %drt-unroll
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ rtn (consn id ...) predn () ([f i] ...) ([a ia] ...) ([m im] ...))
(define rtn
(new-record-type 'rtn '(f ...)))
(define consn
(lambda (id ...)
(let ([r (make-record rtn (syntax-length (f ...)))])
(%drt-init r (id ...) ([f i] ...) ()))))
(define predn
(lambda (obj) (record? obj rtn)))
(define a
(lambda (obj) (record-ref obj ia)))
(define m
(lambda (obj val) (record-set! obj im val)))
[(_ rtn cf* predn ([fn accn] fam ...) (fi ...) (ai ...) (mi ...))
(%drt-unroll rtn cf* predn (fam ...)
(fi ... [fn (syntax-length (fi ...))])
(ai ... [accn (syntax-length (fi ...))])
(mi ...))]
[(_ rtn cf* predn ([fn accn modn] fam ...) (fi ...) (ai ...) (mi ...))
(%drt-unroll rtn cf* predn (fam ...)
(fi ... [fn (syntax-length (fi ...))])
(ai ... [accn (syntax-length (fi ...))])
(mi ... [modn (syntax-length (fi ...))]))]))
(define-syntax define-record-type
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ rtn (consn id ...) predn (fn . am) ...)
(%drt-unroll rtn (consn id ...) predn ((fn . am) ...) () () ())]))
; Equivalence predicates
; integrables:
; (eq? x y)
; (eqv? x y)
; (equal? x y)
; Boxes, aka cells
; integrables:
; (box? x)
; (box x)
; (unbox x)
; (set-box! x y)
; Exact integer numbers (fixnums)
; integrables:
; (fixnum? o)
; (fxzero? x)
; (fxpositive? x)
; (fxnegative? x)
; (fxeven? x)
; (fxodd? x)
; (fx+ x ...)
; (fx* x ...)
; (fx- x y ...)
; (fx/ x y ...)
; (fxquotient x y)
; (fxremainder x y)
; (fxmodquo x y) +
; (fxmodulo x y)
; (fxeucquo x y) + a.k.a. euclidean-quotient, R6RS div
; (fxeucrem x y) + a.k.a. euclidean-remainder, R6RS mod
; (fxneg x)
; (fxabs x)
; (fx<? x y z ...)
; (fx<=? x y z ...)
; (fx>? x y z ...)
; (fx>=? x y z ...)
; (fx=? x y z ...)
; (fx!=? x y) +
; (fxmin x y)
; (fxmax x y)
; (fxneg x)
; (fxabs x)
; (fxgcd x y)
; (fxexpt x y)
; (fxsqrt x)
; (fxnot x)
; (fxand x ...)
; (fxior x ...)
; (fxxor x ...)
; (fxsll x y)
; (fxsrl x y)
; (fixnum->flonum x)
; (fixnum->string x (radix 10))
; (string->fixnum s (radix 10))
;fxlength cf. integer-length (+ 1 (integer-length i))
; is the number of bits needed to represent i in a signed twos-complement representation
; 0 => 0, 1 => 1, -1 => 0, 7 => 3, -7 => 3, 8 => 4, -8 => 3
;fxbit-count cf. bit-count
; Returns the population count of 1's (i >= 0) or 0's (i < 0)
; 0 => 0, -1 => 0, 7 => 3, 13 => 3, -13 => 2
; Inexact floating-point numbers (flonums)
; integrables:
; (flonum? o)
; (flzero? x)
; (flpositive? x)
; (flnegative? x)
; (flinteger? x)
; (flnan? x)
; (flinfinite? x)
; (flfinite? x)
; (fleven? x)
; (flodd? x)
; (fl+ x ...)
; (fl* x ...)
; (fl- x y ...)
; (fl/ x y ...)
; (flneg x)
; (flabs x)
; (flgcd x y)
; (flexpt x y)
; (flsqrt x)
; (flfloor x)
; (flceiling x)
; (fltruncate x)
; (flround x)
; (flexp x)
; (fllog x (base fl-e))
; (flsin x)
; (flcos x)
; (fltan x)
; (flasin x)
; (flacos x)
; (flatan (y) x)
; (fl<? x y z ...)
; (fl<=? x y z ...)
; (fl>? x y z ...)
; (fl>=? x y z ...)
; (fl=? x y z ...)
; (fl!=? x y) +
; (flmin x y)
; (flmax x y)
; (flonum->fixnum x)
; (flonum->string x)
; (string->flonum s)
; Numbers (fixnums or flonums)
; integrables:
; (number? x)
; (complex? x) == number? what about inf and nan?
; (real? x) == number? what about inf and nan?
; (rational? x)
; (integer? x)
; (exact? x)
; (inexact? x)
; (exact-integer? x) == fixnum?
; (finite? x)
; (infinite? x)
; (nan? x)
; (= x y z ...)
; (< x y z ...)
; (> x y z ...)
; (<= x y z ...)
; (>= x y z ...)
; (zero? x)
; (positive? x)
; (negative? x)
; (odd? x)
; (even? x)
; (max x y ...)
; (min x y ...)
; (+ x ...)
; (* x ...)
; (- x y ...)
; (/ x y ...)
; (abs x)
; (floor-quotient x y)
; (floor-remainder x y)
; (truncate-quotient x y)
; (truncate-remainder x y)
; (quotient x y) == truncate-quotient
; (remainder x y) == truncate-remainder
; (modulo x y) == floor-remainder
; (gcd x y)
; (floor x)
; (ceiling x)
; (truncate x)
; (round x)
; (exp x)
; (log x (base fl-e))
; (sin x)
; (cos x)
; (tan x)
; (asin x)
; (acos x)
; (atan (y) x)
; (sqrt x)
; (expt x y)
; (inexact x)
; (exact x)
; (number->string x (radix 10))
; (string->number x (radix 10))
(define (floor/ x y)
(values (floor-quotient x y) (floor-remainder x y)))
(define (truncate/ x y)
(values (truncate-quotient x y) (truncate-remainder x y)))
(define (lcm . args)
(if (null? args) 1
(let loop ([x (car args)] [args (cdr args)])
(if (null? args) x
(let* ([y (car args)] [g (gcd x y)])
(loop (if (zero? g) g (* (quotient (abs x) g) (abs y))) (cdr args)))))))
(define (numerator n) n)
(define (denominator n) 1)
(define (rationalize n d) n)
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (exact-integer-sqrt x)
(let ([r (fxsqrt x)])
(values r (- x (* r r)))))
(define (make-rectangular r i)
(if (= i 0) r (error "make-rectangular: nonzero imag part not supported" i)))
(define (make-polar m a)
(cond [(= a 0) m]
[(= a 3.141592653589793238462643) (- m)]
[else (error "make-polar: angle not supported" a)]))
(define (real-part x) x)
(define (imag-part x) 0)
(define (magnitude x) (abs x))
(define (angle x) (if (negative? x) 3.141592653589793238462643 0))
; Booleans
; integrables:
; (boolean? x)
; (not x)
; (boolean=? x y z ...)
; Null and Pairs
; integrables:
; (null? x)
; (pair? x)
; (cons x y)
; (car p)
; (cdr p)
; (set-car! p v)
; (set-cdr! p v)
; (caar p)
; ...
; (cddddr p)
; Lists
; integrables:
; (list? x)
; (list x ...)
; (make-list n (i #f))
; (length l)
; (list-ref l i)
; (list-set! l i x)
; (list-cat l1 l2) + 2-arg append
; (memq v l) ; TODO: make sure memq doesn't fail on improper/circular list
; (memv v l) ; TODO: make sure memv doesn't fail on improper/circular list
; (meme v l) + 2-arg member; TODO: make sure meme checks list ^
; (assq v y)
; (assv v y) ; TODO: make sure assv checks list
; (asse v y) + 2-arg assoc; TODO: make sure asse checks list ^
; (list-tail l i)
; (last-pair l)
; (reverse l)
; (reverse! l) +
; (list-copy l) ; TODO: make sure list-copy checks list for circularity
; (circular? x) +
(define (%append . args)
(let loop ([args args])
(cond [(null? args) '()]
[(null? (cdr args)) (car args)]
[else (list-cat (car args) (loop (cdr args)))])))
(define-syntax append
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) '()] [(_ x) x]
[(_ x y) (list-cat x y)]
[(_ x y z ...) (list-cat x (append y z ...))]
[_ %append]))
(define (%member v l . ?eq)
(if (null? ?eq)
(meme v l)
(let loop ([v v] [l l] [eq (car ?eq)])
(and (pair? l)
(if (eq v (car l))
(loop v (cdr l) eq))))))
(define-syntax member
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ v l) (meme v l)]
[(_ . args) (%member . args)]
[_ %member]))
(define (%assoc v al . ?eq)
(if (null? ?eq)
(asse v al)
(let loop ([v v] [al al] [eq (car ?eq)])
(and (pair? al)
(if (eq v (caar al))
(car al)
(loop v (cdr al) eq))))))
(define-syntax assoc
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ v al) (asse v al)]
[(_ . args) (%assoc . args)]
[_ %assoc]))
(define (list-copy obj)
(let loop ([obj obj])
(if (pair? obj)
(cons (car obj) (loop (cdr obj)))
(define (%list* x . l)
(let loop ([x x] [l l])
(if (null? l) x (cons x (loop (car l) (cdr l))))))
(define-syntax list*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) x]
[(_ x y) (cons x y)]
[(_ x y z ...) (cons x (list* y z ...))]
[(_ . args) (%list* . args)]
[_ %list*]))
(define-syntax cons* list*)
(define (list-diff l t) ; +
(if (or (null? l) (eq? l t))
(cons (car l) (list-diff (cdr l) t))))
(define (list-head list index) ; +
(let loop ([list list] [index index])
(if (zero? index)
(cons (car list) (loop (cdr list) (- index 1))))))
(define (andmap p l) ; +
(if (pair? l) (and (p (car l)) (andmap p (cdr l))) #t))
(define (ormap p l) ; +
(if (pair? l) (or (p (car l)) (ormap p (cdr l))) #f))
(define (memp p l) ; +
(and (pair? l) (if (p (car l)) l (memp p (cdr l)))))
(define (assp p l) ; +
(and (pair? l) (if (p (caar l)) (car l) (assp p (cdr l)))))
(define (posq x l) ; +
(let loop ([l l] [n 0])
(cond [(null? l) #f]
[(eq? x (car l)) n]
[else (loop (cdr l) (fx+ n 1))])))
(define (rassq x al) ; +
(and (pair? al)
(let ([a (car al)])
(if (eq? x (cdr a)) a (rassq x (cdr al))))))
; Symbols
; integrables:
; (symbol? x)
; (symbol->string y)
; (string->symbol s)
; (symbol=? x y z ...)
; Characters
; integrables:
; (char? x)
; (char-cmp c1 c2) +
; (char=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char<? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char>? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char<=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char>=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-ci-cmp c1 c2) +
; (char-ci=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-ci<? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-ci>? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-ci<=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-ci>=? c1 c2 c ...)
; (char-alphabetic? c)
; (char-numeric? x)
; (char-whitespace? c)
; (char-upper-case? c)
; (char-lower-case? c)
; (char-upcase c)
; (char-downcase c)
; (char-foldcase c)
; (digit-value c)
; (char->integer c)
; (integer->char n)
; Strings
; integrables:
; (string? x)
; (string c ...)
; (make-string n (i #\space))
; (string-length s)
; (string-ref x i)
; (string-set! x i v)
; (list->string l)
; (%string->list1 s) +
; (string-cat s1 s2) +
; (substring s from to)
; (string-position s c) +
; (string-cmp s1 s2) +
; (string=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string<? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string>? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string<=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string>=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-ci-cmp s1 s2) +
; (string-ci=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-ci<? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-ci>? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-ci<=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-ci>=? s1 s2 s ...)
; (string-upcase s)
; (string-downcase s)
; (string-foldcase s)
(define (substring->list str start end)
(let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()])
(if (fx<? i start) l (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (string-ref str i) l)))))
(define %string->list
[(str) (%string->list1 str)]
[(str start) (substring->list str start (string-length str))]
[(str start end) (substring->list str start end)]))
(define-syntax string->list
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (%string->list1 x)]
[(_ . r) (%string->list . r)]
[_ %string->list]))
(define (substring-copy! to at from start end)
(let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (string-length to) at)))])
(if (fx<=? at start)
(do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)])
[(fx>=? j limit)]
(string-set! to i (string-ref from j)))
(do ([i (fx+ at (fx- (fx- end start) 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)])
[(fx<? j start)]
(string-set! to i (string-ref from j))))))
(define string-copy!
[(to at from) (substring-copy! to at from 0 (string-length from))]
[(to at from start) (substring-copy! to at from start (string-length from))]
[(to at from start end) (substring-copy! to at from start end)]))
(define string-copy
[(str) (substring str 0 (string-length str))] ; TODO: %scpy ?
[(str start) (substring str start (string-length str))]
[(str start end) (substring str start end)]))
(define (substring-fill! str c start end)
(do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (string-set! str i c)))
(define string-fill!
[(str c) (substring-fill! str c 0 (string-length str))]
[(str c start) (substring-fill! str c start (string-length str))]
[(str c start end) (substring-fill! str c start end)]))
(define (substring-vector-copy! to at from start end)
(let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (vector-length to) at)))])
(do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)])
[(fx>=? j limit) to]
(vector-set! to i (string-ref from j)))))
(define (substring->vector str start end)
(substring-vector-copy! (make-vector (fx- end start)) 0 str start end))
(define string->vector
[(str) (substring->vector str 0 (string-length str))]
[(str start) (substring->vector str start (string-length str))]
[(str start end) (substring->vector str start end)]))
(define (strings-sum-length strs)
(let loop ([strs strs] [l 0])
(if (null? strs) l (loop (cdr strs) (fx+ l (string-length (car strs)))))))
(define (strings-copy-into! to strs)
(let loop ([strs strs] [i 0])
(if (null? strs)
(let ([str (car strs)] [strs (cdr strs)])
(let ([len (string-length str)])
(substring-copy! to i str 0 len)
(loop strs (fx+ i len)))))))
(define (%string-append . strs)
(strings-copy-into! (make-string (strings-sum-length strs)) strs))
(define-syntax string-append
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) ""] [(_ x) (%cks x)]
[(_ x y) (string-cat x y)]
[(_ . r) (%string-append . r)]
[_ %string-append]))
(define (string-trim-whitespace s) ; +
(let floop ([from 0] [len (string-length s)])
(if (and (< from len) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s from)))
(floop (+ from 1) len)
(let tloop ([to len])
(if (and (> to from) (char-whitespace? (string-ref s (- to 1))))
(tloop (- to 1))
(if (and (= from 0) (= to len))
(substring s from to)))))))
; Vectors
; integrables:
; (vector? x)
; (vector x ...)
; (make-vector n (i #f))
; (vector-length v)
; (vector-ref v i)
; (vector-set! v i x)
; (%vector->list1 v) +
; (list->vector l)
; (vector-cat v1 v2) +
(define (subvector->list vec start end)
(let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()])
(if (fx<? i start) l (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (vector-ref vec i) l)))))
(define %vector->list
[(vec) (%vector->list1 vec)]
[(vec start) (subvector->list vec start (vector-length vec))]
[(vec start end) (subvector->list vec start end)]))
(define-syntax vector->list
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (%vector->list1 x)]
[(_ . r) (%vector->list . r)]
[_ %vector->list]))
(define (subvector-copy! to at from start end)
(let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (vector-length to) at)))])
(if (fx<=? at start)
(do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)])
[(fx>=? j limit)]
(vector-set! to i (vector-ref from j)))
(do ([i (fx+ at (fx- (fx- end start) 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)])
[(fx<? j start)]
(vector-set! to i (vector-ref from j))))))
(define vector-copy!
[(to at from) (subvector-copy! to at from 0 (vector-length from))]
[(to at from start) (subvector-copy! to at from start (vector-length from))]
[(to at from start end) (subvector-copy! to at from start end)]))
(define (subvector vec start end) ; TODO: %vsub?
(let ([v (make-vector (fx- end start))])
(subvector-copy! v 0 vec start end)
(define vector-copy
[(vec) (subvector vec 0 (vector-length vec))] ; TODO: %vcpy ?
[(vec start) (subvector vec start (vector-length vec))]
[(vec start end) (subvector vec start end)]))
(define (subvector-fill! vec x start end)
(do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (vector-set! vec i x)))
(define vector-fill!
[(vec x) (subvector-fill! vec x 0 (vector-length vec))]
[(vec x start) (subvector-fill! vec x start (vector-length vec))]
[(vec x start end) (subvector-fill! vec x start end)]))
(define (subvector-string-copy! to at from start end)
(let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (string-length to) at)))])
(do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)])
[(fx>=? j limit) to]
(string-set! to i (vector-ref from j)))))
(define (subvector->string vec start end)
(subvector-string-copy! (make-string (fx- end start)) 0 vec start end))
(define vector->string
[(vec) (subvector->string vec 0 (vector-length vec))]
[(vec start) (subvector->string vec start (vector-length vec))]
[(vec start end) (subvector->string vec start end)]))
(define (vectors-sum-length vecs)
(let loop ([vecs vecs] [l 0])
(if (null? vecs) l (loop (cdr vecs) (fx+ l (vector-length (car vecs)))))))
(define (vectors-copy-into! to vecs)
(let loop ([vecs vecs] [i 0])
(if (null? vecs)
(let ([vec (car vecs)] [vecs (cdr vecs)])
(let ([len (vector-length vec)])
(subvector-copy! to i vec 0 len)
(loop vecs (fx+ i len)))))))
(define (%vector-append . vecs)
(vectors-copy-into! (make-vector (vectors-sum-length vecs)) vecs))
(define-syntax vector-append
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) '#()] [(_ x) (%ckv x)]
[(_ x y) (vector-cat x y)]
[(_ . r) (%vector-append . r)]
[_ %vector-append]))
; Bytevectors
; integrables:
; (bytevector? x)
; (make-bytevector n (u8 0))
; (bytevector u8 ...)
; (bytevector-length b)
; (bytevector-u8-ref b i)
; (bytevector-u8-set! b i u8)
; (list->bytevector l)
; (subbytevector b from to) +
; (bytevector=? b1 b2 b ...)
(define (subbytevector->list bvec start end)
(let loop ([i (fx- end 1)] [l '()])
(if (fx<? i start) l (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (bytevector-u8-ref bvec i) l)))))
(define bytevector->list
[(bvec) (subbytevector->list bvec 0 (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start) (subbytevector->list bvec start (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start end) (subbytevector->list bvec start end)]))
(define (subbytevector-copy! to at from start end)
(let ([limit (fxmin end (fx+ start (fx- (bytevector-length to) at)))])
(if (fx<=? at start)
(do ([i at (fx+ i 1)] [j start (fx+ j 1)])
[(fx>=? j limit)]
(bytevector-u8-set! to i (bytevector-u8-ref from j)))
(do ([i (fx+ at (fx- end start 1)) (fx- i 1)] [j (fx- limit 1) (fx- j 1)])
[(fx<? j start)]
(bytevector-u8-set! to i (bytevector-u8-ref from j))))))
(define bytevector-copy!
[(to at from) (subbytevector-copy! to at from 0 (bytevector-length from))]
[(to at from start) (subbytevector-copy! to at from start (bytevector-length from))]
[(to at from start end) (subbytevector-copy! to at from start end)]))
(define bytevector-copy
[(bvec) (subbytevector bvec 0 (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start) (subbytevector bvec start (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start end) (subbytevector bvec start end)]))
(define (subbytevector-fill! bvec b start end)
(do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (bytevector-u8-set! bvec i b)))
(define bytevector-fill!
[(bvec b) (subbytevector-fill! bvec b 0 (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec b start) (subbytevector-fill! bvec b start (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec b start end) (subbytevector-fill! bvec b start end)]))
(define (%bytevectors-sum-length bvecs)
(let loop ([bvecs bvecs] [l 0])
(if (null? bvecs) l (loop (cdr bvecs) (fx+ l (bytevector-length (car bvecs)))))))
(define (%bytevectors-copy-into! to bvecs)
(let loop ([bvecs bvecs] [i 0])
(if (null? bvecs) to
(let ([bvec (car bvecs)] [bvecs (cdr bvecs)])
(let ([len (bytevector-length bvec)])
(subbytevector-copy! to i bvec 0 len)
(loop bvecs (fx+ i len)))))))
(define (bytevector-append . bvecs)
(%bytevectors-copy-into! (make-bytevector (%bytevectors-sum-length bvecs)) bvecs))
(define (subutf8->string vec start end)
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(write-subbytevector vec start end p)
; todo: make a single operation: get-final-output-string (can reuse cbuf?)
(let ([s (get-output-string p)]) (close-output-port p) s)))
(define utf8->string
[(bvec) (subutf8->string bvec 0 (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start) (subutf8->string bvec start (bytevector-length bvec))]
[(bvec start end) (subutf8->string bvec start end)]))
(define (substring->utf8 str start end)
(let ([p (open-output-bytevector)])
(write-substring str start end p)
; todo: make a single operation: get-final-output-bytevector (can reuse cbuf?)
(let ([v (get-output-bytevector p)]) (close-output-port p) v)))
(define string->utf8
[(str) (substring->utf8 str 0 (string-length str))]
[(str start) (substring->utf8 str start (string-length str))]
[(str start end) (substring->utf8 str start end)]))
; Control features
; integrables:
; (procedure? x)
; (values x ...)
; (call-with-values thunk receiver)
; builtins:
; (dynamic-wind before during after)
(define (%apply p x . l)
(apply-to-list p
(let loop ([x x] [l l])
(if (null? l) x (cons x (loop (car l) (cdr l)))))))
(define-syntax apply
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ p l) (apply-to-list p l)]
[(_ p a b ... l) (apply-to-list p (list* a b ... l))]
[(_ . args) (%apply . args)]
[_ %apply]))
; call/cc and dynamic-wind
(define (%call/cc p) (letcc k (p k)))
(define-syntax call/cc
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ p) (letcc k (p k))]
[(_ . args) (%call/cc . args)]
[_ %call/cc]))
(define-syntax call-with-current-continuation call/cc)
(define (%map1 p l)
(let loop ([l l] [r '()])
(if (pair? l)
(loop (cdr l) (cons (p (car l)) r))
(reverse! r))))
(define (%map2 p l1 l2)
(let loop ([l1 l1] [l2 l2] [r '()])
(if (and (pair? l1) (pair? l2))
(loop (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (cons (p (car l1) (car l2)) r))
(reverse! r))))
(define (%map p l . l*)
(cond [(null? l*) (%map1 p l)]
[(null? (cdr l*)) (%map2 p l (car l*))]
(let loop ([l* (cons l l*)] [r '()])
(if (let lp ([l* l*])
(or (null? l*) (and (pair? (car l*)) (lp (cdr l*)))))
(loop (%map1 cdr l*) (cons (apply p (%map1 car l*)) r))
(reverse! r)))]))
(define-syntax map
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ p l) (%map1 p l)]
[(_ p l1 l2) (%map2 p l1 l2)]
[(_ . args) (%map . args)]
[_ %map]))
(define (%for-each1 p l)
(let loop ([l l])
(if (pair? l)
(begin (p (car l))
(loop (cdr l))))))
(define (%for-each2 p l1 l2)
(let loop ([l1 l1] [l2 l2])
(if (and (pair? l1) (pair? l2))
(begin (p (car l1) (car l2))
(loop (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))))
(define (%for-each p l . l*)
(cond [(null? l*) (%for-each1 p l)]
[(null? (cdr l*)) (%for-each2 p l (car l*))]
(let loop ([l* (cons l l*)])
(if (let lp ([l* l*])
(or (null? l*) (and (pair? (car l*)) (lp (cdr l*)))))
(begin (apply p (map car l*)) (loop (map cdr l*)))))]))
(define-syntax for-each
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ p l) (%for-each1 p l)]
[(_ p l1 l2) (%for-each2 p l1 l2)]
[(_ . args) (%for-each . args)]
[_ %for-each]))
(define (string-map p s . s*)
(if (null? s*)
(let* ([len (string-length s)] [res (make-string len)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len) res]
(string-set! res i (p (string-ref s i)))))
(list->string (apply map p (map string->list (cons s s*))))))
(define (vector-map p v . v*)
(if (null? v*)
(let* ([len (vector-length v)] [res (make-vector len)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len) res]
(vector-set! res i (p (vector-ref v i)))))
(list->vector (apply map p (map vector->list (cons v v*))))))
(define (string-for-each p s . s*)
(if (null? s*)
(let ([len (string-length s)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len)] (p (string-ref s i))))
(apply for-each p (map string->list (cons s s*)))))
(define (vector-for-each p v . v*)
(if (null? v*)
(let ([len (vector-length v)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i len)] (p (vector-ref v i))))
(apply for-each p (map vector->list (cons v v*)))))
; Exceptions
(define (abort) (%abort))
(define (reset) (%exit 1))
(define (set-reset-handler! fn) (set! reset fn))
(define (print-error-message prefix args ep)
(define (pr-where args ep)
(when (pair? args)
(cond [(not (car args))
(write-string ": " ep)
(pr-msg (cdr args) ep)]
[(symbol? (car args))
(write-string " in " ep) (write (car args) ep) (write-string ": " ep)
(pr-msg (cdr args) ep)]
(write-string ": " ep)
(pr-msg args ep)])))
(define (pr-msg args ep)
(when (pair? args)
(cond [(string? (car args))
(display (car args) ep)
(pr-rest (cdr args) ep)]
[else (pr-rest args ep)])))
(define (pr-rest args ep)
(when (pair? args)
(write-char #\space ep) (write (car args) ep)
(pr-rest (cdr args) ep)))
(cond [(or (string? prefix) (symbol? prefix))
(write-string prefix ep)]
[else (write-string "Error" ep)])
(pr-where args ep)
(newline ep))
(define (simple-error . args)
(let ([ep (%current-error-port)])
(newline ep)
(print-error-message "Error" args ep)
(define (assertion-violation . args)
(let ([ep (%current-error-port)])
(newline ep)
(print-error-message "Assertion violation" args ep)
(define-record-type <error-object>
(error-object kind message irritants)
(kind error-object-kind)
(message error-object-message)
(irritants error-object-irritants))
(define (error msg . args)
(raise (error-object #f msg args)))
(define current-exception-handler
[() default-handler] ; make this one its own parent
(if (error-object? obj)
(apply simple-error (error-object-kind obj) (error-object-message obj) (error-object-irritants obj))
(simple-error #f "unhandled exception" obj))])])
(define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
(let ([eh (current-exception-handler)])
(parameterize ([current-exception-handler (case-lambda [() eh] [(obj) (handler obj)])])
(define (raise obj)
(let ([eh (current-exception-handler)])
(parameterize ([current-exception-handler (eh)])
(eh obj)
(raise (error-object 'raise "exception handler returned" (list eh obj))))))
(define (raise-continuable obj)
(let ([eh (current-exception-handler)])
(parameterize ([current-exception-handler (eh)])
(eh obj))))
(define-syntax %guard-aux
(syntax-rules (else =>)
[(_ reraise (else result1 result2 ...))
(begin result1 result2 ...)]
[(_ reraise (test => result))
(let ([temp test]) (if temp (result temp) reraise))]
[(_ reraise (test => result) clause1 clause2 ...)
(let ([temp test])
(if temp
(result temp)
(%guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))]
[(_ reraise (test)) (or test reraise)]
[(_ reraise (test) clause1 clause2 ...)
(let ([temp test])
(if temp temp (%guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))]
[(_ reraise (test result1 result2 ...))
(if test (begin result1 result2 ...) reraise)]
[(_ reraise (test result1 result2 ...) clause1 clause2 ...)
(if test
(begin result1 result2 ...)
(%guard-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))]))
(define-syntax guard
(syntax-rules ()
[(guard (var clause ...) e1 e2 ...)
(lambda (guard-k)
(lambda (condition)
(lambda (handler-k)
(lambda ()
(let ([var condition])
(lambda ()
(raise-continuable condition)))
(lambda ()
(lambda () e1 e2 ...)
(lambda args
(guard-k (lambda () (apply values args))))))))))]))
(define (read-error msg . args)
(raise (error-object 'read msg args)))
(define (read-error? obj)
(and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-kind obj) 'read)))
(define (file-error msg . args)
(raise (error-object 'file msg args)))
(define (file-error? obj)
(and (error-object? obj) (eq? (error-object-kind obj) 'file)))
; Environments and evaluation
; defined in t.scm:
; (scheme-report-environment 5)
; (null-environment 5)
; (interaction-environment)
; (environment iset ...)
; (eval exp (env (interaction-environment)))
; I/O Ports
; integrables:
; (input-port? x)
; (output-port? x)
; (input-port-open? p)
; (output-port-open? p)
; (tty-port? p)
; (%current-input-port) +
; (%current-output-port) +
; (%current-error-port) +
; (%set-current-input-port! p) +
; (%set-current-output-port! p) +
; (%set-current-error-port! p) +
; (standard-input-port) +
; (standard-output-port) +
; (standard-error-port) +
; (%open-input-file s) +
; (%open-binary-input-file s) +
; (%open-output-file x) +
; (%open-binary-output-file x) +
; (close-input-port p)
; (close-output-port p)
; (open-input-string s)
; (open-output-string)
; (get-output-string p)
; (open-input-bytevector b)
; (open-output-bytevector)
; (get-output-bytevector p)
(define (port? x) (or (input-port? x) (output-port? x)))
(define textual-port? port?) ; all ports are bimodal
(define binary-port? port?) ; all ports are bimodal
(define %current-input-port-parameter
[() (%current-input-port)]
[(p) (%set-current-input-port! p)]
[(p s) (if s (%set-current-input-port! p) p)]))
(define-syntax current-input-port
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) (%current-input-port)]
[(_ p) (%set-current-input-port! p)]
[(_ . r) (%current-input-port-parameter . r)]
[_ %current-input-port-parameter]))
(define %current-output-port-parameter
[() (%current-output-port)]
[(p) (%set-current-output-port! p)]
[(p s) (if s (%set-current-output-port! p) p)]))
(define-syntax current-output-port
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) (%current-output-port)]
[(_ p) (%set-current-output-port! p)]
[(_ . r) (%current-output-port-parameter . r)]
[_ %current-output-port-parameter]))
(define %current-error-port-parameter
[() (%current-error-port)]
[(p) (%set-current-error-port! p)]
[(p s) (if s (%set-current-error-port! p) p)]))
(define-syntax current-error-port
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) (%current-error-port)]
[(_ p) (%set-current-error-port! p)]
[(_ . r) (%current-error-port-parameter . r)]
[_ %current-error-port-parameter]))
(define (open-input-file fn)
(or (%open-input-file fn)
(file-error "cannot open input file" fn)))
(define (open-output-file fn)
(or (%open-output-file fn)
(file-error "cannot open output file" fn)))
(define (open-binary-input-file fn)
(or (%open-binary-input-file fn)
(file-error "cannot open binary input file" fn)))
(define (open-binary-output-file fn)
(or (%open-binary-output-file fn)
(file-error "cannot open binary output file" fn)))
(define (close-port p)
(if (input-port? p) (close-input-port p))
(if (output-port? p) (close-output-port p)))
(define (call-with-port port proc)
(call-with-values (lambda () (proc port))
(lambda vals (close-port port) (apply values vals))))
(define (call-with-input-file fname proc)
(call-with-port (open-input-file fname) proc))
(define (call-with-output-file fname proc)
(call-with-port (open-output-file fname) proc))
(define (with-input-from-port port thunk) ; +
(parameterize ([current-input-port port]) (thunk)))
(define (with-output-to-port port thunk) ; +
(parameterize ([current-output-port port]) (thunk)))
(define (with-input-from-file fname thunk)
(call-with-input-file fname (lambda (p) (with-input-from-port p thunk))))
(define (with-output-to-file fname thunk)
(call-with-output-file fname (lambda (p) (with-output-to-port p thunk))))
; Input
; integrables:
; (read-char (p (current-input-port)))
; (peek-char (p (current-input-port)))
; (char-ready? (p (current-input-port)))
; (read-u8 (p (current-input-port)))
; (peek-u8 (p (current-input-port)))
; (u8-ready? (p (current-input-port)))
; (eof-object? x)
; (eof-object)
(define (read-line . ?p)
(let ([p (if (null? ?p) (current-input-port) (car ?p))]
[op (open-output-string)])
(let loop ([read-nothing? #t])
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline))
(if (and (eof-object? c) read-nothing?)
(let ([s (get-output-string op)])
(close-output-port op)
[(char=? c #\return) (loop #f)]
[else (write-char c op) (loop #f)])))))
(define (read-substring! str start end p)
(let loop ([i start])
(if (fx>=? i end) (fx- i start)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c) (if (fx=? i start) c (fx- i start))]
[else (string-set! str i c) (loop (fx+ i 1))])))))
(define (read-substring k p)
(let ([str (make-string k)])
(let ([r (read-substring! str 0 k p)])
(if (eof-object? r) r
(if (fx=? r k) str (substring str 0 r))))))
(define read-string!
[(str) (read-substring! str 0 (string-length str) (current-input-port))]
[(str p) (read-substring! str 0 (string-length str) p)]
[(str p start) (read-substring! str start (string-length str) p)]
[(str p start end) (read-substring! str start end p)]))
(define read-string
[(k) (read-substring k (current-input-port))]
[(k p) (read-substring k p)]))
(define (read-subbytevector! bvec start end p)
(let loop ([i start])
(if (fx>=? i end) (fx- i start)
(let ([u8 (read-u8 p)])
(cond [(eof-object? u8) (if (fx=? i start) u8 (fx- i start))]
[else (bytevector-u8-set! bvec i u8) (loop (fx+ i 1))])))))
(define (read-subbytevector k p)
(let ([bvec (make-bytevector k)])
(let ([r (read-subbytevector! bvec 0 k p)])
(if (eof-object? r) r
(if (fx=? r k) bvec (subbytevector bvec 0 r))))))
(define read-bytevector!
[(bvec) (read-subbytevector! bvec 0 (bytevector-length bvec) (current-input-port))]
[(bvec p) (read-subbytevector! bvec 0 (bytevector-length bvec) p)]
[(bvec p start) (read-subbytevector! bvec start (bytevector-length bvec) p)]
[(bvec p start end) (read-subbytevector! bvec start end p)]))
(define read-bytevector
[(k) (read-subbytevector k (current-input-port))]
[(k p) (read-subbytevector k p)]))
(define (%read port simple?)
(define-syntax r-error
(syntax-rules () [(_ p msg a ...) (read-error msg a ... 'port: p)]))
(define fold-case? (port-fold-case? port))
(define shared '())
(define (make-shared-ref loc) (lambda () (unbox loc)))
(define (shared-ref? form) (procedure? form))
(define (patch-ref! form) (if (procedure? form) (patch-ref! (form)) form))
(define (patch-shared! form)
(cond [(pair? form)
(if (procedure? (car form))
(set-car! form (patch-ref! (car form)))
(patch-shared! (car form)))
(if (procedure? (cdr form))
(set-cdr! form (patch-ref! (cdr form)))
(patch-shared! (cdr form)))]
[(vector? form)
(let loop ([i 0])
(when (fx<? i (vector-length form))
(let ([fi (vector-ref form i)])
(if (procedure? fi)
(vector-set! form i (patch-ref! fi))
(patch-shared! fi)))
(loop (fx+ i 1))))]
[(box? form)
(if (procedure? (unbox form))
(set-box! form (patch-shared! (unbox form)))
(patch-shared! (unbox form)))]))
(define (patch-shared form) (patch-shared! form) form)
(define reader-token-marker #f)
(define close-paren #f)
(define close-bracket #f)
(define dot #f)
(define () ; idless
(let ([rtm (list 'reader-token)])
(set! reader-token-marker rtm)
(set! close-paren (cons rtm "right parenthesis"))
(set! close-bracket (cons rtm "right bracket"))
(set! dot (cons rtm "\" . \""))))
(define (reader-token? form)
(and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) reader-token-marker)))
(define (char-symbolic? c)
(string-position c
(define (char-hex-digit? c)
(let ([scalar-value (char->integer c)])
(or (and (>= scalar-value 48) (<= scalar-value 57))
(and (>= scalar-value 65) (<= scalar-value 70))
(and (>= scalar-value 97) (<= scalar-value 102)))))
(define (char-delimiter? c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(char=? c #\)) (char=? c #\()
(char=? c #\]) (char=? c #\[)
(char=? c #\") (char=? c #\;)))
(define (sub-read-carefully p)
(let ([form (sub-read p)])
(cond [(eof-object? form)
(r-error p "unexpected end of file")]
[(reader-token? form)
(r-error p "unexpected token:" (cdr form))]
[else form])))
(define (sub-read-shebang p)
(if (eqv? (peek-char p) #\space)
(string->symbol (string-trim-whitespace (read-line p)))
(sub-read-carefully p)))
(define (sub-read p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c) c]
[(char-whitespace? c) (sub-read p)]
[(char=? c #\() (sub-read-list c p close-paren #t)]
[(char=? c #\)) close-paren]
[(char=? c #\[) (sub-read-list c p close-bracket #t)]
[(char=? c #\]) close-bracket]
[(char=? c #\') (list 'quote (sub-read-carefully p))]
[(char=? c #\`) (list 'quasiquote (sub-read-carefully p))]
[(char-symbolic? c) (sub-read-number-or-symbol c p)]
[(char=? c #\;)
(let loop ([c (read-char p)])
(or (eof-object? c) (char=? c #\newline)
(loop (read-char p))))
(sub-read p)]
[(char=? c #\,)
(let ([next (peek-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? next)
(r-error p "end of file after ,")]
[(char=? next #\@)
(read-char p)
(list 'unquote-splicing (sub-read-carefully p))]
[else (list 'unquote (sub-read-carefully p))]))]
[(char=? c #\")
(let loop ([l '()])
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c)
(r-error p "end of file within a string")]
[(char=? c #\\)
(let ([e (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p 'string)])
(loop (if e (cons e l) l)))]
[(char=? c #\") (list->string (reverse! l))]
[else (loop (cons c l))])))]
[(char=? c #\|)
(let loop ([l '()])
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c)
(r-error p "end of file within a |symbol|")]
[(char=? c #\\)
(let ([e (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p 'symbol)])
(loop (if e (cons e l) l)))]
[(char=? c #\|) (string->symbol (list->string (reverse! l)))]
[else (loop (cons c l))])))]
[(char=? c #\#)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c) (r-error p "end of file after #")]
[(char=? c #\!)
(read-char p)
(let ([name (sub-read-shebang p)])
(case name
[(fold-case no-fold-case)
(set! fold-case? (eq? name 'fold-case))
(set-port-fold-case! p fold-case?)
(sub-read p)]
[else (if (symbol? name)
(symbol->shebang name)
(r-error p "unexpected name after #!" name))]))]
[(or (char-ci=? c #\t) (char-ci=? c #\f))
(let ([name (sub-read-carefully p)])
(case name [(t true) #t] [(f false) #f]
[else (r-error p "unexpected name after #" name)]))]
[(or (char-ci=? c #\b) (char-ci=? c #\o)
(char-ci=? c #\d) (char-ci=? c #\x)
(char-ci=? c #\i) (char-ci=? c #\e))
(sub-read-number-or-symbol #\# p)]
[(char=? c #\&)
(read-char p)
(box (sub-read-carefully p))]
[(char=? c #\;)
(read-char p)
(sub-read-carefully p)
(sub-read p)]
[(char=? c #\|)
(read-char p)
(let recur () ;starts right after opening #|
(let ([next (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? next)
(r-error p "end of file in #| comment")]
[(char=? next #\|)
(let ([next (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? next)
(r-error p "end of file in #| comment")]
[(char=? next #\#) (read-char p)]
[else (recur)]))]
[(char=? next #\#)
(let ([next (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? next)
(r-error p "end of file in #| comment")]
[(char=? next #\|) (read-char p) (recur) (recur)]
[else (recur)]))]
[else (recur)])))
(sub-read p)]
[(char=? c #\() ;)
(read-char p)
(list->vector (sub-read-list c p close-paren #f))]
[(char=? c #\u)
(read-char p)
(if (and (eq? (read-char p) #\8) (eq? (read-char p) #\())
(list->bytevector (sub-read-byte-list p))
(r-error p "invalid bytevector syntax"))]
[(char=? c #\\)
(read-char p)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(r-error p "end of file after #\\")]
[(char=? #\x c)
(read-char p)
(if (char-delimiter? (peek-char p))
(sub-read-x-char-escape p #f))]
[(char-alphabetic? c)
(let ([name (sub-read-carefully p)])
(if (= (string-length (symbol->string name)) 1)
(case name
[(null) (integer->char #x00)]
[(space) #\space]
[(alarm) #\alarm]
[(backspace) #\backspace]
[(delete) (integer->char #x7F)] ; todo: support by SFC
[(escape) (integer->char #x1B)]
[(tab) #\tab]
[(newline linefeed) #\newline]
[(vtab) #\vtab]
[(page) #\page]
[(return) #\return]
[else (r-error p "unknown #\\ name" name)])))]
[else (read-char p) c]))]
[(char-numeric? c)
(when simple? (r-error p "#N=/#N# notation is not allowed in this mode"))
(let loop ([l '()])
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(cond [(eof-object? c)
(r-error p "end of file within a #N notation")]
[(char-numeric? c)
(loop (cons c l))]
[(char=? c #\#)
(let* ([s (list->string (reverse! l))] [n (string->number s)])
(cond [(and (fixnum? n) (assq n shared)) => cdr]
[else (r-error "unknown #n# reference:" s)]))]
[(char=? c #\=)
(let* ([s (list->string (reverse! l))] [n (string->number s)])
(cond [(not (fixnum? n)) (r-error "invalid #n= reference:" s)]
[(assq n shared) (r-error "duplicate #n= tag:" n)])
(let ([loc (box #f)])
(set! shared (cons (cons n (make-shared-ref loc)) shared))
(let ([form (sub-read-carefully p)])
(cond [(shared-ref? form) (r-error "#n= has another label as target" s)]
[else (set-box! loc form) form]))))]
[else (r-error p "invalid terminator for #N notation")])))]
[else (r-error p "unknown # syntax" c)]))]
[else (r-error p "illegal character read" c)])))
(define (sub-read-list c p close-token dot?)
(let ([form (sub-read p)])
(if (eq? form dot)
(r-error p "missing car -- ( immediately followed by .") ;)
(let recur ([form form])
(cond [(eof-object? form)
(r-error p "eof inside list -- unbalanced parentheses")]
[(eq? form close-token) '()]
[(eq? form dot)
(if dot?
(let* ([last-form (sub-read-carefully p)]
[another-form (sub-read p)])
(if (eq? another-form close-token)
(r-error p "randomness after form after dot" another-form)))
(r-error p "dot in #(...)"))]
[(reader-token? form)
(r-error p "error inside list --" (cdr form))]
[else (cons form (recur (sub-read p)))])))))
(define (sub-read-byte-list p)
(let recur ([form (sub-read p)])
(cond [(eof-object? form)
(r-error p "eof inside bytevector")]
[(eq? form close-paren) '()]
[(reader-token? form)
(r-error p "error inside bytevector --" (cdr form))]
[(or (not (fixnum? form)) (fx<? form 0) (fx>? form 255))
(r-error p "invalid byte inside bytevector --" form)]
[else (cons form (recur (sub-read p)))])))
(define (sub-read-strsym-char-escape p what)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(if (eof-object? c)
(r-error p "end of file within a" what))
(cond [(or (char=? c #\\) (char=? c #\") (char=? c #\|)) c]
[(char=? c #\a) #\alarm]
[(char=? c #\b) #\backspace]
[(char=? c #\t) #\tab]
[(char=? c #\n) #\newline]
[(char=? c #\v) #\vtab]
[(char=? c #\f) #\page]
[(char=? c #\r) #\return]
[(char=? c #\x) (sub-read-x-char-escape p #t)]
[(and (eq? what 'string) (char-whitespace? c))
(let loop ([gotnl (char=? c #\newline)] [nc (peek-char p)])
(cond [(or (eof-object? nc) (not (char-whitespace? nc)))
(if gotnl #f (r-error p "no newline in line ending escape"))]
[(and gotnl (char=? nc #\newline)) #f]
[else (read-char p) (loop (or gotnl (char=? nc #\newline)) (peek-char p))]))]
[else (r-error p "invalid char escape in" what ': c)])))
(define (sub-read-x-char-escape p in-string?)
(define (rev-digits->char l)
(if (null? l)
(r-error p "\\x escape sequence is too short")
(integer->char (string->fixnum (list->string (reverse! l)) 16))))
(let loop ([c (peek-char p)] [l '()] [cc 0])
(cond [(eof-object? c)
(if in-string?
(r-error p "end of file within a string")
(rev-digits->char l))]
[(and in-string? (char=? c #\;))
(read-char p)
(rev-digits->char l)]
[(and (not in-string?) (char-delimiter? c))
(rev-digits->char l)]
[(not (char-hex-digit? c))
(r-error p "unexpected char in \\x escape sequence" c)]
[(> cc 2)
(r-error p "\\x escape sequence is too long")]
(read-char p)
(loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) (+ cc 1))])))
(define (suspect-number-or-symbol-peculiar? hash? c l s)
(cond [(or hash? (char-numeric? c)) #f]
[(or (string-ci=? s "+i") (string-ci=? s "-i")) #f]
[(or (string-ci=? s "+nan.0") (string-ci=? s "-nan.0")) #f]
[(or (string-ci=? s "+inf.0") (string-ci=? s "-inf.0")) #f]
[(or (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-))
(cond [(null? (cdr l)) #t]
[(char=? (cadr l) #\.) (and (pair? (cddr l)) (not (char-numeric? (caddr l))))]
[else (not (char-numeric? (cadr l)))])]
[else (and (char=? c #\.) (pair? (cdr l)) (not (char-numeric? (cadr l))))]))
(define (sub-read-number-or-symbol c p)
(let loop ([c (peek-char p)] [l (list c)] [hash? (char=? c #\#)])
(cond [(or (eof-object? c) (char-delimiter? c))
(let* ([l (reverse! l)] [c (car l)] [s (list->string l)])
(if (or hash? (char-numeric? c)
(char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-) (char=? c #\.))
(cond [(string=? s ".") dot]
[(suspect-number-or-symbol-peculiar? hash? c l s)
(if fold-case?
(string->symbol (string-foldcase s))
(string->symbol s))]
[(string->number s)]
[else (r-error p "unsupported number syntax (implementation restriction)" s)])
(if fold-case?
(string->symbol (string-foldcase s))
(string->symbol s))))]
[(char=? c #\#)
(read-char p)
(loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) #t)]
[(char-symbolic? c)
(read-char p)
(loop (peek-char p) (cons c l) hash?)]
[else (r-error p "unexpected number/symbol char" c)])))
; body of %read
(let ([form (sub-read port)])
(if (not (reader-token? form))
(if (null? shared) form (patch-shared form))
(r-error port "unexpected token:" (cdr form)))))
(define read
[() (%read (current-input-port) #f)]
[(p) (%read p #f)]))
(define read-simple
[() (%read (current-input-port) #t)]
[(p) (%read p #t)]))
; Output
; integrables:
; (write x (p (current-output-port)))
; (write-shared x (p (current-output-port)))
; (write-simple x (p (current-output-port)))
; (display x (p (current-output-port)))
; (newline (p (current-output-port)))
; (write-char c (p (current-output-port)))
; (%write-string1 s p) +
; (write-u8 u8 (p (current-output-port)))
; (%write-bytevector1 b p) +
; (flush-output-port (p (current-output-port)))
(define (write-substring from start end p)
(do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (write-char (string-ref from i) p)))
(define write-string
[(str) (%write-string1 str (current-output-port))]
[(str p) (%write-string1 str p)]
[(str p start) (write-substring str start (string-length str) p)]
[(str p start end) (write-substring str start end p)]))
(define (write-subbytevector from start end p)
(do ([i start (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>=? i end)] (write-u8 (bytevector-u8-ref from i) p)))
(define write-bytevector
[(bvec) (%write-bytevector1 bvec (current-output-port))]
[(bvec p) (%write-bytevector1 bvec p)]
[(bvec p start) (write-subbytevector bvec start (bytevector-length bvec) p)]
[(bvec p start end) (write-subbytevector bvec start end p)]))
; System interface
; integrables:
; (file-exists? s)
; (delete-file s)
; (rename-file sold snew) +
; (%argv-ref i) +
; (get-environment-variable s)
; (current-second)
; (current-jiffy)
; (jiffies-per-second)
; (%system s) +
; defined in t.scm:
; (load s (env (interaction-environment)))
(define (%command-line)
(let loop ([r '()] [i 0])
(let ([arg (%argv-ref i)])
(if arg
(loop (cons arg r) (fx+ i 1))
(reverse! r)))))
(define command-line (make-parameter (%command-line))) ; can be changed later in (main)
(define (features) '(r7rs exact-closed skint skint-1.0.0))
(define (feature-available? f) (and (symbol? f) (memq f (features))))
(define get-environment-variables
(let ([evl #f])
(lambda ()
(or evl
(let loop ([r '()] [i 0])
(let ([kvs (%envv-ref i)])
(if kvs
(let* ([p (string-position #\= kvs)] ; should be there?
[key (if p (substring kvs 0 p) kvs)]
[val (if p (substring kvs (fx+ p 1) (string-length kvs)) "")])
(loop (cons (cons key val) r) (fx+ i 1)))
(begin (set! evl (reverse! r)) evl))))))))
(define (emergency-exit . ?obj)
(if (null? ?obj) (%exit) (%exit (car ?obj))))
(define exit emergency-exit)
(define (%make-exit k)
(lambda ?obj (if (null? ?obj) (k #t) (k (car ?obj)))))
(let ([status (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! exit (%make-exit k)) 'continue))])
(unless (eq? status 'continue) (emergency-exit status)))
; Selected extras
; SRFI-48 compatible intermediate formatting (advanced functionality accessible via params)
(define format-pretty-print
(make-parameter write))
(define format-fixed-print ; TODO: add (number->string/fixed arg ww dd) instruction
(make-parameter (lambda (arg wd dd p) (display arg p))))
(define format-fresh-line ; TODO: add (fresh-line [p]) instruction for source ports
(make-parameter newline))
(define format-help-string
(make-parameter "supported directives: ~~ ~% ~& ~t ~_ ~a ~s ~w ~y ~c ~b ~o ~d ~x ~f ~? ~k ~* ~!"))
(define (fprintf p fs . args)
(define (hd args)
(if (pair? args) (car args) (error "format: no argument for ~ directive")))
(define (fhd fl)
(if (pair? fl) (car fl) (error "format: incomplete ~ directive")))
(define (write-num rx arg p)
(if (number? arg) (display (number->string arg rx) p) (write arg p)))
(define (memd fl &w &d)
(let loop ([fl fl] [c (fhd fl)] [&n &w])
(cond [(char-numeric? c)
(when (< (unbox &n) 0) (set-box! &n 0))
(set-box! &n (+ (* (unbox &n) 10) (digit-value c)))
(loop (cdr fl) (fhd (cdr fl)) &n)]
[(char=? c #\,)
(loop (cdr fl) (fhd (cdr fl)) &d)]
[else fl])))
(let lp ([fl (string->list fs)] [args args])
(cond [(null? fl) args] ; formally unspecified, but useful value
[(char=? (car fl) #\~)
(when (null? (cdr fl)) (error "format: incomplete escape sequence"))
(let* ([w -1] [d -1] [fl (memd (cdr fl) (set& w) (set& d))])
(case (char-downcase (car fl))
[(#\*) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))] ;+ CL, skips 1 arg
[(#\~) (write-char #\~ p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\%) (newline p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\t) (write-char #\tab p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\_) (write-char #\space p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\&) ((format-fresh-line) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\!) (flush-output-port p) (lp (cdr fl) args)] ;+ common
[(#\s) (write (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\a) (display (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\w) (write-shared (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\c) (write-char (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\b) (write-num 2 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\o) (write-num 8 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\d) (write-num 10 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\x) (write-num 16 (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\h) (display (format-help-string) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)]
[(#\y) ((format-pretty-print) (hd args) p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\f) ((format-fixed-print) (hd args) w d p) (lp (cdr fl) (cdr args))]
[(#\? #\k) (lp (string->list (hd args)) (hd (hd args))) (lp (cdr fl) (cddr args))]
[else (error "format: unrecognized ~ directive" (car fl))]))]
[else (write-char (car fl) p) (lp (cdr fl) args)])))
(define (format arg . args)
(cond [(or (eq? arg #f) (string? arg))
(let ([args (if arg (cons arg args) args)] [p (open-output-string)])
(apply fprintf p args) (get-output-string p))]
[(eq? arg #t) (apply fprintf (current-output-port) args)]
[else (apply fprintf arg args)]))
(define (write-to-string obj)
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(write obj p)
(let ([s (get-output-string p)])
(close-output-port p)
(define (read-from-string str)
(let* ([p (open-input-string str)]
[obj (guard (err [else (eof-object)]) (read p))])
(close-input-port p)
; simple AT&T-like command-line options parser
; calls (return keysym optarg restargs) where opt is #f on end-of-options
; optmap is a list of the following opt info records:
; ([keysym "-f" "--foo" needsarg? "foo help"] ...)
(define (get-next-command-line-option args optmap return)
(define opterr error)
(define (opt-lookup opt optmap) ;=> #f | (needsarg? keysym)
(define iref (if (= (string-length opt) 2) cadr caddr))
(let ([r (memp (lambda (i) (equal? (iref i) opt)) optmap)])
(and r (cons (cadddr (car r)) (caar r)))))
(define (ssref s i) ; safe-string-ref
(and i (< -1 i (string-length s)) (string-ref s i)))
(cond [(null? args) (return #f #f args)]
[(string=? (car args) "--") (return #f #f (cdr args))]
[(string=? (car args) "-") (return #f #f args)]
[(not (eqv? (ssref (car args) 0) #\-)) (return #f #f args)]
[(and (eqv? (ssref (car args) 0) #\-) (eqv? (ssref (car args) 1) #\-))
(let* ([s (car args)] [p (string-position #\= s)])
(define opt (if p (string-copy s 0 p) s)) ; "--longopt"
(define ank (opt-lookup opt optmap)) ; #f or (needarg? . keysym)
(cond [(and ank (car ank) p) ; needs arg, and it is in s
(return (cdr ank) (string-copy s (+ 1 p)) (cdr args))]
[(and ank (car ank) (pair? (cdr args)))
(return (cdr ank) (cadr args) (cddr args))]
[(and ank (car ank))
(opterr "missing option argument" opt)]
[(and ank (not (car ank)) (not p))
(return (cdr ank) #f (cdr args))]
[(and ank (not (car ank)) p)
(opterr "unexpected option argument" s)]
[else (opterr "unknown option" opt)]))]
[else ; char option (with arg or joined with next one)
(let* ([s (car args)] [l (string-length s)])
(define opt (string-copy s 0 2)) ; "-o"
(define ank (opt-lookup opt optmap)) ; #f or (needarg? . keysym)
(cond [(and ank (car ank) (> l 2)) ; needs arg, and it is in s
(return (cdr ank) (string-copy s 2) (cdr args))]
[(and ank (car ank) (= l 2) (pair? (cdr args)))
(return (cdr ank) (cadr args) (cddr args))]
[(and ank (car ank))
(opterr "missing option argument" opt)]
[(and ank (not (car ank)) (> l 2))
(return (cdr ank) #f ; form option string without opt
(cons (string-append "-" (string-copy s 2)) (cdr args)))]
[(and ank (not (car ank)))
(return (cdr ank) #f (cdr args))]
[else (opterr "unknown option" opt)]))]))
; printer for optmap options used for --help; returns offset of help lines
(define (print-command-line-options optmap . ?port)
(define port (if (pair? ?port) (car ?port) (standard-output-port)))
(define (optlen i)
(let ([co (cadr i)] [lo (caddr i)] [oa (cadddr i)])
(define colen (if co (string-length co) 0))
(define lolen (if lo (string-length lo) 0))
(define oalen (if oa (string-length oa) 0))
(when (= (+ colen lolen) 0) (error "invalid options record" i))
(+ (if (and (> colen 0) (> lolen 0)) (+ colen lolen 2) (+ colen lolen))
(if (= oalen 0) 0 (+ oalen 1)))))
(define optlens (map optlen optmap))
(define max-optlen (apply max (cons 0 optlens)))
(let loop ([optmap optmap] [optlens optlens])
(unless (null? optmap)
(let ([i (car optmap)] [optlen (car optlens)])
(display " " port)
(let ([co (cadr i)] [lo (caddr i)] [oa (cadddr i)] [hl (car (cddddr i))])
(cond [(and co lo)
(display co port) (display ", " port) (display lo port)
(when oa (display "=" port) (display oa port))]
[co (display co port) (when oa (display " " port) (display oa port))]
[lo (display lo port) (when oa (display "=" port) (display oa port))])
(display (make-string (- max-optlen optlen) #\space) port)
(display " " port) (display hl port) (newline port)
(loop (cdr optmap) (cdr optlens))))))
(+ 2 max-optlen 4))